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Lykia said:
I see.Well then,i have just one last question.
I come home at around 4 p.m,the meditation says "morning meditation" but can i do the morning meditations at around 4 p.m and the night meditations when going to sleep? Waking up 15 minutes early isn't a problem,i'm just curious.

I think that would be borderline okay but you would have to do it immediately when you get home. It's not an entirely reliable plan though as many things can intervene in the middle of our days or distract us. However such a thing like that could be used as a safe-plan in case you have moments where you wake up forgetting to do your morning meditations and still need to do them.
Greetings all,

I am relatively new here - looking to see if there are any links to the 666 and SATANAS meditation(s), or any other meditations that are good at raising energies for the RTRs.

I have been searching and have found pointers to "Raising your Energies", but a lot of the links that I came across were broken for some reason.

Any suggestions would help me greatly! :)

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lykia said:
I come home at around 4 p.m,the meditation says "morning meditation" but can i do the morning meditations at around 4 p.m and the night meditations when going to sleep? Waking up 15 minutes early isn't a problem,i'm just curious.
Trust your insticts, listen to your soul, and do whatever you feel is your best option. Only you can pick your best path, and it's usually different for each of us so we can't tell you. There is no set system that everybody has to do, we all have to do what we need. And we all need different things since everyone has their own sets of strengths and weaknesses.
I see,thank you.I am planning to start a daily meditation program but whenever i try to start,i just can't,i do not know how i can explain it but it's like my entire being doesn't want to do it.And even if i start,my focus disappears and i just can't focus on anything.I've been messing around with meditation etc. for about a year now and this has never happened.I do not know if i'm just being extremely lazy but as i have said,i've never had this happen before.What should i do? I really want to begin but this is really affecting this situation :/
Lykia said:
I see,thank you.I am planning to start a daily meditation program but whenever i try to start,i just can't,i do not know how i can explain it but it's like my entire being doesn't want to do it.And even if i start,my focus disappears and i just can't focus on anything.I've been messing around with meditation etc. for about a year now and this has never happened.I do not know if i'm just being extremely lazy but as i have said,i've never had this happen before.What should i do? I really want to begin but this is really affecting this situation :/

Common enemy influence. Rtr and returning curses/aura cleaning can help. Untie you so you are able to act. Also speak to Satan about this, you don't need to be open enough to feel him yet for him to here you. Explain how you want to start a meditation routine and ask him nicely if he can help you create and stick with the right routine. You don't need to follow a routine somebody else made, like the 40 days one. Read through every page on the JOS meditations, and pick one or a few meditations to do every day and just do them. And after asking Satan about it, you will feel drawn to the ones which are right for you to use. Make sure moon is not void when you do it for the first time, or else you probably wouldn't continue. As long as you do one good spiritual thing every day, you are on the track of improvement.
satanasluciferiexcelsi said:
Greetings all,

I am relatively new here - looking to see if there are any links to the 666 and SATANAS meditation(s), or any other meditations that are good at raising energies for the RTRs.

I have been searching and have found pointers to "Raising your Energies", but a lot of the links that I came across were broken for some reason.

Any suggestions would help me greatly! :)

Did you try copying the links into the Wayback Machine archive? Some of the best ways to raise energy are with the Breathing Exercises and Kundalini Yoga. Or mantras like SaTaNaMa, Satanas, Raum, Surya. You can do the Invocation To Satan before RTR.
Lykia said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lykia said:
I come home at around 4 p.m,the meditation says "morning meditation" but can i do the morning meditations at around 4 p.m and the night meditations when going to sleep? Waking up 15 minutes early isn't a problem,i'm just curious.
Trust your insticts, listen to your soul, and do whatever you feel is your best option. Only you can pick your best path, and it's usually different for each of us so we can't tell you. There is no set system that everybody has to do, we all have to do what we need. And we all need different things since everyone has their own sets of strengths and weaknesses.
I see,thank you.I am planning to start a daily meditation program but whenever i try to start,i just can't,i do not know how i can explain it but it's like my entire being doesn't want to do it.And even if i start,my focus disappears and i just can't focus on anything.I've been messing around with meditation etc. for about a year now and this has never happened.I do not know if i'm just being extremely lazy but as i have said,i've never had this happen before.What should i do? I really want to begin but this is really affecting this situation :/

I have been where you have been and I have felt what you have felt.

As stated above, I can not speak to your specific circumstance. In my situation, before I dedicated, there were entities attempting to prevent me from spiritual progress. Everything you are feeling as far as hesitance to meditate is normal for a person who doesn't normally do that, especially when they are planning to dedicate.

I think page 3 of the 40 day introductory program speaks directly to you.

"You feel like you can’t? You do it. You feel like struggling? You do it. You do not feel anything? Still do it. Have faith in yourself and you will succeed." https://www.dropbox.com/s/ba8fiob53cky65l/Joy_of_Satan_Ministries_Meditation_Program_40_day.pdf?dl=1

Highly recommend you start with the above as it helped me immensely.

As I was typing this there was a presence that wanted me to stop and I actually had to retype this 3 times because it kept deleting itself, and I had to walk away twice for some reason. My guardian influenced me to share my thoughts with you because we had similar experiences.

I hope this helps.

Lykia said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lykia said:
I come home at around 4 p.m,the meditation says "morning meditation" but can i do the morning meditations at around 4 p.m and the night meditations when going to sleep? Waking up 15 minutes early isn't a problem,i'm just curious.
Trust your insticts, listen to your soul, and do whatever you feel is your best option. Only you can pick your best path, and it's usually different for each of us so we can't tell you. There is no set system that everybody has to do, we all have to do what we need. And we all need different things since everyone has their own sets of strengths and weaknesses.
I see,thank you.I am planning to start a daily meditation program but whenever i try to start,i just can't,i do not know how i can explain it but it's like my entire being doesn't want to do it.And even if i start,my focus disappears and i just can't focus on anything.I've been messing around with meditation etc. for about a year now and this has never happened.I do not know if i'm just being extremely lazy but as i have said,i've never had this happen before.What should i do? I really want to begin but this is really affecting this situation :/
It's normal because we are not used to meditations anymore, our body and mind rebel against it. The only solution is that you have to keep meditating, don't start with big meditations, do it slow with easy things even just void meditation and some breathing exercise, you don't have to do everything at first, these things takes time and you have to get used to it.

I now meditate everyday for more than two years but before i was kind like you. Trust me, keep trying and do easy thing until you get used to it and it become a routine.
Hey, I'm pretty new with satanism. I tried to open my chakras and started with the third eye. Used introductions on jos page and even before 4 days I started to feel pressure on my forehead. In the fifth day I tried to open my 6th chakra and now I'm constantly feeling pressure and a little ache on my forehead and where my bliss chakra is. I don't know what that means and what do I have to do. Should I continue to practice on my 6th chakra?

Another question is I can't see anything unusual. I don't know if my third eye open or not.
FRH04X said:
Hey, I'm pretty new with satanism. I tried to open my chakras and started with the third eye. Used introductions on jos page and even before 4 days I started to feel pressure on my forehead. In the fifth day I tried to open my 6th chakra and now I'm constantly feeling pressure and a little ache on my forehead and where my bliss chakra is. I don't know what that means and what do I have to do. Should I continue to practice on my 6th chakra?

Another question is I can't see anything unusual. I don't know if my third eye open or not.
Keep going, this is a very good sign. The pressure means there is energy flowing through it. Yes keep working on the 6th. 3rd eye doesn't only make you see things, I think the main thing it does is improve your intuition so your mind can "see" through a problem what the solution is. You are on a great track! :D
I don't know if it's a silly question but i'm afraid from dedication ritual. I used to be muslim but somehow i always knew there is something wrong. Satanism answered my questions and i started to practice on my chakras. Finally i decided to dedicate myself to satan. But i'm really scared about it i just can't get over it. What should i do?
FRH04X said:
I don't know if it's a silly question but i'm afraid from dedication ritual. I used to be muslim but somehow i always knew there is something wrong. Satanism answered my questions and i started to practice on my chakras. Finally i decided to dedicate myself to satan. But i'm really scared about it i just can't get over it. What should i do?
You are not actually scared. Islam is one of the worst and most evil collections of curses and bad luck. The dedication seperates you from that so you are clean and free to grow. Many of Islam's curses are meant to stop people from coming back to Satanism, so sometimes this could have the effect to make people feel nervous or scared. But this is not your real feeling, it is only the enemy trying to stop you. The dedication is exciting! :D Makes you feel free and powerful and safe! You should do the dedication as soon as you are able to, then you will feel much better! You need to seperate your soul away from Islam because that is the source of all the fear and bad things, the dedication removes all that bad energy away from you.
FRH04X said:
I don't know if it's a silly question but i'm afraid from dedication ritual. I used to be muslim but somehow i always knew there is something wrong. Satanism answered my questions and i started to practice on my chakras. Finally i decided to dedicate myself to satan. But i'm really scared about it i just can't get over it. What should i do?
It's normal don't worry, this feeling is from the enemy curse like Ol argedco luciftias said. Read the site over and over because it tell the true and this will make your worry go away. Keep meditating and clean your aura and do your protection! ;)
I know I'm keep asking and I'm sorry abot it.

After dedication I tried to open my throad and heart chakra. I really didn't feel a lot my throad but after meditading on heart chakra I felt that energy flowing in my stomach. That was a weird experience.

When I went to bed for sleep i had a feeling that an energy from my third eye flowing thorough behind my left ear I assume that they are clairaudience chakras. I don't know why but I always wanted to communicate with demons for some reasons. Can it be a sign?

Another question is do I have a guardan demon? If yes how can i learn who is it?

Should i start meditade on clairaudience chakras before my main chakras?
FRH04X said:
You are feeling the energies of your soul activating and opening, chakras are the valves that are opening so now the "liquid" of energy is starting to flow through. This is a perfect sign that it is working because obviously you can feel it. When you layed down, this energy may have been going to clairaudience points, but it may also just be that due to the positioning of your body and the openness of your chakras the energy pooled here. Like an eddy vortex on the edge of a river. This is why good posture and stretching are so important. You can and should work on whatever chakras you want, but the main ones are more important to start with. But work on the clairaudience ones too if you want to. Every single Satanist has an official guardian god who is in charge of guiding and working with them. Some people can have more than one if there are multiple gods they are friends with, but these are just friends helping. Even in a situation like this, there is usually one specific god who's official job it is to be their guardian, they told Satan that they volunteered to help you.
Hello my dear brothers and sisters!

I feel a bit wierd to ask this question, or to ask in general, since i usually just find an answer either seaching thru this forum or our site, therefore i hope i didnt just overlook something and miss this.

My question is that what is the meaning of the number 69? And yes i know it means a sexpositon, but there has to be something else!

So it really interest me, because it feels like this number is chasing me whenever i set foot outside of my house, which i dont know why. For instance: I look at my clock its 16:09 or i wait in a pedestrian crossing and ALL the cars that pass and i look at has a number 609 or 069 or 690 plated on them, like wtf? And at this point i thought its maybe just me thinking too much about this number, so i figured if i just NOT gona look at the car plates or even a clock and i just try to avoid it then it would just go away, but it just gets even more intense if i do that! Plus it was really funny learning about horoscopes to figure out my main one is Cancer with the simbol of 69! Could it be a number of one of our Gods?

And im asking this now, because even tho it has been going on for a good 6 year, now that i have dedicated myself a year ago i keep seeing 9:11 as well very very frequently and i have read this: "11 is number of destruction commonly used by the jews" on one of the forum pages, and i think now would be a good time to know what could this mean, and if it is bad, how do i rid myself of it?

Thank you in advance, Chinichi
chinichi said:

Numbers have a variety of different meanings depending on where they are applied and it still dismays me to this day that there is not yet a page for numbers and their applications on our website. I can't give you a factual interpretation of what they may mean and can't tell you why your attention is drawn to them because I do not know. I would like to make as few assumptions as possible, so I will give you information that I know based upon the two numbers.

6 is the number of bondage and slavery as well as the number 66. It is a number that the enemy uses very often as it's uses tie in with their goals to enslave humanity, they however did not 'create' the number or anything of the sort thus it is not a number 'of' the enemy. It's just a number they weaponize. 6 is also definitely not a number of Satan and neither is 66. 666 is however a number of Satan and it's meaning is entirely different and completely unrelated to the other 2.

9 is the number of endings and is used very often in our workings. It is one of the numbers of Satan, and like every other number can be used for a small variety of things as they each have their own meanings and uses.

Take my words with a grain of salt but if you are not seeing specifically 69 every single time and often witness the 6 and 9 as also separated by something and not as a single number, they're likely being used as some kind of 'communication' format as words for their separate meanings. So the number of slavery and the number of endings. "The bindings and slavery of the enemy is ending". Whether this is a message from a demon or Satan to you or the astral manifesting the acknowledgement of the enemy's bindings being destroyed on the physical realm, I do not know. But hopefully this information helps you to some degree.
0toti2 said:
I want to create a team in my country and my region and start working and cleansing here in egypt

It's not a good idea to create covens or any other kind of groups nowadays. Those kinds of groups would easily get infiltrated and destroyed from the inside if you got even one bad member.

As High Priestress Maxine has mentioned one time, when the jews attempted to exterminate the Hindus they were not really able to do it like they did with other Satanic Pagans. Why? Because they were all over the place and worshipped privately. This ensured their survival. (...)

Our power lies in that we are an international, organized, racially organized and respectful, entity. We are a family, within all families, with the same Satanic Soul. We can rival and destroy the enemy in this way. We are anywhere, and as we grow, we will be everywhere too. This way your peoples, nations, states, families and the individuals can all be saved. We have Gentiles and awakened people everywhere. This is our power and it should always be.

Satanic "Meetups" in the Physical World
Ghost in the Machine said:
chinichi said:

Numbers have a variety of different meanings depending on where they are applied and it still dismays me to this day that there is not yet a page for numbers and their applications on our website. I can't give you a factual interpretation of what they may mean and can't tell you why your attention is drawn to them because I do not know. I would like to make as few assumptions as possible, so I will give you information that I know based upon the two numbers.

6 is the number of bondage and slavery as well as the number 66. It is a number that the enemy uses very often as it's uses tie in with their goals to enslave humanity, they however did not 'create' the number or anything of the sort thus it is not a number 'of' the enemy. It's just a number they weaponize. 6 is also definitely not a number of Satan and neither is 66. 666 is however a number of Satan and it's meaning is entirely different and completely unrelated to the other 2.

9 is the number of endings and is used very often in our workings. It is one of the numbers of Satan, and like every other number can be used for a small variety of things as they each have their own meanings and uses.

Take my words with a grain of salt but if you are not seeing specifically 69 every single time and often witness the 6 and 9 as also separated by something and not as a single number, they're likely being used as some kind of 'communication' format as words for their separate meanings. So the number of slavery and the number of endings. "The bindings and slavery of the enemy is ending". Whether this is a message from a demon or Satan to you or the astral manifesting the acknowledgement of the enemy's bindings being destroyed on the physical realm, I do not know. But hopefully this information helps you to some degree.

Thank you for your reply! I have never felt fear when i saw 69, on the contrary i always had a smile on my face, so it might just be what you wrote!
I definitely want to master numerology one day so i can understand what is going on. Is there a place where i can find resources about this topic, that is not contaminated by the enemy?
Valontuoja said:
0toti2 said:
I want to create a team in my country and my region and start working and cleansing here in egypt

It's not a good idea to create covens or any other kind of groups nowadays. Those kinds of groups would easily get infiltrated and destroyed from the inside if you got even one bad member.

Not true. We have many of our own covens here in the JoS that some members have formed in their own cities or areas. Covens are to remain as secretive as possible which means absolutely no sharing with outsiders and many covens have specified meeting places where they gather in secret.

Each coven has their own patron demon/ess and the idea of a coven is strength in numbers. The patron demon/ess passes down tasks to the coven and shares information with the members. These tasks can range from group workings such as rituals or ceremonies.

Covens are nothing to joke or mess around with and should be treated with the secrecy and respect of a kind of governmental unit. They are not for 'funsies' or to be formed on a whim. Covens must have a goal, ideal and purpose when formed. This does not mean covens are to not have some forms of entertainment as it's important to celebrate our pagan holidays and take joy in the fruits of our labours. There is punishment upon those who betray their coven or break the solemn oath in the initiation rite.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Valontuoja said:
0toti2 said:
I want to create a team in my country and my region and start working and cleansing here in egypt

It's not a good idea to create covens or any other kind of groups nowadays. Those kinds of groups would easily get infiltrated and destroyed from the inside if you got even one bad member.

Not true. We have many of our own covens here in the JoS that some members have formed in their own cities or areas. Covens are to remain as secretive as possible which means absolutely no sharing with outsiders and many covens have specified meeting places where they gather in secret.

Each coven has their own patron demon/ess and the idea of a coven is strength in numbers. The patron demon/ess passes down tasks to the coven and shares information with the members. These tasks can range from group workings such as rituals or ceremonies.

Covens are nothing to joke or mess around with and should be treated with the secrecy and respect of a kind of governmental unit. They are not for 'funsies' or to be formed on a whim. Covens must have a goal, ideal and purpose when formed. This does not mean covens are to not have some forms of entertainment as it's important to celebrate our pagan holidays and take joy in the fruits of our labours. There is punishment upon those who betray their coven or break the solemn oath in the initiation rite.

very nice so what should i do to start secret team in my country
Brand new here, I've been perusing the site and reading articles/sermons for the past few hours. I have previously studied about various interpretations of the 'bible' including CI, also Occultism, Hermetic philosophy, various mythologies etc. and I am incredibly intrigued by what I have read thus far. I am not an adherent of any religion. I am somewhat familiar with LaVeyan Satanism and O9A, and the great rift between the two, but I am not associated with either. So, onto the questions:

1: I am interested in pineal gland meditation and I was curious if you either had pointers or a trusted resource you could share with me.

2: I have always found Gen 3:22-24 quite confusing (about the fear of man eating of the Tree of Life and achieving immortality). What I have read thus far has certainly shed some light on the possible collective "we" referred to by 'the lord thy god' and the source of their fear. Just for clarity's sake, is it the jews, or is it other entities? What are the jews EXACTLY in relation to the other malicious entities?

3: What is the relationship between Spiritual Satanism and Gnosticism, if there is one? There certainly seems to be overlap.

4: I recently had a very powerful experience where I felt like I was being torn between two realities which were inversions/reflections of one another. I could not eat or sleep for 3 days and it began when I first started contemplating the true relationship between Satan and 'jehova/yahweh'. I was sober and nothing like that had happened before. I have had a tendency to have visions before that and others have called me empathic, but after that incident the visions became more frequent and strong and there are moments of deja vu which freeze me in my tracks and it feels almost like reality is disintegrating for a moment. I have gravitated more and more towards Satanism and the Occult since then as well. Can anyone help me understand what that was all about? There are times I have considered that I might just be losing it.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and respond. I am very interested in pursuing the rabbit further.
0toti2 said:
very nice so what should i do to start secret team in my country
All of us here are part of the same coven. It doesn't matter where we are because the internet connects us. It is safe this way. I have seen how people who seem interested in Satanism and act like they are serious about it can turn against us and betray us. Especially if they are muslim or christian, they could want to harm you and only pretend to be a friend. Isn't the current Egyptian government Islamic? They could want to kill you if they knew you started a coven. If you have a close friend or relative who you can 100% trust and who you know for sure that they are wanting to learn the truth and they are understanding and accepting of the truth. You can teach them and lead them to learn more. But only if you are perfectly sure that they can be trusted and are honest. Gathering a big group of "Satanists" in a muslim country sounds very dangerous, you'll just get secret muslims who have a personal evil mission.
SeedsofRuin said:
Brand new here, I've been perusing the site and reading articles/sermons for the past few hours. I have previously studied about various interpretations of the 'bible' including CI, also Occultism, Hermetic philosophy, various mythologies etc. and I am incredibly intrigued by what I have read thus far. I am not an adherent of any religion. I am somewhat familiar with LaVeyan Satanism and O9A, and the great rift between the two, but I am not associated with either. So, onto the questions:
Read these
I'm having a hard time deciding between Laveyan and spiritual Satanism

09a Satanism? https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3020 

Some 09a branch shit talked us https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4514  

Both Laveyan and 09a are total garbage and the opposite of real Satanism.

SeedsofRuin said:
1: I am interested in pineal gland meditation and I was curious if you either had pointers or a trusted resource you could share with me.



SeedsofRuin said:
2: I have always found Gen 3:22-24 quite confusing (about the fear of man eating of the Tree of Life and achieving immortality). What I have read thus far has certainly shed some light on the possible collective "we" referred to by 'the lord thy god' and the source of their fear. Just for clarity's sake, is it the jews, or is it other entities? What are the jews EXACTLY in relation to the other malicious entities?

Multiple different species including reptilians, greys, and some Nordics (Nordics are same species as our gods) who turned evil. But they all share one single collective soul. This is the "god" of the bible and the "gods chosen race" here on Earth is another species of this collective soul of their "god".

SeedsofRuin said:
3: What is the relationship between Spiritual Satanism and Gnosticism, if there is one? There certainly seems to be overlap.

Important The Truth About Gnosticism Exposing The Enemy Lies

Gnosticism is Satanic

SeedsofRuin said:
4: I recently had a very powerful experience where I felt like I was being torn between two realities which were inversions/reflections of one another. I could not eat or sleep for 3 days and it began when I first started contemplating the true relationship between Satan and 'jehova/yahweh'. I was sober and nothing like that had happened before. I have had a tendency to have visions before that and others have called me empathic, but after that incident the visions became more frequent and strong and there are moments of deja vu which freeze me in my tracks and it feels almost like reality is disintegrating for a moment. I have gravitated more and more towards Satanism and the Occult since then as well. Can anyone help me understand what that was all about? There are times I have considered that I might just be losing it.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and respond. I am very interested in pursuing the rabbit further.

Because your soul was connected into both Christian and Satan energies, which are absolute opposites and can't ever be mixed. So it really was two complete inverse realities fighting against each other inside your mind/soul. But Satan is Truth so he won, this is why the conflict has ended and you are now toward Satanism. You are not the first person who has experienced that
I appreciate the thorough response. I ended up finding the list for meditations today so I will probably hold off on further related questions until I finish exploring the site, out of respect for your time and that of others.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Both Laveyan and 09a are total garbage and the opposite of real Satanism.
Those topics largely reflected my view of both, neither resonated with me and seemed contrary to my own nature. I have walked a long and winding road over the past 7 years searching for answers. One answer that I found was that of the NS philosophy, which DID NOT harmonize at all with either of the aforementioned for different reasons.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Multiple different species including reptilians, greys, and some Nordics (Nordics are same species as our gods) who turned evil. But they all share one single collective soul. This is the "god" of the bible and the "gods chosen race" here on Earth is another species of this collective soul of their "god".
This is perhaps the most confusing and where most of my questions lie. How and where does one acquire more information/evidence about this subject? I always considered Icke controlled opposition that gave people an out to direct blame at reptilians instead of at the jew, and people ate it up due to their trauma based holohoax conditioning... He puts out good info most of the time to have credibility, but my impression was that it was 10-20% poison/garbage intentionally.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Because your soul was connected into both Christian and Satan energies, which are absolute opposites and can't ever be mixed. So it really was two complete inverse realities fighting against each other inside your mind/soul. But Satan is Truth so he won, this is why the conflict has ended and you are now toward Satanism. You are not the first person who has experienced that
That makes me feel much better that I am not alone in that. I believe it lasted that long because I battled taking a side as I simply was unprepared for it. I had previously studied CI for some time (my first real connection to anything xtian) and all it did was make me feel increasingly hopeless and unsatisfied when there was ZERO of the supposed effects of being connected to 'god'. The 'faith' was indigestible for me, and finally I stopped trying to swallow it and moved on to Pagan texts. I have been experiencing nightmares and vivid dreams since as well, recently someone close to me said they saw me two nights in a row walking around and when they talked to me I disappeared. I have no clue if that is BS or what it means. Shortly after I stumbled across this site and I've been addicted to it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
0toti2 said:
very nice so what should i do to start secret team in my country
All of us here are part of the same coven. It doesn't matter where we are because the internet connects us. It is safe this way. I have seen how people who seem interested in Satanism and act like they are serious about it can turn against us and betray us. Especially if they are muslim or christian, they could want to harm you and only pretend to be a friend. Isn't the current Egyptian government Islamic? They could want to kill you if they knew you started a coven. If you have a close friend or relative who you can 100% trust and who you know for sure that they are wanting to learn the truth and they are understanding and accepting of the truth. You can teach them and lead them to learn more. But only if you are perfectly sure that they can be trusted and are honest. Gathering a big group of "Satanists" in a muslim country sounds very dangerous, you'll just get secret muslims who have a personal evil mission.

yes your are right
all my environment is Muslim include me But I have some friends who are looking at things in the supernatural , Spirituality and others
I trust them greatly and we have been together in a secret team also to carry out our spiritual matters but with a host of other spirits not spirits of demons before I be here
All you mentioned is quite real but somehow or other if you could show them anything supernatural it would be much easier
0toti2 said:
yes your are right
all my environment is Muslim include me But I have some friends who are looking at things in the supernatural , Spirituality and others
I trust them greatly and we have been together in a secret team also to carry out our spiritual matters but with a host of other spirits not spirits of demons before I be here
All you mentioned is quite real but somehow or other if you could show them anything supernatural it would be much easier

Outsider entities that are not of Satan are not to be trusted no matter what, even if they look like one of Satan's demon's. There are enemies not of Satan but are of his race; we call them enemy nordics. They have sided against the creation of us humans and are with the enemy to have us destroyed for their own jealous, fearful and childish reasons. They are to be destroyed and exacted justice just like all other enemies of Satan.

Those of us with supernatural capabilities aren't allowed to show them to outsiders and it is extremely dangerous to do so even with those you call 'friend'. I wouldn't trust even my closest most trusted buddy to witness me preforming telekinesis even a little bit. It is strongly advised against with those who are not directly of our ministries and teachings and is a waste of energy anyways. The world we live in is very different to the one normies live in, more often than not they will react with fear and hostility.
I may be stretching too far, as we are enkis creation and he is the one that brings us enlightenment (among other graces), but i am merely seeking knowledge. Does anyone here have any valid information on anu, nammu, or apsu?
Blue.baby1333 said:
I may be stretching too far, as we are enkis creation and he is the one that brings us enlightenment (among other graces), but i am merely seeking knowledge. Does anyone here have any valid information on anu, nammu, or apsu?
"Anu" just means "god" it refers to Satan. High Priestess Shannon has talked about Nammu here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=14955&p=59630 Nammu is like the Shakti energy, the female energy of creation that all the universe is created from.

Satan has many different names. There is nothing disrespectful about wanting to know more about any of them.
I have a bit of a problem. Unfortunately, I still live with my parents who are jehovah’s witnesses. I’m working on moving out finally with my sibling. I want to be able to fully dedicate myself to Satan but I feel I’m not ready yet for a few reasons. But when I finally am, should I cut my parents off completely, along with the rest of my family? (as the majority of them are JWs)

I also have a friend whom I’ve known since high school, she’s an avid church goer and loves loves loves the shit out of jesus :| She’s supposed to be my future business partner as well. Anyway, she’s never tried to push her beliefs on me or anyone, which I was happy for. But as she is against Satan and ultimately the other gods, this friendship cannot last. I was reading one of HPS Maxine’s sermons and she mentioned a xtian woman whom was really friendly to her, and vice versa. Maxine needed new shoes and the woman offered to buy her some. Basically, Maxine realized she couldn’t be buddy-buddy with this woman despite how nice she was (in the end Maxine received a brand new pair of shoes suddenly, a gift straight from Satan :D ) And it made me realize I need to do the same.

I’d like advice on how I should properly approach this problem without it turning into screaming matches or attacks of any kind between me and them.
SeedsofRuin said:
This is perhaps the most confusing and where most of my questions lie. How and where does one acquire more information/evidence about this subject? I always considered Icke controlled opposition that gave people an out to direct blame at reptilians instead of at the jew, and people ate it up due to their trauma based holohoax conditioning... He puts out good info most of the time to have credibility, but my impression was that it was 10-20% poison/garbage intentionally.
Icke is a kind of controlled opposition. Mixes some truth with a lot of lies and nonsense to make some crazy mixed up stories. But the real truth has absolutely nothing to do with Icke. It's just that he may have used some of the same words and terms weaved into his stories so you may then associate those terms with him. But he's just some random jackass, we don't ingest any of his work here.

Cobra has wrote about this. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=17696
Solar Falcon said:

You don't have to completely cut people out of your life but you need to know where your relationship with Satan stands: at the top as the highest priority above all else, even family. Purposefully building relationships or trying to be "buddy-buddy" with normies that are nice but are clearly part of the jewtrix virtual reality will only end up with hardships and a variety of difficulties.

At this point in time this is a very lonely path, just about everybody I've met who seemed 'nice and clean' or who I think just might be good enough to make an actual friend have revealed something of their catering to the enemy's bull in some form or manner, to which I've scrapped the concept too many times to count. Even the nicest and most trustworthy and respectful guy who I've known and even considered a friend for many years now revealed to be a xian and raised in a xian family (albeit he's not a mindless robot about it nor does he push it on me; that day could still come though.)

I am still "friends" with this guy in that we do things friends would do but I only remain in this now-one-sided relationship because humans are social and need companions, unfortunately this guy is the best that could be provided for me for after my 6 years of loneliness without a friend now, and as far as I know Satan is understanding of it. However I am not allowed to let this guy get in between me and Satan in the slightest, I always do workings first and foremost before even engaging anything with him, even when he interrupts me in the middle of my workings I ignore him and continue until my workings are finished.

These relationships can be complicated since it's very difficult for us to find friends within our own circle since we are such a small percentage right now. Depending on the relationship and the circumstances, so long as Satan comes first and we don't let ourselves get too attached, it can be 'tolerated'. We have ethics, we can still care about our families in a healthy manner, Satan's not going to punish us for still holding affections for our families and friends despite them being xians, etc, but there are limits to be made and boundaries to be set for your own health, safety, well-being and loyalty to Satan.

If somebody slandered you, defiled you, lied about you, attacked you and assisted in the bringing of misery to a world you cared about, would you want your loved ones to be friends with that same person and choose them over you? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Thank you Ghost in the Machine :) this certainly makes me feel a lot better. I’m fortunate and grateful to be here and learn and apply whatever it is I can from all of you :D
Hi all,

2 days ago i stumbled on a youtube video called "Bloodlines of illuminati by Fritz S." it speaks about the 13 wealthiest families around the world and a lot more about ww1, ww2 etc.

I would like to know what ya'll think about this book?

Part1 https://youtu.be/rA5nHJILbFU


You can find a pdf book in google as well in case you don't want to listen on youtube.
Hey, newbie here. I apologize in advance for the length of this but I have a lot to get off my chest and I really need help. I'm scared.

I more or less stumbled upon JoS and I don't even remember how at this point because reading the site has basically been all I've been doing for two days now. It just really resonated with me in ways I can't fully articulate.

Previously, I considered myself Agnostic (raised by a xtian mom that's vocal but not pushy, we haven't gone to church since I was a child and whatnot) because I'm a very scientific and evidence-driven person. Didn't have enough facts on whether some higher power existed or not so I wasn't going to take a stance, though I believed strongly in spirituality to the point where I was considering and researching Wiccans, but it still didn't feel right. And I've had a deep interest in the occult since I was a child--especially demons, who I always imagined as suave and gentle and beautiful, misunderstood. I always felt different, outcasted. Like I'm supposed to be MORE than this. I'm an adult now and I can't ignore the coincidences of my life I've come across from reading the site.

All in all, I was immediately fascinated by the teachings on JoS, as I've always had a strong disdain for Christianity, and really most religions. I never knew why, but from the beginning I always found them rather... fake and impersonal, cold, flat, hypocritical. As a young teen I just went through the motions at a religious summer camp because the camp and activities were fun, despite them making us pray all the time and such. And so, naturally I want to commit. Do the dedication to Father. I've already written it out, planned on doing it while my mom is at work so she doesn't hear the speech, bought a small black-ish scented candle (all I had access to without raising suspicion), etc etc... But I'm finding myself scared.

Medically, I have anxiety and depression, so my brain always jumps to WORST CASE SCENARIOS. For everything. Hell, I'm in my twenties and I'm still afraid of the dark because my mind has me convinced something might jump out at me in my own home. And so even though I really want to dedicate so I can start meditations to better myself, connect with otherworldly beings, learn all I can, I'm frightened to commit. My brain is screaming that I'm just gonna get fucked over the moment I sign the paper, that my life will go to more shit than it already is (and I just can't afford that at this point), that I won't be welcomed anyways because of my lack of malice, that I or my mom are going to get physically hurt and whatnot like the stupid horror stories and movies, so I'm terrified. The conflict is driving me to tears just writing this out, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. Is there anything I can do to circumvent this paranoia and terror? I'm having trouble even just pressing submit for this post. I read that Father Satan hates cowardice, and I feel like a complete and utter coward. Like I'm already failing him.
StarryNights said:
Medically, I have anxiety and depression, so my brain always jumps to WORST CASE SCENARIOS. For everything. Hell, I'm in my twenties and I'm still afraid of the dark because my mind has me convinced something might jump out at me in my own home. And so even though I really want to dedicate so I can start meditations to better myself, connect with otherworldly beings, learn all I can, I'm frightened to commit. My brain is screaming that I'm just gonna get fucked over the moment I sign the paper, that my life will go to more shit than it already is (and I just can't afford that at this point), that I won't be welcomed anyways because of my lack of malice, that I or my mom are going to get physically hurt and whatnot like the stupid horror stories and movies, so I'm terrified. The conflict is driving me to tears just writing this out, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. Is there anything I can do to circumvent this paranoia and terror? I'm having trouble even just pressing submit for this post. I read that Father Satan hates cowardice, and I feel like a complete and utter coward. Like I'm already failing him.

Medically, no you DO NOT have any "medical" anxiety or depression. That's total bullshit! I'm not denying your feelings, but this is a spiritual/mindset issue NOT anything actually physically wrong with you. The entire idea that these kinds of emotional problems are some sort of permanent physical deformity is an evil hoax to break people down and ensure they never have any hope of ever feeling normal. Because they know they have this diagnosis that PROVES that they are not possibly able to be happy, so they subconsciously they aren't even able to try. They failed before they even started. And if there's any pills prescribed to "treat" these fictional diseases, these pills do extreme damage to the brain. Lobotomies are still done every day, just it's done chemically now. And all for no reason other than the person's natural reaction against a very (((unnatural))) world, the soul resisting against this fake alien society until it gets too tired to fight anymore.

All these emotional problems, fears, anxieties, depressions, everything else. It's all caused by (((sombody's))) curses, often made worse by a bad diet, then maintained by your own mind. Thoughts carry a very strong and deep power. If you are always thinking that you have this problem, this is the entire cause of the problem to begin with. You made it yourself, a feedback loop of negative thoughts amplifying worse and worse stronger and stronger until you can't handle it anymore. This is all I've seen in your comment. You programming your own mind, using your thoughts and directions, to force your own mind to work against you. Then you come here to ask about this problem that you self created. I'm not exactly blaming you, this is a common problem that only exists because of the enemy controlled world. But you have to understand how this works. All of these fears and worries that you have are imaginary.

The only possible solution is for you to do your dedication to Satan. This is the biggest step in freeing yourself. Then you have to change your mindset, only think positively about yourself. This will eventually turn you around and remove all those problems. You have to do the meditations and RTR. Makes your soul bright and strong and removes the bindings and curses from you. Depression is mostly caused by weak life force energy, the meditations makes it strong and healthy and cures this. Many people here used to be considered depressed and anxious, and perfectly fixed everything just with meditations and RTR.
StarryNights said:

Satan does not hate cowards, he understands fully any fears or discomforts one may feel. He is simply strong with and proud of those who push to overcome said fears. He encourages us to grow past what hinders us so that we may better our lives and work to improve ourselves. He absolutely does not force anyone to do anything and he certainly has never forced any of us to dedicate to him, he believes in us having free will and doesn't want slavish worship like the enemy xian 'god' whom doesn't even exist.

When I was new I too was fearful of certain things when exploring the JoS, I was worried that Satan wasn't actually nice or that he was someone demanding or suffocatingly strict, these fears stemmed from the previous xian life I lived as a kid. The more I read and researched though, the more I realized that he wasn't like this at all. I'm going on 9 years now as a member of his family where I've spent countless hours every day every year to work on his behalf and I can tell you straight from my own experiences that he is more like a loving father that understands when his children make mistakes and that he truly cares about us like a true father would.

He however does not always coddle us as he desires for us to 'grow up' and learn to become independent and strong, but over the years he has shown me personally that he truly does love us and has shown me several signs of this, from seeing things in my day to day life that are shaped like his sigil, to a series of 'coincidental' things shaped like hearts 7 times in the course of just 20 minutes. He is not one to heartlessly judge us as part of his family as he encourages individuality and uniqueness. Just like you I too was drawn to pagan and Satanic things and believed that demons were simply misunderstood. Most of us who are drawn to Satan have had something to do with him in a past life that connects us.

You do not have to dedicate yourself to Satan immediately, he understands if you decide to wait and respects whatever decision you make. It took me 1 whole year before I did the dedication but it was the best decision I had ever made, it was like a sense of inner peace had nestled itself into my very soul. I will never forget that feeling. All the dedication ritual does is renounce all the false garbage you had been taught before, all the lies and manipulation. And all it basically is is a formal written 'terms and conditions' paper where you simply accept and know that Satan is the true god of humanity. The blood is just so that your soul is connected to this acknowledgement so that your soul may be officially written as 'under the protection of Satan' and so your soul can be free from the enemy 'matrix'.

The dedication is not some 'death pact' like the enemy keeps lying about just to make people afraid, and nothing will be forced upon you after finishing the dedication. It is however our obligation to continue following down the path of Satan and to do some form of work on his behalf as he is responsible for our existence, free will and potential. Whether you partake in direct spiritual warfare, help other members learn and advance, spread the truth online (and anonymously), research in Satan's Library or simply work on advancing your own soul through meditation, it is simply fair to give back in some way. All the members that have done the dedication ritual should however be doing at least 1 RTR a day, but it is preferable that you learn as much as you can first and do what you feel is comfortable when first starting out.

I can guide you to where you can start working on advancing your spiritual capabilities and strengthening your soul, you should know though, only those of us who have done the dedication ritual will have Satan's full protection from enemy attacks on the astral. I've gone a while in my first year advancing without yet being dedicated and I can assure you the enemy will attack you in all kinds of ways. From sudden unexpected depression or sadness, to unfortunate events occurring around you, to negative thoughts and feelings of dread, terrifying thoughts coming 'out of nowhere', hell the enemy tried full force for an entire month once trying to get me to kill myself through suicidal thoughts (I abhor suicide and am most certainly not a suicidal individual, it was a spiritual attack) I furiously cleaned my aura and built my aura of protection throughout that entire month to the point they eventually gave up.

That's just a few kinds of attacks you may receive without proper protection. The enemy will do whatever they can to deter you from this path, because this path means personal strength and us gaining the capability to fight back and protect ourselves, which the enemy obviously does not want us to have.

Our perseverance, endurance and determination is what differentiates us from the sheeple that blindly go where the enemy leads - to the destruction of our own existence. We are meant to become gods, not a food source.
Isn't it in our best interest to chill and watch the christians, muslims, and jews kill eachother while we educate and gain spiritual influence? All while we progress satans plan in silence (but not total silence).
Maybe this is a stupid question but i really wonder what happen if someone would try to flirt with their demon guardian xD.
Like they will take it as a joke or they will stop you, now depends on the demon of course.
A demon Guardian / demoness is like a friend if you get a better Connection to him / her will be your best friend. So first they will see it as a joke, but a simple comparison for you. Do you flirt with a friend ? normally not only as a joke. I think this should awnser your question.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
