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Ol argedco luciftias said:
Henu the Great said:
Well, not excactly. Opium to heroin is comparable to coca leaves to cocaine. I can see that your protective drive kicked in, but let's stay matter of fact.

Opium is black tar heroin. The latex from the middle of the opium poppy is boiled and collected as a black residue. This latex is what contains the heroin drug, and it is the same thing regardless of if you call it opium or heroin. So I don't know why you are saying that it is two different things, it is not.

I appreciate your efforts in clearing this up but your disagreement is nothing more but confusing. If we are NOT to use these plants, then why are they listed on the page with incenses corresponding to planets? This is what confuses me. There's no disclaimer. Then it's just informative? Because why would you place opium between sandalwood and jasmine if you actually mean to say it is dangerous? I do not, under any circumstance, intend to do drugs and harm my soul but I dont get it.
Then, what makes a ritual plant and what makes a drug (plant-based)?
I am asking if it's correct that inhaling is called doing drugs but burning cones is called incense for ritual because when you burn cones you inevitably inhale right? And beside the spiritual use you also burn cones for their smell - it's innate that you smell what you are burning. So, to me, burning cones automatically means inhaling, unlike you said, and I do not want to drug myself while trying to do a ritual , so please shine some light on this subject. I think I will just buy sandalwood and jasmine :lol:
One more reason why I disapprove to the theory that inhaling = drugs and burning cones = not drugs is because not everything that's burning is suit to be incense for a ritual, or even a mere air freshener, just because you don't stick your nose in it. For example, if a crackhead burned some THC, could that be called "incense"? Of course not.
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! Does a person keep their Race and gender throughout all their reincarnations? Any other traits?
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! Do the people of the enemy reincarnate?
First, do the reptards help the jewish souls reincarnate? Do they have a place for them such as our Gods have for us? Or they only live once and perish? Or, do they use their souls to charge their borg semi-conscious and hive-minded spaceship instead of sending them to reincarnate?
Second, I know that some souls could have been with Satan in other lifetimes but in the current ones they are indoctrinated by the enemy and due to some factors they don't manage to return to Him. But is it possible that a Gentile soul has never been SS in any of their lifetimes? Because then, when they die, who reincarnates them? Their souls wither away, correct?

This question is to clear a matter - have we, all who are SS now, thus been sent by Satan in agreement here with the exact mission of elevating humankind? It is not "by accident" that we are reincarnated.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Opium is black tar heroin. The latex from the middle of the opium poppy is boiled and collected as a black residue. This latex is what contains the heroin drug, and it is the same thing regardless of if you call it opium or heroin. So I don't know why you are saying that it is two different things, it is not.
Opium is what comes out of opium poppies, not heroin. Black tar heroin is extracted from opium via chemical process.

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
The main problem is that everything is messed up and upside down. Some things that could potentially have legitimate uses in very particular situations are not viable due to lost knowledge and state of the world as it is now.

As for why the plant was listed there. The planet rules it.
Hello, so I did the Final RTR this morning focusing on the chakras engulfing them with bright golden light. But I have trouble vibrating VAHT into Base then in sacral then in solar so and so forth, instead I would vibrate the entire first line
VAHT, FUHT, VUHT, VUHSS, OUT, OUTH, VAHSS into a chakra then visualize the destruction of the Hebrew letter and then proceed onto the next chakra.
But after I had finished the entire ritual my head has since been feeling heavy like, not sure how to describe the feeling almost like a headache without any kind of pain it's just very uncomfortable.
Have I made some sort of mistake focusing the RTR into my chakras?
If one can ask satan for a demon lover, can some demon ask satan for a partner that will be here on earth.
Does that happen that some humans get such proposals here on earth?
RockSeed13 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Why such beings like succubus or incubus would want to be lovers with us? Compared to us they are Gods, why such relationships are possible for us? We are so low, they are so high

Maybe they want underdeveloped partners so that she/he could develop them. Bonds are stronger when a couple helps each other.

I agree, we are being helped enormously but, how do we help them? Being so superior to us, I don't think there's much in such a relationship that the Demon(ess) gains. So still, valid question
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters!
The symbols that encompass the pentagram in JoS' websites mean Truth in Sanskrit?
What about the symbols on the red pentagram on the altars page, page 3?
(I'm making a home made pentagram because the ones on sale are incomplete and expensive)
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! Do the people of the enemy reincarnate?
First, do the reptards help the jewish souls reincarnate? Do they have a place for them such as our Gods have for us? Or they only live once and perish? Or, do they use their souls to charge their borg semi-conscious and hive-minded spaceship instead of sending them to reincarnate?
Second, I know that some souls could have been with Satan in other lifetimes but in the current ones they are indoctrinated by the enemy and due to some factors they don't manage to return to Him. But is it possible that a Gentile soul has never been SS in any of their lifetimes? Because then, when they die, who reincarnates them? Their souls wither away, correct?

This question is to clear a matter - have we, all who are SS now, thus been sent by Satan in agreement here with the exact mission of elevating humankind? It is not "by accident" that we are reincarnated.
Enemy souls do not reincarnate. They are disposable batteries for the Greys.

It is possible for Gentile souls to never have pledged allegiance to the Gods, yes. It's the majority of human souls on the planet currently. There are many 1st and 2nd incarnations, as new souls are created all the time. Nearly every mixed person is a new soul, as mixing has never been a widespread phenomenon and only picked up in the last few generations due to enemy brainwashing. They are baby souls for the most part, souls at the youngest stage of human existence. Many people whose only/main aim in life is kama/entertainment are also very young souls, and most likely never dedicated to the Gods.

Whether souls wither away after they die or not, it depends on the level of soul energy they have. Most new souls are very deficient because coming from deficient parents. So they only have this or up to a few reincarnations they can support by themselves if they don't get their heads straight on and start feeding themselves. The Gods try and save as many Gentile souls as possible, supporting them themselves, which means their "countdown" to the second death is "frozen" or at least considerably "slowed down".

Reincarnation is a natural occurrence and is handled by specific Gods who are specialised in these matters. Usually those who have dominion over the dead, those with peak Plutonian qualities which they honed in their advancement. Nothing is forced. Every soul has the right to decide which human planet they want to be part of and whether they want to be "on a mission", to use your own words. We have a modicum of free will.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! Does a person keep their Race and gender throughout all their reincarnations? Any other traits?

Yes. We also keep sexual orientation, species (i.e. human), level of soul advancement and other traits. The main reason why your level of soul advancement is usually locked is because you reincarnate on a different body, often times weaker than your original body because of centuries of cursing bloodlines and brainwashing. Your new body needs to gradually strengthened and attune/sync itself to your soul before you unlock the same level of advancement again. This can be faster than in your previous life/lives depending on how advanced your mind and heart are as well, as a disciplined mind and a disciplined heart will allow you to take the path more seriously and will not need to be worked on as much as you need in your last lifetime(s).
Henu the Great said:
Opium is what comes out of opium poppies, not heroin. Black tar heroin is extracted from opium via chemical process.

You are just plain wrong about this. Black tar heroin is extracted by a physical process of crushing and boiling. The latex is dissolved into the boiling water, then it is collected as a dark residue on the bottom of the pot. Unless you say that hot water is a chemical.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
If we are NOT to use these plants, then why are they listed on the page with incenses corresponding to planets?

Maxine did not say that it is a good idea to use or burn all of these plants. Some are safe, and some are not safe. And even one of the "safe" ones would really be not safe if you have an allergy that you didn't know about. And nothing is completely safe because any amount of any smoke is unhealthy.

She was not saying to use these things. She was just saying that they are in some way similar or related to some energies of that planet. And this does not mean that anything is safe, because some of the energies of some of the planets are very dangerous or harmful. So something can be similar or related to a harmful energy, and it is also harmful in a similar way. The specific energy that it said it is relating to is hypnotic and sedating, which opium would accomplish. But it does not mean that it is a good or safe thing.

Maxine shared this for general information, and to give the general idea that some plants have effects that are similar or related to some planets. Because many people would not know this, and they think plants are meaningless. It is each person's own responsibility to decide how to use this knowledge. And for some dangerous things, it is best to decide that the knowledge is just some interesting piece of information but should not be tried. And if you really want to, maybe you can try some of the safe ones instead. But any kind of incense is completely unnecessary, and the gods do not care if you do or do not have it.

If you care about a smell, cook some food that smells good. Make some tea. Something like this where the smell is a good thing.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! Do the people of the enemy reincarnate?
First, do the reptards help the jewish souls reincarnate? Do they have a place for them such as our Gods have for us? Or they only live once and perish? Or, do they use their souls to charge their borg semi-conscious and hive-minded spaceship instead of sending them to reincarnate?

Yes they do reincarnate. Some of them are very spiritually powerful in their own kind of way, some of them have karma from past lives experience of being very powerful and influential politically, socially, or in some other way. These souls are not wasted, they are used again because they are strong and effective. It would not be smart to waste them when they could be reused in many repeating generations.

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Second, I know that some souls could have been with Satan in other lifetimes but in the current ones they are indoctrinated by the enemy and due to some factors they don't manage to return to Him. But is it possible that a Gentile soul has never been SS in any of their lifetimes? Because then, when they die, who reincarnates them? Their souls wither away, correct?

This question is to clear a matter - have we, all who are SS now, thus been sent by Satan in agreement here with the exact mission of elevating humankind? It is not "by accident" that we are reincarnated.

Every human soul has been created by our gods. Even if a person does not know about the gods, they are still one of the gods' children. And our gods do protect them and reincarnate them. Their souls are not lost, except in rare examples of people who really have become extremely weak so that their soul is not strong enough to exist anymore.

Yes, the last thing you wrote is completely true. All of the powerful human souls who have been living with the gods for a long time in their home, from Lemuria, Egypt, Greece, Sumeria, and every other extremely spiritually strong society, all of them have been reincarnated back to Earth at this exact time in history and are here right now. Because this is the time when we are needed most to be here.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters! Does a person keep their Race and gender throughout all their reincarnations? Any other traits?

Your race, your sex, the general way that you look, and your personality will all be the same. Some small details of how you look may be different, but in general almost everything of how you look will be very similar. Same thing with personality, there may be small things that are changed, but the biggest things about you will stay the same.
Greetings ! What do you think of George Orwell and his "Animal Farm" and "1984" ? Is it true that he was part of the fabian society?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Henu the Great said:
Opium is what comes out of opium poppies, not heroin. Black tar heroin is extracted from opium via chemical process.
You are just plain wrong about this. Black tar heroin is extracted by a physical process of crushing and boiling. The latex is dissolved into the boiling water, then it is collected as a dark residue on the bottom of the pot. Unless you say that hot water is a chemical.
Boiling in water is very elementary, yet still a process of refinement. To achieve finer quality, it would have to be processed more precisely.
Darkspirit said:
Guys I have a question, if I skip a day of my forty day protection job, let's say in the middle, should I start over or can I continue? (I guess it's the first but I want to ask anyway)
Do it twice the day after or start over. Mind you, you would not neccessarily have another good date to renew the working for a while so it could be better to continue it in weakened form with the optimal date and redo it altogether later.
im always searching for a dopamine hit. i know advancing spiritually in life is a good dopamine hit but thats only over time. what do i do now? i think there was a bliss/high type of meditation on the JoS i saw a long time ago but i couldn't find it just now.
Can I start a square outside of the correct planetary hour? I would like to do a Mars square tomorrow(31st) but I work during it's hours.

I can make it home for the hour of sun just after mars.

I'm using an affirmation to destroy obstacles preventing me from doing something. Can I bundle 2 in one or do I have to do two separate affirmations (and two full Satan Rosary mediations)?

The affirmation I'm using is : Any and all obstacles preventing me from [first goal] are being destroyed and completely dissolved.

I'm thinking of bundling two goals and using this affirmation : Any and all obstacles preventing me from [first goal] and [second goal] are being destroyed and completely dissolved.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Can I start a square outside of the correct planetary hour? I would like to do a Mars square tomorrow(31st) but I work during it's hours.

I can make it home for the hour of sun just after mars.


Yes you can do it whenever you have time. Doing it during the corresponding hours amplifies the energies tho.
hi. JoS ministry has made it clear that weed is bad.

i can see how smoking it everyday is bad.

but what about once a month? will smoking weed once a month stop people from advancing their soul?
or can people still progress spiritually, even if they smoke weed every now & then.
Hesffcs115 said:
Porn is of the enemy correct? And if so what is the tactic of porn?

Greetings. I don't know who invented the idea of watching people have sex but I doubt our highly advanced civilisations had this because sex was free and cherished then and one could find a mate or self pleasure themselves and there was no stigma to it. I doubt humans were so less creative that they needed others in front of them because otherwise they couldn't imagine sexual behavior or use their own. Sex was a good thing back then and it is a spiritually uplifting experience and we were encouraged to practice it not to watch others.

I guess that if someone is single and really non imaginative they could use videos of other people as an alternative. That, if they are made to show consent, common sense and sanity.

But today, they aren't because the porn industry is run by the jews who want to sexualise everything and who promote pedophilia and other unnatural things like race mixing and treating women as pieces of meats or objects, or inferior satisfaction of sex such as for revenge, or for feeling superior, or for humiliating the one you're having sex with, or for bragging to your friends.
Many actors are jews and I read in a post that you connect to each of the actors that you get inspiration from. The jews promote unnatural behavior in their porn, where each woman is referred to as a "bitch" and the "hottest" video is called "daddy and teen". Sheer depravity.
Or cosplays of "Demons " and such.
Moreover the porn today is not even made realistically as to push body standards, and all their curves and muscles are purely photoshopped so one has impossible expectations of oneself and low self esteem . Some fetishes are plain self destructive and others are illegal, while others are simply wrong - such as zoophilia. Do you say that if I don't mix my Race by having sex with another Human I would have sex with a cat ? :lol:
It is specifically created to cause dependence, social isolation because the person just stays in front of the screen, and the person becomes inapt in real courtship, inapt in human relationships and in getting a mate. Moreover, all the inner blockages it creates drag down the second chakra.
Greetings brothers and sisters,

As mentioned before I recently discovered that I'm still pregnant. This has obviously caused a lot of sudden environmental changes and emotions. Followed by realization and worry of my fast approaching due date has caused me to have trouble in bonding with my child.As much as I hate to admit, the feeling is eating me up inside.

Could it be normal to feel that way because of the lost time? If so would be possible to align my soul and emotions with my unborn childs, while pregnant? Or can it only be done after birth?

Or could this be a enemy attack in the sense to worry me? If so should I increase my protection workings?
Hebi666 said:
Greetings brothers and sisters,

As mentioned before I recently discovered that I'm still pregnant. This has obviously caused a lot of sudden environmental changes and emotions. Followed by realization and worry of my fast approaching due date has caused me to have trouble in bonding with my child.As much as I hate to admit, the feeling is eating me up inside.

Could it be normal to feel that way because of the lost time? If so would be possible to align my soul and emotions with my unborn childs, while pregnant? Or can it only be done after birth?

Or could this be a enemy attack in the sense to worry me? If so should I increase my protection workings?

Feeling anxious before giving birth is normal. Motherhood is demanding and it brings a variety of swift changes to life. It's a stressful experience. I highly doubt there's any magic involved here. There's nothing wrong with what you're feeling, I'm sure you'll make a fine mother. You and your child will be fine. Have faith in yourself.
sola said:
hi. JoS ministry has made it clear that weed is bad.

i can see how smoking it everyday is bad.

but what about once a month? will smoking weed once a month stop people from advancing their soul?
or can people still progress spiritually, even if they smoke weed every now & then.
Drugs, alcohol, are psychotropic substances; they create holes in your aura, and drain you of your vital energies. As an SS, you should avoid them altogether, for the sake of your soul's health even more than for your physical health.
BabySatan said:
Hi Guys,
I am thinking of starting a Mars/Sun square for increasing strength and virility of my physical body.Which one of the two should I perform?Whether I should start spiritual or the material square

Both Mars and the Sun have spiritual benefits as well. I would broaden the squares to include an improvement to your entire planetary energy, not just the aspect of each that rules the strength of the physical body.
Hebi666 said:
Greetings brothers and sisters,

As mentioned before I recently discovered that I'm still pregnant. This has obviously caused a lot of sudden environmental changes and emotions. Followed by realization and worry of my fast approaching due date has caused me to have trouble in bonding with my child.As much as I hate to admit, the feeling is eating me up inside.

Could it be normal to feel that way because of the lost time? If so would be possible to align my soul and emotions with my unborn childs, while pregnant? Or can it only be done after birth?

Or could this be a enemy attack in the sense to worry me? If so should I increase my protection workings?

What are you currently doing for protection? You may need to increase protection for both you and your child.

It sounds like the stress is getting to you. Unless you have placements, like in your 5th house, that can signal a troubled relationship with a child, I would not worry too much. Despite the stress, you will have a strong connection simply due to the conception of the child within you.

Also, it is not critical that this happens only during birth unless your feelings are extreme (like not wanting the child at all). Runes like Wunjo, Ehwaz, and Berkano can improve your bond with your child, as a mother.
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! The Age of Aquarius - when does it start exactly? On the wide web people argue between 2000, 2020, 2022...
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=361320 time=1654061268 user_id=21286]

What are you currently doing for protection? You may need to increase protection for both you and your child.

It sounds like the stress is getting to you. Unless you have placements, like in your 5th house, that can signal a troubled relationship with a child, I would not worry too much. Despite the stress, you will have a strong connection simply due to the conception of the child within you.

Also, it is not critical that this happens only during birth unless your feelings are extreme (like not wanting the child at all). Runes like Wunjo, Ehwaz, and Berkano can improve your bond with your child, as a mother.

I currently do cleaning and protection workings at least twice a day powered by vibration of runes affirming safety for both my child and me. Followed by RTR once a day.

To say that I'm stressed and overwhelmed is an understatement. Being an unmarried single mother in a islamic country is a taboo offense with harsh legal consequences.

I'm overjoyed to be a mother but I'm not someone who does well during big changes. And during occasional breakdowns, i can't help but question my bond with my child. Despite everything I'm doing my best to keep my stress levels at a stable level.

I've my faith in Father Satan and the gods.
Greetings. Someone I know went to a "course of radiesthesia" and there they told her that each planet has a Ruler - an evolved being, then each solar system has a Ruler, and then each galaxy a Ruler, and each universe 1 Ruler and ended up saying that there are 10 universes and 10 Rulers, which are the supreme and highest beings there is.
Now, I know that ET's are supervising us and throw an eye on us while we are still learning to take care of ourselves, but could what she say be true - 10 universes?
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! The Age of Aquarius - when does it start exactly? On the wide web people argue between 2000, 2020, 2022...

I think 2150
Maharlikan666 said:
Numerology question, I keep 3:33 more and more often. I've read its various meanings and stuff, but it's coming from those practice angel magick, I'm trying to decipher it from a Satanic eye.

I see 111, 222, 333, and 666 a lot. These are all multiples of 666, the number of perfection.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Maharlikan666 said:
Numerology question, I keep 3:33 more and more often. I've read its various meanings and stuff, but it's coming from those practice angel magick, I'm trying to decipher it from a Satanic eye.

I see 111, 222, 333, and 666 a lot. These are all multiples of 666, the number of perfection.

As I read this I saw 11.1000, on my Motor in the Laboratory lol.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=358015 time=1653461789 user_id=21286]
Heyman342 said:
I know one rune can be used for multiple reasons. If I use a Satanic Rosary for a rune for one reason, do I get the other reasons as well? So, if I use the Uruz rune for destroying obstacles, do I also get athleticism?

Although some advanced members have reported getting multiple benefits, usually you get whatever you programmed it for. The two examples you gave are two very different goals. So different that you would start them on completely different moon signs, let alone have different affirmations for them.

You also want to keep your workings focused on certain goals. If you start thinking that anything can happen, you could damage the ability of your working to manifest the original goal.

Can you please send me information about moon signs?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
