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Beelzebub_666 said:
When vibrating any rune or mantra if it is vibrated wrong then will it cause any problem?

Don't worry about this and just try your best. You can try these multiple different ways with a different tone voice, and you will feel which way feels stronger for you. You will feel it buzzing.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Maybe I’m not maybe I am but I be trying I’m not like y’all on here I stayed of the form for a while to focus on it it seems like nothing I don’t know if it’s lack of consistency or what I haven’t been studying or nothing on the site

I don’t know how to be consistent with this path it’s difficult you know

You can and need to be consistent on this lath by doing meditations, showing respect to our Gods anddo the RTRs in order to complete the mission Father Satan gave us. The Eternal Satanic Wellfare mission.

Hope I helped you

How many times a day you meditate and yes by showing positivity too me I want to become a dedicated warrior a true warrior without obstacles can stop me I barely been studying it’s difficult how you broke the blockages
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Maybe I’m not maybe I am but I be trying I’m not like y’all on here I stayed of the form for a while to focus on it it seems like nothing I don’t know if it’s lack of consistency or what I haven’t been studying or nothing on the site

I don’t know how to be consistent with this path it’s difficult you know

You can and need to be consistent on this lath by doing meditations, showing respect to our Gods anddo the RTRs in order to complete the mission Father Satan gave us. The Eternal Satanic Wellfare mission.

Hope I helped you

I’m overwhelmed distracted like I’m getting attack a lot i don’t what’s going on to be honest I’m tired of not making progress it’s been 2years and nothing
If I began a working on a good date, and on a certain date I start it in a very good hour but on void moon, is it canceled? (I didn't, but I almost did, so I want to understand for future situations)
Primal said:
How exactly does meeting and talking to a demon look like? Through astral projection? Through lucid dreaming? Through guided (and imaginary) visualization? Through a trance?

It's not like a physical tangible person will come knocking in my room, right? It's not that I'm scared. It's just that I highly doubt it would ever get to that level.

And for those like me who are nowhere near capable of something super powerful like seeing them through astral projection, are there newbie methods to do it like Ouija boards?

I'm also relatively new here but I'll list here what I know so your question doesn't go unanswered, because other members may be very busy. If someone has something to add, please do!

As far as I know, you can do a formal ritual to call the Demon, and those psychic enough will see and hear Him/Her, meanwhile others may not sense anything in the beginning or just feel Their energy, or have random external occurrences happening etc but you better read this, the official page on summoning - https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html
I read that ouija boards, pendulums, automatic writing, lucid dreaming, projection, tuning to them while in trance also work, but you got to practice as to not get false results induced by your mind/enemy influences. My idea - you can call them in your Astral Temple. You can also connect to Them through Their Sigil. And of course, we've the whole black mirror and tarot methods to figure out what the Demon is trying to tell you. I read somewhere that imagination is only good to the extent that it opens your senses, but should not be relied on totally. Better test any answer with another method (I'm not talking about intuition and inspiration here which may also seem like "imagining things" the first times)
On days when the void course of Moon lasts several hours, can I not stop all my magickal practices? Because I may not have the time to catch up afterwards. If I do something in that time period, are there chances it won't fail?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=394531 time=1666228308 user_id=21286]

It will weaken the working, but won't break it. Use a software counter, such as on your phone or something.

On another post you talked about being skeptical before you have evidence for something. This is fine, as long as you don't self-limit yourself. For example, your basis for evaluating the effects of a working should be after you have stopped at 40 or 80 days.

If you are cynical-minded, then it is easy to get upset by negative manifestations from karma. In reality, this is a sign that your efforts are working. However, the long-term result in 40 or 80 days should be much more positive.

Generally, it is better to take an optimistic approach with your magic, not only because it is based upon your will, but because you cannot actually measure anything that well, as a beginner. The working could be going great, but you may not see that until much later.

Thank you for your reply!

I was called for two job interviews on the 80th day of my Fehu work. The empty moon ended 10 minutes before the first interview. I did my 80th Fehu work in the morning so that I could go to both interviews having already completed day 80.

And both interviews were during the period when Jupiter was in retrograde motion in my sign (July 28 to October 28). And during the interviews I had the black tourmaline stone with the Fehu rune in my pocket, which I used to hold in my hand during rune work.

The second interview was very bad, almost certainly you won't be hired. Tomorrow is the deadline to decide. The first interview went quite well and I would prefer that job to the other one. Next Wednesday is the decision deadline.

For now, I'll keep doing the Fehu work. But my job search and my financial situation are very tight right now, so it is very important that I am hired for this job.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
On days when the void course of Moon lasts several hours, can I not stop all my magickal practices? Because I may not have the time to catch up afterwards. If I do something in that time period, are there chances it won't fail?

the starting time is important if you started at a good time and the empty moon comes. feel free to continue working.
if you start the work empty, it is invalid
Primal said:
How exactly does meeting and talking to a demon look like? Through astral projection? Through lucid dreaming? Through guided (and imaginary) visualization? Through a trance?

It's not like a physical tangible person will come knocking in my room, right? It's not that I'm scared. It's just that I highly doubt it would ever get to that level.

And for those like me who are nowhere near capable of something super powerful like seeing them through astral projection, are there newbie methods to do it like Ouija boards?

Szia testvér, 5.éve vagyok SS. Az első évben csak a 3. Szemem nyitottam ki szóval 4 produktív éve csinálom lehetőleg minden nap 105-110% on. Egy éve kezdtem el dolgozni a kundalinin, szexuális energia már emelkedett fel tavaly. Furcsálltam is,hogy piros színű a Kundalini :DD
Most maxoltam ki az ezzel való munkát( Sat Kriya +válltott orr légzés×4 +iker kígyós meditáció) utánna egy negyed órás Hatha és 20 -30 perc üres meditáció (halott pózban)aminek az elején belélegzek 20 Étert. És ekkor jön a transz és egyben a kivetülésre való felkéazülésem.
A transzba esésem mindig is gagyi volt..de ezzel a kombóval nagyon jól fog menni. Ugye a Hatha és méginkább az Éteren van a hangsúly ez ügyben.

Szóval ezzel csak azt akartam mondani,hogy csak haladj előre és majd jön magától. Van akinek hamar összejön, van akinek később.

Szóval a projekciót nem tudom, állmomban jelent már meg Astarte , hát mint egy ember az állmodban. Csak ő nem egy random valaki volt az állmomban.
Vizualizáción mikor beszélek hozzá homájosan látom őt és tisztán érzem, hogy figyel.

Ha jóban vagy az ilyen eszközökkel próbálld ki. Én azt mondom lehet a tábla használatának elsajátítása több időbe telne mint a kivetülés. Ugyanis oda is kell egy transz állapot. És rengeteg gyakorlat. Kezdő ként keresd az összefüggéseket és a saját gondolataidra figyelj, én így kaptam jeleket. Bár ez lehet egyéni.
If I want to go from complete beginner level to necromancy, what would be the ideal programme or exercises? I've been fascinated by this subject since I was a child, and maybe it's time I got more serious about it.

Is there a book that would be a good idea for me to read? HP Cobra suggested the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
It's written on the main site one needs to be balanced in the Elements. Does that mean that their Fire element would be equal with their Water, and their Air with their Earth or that all 4 would be distributed equally?
Dark Lawyer said:
If I want to go from complete beginner level to necromancy, what would be the ideal programme or exercises? I've been fascinated by this subject since I was a child, and maybe it's time I got more serious about it.

Is there a book that would be a good idea for me to read? HP Cobra suggested the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
A "Standard" routine that caters to everyone will help in your pursuit. Ie, meditation on chakras, yoga asanas, etc., etc. The more you do, the more you evolve and as such can implement progressively more difficult practices. Since necromancy interests you, practically this translates to training your psychic senses which are built on foundational practices that I mentioned above. So first, master the basics, then gradually add more difficult procedures and keep the progress constant. Over time you'll be adept.
Henu the Great said:
A "Standard" routine that caters to everyone will help in your pursuit. Ie, meditation on chakras, yoga asanas, etc., etc. The more you do, the more you evolve and as such can implement progressively more difficult practices. Since necromancy interests you, practically this translates to training your psychic senses which are built on foundational practices that I mentioned above. So first, master the basics, then gradually add more difficult procedures and keep the progress constant. Over time you'll be adept.

Thank you for your reply. Based on my readings of the forum so far, I too have come to the conclusion that I need to be strong on the fundamentals. There is a saying that the difference between a professional and an amateur is that a professional knows the basics better.

And isn't there some kind of targeted exercise that I might want to add to the standard programme now as a beginner to help lay the groundwork for later necromancy?
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
You can and need to be consistent on this lath by doing meditations, showing respect to our Gods anddo the RTRs in order to complete the mission Father Satan gave us. The Eternal Satanic Wellfare mission.

Hope I helped you

How many times a day you meditate and yes by showing positivity too me I want to become a dedicated warrior a true warrior without obstacles can stop me I barely been studying it’s difficult how you broke the blockages

I broke the blockages basically meditating, do a strong AoP (Aura of Protection) meditation in order to defend me and my beloved from attacks from the Enemy, did some chakra empowerment meditations, especially on the crown chakra which resides in the head, as I need to have intense focus when working in Spiritual Satanism.

Plus, I always trusted Satan and showed him respect, communicated with him a lot by meditating on his sigil and he always told me very useful tips, like, I am going to insert a few there:

1. In life, we have a lot of hard times, but we need to focus on developing spiritually and be able to fight for the Good Cause (e.g. Eternal Satanic Wellfare). We all know that there is a lot of negativity in this world, because of our Enemies but, we will do everything needed to get back to the good times by doing the RTRs and developing by Ancient Culture..
2. Don't be afraid, study, develop, grow, be Eternally Glorified in the Satanic Wellfare.

So, trust Father Satan, meditate, develop yourself and your AoP and also do the RTRs.

Personally, I would recommend Jehova's Exorcism as it is good for getting rid of negative xian energies that still reside because of vicious programming.

Thank you I feel Satan told you to tell me this
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
You can and need to be consistent on this lath by doing meditations, showing respect to our Gods anddo the RTRs in order to complete the mission Father Satan gave us. The Eternal Satanic Wellfare mission.

Hope I helped you

How many times a day you meditate and yes by showing positivity too me I want to become a dedicated warrior a true warrior without obstacles can stop me I barely been studying it’s difficult how you broke the blockages

I broke the blockages basically meditating, do a strong AoP (Aura of Protection) meditation in order to defend me and my beloved from attacks from the Enemy, did some chakra empowerment meditations, especially on the crown chakra which resides in the head, as I need to have intense focus when working in Spiritual Satanism.

Plus, I always trusted Satan and showed him respect, communicated with him a lot by meditating on his sigil and he always told me very useful tips, like, I am going to insert a few there:

1. In life, we have a lot of hard times, but we need to focus on developing spiritually and be able to fight for the Good Cause (e.g. Eternal Satanic Wellfare). We all know that there is a lot of negativity in this world, because of our Enemies but, we will do everything needed to get back to the good times by doing the RTRs and developing by Ancient Culture..
2. Don't be afraid, study, develop, grow, be Eternally Glorified in the Satanic Wellfare.

So, trust Father Satan, meditate, develop yourself and your AoP and also do the RTRs.

Personally, I would recommend Jehova's Exorcism as it is good for getting rid of negative xian energies that still reside because of vicious programming.

How many times a day you meditate
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I don’t know how to be consistent with this path it’s difficult you know

You can and need to be consistent on this lath by doing meditations, showing respect to our Gods anddo the RTRs in order to complete the mission Father Satan gave us. The Eternal Satanic Wellfare mission.

Hope I helped you

I’m overwhelmed distracted like I’m getting attack a lot i don’t what’s going on to be honest I’m tired of not making progress it’s been 2years and nothing

I will be in my sixth year in January 2023.
5 of them are productive.
in the first year I only opened my 3rd eye. Then there was a crisis in my life and if I didn't find a mentor I would probably be dead by now.
so since my 2nd year I try to complete 105-110% daily.
when I wake up I'm still in bed, doing FRTR, then yoga, then empty meditation, cleansing and AoP.
this is how you start tomorrow :D
Henu the Great said:
Aleksandre said:
Hello. If person is physically weak. Can he practice a magick working: increasing strenght???
I mean. can everybody practice this working ???
Yes, everyone can use magick to their benefit regardless of their current physical attributes as long as one can vibrate mantras and focus on the goal.

Thanks Henu. I started the working but at the wnd of october mars gets retrograde should i continue practicing strengh working or delay it until mars gets directive???
Dark Lawyer said:
And isn't there some kind of targeted exercise that I might want to add to the standard programme now as a beginner to help lay the groundwork for later necromancy?
Void meditation and chakra meditation, or any other method to improve the function of your chakras. Including the extensions of the upper chakras would help. Removing any blockages or other weak points regarding chakras is included in this.

There are more elements to this, such as handling of elements, or energy in general, practicing trance... I think the 6-month program is a good starting point.
Aleksandre said:
Thanks Henu. I started the working but at the wnd of october mars gets retrograde should i continue practicing strengh working or delay it until mars gets directive???
The beginning point is the one that counts as you are essentially working on creating sort of a line of continuum from the starting point. So do not worry about how the position of the planets changes after you have begun. The aim is to keep steady on the effort to build it up.

If the effort is interrupted, and you would want to restart, then that's when you need to consider the position of the planets carefully again.
the gods create gentile human soul. can they also destroy it?

there're different realms (physical, spiritual, astral, etc.). what if a person doesn't want to exist in any of them?

is such a thing possible? can i ask the gods to delete my soul everywhere so that i never exist?

side note (i ask for clarity on this matter as well):
i saw someone on forums say that no one wants such a 'total death of the soul' because "it is a boring experience". i wonder if that's true or not. my initial belief is that one must first exist in order to experience/feel/perceive any amount of boredom. therefore my assumption is that the user's statement is false.
Hyperborean said:
Someone who is asking these types of questions doesn't have a problem nor is he's asking for help, he is here to waste our time, as you can see from the other person Cosmic6999 above asking the same things from more than 2 years.

You seem to prefer quantity over quality. If JoS followed this approach and wanted to save every person from the enemy in the astral like Christians want to do from the supposed hell-fire, it would not be pro-NS and it would drop the name Satan. So obviously, Satanism has an elitist aspect. It's for the strong. As it's been said again, Satanism isn't for everyone. If someone is discouraged by my words, then he is not strong enough to be a Satanist. However I don't say those things to every random person who comes here, only to people who are clearly time-wasters. These people who want to be spoonfed and can't think on their own like Cosmic6999 are not fit to be SS.

Cosmic is different from the person you originally replied to. You even say yourself that they have been here for 2 years. The other person only has 1 post. That is the focus of the point I was making, which is that your judgement was not accounting for the person being new to this path, thereby being prematurely limiting.

If you saw the posts I had made when I was new, you would likely have had an equally harsh judgement. Yet, through my own efforts at learning and growing, I was able to reach a substantially better position.

In regards to time-wasting, or wasting of help, it only takes a few minutes to write a post to someone. If you are managing your time well, this would not represent a waste of effort, especially as you are giving someone precise advice.

If someone is going to fail, then they will prove that by their own efforts. You don't have to jump on top of them with additional negative prophecy. If you are concerned with time wasting, then next time don't bother even saying such words to someone.

Not everyone is as strong as you, but they may be skilled in other areas. If they need to grow their masculine energies, then they do so through Satanism, not in avoidance of it. In most cases, this is literally as simple as doing the breath of fire or chanting Surya to improve the will.

This is not about quantity over quality so much as simply waiting for the quality to develop on its own.
Dark Lawyer said:
If I want to go from complete beginner level to necromancy, what would be the ideal programme or exercises? I've been fascinated by this subject since I was a child, and maybe it's time I got more serious about it.

Is there a book that would be a good idea for me to read? HP Cobra suggested the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

I have been somewhat interested in the subject as well but I am far more interested in communication and relations with demons though these have very similar preparations which in general is void meditation, opening the astral senses, trance, chakra meditations, and if you can developing expertise with an external tool such as ouija board, tarot cards or pendulum. Also I would recommend building a relationship with the daemon Bifrons as he is an expert at necromancy and can help teach you about this specific area of magick.

Your ability to communicate with the dead or astral entities effectively will depend on your astrological chart and elemental make up. Generally I have found high water element helps with this, if you don't have that you can invoke water to improve the astral senses but again this is very advanced. I realized same as you that I need to master the basics and improve my physical situation before I can go to such advanced levels so I backed off from elemental meditations. The most important thing is of course to improve your situation so you will have more time to advance. Hope all goes well with your interview, good luck!

Bifrons: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html/index.html
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
I broke the blockages basically meditating, do a strong AoP (Aura of Protection) meditation in order to defend me and my beloved from attacks from the Enemy, did some chakra empowerment meditations, especially on the crown chakra which resides in the head, as I need to have intense focus when working in Spiritual Satanism.

Plus, I always trusted Satan and showed him respect, communicated with him a lot by meditating on his sigil and he always told me very useful tips, like, I am going to insert a few there:

1. In life, we have a lot of hard times, but we need to focus on developing spiritually and be able to fight for the Good Cause (e.g. Eternal Satanic Wellfare). We all know that there is a lot of negativity in this world, because of our Enemies but, we will do everything needed to get back to the good times by doing the RTRs and developing by Ancient Culture..
2. Don't be afraid, study, develop, grow, be Eternally Glorified in the Satanic Wellfare.

So, trust Father Satan, meditate, develop yourself and your AoP and also do the RTRs.

Personally, I would recommend Jehova's Exorcism as it is good for getting rid of negative xian energies that still reside because of vicious programming.

How many times a day you meditate

I meditate mostly 4-5 times a day, of course with pauses of 1-3 minutes between each work.

I maintain even more days 5-10 if needed for special works to take effect like AoP meditation, element meditation and runic vibrations.

Hope you find this full of interest to you

You is a good mentor and a guide to help me do you think our zodiac is our main element we need to work with?
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
I broke the blockages basically meditating, do a strong AoP (Aura of Protection) meditation in order to defend me and my beloved from attacks from the Enemy, did some chakra empowerment meditations, especially on the crown chakra which resides in the head, as I need to have intense focus when working in Spiritual Satanism.

Plus, I always trusted Satan and showed him respect, communicated with him a lot by meditating on his sigil and he always told me very useful tips, like, I am going to insert a few there:

1. In life, we have a lot of hard times, but we need to focus on developing spiritually and be able to fight for the Good Cause (e.g. Eternal Satanic Wellfare). We all know that there is a lot of negativity in this world, because of our Enemies but, we will do everything needed to get back to the good times by doing the RTRs and developing by Ancient Culture..
2. Don't be afraid, study, develop, grow, be Eternally Glorified in the Satanic Wellfare.

So, trust Father Satan, meditate, develop yourself and your AoP and also do the RTRs.

Personally, I would recommend Jehova's Exorcism as it is good for getting rid of negative xian energies that still reside because of vicious programming.

Thank you I feel Satan told you to tell me this

Good senses. Not gonna lie :)

That is what happened 100% clear

Thank you and father Satan for reaching out to me
Misikeksz666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
You can and need to be consistent on this lath by doing meditations, showing respect to our Gods anddo the RTRs in order to complete the mission Father Satan gave us. The Eternal Satanic Wellfare mission.

Hope I helped you

I’m overwhelmed distracted like I’m getting attack a lot i don’t what’s going on to be honest I’m tired of not making progress it’s been 2years and nothing

I will be in my sixth year in January 2023.
5 of them are productive.
in the first year I only opened my 3rd eye. Then there was a crisis in my life and if I didn't find a mentor I would probably be dead by now.
so since my 2nd year I try to complete 105-110% daily.
when I wake up I'm still in bed, doing FRTR, then yoga, then empty meditation, cleansing and AoP.
this is how you start tomorrow :D

Ima make that as a routine
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Hope I helped you :)

If you still don't find my answer of interest to you, you can ask other experienced users on this.


NitrateOsfatate666 said:
No one wants a fuull death experience as a soul which is purely dead is either dust, or exists in a real where there is just pure nothingness, no pepple, no conputers, sinply nothing.

i want this actually.

NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Our Gods created Gentile souls but the Gentile souls cannot be "deleted".

You can't just ask for your soul to be deleted just like a file from your computer.

this seems cruel to me. im told that the gods are infinitely caring and understanding. if thats true, they would allow us the freedom to choose if we want to be 'deleted permanently'.

NitrateOsfatate666 said:
souls don't die. Although, they have a limited amount of reincarnations though.
do you have more information on this? what happens when a soul runs out of incarnations? (if thats even a question)

once again, thanks for the post.
I’m curious (I’m new too), even if I begin to truly think he wants true death because his chakras are surely not opened enough…
Yes the soul cannot be deleted because the soul is energy. Only, I think true death can be achieve if one really want it. One could be absorbed entirely or the consciousness could be « dormant » like in the enemy’s light, no ?
sola said:
ello brethren.

on the JoS website, it says for people with Saturn in 8th house:

"They often crave a deep soul-to-soul union with a lover, but fate prevents this."

i indeed have saturn in 8th house. and yes i crave a soul-to-soul union with a lover. so to be told that 'fate prevents this' is a gunshot to the head. is it possible that certain meditations/spells can negate the effect of saturn & let me have a soul-lover?

or is it one of those ones where its set in hard stone, regardless of any power meditation/spell? let me knoww pls.

if there iS a way to 'change fate' and let me have a soul-lover, let me knoww. please :idea:
Technically it is possible to overcome such issues. In practice, it requires diligent work over a period of time.
Henu the Great said:
Technically it is possible to overcome such issues. In practice, it requires diligent work over a period of time.
thank you henu
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
I meditate mostly 4-5 times a day, of course with pauses of 1-3 minutes between each work.

I maintain even more days 5-10 if needed for special works to take effect like AoP meditation, element meditation and runic vibrations.

Hope you find this full of interest to you

You is a good mentor and a guide to help me do you think our zodiac is our main element we need to work with?

We need to work on other elements too, not just our zodiac :) . We also need to work on the fire, water, and air elements.

The following elements which we need to work on are:

1. Our chakras
2. The four elements which I mentioned earlier
3. Our zodiac. We need to improve ourselves through learning astrology and finding our talentd which are just in our astral code.
4. AoP (Aura of Protection) which in my opinion is the most vital work that is used to protect us.

If you want to work on your zodiac, you can.use specific mantras which are mostly found on the JoS website.

Friendly advice: except the mantras which are found here on the JoS, other things from YouTube or other social media platforms are not to be trusted, as sometimes, on the social media platforms there may be corrupt information.

Hail Satan my Brother.

You said empty meditation what’s that also and read about our zodiac. Also so like do we start from our top chakras correct and what do you study?
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
I meditate mostly 4-5 times a day, of course with pauses of 1-3 minutes between each work.

I maintain even more days 5-10 if needed for special works to take effect like AoP meditation, element meditation and runic vibrations.

Hope you find this full of interest to you

You is a good mentor and a guide to help me do you think our zodiac is our main element we need to work with?

We need to work on other elements too, not just our zodiac :) . We also need to work on the fire, water, and air elements.

The following elements which we need to work on are:

1. Our chakras
2. The four elements which I mentioned earlier
3. Our zodiac. We need to improve ourselves through learning astrology and finding our talentd which are just in our astral code.
4. AoP (Aura of Protection) which in my opinion is the most vital work that is used to protect us.

If you want to work on your zodiac, you can.use specific mantras which are mostly found on the JoS website.

Friendly advice: except the mantras which are found here on the JoS, other things from YouTube or other social media platforms are not to be trusted, as sometimes, on the social media platforms there may be corrupt information.

Hail Satan my Brother.

How can you find out your talent in the site I didn’t find nothing useful
Cosmic6999 said:
How can you find out your talent in the site I didn’t find nothing useful

How old are you? I don't want you to tell us, just think about it. And you don't know anything that you are interested in? There is no way for any of us to answer this. And there is no way for the website to answer this. You must obviously know what are some topics or subjects that you enjoy or are interested in. Or maybe you are not interested in anything which would be very boring.

Do you like any sports? Did you like any subject in school? Do you like animals or nature? Do you like reading or writing? Do you like math or science? Do you like any skills or games? Do you like to build things?

There is no automatic talent for anything in anybody. All talent must be practiced and worked very hard for. If something is easy for one person, it is only because this person has already done many years of working and practicing for it in past lives so that talent carried to now, but it was worked very hard for and it was earned. And there is no astrological effect that can automatically give you a talent. Instead, the astrological effect encourages you to be interested in a certain subject. And by being strongly interested in this, it will feel like you are more easily able to understand this subject than somebody else who is not interested. But the understanding did not come automatically, it came from spending many hours and many years practicing and trying to learn about these things.

Whatever you want to do, you better start doing it now and practice every day.
Is it a mistake that order of chakra alignment is different on the shoulder chakra opening section?

Aleksandre said:
Hello. I practice raum daily for cleaning. Should i affirm. an affirmation also or is the vibration itself enough. ?? :?:

I usually confirm 3 times during cleaning.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. How do you train in lucid dreaming? Does it come on the way, as you advance?
Keep a dream journal. Every time you wake up, remember your dreams and keep a log of dreams.

Aleksandre said:
Hello. I practice raum daily for cleaning. Should i affirm. an affirmation also or is the vibration itself enough. ?? :?:
Always program raised energy. Like the other member who answered I prefer affirming three times for cleaning and protection, but you can choose freely any amount of affirmations.
Асуря said:
Is it a mistake that order of chakra alignment is different on the shoulder chakra opening section?

It is as it should be. Hips have chakras as do shoulders.

The pages give two different orders of chakra alignment.

1. Begin with the base chakra and turn the cone so the point is upwards.
2. Do the same with the sacral chakra.
3. Now focus on your solar plexus chakra and align it point down.
4. Focus your attention on your crown chakra and turn the point down.
5. Do the same with your sixth and throat chakras.
6. Now, focus on your heart chakra and visualize two points coming together and intersecting as shown in the illustration directly below:

7. Finish by again focusing on your shoulder chakras and visualize them pointing inward.


1. Begin with the base chakra and turn the cone so the point is upwards,
like a pyramid.
2. Do the same with the sacral chakra [2nd].
3. Now focus on your solar '666' chakra and turn it so it is pointing downwards.
The 666 chakra is the cup that catches and stores the elixir of life.
4. Do the same with your sixth and throat chakras- turn them so they are both pointing downwards.
5. Now, focus on your heart chakra and visualize two points coming together and intersecting as shown immediately below here.

6. Focus your attention on your crown chakra and turn the point down.
7. Finish by again focusing on your shoulder chakras and visualize them pointing inward.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
