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Shael said:
Louis Cyphre said:
Do I have to doing rtr and other rituals as soon as I dedicate? I'm now in pretty shitty situation, and I don't really have privacy to do this kind of stuff. I wanted to wait with it until I got a job to rent myself a flat.
RTRs can be done at whisperlevel, or even just in your head. They work just as well that way. There is no excuse whatsoever to not do the RTRs. Atleast 1 a day should be the minimum for anyone.

Doing it in the head though I won't deny probably does something seems weak and hard to believe it would work. A person is better off whispering it or vibrating it just regular in a place where a lot of noise is. You will not likely be caught I have found if you are in a place with a lot of people and vibrating something or even looking at your phone to do it. If you can gauge and pay attention to the volume levels and be quieter (I never was) or if you can have music or a TV show on a little louder this will allow it and won't effect it at all. In fact it might help some people concentrate who have mutable signs strong like me.

You can do this but I have to say I do doubt doing it in the head does much I don't know where you heard that from.
bard said:
Does living in a Xian household and being forced to go to church affect my ability to advance myself ? I have been affirming weekly that I am free from enemy advances and thoughts that may have subconsciously entered my mind for the day.

I am going back to finish up college very soon, and when I get there I plan on doing the 40 day program and learning and advancing myself as much as I possibly can.

It depends on how sensitive you are honestly. If you have a lot of water energy it will be a lot more problematic than if you don't cause you will tend to absorb what's around you and have less boundries (especially Pisces) you should be able to advance as much as you want no matter what energy is around you but in practice with some people if they absorb this energy somewhat it will make it take longer to do spiritual things. This is my own personal experience I grew up in an xtian household.

So if you can build up a strong Aura of protection and put positive energy around your room itself or where you spend the most time you are absolutely fine but if you like me were sensitive and don't know boundries it's harder. For the record I have about 3 things in water 2 of them home signs so that is why I struggeled a little. Not so much anymore I learned to just ignore it for the most part now and shield myself that's what you have to do.
slyscorpion said:
You can do this but I have to say I do doubt doing it in the head does much I don't know where you heard that from.
I would never say this in such an absolute tone if I wasnt 100% sure of it.
It was confirmed by HC himself, here:
HP. HoodedCobra666 said:
I removed something you shouldn't share online from this.

Whisper it or do it mentally, it works the same.

Make sure you also meditate daily. You do not need to make any sound to meditate. You can meditate when you appear to be asleep.
(Source: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=20785&p=90131#p90131)
Louis Cyphre said:
Is 1 August(Lammas day) a good day to dedicate? It's also full moon, I think.
Dedicate as soon as you can. Since it is tomorrow, it is indeed a viable date to dedicate, though it would just as well work to dedicate right away today instead. Any day is fine, just make sure to avoid the Void of Course Moon with your dedication. You can check for it in our SS Calendar.
Louis Cyphre said:
Is 1 August(Lammas day) a good day to dedicate? It's also full moon, I think.
Perfect day, do it

Thanks guys! I know it doesn't really matter which day I choose, but I want be 100% sure that the ritual will work.
Btw. it's new moon not full moon.
kuro said:
Are Satan and Moloch the same?
Moloch is the jewish "god"
who demands the jews and muslims to torture to death animals and people in their death sacrifice holiday rituals. Like yom kippur, purim, eed, all those holidays when jews and muslims go on a sacrifice rampage. In the bible when "god" tells the christians to sacrifice their first born son and pour out his blood, or to throw people onto the alter to be bled and burnt there, and all those other horrible crimes, this is the christian/jewish/muslim god who is commanding these things to be done.

Satan is infinitely opposite to that in every way. Satan is the enemy of the people who do those crimes, Satan thinks those actions are so horrible and disgusting he hates all of them. There is a place in the jewish religion where it tells them that if they go into Egypt (a Satanist society) the jews shouldn't do their normal actions anymore of torturing animals to death in the cruelest ways, because the Egyptians (Satanists) would be so horrified and angry at them for doing such horrible crimes. Because it is Moloch the jewish god who wants those blood torture sacrifices, and Satan is their enemy who wants to stop them from doing it.

Satan is nature, he is exact opposite in every way against all those anti-nature semitic desert blood cults
I stopped meditating for a few days, for now i'm just doing hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, the reason is i'm suffering too much attack from the enemy, i have many nightmares, i see stars walking in the sky (It's not a plane, drone or anything It's like a light that walks and then disappears, but the question is that if I stop meditating for a few days my aura might weaken?
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
You can do this but I have to say I do doubt doing it in the head does much I don't know where you heard that from.
I would never say this in such an absolute tone if I wasnt 100% sure of it.
It was confirmed by HC himself, here:
HP. HoodedCobra666 said:
I removed something you shouldn't share online from this.

Whisper it or do it mentally, it works the same.

Make sure you also meditate daily. You do not need to make any sound to meditate. You can meditate when you appear to be asleep.
(Source: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=20785&p=90131#p90131)

I didn't see that sorry anyways cool I will try this next time I am forced to be around an xtian for some reason see how it goes.
StyleCoin said:
I stopped meditating for a few days, for now i'm just doing hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, the reason is i'm suffering too much attack from the enemy, i have many nightmares, i see stars walking in the sky (It's not a plane, drone or anything It's like a light that walks and then disappears, but the question is that if I stop meditating for a few days my aura might weaken?

This is the worst thing you can possibly do. Whenever I'm attacked by the enemies I only meditate and fight harder, and I do this consistently with every single attack they do. I've done this for years without fail thus they know for a fact that attacking me no matter how minuscule it is, if I recognize it as an attack they know I will legit immediately react and do like 6 RTRs at once in rage. They know that attacking me only makes me do more RTRs and more self-empowerment because the attacks only enrage me, thus making me want to hurt them more and more. This is what deters them from attacking me regularly.

Keep going no matter how many times they attack you or how severely they attack you, not meditating because they're attacking you is exactly what they want. I've seen their dumb ships too, they always move to the exact spot I'm looking at in the sky to get my attention, don't even worry about them and just keep meditating.

Also, are you dedicated to Satan yet? As in have you done the physical dedication ritual? You definitely should do this as soon as possible otherwise you are not under Satan's protection.
hey guys, I was wondering if working a lot is bad for a SS?

because i got a good new job. i know that an obvious negative of this would be a lack of time but what do you think?
my astro chart also implies I would be in a situation like this with south node/ketu in the 6th house? thank you guy for all the help
Taurus said:
hey guys, I was wondering if working a lot is bad for a SS?

because i got a good new job. i know that an obvious negative of this would be a lack of time but what do you think?
my astro chart also implies I would be in a situation like this with south node/ketu in the 6th house? thank you guy for all the help

Unfortunately the disgusting jew system has people working themselves to death with long and exhausting hours so honestly it's not entirely avoidable at this time in the economy if you're trying to merely stay alive. In my opinion that's where the only 'bad' lies as it can't really be helped. You can try to make things flexible for yourself with a schedule to balance your work time, SS time and the other times in your day where chores and entertainment may lie.

My advice to you is to get the bulk of your meditations and stuff like RTRs, AoPs, chakra spinning, workings or what have you done before going to work, this means going to bed earlier and waking up earlier if you have work in the mornings to do this. I've seen far too many members here saying they find themselves too drained after work to meditate and trust me you will find yourself exhausted especially if you're working long hours in a demanding job. So it's best to get the more demanding meditations done beforehand that way you can leave the easier more relaxing meditations for afterwords. I always make sure my major meditations are done very early in my day, often before I have to even start my day.

Trust me you'll want to do it this way if you're anything like me where the idea of sitting still and focusing after sitting still and focusing for hours already just to get paid makes you want to rip your hair out, or after long hours of physical labour you just want to nap. Contrary to how it seems it takes energy to meditate and even further so it takes energy to make energy both physically, spiritually and mentally. No amount of foundation meditation or RAUMs are gonna help if your brain is practically shutting down on you. Organize your time strategically.
slyscorpion said:
I didn't see that sorry anyways cool I will try this next time I am forced to be around an xtian for some reason see how it goes.
All good :)
Ghost in the Machine said:
StyleCoin said:
I stopped meditating for a few days, for now i'm just doing hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, the reason is i'm suffering too much attack from the enemy, i have many nightmares, i see stars walking in the sky (It's not a plane, drone or anything It's like a light that walks and then disappears, but the question is that if I stop meditating for a few days my aura might weaken?

This is the worst thing you can possibly do. Whenever I'm attacked by the enemies I only meditate and fight harder, and I do this consistently with every single attack they do. I've done this for years without fail thus they know for a fact that attacking me no matter how minuscule it is, if I recognize it as an attack they know I will legit immediately react and do like 6 RTRs at once in rage. They know that attacking me only makes me do more RTRs and more self-empowerment because the attacks only enrage me, thus making me want to hurt them more and more. This is what deters them from attacking me regularly.

Keep going no matter how many times they attack you or how severely they attack you, not meditating because they're attacking you is exactly what they want. I've seen their dumb ships too, they always move to the exact spot I'm looking at in the sky to get my attention, don't even worry about them and just keep meditating.

Also, are you dedicated to Satan yet? As in have you done the physical dedication ritual? You definitely should do this as soon as possible otherwise you are not under Satan's protection.

I am dedicated.=)
Now that I have read your answer, I will continue to meditate and do rte, I have to teach the enemy a lesson. :))
Boa tarde para todos!!

Primeiro quero agradecer a todos, pois nas vezes em que postei alguma dúvida; sempre obtive resposta. Vocês realmente fazem a diferença.

Preciso de uma orientação de vocês. Sou recém Dedicada (fiz a minha Dedicação no dia 27/07/2019), estou fazendo o programa "40 Dias de Poder", "Treinamento para a Guerra Espiritual", leio diariamente o Al Jilwha, faço o TRT versão curta do Youtube e estou lendo outros livros que são indicados no site.

Já tem alguns dia que todas as vezes que vou fazer alguma leitura ou fazer a minha rotina de meditação, sinto muita dor de cabeça e tem uns três dias que sempre que estou no meu quarto fazendo os meus estudos; eu vejo um vulto cinza passando pelo corredor e indo para o quarto da minha irmã. A única coisa que esse vulto faz é ficar olhando para mim enquanto ele passa.

E outra coisa que também está acontecendo, é que estou vendo vultos de animais no meu quarto (geralmente na porta do meu quarto ou do lado da minha cama).

O que devo fazer, pois sei que os vultos cinza não são bons. E para a minha irmã além de ser cristã, frequenta terreiros de macumba e de magia negra.

Observação: Não sei se isso tem importância, mas além de conseguir ver pessoas mortas, eu também consigo ouvi-las e também sentir a presença delas.

Salve Satan
Boa noite!!!

Peço desculpas pela quantidade de dúvidas que estou postando, mas é que ainda não consegui ler com calma todas as informações do site e os posts do Fórum.

Surgiram mais algumas dúvidas.

1) Em relação as Runas, vi algumas informações que o ideal é utilizá-las somente após 01 ano de Dedicação; essa informação procede? Pois gostaria de vibrá-las na minha rotina diária para questões de emprego e melhoria financeira (vi que as runas ajudam muito nesse sentido), pois estou desempregada desde fevereiro deste ano e pensei em usá-las para me ajudar nestes pontos.

2) O Exercício de Reversa é o mesmo que Retornar Maldições?

3) O Ritual de Destruição? Existe algum tempo mínimo de Dedicação para realizá-lo?

4) Em relação a Astrologia (vi a apostila de Azazel), vocês acham que já posso começar a estudá-la ou ainda é muito cedo?

5) Sei que a grande maioria das coisas que compramos são amaldiçoadas e sempre que compro algo; e principalmente alimentos, que sempre agradeço a Satan e consagro em nome de Satan, Belzebu, Astarote e Azazel. Gostaria de saber se está correto o que eu faço e se tenho que fazer mais alguma coisa.

6) Sobre o Templo Astral, no site diz:
"Fazer uso regular de um templo astral pode aumentar a eficácia da sua magia e tem muitos outros usos. A projeção astral é ideal, mas não é necessária. Um estado profundo de meditação e visualização são as chaves. Você deve construir seu templo durante o ritual, onde você pode pedir ao Pai Satanás para abençoá-lo. Medite durante o tempo que você precisar para construir seu próprio lugar. Isto deve ser feito após a invocação onde você escreve um pedido para que Satanás abençoe e consagre seu templo.

* Primeiro eu tenho que invocar Satan e fazer um pedido por escrito para que Ele abençoe o meu Templo, para depois fazer a meditação e criar o meu Templo?

* Sempre que eu for no meu Templo que tenho que fazer a invocação antes?

* Eu posso ir no meu Templo sempre que quiser e/ou achar necessário ou só posso fazer a noite?


Salve Satan
How long would it take to reach magnum opus granted someone does everything correct?
Taurus said:
How long would it take to reach magnum opus granted someone does everything correct?
at least 2 million years.

it will depend on who you were in the past life, and we all evolved in a different way.

the only ones to hit magnum opus were Hitler and his wife.
few can ....
i dont know how i stumbled across the joy of satan site but i did.
i spent a few hours reading and started thinking that a lot of it (maybe all of it) made sense.
in my world, not a lot makes sense.
it got me quite excited and intrigued.
so i keep reading and googling and i find that high priestess maxine dietrich is andrea herrington the wife of founder of the american nazi party clifford herrington.
have i got this right?
im just asking, and making no judgements.
hi warriors, can i use a kabbalistic square for me to use on myself, i want to have discipline, responsibility, motivation, if yes which planet should i use?
whybird said:
i dont know how i stumbled across the joy of satan site but i did.
i spent a few hours reading and started thinking that a lot of it (maybe all of it) made sense.
in my world, not a lot makes sense.
it got me quite excited and intrigued.
so i keep reading and googling and i find that high priestess maxine dietrich is andrea herrington the wife of founder of the american nazi party clifford herrington.
have i got this right?
im just asking, and making no judgements.

whybird said:
i dont know how i stumbled across the joy of satan site but i did.
i spent a few hours reading and started thinking that a lot of it (maybe all of it) made sense.
in my world, not a lot makes sense.
it got me quite excited and intrigued.
so i keep reading and googling and i find that high priestess maxine dietrich is andrea herrington the wife of founder of the american nazi party clifford herrington.
have i got this right?
im just asking, and making no judgements.
Our enemies put out an extreme amount of nonsense propaganda, like how they also say that HP Hooded Cobra is really one of the Berenstein Bears or something.

Don't believe something just because our enemies say it, because most of what they say is lies anyway.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
StyleCoin said:
hi warriors, can i use a kabbalistic square for me to use on myself, i want to have discipline, responsibility, motivation, if yes which planet should i use?
Sun square, sun is in Leo now, best time all year to do it is now
Thanks, I'll do it now. :)
StyleCoin said:
hi warriors, can i use a kabbalistic square for me to use on myself, i want to have discipline, responsibility, motivation, if yes which planet should i use?
For motivation, the Sun Square would be best like Argedco said.

If you want discipline and responsibility, these are ruled over by Saturn and Pluto. Personally I have successfully used the mantra "Yama" for this purpose, in the form of "Aum Yamaya Nama". Most likely it would also work with "Svaha" instead of "Nama", though I have not tested this yet.
If you decide to use either this or the energies of Saturn, make sure to use an ample amount of safety clauses in your affirmation. I personally cannot recommend Saturnian energies as they have always brought me bad luck, so my recommendation would be the Yama mantra as stated above. The affirmation I used for it begins with "In a completely and entirely positive and healthy way for me, the energies of Pluto are permanently improving my life by [doing "X"]...".
Hello SS, to cut a long story short I have been talking to my dad about the 'globalist' for a few years and within the past couples months I mention how the jews are the one behind this. Surprisingly he doesn't call me a Nazi or whatever but want's to see the proof backed by sources, preferably in a book form. I accidently started talking about reptilians, grays, ancient nuclear weapons, and global flooding with the destruction of planet Phaeton, so books covering those topics would be nice as well.

To summarize, does anyone have book recommendations concerning the jews and their plot for world domination or anything pertaining to before ancient history?
Shael said:
StyleCoin said:
hi warriors, can i use a kabbalistic square for me to use on myself, i want to have discipline, responsibility, motivation, if yes which planet should i use?
For motivation, the Sun Square would be best like Argedco said.

If you want discipline and responsibility, these are ruled over by Saturn and Pluto. Personally I have successfully used the mantra "Yama" for this purpose, in the form of "Aum Yamaya Nama". Most likely it would also work with "Svaha" instead of "Nama", though I have not tested this yet.
If you decide to use either this or the energies of Saturn, make sure to use an ample amount of safety clauses in your affirmation. I personally cannot recommend Saturnian energies as they have always brought me bad luck, so my recommendation would be the Yama mantra as stated above. The affirmation I used for it begins with "In a completely and entirely positive and healthy way for me, the energies of Pluto are permanently improving my life by [doing "X"]...".

Ok,Thanks. :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cathy said:
What does SS stand for, I've seen it on numerous posts.

Thank you,
Spiritual Satanism

Brother is your signature and profile image OK? Did you remove them? I am just curious on if it were a bug or something. Thanks-
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cathy said:
What does SS stand for, I've seen it on numerous posts.

Thank you,
Spiritual Satanism

Brother is your signature and profile image OK? Did you remove them? I am just curious on if it were a bug or something. Thanks-
I got rid of them, felt like a good idea for some reason. The website didn't do it.
How Should I use runes in the "Aura of protection ritual" and "cleaning aura ritual"? Should I draw rune on a piece of paper and concentrate on it while I perform the ritual?
Louis Cyphre said:
How Should I use runes in the "Aura of protection ritual" and "cleaning aura ritual"? Should I draw rune on a piece of paper and concentrate on it while I perform the ritual?
On the base-level you just use it like you would for any other working. You focus on the rune and vibrate it a certain number of times, then state your affirmation. That's it.
If it helps you to have the rune symbols on a physical object, then I think you can do that without any drawbacks. In our Race Awakening Ritual we carved the runes onto a piece of wood or cardboard and take this piece out every time we do the ritual. I think you can do the same for this working of yours if it will help you focus :)
animeman666 said:
Can an Asian be part jew. Did asian Jews mix with asain gentiles ?
Yes, for example kim jong un is jewish.
You can find jew asians if you search for it on google.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I got rid of them, felt like a good idea for some reason. The website didn't do it.
I hope this wasnt because some idiot was rude to you. If it was, I'll find them and beat the shit out of them. Your link was always a great help to people. I think it's a real shame you took it down.
1. As a Satanist I find myself Drawn to both the Upright Pentacle as well as the inverse. To me they both represennt our creator. I have always intuitively liked the Upright one and Have seen it continuously represents the Morning Star, which for me is a positive aspect of Lucifer/ Satan as well as Venus which is the planet of Satan, Venus Travels in a Pentagram Orbit around the sun every 8 years. On top of this I am Aware it is symbolic of the Microcosm Ruling the Macrocosm, Spirit over the elements.. this has always led me to like the one better.. is this wrong? I realize on a aesthetic/geometric level it could be sending energies up, doesn't it all depend on intention? For me the positive Light(Knowledge/Power) bearing aspects of Lucifer are clearly defined by this as well as representing our personal power. Would it be considered wrong in this community to dawn the symbol, given this perspective? Thoughts are welcomed.

As far as power meditation is concerned it seems to me that The foundation meditation is one of the more effective and necessary ones for my path. however I find myself drained often by it, I have trouble differentiating between physical and spiritual energy and often time push a little too much, even when attempting to absorb it I will tire myself out, I have heard among spiritual thought that the universe is within us and therefore we are infinite however I am looking for the right perspective to unlock this energy. (In addition there was a portion to this meditation that involved visualizing actual air entering your pores, this one was very effective for me but I can no longer find it, it could have been that It was on a different site or I was imagining it) Your perspective on maintain and generating energy are appreciated.

I have a Large Interest in Ceremonial Magick but with all my heart do not want to disrespect the gods after everything they have done for me. Is there any Satanic Material Involving Ritual Magick that would not offend our gods. I have only found about 2 Rituals so far but I believe that psychologically the extravagance and extra tools may help me get into the correct state of mind to have me overcome my logical paradigms.

I have been Studying the Placebo affect and recently stumbled upon a article of the different models of magickal paradigms, it seems that the Energy model and the Psychological models are different, however can be used interchangeably within the Meta Model. It seems to me the Psychological goes along the lines of set it and forget it, similar to the placebo affect in which your expectation and belief along with emotions(or energy) will generate the outcome once it leaves your conscious mind by forgetting (Also Is it completely necessary to forget about your magick for it to become effective.. I feel it isnt but it has worked for me in the past. If so are there Techniques for this because it seems the more I "resist" forgetting the more the thoughts come. I would like to come to the point in the energy model where I can push in vast amounts of energy very quickly and need little information Possibly to be able to work candle magick on demand in case of emergency whether it be combat or otherwise.

The Horned god Is suppose to be Representative of Satan and therefore Enki as i Sumeria One of Enkis symbol was the goat. Would It stand to reason that the Horned god Cernunnos would also be referencing him, and as for the goddess does anyone have some thoughts on Aradia, she seems like an interesting figure as far as standing up to the church to teach magick following the inquisition. Would It be suitable to use wiccan rituals with Satan and Lilith standing in for the god and goddess.. I feel uneasy calling them especially if I am still perfecting my craft.

I feel as if I am somewhat Re inventing the wheel here.. I was raised christian but have a strong desire to be at one with the gods.. My subconscious is still reprogramming and given my living situation I have a tough time being able to complete 40 day programs for reconditioning my mind. I have been attacked by angels numerous times (Please note the I take full responsibility for this experimentation) but also seen my logickal paradigm overcome my satanic one.. essentially meaning that when shit hits the fan I'm on my own to a degree, I seem to be juggling 3 different Paradigms, the Logical Materialist(Via my father) The Judeo Christian Virus( Via my mother) and The magickal/Satanic (myself) in some form of disheartening Agnosticism.. To be honest its hard because I always prided myself on being very open minded.. but at this point in my life it seems that I cannot gain the benefits of spirituality that way.. they require absolute faith in what you are doing. I don't like forcing my beliefs on others and I value being open minded very much because I was not given that courtesy.. But if I am playing with a virus.. and that virus will ultimately kill me if I even accept it a little bit.. how can I do this.. Quantum physics has experiments such as Schrodinger's Cat as well as theories such as infinite realities and many worlds theory.. and they help me get into magickal and spiritual paradigms because reality is just the way that we define it.. but If I accept one I feel like I have to accept them all. One of the Core tenants on this path is free thought and not proselytizing, but If I stand Idle amongst fools I will become one of them and sometimes its not up to me.. my living situation forces that upon me.. I want to be able to study spirituality quantum physics the occult and play music, not sell my soul away to some wage slavery, but it seems they are contingent upon each other.

I know I have presented a lot here and I apologize for droning on.. but I have no one to talk to about these things.. I have trouble communing with the gods due to the logical paradigm, and the closest person that I can discuss these things with is actually a Christian and childhood friend.. Point being that I trust him.. and when trusting the word of a christian you inevitably get caught up in their beliefs, there is one other person I could discuss things with to a degree but she is female and my girlfriend gets incredibly jealous when I'm on my phone.. Anyway your help is greatly appreciated.
Hail Satan
Thank you Lucifer, Son of the Morning, for everything you have done for me and shown me.

(PS Didnt see this post at first and made my own, sorry if it took up too much forum space)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
