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Are some vaccines and medicines good and others are bad or is pretty much all modern medicine a lie?
Sinistar7 said:

We have zero interest in this fed honeypot bullshit. Nothing but worthless nonsense.
Hello ,
I want to understand my natal chart , but am unable to understand it , can anybody help me understand my love life in the natal chart?
Just curious about it.

What would happen if one starts a working without working on his/chakras at all, how will the working be effected?

By this i mean without even basic stimulation of chakras.

The output of the energy will be really low from i feel, no matter how much energies one can raise within him/her.

Would be glad if someone can further explain it.
I would like to ask a question, is it normal to have a headache when opening the 3rd eye?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sinistar7 said:

We have zero interest in this fed honeypot bullshit. Nothing but worthless nonsense.

Totally wrong in your view. O9A was set up by FBI and kids with a death wish latched on. I was snitched on twice by the same guy myself. And I don't promote terror crime violence etc I'm a non racist ethical national socialist you lemming
Hi:) Thank you all for all the information here.I have a question again.Is human soul eternal? I mean for Satanists we reincarnate and practicing muslims and jews and christians also reincarnate but what happens to atheists and muslims who are not practicing? Will their souls be destroyed? In my country it is so hard to inform people about Satan and we can get death penalty and Im worried about people I love (they are non practicing muslims) :((((
Filho de satan said:
Serbon said:
Filho de satan said:
I would like to ask a question, is it normal to have a headache when opening the 3rd eye?
thanks Serbon,But how long does this headache and ringing in the head usually last?
It depends on the individual, I felt pressure on my forehead for about 20-30 minutes
Sinistar7 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sinistar7 said:

We have zero interest in this fed honeypot bullshit. Nothing but worthless nonsense.

Totally wrong in your view. O9A was set up by FBI and kids with a death wish latched on. I was snitched on twice by the same guy myself. And I don't promote terror crime violence etc I'm a non racist ethical national socialist you lemming
You are free to embark on the 8 fold path, do the dedication ritual listed on JoS and go from there.

As for concerning other organisations... Most are not compatible with JoS given the fact that most people are not ready/willing to shed their old self in entirety. The upside is that anyone willing is welcomed and given ample support, as long as their intention is aligned with Satans will.
Henu the Great said:
Sinistar7 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
We have zero interest in this fed honeypot bullshit. Nothing but worthless nonsense.

Totally wrong in your view. O9A was set up by FBI and kids with a death wish latched on. I was snitched on twice by the same guy myself. And I don't promote terror crime violence etc I'm a non racist ethical national socialist you lemming
You are free to embark on the 8 fold path, do the dedication ritual listed on JoS and go from there.

As for concerning other organisations... Most are not compatible with JoS given the fact that most people are not ready/willing to shed their old self in entirety. The upside is that anyone willing is welcomed and given ample support, as long as their intention is aligned with Satans will.

Except in the olden ages of this internet thingy JoS liked David Myatt and the O9A. I've already dedicated myself to Satan long ago I am not a novice.

My writings are at Sinistar7.org I support JoS as well as O9A and National Socialism.
Serbon said:
Filho de satan said:
I would like to ask a question, is it normal to have a headache when opening the 3rd eye?

If its too much, sun moon breath eases it.

Stimulating your heart chakra with Aum also eases the headache.
sola said:
hi. JoS ministry has made it clear that weed is bad.

i can see how smoking it everyday is bad.

but what about once a month? will smoking weed once a month stop people from advancing their soul?
or can people still progress spiritually, even if they smoke weed every now & then.

Yes. Please do not smoke anymore. I can empathize because I used to smoke a lot before coming to JoS.

At the same time, drugs are major problems for your body and soul. Many people have enough problems with their thoughts, emotions, and karma before adding hallucinogenic drugs on top of that.

Beyond that, it is very damaging to the body, despite what Jews try to convince us otherwise.

Do the Gods proud and throw them out any drugs and refuse to use them ever again. Your advancement will always bring your more euphoria than some Jewish drug will.

Also, read this: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Neptunedrugs.html
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. Someone I know went to a "course of radiesthesia" and there they told her that each planet has a Ruler - an evolved being, then each solar system has a Ruler, and then each galaxy a Ruler, and each universe 1 Ruler and ended up saying that there are 10 universes and 10 Rulers, which are the supreme and highest beings there is.
Now, I know that ET's are supervising us and throw an eye on us while we are still learning to take care of ourselves, but could what she say be true - 10 universes?
She's been watching too much dragon ball super.
Greetings! Should we give alcohol to children? I've read (but I'm not sure of the accuracy ) that Ancient Greek and Roman children drank wine daily. If it's true, then why does society try to convince us that it's not healthy? I'm referring to moderate consumption.
What kind of metaphysical properties does alcohol have? I assume those people used them in Rituals, like the Standard Ritual from the JoS which includes wine.
Thank you
sola said:
hi. JoS ministry has made it clear that weed is bad.

i can see how smoking it everyday is bad.

but what about once a month? will smoking weed once a month stop people from advancing their soul?
or can people still progress spiritually, even if they smoke weed every now & then.

One can still progress (if practising yoga etc.) but the less weed the better I think, and the best would be not at all. Nowadays there is even "Ganja Yoga" classes. I asked a renown swedish yoga teacher about this and he said this is only about individuals promoting this, and that there is nothing in the yogic teachings which recommends it. He also told me about the existance of "beer yoga" from Germany and "red wine yoga" from California.

Some people find it very difficult to relax properly and thus feel a need to use cannabis or alcohol for relaxation, and that is understandable to me considering the chaotic world around us.
In a decent more calm spiritual world there would not be the same need for these drugs.

I've discovered a good relaxing tea that can be an alternative, but first and foremost I try to relax as much as I can naturally. This has always been difficult for me. So difficult that I've used weed and alcohol in order to relax. Both are addictive things and can make one feel "bored" without them. Only bored at home when used to taking that shit, never at work etc. which is a quite funny aspect of how the mind works.

As an example of how difficult relaxation is for me, it always takes long time for me to fall asleep even though I'm tired. One time when I was treated with acupunture, she told me I had a lot of fire element in me. Perhaps acupuncture can help reduce this a bit and help with relaxation, but that is also way expensive.

When I first discovered JoS it brought me some insight of how "highness" can be achieved without any drugs at all, but with persistant meditation raising the kundalini. Sadhguru has mentioned many times that he's constantly "high" without drugs so that is something to advocate for here also - getting high on meditation. But since that takes a lot of inner effort, weed and alcohol becomes a "quick fix" for many people - unfortunately with negative side effects.

So my simple conclusion is the less drugs and more persistant meditation the better.
I prefer to call Xtians Nazarenes and Zionist Jews or Talmudic Jews Magians like the O9A. Magian-Nazarene trash breeds online with their White Hordes of Homo Hubris.

I think I'd like to find support here as I'm extremely depressed and suicidal.

How would I reach out to Satan when I'm feeling this way?

Also O9A identified Satan as God. Atazoth is cosmic representation of Satan and Satan his earth bound representative. Mohammad changed the name of Atazoth to Allah to scam people.

Also Atazoth is Apsu. Similar to how Visnu incarnated as Krsna.

Either way Satan is God and created the Universe somehow IMO.

Satan I know feels my pain and sorrow somehow but I wish he'd be gentler on me in life.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=362221 time=1654333319 user_id=21286]
sola said:
hi. JoS ministry has made it clear that weed is bad.

i can see how smoking it everyday is bad.

but what about once a month? will smoking weed once a month stop people from advancing their soul?
or can people still progress spiritually, even if they smoke weed every now & then.

Yes. Please do not smoke anymore. I can empathize because I used to smoke a lot before coming to JoS.

At the same time, drugs are major problems for your body and soul. Many people have enough problems with their thoughts, emotions, and karma before adding hallucinogenic drugs on top of that.

Beyond that, it is very damaging to the body, despite what Jews try to convince us otherwise.

Do the Gods proud and throw them out any drugs and refuse to use them ever again. Your advancement will always bring your more euphoria than some Jewish drug will.

Also, read this: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Neptunedrugs.html

I want to ask you; when you smoked cannabis before joining JoS, did you also meditate when smoking?
I've seen others describe how meditation becomes more difficult without cannabis when they are used to having it as an aid in their meditation, which I can also relate to. Same with breath of fire exercises actually, which I've experienced a stronger effect from on cannabis in small doses.

I do not want to come off as someone who promotes cannabis now, but at the same time I want to be honest.
JoS seems to have the same kind of view on this plant as Yogi Bahjan. I've read there are some accusations of him being a fraud, a sexual offender though etc. But here is a quote from him about cannabis:

It can give the illusion of a mystical experience, I said. But it’s just that; an illusion. And it comes at a high cost. Part of the illusion is created through temporary suspension of the left-brain dominance we’ve all been nurtured on – that part of us that is driven by critical reasoning, problem solving and formulas, and by an inexplicable need to prove stuff. So, for a moment, with that overbearing part of us at ease, you feel less like competing, and instead, more in touch with others. You feel more receptive, and more in tune with your feelings and instincts. You feel less driven by that need to figure it out and be right. You’re even fine with the unexplainable. It feels blissful.

But a genuine spiritual state is found in presence. It’s not found in some magical place. And the irony is that when you’re high, you cannot sustain your attention long enough to be present. You cannot be mindful when you’re high. Heck, you can’t even sit up straight when you’re high. Thus, the ironic conclusion is that you end up preventing the very spiritual state you’re chasing. Spiritual practice is defeated by getting high.

True spiritual practice is practice at being here. So, inebriated, you rob yourself of the opportunity to develop the kind of discipline that you not only can turn to at any time, but that nurtures within you the ability to maintain this state of mind. You rob yourself of the profound sense of peacefulness and composure that comes from sustained presence. Inebriated, rather than develop a sincere acceptance of what is, you merely feed the desire to run and hide from life. It is a high cost indeed.

Seems reasonable, but at the same time one cannot deny cannabis is used (and have been used for a long time) as medicine. So it thus seems to me factually wrong to say cannabis is nothing but shit, in that sense at least.
What branch of Satanism does Joy of Satans most closely stem from? I ask because I'd like to purchase any books related to the spiritual and magic aspects. As to have them on hand for when for whatever reason I am unable to access digital assets. That and I mean come on. Books on shelves man. I desire it. List what you would buy.
Ive been reading a bit about narcissism recently


“"Toxic individuals must have a source of energy””

My question is, what kind of energy is the parasite feeding off? It seems as though it must be negative?

Demonic said:
Artoria Pendragon said:
many thanks

that is very helpful. So for my dad, or for instance any other Gentile human, I should just practice returning energies.

Any of the black magic should really only be used on the Enemy Jew, would you say?

Hail to the Gods of Orion

Keep on cleaning and protecting yourself, AOP will automatically return negative energies and keep you away from any harm that comes your way from anyone.

Black magic can be performed on any gentile, but should you or should you not do this, comes down to your own judgement and justification of the situation, it depends on how much damage this particular being has caused you.

In your case, i dont know what the situation is but cleaning and protection will do the trick from what i have learned about your situation from you. You can also put AOP around your dad,this way this "entity" control over him will be significantly less.

Artoria Pendragon said:
Or one can still use black magic, drawing the energy from outside oneself, and directing it to the entity that is controlling a loved one?

As i see it and as I stated above, black magick would not be a good route to for this. Putting AOP around him and cleaning would be a good approach if the situation is really bad and hes getting too much manipulated by whatever that is causing this.

Another approach would be to strengthen your own AOP, so your dad does not bother you and negativity are returned to entity itself even if they are coming to you through your dad. Even if you dont know where the energies are coming from your soul knows and returns the negative energies where they actually needs to be returned.
SerenaMousse said:
What branch of Satanism does Joy of Satans most closely stem from? I ask because I'd like to purchase any books related to the spiritual and magic aspects. As to have them on hand for when for whatever reason I am unable to access digital assets. That and I mean come on. Books on shelves man. I desire it. List what you would buy.
Joy of Satan is based upon pre-Christian Paganism, ancient Hinduism, the ancient Sumerian religion and the ancient Egyptian religion.

So I guess you’d buy books about Mesopotamian Magic and Egyptian Magic but most spiritual books are filled with nonsense, the Joyofsatan.org website has everything you need.

This is a list of some books cited in JoS sermons: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19507
xlnt said:
What Yogi Bhajan is correct, but we must also remember all the adverse effects of using subtances. I also have expierence on the subject and it's not so simple as that cannabis makes meditation easier. I would actually say that it makes it harder due to all the other factors, physical mostly, that you will have to deal with when you use it.

Cannabis as a medicine... In the past the potency was not what it is today, which makes all the adverse effects even more pronounced than ever before. You can see cannabinoids on the surface of the plant, that is how much it has been bred for increased narcotic effect in mind. I would also make a bet that it was not used by inhalation in the past, but rather, orally or as ointment. Today, you have most people inhaling it, and some people eating it. Maybe some hippie made a drink from it, but that is rare. One must also ask, what are the alternatives? Like when people say that they use it for "anxiety", or for "increasing creativity", then we can say with certainty that those cases can easily be treated differently. When we talk about some difficult medical conditions, like multiple sclerosis, we can have better justification for the usage, but even then, I bet that there are alternatives. It's just that allopathic medicine does not always provide us with adequate results so that people look for medicine such as cannabis and justify its usage when there are more approaches available.
It can give the illusion of a mystical experience, I said. But it’s just that; an illusion. And it comes at a high cost. Part of the illusion is created through temporary suspension of the left-brain dominance we’ve all been nurtured on – that part of us that is driven by critical reasoning, problem solving and formulas, and by an inexplicable need to prove stuff. So, for a moment, with that overbearing part of us at ease, you feel less like competing, and instead, more in touch with others. You feel more receptive, and more in tune with your feelings and instincts. You feel less driven by that need to figure it out and be right. You’re even fine with the unexplainable. It feels blissful.

But a genuine spiritual state is found in presence. It’s not found in some magical place. And the irony is that when you’re high, you cannot sustain your attention long enough to be present. You cannot be mindful when you’re high. Heck, you can’t even sit up straight when you’re high. Thus, the ironic conclusion is that you end up preventing the very spiritual state you’re chasing. Spiritual practice is defeated by getting high.

True spiritual practice is practice at being here. So, inebriated, you rob yourself of the opportunity to develop the kind of discipline that you not only can turn to at any time, but that nurtures within you the ability to maintain this state of mind. You rob yourself of the profound sense of peacefulness and composure that comes from sustained presence. Inebriated, rather than develop a sincere acceptance of what is, you merely feed the desire to run and hide from life. It is a high cost indeed.


I smoked a lot of cannabis in the past and it was ok.But recently,more exactly a year and a half,every time when i smoke i feel oll kinds of side effects.

All this time i thought may be i developed some cannabis allergy :?

I don tknow where this quote is from, but thanks :)
I noticed one of the users mentioned that it was not recommended for pregnant woman to participate in war in one of the topics. Is it true? Does it harm the baby and why so?

My child gets quite active kicking me, during meditations or when I'm raising energies and I think that's a good sign, isn't it?
Henu the Great said:
xlnt said:
What Yogi Bhajan is correct, but we must also remember all the adverse effects of using subtances. I also have expierence on the subject and it's not so simple as that cannabis makes meditation easier. I would actually say that it makes it harder due to all the other factors, physical mostly, that you will have to deal with when you use it.

Cannabis as a medicine... In the past the potency was not what it is today, which makes all the adverse effects even more pronounced than ever before. You can see cannabinoids on the surface of the plant, that is how much it has been bred for increased narcotic effect in mind. I would also make a bet that it was not used by inhalation in the past, but rather, orally or as ointment. Today, you have most people inhaling it, and some people eating it. Maybe some hippie made a drink from it, but that is rare. One must also ask, what are the alternatives? Like when people say that they use it for "anxiety", or for "increasing creativity", then we can say with certainty that those cases can easily be treated differently. When we talk about some difficult medical conditions, like multiple sclerosis, we can have better justification for the usage, but even then, I bet that there are alternatives. It's just that allopathic medicine does not always provide us with adequate results so that people look for medicine such as cannabis and justify its usage when there are more approaches available.

Depends on the strain also; if it's mostly THC or CBD, sativa or indica. According to someone I've talked to (Angelo Graziano - see: https://www.fria.nu/artikel/132647) who sell cannabis products (CBD oils etc.) THC is the most medicinal component, and smoking weed is pure medicine to him, even if it's smoked. Inhaling burned material is never good so I think he's sort of a clown for saying so. I've also read that it's actually CBD which has the most medicinal effects; the anti-psychadelic component that counteracts the effects of THC (which makes people high).

I mentioned to him about the impact on memory; making one not be able to follow a straight line of thought etc. and he just shunned it off with "you don't think I follow this conversation? I just smoked a joint a half hour a go". So there is a sort of tendency among weed enthusiasts to not want to accept the reality of these negative side effects. He did however point out that young people should not smoke, but on the other hand that does not mean adults should. It's this chaotic world where being an adult is so tough that weed is necessary according to him.

A friend I had failed to take his driving license 5 times in a row because of these negative effects.
He was so addicted to it he had to stash it in my place since he would smoke all the time having it at home. The most addicting aspect of it is probably what he mentioned about the effect of increased dopamine levels, so it's addicting no doubt.
Yesterday, around midnight, I tried to dedicate my soul to Satan. Everything was set, I felt ready, I lit all of the candles, but I just couldn't prick my finger, I was too afraid. I spent 40 minutes (and I'm not exaggerating, my phone was next to me,) sitting in front of the burning candles, trying to get some blood out, but couldn't out of fear. In the end, I blew out the candles and put them back in their place, and sadness took over my mind.

I feel like I'm just so weak and pathetic, I can't even cause myself a small "wound" to get some blood out. I'm trying to dedicate my soul to Satan, I want to fight along with everyone else too. I want to fight. But I feel weak, I couln't even prick my finger just a tiny bit.

Does anyone know a way to overcome this?

(I think it's worth noting that I am 15 years old and in the past I've cut myself many times.)
Henu the Great said:
xlnt said:
What Yogi Bhajan is correct, but we must also remember all the adverse effects of using subtances. I also have expierence on the subject and it's not so simple as that cannabis makes meditation easier. I would actually say that it makes it harder due to all the other factors, physical mostly, that you will have to deal with when you use it.

Cannabis as a medicine... In the past the potency was not what it is today, which makes all the adverse effects even more pronounced than ever before. You can see cannabinoids on the surface of the plant, that is how much it has been bred for increased narcotic effect in mind. I would also make a bet that it was not used by inhalation in the past, but rather, orally or as ointment. Today, you have most people inhaling it, and some people eating it. Maybe some hippie made a drink from it, but that is rare. One must also ask, what are the alternatives? Like when people say that they use it for "anxiety", or for "increasing creativity", then we can say with certainty that those cases can easily be treated differently. When we talk about some difficult medical conditions, like multiple sclerosis, we can have better justification for the usage, but even then, I bet that there are alternatives. It's just that allopathic medicine does not always provide us with adequate results so that people look for medicine such as cannabis and justify its usage when there are more approaches available.

What about taking magic shrooms and talking to machine elves? I've never tried them, and have no idea how truthful these are.
BTW. I had once similar experiences like these people after psychedelics describe by going into trance alone, for example I was seeing these geometrical shapes, which I don't know what they suppose to represent. Or someone was talking to me, but I don't remember what.
It's much easier to go into trance when I go to bed to sleep; have hard time doing it when I'm awake in the sitting possition, yet.
Academic Scholar said:
SerenaMousse said:
What branch of Satanism does Joy of Satans most closely stem from? I ask because I'd like to purchase any books related to the spiritual and magic aspects. As to have them on hand for when for whatever reason I am unable to access digital assets. That and I mean come on. Books on shelves man. I desire it. List what you would buy.
Joy of Satan is based upon pre-Christian Paganism, ancient Hinduism, the ancient Sumerian religion and the ancient Egyptian religion.

So I guess you’d buy books about Mesopotamian Magic and Egyptian Magic but most spiritual books are filled with nonsense, the Joyofsatan.org website has everything you need.

This is a list of some books cited in JoS sermons: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19507

That's quite the large list of books. Unfortunate none of them are on par with the beliefs found here or on Joy of Satan But still worthy purchases. Thanks! Maybe one day one of you lovely beings will write and publish. There's a sort of authenticity to physical books that would give the materials within it more merit. Could reign in more potential SS's that way.
Florina 22 said:
No I don't trust anyone, sometimes I don't trust myself either. But I thought that maybe it would work if I use the method of hypnotizing other people on myself if I record this method with statements and listen to them while I sleep?

Generally, hypnosis tapes created by professionals, especially those meant for a broader audience, will not be harmful. Maybe they could contain something slightly false because the author is not an advanced soul, but there won't be anything totally destructive.

The author would not know your personal conditions, nor would they want to sabotage a product that they are trying to sell. Lastly, you can listen to the transcript of a pre-recording hypnosis tape, to make sure everything is fine with it.

Hypnosis is an imperfect solution compared to a spiritual working, but if you must use it for some reason, and intend to switch to better solutions when able, then I suppose it is fine for now.
Florina 22 said:
I know, I know that ... But don't works for me ... Nothing don't works for me ... I've been trying to open my chakras for years and I can't ... I thought it might be a curse from a person maybe from a previous life ... I don't know ... I want to emphasize this: It doesn't mean that if it doesn't work for me they are not real or for others they won't work ... I just don't understand which That's the problem ... Why can't I do anything?

What exactly have you tried, and what issues are you facing?

I think you may be too hard on yourself. You have to give yourself a "chance" to succeed, before attacking yourself. You must have faith that your energy is working, even if you are not advanced. The same goes if you believe you are totally cursed or have other overriding negative thoughts.
xlnt said:
Depends on the strain also; if it's mostly THC or CBD, sativa or indica. According to someone I've talked to (Angelo Graziano - see: https://www.fria.nu/artikel/132647) who sell cannabis products (CBD oils etc.) THC is the most medicinal component, and smoking weed is pure medicine to him, even if it's smoked. Inhaling burned material is never good so I think he's sort of a clown for saying so. I've also read that it's actually CBD which has the most medicinal effects; the anti-psychadelic component that counteracts the effects of THC (which makes people high).

I mentioned to him about the impact on memory; making one not be able to follow a straight line of thought etc. and he just shunned it off with "you don't think I follow this conversation? I just smoked a joint a half hour a go". So there is a sort of tendency among weed enthusiasts to not want to accept the reality of these negative side effects. He did however point out that young people should not smoke, but on the other hand that does not mean adults should. It's this chaotic world where being an adult is so tough that weed is necessary according to him.

A friend I had failed to take his driving license 5 times in a row because of these negative effects.
He was so addicted to it he had to stash it in my place since he would smoke all the time having it at home. The most addicting aspect of it is probably what he mentioned about the effect of increased dopamine levels, so it's addicting no doubt.
You make a point of phenotypes, but here's the thing. All the industrially or semi-industrially bred strains are pure narcotics at this point being high tch, or cbd (the profile is either, not both) plus other major narcotic cannabinoids as there are quite many of them. If you happen to find something in the wild, then perhaps it could have medicinal properties when used appropriately, ie. the right route of administration and proper dose for a short period of time.

Furthermore, if you happen to find so called perfect non narcotic phenotype of a plant, the only way to preserve it is to cut seedlings. Every seed is a different story and something generally being something, is not always that same something.

The person you refer to is probably the most biased person to answer questions about the usage of cannabinoids. Too bad people like him are the norm and not the exception. You are right about the cbd being anripsychotic compound, but here's the thing again. It does not much matter when breeding has resulted all the cannabinoids in the plant to spike up to intoxicating levels.

As with any drug usage, the dopamine rush is addictive in addition to other effects they might have, depending on the substance. People with underlying problems are simply masking their issues and not being in terms with themselves usually results in bad results. Only those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired will break free, from their own volition. As far as I am aware there is no other way to freedom than you own will.
Greetings. What's the risk that the producers put harmful substances in regular incense sticks. Like Pine or Lavender who are okay plus plants. But as incense sticks we don't have the raw plant nor the possibility to go somewhere and pick these plants. Could they be "infiltrated ", as in the company, if jew-run, would add chemicals that resemble drugs or maybe cancerigene substances etc, in the incense sticks, under the pretext they are "air fresheners" ?
Like they place viruses in "magic pills " and the SIDA virus in that vaccine back then or the all famous fluoride toothpaste?
Now after all this talk of drugs going on here, I suspect evething and I hesitate to light a normal incense stick because I don't wanna drug myself by mistake :| :lol
Knowing the messed up world I think that adding dangerous substances in seemingly normal products could be possible and although the sticks clearly smell well, a pleasant smell of pine, I wonder if they are safe.
And is it normal for incense to smell a certain way (in this case pine) but the package which it's coming in to smell different? (I may be over concerned with "traces of substance" )
Also, is it normal for healthy incense to give you headaches? And make you dizzy?

I don't trust the market, nor do I trust the "nice smell" business.
xTaurus said:
Yesterday, around midnight, I tried to dedicate my soul to Satan. Everything was set, I felt ready, I lit all of the candles, but I just couldn't prick my finger, I was too afraid. I spent 40 minutes (and I'm not exaggerating, my phone was next to me,) sitting in front of the burning candles, trying to get some blood out, but couldn't out of fear. In the end, I blew out the candles and put them back in their place, and sadness took over my mind.

I feel like I'm just so weak and pathetic, I can't even cause myself a small "wound" to get some blood out. I'm trying to dedicate my soul to Satan, I want to fight along with everyone else too. I want to fight. But I feel weak, I couln't even prick my finger just a tiny bit.

Does anyone know a way to overcome this?

(I think it's worth noting that I am 15 years old and in the past I've cut myself many times.)

You made mental progress, even if you have to finish it next time. Beyond that, your heart is in the right place and therefore you should not feel sad or anything.

Is it possible you are relating this to past self-harm? Or, if you feel depressed and weak, then you should work on improving your fire energies. For instance, with the Breath of Fire Pranayama.

There is also a strong possibility that the enemy is involved, creating or amplifying fears to prevent you from linking your blood to your God. They want you cut off from him, and the dedication ritual makes it much harder for them to do so. What fears, in particular, are you having?

If you are having fears about the prick itself, then I would suggest using a diabetic lancet device, found in the pharmacy section of most stores. That is much easier than using a knife or something.
Regarding what I wrote before about healthy incense, do you guys know about the brands Savonia, Solaris, Ancient Wisdom, Aroma Land, Hem and if they add any unwanted substances in their products ?
hello everyone, I want to work on the chakras one by one. how should I proceed? I'm currently doing 40 days of meditation practice. every day has a chakra. should I go by working with that chakra every day? until I come to full chakra meditation?

thank you for answers
Monamiko said:
hello everyone, I want to work on the chakras one by one. how should I proceed? I'm currently doing 40 days of meditation practice. every day has a chakra. should I go by working with that chakra every day? until I come to full chakra meditation?

thank you for answers

Continue following the 40 day meditation program as it instructs. However you can add your own stuff on the side, like Opening the Soul meditation, or full chakra.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=363135 time=1654592596 user_id=21286]
xTaurus said:
Yesterday, around midnight, I tried to dedicate my soul to Satan. Everything was set, I felt ready, I lit all of the candles, but I just couldn't prick my finger, I was too afraid. I spent 40 minutes (and I'm not exaggerating, my phone was next to me,) sitting in front of the burning candles, trying to get some blood out, but couldn't out of fear. In the end, I blew out the candles and put them back in their place, and sadness took over my mind.

I feel like I'm just so weak and pathetic, I can't even cause myself a small "wound" to get some blood out. I'm trying to dedicate my soul to Satan, I want to fight along with everyone else too. I want to fight. But I feel weak, I couln't even prick my finger just a tiny bit.

Does anyone know a way to overcome this?

(I think it's worth noting that I am 15 years old and in the past I've cut myself many times.)

You made mental progress, even if you have to finish it next time. Beyond that, your heart is in the right place and therefore you should not feel sad or anything.

Is it possible you are relating this to past self-harm? Or, if you feel depressed and weak, then you should work on improving your fire energies. For instance, with the Breath of Fire Pranayama.

There is also a strong possibility that the enemy is involved, creating or amplifying fears to prevent you from linking your blood to your God. They want you cut off from him, and the dedication ritual makes it much harder for them to do so. What fears, in particular, are you having?

If you are having fears about the prick itself, then I would suggest using a diabetic lancet device, found in the pharmacy section of most stores. That is much easier than using a knife or something.

Having fears while dedicating is normal.Do not fret about this.Try using a sterilized safety pin.It worked for me.It was a painless procedure for me.Avoid using a knife.You may hurt yourself while doing this.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
