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I made an error in my post above this one.

Instead of 6th its 7th of june, Tuesday, day of Mars.

I was thinking of something related to 6th june while i was typing and it got mixed up in my head.
many thanks

that is very helpful. So for my dad, or for instance any other Gentile human, I should just practice returning energies.

Any of the black magic should really only be used on the Enemy Jew, would you say?

Hail to the Gods of Orion
Or one can still use black magic, drawing the energy from outside oneself, and directing it to the entity that is controlling a loved one?
love Led Zeplin!...

i think Roger Plant has turned to christianity though now. But back in the beginning the band seemed like natural Satanic Spirits....... but then things went sour when Jimmy got more and more influenced by the golden dawn and Crowley's teachings.

I don't quite understand this info here. If with black magic, you shouldn’t use your own energy, then you shouldn’t use the energy from your base chakra for black magic…. Should you?

“””"The following instructions are for creating a thoughtform for use in white magick. For black magick, you do *not* want to connect in any way with the energy, for obvious reasons! Please read the article about evocation before proceeding. For black magick, instead of invoking the energy, you form the energy outside of yourself and draw it from sources that have no connection to you. A lack of knowledge is why spells so-called “backfire”””""

“”"Given the nature of the working, choose a corresponding chakra [according to color] where you will release the energy. Keeping your eyes closed, visualize this energy streaming from the chakra and forming a ball in front of you. For works involving the base chakra, [normally black magick], you should visualize the energy leaving the base chakra and the energy ball packing between your legs. For workings involving the crown, pack the energy straight up above your head. It is important that the energy be released in a straight line. Keep packing the energy into the ball so it becomes more and more solidified.””"

Hail to our brothers and sisters of Orion
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?

Raw eggs are extremely likely to give you salmonella which could possibly kill you and will at least have you needing a hospital.

Most kinds of raw meat would also have a very high chance of making you so sick that you might die. Maybe if you are a farmer and you killed the animal yourself and have a piece of meat immediately this could reduce some of the risk, because most bacteria and contamination are living on the surface. But there still is a high risk. You don't know what virus or what sickness was in that animal's body. Anything from a store was killed a very long time ago and by now the bacteria and contamination are penetrated all the way through it. Especially in any kind of ground meat because the surface and the inside are all mixed together which makes the contamination almost instant.

Lol I didn't know he meant uncooked, the milk is what through me off. I should of paid attention before replying. Thanks for clearing that up brother.
VortexOfLife said:
I'm not really sure what it means by "rulership" would that mean the hour which a planet is most effective? So taking the phase and the sign occupying the moon into account: example Virgo which is good for health and combining it with the planetary hour: 8pm - Mars is most active would be good for a working revolving around strength/health? This is what how I think it works.
Planetary rulerships: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Planetary_Rulerships.html

Fire signs are good for athletics and sports in general. Virgo is very good for health issues in general. These are two separate things. For sports hour of Sun and Mars are the best. For overall health, Sun. However, if you are targeting specific organ or body part then another hour might be more optimal, depending on the issue.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?
Raw eggs are extremely likely to give you salmonella which could possibly kill you and will at least have you needing a hospital.
This largely depends on where you are getting your eggs from.

I've had no problems with raw eggs, but I do realize that there are salmonella risks every now and then. In other places where rules and regulations are not so tight I would probably have another attitude. Yet, one must wonder how much difference there is between mass production lines and small farmsteads and different regions as these factors make a difference on the risks.
Henu the Great said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?
Raw eggs are extremely likely to give you salmonella which could possibly kill you and will at least have you needing a hospital.
This largely depends on where you are getting your eggs from.

I've had no problems with raw eggs, but I do realize that there are salmonella risks every now and then. In other places where rules and regulations are not so tight I would probably have another attitude. Yet, one must wonder how much difference there is between mass production lines and small farmsteads and different regions as these factors make a difference on the risks.

I am basing this from a girl I know who this happened to. And her family has their own chickens, all of the chickens are perfectly healthy and living in a clean way, and the eggs were just laid that same morning.

Her sister dared her to drink 3 or 4 raw eggs. She got Salmonella and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Extremely sick, and if she didn't go to the hospital she could have died. This is not something to play with, and it can not be avoided by having fresh eggs from healthy chickens.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Henu the Great said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Raw eggs are extremely likely to give you salmonella which could possibly kill you and will at least have you needing a hospital.
This largely depends on where you are getting your eggs from.

I've had no problems with raw eggs, but I do realize that there are salmonella risks every now and then. In other places where rules and regulations are not so tight I would probably have another attitude. Yet, one must wonder how much difference there is between mass production lines and small farmsteads and different regions as these factors make a difference on the risks.

I am basing this from a girl I know who this happened to. And her family has their own chickens, all of the chickens are perfectly healthy and living in a clean way, and the eggs were just laid that same morning.

Her sister dared her to drink 3 or 4 raw eggs. She got Salmonella and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Extremely sick, and if she didn't go to the hospital she could have died. This is not something to play with, and it can not be avoided by having fresh eggs from healthy chickens.
Yes, I remember you telling this earlier. The thing is that these girls were playing around while others do eat raw eggs for sustenance. Intentions have consequences.
I don't care about intention. The same raw egg had salmonella inside it before anybody had any kind of intentions. And regardless of what your intention is, that salmonella is still in there. And this was an example of the cleanest and freshest possible conditions which many people say reduces the risk, and it still happened.

There is a reason why we started cooking our food a half million years ago. What is the point of doing something that is basically a 50/50 chance of putting you in the hospital, when it takes less than a minute to cook some eggs in a pan and then your chance of a problem is 0%. And if you have the highest quality eggs and the highest quality butter, it is amazing how good it can taste with just those 2 ingredients.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who replied to me. I didn't mean to start an argument or anything. Even if there are different opinions because everyone is different, every single answer is helpful and encouraging to do more research. Thank you!
Mezzaluna said:
I just want to say thank you to everyone who replied to me. I didn't mean to start an argument or anything. Even if there are different opinions because everyone is different, every single answer is helpful and encouraging to do more research. Thank you!

No worries! Sorry if there are typos or miscommunications/Interpretations, its Mercury Retrograde.
AlexElPM said:
Masterj810610 said:

Im on day 6 of the 40 day program, and I have a hard time viewing my chakras. Do someone's got a trick or another way to visualize them?

Thank you
Hail Satan

I don't know if this would help everybody, but I'm going to tell you my own experience.

I've seen, along the time, that the mind will answer you automatically if you wait enough. When I'm cleaning my chakras (let's say the crown chakra), I only think that a light ball is cleaning my 7th chakra, but I don't visualize anything yet. I wait some seconds till my mind starts visualizing for itself that light ball on the crown chakra. I think that you just need to let the mind prepare and let the energy flow.

I hope I help you.

Yes it did, thank you

Hail Satan
I have two questions :

(1) How to do killing tetragrammaton ritual?
I do reversing jewish letter and shattering
jewish soul protection but I don't
understand tetragrammaton ritual !

(2) Which word of power works best for
releasing repressed emotions?
Today I'm going to start a working to
release all repressed emotions. Munka
and Ansuz are the power words I'll be
using, if you have any suggestion please
let me know.
Hello JoS

I am about to start using the Banishing ritual “Vinasa” , and I wondered what herbs are best to use to clear spaces?

Most people i've met use Sage, but I wondered if anyone else has some favourites? I am guessing does the above ritual also clear Thought- forms also?

Hail the Gods of Orion!
Artoria Pendragon said:
many thanks

that is very helpful. So for my dad, or for instance any other Gentile human, I should just practice returning energies.

Any of the black magic should really only be used on the Enemy Jew, would you say?

Hail to the Gods of Orion

Keep on cleaning and protecting yourself, AOP will automatically return negative energies and keep you away from any harm that comes your way from anyone.

Black magic can be performed on any gentile, but should you or should you not do this, comes down to your own judgement and justification of the situation, it depends on how much damage this particular being has caused you.

In your case, i dont know what the situation is but cleaning and protection will do the trick from what i have learned about your situation from you. You can also put AOP around your dad,this way this "entity" control over him will be significantly less.

Artoria Pendragon said:
Or one can still use black magic, drawing the energy from outside oneself, and directing it to the entity that is controlling a loved one?

As i see it and as I stated above, black magick would not be a good route to for this. Putting AOP around him and cleaning would be a good approach if the situation is really bad and hes getting too much manipulated by whatever that is causing this.

Another approach would be to strengthen your own AOP, so your dad does not bother you and negativity are returned to entity itself even if they are coming to you through your dad. Even if you dont know where the energies are coming from your soul knows and returns the negative energies where they actually needs to be returned.
hello. HP Maxine published an article stating that veganism is unsustainable. she said humans need vitamin b12. and b12 is only found naturally in meat. then she said that even b12 supplements wont work.

im rather skeptical. why wont proper supplements work to replace meat?

please if someone can shed light on this. i wAnt to listen to HP Maxine because she seems more wise. at the same time, i feel like the supplements i have now cAn actually replace meat for the rest of my life. (the one i have seems great. has all the nutrients that would be in meat (vit a, b-complex, c, d, e, k, iodine, iron, zinc, etc., etc.)

sola said:
hello. HP Maxine published an article stating that veganism is unsustainable. she said humans need vitamin b12. and b12 is only found naturally in meat. then she said that even b12 supplements wont work.

im rather skeptical. why wont proper supplements work to replace meat?

please if someone can shed light on this. i wAnt to listen to HP Maxine because she seems more wise. at the same time, i feel like the supplements i have now cAn actually replace meat for the rest of my life. (the one i have seems great. has all the nutrients that would be in meat (vit a, b-complex, c, d, e, k, iodine, iron, zinc, etc., etc.)


Once most people are made dependent on supplements, their price will skyrocket and they could mix all kinds of shit in them. Very probable that they do already, we just don't know.
sola said:
hello. HP Maxine published an article stating that veganism is unsustainable. she said humans need vitamin b12. and b12 is only found naturally in meat. then she said that even b12 supplements wont work.

im rather skeptical. why wont proper supplements work to replace meat?

please if someone can shed light on this. i wAnt to listen to HP Maxine because she seems more wise. at the same time, i feel like the supplements i have now cAn actually replace meat for the rest of my life. (the one i have seems great. has all the nutrients that would be in meat (vit a, b-complex, c, d, e, k, iodine, iron, zinc, etc., etc.)


What is sold in those vitamins are chemicals that are made artificially in a lab. And they are very different from the actual vitamin that exists in nature. They are not the same shape and there are pieces missing. I do not know as much about the specific B vitamins, but a good example is Vitamin C. The vitamins in the store say that ascorbic acid is vitamin C, but really ascorbic acid is only one piece in the middle of the natural vitamin C molecule, and the real one has other pieces on the ends of it. And there is not only pieces of it missing, but naturally foods that contain vitamins also contain other molecules that directly work together with those vitamins which allows your body to absorb them in the most effective way. I do not remember what this is called, but foods like oranges have a giant amount of this. The most effective way to eat a vitamin pill is to take it together with one of the foods that has this vitamin, like taking a vitamin C pill with orange juice. The natural complete vitamin C, the helper chemical that works together with vitamin C, and the incomplete synthetic ascorbic acid are all working together in a way that is able to be used.

If you do not eat the food that has the vitamin and you only eat the pill, you are never getting the full part of the vitamin that is needed. And whatever of the full vitamin that is saved in your body will be used up and removed. And when there is none of the full vitamin left, the synthetic vitamin is not going to work anymore because it does not work by itself. Then it will not be absorbed and it will be useless.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
sola said:
hello. HP Maxine published an article stating that veganism is unsustainable. she said humans need vitamin b12. and b12 is only found naturally in meat. then she said that even b12 supplements wont work.

im rather skeptical. why wont proper supplements work to replace meat?

please if someone can shed light on this. i wAnt to listen to HP Maxine because she seems more wise. at the same time, i feel like the supplements i have now cAn actually replace meat for the rest of my life. (the one i have seems great. has all the nutrients that would be in meat (vit a, b-complex, c, d, e, k, iodine, iron, zinc, etc., etc.)


What is sold in those vitamins are chemicals that are made artificially in a lab. And they are very different from the actual vitamin that exists in nature. They are not the same shape and there are pieces missing. I do not know as much about the specific B vitamins, but a good example is Vitamin C. The vitamins in the store say that ascorbic acid is vitamin C, but really ascorbic acid is only one piece in the middle of the natural vitamin C molecule, and the real one has other pieces on the ends of it. And there is not only pieces of it missing, but naturally foods that contain vitamins also contain other molecules that directly work together with those vitamins which allows your body to absorb them in the most effective way. I do not remember what this is called, but foods like oranges have a giant amount of this. The most effective way to eat a vitamin pill is to take it together with one of the foods that has this vitamin, like taking a vitamin C pill with orange juice. The natural complete vitamin C, the helper chemical that works together with vitamin C, and the incomplete synthetic ascorbic acid are all working together in a way that is able to be used.

If you do not eat the food that has the vitamin and you only eat the pill, you are never getting the full part of the vitamin that is needed. And whatever of the full vitamin that is saved in your body will be used up and removed. And when there is none of the full vitamin left, the synthetic vitamin is not going to work anymore because it does not work by itself. Then it will not be absorbed and it will be useless.

hi. thanks for sharing.

yes, its so true that each nutrient has many different forms (molecular shape, etc.). some are better for the body to absorb. and synthetic ones are generally rubbish.

the multivitamin i use is: https://www.togetherhealth.co.uk/products/mens-multi. the company claims that each nutrient is sourced from natural ingredients. they say their vit c is extracted from orange pulp. their k2 extracted from chickpeas. vit A from carrot. vit d3 from lichen. then iron, selenium, zinc, copper, gtf chromium, iodine, niacin, pantothenic acid,riboflavin, vitamin b6, thiamin, vitamin b12, molybdenum, manganese, biotin and folic acid from a deactivated yeast.

HPS Maxine says supplements cant replace nutrients found in meat. but i wonder; if one uses quality supplements (derived from plants and yeast) with no harmful additives, does anything stop the body from absorbing the nutrients and being healthy?

as for protein, i use a combination of rice & soy protein powder (Non-gmo).

i would like to use natural supplements and stay vegan. but if im told that even natural, high quality (non-synthetic, non-gmo) supplements still wont provide a body with nutrients, then of course i shall listen and add meat to the diet. though if its possible, id like to know whY HPS Maxine says that supplements "don't work". some supplements are indeed low quality, and so the body might not absorb most of the nutrients. for well designed supplements which the body can absorb most of the nutrients, i dont see why veganism 'wont work' in the long-run.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I don't care about intention. The same raw egg had salmonella inside it before anybody had any kind of intentions. And regardless of what your intention is, that salmonella is still in there. And this was an example of the cleanest and freshest possible conditions which many people say reduces the risk, and it still happened.

There is a reason why we started cooking our food a half million years ago. What is the point of doing something that is basically a 50/50 chance of putting you in the hospital, when it takes less than a minute to cook some eggs in a pan and then your chance of a problem is 0%. And if you have the highest quality eggs and the highest quality butter, it is amazing how good it can taste with just those 2 ingredients.

Many desserts use raw eggs and are not cooked, just put into the fridge for a few hours. For example, tiramisu uses raw eggs. I ate tiramisu several times growing up, sometimes even indulged too much and I never even once got salmonella in my entire life. Many people eat desserts with raw eggs and never develop salmonella from them. So, I think it's safe to say that it depends on how the eggs are prepared.

Japanese people eat raw fish (sushi and sashimi) very often, something I vomited when I tried despite the fact it was made by actual Japanese chefs (certified) and the food laws in Italy only allow good quality food to be used, unlike food laws in the USA and in little Britain.

There is also genetic predisposition to acquiring certain ailments, including food poisoning. This can play a role as well in how certain foods are digested. There is also food intolerance, food allergy and so on. For example, despite how much I love pungent foods, I have to limit myself and eat it very rarely because even moderately pungent food gives me digestive issues.
Artoria Pendragon said:

I don't quite understand this info here. If with black magic, you shouldn’t use your own energy, then you shouldn’t use the energy from your base chakra for black magic…. Should you?

“””"The following instructions are for creating a thoughtform for use in white magick. For black magick, you do *not* want to connect in any way with the energy, for obvious reasons! Please read the article about evocation before proceeding. For black magick, instead of invoking the energy, you form the energy outside of yourself and draw it from sources that have no connection to you. A lack of knowledge is why spells so-called “backfire”””""

“”"Given the nature of the working, choose a corresponding chakra [according to color] where you will release the energy. Keeping your eyes closed, visualize this energy streaming from the chakra and forming a ball in front of you. For works involving the base chakra, [normally black magick], you should visualize the energy leaving the base chakra and the energy ball packing between your legs. For workings involving the crown, pack the energy straight up above your head. It is important that the energy be released in a straight line. Keep packing the energy into the ball so it becomes more and more solidified.””"

Hail to our brothers and sisters of Orion

Yes you DO NOT connect to negative energies you raise at all in any way.

Base chakra rules mainly black magic, so maybe author meant base chakra is ruler of black magic.
By creating the energy ball in front of you from your own spiritual reserve, then cutting all the ties to that ball then programming it for black magic and sending it out, this way you are not connecting to negative energies directly. The ball becomes the medium of carrying out negative task, this could be another explanation to this.

But I m not sure this way you will connect to negative energies or not, as in invocation/evocation it states for black magic you do not raise energies from source that has any ties to you.
Maharlikan666 said:
I finally begun practicing and performing Final RTR lately, as the part to being a serious SS and now have been blessed with more time. Now, after vibrating a row of Hebrew alef-bet letters, I forgot to blot out the letters, and it is only when I started the "The Hebrew letters has lost their power" 3x affirmations that I noticed, I obviously blotted them out in quick haste.

Will this negatively effect the results of my attempt?

Hail Satan!
No, it worked well as long as you mainteined intention and focus on destroying the whole alphabet, you blotted it out even if afterwards so i don't see any problem.
If someone cursed you to not being able to advance spiritually, is that possible? If so, how can you break the curse since you have no power?
Florina 22 said:
If someone cursed you to not being able to advance spiritually, is that possible? If so, how can you break the curse since you have no power?

The enemy has cursed us for centuries not to spiritually advance. First thing is the knowledge that you have been cursed and then the application of that knowledge, i.e., RTRs/Yoga/Meditation
Florina 22 said:
If someone cursed you to not being able to advance spiritually, is that possible? If so, how can you break the curse since you have no power?

Regular cleaning removes curses,bindings or any negativity that is there. Protection prevents these incoming curses from further attaching to your self and negative planetary transits, any negativity over all.

You keep on cleaning yourself, meanwhile working on other aspects of soul to make yourself stronger.

With time you remove all negativity.

Even if you lack power it does not mean that you cant do anything or things are not working.
A person who has very less stamina can still can climb a hill, slowly but consistently, same applies here, eventually you will remove all curses negativity with daily application of energies.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Florina 22 said:
If someone cursed you to not being able to advance spiritually, is that possible? If so, how can you break the curse since you have no power?

The enemy has cursed us for centuries not to spiritually advance. First thing is the knowledge that you have been cursed and then the application of that knowledge, i.e., RTRs/Yoga/Meditation

I know, I know that ... But don't works for me ... Nothing don't works for me ... I've been trying to open my chakras for years and I can't ... I thought it might be a curse from a person maybe from a previous life ... I don't know ... I want to emphasize this: It doesn't mean that if it doesn't work for me they are not real or for others they won't work ... I just don't understand which That's the problem ... Why can't I do anything?
DarkShadow said:
I have two questions :

(1) How to do killing tetragrammaton ritual?
I do reversing jewish letter and shattering
jewish soul protection but I don't
understand tetragrammaton ritual !

(2) Which word of power works best for
releasing repressed emotions?
Today I'm going to start a working to
release all repressed emotions. Munka
and Ansuz are the power words I'll be
using, if you have any suggestion please
let me know.
1) As explained in this post, scroll down to "Killing Tetragrammaton Final RTR addition"; if you have any more doubts, please don't hesitate to ask.

2) Yes, a freeing the soul working can help out a lot with this, removing these traumas and blockages which would otherwise come out in harsher ways while empowering the chakras or working on your soul;

Yoga helps a lot in this, in my experience many issues, blockages and traumas have risen to the surface only through Yoga, then i have been able to overcome them.
Florina 22 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Florina 22 said:
If someone cursed you to not being able to advance spiritually, is that possible? If so, how can you break the curse since you have no power?

The enemy has cursed us for centuries not to spiritually advance. First thing is the knowledge that you have been cursed and then the application of that knowledge, i.e., RTRs/Yoga/Meditation

I know, I know that ... But don't works for me ... Nothing don't works for me ... I've been trying to open my chakras for years and I can't ... I thought it might be a curse from a person maybe from a previous life ... I don't know ... I want to emphasize this: It doesn't mean that if it doesn't work for me they are not real or for others they won't work ... I just don't understand which That's the problem ... Why can't I do anything?

You may have had little to no spiritual experience in previous lifetimes or have had no previous lifetimes. In this case it could take a long period of time to open the soul, however that just means you need to stay persistent and consistent. Everyone is at different levels and no two souls are the same, what could take a month for one person could take a year for another.

It's easy to get disheartened but remain steadfast. Also, just because you don't "feel" them opening doesn't mean they are not. And don't forget that Hatha Yoga and Pranayama also open the soul.

I hope this helped. Keep at it.
Florina 22 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Florina 22 said:
If someone cursed you to not being able to advance spiritually, is that possible? If so, how can you break the curse since you have no power?

The enemy has cursed us for centuries not to spiritually advance. First thing is the knowledge that you have been cursed and then the application of that knowledge, i.e., RTRs/Yoga/Meditation

I know, I know that ... But don't works for me ... Nothing don't works for me ... I've been trying to open my chakras for years and I can't ... I thought it might be a curse from a person maybe from a previous life ... I don't know ... I want to emphasize this: It doesn't mean that if it doesn't work for me they are not real or for others they won't work ... I just don't understand which That's the problem ... Why can't I do anything?

Do you clean your soul and chakras daily? Do you increase reps for chakra workings?
when satan and the gods created humanity, did they know jews would come along and fuck it all up? or did they create humans and then discover the existence of jews??????

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
