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Ol argedco luciftias said:
almost_missed said:
Hey man thanks or replying! The thing is that I was extremely confused, why two names would pop up in my head for two entities since I've always known that the two names belong to one entity. I just needed to make sure that I wasn't mistaken and that's why I'm back here haha

All I can say is your dream is wrong. Not every dream has a meaning. Dreams are mostly inspired by your own knowledge or emotions, which will not be very helpful if you don't already know something.
Henu the Great said:
almost_missed said:
Hey everyone! Can't say that I am either old or new. It's been years since I've been back to this site but a dream I had recently led me scouring the web for this site. I'm a little confused about the difference between Lucifer and Satan because in my dream they are two separate entities but every where I've looked, they are said to be the same person. Now, I intend to grasp every opportunity to see if I'll be able to have any follow up dreams but I need a complete picture of how they would like to be personified in my dreams. So if it's possible can someone please clear this up for me. Thank you so much in advance.
You can start by going through this PDF: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/SATAN_Full_PDF_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
Hey man thank you so much for replying, this'll help me a ton!
Hi, team.

I notice people asking for help like 'how can I lose weight/gain money/heal/find time/attract someone/revenge/etc.'. And often the advice from experienced SS is to vibrate certain mantras & runes specific to their situation.

I propose a webpage to be created which lists all the areas of life that one might want to improve (health, wealth, relationship, career, etc.), and its respective mantras + runes. (Plus a guide for the amount of repetitions).

I'm aware that such info already exists on JoS.com but its scattered and not all compiled onto one single webpage. And while the info that already exists on JoS.com is effective, I seen SS members on the forum post further info/tips/advice on the particular area of life. (For example I seen forum members post runes & mantras for love which weren't mentioned on JoS.com.) (And sometimes its not only runes & mantras which I've seen forum members describe. Some of our SS describe visualization techniques, yoga techniques, and in general other techniques which enhance a working - which I haven't seen on JoS.com).

I'm basically saying that we can copy the existing info from JoS.com thats scattered and paste it onto a new single webpage, then have our experienced SS add their info to it.

*I imagine the 1st page looks something like:

Relationships (Love, Friends, Family, People)
Career (Promotion, More Free Time)
Wealth (Money, Home, Possesion)
Health (Weight, Healing, Fitness)
Personal (Balancing weaknesses, beating addictions)

*That's only a rough draft. The wording doesn't have to be exactly that. And the list isn't exhaustive either.

Each area of life listed there is a click-able link which opens a next webpage which has more specific info related to the area of life. For example, one might click 'Health' which opens the next page where they see 'Weight gain/loss' 'Healing' 'Fitness' all listed on the page. Each of those also being another click-able link. Basically the user begins on the 1st webpage which lists the broad range of areas, then each click narrows them down to the exact area of life they're interested in. For example, one might click 'Relationship' and be taken to the next webpage which says 'For Attracting Relationships' & 'For Detaching Relationships'. They click 'for detaching' and the next webpage says 'To Detach People From Yourself' & 'To Detach People From Another Person'. Etc. Etc.

The idea is to not have 2 separate workings (workings to Attract & workings to Detach) on one final end-page. There should be one end-page solely for attracting, and another end-page solely for detaching. I.E. A unique end-page for each specific working. Ultimately, a user ends up on the end-page which has all the necessary info relevant to their specific working. (Runes, mantras, visualization techniques, yoga techniques, breathing techniques, sigils, mundras, planetary squares, favorable astrological positions, etc. etc.)

I see the same few questions asked a lot on the forums, and I have a suspicion that our lovely experienced SS would like a break from repeating the same stuff over and over. Instead, they can reply to new users with a link to the webpage I propose, and from there the user automatically finds what they want. Not only is it convenient for experienced SS members and for new users trying to perform workings; the other crucial thing is that I've seen experienced SS post some real gold on the forums. Like actually the info they post on here thats related to a working is quite potent, yet... it becomes forgotten and/or lost because its 'just another thread' among a vast sea of other threads.

The ratio of golden-info:shitpost on the forum is 1:1000. So it becomes more difficult for a new user to manually sift through the shitpost in order to finally find something of value to them.

I propose that we take all the golden knowledge on the forums and compile it into a webpage so that it isn't lost. Things like Agon's yoga tips, Blitzkreig's affirmation guide, etc. etc. (I'd provide a comprehensive list but right now I can't remember the exact users/posts. A testament to how easy it is to forget such valuable knowledge in a sea of shitposts).

The main objective is to have that starting webpage which lists the broader areas of life, which then narrow down with each click. These obviously direct users to spell workings. (Call this Page A)

Then a side objective is to create another seperate webpage which contains general knowledge. Like how drugs damage the soul. How race mixing is bad. Etc. Things that aren't related to spell workings, yet new users would benefit from knowing none-the-less. Rather than have an experienced member reply to a new user with links to like 5 other forum threads and 3 different JoS pages (all for one topic btw), it miiiiiiight be more efficient to compile the info from those '5 other forum threads' and '3 different JoS pages' onto one page. (Call this Page B)

If such webpages are ever created & completed, I suggest that a JoS.com admin reviews it to see if its worthy to add to JoS.com.

Anyone have a take on this proposal?

(Side note, does anyone know how I can produce a HTML draft/template of how I imagine the webpages to look like?) (I dunno how to code)
Hello, I have a query in my mind that I'm hoping you can help me with.

I'm just very confused about how the world powers network of control is shaped in some regard and this may be a little complex.

So from my understanding, the UK, Canada, Australia and NZ are under monarchies, Russia was taken over by Israel after the Soviet Union, while Italy is under the Vatican and the USA is under the Illuminati directly. However, this group is in 3 countries if I can remember right ...USA, England and ...Israel? (Probably off, sorry guys... not that bright yet but getting there).

It's just very upsetting to see how all these different groups act and how world leaders take actions that directly contradict their political roles and proclaimed intentions. (For eg, Kim Jong Un's support for Trump yet his inhuman terrorist/communist agendas).

I also wonder, what kinds of cults/secret societies are found in Asian countries? I really could go on but I'd honestly feel bad asking all that. If anyone can simply reference me to resources (books, articles, anything) that would probably be enough.

We are in some insane times right now considering the facts of reality. I'm finding that the zionsist banks, media and corporations (driven largely by Vanguard and Blackrock) take a large part through lobbying and funding the systems of Governments worldwide. Still, a very few third world countries that appear more liberated through strong communities and natural law.

Thanks so much for your time. Knowledge is our greatest strength in this life because everything we make ourselves begins with knowledge and eventually ends in truth, or at least for a few like us.
almost_missed said:
Hey everyone! Can't say that I am either old or new. It's been years since I've been back to this site but a dream I had recently led me scouring the web for this site. I'm a little confused about the difference between Lucifer and Satan because in my dream they are two separate entities but every where I've looked, they are said to be the same person. Now, I intend to grasp every opportunity to see if I'll be able to have any follow up dreams but I need a complete picture of how they would like to be personified in my dreams. So if it's possible can someone please clear this up for me. Thank you so much in advance.

Remember, 99% of the time dreams are allegorical, never literal.
sola said:
(Side note, does anyone know how I can produce a HTML draft/template of how I imagine the webpages to look like?) (I dunno how to code)

As Henu said this isn't new, and there are a tons of ideas to how to improve the site, it just needs to be manifested.

I think you can do such things in Wordpress without having a domain, storage, but you need to check. Doesn't requires programming.
Hi, i have a qwestion: where is a topic for typos? I see typos on site, but I don't know where to write about it.
hello. I have a baphomet with Jewish letters and i don't know what to do about it. What would you recommend I do? Should I get rid of Baphomet? In general, what should I do with symbols that have been corrupted with circles and Jewish letters? How could I get rid of this without it being disrespectful to the Demons?

I also want to ask if Alexandre Cabanel's painting representing Lucifer is disrespectful?
I have jewelry that has that image on it.

I know this may seem simple or irrelevant but it is something that makes me desperate because I don't know what to do and it is always on my mind.

Thank you all for your time
sublimestatanist said:

I'm sorry for the unclear message. I will simplify what I'm asking...

I've been deep in thought about why governments act the way they do. Are they all a part of the same club? Are they all owned by the Illuminati (run by Kabbalists)? Or are these different groups independent from each other (Skull and Bones, Club 33, The Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits, Mormons, Scientology, etc); and if so do they have the same or similar agendas?

I'm very angry and confused about all this and I feel this profound need to fully comprehend it so that can I better understand where the enemy lies, what they are doing and what we are up against. Much of these organizations act 'charitable' (controlled op) at the base with highly corrupt people at the top. I'm not sure what books are reliable, but I've heard that David Icke is a good place to start.

Thanks again for your time. I genuinely appreciate any references/sources to learn from because I seriously have so much yet to learn.
sublimestatanist said:
sublimestatanist said:

I'm sorry for the unclear message. I will simplify what I'm asking...

I've been deep in thought about why governments act the way they do. Are they all a part of the same club? Are they all owned by the Illuminati (run by Kabbalists)? Or are these different groups independent from each other (Skull and Bones, Club 33, The Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits, Mormons, Scientology, etc); and if so do they have the same or similar agendas?

I'm very angry and confused about all this and I feel this profound need to fully comprehend it so that can I better understand where the enemy lies, what they are doing and what we are up against. Much of these organizations act 'charitable' (controlled op) at the base with highly corrupt people at the top. I'm not sure what books are reliable, but I've heard that David Icke is a good place to start.

Thanks again for your time. I genuinely appreciate any references/sources to learn from because I seriously have so much yet to learn.

Yes. Sadly, Most countries, and not just that, but most parties also.
The European union can say to a country, that you must make this decision, you must make this law, or else I don't give you money. The same way, most parties are financed by Jews. They email the party, offer a million dollar, and that's it, they completely control that party now, forever.
The same with America, and the same with most Asian countries, and not to talk about Africa.

If a based pagan would get in power in some country (without magical help, like the Thule society for NS Germany) than they would simply curse the shit out of that person and would probably go insane ins not a long time.

I can feel that the JoS will operate the same one day. We will probably helping some based parties that the Gods made.
AFODO said:
sublimestatanist said:
sublimestatanist said:

I'm sorry for the unclear message. I will simplify what I'm asking...

I've been deep in thought about why governments act the way they do. Are they all a part of the same club? Are they all owned by the Illuminati (run by Kabbalists)? Or are these different groups independent from each other (Skull and Bones, Club 33, The Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits, Mormons, Scientology, etc); and if so do they have the same or similar agendas?

I'm very angry and confused about all this and I feel this profound need to fully comprehend it so that can I better understand where the enemy lies, what they are doing and what we are up against. Much of these organizations act 'charitable' (controlled op) at the base with highly corrupt people at the top. I'm not sure what books are reliable, but I've heard that David Icke is a good place to start.

Thanks again for your time. I genuinely appreciate any references/sources to learn from because I seriously have so much yet to learn.

Yes. Sadly, Most countries, and not just that, but most parties also.
The European union can say to a country, that you must make this decision, you must make this law, or else I don't give you money. The same way, most parties are financed by Jews. They email the party, offer a million dollar, and that's it, they completely control that party now, forever.
The same with America, and the same with most Asian countries, and not to talk about Africa.

If a based pagan would get in power in some country (without magical help, like the Thule society for NS Germany) than they would simply curse the shit out of that person and would probably go insane ins not a long time.

I can feel that the JoS will operate the same one day. We will probably helping some based parties that the Gods made.

Thank you for your feedback! I agree! Another Hitler figure will be needed to rally people towards a singular cause in order to affect real change. That's just the problem though, people today only respond to immediate results and are far too myopic to garner any true understanding. Leading by example in life and focusing on fundamental and base values are what connect to people the most, yet the world runs on fear (obviously) and with it comes division and misdirection. It's so painfully obvious and stupid, yet it goes without saying nothing is new here. I find that Plato well understood the human condition, values and purpose.

I shouldn't have needed to ask much perhaps... I still feel stupid compared to so many, yet the world is far beyond more stupid than I'd like to accept and it's been weighing on me more than even COVID19.

When it comes to wisdom and facts I do find that nothing else but the JoS nails every detail and nuance above and beyond. It's just like HPHC once said: "once you see the truth, you cannot unsee it."

There is a state of knowing without cognition I feel. Intelligence without words I guess... I can't explain it, but since dedicating and mediating I feel exactly like Neo in the Matrix. By this, I mean I can look at any person and read their aura immediately, even just from a photo or video. It's as though I can within milliseconds feel their intent and emotions and for this reason I'm finding also that there is something to be said in avoiding too much UFO-based research as, again, those energies seem visceral to me sometimes. I'm a very logical thinking person and I struggle with that, so fighting against the details of everything can be a challenge for me.

On another note, I suppose when you look at China... yeah, that's totally zionist funded. There's not many pieces for me to put together and I guess no point acknowledging which countries exist outside the zionist system as they would no doubt play a small part to a grand system with no hope of retaliation.

Things are just bad I guess and no need for me being all dramatic. Sorry to panic a bit there... all the stress of inhuman killings and hoping to visualize the enemy best so that I can curse them into oblivion via RTRs.

I've never been more angry in my life and it feels like I'm living in 9/11. I'll do the best I can on my end to channel this fury into my workings because it is intense. Everyone's probably stressed out though, yet the world itself... not so much the case.

Anyway, sorry to rant so angrily. I should remember we're never alone and we all stand together here. Thanks for your time again!
sublimestatanist said:
There is a state of knowing without cognition I feel. Intelligence without words I guess... I can't explain it, but since dedicating and mediating I feel exactly like Neo in the Matrix. By this, I mean I can look at any person and read their aura immediately, even just from a photo or video. It's as though I can within milliseconds feel their intent and emotions and for this reason I'm finding also that there is something to be said in avoiding too much UFO-based research as, again, those energies seem visceral to me sometimes. I'm a very logical thinking person and I struggle with that, so fighting against the details of everything can be a challenge for me.


Things are just bad I guess and no need for me being all dramatic. Sorry to panic a bit there... all the stress of inhuman killings and hoping to visualize the enemy best so that I can curse them into oblivion via RTRs.

I've never been more angry in my life and it feels like I'm living in 9/11. I'll do the best I can on my end to channel this fury into my workings because it is intense. Everyone's probably stressed out though, yet the world itself... not so much the case.

Anyway, sorry to rant so angrily. I should remember we're never alone and we all stand together here. Thanks for your time again!

It is called a good intuition. You should look at it as a sacred ability, and not otherwise. It's already a good state to start communicating and receiving instructions form the Gods. It's also helps you not to fall into pits , or believe in lies. Helps you understand and all sorts, so really, it's a very good thing, and you are meditating for things like this
It might be hard to process the truth, some won't accept it easily. Instead of pointlessly being angry, at least direct this to the Jews. Once you get angry do a FRTR, or imagine punching the life out of a Jew, but after, let this anger drain out of you.

If you have anger issues in general, Blitz has shared a good working for this.

Although the Jews have secured themselves deeply into their leadership, They won't stand a chance once their source of power is gone. Once we nullify their alphabet's power they won't be there for long. This will require a lot of time, but it isn't impossible. One day, maybe in this incarnation, maybe from the astral, or maybe from the next incarnation, but you will see their fall. You will see a golden society without rats.

AFODO said:
It is called a good intuition. You should look at it as a sacred ability, and not otherwise. It's already a good state to start communicating and receiving instructions form the Gods. It's also helps you not to fall into pits , or believe in lies. Helps you understand and all sorts, so really, it's a very good thing, and you are meditating for things like this
It might be hard to process the truth, some won't accept it easily. Instead of pointlessly being angry, at least direct this to the Jews. Once you get angry do a FRTR, or imagine punching the life out of a Jew, but after, let this anger drain out of you.

If you have anger issues in general, Blitz has shared a good working for this.

Although the Jews have secured themselves deeply into their leadership, They won't stand a chance once their source of power is gone. Once we nullify their alphabet's power they won't be there for long. This will require a lot of time, but it isn't impossible. One day, maybe in this incarnation, maybe from the astral, or maybe from the next incarnation, but you will see their fall. You will see a golden society without rats.


Thanks so much for the words of encouragement and support! I actually really needed to hear that. I think too much sometimes and I find it's a part of being a highly empathetic deep thinker. I'm also a Virgo who had a more rude awakening than most. Having overcome immense despair as a child there's a side of me that can face all fear and negativity without feeling as I can only see it as neutral; a result of circumstances needing to be evaluated and overcome. Most people in the world are not like us and very petty.

I'll definitely get on those workings from Blitz. Lately I get a sense that energy around me is moving fast, like I'm in a high vibration. Again, as a highly left-brain (rational) kind of guy, this is somewhat a struggle to overcome as I find myself second guessing myself all the time.

There was a trivia thing on a TV somewhere once pertaining to athletes (something I know nothing about). Without reading any words I kept nailing the images in my mind (out of 4 answers). I got about 5 or 6 in a row before I had to step away as my left brain couldn't take it.

Again, the world has completely been changing around me and it makes it harder to feel normal and adjust to normal life because of it. I seek answers in facts mostly to 1.) better predict events to warn people of them, and 2.) wake up some relatives, yet sadly they are complete sheep incapable of grasping history and law.

What boggles my mind the most is these people with all their shots and boosters cannot see that it never worked and they were lied to. Pilots were required to have the lethal injection and flights were constantly shut down due to the alleged virus. Officials were retracting their statements constantly and suggesting that they could have done with less strict measures. Jabbed people won't give an inch towards questioning authority, as though they are possessed by something. I'm finding these people also have slowed reaction time and speech, their eyes are listless, and they seem to live only for tomorrow (never in the present moment). It's like they're sick and turning into zombies, which may not be far from the truth considering the shadow governments Zombie preparedness actions are falling apart and videos have surfaced of what unmistakably look to be genuine zombies. Things are really changing fast and getting closer to what the Jews want, to bring about the end times so that their 'saviour' (unbeknownst to most, the Reptilian race). We are really in the most interesting and fortunate times, the later all thanks to HPS Maxine and the JoS.

I'll keep focused on what you said though. I remember reading that Satan and our Gods will win this multi-century spiritual war and we will all stand together to celebrate our achievements. Getting too angry is never good and I know that our Gods are with us in this always. Satan has manifested himself to me in such hard times and I'll never forget what he's done for me and continues to do for me.

Hail Satan!!!
Hi, I'm new here, greetings to all.

I tried to ask a question on the ask-satan.net service but seems that I cannot submit the form.

I will ask it here reformulated so it does not need anonymity.

I have been under heavy attack for almost 10 years now. Mostly persistent distraction from I can count more than 5 purely christian entities, I have doubts regarding if they are jews or only a screen for jews.

Sometimes the attack become verbal on the streets I think as an attempt to provoke me unto doing something illegal.

Most of the time I ignore them, but sometimes the anxiety and pressure is too high.

I want to know if any other SS has or has had the same problem and how to deal with it in a healthy manner.

Thanks in advance!
AFODO said:
Thank you AFODO for the Wordpress suggestion.

Separate query for whoever wants to shed light:

I saw a .pdf shared on JoS. It said that oxygenating the body prevents/cures many ailments. The .pdf suggests for people to oxygenate their bodies via the use of hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) and/or ozone (o3).

My question to experienced SS is 'is it worth supplementing with h2o2/o3'?

My guess is that yoga/pranayama can increase our body's oxygen level. In the event that my guess is correct, I am still totally unsure about how effective yoga/pranayama is compared to h2o2/o3 methods of boosting.

For example (arbitrary values), yoga/pranayama might increase oxygen by 5%. While h2o2/o3 increases by 15%.

In essence, I suspect that using h2o2/o3 provides more boost of o2 to the body than yoga/pranayama does.

I mean, obviously, it's important for SS to exercise yoga/pranayama daily regardless. But for the specific purpose of oxygenating the body to a point which is beneficial (kills harmful cells without killing healthy ones); whats more effective? Yoga/pranayama or h2o2/o3?
sola said:
AFODO said:
Thank you AFODO for the Wordpress suggestion.

Separate query for whoever wants to shed light:

I saw a .pdf shared on JoS. It said that oxygenating the body prevents/cures many ailments. The .pdf suggests for people to oxygenate their bodies via the use of hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) and/or ozone (o3).

My question to experienced SS is 'is it worth supplementing with h2o2/o3'?

My guess is that yoga/pranayama can increase our body's oxygen level. In the event that my guess is correct, I am still totally unsure about how effective yoga/pranayama is compared to h2o2/o3 methods of boosting.

For example (arbitrary values), yoga/pranayama might increase oxygen by 5%. While h2o2/o3 increases by 15%.

In essence, I suspect that using h2o2/o3 provides more boost of o2 to the body than yoga/pranayama does.

I mean, obviously, it's important for SS to exercise yoga/pranayama daily regardless. But for the specific purpose of oxygenating the body to a point which is beneficial (kills harmful cells without killing healthy ones); whats more effective? Yoga/pranayama or h2o2/o3?

Oxygen therapy such as the above is generally meant for serious detoxing as people generally take it in small doses over the period of a week and up to a month. I'd recommend researching yourself as much as you can as it pertains to dosing a substance, and as we know "the dose makes the poison." In the case of any form of oxygen therapy, there is potential risk for hyperoxia which can be serious, thus any treatment should be done with the utmost care and information.

That said, many diseases such as cancer, as well as things like heavy metals, parasites and toxins, are destroyed when in an aerobic environment and removed from the body. People may experience Herxheimer reactions due to the body detoxing (same as how people feel sick when they have their flu; this is their body detoxing), and may need to half their dose during some periods. They may even need to start with something not as intense, such as activated charcoal tablets.

It's also good to work on the breath (meditation) and mindfulness. Connecting to yourself better will help you with intuition and listening to your body. It is remarkable how powerful we are at adapting and healing, especially considering all the crap they've tried to poison us with for centuries.

Another thing to note; having a balance of minerals in the body (from pink salt and whole foods) will help keep heavy metals out of the body and even help remove them. There are countless things in food help us and it's for this reason that dietary nutrition should be at the forefront when seeking health. Purifying or microfiltering water is also a good way to avoid the heavy metals, toxins and inorganic minerals saturating our municipal water supplies. Our bodies can't use these substances as effectively, plus they lead to cell damage and premature aging overtime.

Always remember, start from the basics and foundations, from the ground up. Things in life are harder this way but overtime it pays off in ways you wouldn't even expect. If you focus on health, meditation and connecting with your inner-self you will see results like never before.

This of course is based on my own experience but I think it's worth considering and I hope that some of it helps. All the best of luck to you on your journey!
AFODO said:
sublimestatanist said:
There is a state of knowing without cognition I feel. Intelligence without words I guess... I can't explain it, but since dedicating and mediating I feel exactly like Neo in the Matrix. By this, I mean I can look at any person and read their aura immediately, even just from a photo or video. It's as though I can within milliseconds feel their intent and emotions and for this reason I'm finding also that there is something to be said in avoiding too much UFO-based research as, again, those energies seem visceral to me sometimes. I'm a very logical thinking person and I struggle with that, so fighting against the details of everything can be a challenge for me.


Things are just bad I guess and no need for me being all dramatic. Sorry to panic a bit there... all the stress of inhuman killings and hoping to visualize the enemy best so that I can curse them into oblivion via RTRs.

I've never been more angry in my life and it feels like I'm living in 9/11. I'll do the best I can on my end to channel this fury into my workings because it is intense. Everyone's probably stressed out though, yet the world itself... not so much the case.

Anyway, sorry to rant so angrily. I should remember we're never alone and we all stand together here. Thanks for your time again!

It is called a good intuition. You should look at it as a sacred ability, and not otherwise. It's already a good state to start communicating and receiving instructions form the Gods. It's also helps you not to fall into pits , or believe in lies. Helps you understand and all sorts, so really, it's a very good thing, and you are meditating for things like this
It might be hard to process the truth, some won't accept it easily. Instead of pointlessly being angry, at least direct this to the Jews. Once you get angry do a FRTR, or imagine punching the life out of a Jew, but after, let this anger drain out of you.

If you have anger issues in general, Blitz has shared a good working for this.

Although the Jews have secured themselves deeply into their leadership, They won't stand a chance once their source of power is gone. Once we nullify their alphabet's power they won't be there for long. This will require a lot of time, but it isn't impossible. One day, maybe in this incarnation, maybe from the astral, or maybe from the next incarnation, but you will see their fall. You will see a golden society without rats.


Quick reiteration/recap (I'm so sorry for the long spiel)... it's just hard to put in words but I guess I feel weird and isolated, even though people admire me and some often change into better people just from simple advice. I'm a social person but at the same time it's not getting easy, especially now that I've been mediating. I'm happy I've helped some people yet I'm starting to feel that there's only so much I can do in this insane world. Embracing that I'm an eccentric open-minded person interested in conspiracies has served well for me to 1.) live life the way I wish to in the fullest and 2.) help inspire others towards truth little by little.

I think we've been at war in ways we cannot fathom. Words like 'foolish' and 'childish' are at the centre of things we're taught not to do growing up, yet it's these moments of pure innocence, curiosity, learning and inspiration that lead to fulfillment and growth. I find the song "Logical Song" highlights this idea well.

We are in an awakening though and I should remember I'm not alone. Thanks again and I'm sorry to vent a bit. :-/
Greetings family.
I am considering starting a new working regarding my passion for art.
I am looking to improve creativity and making it a long term goal, as a career.
Was looking in the calendar for dates but I am not sure which ones are best for this.
There is one now on 21st but it isn't saying anything about creativity.
Also will read on page about which runes to use but if someone can point some runes here, I would very much appreciate it. :) :)
I have a problem that I cleaning myself all day long, spiritually. I'm sitting here now and imagine Satanic flames filling my body and dirt drains out.

I DO NOT DO THIS TO REPLACE MY NORMAL MEDITATIONS. I do not do this to advance myself, it's an addiction, and is very frustrating.

Esentially I'm doing more bad than good.
I can't imagine myself pure, I can only imagine dross draining out, but when it drained out it is rally hard to keep the picture of being pure, it just automatically snaps back to seeing dirt and I have to drain it out again and again.

I can hold back or manage my though when void meditating, but still seeing dirt in me.

How could I even begin to fix this? I have been doing a good cleaning for a few months.
AFODO said:
I have a problem that I cleaning myself all day long, spiritually. I'm sitting here now and imagine Satanic flames filling my body and dirt drains out.

I DO NOT DO THIS TO REPLACE MY NORMAL MEDITATIONS. I do not do this to advance myself, it's an addiction, and is very frustrating.

Esentially I'm doing more bad than good.
I can't imagine myself pure, I can only imagine dross draining out, but when it drained out it is rally hard to keep the picture of being pure, it just automatically snaps back to seeing dirt and I have to drain it out again and again.

I can hold back or manage my though when void meditating, but still seeing dirt in me.

How could I even begin to fix this? I have been doing a good cleaning for a few months.


Don't worry so much about your soul being dirty.
Unless bad things keep happening to you.

I had the same thing, I was always cleaning. There was a time when I was vibrating 666 RAUM. I lay there for half an hour afterwards.

But then I realised it was unnecessary. I was just annoying myself.

Instead, I started a deep cleansing programme.
I tried this.

Then I started Luis' cleansing meditation. But I can't find it now.

These can be done every day and are good exercises.
Is Baldur A Mitre ? Or is his son Forseti Mitra ?
I was wondering if animals do accumulate karma and how to help them better as we humans do to ourselves.
Lightningsnake said:
AFODO said:
I have a problem that I cleaning myself all day long, spiritually. I'm sitting here now and imagine Satanic flames filling my body and dirt drains out.

I DO NOT DO THIS TO REPLACE MY NORMAL MEDITATIONS. I do not do this to advance myself, it's an addiction, and is very frustrating.

Esentially I'm doing more bad than good.
I can't imagine myself pure, I can only imagine dross draining out, but when it drained out it is rally hard to keep the picture of being pure, it just automatically snaps back to seeing dirt and I have to drain it out again and again.

I can hold back or manage my though when void meditating, but still seeing dirt in me.

How could I even begin to fix this? I have been doing a good cleaning for a few months.


Don't worry so much about your soul being dirty.
Unless bad things keep happening to you.

I had the same thing, I was always cleaning. There was a time when I was vibrating 666 RAUM. I lay there for half an hour afterwards.

But then I realised it was unnecessary. I was just annoying myself.

Instead, I started a deep cleansing programme.
I tried this.

Then I started Luis' cleansing meditation. But I can't find it now.

These can be done every day and are good exercises.

Essentially I do 10x Visuddhi into each chakra and into the light body, and than into the aura, than a sort of returning curses part one. As I said I'm doing a good cleansing.

When I do this habit I do not vibrate anything, I do this while doing anything, I'm just visualizing.
I do not do this at will.

It is exactly like I could not be in reality than ever before, I do always feel the astral. which is very good, and natural, the problem is that my mind thinks that my soul is too dirty, or it is actually dirty (even though I have been doing all sort of cleanings for at least 8 months) but it just triggers this intrusive cleaning.

The other thing is my AoP. I feel a hole in my AoP at the top of the head/at the back extension of the 6th chakra. I had a nightmare with this also. Because of this I also visualize filling this hole. And yes, I do a strong AoP.

My guess is that I should do a working with elemental Earth, or with a rune that represent elemental Earth.
Don't wanna spam this here with questions but i was in a debate with a braindead rationalist that would just say that karma would imply kids to suffer because of past life karma, how could i explain this better. This is more of satanic apologetics field
I read everything on the satan is god server and I am confused when it is said satan is enki or satan is shiva end etc etc
I sort of understood it as satan coming as you want it, because shiva is represented as shiva Linga and an allegory of the statue of shiva being the self, Which is God. I kinda get confused because my ishtqdevata is shiva and also my house lord derrived from my birth chart but I am also in the process of being devoted to shri- Lalita and I haven't viewed them as actual beings rather I had a dream with kali and kinda romantic.

So here it says shiva is enki and rather an actual advanced being, I've done dedication already but because I am led to believe it is shiva and because being formal and in a kinda bloody way makes really good sense in the world of today.

I don't have any problems with the concepts here rather I let my experience teach me, I also noticed qt advanced levels the world can become purely subjective which is what I was thinking happen with HPSMxine at high levels of advancement where she mentioned she'd met satan as a white guy human like. Please elaborate

I can still be a friend of satan and share being a God but I sort of get confused because shiva is purple representation of a concept of the self, and rather the shiva linga as a true symbol of the nature of shiva, great meditations btw it really helped me a great deal.
I read everything on the satan is god server and I am confused when it is said satan is enki or satan is shiva end etc etc
I sort of understood it as satan coming as you want it, because shiva is represented as shiva Linga and an allegory of the statue of shiva being the self, Which is God. I kinda get confused because my ishtqdevata is shiva and also my house lord derrived from my birth chart but I am also in the process of being devoted to shri- Lalita and I haven't viewed them as actual beings rather I had a dream with kali and kinda romantic.

So here it says shiva is enki and rather an actual advanced being, I've done dedication already but because I am led to believe it is shiva and because being formal and in a kinda bloody way makes really good sense in the world of today.

I don't have any problems with the concepts here rather I let my experience teach me, I also noticed qt advanced levels the world can become purely subjective which is what I was thinking happen with HPSMxine at high levels of advancement where she mentioned she'd met satan as a white guy human like. Please elaborate

I can still be a friend of satan and share being a God but I sort of get confused because shiva is purple representation of a concept of the self, and rather the shiva linga as a true symbol of the nature of shiva, great meditations btw it really helped me a great deal.
I had a random rant on ask satan net the other day about stuff i forgot,, because of some muslim support I kinda felt touched me from reading stuff. I deeply apologize for my rant and did not want to offend anyone 😔 in jos or clergy.
AFODO said:
Lightningsnake said:
AFODO said:
I have a problem that I cleaning myself all day long, spiritually. I'm sitting here now and imagine Satanic flames filling my body and dirt drains out.

I DO NOT DO THIS TO REPLACE MY NORMAL MEDITATIONS. I do not do this to advance myself, it's an addiction, and is very frustrating.

Esentially I'm doing more bad than good.
I can't imagine myself pure, I can only imagine dross draining out, but when it drained out it is rally hard to keep the picture of being pure, it just automatically snaps back to seeing dirt and I have to drain it out again and again.

I can hold back or manage my though when void meditating, but still seeing dirt in me.

How could I even begin to fix this? I have been doing a good cleaning for a few months.


Don't worry so much about your soul being dirty.
Unless bad things keep happening to you.

I had the same thing, I was always cleaning. There was a time when I was vibrating 666 RAUM. I lay there for half an hour afterwards.

But then I realised it was unnecessary. I was just annoying myself.

Instead, I started a deep cleansing programme.
I tried this.

Then I started Luis' cleansing meditation. But I can't find it now.

These can be done every day and are good exercises.

Essentially I do 10x Visuddhi into each chakra and into the light body, and than into the aura, than a sort of returning curses part one. As I said I'm doing a good cleansing.

When I do this habit I do not vibrate anything, I do this while doing anything, I'm just visualizing.
I do not do this at will.

It is exactly like I could not be in reality than ever before, I do always feel the astral. which is very good, and natural, the problem is that my mind thinks that my soul is too dirty, or it is actually dirty (even though I have been doing all sort of cleanings for at least 8 months) but it just triggers this intrusive cleaning.

The other thing is my AoP. I feel a hole in my AoP at the top of the head/at the back extension of the 6th chakra. I had a nightmare with this also. Because of this I also visualize filling this hole. And yes, I do a strong AoP.

My guess is that I should do a working with elemental Earth, or with a rune that represent elemental Earth.

I see, I see.

The first part is fine.
In Luis's meditation you have to vibrate MUNKA 9 times in the main chakras.

You can do this by collecting the dirt in a block after cleaning and launching it into the infinite empty space.
I learned this from Alchemist7.

But having sent it, I add that "this negative energy block can never return".
This is an extra confirmation.

Wunjo can be tried against this feeling.

SATANAMA can help fix the hole.
I've never been into satanism really. I dedicated myself without any purpose and I seek forgiveness.
Been here around 2014.
So you can say I'm new, really..
Never been into forums 'n stuff
AFODO said:
I have a problem that I cleaning myself all day long, spiritually. I'm sitting here now and imagine Satanic flames filling my body and dirt drains out.

Your visuals are not going to overpower the energy behind a full cleaning, so I wouldn't panic or anything. Your AOP, when programmed broadly, also protects against errant thoughts or actions.

I would recommend specifically doing visualization practice. Void is similar, but visualization is the creation of the image itself, which you are describing as the problem.

You can also use Isa or Berkano to calm any sort of agitation or process within your mind or body that results in these errant thoughts.

If you feel confident with this, you can also "hear" the cleanliness, like a nice glowing sound. This is harder to trick compared to an visual image, at least for me.

Lastly, imagine the dirt leaving your room and burying into the earth, or burning up in the sun or something. You can also ask your GD or Satan to remove any dirt for you. Then you know it is gone for good.
Machine translation from Japanese.
I first learned about Jos three and a half years ago, and I dedicated myself to it six months or a year and a half later.
When I first learned about Jos, I was shocked, and I thought that if I only had Jos, I wouldn't need anything else in my life.
But it didn't work, and now it's very hard to live.
It's not that I don't feel any benefits at all, it's that sometimes I do, but then I go back to the way I was.
I always want to disappear because I don't enjoy what I do, but when I feel the effects, I enjoy everything, so I think it might be because I'm slacking off at that time and not growing, but I don't know.
I don't know if it's for other reasons or not, but I'm still having a hard time with the fact that I've been trying so hard to do what I want to do, but nothing has changed. I see people on this site who are doing well, and when I try to meditate, do mantras, affirmations, yoga, etc., I often start crying, so I haven't been able to make much of an effort lately. It makes it hard for me to think about it and I don't want to get involved. I think I have cried more than 500 times already. Still, I continue to meditate, though not for long periods of time.
I've been a recluse for a long time and don't talk to anyone except my family. I've always been afraid of people, but since I started believing in the occult, I have a hard time believing that people are watching me and making fun of me, even when no one is around. I can't tell my family that I believe in this kind of thing, and the loneliness is hard, and I think that if I didn't know about jos, I wouldn't have to suffer so much.
I feel sick and sluggish, I don't want to do anything, I don't want to go out anywhere, it's very hard to live, and I'm sure there's not one person in a thousand who is more incompetent than me, but I can't get out of it at all. I feel sorry just to be alive, and I thought that if I cut off my head, it would be easier and I wouldn't cause any more trouble, but I didn't have the courage to kill myself, and today I was crying in my kitchen. Even if I die, I may cause trouble in the next life, but I can't imagine a future where I will be rewarded for my efforts, and I think that I have no choice but to give up on this life. It's not that I don't believe in the possibility of changing for the better, but it's just that living is so hard for me, and I keep thinking that I want to get rid of it as soon as possible.
I'm working, but the hours aren't long, and there's a seasonal decrease in work from now on, so I have plenty of time.
Is there still a chance for me to change? I would appreciate any advice you could give me.
flower said:

Brother/Sister, I think you are being very hard on yourself, beating yourself up in many ways. Then, because you are unhappy, it seems like you also take this personally, creating a bad cycle.

You can read some solutions to depression here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=468666#p468666

For loneliness, meditate on the sigil of the Gods, and also make an effort to post more here, so people become familiar with you.

You are mentioning problems related to lack of happiness, which comes from the 5th house and Sun. We can see how the element of fire, and the Wunjo rune, are very related to optimism. You can also try the sanskrit Sananda mantra.
Do this daily and as you need to and it will help you feel happier.

As part of a larger working, you can even use these energies to permanently increase your happiness, and this would change how your soul operates, perhaps also making you change your lifestyle or hobbies.

So if you are asking us if there is a chance for you, then the answer is a definite yes, especially as you seem to have a good situation for spiritual work.

Good luck and please stay in contact.
Forget my last question I found answer already. I have new question, about a year ago I encounter a purple smoke fog in through my astral senses after revoking certain contracts, it's called soul contract revocation I think. It kinda is similar with the dedication ritual but in all likelihood different. But formally speaking it's alike.

I wasn't as developed but I somehow projected awareness, no.1 there was a hovering craft in the smoke, no.2 It was managing to pull me but unsuccessful and lastly I woke up with a hemroid.

Funny thing is I ran across a tiktok video saying stuff like abductions and hemroids, holy shit it was freaky and recently I read the ectoplasma is written and details and about et ..etc

Is anyone here familar with the astral and project often, and rather the ap dealing with the real plane and not some lucidity?

I always pronounced the S in SATANAMA and SATANAS like in six, seven, server, solve, ... And now I re-read some things, and found this from HPS Maxine:


She pronounces the S quite differently. I can't really tell the difference in power, I also do them in one go, not taking breath between letters, because that would take too much time.

So can anyone tell the difference in power?
AFODO said:

I always pronounced the S in SATANAMA and SATANAS like in six, seven, server, solve, ... And now I re-read some things, and found this from HPS Maxine:


She pronounces the S quite differently. I can't really tell the difference in power, I also do them in one go, not taking breath between letters, because that would take too much time.

So can anyone tell the difference in power?

not sure if there's actually that much of a difference honestly ^
with that said, for maximum power and unrestricted flow of energy ,i do personally love to HisS the S like a lovely Sserpent would more or leSs i gueSs 🐍🐍🐍

in practice i end up vibrating it like some sort of hissed "SsZ/SZ" ... so satanas would become SzatanaSz...or Seth-Hen/Sszeth-Hen...Satanama/Szatanama ^

from my point of view ,there's definitely a lot of energy and freedom to be found in hissing, almost a form of art...literally feelin' all the Sserpentine power growing inside me whenever i do engage in that, it's all quite addicting indeed, i'll admit that!^
AFODO said:

I always pronounced the S in SATANAMA and SATANAS like in six, seven, server, solve, ... And now I re-read some things, and found this from HPS Maxine:


She pronounces the S quite differently. I can't really tell the difference in power, I also do them in one go, not taking breath between letters, because that would take too much time.

So can anyone tell the difference in power?

Hiss for SATANAS, not for SATANAMA. I switched to hissing for Satanama and it was not right at all, the energy wasn't doing what it normally does, so I went back to doing it with the regular S. Satanama is a nourishing energy. Satanas is empowering, so it can be hissed.

And doing them in one breath per letter for SATANAS is for each chakra. S into the base, A into Sacral, and so on. You can do one or more rounds like that before doing RTR or ritual.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
