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How long do i have to meditate. (I meditate about 1 minute)
Ryan666RR said:
How long do i have to meditate. (I meditate about 1 minute)
Which meditation do you mean? Do whatever feels best to you. As long as it takes.
Is it good to do workings for an 'artistic' job one Saturday during Saturn hours? Because I read that Saturn rules careers and long term stuff but it also rules misfortunes.
After doing some power meditations i started to feel my third eye and crown chakra for no reason. I'm walking on street and just my chakra starts tingling. Does that mean something?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Are Satan, Enlil, Astarte, Azazel and Lilith Demons?
"In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons."

Dæmon did not used to mean anything bad, it was just another word for gods. But the christians and other rats love to try to twist everything.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it good to do workings for an 'artistic' job one Saturday during Saturn hours? Because I read that Saturn rules careers and long term stuff but it also rules misfortunes.
Venus and Mercury are much better. Saturn is more for hard physical work like doing slave work without giving up. Venus relates to art specifically and Mercury realtes to the creativity and communication that helps with the art. I would do either hour of venus on a Wednesday or hour of mercury on a Friday so it has the energies of both Venus and Mercury together. Or on a Sunday during the hour of venus or mercury. I didn't look at the calender so I'm not being specific. Look at the calender and see when is a good time.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Are Satan, Enlil, Astarte, Azazel and Lilith Demons?

Yes and no. Demon is a kind of ranking title for the nordics and humans who have advanced substantially attaining godhead and are under Satan's rule. Demons are a kind of intersect, superior to mortals but lower than gods, though they are indeed gods themselves, but the tier and hierarchy of demons is a wide spectrum. Satan and the other crowned princes of hell are essentially the gods of gods, Satan being of the highest level, and it wouldn't entirely be appropriate to call them 'just demons'. Hopefully this makes sense for you.

Weassel said:
Maybe this is a stupid question but i really wonder what happen if someone would try to flirt with their demon guardian xD.
Like they will take it as a joke or they will stop you, now depends on the demon of course.

The demons and gods have their own private lives and personalities just like we do where they hold and maintain relationships and what they do in their spare time is their business. The gods are not to be treated like a joke and if you haven't established a good relationship, chances are depending on the demon you may only end up embarrassing yourself if you were to flirt with your guardian demon.

It's not uncommon for people to be attracted to their guardian demon or some other demon in particular, but the reality of the situation is that the chances of ever forming that kind of relationship with one of the higher ranking demons such as the ones named on our website is practically null. The reaction you get will depend on the demon.

FRH04X said:
After doing some power meditations i started to feel my third eye and crown chakra for no reason. I'm walking on street and just my chakra starts tingling. Does that mean something?

When energy flows through our chakras we will feel it is a variety of different sensations. Movement helps circulate the energy in our bodies which is why exercise is important spiritually just as much as physically, which would explain why you would get the sensation of your energy while walking. What the tingling means is just that energy is flowing and empowering those chakras.

Blue.baby1333 said:
Isn't it in our best interest to chill and watch the christians, muslims, and jews kill eachother while we educate and gain spiritual influence? All while we progress satans plan in silence (but not total silence).

If it were that simple and easy then we would have no need for the ministries. They are not cancelling each other out nor are they 'killing' each other. The situation won't solve itself as the enemy is consciously acting against us in whatever methods they have left. Their only real line of offense right now is brainwashing through a means of spiritual psychic attacks and bindings.

The xians and muslims don't know about these spiritual attacks nor do they know how to combat it, thus they aren't doing anything to stop the jews at all from enslaving humanity. Our workings fight to break their binding spells and to destroy their means of enslaving humanity. Their attacks are on the astral, thus we fight with our RTRs in spiritual warfare. Just the RTRs aren't the only ways to fight back. Online warfare can be just as important. Informing people on the internet about the truth and exposing the jews for what they are; parasitic aliens that want to turn earth into a slaughter farm.

There will come a day where we can focus more primarily on our advancements, but right now we are still fighting for that day.
Hey just a quick question something I been wondering lately. I read on here that everyone has a GD if that's true how would I go about figuring out who mine is? I'm not that advance so maybe I'm not open enough or doing enough to get noticed? If anyone has suggestions on what I should be doing please let me know thank you.
bring balance. weigh all sides. then taking knowledge proceede
theserpentrises666 said:
I read on here that everyone has a GD if that's true how would I go about figuring out who mine is?
You can start by reading through all the lists of their names and descriptions http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DemonNames.html and remember which ones you feel most interested in or drawn to. If there are any gods who you feel you would need their help more than from anyone else, remember them. Think of how similar their personalities feel compared to yourself. Keep reading through all these lists multiple times. These will probably get you closer to figuring out. Also your guardian is usually the opposite sex from yourself. When you are ready, you will know who it is. They are with you already. Also your guardian might not be on any of the lists because there are so many gods, but there's a high chance they will be there.
theserpentrises666 said:
Hey just a quick question something I been wondering lately. I read on here that everyone has a GD if that's true how would I go about figuring out who mine is? I'm not that advance so maybe I'm not open enough or doing enough to get noticed? If anyone has suggestions on what I should be doing please let me know thank you.
Wrote all the Demons names on paper, than draw a circle with the index and middle finger on the ground visualizing blue light coming out of them. Put the papers on the circle and with a pendulum, after putting it above the paper with the Demon's name on it ask "*Demon's name* are you my Guardian Demon?"
theserpentrises666 said:
Hey just a quick question something I been wondering lately. I read on here that everyone has a GD if that's true how would I go about figuring out who mine is? I'm not that advance so maybe I'm not open enough or doing enough to get noticed? If anyone has suggestions on what I should be doing please let me know thank you.

Everybody who has dedicated is assigned a guardian demon, whether they dedicated in this lifetime or in a past one. If you have never dedicated to Satan or are simply a newer soul, chances are you may not yet have a guardian demon. Doing the dedication ritual to Satan will have one assigned to you. Your guardian demon is one that matches best with you, some people can have more than one guardian demon. They are our teachers and guides as well as our friends and assist us in matters of advancement, show us where we excel and guide us through things we need to improve on.

It is difficult to be taught by them or to receive their guidance without an open third-eye and astral senses. It's important to work on opening all of one's chakras and empower them daily to improve on their capabilities so that we may see and hear the gods. Without this capability, one must find other ways to discover who their guardian demon is.

Some Demons do not have sigils on the Joy of Satan website because that was their desire. Here is a method of determining if Agaliarept is your Guardian Demon:

If You Have Trouble Finding Your Guardian Demon
By Caitlin/Silvercrab, Satanic Gay Community Member

The mistake most new people make is attempting to find their Guardian through a pendulum or Ouija
board. If you have absolutely no past experience or practice with these items, they probably won‟t work
for you. Using a Ouija board or pendulum takes SKILL and PRACTICE. When you‟re new, you must
be in a trance and completely disconnect yourself from the board or you will end up talking to yourself,
which is a very common occurrence. There is also a chance a negative entity might interfere with
communication or fool you into believing they‟re a Demon and give you false information. So as you
can see, a lot can go wrong here if you aren‟t already skilled in these areas.

So, how do you find your Guardian? There are many reliable ways, such as Astral Projection, Astral
Merging, using a black mirror, or invoking the Demon. But all these are advanced methods which most
people are unable to do until they are at least on the intermediate level. So for beginners, here are a few
things you can do to narrow down the list.

Go look through ALL the Demons listed on joyofsatan.com, even the “High Ranking Gods and
Crowned Princes of Hell” section because hey, you never know. Also, don‟t forget the section
underneath the S - Z Demons titled “More Gods”. Not everyone‟s Guardian Demon is going to be one
of the 72 Goetic Demons, but that doesn‟t mean your Guardian is any less special. Pazuzu, for example,
is not one of the 72 Goetic Demons, but he is very powerful and is a great protector. Write down the
names of the Demons who interest you, the ones you really like. Once you have a complete list of
Demons who attract you, apply these tips:

*Your Guardian Demon will usually have the same element(s) as you. When I say that, I‟m not referring
to your astrological sign, I‟m referring to the element you love the most. You do not need experience
with invoking the elements to figure out which one is your favorite. To read information on each one,
see the section “Advanced Meditations”, in the Joy of Satan website.

*Kudos to Reverend Mageson and High Priest Jake Carlson for figuring this one out. The sex of your
Guardian is usually dependant on your own sexuality. Meaning, the straight man has a female Guardian,
the homosexual man has a male Guardian. Even the most evenly split of bisexuals have a preference. If
you‟re a bisexual woman who likes other women just a little bit more than men, chances are you‟ll have
a female Guardian. I believe this pattern has to do with what you‟re most comfortable with.

Now that you‟ve narrowed down your list (but please remember that the above tips are not set in stone
and might not apply to everyone) ask yourself these questions:

“Am I truly comfortable with the idea of _____________ being my Guardian Demon?” When I was
new, there were several Demons I thought looked very cool and kick ass, but when I thought about it
after a few days, I realized the idea just didn‟t feel quite right.

“Do I love absolutely everything about ______________?” This is self-explanatory. There may be a
Demon that you really like and respect, but if you embrace the idea of him/her as your Guardian and you
feel a consistent longing to keep looking at other Demons, then he/she probably isn‟t the one. When you
find your true Guardian, you should feel a strong bond, an unquestioning love. Most people have been
with their Guardian in many other lifetimes, which is where that feeling comes from.

And finally, “Is there any reason to believe ______________ would not suit me as a Guardian?” Don‟t
just take the information listed about the Demon into account. You‟re probably not going to have
everything in common with your Guardian. For example, someone with Bifrons as their Guardian might
be very interested in necromancy and astrology, but not in learning the magical properties of herbs and
stones. Use your intuition with this question.
By now you should have narrowed down your list to only one or two Demons. Now comes the part
where you figure out if He/She is really your Guardian:

Get yourself into a deep trance.

Vibrate the name of the Demon 30 - 40 times. (Ex: Amon. A-A-A-A-M-M-M-M-O-O-O-O-N-N-N-N).

After a while, you should feel his/her energy. Connect with the Demon as best you can.
Ask _____________ if he/she is your Guardian. You will probably not see or hear anything if you are
not psychically open, but you should FEEL their response.. Interpreting energy like this might be
difficult at first, and if you don‟t understand the response, then tell them you don‟t understand and ask
for a stronger signal. If you receive a very warm, positive signal then you‟ve probably found your
Guardian. If not, go back over your list and try again.
TopoftheAbyss said:
draw a circle with the index and middle finger on the ground visualizing blue light coming out of them.
No circles! This is old abusive christian shit. The circle represents a binding curse around the god to attempt to restrict them. The christians thought that the gods are monsters who have to be bound and tricked and enslaved like animals. But anybody who tried this with this kind of evil intentions, they would be horribly cursed by the god they tried to abuse and they wouldn't last long. Even if you didn't intend anything bad like this, that is where this circle idea comes from and why it's wrong to do.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DemonNames.html and remember which ones you feel most interested in or drawn to. If there are any gods who you feel you would need their help more than from anyone else, remember them. Think of how similar their personalities feel compared to yourself. Keep reading through all these lists multiple times. These will probably get you closer to figuring out. Also your guardian is usually the opposite sex from yourself. When you are ready, you will know who it is. They are with you already. Also your guardian might not be on any of the lists because there are so many gods, but there's a high chance they will be there.[/quote] Thank you for advice I will try this out.
Wrote all the Demons names on paper, than draw a circle with the index and middle finger on the ground visualizing blue light coming out of them. Put the papers on the circle and with a pendulum, after putting it above the paper with the Demon's name on it ask "*Demon's name* are you my Guardian Demon?"[/quote] Thanks for responding I don't have a pendulum so idk if i can do this still? Where could I purchase one or make one possibly?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
draw a circle with the index and middle finger on the ground visualizing blue light coming out of them.
No circles! This is old abusive christian shit. The circle represents a binding curse around the god to attempt to restrict them. The christians thought that the gods are monsters who have to be bound and tricked and enslaved like animals. But anybody who tried this with this kind of evil intentions, they would be horribly cursed by the god they tried to abuse and they wouldn't last long. Even if you didn't intend anything bad like this, that is where this circle idea comes from and why it's wrong to do.
Didn't know that guess I won't be doing this after all.
Everybody who has dedicated is assigned a guardian demon, whether they dedicated in this lifetime or in a past one. If you have never dedicated to Satan or are simply a newer soul, chances are you may not yet have a guardian demon. Doing the dedication ritual to Satan will have one assigned to you. Your guardian demon is one that matches best with you, some people can have more than one guardian demon. They are our teachers and guides as well as our friends and assist us in matters of advancement, show us where we excel and guide us through things we need to improve on.

It is difficult to be taught by them or to receive their guidance without an open third-eye and astral senses. It's important to work on opening all of one's chakras and empower them daily to improve on their capabilities so that we may see and hear the gods. Without this capability, one must find other ways to discover who their guardian demon is.
I dedicated my soul to Satan already but yes I'm still newer so perhaps I need to do opening the soul again to make sure my 3rd eye is open? But for now I'll try going through the list looking at them all thanks so much for sharing this information.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
draw a circle with the index and middle finger on the ground visualizing blue light coming out of them.
No circles! This is old abusive christian shit. The circle represents a binding curse around the god to attempt to restrict them. The christians thought that the gods are monsters who have to be bound and tricked and enslaved like animals. But anybody who tried this with this kind of evil intentions, they would be horribly cursed by the god they tried to abuse and they wouldn't last long. Even if you didn't intend anything bad like this, that is where this circle idea comes from and why it's wrong to do.
I didn't know, using this method I found three Guardian Demons, one of which already came in dream to me after meditating on Her sigil and putting it under the pillow. Can the other two (one a male) not be my Guardian?
What is the best way to give energy to my DG? Is vibrating Satanas or Satanama a good way?
theserpentrises666 said:
Thanks for responding I don't have a pendulum so idk if i can do this still? Where could I purchase one or make one possibly?
Pendulums are a waste of time. For most people they are totally inaccurate anyway. I haven't heard of many people who can really use them perfectly. The only thing you need is yourself; your thoughts feelings and intuition. The gods will guide you with strong feelings and ideas. Then when you are open enough, you can hear them speak to you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
theserpentrises666 said:
Thanks for responding I don't have a pendulum so idk if i can do this still? Where could I purchase one or make one possibly?
Pendulums are a waste of time. For most people they are totally inaccurate anyway. I haven't heard of many people who can really use them perfectly. The only thing you need is yourself; your thoughts feelings and intuition. The gods will guide you with strong feelings and ideas. Then when you are open enough, you can hear them speak to you.

Thanks for the knowledge I was gonna try reading through the list but the Jos website is down at the moment.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I didn't know, using this method I found three Guardian Demons, one of which already came in dream to me after meditating on Her sigil and putting it under the pillow. Can the other two (one a male) not be my Guardian?
They saw that you had good intentions and didn't know that circles are bad. You can have multiple different guardians of any gender because they are friends who want to help you. But you have only one official main guardian who is opposite gender of yourself. The other ones may be good friends and very helpful, but they are not your one official guardian.
TopoftheAbyss said:
What is the best way to give energy to my DG? Is vibrating Satanas or Satanama a good way?

Giving energy to a demon or Satan is a bit advanced in regards to energy workings as it requires for you to actually take the energy from yourself, form it, clean it and empower it further and then consciously sending it off or asking the demon or god to take it. Chances are the guardian demon will simply give the energy to Satan. Every time I think to give my guardian demon energy I am immediately deterred by a nagging "NO, give it to Satan.", so it would be best to do just that instead.

The best kind of energy you can give is orgasmic energy as it is very powerful and can be built up. Masturbation is typical for me personally but just casual sex can work just fine, the point is simply the climax itself. Beforehand you can visualize and focus on Satan's sigil and tell him either out loud or in your head that you would like to offer him energy, and if he is willing to accept that he is free to take it. I find I am too distracted through orgasm to actively send the energy myself so I always ask him to retrieve the energy so that I am certain it goes to him and isn't being stolen or misdirected. I will tell you though that the orgasm won't be quite as satisfying and it will feel like you are 'missing' something, but the offering itself is worth it.
[/quote]I find I am too distracted through orgasm to actively send the energy myself so I always ask him to retrieve the energy so that I am certain it goes to him and isn't being stolen or misdirected.
I had a question regarding that once. So to be clear, an enemy can steal or “harness” your energy if you don’t properly send it somewhere specific? I had strongly believed I encountered this a few months ago but I didn’t understand the how, who, what, when and where.
Ghost in the Machine said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
What is the best way to give energy to my DG? Is vibrating Satanas or Satanama a good way?

Giving energy to a demon or Satan is a bit advanced in regards to energy workings as it requires for you to actually take the energy from yourself, form it, clean it and empower it further and then consciously sending it off or asking the demon or god to take it. Chances are the guardian demon will simply give the energy to Satan. Every time I think to give my guardian demon energy I am immediately deterred by a nagging "NO, give it to Satan.", so it would be best to do just that instead.

The best kind of energy you can give is orgasmic energy as it is very powerful and can be built up. Masturbation is typical for me personally but just casual sex can work just fine, the point is simply the climax itself. Beforehand you can visualize and focus on Satan's sigil and tell him either out loud or in your head that you would like to offer him energy, and if he is willing to accept that he is free to take it. I find I am too distracted through orgasm to actively send the energy myself so I always ask him to retrieve the energy so that I am certain it goes to him and isn't being stolen or misdirected. I will tell you though that the orgasm won't be quite as satisfying and it will feel like you are 'missing' something, but the offering itself is worth it.
I would rather give it to Furfur because I hurt Her using the circle like I said but also enns.
Solar Falcon said:
I had a question regarding that once. So to be clear, an enemy can steal or “harness” your energy if you don’t properly send it somewhere specific? I had strongly believed I encountered this a few months ago but I didn’t understand the how, who, what, when and where.

Not just enemies like greys can steal the energy but other enemies as well such as enemy nordics that can steal the energy to use for themselves. Any being on the astral that can manipulate and use energy can take it, even another human.

The enemy doesn't always "harness" the energy they steal from us, though they could definitely apply it or alter it for their own benefit. When it comes to sending energy to Satan or one of our gods or even just a friend an enemy can intercept and take the energy, doing away with it so that it doesn't go where we intend it to. There was an SS once that would store their excess energy in an object until their guardian demon told them to stop because the energy was being stolen.
Okay guys there’s a dude who says he’s one of our own, if he has an account on here I don’t know it. But for years he’s always expressed to me that he’s a Satanist. I’ve seen him perform the RTRs among other things. Before I came here, it was he who collected all the meditations and rituals and the like for me to study.

I read a sermon a while ago that went into depth the ways of the jew: from paranoia to disgusting habits to murderous ways and much more. This guy that I’m referring to, who claims to be one of us, is either 1/4 or 1/8 jewish. Here I thought with how much he expressed his anger and hatred for jews and doing workings against them, he couldn’t possibly be on their side. Right? That’s what I thought. But lately I’ve noticed some of these traits in him, and also he’s seemed really out of it. Ever since HPS Maxine made that post about the good news from Azazel and how we need to amp up the RTRs now that the enemy is down, I find it very odd that everything about him seems uglier and uglier.

I’m serious. I’ve amped up my RTRs as well and it just doesn’t seem like a coincidence that he’s acting the way he is. It’s disturbing. Again, with the sermon about the life of a jew, it dawned on me that he displays extreme paranoia all the time. He’s tried to turn me against my family many times. He’s extremely delusional about himself (he has a very high opinion on himself, like he has the right to rule). He already thinks himself a god. He has a murderous mindset. Hates homosexuality and bisexuality. Has a bit of a Muslim mindset when it comes to the roles men and women have (he goes on about how men should lead, whether it’s in a board meeting or physically walking ahead of women). Has done and continues to do self harm. He absolutely hates his existence yet simultaneously believes the world owes him. Plays mind games and more.

I had felt conflicted about him because despite all of the above I mentioned, he says he has a guardian (whom he believes is Ishtar), and the fact he actively fights against jews, or at least it appears that way. And he’s acted as a protector of sorts to me until further notice I suppose (I don’t know who my guardian might be).

I’m sorry if this post is strange to any of you, but I felt I could vent or whatever. I have no one else to express my own concerns that have experience in Satanism. I don’t know what to make of him as he’s an enigma. Just what the fuck is he?

I don’t know if he’s lost or he had me fooled this whole time.
Solar Falcon said:
...Just what the fuck is he?

I don’t know if he’s lost or he had me fooled this whole time.

Despite his 'dislikes' about some things, it's clear you are dealing with a very toxic person, and that you should be moving away, stop wasting your time on them.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Solar Falcon said:
I had a question regarding that once. So to be clear, an enemy can steal or “harness” your energy if you don’t properly send it somewhere specific? I had strongly believed I encountered this a few months ago but I didn’t understand the how, who, what, when and where.

Not just enemies like greys can steal the energy but other enemies as well such as enemy nordics that can steal the energy to use for themselves. Any being on the astral that can manipulate and use energy can take it, even another human.

The enemy doesn't always "harness" the energy they steal from us, though they could definitely apply it or alter it for their own benefit. When it comes to sending energy to Satan or one of our gods or even just a friend an enemy can intercept and take the energy, doing away with it so that it doesn't go where we intend it to. There was an SS once that would store their excess energy in an object until their guardian demon told them to stop because the energy was being stolen.

Thanks for the info :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Solar Falcon said:
...Just what the fuck is he?

I don’t know if he’s lost or he had me fooled this whole time.

Despite his 'dislikes' about some things, it's clear you are dealing with a very toxic person, and that you should be moving away, stop wasting your time on them.

That’s what I want to do. But I need to be careful when it comes to this dude. He knows where I live, knows my relatives and where some of them live. He kind of acts like it’s a crime punishable by death to dislike him or go against him in some way, I’m not the only person in my family that doesn’t think he’s above retaliating in any way.

As far as I know, I can keep doing what I’ve been doing with things like AoP or ask for help should I really need it. But I’m glad I have all my real brothers and sisters here to listen and offer guidance. Thanks for listening.
Solar Falcon said:
... Just what the fuck is he?

I don’t know if he’s lost or he had me fooled this whole time.

Sounds like one of the brainwashed borg xians only it's the other way around and is a jew. All the bullshit they've(the enemy) put gentiles through they will be put through as well as the tides in this battle turn in our favour. A jew doing the RTRs is no different than the xians wasting away their own souls with worthless blind worship and self-destruction.

Chances are he's an unawakened jew and doesn't know that he's destroying himself, and if you're smart and truly on our side then you will let him continue doing so in ignorance. He's only going to deteriorate further so I would cut off this... thing... from my life permanently if I were you before he drags you down with him. Even if he isn't a jew I would still cut him off as clearly he's not advancing but actually degenerating. It's not worth time and effort to hang around or even try to help such things with toxic and negative energy.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But you have only one official main guardian who is opposite gender of yourself.

This is incorrect, your guardian demon is the gender you are most attracted to, so hetero males will have a female GD, hetero females will have a male GD, even bisexuals have slightly more preference to a certain gender. My own GD is the same gender as I am as I am of the third sex and attracted to other males.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Solar Falcon said:
... Just what the fuck is he?

I don’t know if he’s lost or he had me fooled this whole time.

Sounds like one of the brainwashed borg xians only it's the other way around and is a jew. All the bullshit they've(the enemy) put gentiles through they will be put through as well as the tides in this battle turn in our favour. A jew doing the RTRs is no different than the xians wasting away their own souls with worthless blind worship and self-destruction.

Chances are he's an unawakened jew and doesn't know that he's destroying himself, and if you're smart and truly on our side then you will let him continue doing so in ignorance. He's only going to deteriorate further so I would cut off this... thing... from my life permanently if I were you before he drags you down with him. Even if he isn't a jew I would still cut him off as clearly he's not advancing but actually degenerating. It's not worth time and effort to hang around or even try to help such things with toxic and negative energy.

There were tons of things I overlooked, but that shit is now out the window. I’m not doing it again. For too long I was tricked into believing he was spiritual and positive. I felt even more dumb for believing him when he said Maxine was somehow aware of his heritage and advised him and interpreted his natal chart years ago. Again, sounded strange to me but I ignored it. Dumb.

But now that’s being out the way I can focus on what I need to and just be happy, grow and thrive in my studies.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Solar Falcon said:
... Just what the fuck is he?

I don’t know if he’s lost or he had me fooled this whole time.

Sounds like one of the brainwashed borg xians only it's the other way around and is a jew. All the bullshit they've(the enemy) put gentiles through they will be put through as well as the tides in this battle turn in our favour. A jew doing the RTRs is no different than the xians wasting away their own souls with worthless blind worship and self-destruction.

Chances are he's an unawakened jew and doesn't know that he's destroying himself, and if you're smart and truly on our side then you will let him continue doing so in ignorance. He's only going to deteriorate further so I would cut off this... thing... from my life permanently if I were you before he drags you down with him. Even if he isn't a jew I would still cut him off as clearly he's not advancing but actually degenerating. It's not worth time and effort to hang around or even try to help such things with toxic and negative energy.

You’re probably tired of hearing from me, but I want to make sure as I’m still new to workings and so is my sister.

The guy is practically harassing me and my sister through emails and text messages (he’s seriously obsessed with her). We both would very much like to cut the spiritual ties to him, because he creepily says he can feel something wrong due to our connections and keeps trying to insert himself back into ours lives.

I’m currently going through a Saturn transit (that at least not yet has been utterly devastating for me) and my sister is about to get hit with Pluto hitting a lot of her planets and that’s permanent changes. We both are trying to start using the Algiz rune for protection from those transits, would it be wise to also throw in a working to sever our ties to him or would that be doing too much? Also, even when I wasn’t ready, I’ve always had intentions of eventually doing the dedication ritual to Satan. My sister is working herself up to that as well.

I already said I had a feeling he’d take this to the next level and his messages to us is proving that. I’m getting desperate for help, not only do I need to be okay but I need for my sister and our other loved ones to be okay too. This guy is the kind of person it seems that even if he were to die, his spirit is not one you want to have following you everywhere. He made it very clear he wants to do whatever it takes to have my sister back, and I’m sure he’s going to try to throw curses at me.
Solar Falcon said:
You’re probably tired of hearing from me, but I want to make sure as I’m still new to workings and so is my sister.

The guy is practically harassing me and my sister through emails and text messages (he’s seriously obsessed with her). We both would very much like to cut the spiritual ties to him, because he creepily says he can feel something wrong due to our connections and keeps trying to insert himself back into ours lives.

I’m currently going through a Saturn transit (that at least not yet has been utterly devastating for me) and my sister is about to get hit with Pluto hitting a lot of her planets and that’s permanent changes. We both are trying to start using the Algiz rune for protection from those transits, would it be wise to also throw in a working to sever our ties to him or would that be doing too much? Also, even when I wasn’t ready, I’ve always had intentions of eventually doing the dedication ritual to Satan. My sister is working herself up to that as well.

I already said I had a feeling he’d take this to the next level and his messages to us is proving that. I’m getting desperate for help, not only do I need to be okay but I need for my sister and our other loved ones to be okay too. This guy is the kind of person it seems that even if he were to die, his spirit is not one you want to have following you everywhere. He made it very clear he wants to do whatever it takes to have my sister back, and I’m sure he’s going to try to throw curses at me.

I am never sick of being able to help our members, I am only ever frustrated when I try to help someone and they don't listen to reason.

Protection regarding the planets is important and you're already doing well with this, the simple aura of protection meditation will also help, so doubling up, tripling up or just doing a bit more on that will help in the long run.

When it comes to this individual you are dealing with, he's clearly off his nut and doesn't intend for any positive things for you or your family as he's completely self-absorbed into his own LARP fantasy. Satanists do not stand idle while others attack and curse us and dedicated SS of the JoS are by no means under any circumstances supposed to attack or curse one another as this will incite the wrath of Beelzebub who deals with that sort of thing. You are not prevented from defending yourself though by any means.

If you fear any curses or attacks of negative forms, you can program your aura as well as your parents aura to deflect these back to him so that he ends up attacking himself instead. The instructions in the link can be applied to your family members as well but one shouldn't have to do it all by themself. Distribute your energy smartly and don't spread your energy too thin, so if you have a mom and a dad for example that you want to protect with the same aura programming, you can have your sister work primarily on one while you work on the other.

Just visualize either in your head, or them directly if they're in sight, their aura and chakras being cleaned in the same way you cleaned yours. Relax and tune into their aura and change the affirmation to "[Name of familiy member]'s aura is powerfully and totally deflecting [name of offender]’s negative energy in every way and sending it directly back to him.” The affirmation can be said either in your head or out loud, say it as many times as you need until you feel the affirmation is programmed into the aura. You can do this as many times as you feel you must in order to build further upon it.

Without the dedication ritual you lack the protection and assistance from the demons, otherwise if you were dedicated your assigned guardian demon would be able to help protect you from attacks. This working will help you though regardless whether you are dedicated or not. Remember that you must raise your energies before doing workings otherwise you may find yourself scraping at the bottom of the bucket for energy which will end up exhausting you and reducing your protection and the affects of your workings ultimately leaving you vulnerable. You can raise your energy with yoga and the foundation meditation.
Raccoon said:
Well, hp hoodedcobra, Iknow you and the members here spurn the idea of ever helping me, but believe it or not, you accidentally did! I have been cleaning all my chakras and aura for the first time since 4 months ago, something I have neglected to do since meditating for two years and I have just been getting results and feeling a lot healthier. My negative karma is finally being fixed. Apart from some other issues that are being solved that I will not speak of here, I have always had a painful problem with being shut out, ignored, misinterpreted, being unwanted, etc. You brought this to my attention. Now I feel like I can heal. Hoodedcobra, you actually hurt my feelings and I can't complain to you but you made me realize more of my karmic issues.

Consider this a thank you note...

Pretty sure I know who you are. I'm happy to see you improving. :D We did try to help you several times, but you wouldn't listen to any of the help we gave. You were just so dillusional that you wouldn't listen to any advice. We weren't exactly against you, at least not at first, but we were absolutely against all your problems and since you weren't willing to work on fixing any of those problems at that time, it was like "okay fine go live with it then, but we won't let you drag us down with you." Don't know what else to say about that

We had to hurt your feelings then to show you how wrong you were. So you could start over from a new perspective and start to actually grow. Now that you are on the right track, you are improving in a good direction, you are welcome here. You seem like you have fixed up your mindset enough to get on the right track. I hope you realize why you didn't get any results in those 2 years, you never actually did any work in that time and were stuck in a loop of actively cursing yourself. If you fixed this and now work only in the best way for yourself, then you are ready and welcome to grow. This is exactly what we were trying to show you then, so good thing you took the lesson.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Solar Falcon said:
You’re probably tired of hearing from me, but I want to make sure as I’m still new to workings and so is my sister.

The guy is practically harassing me and my sister through emails and text messages (he’s seriously obsessed with her). We both would very much like to cut the spiritual ties to him, because he creepily says he can feel something wrong due to our connections and keeps trying to insert himself back into ours lives.

I’m currently going through a Saturn transit (that at least not yet has been utterly devastating for me) and my sister is about to get hit with Pluto hitting a lot of her planets and that’s permanent changes. We both are trying to start using the Algiz rune for protection from those transits, would it be wise to also throw in a working to sever our ties to him or would that be doing too much? Also, even when I wasn’t ready, I’ve always had intentions of eventually doing the dedication ritual to Satan. My sister is working herself up to that as well.

I already said I had a feeling he’d take this to the next level and his messages to us is proving that. I’m getting desperate for help, not only do I need to be okay but I need for my sister and our other loved ones to be okay too. This guy is the kind of person it seems that even if he were to die, his spirit is not one you want to have following you everywhere. He made it very clear he wants to do whatever it takes to have my sister back, and I’m sure he’s going to try to throw curses at me.

I am never sick of being able to help our members, I am only ever frustrated when I try to help someone and they don't listen to reason.

Protection regarding the planets is important and you're already doing well with this, the simple aura of protection meditation will also help, so doubling up, tripling up or just doing a bit more on that will help in the long run.

When it comes to this individual you are dealing with, he's clearly off his nut and doesn't intend for any positive things for you or your family as he's completely self-absorbed into his own LARP fantasy. Satanists do not stand idle while others attack and curse us and dedicated SS of the JoS are by no means under any circumstances supposed to attack or curse one another as this will incite the wrath of Beelzebub who deals with that sort of thing. You are not prevented from defending yourself though by any means.

If you fear any curses or attacks of negative forms, you can program your aura as well as your parents aura to deflect these back to him so that he ends up attacking himself instead. The instructions in the link can be applied to your family members as well but one shouldn't have to do it all by themself. Distribute your energy smartly and don't spread your energy too thin, so if you have a mom and a dad for example that you want to protect with the same aura programming, you can have your sister work primarily on one while you work on the other.

Just visualize either in your head, or them directly if they're in sight, their aura and chakras being cleaned in the same way you cleaned yours. Relax and tune into their aura and change the affirmation to "[Name of familiy member]'s aura is powerfully and totally deflecting [name of offender]’s negative energy in every way and sending it directly back to him.” The affirmation can be said either in your head or out loud, say it as many times as you need until you feel the affirmation is programmed into the aura. You can do this as many times as you feel you must in order to build further upon it.

Without the dedication ritual you lack the protection and assistance from the demons, otherwise if you were dedicated your assigned guardian demon would be able to help protect you from attacks. This working will help you though regardless whether you are dedicated or not. Remember that you must raise your energies before doing workings otherwise you may find yourself scraping at the bottom of the bucket for energy which will end up exhausting you and reducing your protection and the affects of your workings ultimately leaving you vulnerable. You can raise your energy with yoga and the foundation meditation.

Thanks man, my sister and I really appreciate it!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
