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pettyespaca said:
Hi! I looked at a page about demons a couple of months ago. They also had a description and a picture / drawing based on the description. Does anyone know which page this is? I didn't find it within JoS. Thank you!
Hey, can you give me the link for that? I too am trying to figure out what my Gaurdian demon is. My gut keeps telling me its Lilith but I highly doubt that. Also, how do you know what your Gaurdian demon is?
TheCrimsonScythe said:
pettyespaca said:
Hi! I looked at a page about demons a couple of months ago. They also had a description and a picture / drawing based on the description. Does anyone know which page this is? I didn't find it within JoS. Thank you!
Hey, can you give me the link for that? I too am trying to figure out what my Gaurdian demon is. My gut keeps telling me its Lilith but I highly doubt that. Also, how do you know what your Gaurdian demon is?
Everything you need to know is in the sites in satanisgod.org

Demons page is on joyofsatan.org
I read somewhere in past that jews aura is flat or something like they don’t have aura, me myself didn’t noticed this yet but question is if I curse any jew is any possibility for backlash because of their aura construction, or I can calmly curse even stronger than me and I it will not backlash? What is that about jewish aura? Is their aura protects them at any level?
TerKorian666 said:
I read somewhere in past that jews aura is flat or something like they don’t have aura, me myself didn’t noticed this yet but question is if I curse any jew is any possibility for backlash because of their aura construction, or I can calmly curse even stronger than me and I it will not backlash? What is that about jewish aura? Is their aura protects them at any level?

Do not try to do any kind of curses if you have no experience and don't know what you're doing. You would only end up hurting yourself. Even for someone with a lot of experience, it is difficult to do a curse perfectly so that none of the harmful energy connects with or influences yourself.

Their aura is flat in a way that they do not have the same types of emotions or reactions as we do, so they often seem flat or soulless or like there is no life in their soul. And a lot of the emotion that they try to show is fictional, and is purposefully acting to try to show body language that a person would maybe have. Imitating what a person would look like when they have an emotion, instead of actually having the emotion themself. Very robotic or reptilian looking. And this is something that all gentiles are strongly feeling subconsciously and also often consciously, that something just is not human and not natural. Look at Zuckerberg, everybody knows that example.

The level of a protective aura that they have is seperate from this. Their soul is a completely different shape and structure from ours, but they do still have their kind of a soul. And some of them have an extremely strong soul and protective aura, and magical ability. They are not weak. Most of them are weak, but there are many of them who are very strong. Remember that the spiritual knowledge they have stolen from us as they burnt our history for a thousand years, they have kept all of this knowledge for themselves and have continued to use it for all of that time, so there are many of them who have become very strong.
Hello, I have a question, I tell you, recently, my fiancee and I were talking about naming our future children, and she mentioned that she likes the name "Diego", I was researching, and apparently, it comes from the Greek didáchos (Διδάχος), which means moderate and educated, although some pages also mention that it comes from the hebrew yacob (I don't see a single similarity to it), and my big question is, if the name, "Diego", is it Greek or hebrew? , that is my great doubt, since I would not like one of my future children to have a jewish name (as happens with most of the names used in Mexico by catholicism).

In advance, I thank you for your attention, as well as I thank you for his answers, and I hope you clear up my doubts regarding the name "Diego" :) :) .

Greetings :D :D :) .

Hail Satan Always!!!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TerKorian666 said:
I read somewhere in past that jews aura is flat or something like they don’t have aura, me myself didn’t noticed this yet but question is if I curse any jew is any possibility for backlash because of their aura construction, or I can calmly curse even stronger than me and I it will not backlash? What is that about jewish aura? Is their aura protects them at any level?

Do not try to do any kind of curses if you have no experience and don't know what you're doing. You would only end up hurting yourself. Even for someone with a lot of experience, it is difficult to do a curse perfectly so that none of the harmful energy connects with or influences yourself.

Their aura is flat in a way that they do not have the same types of emotions or reactions as we do, so they often seem flat or soulless or like there is no life in their soul. And a lot of the emotion that they try to show is fictional, and is purposefully acting to try to show body language that a person would maybe have. Imitating what a person would look like when they have an emotion, instead of actually having the emotion themself. Very robotic or reptilian looking. And this is something that all gentiles are strongly feeling subconsciously and also often consciously, that something just is not human and not natural. Look at Zuckerberg, everybody knows that example.

The level of a protective aura that they have is seperate from this. Their soul is a completely different shape and structure from ours, but they do still have their kind of a soul. And some of them have an extremely strong soul and protective aura, and magical ability. They are not weak. Most of them are weak, but there are many of them who are very strong. Remember that the spiritual knowledge they have stolen from us as they burnt our history for a thousand years, they have kept all of this knowledge for themselves and have continued to use it for all of that time, so there are many of them who have become very strong.

Thank you for this good info. I had these things in my mind but I didn’t considered them from this perspective. I don’t plan to curse any strong jew at least for now I just was curious about this, because in a past I cursed one of them with my guardian demon helping me to guide energy, and he have got what he deserve quite frequently in a ways that would be impossible normaly. I hope I will not need this anymore because, it was crazy.. guy thinks that “God” sends him misfortune continuously, and that misfortune was so blatant.. getting ratchet with spike end straight into his forehead just by accident, getting very toxic oils shower straight trought all body and etc… in one of these accidents I was there and I saw how it is happening. I hope I will not need to do this anymore, magic of this kind is not what I want from life, definetly not. I did that out of rage, because for him I should be dead now if not Satan and Demons…
Stormblood said:
DarkDan666 said:
I'm not really new here but I have some questions I can't seem to find the answer to. I've been reading about the ego and still cannot understand it. It's yourself but also the awareness of you in relation to others. How should our ego be? I don't want to feel like I'm better then anyone? People stare at me everywhere I go. When I feel my ego I feel the chakras in my head open and people really stare? Aslo how should we view others?

Your ego should be proportionate to who you are. So you should not think yourself of more than you are or less than you are. This pertain to everything. Your ability, your knowledge, your advancement, etc. Many people who are fire-dominant, air-dominant, or Aquarius-dominant have the natural tendency to be arrogant, thinking of themselves as much further and superior than they actually are. Similarly, many people who are water-dominant, or Pisces-dominant have a tendency to be abnegant, and have self-esteem issues.

This is a general picture. Other factors in the chart may balance this.

That is interesting thank you
This does not load:

"Psalm of Astarte"

Can someone send it to me?

Also, I don't quite understand what Astarte's hieratic name is, can someone provide me with it along with an audio on pronunciation?
Veritá_666 said:
This does not load:

"Psalm of Astarte"

Can someone send it to me?

Also, I don't quite understand what Astarte's hieratic name is, can someone provide me with it along with an audio on pronunciation?
All psalms aren't working right now, I heard they are all supposed to be added in the same time when the new update comes.
Serbon said:
Veritá_666 said:
This does not load:

"Psalm of Astarte"

Can someone send it to me?

Also, I don't quite understand what Astarte's hieratic name is, can someone provide me with it along with an audio on pronunciation?
All psalms aren't working right now, I heard they are all supposed to be added in the same time when the new update comes.
What about hieratic name?

Is this meditation can act as void meditation also? Because it goes without visualisation
Veritá_666 said:
Serbon said:
Veritá_666 said:
This does not load:

"Psalm of Astarte"

Can someone send it to me?

Also, I don't quite understand what Astarte's hieratic name is, can someone provide me with it along with an audio on pronunciation?
All psalms aren't working right now, I heard they are all supposed to be added in the same time when the new update comes.
What about hieratic name?

One of her divine names is Innana (EE-NN-Ah-NN-Ah)
TerKorian666 said:

Is this meditation can act as void meditation also? Because it goes without visualisation
No, it says you need to focus on your chakras in steps etc. This is not void.
Serbon said:
TerKorian666 said:

Is this meditation can act as void meditation also? Because it goes without visualisation
No, it says you need to focus on your chakras in steps etc. This is not void.
However, some mediations that require high level of one pointed concentration can be substituted for void meditation.
Good Evening everyone. Hope you are doing well. I have a question regarding health workings for loved ones. We have a 12 month baby in the family that's about to get their first lot of vaccines required to get into child care.

Would visualizing white gold energy into them with affirmations be the way to go or should I do a rune working instead?

Also does anyone have any recommendations on what foods are suited for babies to detox any crap that may be in the vaccine. Cheers.
Hello! I have a question about beauty workings

so I want to start a beauty working to heal my skin but I don't want to dedicate too much energy into it yet because I'm already doing a money spell. Instead of doing a 40 day hard-core working can I just do it at the end of my daily meditations for a longer time?

so for example instead of doing it for 40 days with full concentration and power I start now and do it for the rest of the year and the end of every meditation I do
TerKorian666 said:
Is it healthy for human to drink cow’s milk daily?

This is dependent on your age, your race, the climate that you live in, and other things.

Northern Europeans mostly are very good at digesting cow's milk, but nearly all Asians are lactose intolerant. Because for thousands of years they have evolved in different ways with a different food supply.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TerKorian666 said:
Is it healthy for human to drink cow’s milk daily?

This is dependent on your age, your race, the climate that you live in, and other things.

Northern Europeans mostly are very good at digesting cow's milk, but nearly all Asians are lactose intolerant. Because for thousands of years they have evolved in different ways with a different food supply.

So if person is 25, white aryan, from middle Europe.
can a white person do spiritual work on a black person? and vise versa?

i know racemixing is bad but could someone from thr white race cleanse or put an aura of protection around someone from the black race?
Greetings. Are there Demons that provide, when evoked or contacted through a prayer/telepathy, protection for your Home or Astral Temple? Thank you! :)
Greetings. How did you manage to create your astral temple ? Did something feel right from the beginning , or did you go in trance and use the first thing that your higher mind came up with? :? How did you settle for one , when (if) you felt that no single one was right for you?
TerKorian666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TerKorian666 said:
Is it healthy for human to drink cow’s milk daily?

This is dependent on your age, your race, the climate that you live in, and other things.

Northern Europeans mostly are very good at digesting cow's milk, but nearly all Asians are lactose intolerant. Because for thousands of years they have evolved in different ways with a different food supply.

So if person is 25, white aryan, from middle Europe.

If you are something like southern Italian or Greek and in a hot place, it will not be as good for you and will be more likely to cause something like greasy skin. People from this area are generally better when they eat more vegetables and protein, and less fat. But these same people are often not having a problem with milk or cheese from goats. The goat milk is much better for both their climate and their genetic history.

From further north in colder places, it is generally good to eat more fat especially in the winter time. The fat is more directly used and burned to create body heat, so there is not the symptoms from too much fat like greasy skin. For this same reason it is better to eat more of this in the winter and less in the summer. And the real traditional way to consume milk would most often be cheese, because this is a way to preserve the milk and store it for a long time without it rotting. Actual liquid milk would be consumed less often, especially as people are older because the amount of lactase enzyme that we have decreases when we get older.

It sounds like you will be healthy to drink milk. But cheese might be better for you. If you are able to drink milk without having any bad symptoms then you know you are good.
Someone.something_ said:
can a white person do spiritual work on a black person? and vise versa?

i know racemixing is bad but could someone from thr white race cleanse or put an aura of protection around someone from the black race?

This would not work as effectively. White and Black races both are created by our Gods, and both of these races are designed to elevate ourselves and all become gods. But there is a shared racial soul that connects together all people from that race and makes it easier for them to do spiritual work to help the same race as themself. Because two black people are both within the same shared racial soul, and two white people are both within the same shared racial soul.

We work to help and to advance all races. And we do general workings that bless all races at the same time. But for very specific things, it would be more efficient and effective to each work for their own group.
Where do I begin with this one. . . . .
I feel stuck between rebuilding my past and building my future, I still do what I did when the past was but now that the past isn't, I do the same things in a more different way but I still do the same things I did in the past.

I slowly watched the minds of my friends rot, I did what I could to remedy what I could without going too far, but my efforts were in vain, I watched my little brother rot with certain parallels to the way my friends decayed.

What the actual fuck am I doing just commenting on my actions both present and past like Max Payne? Am I making an ass of myself just telling you about my life?
Here I am now, playing the old games that I used to play with my friends and family (Namely my little brother who is now dead in the worst way possible) and talking with a bunch of who-ever-they-ares on a discord server that I feel is to my liking, but I have been neglecting discord for some time now and I don't even care, like I know in the back of my mind that it's not worth it anymore but I still have the desire to relive what was. . . the problem is if I keep doing that, I will eventually run out of that past, perhaps I had acknowledged that in the back of my mind.

Despite the potential stupidity of me posting this, I'm gonna do it anyways.
(1) Do we need to take a break or gap between two workings/spells when performing more than one working/spell ?

(2) When chanting/vibrating mantras or words of power, if you speak something in between or chant/vibrate something extra (like Aum two times when there is only one time or G three times when vibrating Graum) is your working/spell ruined? Can you redo it at another time?

(3) Please suggest some working to emotionally bind someone to me? (It is for revenge working) someone has hurt me very badly, my heart chakra is severely damaged and my chest hurts when I think about them. I can not find peace in anything and my emotions are going dormant. Please help me to take revenge. I want them to experience the same pain I'm suffering because of them.

Thank you

Hail Satan
One more thing, I've noticed that i get aroused when chanting/vibrating planetary mantra for Jupiter. It's just pure arousal, not thinking about any person or thing. Is it normal?
Where do I begin with this one. . . . .
I feel stuck between rebuilding my past and building my future, I still do what I did when the past was but now that the past isn't, I do the same things in a more different way but I still do the same things I did in the past.

I slowly watched the minds of my friends rot, I did what I could to remedy what I could without going too far, but my efforts were in vain, I watched my little brother rot with certain parallels to the way my friends decayed.

What the actual fuck am I doing just commenting on my actions both present and past like Max Payne? Am I making an ass of myself just telling you about my life?
Here I am now, playing the old games that I used to play with my friends and family (Namely my little brother who is now dead in the worst way possible) and talking with a bunch of who-ever-they-ares on a discord server that I feel is to my liking, but I have been neglecting discord for some time now and I don't even care, like I know in the back of my mind that it's not worth it anymore but I still have the desire to relive what was. . . the problem is if I keep doing that, I will eventually run out of that past, perhaps I had acknowledged that in the back of my mind.

Despite the potential stupidity of me posting this, I'm gonna do it anyways.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TerKorian666 said:
Is it healthy for human to drink cow’s milk daily?

This is dependent on your age, your race, the climate that you live in, and other things.

Northern Europeans mostly are very good at digesting cow's milk, but nearly all Asians are lactose intolerant. Because for thousands of years they have evolved in different ways with a different food supply.

In my case, I find it really hard to drink commercial milk. Other than being really bland, it would also give digestive issues.

Then I tried Irish milk from farms when I went to Ireland, and it was delicious: no digestive issues whatsoever. I also tried farm milk from Romania, where villages are not yet being destroyed by jewish development, and everything tastes delicious. Even meat tastes 10x better than organic milk you could get from any store or directly from farms both in Italy that has good food laws and in Britain that has appalling food laws.

After those two experiences, I also tried organic milk in Italy and it was great, as long as it came from a proper container. No digestion issues either. Bad containers for me have proven to be plastic containers, especially those thick plastic ones that look like detergent containers. I assume that's because, when plastic is exposed to high thermal stress, it releases particles into the liquid, and these particles alter the taste. This always happens with plastic containers since they are transported on big metal vehicles. It's too foul for me to drink. It just doesn't take like milk at all.

I would also add that it's best to drink real milk, which is whole milk. Skimmed milk and semi-skimmed are unhealthy, contrary to popular belief. The belief has been debunked for at least 10 years, but the industry still has not caught up to it because there are gullible sheep who still buy it, and believe everything they read without proof and psychic ability.

I heard also that certified raw milk is the best for digestion, and doesn't cause issues in Whites that are normally intolerant. This seems to be because it contains the healthy bacteria that allow the body to digest it properly, while pasteurised milk does not because all bacteria are killed during the pasteurisation process. Certified raw milk is controlled to make sure it doesn't contain anything harmful; so it's also more expensive than other varieties.

It's very interesting to read other information you provided.
Does energy work in this situation: You want to do a working on a person. You don't know the person's name or face, but you do know such a person exist.
Hello, Maybe some of High Priest could give explanation if this is a fooling of people? https://cdn.isha.ws/private/ishanga-handbook/ishanga7-handbook-2021-eng.pdf
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TerKorian666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is dependent on your age, your race, the climate that you live in, and other things.

Northern Europeans mostly are very good at digesting cow's milk, but nearly all Asians are lactose intolerant. Because for thousands of years they have evolved in different ways with a different food supply.

So if person is 25, white aryan, from middle Europe.

If you are something like southern Italian or Greek and in a hot place, it will not be as good for you and will be more likely to cause something like greasy skin. People from this area are generally better when they eat more vegetables and protein, and less fat. But these same people are often not having a problem with milk or cheese from goats. The goat milk is much better for both their climate and their genetic history.

From further north in colder places, it is generally good to eat more fat especially in the winter time. The fat is more directly used and burned to create body heat, so there is not the symptoms from too much fat like greasy skin. For this same reason it is better to eat more of this in the winter and less in the summer. And the real traditional way to consume milk would most often be cheese, because this is a way to preserve the milk and store it for a long time without it rotting. Actual liquid milk would be consumed less often, especially as people are older because the amount of lactase enzyme that we have decreases when we get older.

It sounds like you will be healthy to drink milk. But cheese might be better for you. If you are able to drink milk without having any bad symptoms then you know you are good.

Ludwick said:
Where do I begin with this one. . . . .
I feel stuck between rebuilding my past and building my future, I still do what I did when the past was but now that the past isn't, I do the same things in a more different way but I still do the same things I did in the past.

I slowly watched the minds of my friends rot, I did what I could to remedy what I could without going too far, but my efforts were in vain, I watched my little brother rot with certain parallels to the way my friends decayed.

What the actual fuck am I doing just commenting on my actions both present and past like Max Payne? Am I making an ass of myself just telling you about my life?
Here I am now, playing the old games that I used to play with my friends and family (Namely my little brother who is now dead in the worst way possible) and talking with a bunch of who-ever-they-ares on a discord server that I feel is to my liking, but I have been neglecting discord for some time now and I don't even care, like I know in the back of my mind that it's not worth it anymore but I still have the desire to relive what was. . . the problem is if I keep doing that, I will eventually run out of that past, perhaps I had acknowledged that in the back of my mind.

Despite the potential stupidity of me posting this, I'm gonna do it anyways.
Hello. This is normal, most people have difficulties changing their lives and letting go of the past.

Talking to people on discords is generally a waste of time. It sounds like you are entering a new phase of your life. Have you dedicated to Satan? Do so, and start advancing yourself through meditation, this will help you to build a better future, and to move away from being stuck in the past.

There is so much to learn, your Path will unfold as you stay strong in Satan and your Guardian Demon :)
I've got large itch on me

What is the original language of the human race and any way to speak it fluently? (Human example pictured below)

"Contrary to what his clothes might suggest he is not jewish, as there are various photographs of him wearing liturcial outfits from different religious confessions." - Original Poster
(I had to address this before it goes out of hand and as an apology for the hebrew, the same man in different attire)

And how about some detailed instructions on procuring some of that advanced German technology?

I do believe the Germans (of Germanic descent) to be highly intelligent even making quantum leaps in science and technology.

The Germanic people have fascinated me and has also inspired in me the desire to learn about genetics and how to manipulate them and more, unfortunately my time doesn't allow me that luxury but I hope someone sends me a link to something I could take a look at.

In closing of what I am nervous about posting as a man in a rookie's position, I did dedicate my soul to Satan and I have no flippin' clue who my Guardian Demon is.
What is this? When I try to meditate with my eyes closed, white circles of light or light spectrums appear to me, sometimes the feeling (or maybe I really can see) that I can see inside my body. What is this? .
Greetings. I have 2 requests/questions :)
1. The famous sermon of our dear HPS Maxine, stating that our Gods are coming back in 20 years When the Gods will be here, will it be a public thing? Will people understand what is happening or will the Gods re-attain formal control of the planet and simply present themselves as "high governmental positions replacing the old governments" so people aren't afraid? I mean, when do you think it will be the time when they uncover things, when the Gods explain to the entire population (and they understand) what has been going on and actively changes its destiny through the Gods' revealed involvement? When will it be a world of Satanists, and each person living on Earth will know Satan's name for what it truly means and will meditate daily and celebrate again our Esbats and Sabbats etc, and get in un-censored contact with other civilisations and truly become a master of their destiny and become Demons? Do you think it will be much from their arrival on Earth until shedding light onto the population? And do you think they will personally come or will they send some representants of their own here?
2. I have read some posts about the so-called published natal chart of (heil) Adolf Hitler but was unable to find any :? Could someone post it on a thread please? I don't trust the sources online, especially the interpretations

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
