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This coming March 11th, 2023 (Saturday) is a freeing the Soul date. Moon in Scorpio for black magic, revenge, permanent endings, and freeing the soul.

I did 108 vibrations with Uruz x2 that means I got involved with doing it twice a day. The prior time and made myself get burnt out. And even burnt myself out from doing meditation especially when I began to do a 28-day cleaning cycle. I think I was releasing too much negativity for me to handle and I ceased meditation for like a few days.

Plus 108 is not a bad number IIRC, HP.Cobra, did state 108 is linked to 40 days and thus minimum you must do 40 days of 108 to get the benefits, it is a Saturn number but not in a malfeasance way. Simply it requires 40 days to work out.

I plan on dropping the 108 and doing 90 as recently someone suggest 90 reps for a free the soul working is a good number for it not quiet 108, 18 vibrations less. But still a perfectly fine reasonable number not dealing with Saturn.

Anyways it's been mentioned that we can't or shouldn't do in general anti-negative karmic workings as we should be precise and strike the karma specifically. Some people have done in general workings and all of a sudden the problem becomes easier to identify.

My questions are:

1. What are the limits of Freeing the Sould, I've read of people changing their personality traits doing anti-Negative karmic workings.

Is this correct, I can use it for removing negative traits?

For example I live vicariously most of the time especially these last few years. I'm a observer not a participant in life.

Can I somehow remove that trait and actually go through with life actively participating?

2. I plan on doing it for repressed traumas if I have any but it seems in general is that okay?

The energies of Uruz fully frees my soul from any and all traumas, now and forever, in a fully positive, healthy, and best way for me. x9

Is this too in general?

I did want to do a full general anti-karmic working but people have mentioned it isn't exactly the best way to deal with freeing the soul workings. And yes I've contemplated using Munka and Ansuz which I used for a while before stopping part way through the working. I want to use Uruz instead.

The energies of Uruz fully frees my soul from any and all negative karma, now and forever, in a fully positive, healthy, and best way for me. x9

Can't I perform a general anti-negative karma working and do it for as long as possible, 40, 90, 180, 270, 360, or 720 days?

If I remove all the karma by working on my soul for nearly two years shouldn't that remove a lot or everything out? 720 is a long time I highly doubt most people involved in JoS require such days. Maybe someone with extreme negativity in their soul and chart. But again for most people one or two 40-day workings or a single 90 day working and they are good.

Also one last question:

3. Can I use freeing the soul to remove meditations or squares or programs running in my soul?

For example it's been said by Maxine IIRC that our Souls are like computers and we have programs running in them that can be enhanced, removed, or added to improve the person.

Can I pop off a square or some other program running? I know anti-negative karmic working is better and more effective to slough off negativity from the soul and virginize the soul through purification. But I'll admit I'm not happy with my prior rituals.

It's one of the reasons I would have preferred to meditate and work on my soul through meditation rather than ritualize the soul and do workings based on days or weeks. In fact for many years most of my Satanic career I've always been under the assumption UNLESS you do it for 40 days and engrave it into the soul or stick into the soul or it's a square and it works on a specific number not dealing with 40. It's pointless and useless, I'm sure the Gods at higher levels don't bother with such time frames unless it's a specific ritual or something. I'm sure the Gods have transcended time periods and can tremendously work on their souls in short periods of time to acclimate a new technology to their soul.

But for us mortals we need to take a long time to work. But still people have stated even doing something for a few days like 9 days acclimates stuff. Hell I've even read of people doing a specific ritual or a one-day blast on a power date on the calendar helps out.

But again except squares and maybe a single working or two. The act of ritualizing efforts such as spellwork or a multi-day, multi-week, multi-month working isn't something I've done at all or much. Even my 40-day workings for freeing the soul I burn out part way through and get sick and tired of doing it. Even if it is only 0.5% of my day 8-12 minutes of vibrations. It seems no matter what I always hit that wall and burn out.
Also since CCM/FCM covers 7M plus there is also 3E and Pineal as well as both Shoulder chakras vibrations.

Are there any vibrations or mantras for the exocosmic chakras to activate, open, and empower?

8th Gold, 9th Silver, 10th Variable Color, 11th Variable Color.

As far as Yahoo forums back in 2004 people asked about it. About the closest answer someone said is people aren't initiated at those levels to handle that kind of consciousness.

I recall recently a member mentioning cleaning the 8th Gold helps the Sahasrara as they share a relationship with each other.

But other than what was said as far back in the Yahoo, ProPHP, and current A-Forums. No one has shed any real light on the exocosmic chakras. Besides calling them exocosmic; and interacting with sahasrara as well as encountering itself with Kundalini as the Sun Disk of Ra in Egyptian Murals and other places with the Serpent wrapped underneath the the Sun Disk and hanging off at an angle with the head of the snake and it's neck area.

So does it mean these chakras rarely if ever acclimate to the level of most people and should be left alone or is it okay to work on them? Or do we solely focus on the internal 25 chakras and particular 7Main-Centerline.

Also someone on Yahoo forums said they did MerKaBa and placed the internal solar ball at the 8th Gold Chakra and the person wasn't the same after a session or two of MerKaBa work. I have no idea what they meant they weren't detailed.

But is there anything these chakras do that helps below or should we leave them alone?
Hello, I am new here and I have been reading through the JOS website and forums for the last month and a half. I would like to express my gratitude for all of the information concentrated here. In this time of spiritual retardation having any true information at all is a rarity, but this collection of websites is a goldmine.

I have did my best to inform myself of the information already contained here as not to burden the moderators with any redundant questions. In discovering this forum I was led here by a series of spiritual and synchronous events. I am uncertain but I believe that I may be being watched by one or more spiritual entities. I am worried that a malicious astral entity may be watching me and that I may be putting myself at risk. I am asking this question because the JOS website warns against continuing power meditations without being dedicated to Satan/Lucifer. I am not yet dedicated. I intend to do the dedication soon however.

Around two years ago I had little spiritual knowledge and was in actuality an agnostic. I had began to research mediums in order to hear the world from their perspective. When I began to listen to some videos on making contact with spirits a strange sensation came over me. It was indescribable but I felt like I was being watched. When I went to bed that night I felt a frightening presence inside my room. I saw nothing but my body reacted as if a threat was there. I didn't do anything but wait for it to subside. Then, as I continued watching the videos this sensation came again another night. At the time I decided that it was my sub-conscious mind getting scared over nothing. However, one night several months later as I was lying in bed a gravely voice said my name into my ear. I was frightened and said nothing in the moment but long term it completely shattered any lingering purely materialistic worldview I had.

Several months later I went to a rare and old books dealer in my area I asked if he had any books in Latin, as I am currently learning the language. At the time he said that he had none unfortunately. I came back to the store a week or two later in order to check out the rest of his stock of old books. To my surprise he had received an enormous inventory of Latin books. A professor had died and he bought the books at significantly reduced rate. He did not buy the books because he hoped to sell them to me. Books do not sell well today let alone Latin books.
Finally Recently my father was hoping to sell several of his older books he disliked to the aforementioned book dealer. The book dealer was uninterested in them, so I left them on a shelf in my bedroom. Then while going to sleep three times I heard a loud scratching noise come from the box. I got up and turned on the light and there was nothing around or inside the box to make the noise. It was as far as I could tell completely impossible for anything to make that noise. Inside the box, the books actually seemed interesting to read and useful to my interests. I am not sure if the entity was just trying to get my attention however.
I afterwords began to research the supernatural more intensely which led me to hear about kundalini yoga. I searched for it on Odysse and I discovered the JOS channel there. Similar to when I discovered the Jewish question the stuff JOS stated fit perfectly into my edifice of reality and I knew what was stated was true. Even the grey's discussed here which would seem ridiculous to an outsider did not seem so ridiculous to me when I had heard several people who had a failed kundalini serpent rising had saw them. I also became aware of the damage I could sustain if my serpent rose without proper preparation.

Could you provide me with any information on what spiritual entities might have been trying to contact/ observe me above? To be honest there isn't anything particularly special about me so I have a bit of a hard time believing that one of Lucifer's demons would contact me. This makes me inclined to believe that it may have been a malicious entity if the first three instances are taken by themselves. However, the later two instances contrast with this.

Some anonymous general info about me that I believe is necessary

- I have always liked and been attracted to the color black
- I have always thought that snakes are beautiful
- I have always had a very strong gut instinct
- I have been able to stimulate my root chakra since middle school. The chakra was flipped upside down although, so it just sent energy into my legs. I have very recently flipped it into the opposite direction.

If anybody replies to this at all you have my gratitude.

Hail Satan!
Gear88 said:

The function of void is to focus your energy, like a laser. The function of trance is to relax so you can more easily access the feminine side of life.

Yes, there is a better or worse way to meditate, which is broadly defined as transforming energy, but that doesn't mean you should give up. We all start with varying degrees of skills and advancement. If mental focus is hard for you, then simply do more void.

My mind is active as well, but the meditations still work, even if you have excessive thoughts or whatever. It will get better with practice, so just keep trying. Even now, you are in a better state than before, regardless of whether you feel hopeful or not.

Think of meditation as mental activity. Instead of using your hand to hammer a nail, you are doing the same with your mind. Even if you are not good at it, you will get better through practice, as well as workings.

You have a place here as an SS. This portion of your life will only be a tiny fraction of what the Gods have destined for you and for humanity. You simply cannot despair about having a level 3 focus skill while someone else may have a level 8 skill.

As far as I can tell, you are actually doing well, but you just beat yourself up and this ends up stopping your progress. Keep going, as the solutions to your problems are right in front of you.

The morning of March 25th is a Taurus moon on a Saturday. On that day, chant 40x Nauthiz and program it increase your discipline and consistency with your spiritual advancement.
Inventor_Occulti_Fati said:

Any enemy entities would not lead you to JoS, they would only try to scare you. From your inclinations towards JoS, as well as prior spiritual experience/instinct, it is very likely that you had a previous Satanic experience in a past life, which would make it incredibly likely that the Gods have guided you here, as well as tried to establish some sort of contact or interaction.

What makes you "special" is your potential. None of us come from the womb as practicing magicians, but our past life karma unfolds in our current life, which makes you naturally inclined to take up the practice once again. Imagine yourself after 5 or 10 years of daily practice, under the Gods? You would become very special in a relatively short period of time.

Even Hitler was initiated later in life. The same with HPS Maxine. We do not live in a world that naturally trains us, as would happen with another talent, like athleticism.


You have done well in your learning, but now you are reaching a new step of this process. Based on your natural attractions to the occult and Satan/Lucifer, as well as what JoS professes, what is stopping you from the dedication ritual? JoS Clergy: Dedication Ritual to Satan

Similarly, what is stopping you from beginning a daily practice? HPHC: 40 Day Meditation Program

Both of these actions would alleviate your concerns about personal safety, either by your own efforts with applying protective energies, or through a better relationship with the Gods.

A warfare specific AOP works great for dealing with enemy entities. Saulo and Thaur work well, as described here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=388765#p388765

Hope this helps.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=429465 time=1678429428 user_id=21286]The morning of March 25th is a Taurus moon on a Saturday. On that day, chant 40x Nauthiz and program it increase your discipline and consistency with your spiritual advancement.

Don't you mean Friday March 24th? Or are you wanting to use Saturday for the fact Saturn-Day?

Isn't 40 vibrations a bit small? Or is it we are following the logic like Lydia mentioned that even lesser reps ranges are positive and we should take advantage of smaller numbers. Like she meant not everything has to be a 90-108-111-216 blast-o-rama.


And we do that for 40 days correct? I'm probably gonna do it for a few days and then just get burnt out and forget about it. 40 days is way too long to do things. Hell I've been wanting to do 90 days as it's double 80 + 10. But I highly doubt I can make it. I'll probably just get to the point I more lazily do it and then finally burn myself out. Or for example do it as late as possible before going to sleep cause I'm so bored with meditation that eventually I burn out.

But whatever I'll do it and see how long I last. March 25th to May 3.

Also does this sound fine Nauthiz in shiny black with black energy coming off to around my soul, shiny as well. You did state to me in reply that black is more of a Saturn way and Brown is more of a Taurus way for the energy pattern. But what about the visualization component what do I visualize, what IS discipline and consistency towards spiritual advancements. I don't know how to translate that into visualizing at least for 15-30 seconds maybe a solid minute or two.

I can see tangible material like money or gold or wanting a specific television. But what do I just visualize myself in black aura with Nauthiz glowing in black and visualize myself meditating consistently with the clock at the same time all the time. What exactly do I visualize to imprint the metaphysical aspect?

As for affirmation:

The energies of Nauthiz now fully increases my disciplinary and consistency skills towards my Spiritual advancements, continuously and forever, in a fully positive, healthy, and happy way. x4 or x8

Sounds good?

I really don't understand the whole needing magick to improve consistency and discipline. I actually as I've gotten older don't understand magick and rituals at all. What is the point if I can just do it?

It's like for example I want to bodybuild but I have to research and buy the items. I'm not gonna get them for free legally of course nor easily especially with the kind of research I do. Sheer fact is isn't it easier just to tell people do it and form a habit over 66, 270, 360 days and just do it?

It's like magick to get stuff. I can just research find the best deal or use some AI and just buy the item probably even get discounts on some application or program or extension you hook up to your browser.

I mean how powerful do you have to be to get stuff legally of course for free and or greatly reduced costs and not just cheap crap no I mean specifically what you want.

It seems easier just to tell people to apply force multiplication through physical action then spend time doing a meditation or ritual which for all intents and purposes is probably competing with a mass of millions and billions of people even if said millions and billions are not even an iota of spiritually advanced.

I'm one to talk as well as I hardly if ever advanced and feel just the same as always no changes or anything. But it seems like it's better if people you know actually researched and bought stuff. Rather than just waste time pumping some ritual.

Isn't it easier just to, you know, PHYSICALLY get up and get it.
Gear88 said:

No, it is not wise to continue the Good Goy strategy of only focusing on material pursuits, which 99.9% of the world still does this, yet gets their lives destroyed by either Jews, astrology, or karmic forces. To avoid this, we must incorporate the spiritual, which is actually the natural way to exist.

Yes, starting on Saturn, if you can do so before the VoC, would increase the astrological power of a discipline working. Your affirmation is fine, although I would chose 6 or 10 for the affirmation, as these pertain more to earthly affairs.

40 vibrations is small, but this was chosen so that you could complete it without feeling bored. I wouldn't say 40 is "more" than something like 100 in this case, but if it is more achievable, then it is better to stick with this.

Nauthiz is the energy of discipline, which means to regulate something, like our energy or mood, to complete a task regardless of what is in our path. Imagine a soldier who does not give up, despite taking incoming fire. They are disciplined.

I could ask you "Why don't you do your meditations, despite knowing of all the positive benefits?" You simply tell me that you don't feel like it, which is understandable. That means it is a regulation failure. The same happens with school children around the world, who don't want to do homework or chores.

The energy of Nauthiz is like the blocks of a building. They know they must maintain form, or the building will collapse. The same will happen with your working: You will feel like it is easier to do your meditations without tiring or feeling bored. It will seem like the barrier to do the activity is lowered, because your body can more easily adopt the "form" of an advancing Satanist.

This is how Nauthiz/Saturn applies to survival situations, because if someone threatened to kill you, you would run like the wind. Yet, if nobody was there to do that, then you would not run. Without Saturn, we must rely on external discipline, such as due dates, managers, coaches, drill instructors, etc, who threaten pain if someone is not completed.

So you can imagine Nauthiz like a black energy of structure which adds to your own earth energy. Instead of doing only 20 minutes of meditation and feeling bored, you can now do 40, and so on. Imagine the structures growing within your soul which help you "maintain shape" despite feeling tired or any other obstacle. That is what the earth element represents.

Then, you will have feelings like "meditation is not so bad" and "I can do it because it is important for me". You can also see a calendar in your head, with your spiritual activity growing as the days go on. Perhaps it would be helpful to see negative thoughts or feelings getting banished, as your mind can more easily self-discipline itself.

Does this make sense?

The reason why I say you should do this is because it is the bedrock for all other practices or workings. You first need to be consistent, which the working will do for you. And since it does this, then you will be able to finish 40, 80, or even 120 days of this working.
Alright I get it. You build a spiritual first then do it. But sometimes I'll admit I do feel like I have more physical sway than other people at certain times with physicality.

Anyways I'll do it in the morning before the VoC. I believe 40 vibrations takes me like 6 minutes or so. Normally when I vibrate vibrations I do 12 per finger division so 3 per finger 3 x 4 fingers = 12. And I can with longer vibrations vibrate about 12 in about 40ish seconds and with shorter like AUM since the 70-80% lung capacity like Lydia suggested not gasp using 100% keep a small reserve tank behind. I can vibrate in about 1 minute.

So in essence I can probably do the 40 in about 4-5 minutes nearing 6. I'll stick to 40 since it is a power number. And I'll raise the affirmation to 6 as I like 6 affirmations despite the super-supra-hyper overuse by the enemy. I like 10 but the Numerology page Cobra put makes it a bit weird I always had the assumption from prior numerology ten is.

Ten|10 = Material, material manifestation, money, finances and or property both fixed and mobile, and protective. Protective because it posses a Yoni and a Lingam a Sword and Shield both of which have protective properties and offensive properties as offensive can be defensive and defensive can be offensive.

So I always thought it's an Earthly number and the base power for material perfection. For example 10 x 10 = 100 or 7 x 10 = 70 or 4 x 10 = 40. Hence a number taken to it's perfected state a power ten up.


Also on Nauthiz what should I visualize? Most of the time I can't formulate an idea I just vibrate visualize and then imprint by will. But I do want to spend a solid 30s-1 minute maybe 2 minutes visualizing. As Lydia explained sometimes permanence clauses are unnecessary as you can spend a good few minutes imprinting.

Sometimes simplifying further affirmation and putting up a strong visualization with the various senses is a better method of permanence unto reality engraving.

What should I visualize? No not active visualization Nauthiz Symbol center of my center of mass and in shiny black with shiny black emanation. I mean the directing part the after vibration to imprint?

What is the recommended visualization? I can will it in lock the black Nauthiz energy in but I'd like to at least spend a solid minute or two going further.


Also how come when I use the computer and read people's messages or re-read my own, preview before post. I can visualize the black energy or any other vision and like holy shit wow. But when I sit down and actively use my mind for meditation the visualization all but becomes dull, lifeless, and extremely difficult.

Is it the fact I'm reading and engraved into our reading that we actively imagine using our imagination?

Is there a reason why I fail to visualize greater during active meditation both during active visual and directing imprinting visuals?
Listen y’all can say what y’all want about me it don’t matter the people who did help me I took that advice and I do study and I do meditate y’all think I don’t cause I ask y’all can say what’s ever it don’t matter but hey I apologize but not sorry but hey have fun tho
I wanted to say I do take advice and I’m taking it Ight so what is it y’all have to say I’m open to read y’all opinions
Hello again thanks for replying to my post Blitzkreig [JG]! I had not dedicated at the time because I am unfortunately in a "god fearing" household. I had to wait for the opportune time to dedicate. I also wanted to meditate and light my candles in peace during the ritual. Since then my life has changed pretty drastically quite quickly. For my personal safety and your time I'll save you the details. Also, I had already been undertaking the meditation program posted by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. I am still currently in the program.

I am posting again because of a specific event that has been happening to me. At the same time at night I have been woken up by a soft bio-electricity surge in my body for the past two days. Then I hear a noise that startles me which ensures that I am totally consciously awake. I believe that this may be an entity trying to communicate with me.Unfortunately I have no idea what is trying to be communicated to me by this entity. I am uncertain if this is the daemon that was trying to bring me to Lucifer to begin with or some lower level daemon trying to communicate something to me. Or perhaps it just wants me to get out of bed and meditate? I don't have enough occult knowledge yet to know exactly what is going on, so I came here for help.

I haven't attempted a summoning, because I thought that it would be disrespectful to whatever daemon I summoned. Using up their valuable time on a trivial matter when I have all of these resources seemed like it would be stupid on my part.

If you reply to this post thanks again!
Today I was wondering what workings should I use this upcoming sun square for ,so I read everything about sun square again, and it says it give magical powers ,but what kind of magical powers does this contain ,any idea about magical powers from sun square , please I want everybody opinion and view.
Santacruze said:
Today I was wondering what workings should I use this upcoming sun square for ,so I read everything about sun square again, and it says it give magical powers ,but what kind of magical powers does this contain ,any idea about magical powers from sun square , please I want everybody opinion and view.

Read this thread: Blitzkreig [JG]: Sun Square Thread
can you do zhan zhuang stance training to train hand/feet chakras and advance physically all at the same time?
Breathe through your heels while doing hand chakra meditation and finding the right alignment for the stance all simultaneously?

does JOS agree with the mainstream astrological body? i.e.

Aries, the first sign, rules the head and Pisces, the last sign, is in charge of the feet...etc

thanks for reading
Cosmic6999 said:
This place is for white people I can tell they down talk you here watch out for enemies
Y’all can say what y’all want about me I really don’t give a fuck too be honest ima still stand regardless so it’s fuck what y’all saying 💯
This place is for rational people of all racial backgrounds. You were helped dozens of times only for you to spit on us with your nonsense.

Your kind are not missed as you inevitably are lost.
Solar Legion said:

does JOS agree with the mainstream astrological body? i.e.

Aries, the first sign, rules the head and Pisces, the last sign, is in charge of the feet...etc

thanks for reading
Begin here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Astro_index.html

And please use search for more info as there are dozens of in-depth posts regarding this topic: https://www.ancient-forums.com/search.php
Please, how can we incorperate this AJOHA SOK APA
YAJA SVA HE energies in our own magical workings.
I'm new on this forum and i have a question.
I dedicated myself to satan so i did the ritual but the sheet of paper is burning very slowly, it has been 6 hours and it doesn't stop.
Does it mean something?
Usually a sheet of paper burn in less than 30minutes.

Thank you in advance.

Since im learning a lot from satanism I had a dream a few days ago. There was a guy on red carpet like Hollywood actors , I would see camera flashes that was taking pictures of him, I remember him clearly he was a brown short guy with blue eyes and had a square face ,unshaved beard on his neck and full beard on his face, i was totally focused on his eyes they was very bright blue and he was looking at me, does this dream have any meaning? Do dreams usually have any meaning. was the guy I saw SATAN?

I dont meditate daily but when I do some days I have some VIVID dreams and can remember them the next day, do dreams mean anything?

After we die can we decide not to incarnate anymore and just disappear? What im thinking a never ending self improvement on soul and body seems just very tiring. Go thru many of life's just to become a god just to self improve more and more to the infinity wouldn't it just be better to just perish. Have you ever thought about that it would just be better like that? just asking questions not that I have made my mind up yet on anything.

Can I start doing power meditations without dedicating my soul? Will those meditations work

When I first read the JOS forums it made a lot of sense to me since when I did my research on the past on god and gods religion didnt make any sense to me and I found myself that the sun was the creator and I believed on sun before finding JOS forums , everything leaded to him , the SUN book is where everything was ripped of for the bible and feed to the Masses , I have always wanted to learn more and more.

I feel like one life is enough for me to enjoy everything and just not come back on earth after this one. If I work very hard is it possible to achieve godhead in one lifetime?
Inventor_Occulti_Fati said:

You are new and still learning, so do not feel bad about contacting the Gods. Voice your questions into their sigils, and they will respond when they want to. They are not forced or anything. At the very least, meditate on their sigil, as this establishes a connection between you and them.

Personally, I believe you can skip the burning involved with the Dedication ritual. The blood part is significant, as this links you to the Gods, but you can still dedicate in your mind, through your intentions. This is what counts the most.

Dedication is important, as it is a formal alliance with the Gods. It should not be delayed. Modify the ritual's props as you need to to avoid detection by any Christians. For drawing blood, I would recommend a diabetic lancet, which can be cheaply obtained from a grocery store. Yet, if this is still too much, then simply read the dedication in your mind, mentally sign it, and also ask Satan, through his sigil, to hear your pledge.

The above can be considered as formally Dedicated until there is a better opportunity for this.
Gear88 said:
Also on Nauthiz what should I visualize? Most of the time I can't formulate an idea I just vibrate visualize and then imprint by will. But I do want to spend a solid 30s-1 minute maybe 2 minutes visualizing. As Lydia explained sometimes permanence clauses are unnecessary as you can spend a good few minutes imprinting.

Sometimes simplifying further affirmation and putting up a strong visualization with the various senses is a better method of permanence unto reality engraving.

What should I visualize? No not active visualization Nauthiz Symbol center of my center of mass and in shiny black with shiny black emanation. I mean the directing part the after vibration to imprint?

What is the recommended visualization? I can will it in lock the black Nauthiz energy in but I'd like to at least spend a solid minute or two going further.


Also how come when I use the computer and read people's messages or re-read my own, preview before post. I can visualize the black energy or any other vision and like holy shit wow. But when I sit down and actively use my mind for meditation the visualization all but becomes dull, lifeless, and extremely difficult.

Is it the fact I'm reading and engraved into our reading that we actively imagine using our imagination?

Is there a reason why I fail to visualize greater during active meditation both during active visual and directing imprinting visuals?

For the visualization, just imagine solid structures of Nauthiz growing within you, as this is the energy of discipline and stability. It is the structure of Nauthiz which regulates our energy to do tasks we would otherwise not want to do.
You can also visualize yourself glowing afterward, signifying that you blessed yourself with this energy.

Then, visualize yourself working harder than normal. This is partially a feeling as much as a visualization. You can see your GD or Satan smiling at your growth. Perhaps you can view a chart which shows your advancement progress increasing in rate.

Both visualization and affirmation is important. Visualization would impart permanence if you intend it to do so, which is what Lydia meant. The affirmation is just a written version of what you wish to program the energy with. So yes, visualization alone can substitute, but you have to make sure you are consistent with this, which is where the affirmation is useful.


I cannot say for sure, but I think what you mention here is the difference between imagination versus astral sight. Astral sight is the actual sensation of energy, whereas imagination is the creative process that can be disconnected from this, yet still used in programming.

In other words, don't worry about the astral sight component as much as the imagination and intention. Think of your visualizations as code, and this code is injected into the Nauthiz, which then immediately does what you have in your thoughts.

At a later point you can use Laguz or other work on the 6th chakra and third eye to directly train the astral sense. Similarly, practice looking through the 3rd eye itself, such as at your chakras. This helps train vision of energy itself.
When viewing the minor body chakras I get a little confused:

I made a quick photo to make sure I'm seeing things correctly:

Is this right??
Just going to be straight up and im not trolling, from the time i think i was 16 i am in my early 20's now i think ive had a cuck fetish i have struggled with this the whole time and I have tried to except it over and over again but everytime something in me does not want it. I am currently doing a 40 day program vibrating munkah to try and get rid of this but i still feel like i should just except it. I really do not know what to do at this point. thank you.
Hesffcs115 said:
Just going to be straight up and im not trolling, from the time i think i was 16 i am in my early 20's now i think ive had a cuck fetish i have struggled with this the whole time and I have tried to except it over and over again but everytime something in me does not want it. I am currently doing a 40 day program vibrating munkah to try and get rid of this but i still feel like i should just except it. I really do not know what to do at this point. thank you.

What is important is being healthy, which means accepting our sexuality and not repressing it. At the same time, if these ideas are induced by porn, then there is a likelihood of negativity.

Think of your sexuality as an energetic interaction. It should happen, but there are conditions where are better or worse. As Satanists, we wish to preserve the energetic interaction (orgasms), but we need to avoid negativity, such as self-destructive practices or partners.

Instead of trying to delete your sexuality directly, try a more indirect approach, where you affirm that you sexuality is free from any obstacles to your overall prosperity, including negative karma or programming. If you think you might have trouble visualizing this, you can link it to the Gods: imagine the Gods being happy with the state of your sexuality as a result of the working. This is not false either, they want us to be as truly happy as possible.
Satanas is vibrated as such: Inhale - 1st Letter - Exhale - ... - ... - ...

Can Aum be vibrated the same way too?

Usually Aum is vibrated in one go, though I wonder if it can also be vibrated is the same way as Satanas. And if it can, I wonder what energetic difference it has when vibrated that way.
sola said:
Satanas is vibrated as such: Inhale - 1st Letter - Exhale - ... - ... - ...

Can Aum be vibrated the same way too?

Usually Aum is vibrated in one go, though I wonder if it can also be vibrated is the same way as Satanas. And if it can, I wonder what energetic difference it has when vibrated that way.

AUM is best done in one breath.

But try both ways and see what they feel like.
Is_that_so said:
When viewing the minor body chakras I get a little confused:

I made a quick photo to make sure I'm seeing things correctly:

Is this right??

Yes, both sides have a mirror symmetry with each other. This is a little hard to see with a body not standing up straight, or having one side turned away more.
lexa666 said:
I'm new on this forum and i have a question.
I dedicated myself to satan so i did the ritual but the sheet of paper is burning very slowly, it has been 6 hours and it doesn't stop.
Does it mean something?
Usually a sheet of paper burn in less than 30minutes.

Thank you in advance.


You are fine. Everything is good. :)
Hi I am somewhat new as far as reading and practicing spiritual Satanism, however once I was introduced I immediately knew I had been an SS most of my life based on experiences and powers I already had that I had been suppressing due to christianity brainwashing me. Anyhow I tried the links for Kundalini yoga but they are expired. Is there another you can give me? Also I have done my dedication ritual, opened my chakras, and now I believe my guardian demon to be Astarte, however I was wondering what I need to be reading and doing to better my relationship with her and father Satan? Lastly my black cat is carrying the spirit of someone, what can I do to figure out if it's an ancestor or someone reaching out to me?

Ave Satanas
Hail Astarte
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Rhoosychik said:

It looks like you are doing good. :)


Awesome!!!! Thank you truly, I needed this...and with pics of poses too is just perfect!! You made my evening much more pleasant!

Hail Satan 🖤
Hail Astarte 🖤
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Is_that_so said:
When viewing the minor body chakras I get a little confused:

Yes, both sides have a mirror symmetry with each other. This is a little hard to see with a body not standing up straight, or having one side turned away more.

So the chakras are on the front side and also on the back?

Or is it just in the middle of the body like the major chakras?
Hello, I am new. I come with kindness and honesty.

I have a question. I was always taught that Satanism does human sacrifices. That religions and beliefs outside of the Judeo-Christian religions all do despicable things. Could someone chime in on this?
Whatalife said:
Hello, I am new. I come with kindness and honesty.

I have a question. I was always taught that Satanism does human sacrifices. That religions and beliefs outside of the Judeo-Christian religions all do despicable things. Could someone chime in on this?
Those are lies. Like many things in this world, the reality of the matter is completely the other way around.



Whatalife said:
Hello, I am new. I come with kindness and honesty.

I have a question. I was always taught that Satanism does human sacrifices. That religions and beliefs outside of the Judeo-Christian religions all do despicable things. Could someone chime in on this?

You were taught lies. Christianity and the Abrahamic hoaxes have done the most despicable things in history: mass murdered people, even other christians whom they labeled as "heretics" because they didn't agree with the official dogma (there were no religious wars in Europe before xianity), destroyed libraries, burned books, burned down temples e.t.c.

Even in their bible their god, especially the Old Testament god is a moral monster who sends 2 bears to kill a bunch of teenagers because they called a prophet "baldy" and orders all sorts of mass murder, killing children, ripping open pregnant women and forcefully aborting their babies as a punishment (Hosea 13:16, any christian who is "pro-life" is a hypocrite) and all sorts of other despicable things.

Christ-Insanity is an evil and horrible religion which has committed crimes against humanity.

It has all be explained in the Exposing Christianity site.

Although we don't believe in the christian version of Satan, even the biblical Satan is a good guy: never killed anyone, never lied to anyone while their "god" mass murders millions of people, puts lying spirits in the mouths of prophets and sends delusions to people and make them believe lies so they be damned (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

Modern Christians not doing horrible things doesn't have to do with religion but culture: If you take a look at 3rd world Christian countries like Uganda, they all do horrible things: stone homosexuals, burn witches, crucify cats e.t.c.

Read the Joy of Satan website.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
