phi3.14infinity said:
a very important help I need ..I am basically studying computer science ..i have to study all topics only from different websites ..when studying a particular topic many other links either related to that topic or other topic links are also present in the same website url link either in the right or left or front or bottom /..Those other links present in the same website link really brings me some kind of overwhelming ..what should I do to ignore those other links present in the same website link .which meditation or technique will help me to only focus on the stuff that I am studying totally ignoring other links in the same webpage ..My focus should only be on what I am studying do I really do this??
Overall meditation should help this. When you meditate, focus only on meditation.
Dopamine detox also help. You are only clicking on these links because the current one do not gives you enough detox and you are craving some more sensation.
Less mobile phone, especially apps like tiktok, instagram, facebook, reddit, and anything like this. And more void meditation, or simply, put more effort in your meditations.
If it's a link that can be actually interesting and worth to see, than click on it with your scroll button, so it opens it in another tab, to save it for a bit later.
phi3.14infinity said:
when I do affirmation ,,which of the method is correct " The energy of raum is permanently removing my negative karma in a a very beneficial and healthy way for me now and forever "
or " The energy of raum is permanently removing my negative karma in a a very beneficial and healthy way for me"
my question is when using eternally or permanently do you need to use Now and forever at the end or when using eternally or permanently no need to use now and forever "?
The second one is better, permanent means forever.
sola said:
How clever or stupid would it be to distribute leaflets with the JoS URL in my area? (And maybe a short description).*
*Assuming that no one finds out whose been distributing the leaflets.
Is it a case of ‘people will find JoS on their own when they’re ready - without need for a leaflet’?
Or can leaflets be a net benefit to JoS’ expansion?
Not that bad of an idea, but do it safely. You can't just assume that nobody will find out
Yes, it is beneficial.
There is 8 planets in our solar system and not 7.
Mercury 1
Venus 2
Earth 3
Mars 4
Jupiter 5
Saturn 6
Uranus 7
Neptune 8
And there are also smaller or "dwarf planets"
Every children of the Gods have the same chakras, every of them have 7 main.
The planets give off different energies because they have different materials in them. In other solar systems, there are different planets with different energies.
They may have more or less planets, they most probably call them differently. Neither is our planets are perfect, some of them rules more than one chakra or something, it doesn't work like 1 planet - 1 chakra.
They are just influencing us, and some of them influence specifically a chakra because that's how they vibrate, but neither are the planets based off of our chakras or vice versa.