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Can someone say what I can correct in this meditation or even add? Invoke fire element, concentrate to base chakra, circulate it trough all chakras to the top by holding for a few minutes on each of them, after circulating in crown chakra I blow it to my aura and affirm “my aura always protects me in all ways” by visualising it lightening up with fire element. And after that void meditation with affirmations “in all positive and healthy ways I’am totally in control of myself, toughts and emotions at all times.”
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=354561 time=1652557059 user_id=21286]
Gear88 said:
I have had this issue for many years but never bothered to ask about it till I said to myself I should ask on the forums.

Why is it when it's sunny outside and bright. My visualization improves and seems better per say(not hugely better but better)?

While when the it is cloudy outside my visualization drops almost to a greyish tone of visualization?

I guess what I'm trying to say is why specifically is my visualization dictated by light? Shouldn't it be the opposite that in a dark room such as my bedroom with the lights off I would meditate better rather than having the sunlight entering the room brightening up my mental space?



You are progressing, but you are giving up too soon to notice a difference. It is the same thing as when someone goes to the gym. After some months, you suddenly look in the mirror and notice the definition.

Different from physical training, your spiritual advancement is exponential, because you continually reinvest your power into yourself, over and over. So really, it is just the beginning that is the crucial period in which you must be disciplined.


Fake or real effort

Put simply, even if you put even a low level of thought into an activity (like cleaning), you are making progress. This is due to the nature of our reality. This is how people can achieve results from affirmations alone, let alone raising massive amounts of energy.

Like a lucid dream, what you think immediately starts to take shape. Even if you put only 4 focused seconds of time into cleaning the chakra, then that is still better than nothing. As you gain in power, you will be able to notice the difference that can occur even in a short period of time.


Visualization improvement

In regards to your visualization, working directly on your third eye and 6th chakra will improve this. You can clean and spin those chakras as the first part of your routine. You can chant Sowilo or Thaum into the 3rd eye, then affirm it is empowered in a positive way. Lastly, make sure you spend a few minutes actively looking through it, trying to sense your astral surroundings.

As far as the lighting of your environment, this is simply assisting your mind to visualize white-gold. Continue if it makes things easier for you. There is no problem with this.

Another action that will help you is to simply use more energy. It is easier to sense the energy if there is more of it. Therefore, when you are cleaning, do more of what you normally do. This can mean chanting Sowilo/Surya more or directly onto the chakra or breathing in more white-gold energy.


Function of visualization

As mentioned above, focus on using your will and intent. Don't place as much emphasis on just visualizing alone. Visualizing is a tool that helps you focus your will, but it is not a substitute for it.

Remind yourself not to doubt yourself. Even if you cannot sense the changes very well, they are still happening to a certain degree. Imagine you are almost "pushing" from your solar chakra. It helps to also work on this chakra beforehand, as well.
The same way you can will your hands to move is the same way you can will energy with your soul.

Instead of worrying about what you can sense, practice holding the thought of your action, like "my chakra is spinning faster and becoming empowered", or "this energy is cleaning my chakra".


Stilling your thoughts + Yoga

Your mind is very active, so void may be harder for you. However, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, continue to practice void without doubting your abilities. Anything you do in life improves as you practice, no matter your current state. As you continue your practice, you will get better.

As you advance more, you can turn around and use runes like Isa and Nauthiz to rapidly increase your ability to hold your thoughts still. Eihwaz and Sowilo will also help your willpower. So understand that there are solutions available, but you must be patient. You are probably closer than you realize.

Do not worry about poor trance or void abilities. These do not invalidate your efforts.

I must also suggest for you place more emphasis on yoga, which will improve your power without any doubts about your mental abilities. The hatha yoga routine is not hard and can be done by a beginner. Similar to the other meditations, it also does not have to be done perfectly for results.

Try the hatha yoga routine and do 1 minute for the "long" poses, and 20-30 seconds for the short poses. If you are not doing this already, this will definitely help you gain power quickly.


Chakra focus

Working on just one chakra is not bad, but you should find time to do more where possible. The more you do, the better, as a beginner, as this will help you get a feel for your soul's abilities.

Yet, you can place more effort on chakras that you know need work. Working on stronger chakras is not going to immediately imbalance you, either, especially if you are doing what you already mention: invoking programmed earth.

Have you begun the chakra openings? You should start and finish this. For the chakras that do not list a set amount of days, just pick what you feel comfortable with. If you need lower chakra work, do more, yet be careful not to overstimulate yourself.

In regards to other activities which help ground the body, physical activities help a lot. Of course, they are the most "grounded" means to advance yourself, since you are directly using your body. In addition, yin-style yoga, like hatha yoga, is even more able to ground and calm you. So you should really do that.

I hope I answered all your questions. You are doing fine, keep up the good work!

Great advice, I take some notes ... I can't wait to get to higher levels :D .
And I confirm that the youga hata is a great way to calm down and to begin to perceive and increase personal energy.
Hello brothers and sisters,

I have a question about returning/directing negative energy to someone.

I am wondering whether we should be effecting the energy of that particular person, or instead harming the entity which is making that person/soul do things to negatively effect us?

For instance, my dad, definitely has some nefarious being who loves to provoke people to act out emotionally and then feed off them. But I think/feel thats not him. It's an entity that comes out especially in the mornings and when he is drunk. So instead of directing negative energy to my dads Field, should I not be using it to harm the entity? And if so, is there any practices for this?

Thanks for reading!
Gonna post a question here instead of writing a topic but does it really matter when one might start a working? now I am rather referring to the time starting one.

Example: I want to start a working revolving around physical strength but I can only start it either early in the morning or after I had finished my yoga due to work.
Will this still improve my physical strength if I'm combining it with working out at the gym, or is it better to do a working before heading to the gym?

Apologies if question may sound confusing, it make sense in my head.

HAIL SATAN :smile:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Also, can a White person do the Black Race Awakening Ritual, and the other way around? Don't get me wrong - I love my own Race, I just want to put energy in for other Races as well, if that is permitted. :)

You could try but it would not work. You are not contained within the shared racial soul of that other race, it is not part of you, so you will not be affecting it. But you are contained within the shared racial soul of your race, it is part of you, and you are able to affect and influence it.
In Search of Answers said:
Should a rune be vibrated before or after stating an affirmation?

Runes are used to raise your energies, and raising your energies is the first step of doing a working, while stating your affirmation is the second step, so I'd guess a rune should be vibrated before stating your affirmation.

HOWEVER, these examples of workings involving runes show the rune being vibrated AFTER the affirmation.

Both. You should have an affirmation in your mind first and be focusing on this as you are doing the rune, and focusing on how it is going to work. Then say the affirmation at the end.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
In Search of Answers said:
Should a rune be vibrated before or after stating an affirmation?

Runes are used to raise your energies, and raising your energies is the first step of doing a working, while stating your affirmation is the second step, so I'd guess a rune should be vibrated before stating your affirmation.

HOWEVER, these examples of workings involving runes show the rune being vibrated AFTER the affirmation.

Both. You should have an affirmation in your mind first and be focusing on this as you are doing the rune, and focusing on how it is going to work. Then say the affirmation at the end.

Can someone send me a link to an article about guys in middle ages that had sex with hot succubi and then got thrown to a torture Dungeon by catholich church and exectuted? Pls, I can't find it.
حسنا أيها الإله العظيم لقد اقتنعت بإنك الإله الحقيقى وتبا لكل الأديان... ماذا أفعل الان لكى أقترب منك لتمجيدك والسجود لك
مطيعا وتلبيه كل رغباتك... ملحوظة ( انا مبتدأ ولا أعرف كاهن ولا ساحر و أفضل عدم وجود وسيط بينى وبين جلالتك وعظمتك لأنك تراني من داخلى احببتك حقا .. والان اريد الانضمام لك بطريقة صحيحة لعدم إصابتى بأى شر .. قويني على طاعتك وحققلى ما أريده من متاع الدنيا... أريد البدء بصدق لأنك تستحق ذلك اخبرنى بأول طرق عبادتك لكى اصلى لك .. انا أثق بك وفى عظمتك وقوتك اخبرنى وقم بتنويرى
هل من الممكن تكريس روحي للشيطان وكتابة أسمى بالدم قبل ٤٠ يوم التأمل وتنظيف الهالة
هل من الممكن تكريس روحي للشيطان وكتابة أسمى بالدم قبل ٤٠ يوم التأمل وتنظيف الهالة
VortexOfLife said:
Gonna post a question here instead of writing a topic but does it really matter when one might start a working? now I am rather referring to the time starting one.

Example: I want to start a working revolving around physical strength but I can only start it either early in the morning or after I had finished my yoga due to work.
Will this still improve my physical strength if I'm combining it with working out at the gym, or is it better to do a working before heading to the gym?

Apologies if question may sound confusing, it make sense in my head.

HAIL SATAN :smile:

Yes, timing is very important. This amplifies your magick by a lot, or weakens it by a great deal.

You want to time your magick with the moon and the planets. You might also want to use the appropriate planetary hours.

Read about it on the JoS, in the Witchcraft section.
NinRick said:
Yes, timing is very important. This amplifies your magick by a lot, or weakens it by a great deal.

You want to time your magick with the moon and the planets. You might also want to use the appropriate planetary hours.

Read about it on the JoS, in the Witchcraft section.

I was actually referring to timing such as: would it better to start a working on strength before working out the gym or after?
Also I'm very confused when it comes to something like Planetary Hours, are these only for Planetary Squares or has it got to do something else which planet is best for physical strength etc etc?

HAIL SATAN :smile:
حسنا أيها الإله العظيم لقد اقتنعت بإنك الإله الحقيقى وتبا لكل الأديان... ماذا أفعل الان لكى أقترب منك لتمجيدك والسجود لك
مطيعا وتلبيه كل رغباتك... ملحوظة ( انا مبتدأ ولا أعرف كاهن ولا ساحر و أفضل عدم وجود وسيط بينى وبين جلالتك وعظمتك لأنك تراني من داخلى احببتك حقا .. والان اريد الانضمام لك بطريقة صحيحة لعدم إصابتى بأى شر .. قويني على طاعتك وحققلى ما أريده من متاع الدنيا... أريد البدء بصدق لأنك تستحق ذلك اخبرنى بأول طرق عبادتك لكى اصلى لك .. انا أثق بك وفى عظمتك وقوتك اخبرنى وقم بتنويرى
أحبك إلهى لقد اخترت الإله أمى/أفناس أريد معرفة المزيد عن الإله العظيم ايمى .. لقد أحببته كثيرا والان اريد لقاءه فماذا أفعل لمقابلة جلالته وتمجيده
I'm delighted to share that both the baby and me are healthy and doing well. Surely, little one is a fighter. I'm heading into my 16th week pregnancy now.

I was wondering if Hatha Yoga would be safe for pregnant woman. The doctor has strictly restricted me from doing any heavy lifting, generally any activity that involves too much vigorous movement or body force as I'm carrying the placenta a bit low.

While Yoga is not completely incorporated into my daily routine yet. But i want to strengthen my core muscles and pelvic floor during the pregnancy, for a healthy and easy birth.
should i avoid starting a spiritual mars square tomorrow because of the current merc rx? my goal is to ''fix'' natal mars rx
Taurus said:
should i avoid starting a spiritual mars square tomorrow because of the current merc rx? my goal is to ''fix'' natal mars rx

Mars is in Pisces now, this is not a good time to do its square. Wait until the end of this month, Mars will be strong in Aries :)
Hebi666 said:
I'm delighted to share that both the baby and me are healthy and doing well. Surely, little one is a fighter. I'm heading into my 16th week pregnancy now.

I was wondering if Hatha Yoga would be safe for pregnant woman. The doctor has strictly restricted me from doing any heavy lifting, generally any activity that involves too much vigorous movement or body force as I'm carrying the placenta a bit low.

While Yoga is not completely incorporated into my daily routine yet. But i want to strengthen my core muscles and pelvic floor during the pregnancy, for a healthy and easy birth.
Try and find a pregnancy yoga class, if not then look them up on youtube.
Hebi666 said:
I'm delighted to share that both the baby and me are healthy and doing well. Surely, little one is a fighter. I'm heading into my 16th week pregnancy now.

I was wondering if Hatha Yoga would be safe for pregnant woman. The doctor has strictly restricted me from doing any heavy lifting, generally any activity that involves too much vigorous movement or body force as I'm carrying the placenta a bit low.

While Yoga is not completely incorporated into my daily routine yet. But i want to strengthen my core muscles and pelvic floor during the pregnancy, for a healthy and easy birth.
It is safe as I've seen pregnant women do yoga. Just don't go outside of your comfort zone.

And congratulations.
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?

Except Raw Milk which HP. Shannon promotes a bit for the purpose of consuming proper milk not pasteurized. We do not condone the consumption of "Raw XYZ" due to serious food-bourne illnesses.

Sheer fact is even our diet is iffy. We do promote some diets such as for example healthy weight loss, proper nutrition, eating veggies more so veggies than fruits as fruits in these last few centuries have been bred to be too sweet. We aren't against fruits we understand it's important but some might understand the sweetness is overbearing when studied in comparison to ancient fruits.

We adhere for maximum health but do understand we need to consume some negatives from time to time. For example Saturated fats in moderation are healthy stressors of evolution. Saturated fats in excess = bad basically it's yes, no, maybe or in reality "bad it depends". So as long as you moderate saturated fats your good.

Other than that in the past the only diet that is considered one of the best or most well-rounded is Mediterranean diet. Basically fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, fats, etc.etc. as long as your eating a balanced meal getting the calories and exercising well your good. Roman diet 65%-90% fruits/vegetables/others with 10-25-maybe 35% meat and your good. We do adhere to the science that excess meat of any kind is bad cause of cancer and or other negatives. We do adhere to a more vegetable focused style but not at the cost of meat. Meat is Sattvic i.e. most powerful food in ayuverda. Fish is also important despite known negatives i.e. mercury issues. Sheer fact is as long as you eat proper non-gmo foods healthy foods veggies/fruits/nuts/seeds etc.etc. and some meat your pretty much doing great.

Really as long as you eat right and avoid "bro science". Your golden. Same for exercise avoid "bro exercise science".

For example 1g of protein for every 1lb of bodyweight. NO WAY! your literally pumping nearly 120+ grams of protein into yourself. 1g per 1kg is about 2.105lbs so your eating about 30-80g much more manageable. For example eating two beef patties of a high-quality beef supplier is about 25ish or so grams of protein. Two of them when you want to pig out on meat is nearly 50ish or so. You just ate for most people about 80-90% of their protein for the day.

Oh that is another one sometimes from time to time the Human body likes to pig out on something. Don't ignore the cravings or you'll go mad. Sometimes you just gotta eat a large amount of meat or sweet or cake or something. These are indicators your body craves something specific. I'm not saying do it all the time but even with a perfect follow-through of diet you'll still want to eat say a ton of fruits or a ton of meat. Again in Satanism we don't restrict.

We are against fasts as they do not work and only hinder the body. We are somewhat okay with intermittent fasting even though that has been criticized these past few years by articles mentioning it's not such a good idea it's less bad than full fast like fasting for Lent, 40 days. But it's not that good.

Also consumption of water is important avoid sodas except soda water unless the carbon dioxide bothers you or causes stomach issues. Water is ultra important try and get a distiller or look into distillers and avoid tap water and fluoride and all these substances in water. Remember purified water from the tap is merely extreme amounts of water reducing substances to microscopic levels and chlorine gas to kill microorganisms. Distilled pulls that shit out of the water.

Food and drink is the paramount of healthy living and exercise. If you can't or don't want to exercise and are content with yoga and stretching. That is fine as long as you eat the right foods. I suggest you study nutrition labels and study Caloric intake remember 1 calorie(small c) is 1 unit of energy, 1 Calorie(Capital C = 1,000 units of energy) so 200 Calories = 200,000 units of energy.

Anyways study food in depth and remember there are other questions to ask like in our Health forums or you can ask people like Blitzkreig and others who study Asian things like Ayuverda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?

Yes. Protein is essential to the diet, specifically protein you get from animals as it has better amino acid profiles and things like iron. Milk is controversial but if you are of white descent it seems you can digest it easier.
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?

Eating raw foods is another fad meme diet. We evolved to cook our food first before consumption.

Not sure about raw milk though. Milk is passed from buckets to buckets. I would ferment it first if I were you.
Gear88 said:
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?
Wow, that is really a detailed and helpful answer. Thank you so much. I'll make sure to use the advices you've given me.

RockSeed13 said:
Yeah I should have figured it out (didn't eat anything raw so far but I was interested) 😬 thank you for the answer.

GoldenxChild1 said:

Thank you!
hi. i have a lot of great experience with satan and my guardian demon and i promote satanism in instagram. but i have some questions
is reverse music theory true? and rtr is reverse of hebrew words that stolen from sanskrit. rtr mantras dont have any bad meanings?(because it reverse HEBREW words_according to reverse music conspiracy theory)
and why people say astaroth the queen of heaven? heaven is not for enemy?
and in my country people are fighting vs police. if i do rtr can it help them?(i dont know im ready for rtr or not)
thank you so much
hail satan
Artoria Pendragon said:
Hello brothers and sisters,

I have a question about returning/directing negative energy to someone.

I am wondering whether we should be effecting the energy of that particular person, or instead harming the entity which is making that person/soul do things to negatively effect us?

For instance, my dad, definitely has some nefarious being who loves to provoke people to act out emotionally and then feed off them. But I think/feel thats not him. It's an entity that comes out especially in the mornings and when he is drunk. So instead of directing negative energy to my dads Field, should I not be using it to harm the entity? And if so, is there any practices for this?

Thanks for reading!

Energies are directed with intention, just dont focus on your dad or entity, KNOW you are returning those energies to who sent it.
In your subconscious and intention you know that you dont have to harm your loved ones no matter what, so the energies are automatically returned to the entity rather than loved one.
VortexOfLife said:
Gonna post a question here instead of writing a topic but does it really matter when one might start a working? now I am rather referring to the time starting one.

Example: I want to start a working revolving around physical strength but I can only start it either early in the morning or after I had finished my yoga due to work.
Will this still improve my physical strength if I'm combining it with working out at the gym, or is it better to do a working before heading to the gym?

Apologies if question may sound confusing, it make sense in my head.

HAIL SATAN :smile:

For best results working is to be done according to planetary hour. For example strength in athletics/physical strength is ruled by mars, so its best done during hours of Mars. But if you are unable to,its not hard and fast rule. Whatever is comfortable for you.

About before and after gym it doesnt really matter, spiritual workings are not like preworkout, they dont immediately boost your strength within hours. Energies applied everyday will gradually increase your strength over time,to the point where you can significantly notice it as compared to when you weren't using spiritual means. So again, whatever you feel comfortable with. Make sure you arent tired while doing workings.

Always add "in a positive,safe,healthy way for me" in your affirmation, you dont want to inject drugs or be addicted to a substance to be able to gain strength now,do you?
VortexOfLife said:
I was actually referring to timing such as: would it better to start a working on strength before working out the gym or after?
Also I'm very confused when it comes to something like Planetary Hours, are these only for Planetary Squares or has it got to do something else which planet is best for physical strength etc etc?

HAIL SATAN :smile:
Planetary hour equals when certain planetary energy is at its strongest.

When you want to start a working, look for the rulership of what you are trying to achieve and start accordingly during the right phase of the Moon and right sign of the Moon. Planetary hour is the last piece of fine tuning in this string.
RockSeed13 said:
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?

Eating raw foods is another fad meme diet. We evolved to cook our food first before consumption.

Not sure about raw milk though. Milk is passed from buckets to buckets. I would ferment it first if I were you.
Milk is great to drink raw, eggs yes if they are local, meat only certain meets are good to be eaten raw, and you would know it. You don't eat raw steak.
(in the Jewish Torah where Abraham warns his fellow Jews when they are in Egypt not to commit the animal sacrifices because these animals are the Egyptians Gods totem animals and thus the Egyptians would punish them severely) can you Please tell me the source?
erick_erick said:
hi. i have a lot of great experience with satan and my guardian demon and i promote satanism in instagram. but i have some questions
is reverse music theory true?

thank you so much
hail satan
If you refer to subliminal messages, then yes it is true; they are a fast and easy way to access people's so called "subconscious", programming their mind, but they are not bad in themselves, they can also be used for good; a famous case are Led Zeppelin, that used them to open people mind and bring people to Satan, with the song Stairway to Heaven.
and rtr is reverse of hebrew words that stolen from sanskrit. rtr mantras dont have any bad meanings?(because it reverse HEBREW words_according to reverse music conspiracy theory)
Yes, as it has been said, Hebrew letters reversed are the same, it's the intention and the will in reversing them that programs the energy for our purpose.
and why people say astaroth the queen of heaven? heaven is not for enemy?
The word Heaven is used in the figurative meaning of the "highest skies", the place where the Gods belong.
Greetings Brothers and Sisters. What material is better for a satanic rosary beside the cheap plastic from the crafts shop? Wood and other natural elements, metal, glass?
Mezzaluna said:
Is eating raw food (especially eggs, meat and milk) actually healthy?

Raw eggs are extremely likely to give you salmonella which could possibly kill you and will at least have you needing a hospital.

Most kinds of raw meat would also have a very high chance of making you so sick that you might die. Maybe if you are a farmer and you killed the animal yourself and have a piece of meat immediately this could reduce some of the risk, because most bacteria and contamination are living on the surface. But there still is a high risk. You don't know what virus or what sickness was in that animal's body. Anything from a store was killed a very long time ago and by now the bacteria and contamination are penetrated all the way through it. Especially in any kind of ground meat because the surface and the inside are all mixed together which makes the contamination almost instant.
Henu the Great said:
Planetary hour equals when certain planetary energy is at its strongest.

When you want to start a working, look for the rulership of what you are trying to achieve and start accordingly during the right phase of the Moon and right sign of the Moon. Planetary hour is the last piece of fine tuning in this string.

I'm not really sure what it means by "rulership" would that mean the hour which a planet is most effective? So taking the phase and the sign occupying the moon into account: example Virgo which is good for health and combining it with the planetary hour: 8pm - Mars is most active would be good for a working revolving around strength/health? This is what how I think it works.


Demonic said:
For best results working is to be done according to planetary hour. For example strength in athletics/physical strength is ruled by mars, so its best done during hours of Mars. But if you are unable to,its not hard and fast rule. Whatever is comfortable for you.

About before and after gym it doesnt really matter, spiritual workings are not like preworkout, they dont immediately boost your strength within hours. Energies applied everyday will gradually increase your strength over time,to the point where you can significantly notice it as compared to when you weren't using spiritual means. So again, whatever you feel comfortable with. Make sure you arent tired while doing workings.

Always add "in a positive,safe,healthy way for me" in your affirmation, you dont want to inject drugs or be addicted to a substance to be able to gain strength now,do you?
Thank you so much, that cleared up any confusion I had I should've guessed it was like that but for some reason it was on my mind like it was something different when in fact it was the same. I believe the best time to start would be the 13th of June according to the calendar since the moon goes into Sagittarius and it's almost full moon but I would rather start it earlier.
And yes, I always make sure to add the "in a positive, safe, healthy way for me" it's a permanent staple in my affirmations now. But thank you again for clearing up the confusion I had.

VortexOfLife said:
Thank you so much, that cleared up any confusion I had I should've guessed it was like that but for some reason it was on my mind like it was something different when in fact it was the same. I believe the best time to start would be the 13th of June according to the calendar since the moon goes into Sagittarius and it's almost full moon but I would rather start it earlier.
And yes, I always make sure to add the "in a positive, safe, healthy way for me" it's a permanent staple in my affirmations now. But thank you again for clearing up the confusion I had.


You can also start working on 6th of June, as its virgo and Monday as well, day of Mars, during hour of Mars.

Moon in taurus also is good for this as things done during this are long lasting and permanent.

Sagittarius is all rounder. Good for all white magic.

Anything that feels comfortable.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
