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At the moment when I vibrate the runes (which I am currently practicing), do I imagine the aura of the girl in question, then I continue like this, vibrating and imagining 40 times?

Also, on the subject of affirmation, I saw other works and spells, but I am still not clear: when I finish vibrating the runes, for example, the 40 times, the spell specifies that I must be at the climax: imagine her and do the declaration. I understand it more or less. What confuses me is how many affirmations should I make at the moment of climax?
I'm happy to help!

For the first question, you do it 40 times, yes. You need to keep the image of the girl's aura constant in your mind while you do that, as if she was standing right in front of your eyes.

The affirmations can be done in any number starting from 5. I suggest 8 or 9 because of permanence. 8 has the property of multiplying anything to infinity, while 9 is generic for permanence and it's mostly used for endings.

Hope this helps!
Hi. This JoS material says that our hip chakras are an extention of the 2nd chakra (click to open image). Then I've seen on another JoS page that the hip chakras are an extention of 1st chakra? Which one is it actually????

The hip chakras are an extension of the base, 1st chakra, and is located above the base, and a little bit below the sacral chakra, connecting the two together.
See here:

Yesterday before bed after I did HY and other smaller meditations, as I laid to bed, I felt very warm energy in my lower legs and feet. It usually doesn't happen so can someone tell me what happened? Is it something with my feet chakras not being open as I know that when they are open it allows energy to circulate through body or something.
I tried searching on forums but the new search function yield no results.
The hip chakras are an extension of the base, 1st chakra, and is located above the base, and a little bit below the sacral chakra, connecting the two together.
See here:

Thank you. Also the link is awesome.

Side note: have you seen the image from JoS which depicts hips chakras as extensions of the 2nd? Will admins correct the web-page that its found on? Its misleading in my opinion and should be corrected (along with some other discrepancies on the site). But again, thats just my opinion. Its obviously not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things. And I trust that the people in charge of the website are already in tune with what changes should & shouldn't be made.

In any case, thank you for the response.
Thank you. Also the link is awesome.

Side note: have you seen the image from JoS which depicts hips chakras as extensions of the 2nd? Will admins correct the web-page that its found on? Its misleading in my opinion and should be corrected (along with some other discrepancies on the site). But again, thats just my opinion. Its obviously not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things. And I trust that the people in charge of the website are already in tune with what changes should & shouldn't be made.

In any case, thank you for the response.

I guess this picture and other misinformation on the site is from 2005 or before. I hope that one day that project can replace the images about the soul on JoS, as well as other misinformation will be corrected, updated. Only downside is that probably most information from back than will be outdated, so maybe eventually there is going to be a very little left from HPS Maxine on JoS.
I guess this picture and other misinformation on the site is from 2005 or before. I hope that one day that project can replace the images about the soul on JoS, as well as other misinformation will be corrected, updated. Only downside is that probably most information from back than will be outdated, so maybe eventually there is going to be a very little left from HPS Maxine on JoS.
I've also view that, and the hips are few fingers under the sacral.
I've modify the original version like this. Is it better ?

Maybe the hips may be higher.


  • AEL_Chakras_Reverse_Cross.png
    4.6 KB · Views: 79
I'm happy to help!

For the first question, you do it 40 times, yes. You need to keep the image of the girl's aura constant in your mind while you do that, as if she was standing right in front of your eyes.

The affirmations can be done in any number starting from 5. I suggest 8 or 9 because of permanence. 8 has the property of multiplying anything to infinity, while 9 is generic for permanence and it's mostly used for endings.

Hope this helps!
Yes. It definitely became much clearer to me. Thank you very much for taking your time to help me. I appreciate it. I will start tonight and after finishing the vibrations of the runes, I will start until I reach the climax and do 8 affirmations at the moment of the small trance, since it is "infinite" and I think it would give good results.
Again, thank you very much.
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!
I didn't see this thread until just now.... Oopth
I'm doing a love spell to attract the attention of a certain girl. I started a few days ago and I'm almost a week old. I asked for help here and they helped me with my questions, I take this opportunity to thank you again.

Now I'm going straight to the point so as not to take up any more of your time; A voice in my head that keeps telling me the spell isn't working. I am doing the spell meticulously, using Gebo 40 times visualizing her aura, and then using 8 affirmations with sex magic. When I finish I try to stop thinking about the spell.

However, when I am in contact with her (in summer classes), she does not talk to me, she does not look at me or she looks at me but very little. I guess because we're not friends and every time I try to talk to her or get closer, my words get stuck and I chicken out.

This is, and I am sure because of a trauma I had in my adolescence (before knowing Satanism), where a girl attacked me verbally and at that moment it made my heart hurt for a long time, and then another and another and finally me. . . . . . I ended up devastated with a lot of suicidal thoughts (thankfully I don't have those thoughts anymore), so today, despite meditating, I still have trouble talking to girls. (I ask for understanding on this) and damn, I hate this. I'm so disappointed in myself. She really interests me and I can't get close.

I don't know what to do, whether to continue or end the spell because this voice in my head is killing me, this voice insists that it doesn't work and I always try to silence it by concentrating on other things.
And it seems that in the end I ended up venting, since I have no one to talk to about these spiritual issues but with you.

Sorry if the text is long or if my English is not adequate, any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
1) Can the UDDU mantra be used in Strengthening the Soul's Ability to Attract Money?
I am talking about the study on page 59 of this address. Powerful Working for Money.

2)How to vibrate Raida gothik mantra? Is it this way? (with hard R) RRR-AAA-YYY-DZDZDZ-AAA

3) Can work be done to increase the soul's ability to attract money with the earth element?

Example: Invoking the earth for 4 breaths every day, then affirming 8 times: The energies of the earth element permanently strengthen my aura's ability to attract money to myself in a healthy and positive way." (Note: I also invoke the other elements regularly, one by one, every day.)

4) When I invoke the Ether element, will some of the Ether automatically turn into my missing elements or do I need to do any extra work for this?
Would certain transits result in a heavier emotional response after having opened my 6th chakra recently? It's the chakra that I started with, as instructed by the empowerment program, but either my lower chakras are not balanced or I picked a very lucky time to do so. Working on the base next is not the solution if I understand correctly, so what are the best methods for a beginner to remain grounded and to repair an imbalance between the upper and lower chakras?
If I were you, I would start with a daily meditation program of hatha yoga, Kundalini Runes and ear cleansing, because what you lack according to what you write is confidence and soul power. Even if the spell worked, it wouldn't do any good. If you empower and purify the soul and chakras then you won't need any spell to find a mate. Also before you do any spell of this kind you need to make sure that the other side has interest in you otherwise it is a black magic spell where you are trying to force someone to love you
Holy. I have been looking for a while, but I can't seem to find a particular Satanic Book written by HPC. It goes into how the Gods came here to expand their gene pool and goes into a detail the Jewish problem. It was also labeled "white version" I believe. Pls does someone have a link.
I try to go my own way. I've been meditating for a long time, but somehow I never got past one level. And I'm angry at myself for only joining Satan last November. but when I saw her face in meditation, it gave me reason to move forward on a spiritual level.I often hear a voice in my head, especially after meditation before falling asleep. I was woken up from a dream by a woman's voice saying "wake up"!!I still feel that it is difficult for me to reach the Gods. I had a dream about Horus. in the dream I held a pendant in my hand, they asked me to call Horus, I was reluctant but finally I did. and appeared in my dream on a large winged horse with a blue aura. Since then I have been trying to reach Horus, but it is very difficult, sometimes I see a falcon in meditation. but this much. can you advise me how to reach Horus? thank you ❤️
Are external magnetic fields disruptive to human soul? Such as a bar magnet being inside a person’s pocket 24/7?
A külső mágneses mezők megzavarják az emberi lelket? Például egy rúdmágnes az ember zsebében van a hét minden napján, 24 órában?
Nem nyomom a telefont, este kikapcsolom és beteszem másik szobába.🙂😀
I try to go my own way. I've been meditating for a long time, but somehow I never got past one level. And I'm angry at myself for only joining Satan last November. but when I saw her face in meditation, it gave me reason to move forward on a spiritual level.I often hear a voice in my head, especially after meditation before falling asleep. I was woken up from a dream by a woman's voice saying "wake up"!!I still feel that it is difficult for me to reach the Gods. I had a dream about Horus. in the dream I held a pendant in my hand, they asked me to call Horus, I was reluctant but finally I did. and appeared in my dream on a large winged horse with a blue aura. Since then I have been trying to reach Horus, but it is very difficult, sometimes I see a falcon in meditation. but this much. can you advise me how to reach Horus? thank you ❤️

Here you can find the sigil of Horus:

You can draw it on a paper, or memories it, and meditate on it while visualizing it or focusing on the drawing.
You can get closer to him this way. You can also talk to him.

Are external magnetic fields disruptive to human soul? Such as a bar magnet being inside a person’s pocket 24/7?

In some ways, probably, but not on a level that would disrupt our soul.

Nem nyomom a telefont, este kikapcsolom és beteszem másik szobába.🙂😀

You have auto-translator on, which might make you think that some people write in Hungarian, but no one is. We'll have a Hungarian forum where Hungarians can speak in Hungarian.
Is David Icke telling the truth?

He is very knowledgeable in ancient religions. He is probably aware of whats going on, and thats why he says bullshit sometimes. So he is not completely right about everything. Read our materials, like HPHC's sermons on these topics.

Would certain transits result in a heavier emotional response after having opened my 6th chakra recently? It's the chakra that I started with, as instructed by the empowerment program, but either my lower chakras are not balanced or I picked a very lucky time to do so. Working on the base next is not the solution if I understand correctly, so what are the best methods for a beginner to remain grounded and to repair an imbalance between the upper and lower chakras?

It could be an astrological influence too. Open all your chakras, than start doing the full chakra meditation, and few weeks in, see which chakras are weaker. Than do more for these chakras. You don't have to rush, My chakras have been imbalanced for a year now. It's a long way to balance them. In my case, I thought that feeling the lower chakras less are normal but I was wrong. Yes it caused bad things but at least if you are aware of it, don't panic/rush.

Yesterday before bed after I did HY and other smaller meditations, as I laid to bed, I felt very warm energy in my lower legs and feet. It usually doesn't happen so can someone tell me what happened? Is it something with my feet chakras not being open as I know that when they are open it allows energy to circulate through body or something.
I tried searching on forums but the new search function yield no results.

stretch your foot and legs regularly. See your base, hips, and sacral chakras state, as these are connected to this issue. Try invoking energy through your feet chakras, maybe clean them for a few occasions.
the comment was accidentally Hungarian. I know that everyone communicates in English. by the way, thanks for the tip 🙂
Is David Icke telling the truth?
He tells people Christianity is evil and also Satanism, which doesn't add up.
The evil devil pedophile network version of Satanism he presents is exactly what the elite wants Satanism to be presented like.
That's very much in favour of the elite, and thus a reason for him not being cancelled that much but instead being quite uplifted.

Some things he brings up about reptillians, 9/11, greys and corruption etc. is some truth in though.
Study the JoS website and library and you will see why.
When performing the Money Spell, is it wise to do both Spell 1 (Shrim Maha) & Spell 2 (Giggimaganpa) for 40 days? Or is it better to pick just 1 of them?

Also, how is Giggimaganpa pronounced? Is it Ghee Ghee or Gee Gee? (To clarify what I mean by ‘ghee’; type ‘define ghee’ into Google and click the button that plays the sound) (And by ‘gee’ I mean “yeah that hit the G-Spot 🥵”).
Are external magnetic fields disruptive to human soul? Such as a bar magnet being inside a person’s pocket 24/7?
They may influence you to varying degrees. It all depends on the strength of your soul and the strength of the magnetic field. Logic here helps.
Hi, team.

What planetary hour(s) are most favorable for;
- cardio exercise?
- weight training?
- hatha yoga?
- kundalini yoga?
Should we use ‘Ask Satan’ thread to ask general questions from now on?

‘Ask Satan’ was originally made so people can anonymously ask questions that have sensitive info in the post. It wasn’t intended for general questions (if I’m not mistaken).

Now I see people use ‘Ask Satan’ for general questions anyway. So what should we do if we have general questions? Ask it in this thread? Ask it in the ‘Ask Satan’ thread? Or neither?
Should we use ‘Ask Satan’ thread to ask general questions from now on?

‘Ask Satan’ was originally made so people can anonymously ask questions that have sensitive info in the post. It wasn’t intended for general questions (if I’m not mistaken).

Now I see people use ‘Ask Satan’ for general questions anyway. So what should we do if we have general questions? Ask it in this thread? Ask it in the ‘Ask Satan’ thread? Or neither?

The "Ask Satan" is for the anonymous service.

If it is a simple question, you should ask it here in this topic and somebody should answer it. There is no need to flood the whole forum with 1,000,000 different individual topics just to ask one small question. Asking it in this topic also has a higher chance of people seeing your question and answering it, because there are hundreds of people who will get a reply of the new comment posted in this topic.
Hi, team.

What planetary hour(s) are most favorable for;
- cardio exercise?
- weight training?
- hatha yoga?
- kundalini yoga?

The planetary hours have some small effect, but they are not the most important thing. Things like the day of the week provide a stronger planetary energy than the hour. It would be good if you get both the correct day and hour. These are things that are helpful but not necessary. The most important thing is that the moon is not void when you start the work. If this is a work you repeat every day, the moon just has to not be void the first day when you first start it.

Cardio exercise and weight training, these are related to both Sun and Mars. Both of these are perfect, and they work together.

Kundalini yoga and energy flow through the spine are related to Saturn and Sun. From best to worst, I would say Saturn, Sun, Mars.

Hatha yoga is more relaxed and calmly feeling energies, opening psychic senses, carefully opening energy pathways through the body. From best to worst, I would say Jupiter, Mercury, Venus.

Somebody else should answer this because my answer might not be perfect.
Hi, team.

What planetary hour(s) are most favorable for;
- cardio exercise?
- weight training?
- hatha yoga?
- kundalini yoga?

But why don't you count on the day as well? If you start something in let's say Jupiter hour but it's a Saturday , it won't be that great, I mean it all depends of what you do.

Personally I would say none of the hours would help you in what you've asked as the planetary hours and planetary days are more used for spiritual workings.

As an example if you want to do a working for money you could do it in venus hours on a friday[which is the day of Venus] or on a Sunday[Sun day] at Sun hour or Jupiter hour.
If you do the spiritual working for more then a day then you should if possible keep up in the hour of the specific working you do , again , let's say money you can carry on next day and so on the sun-jupiter-venus hours.

Note: This is not a MUST but it dose indeed facilitate the working itself if you keep an eye on those details ,which are quite important but if you feel like doing something NOW or sooner then do not wait.
Hello, is "Spellcaster tarot" good and safe to use? I don't find anything jew in that
Would a Sunday, hour of the Sun with the Sun in the sign of Pisces be useful for doing a confidence working, or should I wait until The Sun has entered the sign of either Leo or Aries?

The working I am intending on starting is a confidence working using Raidho + Sowilo with the affirmation "This energy has permanently increased my confidence in the best way for me"
however I am more looking for an increase in confidence for movement something that would motivate me to well "just do it" or "want to do it" which is paramount to all workings since spiritual requires physical action. So I was thinking of an affirmation along the lines of "This energy has permanently increase confidence in movement in the best way for me" but I'm still at a lost if this affirmation is good

well idk i just wanna do a working or mediation or whatever that will give confidence in movement and motivates me to want to do something like it's second nature.
Can I ask that whether or not can unknown entities impersonate the Gods by replicating (or close to) their energy so that in a summoning session they can appear instead of the intended God?

This is to deceive the intuitive senses so that one may feel the energy within the Gods' Sigil and the one(s) just appeared is the same, so that the person summoning that specific God is manipulated into believing the unknown entity(ies) lies instead of the actual God. And maybe some explanation in regard to this topic would be much appreciated.
Can I ask that whether or not can unknown entities impersonate the Gods by replicating (or close to) their energy so that in a summoning session they can appear instead of the intended God?

This is to deceive the intuitive senses so that one may feel the energy within the Gods' Sigil and the one(s) just appeared is the same, so that the person summoning that specific God is manipulated into believing the unknown entity(ies) lies instead of the actual God. And maybe some explanation in regard to this topic would be much appreciated.

This is possible, but very unlikely. What is most likely and very common for beginners is that your psychic senses are not open or accurate yet, and your mind and body are still adapting to these new senses that you have not used before. So when trying to have communication, your own mind is far more active and far more powerful than your actual psychic senses. So what you think are answers or replies are not coming from gods, but are instead coming from your own thoughts and your own imagination. This is very common for beginners, until the time when your psychic senses develop enough to actually be strong, accurate, and useful.

You can always do the Standard Ritual and contact the 4 highest ruling gods, and they will certainly hear you. This is one way to ensure that you are contacting the gods.

And ask them to answer you by showing you a sign that you will understand. Then some time in the next few days, you will see this sign. I can't be more specific because the sign could possibly be anything. What will tell you that it is the sign, is you will have a very powerful feeling and intuition that this has a strong meaning to it, and you will intuitively have an idea of what the meaning is. The gods will ensure that you will notice it, and that you understand it. The gods can also guide you by subtle intuitive feelings.
(Thanks Ol argedco luciftias)

Hi, team. Which moon sign is the best for starting a company? The company's purpose is to generate money from e-commerce (selling x, y, & z on Amazon), and using the income to help advance JoS' cause.

I reckon either; Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Sagittarius. Any suggestion(s)?
I have a question. Where do you meditate? Is it a house, a forest, a lake or maybe other places. I'm planning to start meditating on water, do you have any experience?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
