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I have a question. Where do you meditate? Is it a house, a forest, a lake or maybe other places. I'm planning to start meditating on water, do you have any experience?
Hi, Slavic. As long as it isn't Trance Meditation; you can meditate anywhere. Trance Meditation should be done where there aren't loud or sudden sounds, or things that can suddenly touch you physically. One may experience pain if they are startled out of a Trance.

If you're not doing a Trance Meditation; you can meditate in a house, a forest, on a lake, on a train, on the street, etc. Wherever you feel comfortable, star.
How mnay days should a money spell be? The standard is 40 days. Is it suitable do it for 63 days (a random number)? Or does it have to be a multiple of a certain number?
Hello, for aura cleaning, I have been using Surya a few days ago but the mantra instead caused my memories of praising christianity (ie : past church experiences and emotions) to surface and loop them in my mind for sometime. This is worse when I do a deeper, more thoroughly cleaning at night (x40 rep instead of light cleaning in the morning x10).

I have to resort to doing Returning Curses 1 + 2 to put my mind at rest from continuous replaying at the praising experience above after the x40 rep of Surya. Every other mantra for cleaning i have used such as Satanama and Visuddi have not caused this. So i wonder if this is just the mantra effect on me or it is more effective to remove deep-rooted dirt. I don't know.

Is there a possible explanation of what is happening here? Should I continue with this and just doing Returning Curses everytime that I do or Should I just change the mantra for cleaning? Thank you.
Hello, for aura cleaning, I have been using Surya a few days ago but the mantra instead caused my memories of praising christianity (ie : past church experiences and emotions) to surface and loop them in my mind for sometime. This is worse when I do a deeper, more thoroughly cleaning at night (x40 rep instead of light cleaning in the morning x10).

I have to resort to doing Returning Curses 1 + 2 to put my mind at rest from continuous replaying at the praising experience above after the x40 rep of Surya. Every other mantra for cleaning i have used such as Satanama and Visuddi have not caused this. So i wonder if this is just the mantra effect on me or it is more effective to remove deep-rooted dirt. I don't know.

Is there a possible explanation of what is happening here? Should I continue with this and just doing Returning Curses everytime that I do or Should I just change the mantra for cleaning? Thank you.

They say that the Sun's energy is the most effective in cleaning, so yes, surya is a very powerfull mantra for cleaning, let alone Aum Suryae.

When you are done with cleaning, you must pull or push the dirt out of yourself, otherwise it may stay in there and settle down again.
Returning curses is a good option to do after cleaning.

Although rough spiritual advancement will always have a "kickback", so this is completely normal, just keep going.
Hello Guys, this Is going to be a bit long.
Im a "neutral" practitioner. With this i mean that i always heard voices, saw Spirit, used bio Energy etc. But without ever studying about It. This means a lot of people tried to make me join fake religions and stuff that i Always felt like a lie and bulshit, as a consequence i isolated my self from human made "stories" and all the Infos i needed was told me by the Spirit i interacted with.
Now for personal reason i decided to look spiritual stuff once more and i Remember of a friend telling me of this site more than 10 yrs ago. I looked It up and read part of whats on the site and everything i did that spirits told me to is basically what Is writen on JoD. With the only difference of never becoming a satanist formally.
Now that you know this i want to tell you another thing. The Spirit i interact with usually have no famous name or appear in any book, all but one, Belial. I never gave to much credit to my self, so i never looked It up properly, thinking It was just my fantasy Flying a bit. Now he Always came to me when i had a "passage" kind of experience either in Life or spirituality, to look if everything would go correctly. Which Is basically what i read he does on JoS, he event the look, with the only difference that i see him with black hair.
He Always spoke to me like a friend and told me how i should keep going because the Power i was awakening were going to help a lot and It was imperative that i followed that Path. Last time i saw him was in September 2017 and he told me he was going to fight and he would be back in 11 years. So i would think he Is my GD but i really have not much of a clue. And im confused im a satanist or not, what do you Guys think i should do? My Guess Is trying to meditate and trying to ask gods directly. But tbh i have a lot of respect for them and i would hate to "disturb" even if reading here i know It wont be the case i opted to ask you guys first, hoping you know whats the best thing to do in this situation
How mnay days should a money spell be? The standard is 40 days. Is it suitable do it for 63 days (a random number)? Or does it have to be a multiple of a certain number?
It's better to do it for 40 or 80 days, but if it's a random number it will still work. You raise energy and direct it. It will have its effects regardless.
Hello Guys, this Is going to be a bit long.
Im a "neutral" practitioner. With this i mean that i always heard voices, saw Spirit, used bio Energy etc. But without ever studying about It. This means a lot of people tried to make me join fake religions and stuff that i Always felt like a lie and bulshit, as a consequence i isolated my self from human made "stories" and all the Infos i needed was told me by the Spirit i interacted with.
Now for personal reason i decided to look spiritual stuff once more and i Remember of a friend telling me of this site more than 10 yrs ago. I looked It up and read part of whats on the site and everything i did that spirits told me to is basically what Is writen on JoD. With the only difference of never becoming a satanist formally.
Now that you know this i want to tell you another thing. The Spirit i interact with usually have no famous name or appear in any book, all but one, Belial. I never gave to much credit to my self, so i never looked It up properly, thinking It was just my fantasy Flying a bit. Now he Always came to me when i had a "passage" kind of experience either in Life or spirituality, to look if everything would go correctly. Which Is basically what i read he does on JoS, he event the look, with the only difference that i see him with black hair.
He Always spoke to me like a friend and told me how i should keep going because the Power i was awakening were going to help a lot and It was imperative that i followed that Path. Last time i saw him was in September 2017 and he told me he was going to fight and he would be back in 11 years. So i would think he Is my GD but i really have not much of a clue. And im confused im a satanist or not, what do you Guys think i should do? My Guess Is trying to meditate and trying to ask gods directly. But tbh i have a lot of respect for them and i would hate to "disturb" even if reading here i know It wont be the case i opted to ask you guys first, hoping you know whats the best thing to do in this situation

Hello Masa, keep reading our materials and you will see yourself. I could imagine a God have been talking with you without directly telling you about JoS, as they know you would end up here anyways in your own accord.

Here is a good collection of articles for beginners:
When summoning a Demon for the first time, do I have to print (or draw) their sigil or can I use an electronic version of the sigil on a computer screen instead?
When summoning a Demon for the first time, do I have to print (or draw) their sigil or can I use an electronic version of the sigil on a computer screen instead?
Viewing on a screen is fine.

I recommend using the Standard Ritual, and in the end where you say what your request is, then ask nicely if that god can come help you and start focusing on the sigil.

If there is a ritual specifically for that god, the standard ritual is unnecessary and you could just do the ritual for that god, and he or she will be aware and will be listening to you.

The reason for doing the ritual, is especially for people who do not have the strongest skills for psychic communication. This ensures that the gods are hearing you and are listening to you. This may be more just for your own personal reassurance and confidence, but you will know that the gods are hearing your request. Even if your psychic senses may not be open enough yet for you to clearly hear the reply, you will at least know that you have been heard.
It sounds like even if unaware, the gods have been assisting you and guiding your growth. It is likely that Belial is your guardian, and this is why you feel this type of connection with him.

The best thing for you to do would be to do the formal Dedication ritual which you can find on www.joyofsatan.org .

Then continue on your path of personal growth, improvement, and advancement. Use the instructions on the Power Meditations page. Read all of them, and you can try doing whatever ones that you feel naturally drawn to doing. Your soul will likely know through your intuition which meditations would benefit you at this time. Start with the Opening The Chakras, and follow instructions for opening each chakra. After this, you could do what you are drawn to. Things for opening and cleaning the soul and chakras.

Sorry I didn't see your message sooner. Maybe I was busy that day.
Hello, for aura cleaning, I have been using Surya a few days ago but the mantra instead caused my memories of praising christianity (ie : past church experiences and emotions) to surface and loop them in my mind for sometime. This is worse when I do a deeper, more thoroughly cleaning at night (x40 rep instead of light cleaning in the morning x10).

You are doing fine. Even if it doesn't look like it, this is a good sign that you are successful. When we do the cleanings, all of what is being cleaned is first brought up to the surface, as it is being removed from your soul. Things like emotional pain, curses, bad influences, or anything else like this. They come to the surface as they are removed. Which can be uncomfortable as it is happening, but it is a good thing. Because then you know that this thing has been removed and it is not within you anymore.
How mnay days should a money spell be? The standard is 40 days. Is it suitable do it for 63 days (a random number)? Or does it have to be a multiple of a certain number?
A random number is fine. Of course numbers have effects, so some numbers are more helpful than others. But generally, it is important that it is for at least more than 40 days. You could do in 60 day cycles, or 80, or 100.
I have a question. Where do you meditate? Is it a house, a forest, a lake or maybe other places. I'm planning to start meditating on water, do you have any experience?
Any place where you have privacy, nobody will hear you, and it is nice and calm. Near water sounds like a nice place.
Thanks for the help so far, team.

A person and I have our Ascendants Squaring. Does this mean we likely won't form a lasting friendship or relationship? (I have a crush on them).

I know theres more to synastry than just Ascendants. I'll send our full natals to a member if they want to help. (I know that's dangerous. Though I also know that some members can be counted on to not do anything sinister).

I still feel like Squaring Ascendants is influential enough on its own. Help is appreciated.
yeah brother, I have a question… why do people say G-D for the Gods when that’s a Jewish thing from Deuteronomy, as far as I can find. The purpose of it is to not let someone erase the name, so it’s a Jüden way of showing respect. Every source I can find on this is strictly Jewish..
yeah brother, I have a question… why do people say G-D for the Gods when that’s a Jewish thing from Deuteronomy, as far as I can find. The purpose of it is to not let someone erase the name, so it’s a Jüden way of showing respect. Every source I can find on this is strictly Jewish..

I think you confused the term Guardian Demon (GD) and the Alphabetical Order of Gods (G-D on the Demon Hierarchy).

It is not an erasure of their name or any Jewish trickery.

The best you can do is to avoid relying on Google or most search engines as they are all spreading misinformation from Enemy sources

I think you confused the term Guardian Demon (GD) and the Alphabetical Order of Gods (G-D on the Demon Hierarchy).

It is not an erasure of their name or any Jewish trickery.

The best you can do is to avoid relying on Google or most search engines as they are all spreading misinformation from Enemy sources
Hi, team.

I have a dear friend called 'Joe'. Joe & I get along. But Joe has a best friend called 'Smith'.

Smith thinks I'm a bad person and is willing to go to extreme (and unethical) lengths to stop me and Joe from being friends. I tried to tell Smith that I'm not the bad person they think I am. Smith has his natal Saturn squaring my natal Mercury (orb 1°39’). I suspect that aspect is the reason why Smith refuses to listen to anything I have to say to defend myself. (The other major aspects in our synastry are: my Saturn opposite her Chart ruler. My Uranus opposite her Ascendant).

What should I do? Should I convince Smith I'm a good person by doing spells to negate the Saturn square Mercury in our synastry? Should I do spellwork to make Joe's soul free from any of Smith's influence? Should I summon a Demon and kindly request them to intervene in my favour (and of course the demon's favor also)?

All I know is that Joe & I are dear friends and Smith will do anything to block contact between Joe & I. There're solutions I bet - I just don't know which solution is the most effective in this case. Can anyone help please?
I have a dear friend (named Joe). Joe is agnostic. Joe is going to live with his best friend (named Smith) in a college dorm room.

The issue is that Smith is a devout muslim. I spoken to Smith and he said "I'm going to convert Joe to islam >:)" in such a sinister manner. Joe is my best friend. I love Joe. I want to spend the rest of my life with Joe. To see his agnostic/atheist mind get corrupted into adopting an enemy religion doesn't sit right with me.

From what I gathered, Smith is already a cynical person to begin with. Smith admits to sabotaging Joe's other friendships and romantic relationships, admits to extorting people for money, and admits to framing people for crimes they haven't committed. It's not like Smith is a 'soft muslim'. Smith said he'll "impale any satanist/paganist on rocks". This is not someone I want Joe to be around.

Long story short; can someone give me powerful ways to make Joe and Smith mutually hate each other forever, making them both not want to see the other person ever again? Should I work the spells myself, or kindly ask a Demon to do it for me? (I have both Joe's and Smith's natal birth chart with birth hour/minute if that helps).
I have a dear friend (named Joe). Joe is agnostic. Joe is going to live with his best friend (named Smith) in a college dorm room.

The issue is that Smith is a devout muslim. I spoken to Smith and he said "I'm going to convert Joe to islam >:)" in such a sinister manner. Joe is my best friend. I love Joe. I want to spend the rest of my life with Joe. To see his agnostic/atheist mind get corrupted into adopting an enemy religion doesn't sit right with me.

From what I gathered, Smith is already a cynical person to begin with. Smith admits to sabotaging Joe's other friendships and romantic relationships, admits to extorting people for money, and admits to framing people for crimes they haven't committed. It's not like Smith is a 'soft muslim'. Smith said he'll "impale any satanist/paganist on rocks". This is not someone I want Joe to be around.

Long story short; can someone give me powerful ways to make Joe and Smith mutually hate each other forever, making them both not want to see the other person ever again? Should I work the spells myself, or kindly ask a Demon to do it for me? (I have both Joe's and Smith's natal birth chart with birth hour/minute if that helps).
Talk to the gods and ask for help.
Long story short; can someone give me powerful ways to make Joe and Smith mutually hate each other forever, making them both not want to see the other person ever again? Should I work the spells myself, or kindly ask a Demon to do it for me? (I have both Joe's and Smith's natal birth chart with birth hour/minute if that helps).
You can do black magic on Smith, I believe he deserves it. Better safe than sorry.
Hey guys, on the runic pronunciations, I am very confused. It says a can be pronounced as "a as in hat, sometimes"ah" as in father". How do I know which ones are which? There's a lot of A's, and I have no idea which ones are "ah as in father" and "a as in hat". Thank you in advance
Hey guys, on the runic pronunciations, I am very confused. It says a can be pronounced as "a as in hat, sometimes"ah" as in father". How do I know which ones are which? There's a lot of A's, and I have no idea which ones are "ah as in father" and "a as in hat". Thank you in advance
Don't worry about it. Try both ways and see which one you can feel more strongly.

For each rune, there are multiple different ways to pronounce it that all work, but different people can prefer different ones.
longer vibrations or more repetitions?

Is it better to vibrate the runes longer or more in number? For example, one vibration for 15-18 seconds, or better two for 7-9 seconds?
longer vibrations or more repetitions?

Is it better to vibrate the runes longer or more in number? For example, one vibration for 15-18 seconds, or better two for 7-9 seconds?

Longer vibrations are not the only thing that will enhance the power of any mantra, but also how much you feel it's energy, and can immerse yourself into it and the goal.
As a beginner, find the golden middle between long and short vibrations. If it's a working that is very important for you, than do longer vibrations, 6 seconds exhale / mantra is a long vibration (in case if it's a 1-2 word(s) mantra).
Longer vibrations are not the only thing that will enhance the power of any mantra, but also how much you feel it's energy, and can immerse yourself into it and the goal.
As a beginner, find the golden middle between long and short vibrations. If it's a working that is very important for you, than do longer vibrations, 6 seconds exhale / mantra is a long vibration (in case if it's a 1-2 word(s) mantra).
Thank you. So, in normal work, vibrating runes/mantras for 6-8 seconds per one is enough for them to be effective.
Necronomicon, is it effective and is it even worth the time to track the right time? Is it better to replace them with ordinary work with chakras?
I have questions on this was men first or females
Also another question
Is logic more better then intuition
Can emotions be bad for us males
Why we must connect to our right brain
And why people tell me think logically
More then intuition and feelings

Also what is the black flame
Necronomicon, is it effective and is it even worth the time to track the right time? Is it better to replace them with ordinary work with chakras?
Necronomicon seems pretty powerful to me, but I also don't have to much experience with it. However, logically speaking, I strongly doubt we would put anything here that's a waste of time. There is plenty of incredible knowledge here, so we aren't exactly desperate for practices, so I would assume yes it is very much effective.
Thank you. So, in normal work, vibrating runes/mantras for 6-8 seconds per one is enough for them to be effective.
Yes, but noteworthy about longer exhalations (and thus, longer vibrations) is that they can be more conducive to a meditative state than shorter breaths. At the end of the day, it comes down to preference, really.
Necronomicon, is it effective and is it even worth the time to track the right time? Is it better to replace them with ordinary work with chakras?
Very effective with the right timings. Optimal timings are uncommon, and when something needs to be accomplished right away, other methods have to be used. In that sense, "ordinary work" with chakras creates more flexibility and can be seen as superior in a way. But the potency is in favor of Necronomicon. You can have better results for chakra meditation by timing them according to weekdays and planetary hours.
Yes, but noteworthy about longer exhalations (and thus, longer vibrations) is that they can be more conducive to a meditative state than shorter breaths. At the end of the day, it comes down to preference, really.
Very interesting, but here is an example: perform 50 vibrations/mantras in 15 minutes or 100 vibrations/mantras in 15 minutes, the execution time is the same everywhere, that is, all 15 minutes will be vibrations, but which one will be more effective?

Perhaps this is what interests me, for example, I am ready to spend only 30 minutes on work, then it does not matter to me whether to do more mantras / vibrations, or just make them longer, but still, what will have a better effect.
Very effective with the right timings. Optimal timings are uncommon, and when something needs to be accomplished right away, other methods have to be used. In that sense, "ordinary work" with chakras creates more flexibility and can be seen as superior in a way. But the potency is in favor of Necronomicon. You can have better results for chakra meditation by timing them according to weekdays and planetary hours.

They look very small in the number of repetitions, even if they are performed in a long vibration. I am interested in everything that is written there, it is fixed, that is, if 8 vibrations/mantras are written, then exactly 8 and nothing more.

It turns out that if I want more, I have to repeat it every time.

When the time in the Necronomicon shows a good time for a certain chakra, does it mean that at this time and in addition to the Necronomicon, other meditations also work positively with it?

Thank you for your previous responses and your time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
