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Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:
My posts have not appeared for days. Vaccine topic, positive thinking topic. What could be the reason for this?
Busy moderators.

I don't know. I posted in the vaccine topic on Monday. In the positive thinking topic on Tuesday. Now it's Friday afternoon.

Maybe there is another problem with my posts, because what I posted yesterday in this topic (to which you replied) appeared as usual.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
pettyespaca said:
Hello! I would like to ask if there can be serious negative consequences if I do not meditate regularly? In my current life situation, I can’t afford to meditate regularly. As a beginner, I obviously don’t do everything perfectly, but I’m happy to try (and have tried) some meditation practices. Thank you for your answers!

Do what you are able to do. And even if it is just a very small amount every day, over time you will be so much better than most people in the world who do nothing. Or they even go backwards. Even a very small amount every day ends up being exponentially large in the end.

Hello! Well, these are ( and Big Henu) two completely different opinions. But I didn’t really think about development, but rather about the consequences of an energy imbalance. Thank you for your answers!
I want to keep unwanted individuals away. I found this "My aura is repelling, [inspire fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times." But I don't understand this part "[inspire fear/dread] in _______". What should I say? in "fear" ? Can I do it immediately just avoiding void course of moon or it needs to be done on waxing or waning moon.
Thank you!
Stormblood said:
Cosmic6999 said:
See now you think I am on drugs and I don’t do that I been asking for help why would you help me since can anybody help me

Can you write English? Most people can't understand half of what you're writing. So, please, make an effort to write in a way that is understandable to the people you're talking to. You could start from using punctuation appropriately and proofreading what you write before sending it.

Do you use this email? [email protected]?
Can I write to you?
Is it good for someone that is dying from a disease, like cancer f.e., to end his life ,instead of dying slowly in pain? Will suicide leave a bigger damage on the soul than a disease would?
Dark Lawyer said:
Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:
My posts have not appeared for days. Vaccine topic, positive thinking topic. What could be the reason for this?
Busy moderators.

I don't know. I posted in the vaccine topic on Monday. In the positive thinking topic on Tuesday. Now it's Friday afternoon.

Maybe there is another problem with my posts, because what I posted yesterday in this topic (to which you replied) appeared as usual.

One has just been published. No problem then, I'm sure the other one will appear at some point.
Woodlandman said:
Cancer is a very poorly understood illness and there are many theories and scientific ideas which one may read about that are confusing and/or downright made up.

I am going to elucidate on some of the TCM concepts which explain and demystify cancer in the hope that this may assist the group's members in understanding, being clear on and potentially avoiding this chronic disease.

Firstly, there are very few single-causative agents for cancer.

HPV has been described as a cause of cervical cancer and other such viruses etc. have been implicated in the development of other cancers however there are too many instances where people have had these viruses but not get cancer.

It is best to think of these things as triggers.

The underlying body condition is the forming ground for cancer.

A healthy person's immune system is capable of recognisance and elimination of cancer cells and these cells arise every day in the human body many times over as a result of abnormal cell division.

This is a numbers game and the more cells which are dividing expose the multitude of cells to aberrations in DNA replication due to small errors which can occur for MANY reasons, toxins included.

A cell has to undergo and survive approx. 10 different DNA level mutations before it can be considered malignant and it is now becoming clear that many cancers form over periods of decades, not months.

The accelerated growth phase which is consistent with symptoms and lethality is the final and most difficult to resolve state and it is becoming more common for cancer to be at this stage before it is even treated thanks to the structural change paradigm of modern medicine which basically states that any disease for which a visible change has not occurred on a histological level is a 'functional' illness which has its origins in the psyche and therefore is treated as such, with drugs that target the neural network to dull or alter it so that the functional symptoms no longer exist.

By the time an illness moves from the functional to the structural change phase, it is already serious and treatment is harder than it would have been had the functional illness been treated immediately and correctly.

For cancer specifically, the formation of a tumour is preceded by many functional illness signs as the body's internal balance skews.

Long term emotional stress (one of many pathways, used here only as an example) stagnates the qi.

Stagnant qi gives rise to the following symptoms:

- Frequent sighing, irritability and frustration, alternations of bowel movements between constipation and looseness, bloating and abdominal pain after eating, cold hands and feet (but warm on the rest of the limb).

Long-standing qi stagnation can - amongst other development pathways - lead to invasion of the digestive energies of the spleen or stomach.

Spleen damage leads to:

- poor appetite, loose stools, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating and in worse stages feelings of cold all over the body.

In addition to this, the stomach invasion leads to:

- burning stomach pain, acid reflux and regurgitation, restlessness and vexation and pressure in the epigastrium.

This pathway is called Wood overacting on Earth as the Liver, a wood organ responsible for the free flow of qi throughout the body becomes jammed due to the qi stagnation and its regular qi flow is disturbed and invades the nearby digestive organs.

Over time, (years) the resultant stomach fire leads to stasis of blood in the stomach. The tongue turns purple and the person by this stage may have already developed peptic ulcers or other stomach lining disturbances.

Unaware of the seriousness of their plight, they eat copiously to contain the stomach whilst the spleen struggles to digest the food and ascend the pure qi to the head.

Their thinking becomes faulty as their mind becomes less nourished and they find it difficult to concentrate.

They may eat comfort foods to ease the reflux or avoid food to avoid the pain that comes from eating when the stomach lining is adversely affected.

These are all functional signs of disease that many would discard as irrelevant or not serious.

Meanwhile the accumulated blood congeals and prevents qi from passing the area.

Qi builds up like water in a dam, bringing to a standstill in that area the fluids of the body including more blood.

Nutrients become trapped there and slowly a congealed mass begins to form.

The lack of qi movement can prevent pain from the area reaching the central pathways to alert the mind that something is terribly wrong.

And so, as the mass grows, it may also become hot.

Thus the person now has qi stagnation, fire and blood stasis (accumulative pathogens which require immediate treatment) all in a fixed location with no warning that they are there except their functional symptoms which may or may not be ignored for many years.

The blockage causes other body systems to become weaker, such as immunity and digestive nourishment until eventually the cancer is formed enough to produce physical symptoms that require hospitalisation and often by this point it is too late.

The above pathway is one of a hundred different manners by which cancer may arise, and excludes a trigger from an external wind/cold/damp invasion (viral and bacterial infection falls into this category amongst others) which is consistent with a new approach to cancer treatment in western medicine whereby individual sub-types of cancer are being identified within previously accepted groups of what were thought to be the same disease.

These sub types require individualised treatment protocols, much like TCM also approaches each case differently based on the pathway and end presenting result of the cancer.

Thus, to say that 'x-chemical' or 'x-virus' causes cancer is a misnomer.

It is better to state that 'x-chemical' encourages the development of cancer or may be a contributing factor to cancer development in a person whose body conditions are akin to cancer's development.

These body conditions are visible and can be known from the onset of the very first symptom and resolved early to avoid this terrible fate.
Any disease, including cancer, can be treated.
Woodlandman said:
Is it good for someone that is dying from a disease, like cancer f.e., to end his life ,instead of dying slowly in pain? Will suicide leave a bigger damage on the soul than a disease would?

Greetings! I read a post once where it was stated that Satan does not forbid/condemn suicide (unlike that xian "god"), and that it can be executed to represent something noble. I think it can be done without "traumatizing the soul". I mean, we could say that every death traumatizes the soul, and , given how many lives we have (as souls), it would mean we'd live in constant spiritual trauma. Nevertheless, it's not a trauma we can't overcome (since we especially evolved to cope with it and be functional enough because , with the curses and seals placed upon us, Immortality was meant to be out of reach for most of us - otherwise we wouldn't have been able to take on another life and we'd be stuck in the spiritual dimension, without the option to evolve anymore) .
Our Hitler also committed suicide! So IF you are okay with depriving yourself from what some would consider life, then the dilemma of morality is closed.
The single problem is that, being reincarnated, you would lose all your satanic knowledge that you have worked to obtain. Of course, that would also happen if you'd follow the ouroboros by a disease f.e. Satan holds in high regard, of what I know, one's self judgement and will as long as they do not interfere with our, SS' , purpose. I think what matters the most is that it is your own choice, well-thought, and that serves your best of interests considering also what can be made of the circumstances you're in.
I do not know, though, how much damage would be done but I think it could be overcome. I do not encourage ANY choice, and you should better talk with and take the words of your Guardian Demon or Father Satan about this first. You can use divination methods, or perform the evocation ritual. From my personal point of view (and I may be wrong), I would not do that , because I would hope until the last moment (I am an incurable idealist) and I would struggle, until that very last moment, to perform biokinesis and healing meditations, to clean my aura thoroughly and to go in trance and say affirmations.
I am deeply sorry if you or anyone you know shall part from this world so soon - Death is just a transformation, in every sense, but I cannot but feel sorry that they would forget everything once again. Hope I helped and stay strong!
TejasJala said:
Woodlandman said:
Cancer is a very poorly understood illness and there are many theories and scientific ideas which one may read about that are confusing and/or downright made up.

I am going to elucidate on some of the TCM concepts which explain and demystify cancer in the hope that this may assist the group's members in understanding, being clear on and potentially avoiding this chronic disease.

Firstly, there are very few single-causative agents for cancer.

HPV has been described as a cause of cervical cancer and other such viruses etc. have been implicated in the development of other cancers however there are too many instances where people have had these viruses but not get cancer.

It is best to think of these things as triggers.

The underlying body condition is the forming ground for cancer.

A healthy person's immune system is capable of recognisance and elimination of cancer cells and these cells arise every day in the human body many times over as a result of abnormal cell division.

This is a numbers game and the more cells which are dividing expose the multitude of cells to aberrations in DNA replication due to small errors which can occur for MANY reasons, toxins included.

A cell has to undergo and survive approx. 10 different DNA level mutations before it can be considered malignant and it is now becoming clear that many cancers form over periods of decades, not months.

The accelerated growth phase which is consistent with symptoms and lethality is the final and most difficult to resolve state and it is becoming more common for cancer to be at this stage before it is even treated thanks to the structural change paradigm of modern medicine which basically states that any disease for which a visible change has not occurred on a histological level is a 'functional' illness which has its origins in the psyche and therefore is treated as such, with drugs that target the neural network to dull or alter it so that the functional symptoms no longer exist.

By the time an illness moves from the functional to the structural change phase, it is already serious and treatment is harder than it would have been had the functional illness been treated immediately and correctly.

For cancer specifically, the formation of a tumour is preceded by many functional illness signs as the body's internal balance skews.

Long term emotional stress (one of many pathways, used here only as an example) stagnates the qi.

Stagnant qi gives rise to the following symptoms:

- Frequent sighing, irritability and frustration, alternations of bowel movements between constipation and looseness, bloating and abdominal pain after eating, cold hands and feet (but warm on the rest of the limb).

Long-standing qi stagnation can - amongst other development pathways - lead to invasion of the digestive energies of the spleen or stomach.

Spleen damage leads to:

- poor appetite, loose stools, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating and in worse stages feelings of cold all over the body.

In addition to this, the stomach invasion leads to:

- burning stomach pain, acid reflux and regurgitation, restlessness and vexation and pressure in the epigastrium.

This pathway is called Wood overacting on Earth as the Liver, a wood organ responsible for the free flow of qi throughout the body becomes jammed due to the qi stagnation and its regular qi flow is disturbed and invades the nearby digestive organs.

Over time, (years) the resultant stomach fire leads to stasis of blood in the stomach. The tongue turns purple and the person by this stage may have already developed peptic ulcers or other stomach lining disturbances.

Unaware of the seriousness of their plight, they eat copiously to contain the stomach whilst the spleen struggles to digest the food and ascend the pure qi to the head.

Their thinking becomes faulty as their mind becomes less nourished and they find it difficult to concentrate.

They may eat comfort foods to ease the reflux or avoid food to avoid the pain that comes from eating when the stomach lining is adversely affected.

These are all functional signs of disease that many would discard as irrelevant or not serious.

Meanwhile the accumulated blood congeals and prevents qi from passing the area.

Qi builds up like water in a dam, bringing to a standstill in that area the fluids of the body including more blood.

Nutrients become trapped there and slowly a congealed mass begins to form.

The lack of qi movement can prevent pain from the area reaching the central pathways to alert the mind that something is terribly wrong.

And so, as the mass grows, it may also become hot.

Thus the person now has qi stagnation, fire and blood stasis (accumulative pathogens which require immediate treatment) all in a fixed location with no warning that they are there except their functional symptoms which may or may not be ignored for many years.

The blockage causes other body systems to become weaker, such as immunity and digestive nourishment until eventually the cancer is formed enough to produce physical symptoms that require hospitalisation and often by this point it is too late.

The above pathway is one of a hundred different manners by which cancer may arise, and excludes a trigger from an external wind/cold/damp invasion (viral and bacterial infection falls into this category amongst others) which is consistent with a new approach to cancer treatment in western medicine whereby individual sub-types of cancer are being identified within previously accepted groups of what were thought to be the same disease.

These sub types require individualised treatment protocols, much like TCM also approaches each case differently based on the pathway and end presenting result of the cancer.

Thus, to say that 'x-chemical' or 'x-virus' causes cancer is a misnomer.

It is better to state that 'x-chemical' encourages the development of cancer or may be a contributing factor to cancer development in a person whose body conditions are akin to cancer's development.

These body conditions are visible and can be known from the onset of the very first symptom and resolved early to avoid this terrible fate.
Any disease, including cancer, can be treated.

Well, I supose that's true. But what If someone is old, and the state is just too miserble?
homeraee said:
I have been working on my astral senses for a while. But today I felt itchy that I really wanted to scratch it but I couldn’t as the itchy feeling came from inside. Why was that? I had this feeling before, it was during aoc and aop.

That sounds like a sign that your senses are being activated. When working on my psychic senses, I felt a sort of an itch around my clairvoyance chakras.
Greetings. Can someone explain to me why a book such as Arthur Edward Waite – Rules Rider Waite Tarot or Arthur Edward Waite – The Pictorial Key to the Tarot would be found here http://bucurialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ listed as "Great PDF books" on the JoS site(Romanian version)?
This author has also written "The Holy Kabbalah" and there is no page in these "tarot" books where the "grace of God" is not mentioned, or where it's not explicitly stated that "tarot does not originate from Egypt". It also dared say that The High Priestess is the embodiment of Shekinah and the Pope's wife!
Is this some kind of joke or do I just happen to not know anything about SS anymore?
MiniMe3388 said:
Stormblood said:
Cosmic6999 said:
See now you think I am on drugs and I don’t do that I been asking for help why would you help me since can anybody help me

Can you write English? Most people can't understand half of what you're writing. So, please, make an effort to write in a way that is understandable to the people you're talking to. You could start from using punctuation appropriately and proofreading what you write before sending it.

Do you use this email? [email protected]?
Can I write to you?

Yeah, anyone can write to me, as long as they don't need help deciding whether they should eat Smarties or M&Ms. Reply times vary.
Woodlandman said:
If there is a high priest rank in Satanism, is there also just a priest rank? Do we have any priests?
We have Guardians and they could be considered priests, especially when we consider that to get into a role of HP(S) one has to go through being a Guardian first as Hoodedcobra has relayed to us.
Stormblood said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Stormblood said:
Can you write English? Most people can't understand half of what you're writing. So, please, make an effort to write in a way that is understandable to the people you're talking to. You could start from using punctuation appropriately and proofreading what you write before sending it.

Do you use this email? [email protected]?
Can I write to you?

Yeah, anyone can write to me, as long as they don't need help deciding whether they should eat Smarties or M&Ms. Reply times vary.
Can I write to you? I have a question about sanskrit.
Henu the Great said:
Woodlandman said:
If there is a high priest rank in Satanism, is there also just a priest rank? Do we have any priests?
We have Guardians and they could be considered priests, especially when we consider that to get into a role of HP(S) one has to go through being a Guardian first as Hoodedcobra has relayed to us.

I see, it makes sense, thanks.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=332776 time=1646909791 user_id=57]
Ardgion said:
Thank you for helping. I will start it on Sunday before VoC :D

I'm happy to be of help, good luck with your working :)

Can I send you an email? >.<
Machinery said:
Any satanist from Nigeria?
It's quite hard for me here cause it's just me and depressing things have been happening to me lately

I sent you an email
MiniMe3388 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=332776 time=1646909791 user_id=57]
I'm happy to be of help, good luck with your working :)

Can I send you an email? >.<
Sure, Lastro7 at protonmail dot com
I have started dream journaling on paper but I've encountered a problem. I've so many dreams a night and each feels like an eternity - I tried writing about all the settings and characters I've dreamt and what did they say but there's a lot of extremely vivid content and the stimuli are not only visual and if I spend time to narrate each of them it takes too much. I usually only write about 2-4 dreams because I can't mention all the details and at the same time go on to the next one without being late.
I clearly remember most of what happened (and the minority which I know I've dreamt but I don't completely recall is foggy but understandable), but it's too much to write. What should I do? I think that without practice I won't advance this ability. Maybe I'll lose it.
I've heard that writing on a laptop isn't as good as on paper and I can't afford spending more time at the screen. But if I only recall them (as in narrating) in my head, with all the details (since thinking is faster than writing) does that still count as journaling and acknowledging them? Hmmm... :?:
Siatris Ioholo said:
Stormblood said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Do you use this email? [email protected]?
Can I write to you?

Yeah, anyone can write to me, as long as they don't need help deciding whether they should eat Smarties or M&Ms. Reply times vary.
Can I write to you? I have a question about sanskrit.

Sure. There's no need to ask. ;)
Cosmic6999 said:

You need to be doing daily practice. The 40-day program is not nearly enough. It is only a framework. Keep doing more and don't focus on other people. Ask the Gods what you most need to focus on improving. That is how you advance as fast as you can.

Everyone has problems here, although you may not hear what everyone is going through. In regards to meditation specifically, when I first started it felt like I was trying to move a brick wall with my head. It felt boring, but even if I stopped I knew that I had to do the work and advance.

There were times in the past that I have gotten upset, overwhelmed, and stopped meditating for a couple of days. Then, after wasting my time elsewhere, I feel a yearning to get back to my practices.


I don't know what problems you are having exactly, but you may need to focus on your earth and fire more. For example, breathe in shiny-black (Saturn-like) energy, and affirm it has now given you the discipline to meditate. Do the breath of fire and affirm it has now given you the energy and will to meditate.

Use Nauthiz and Saulo as long-term solutions to permanently increase the respective qualities within yourself, allowing you to be more productive.

Read more here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=327648#p327648
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Woodlandman said:
Is it good for someone that is dying from a disease, like cancer f.e., to end his life ,instead of dying slowly in pain? Will suicide leave a bigger damage on the soul than a disease would?

Greetings! I read a post once where it was stated that Satan does not forbid/condemn suicide (unlike that xian "god"), and that it can be executed to represent something noble. I think it can be done without "traumatizing the soul". I mean, we could say that every death traumatizes the soul, and , given how many lives we have (as souls), it would mean we'd live in constant spiritual trauma. Nevertheless, it's not a trauma we can't overcome (since we especially evolved to cope with it and be functional enough because , with the curses and seals placed upon us, Immortality was meant to be out of reach for most of us - otherwise we wouldn't have been able to take on another life and we'd be stuck in the spiritual dimension, without the option to evolve anymore) .
Our Hitler also committed suicide! So IF you are okay with depriving yourself from what some would consider life, then the dilemma of morality is closed.
The single problem is that, being reincarnated, you would lose all your satanic knowledge that you have worked to obtain. Of course, that would also happen if you'd follow the ouroboros by a disease f.e. Satan holds in high regard, of what I know, one's self judgement and will as long as they do not interfere with our, SS' , purpose. I think what matters the most is that it is your own choice, well-thought, and that serves your best of interests considering also what can be made of the circumstances you're in.
I do not know, though, how much damage would be done but I think it could be overcome. I do not encourage ANY choice, and you should better talk with and take the words of your Guardian Demon or Father Satan about this first. You can use divination methods, or perform the evocation ritual. From my personal point of view (and I may be wrong), I would not do that , because I would hope until the last moment (I am an incurable idealist) and I would struggle, until that very last moment, to perform biokinesis and healing meditations, to clean my aura thoroughly and to go in trance and say affirmations.
I am deeply sorry if you or anyone you know shall part from this world so soon - Death is just a transformation, in every sense, but I cannot but feel sorry that they would forget everything once again. Hope I helped and stay strong!
Hitler never committed suicide, he managed to escape with ufos and is now a God among our Gods.
Where can i find the first articles posted since 2002 or since when are the site? Or the first sermons? I tried to search in the search button and I only found it from 2022
Hey everyone!

I was reading this : https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Overcoming_Obstacles.html

Can anyone please elaborate on the body language part?
Should my imaginary world be considered a mental ability or a mental illness? I can say that I was born with an imaginary world. I don't know when I created it and how I created it. Or if I created it myself. I just found myself caught between two worlds. The real plan and the imaginary one. .What's worse is the words that I can spell I often mistake. I used to live in my imaginary world and for this reason I ended up making some unthinkable choices that I regret today. My coming to Satanism meant a kind of awareness and awakening to reality. .now I don't know what to do should I give up this imaginary world or can it help me in some cases? Although I don't think it's okay. Because my mind chooses to sleep and sit there instead of listening to me and working. .somehow my mind developed personality. She talks to me and I answer her, she often answers me back. Should I give up the imaginary world or could that help me? If it's a problem. Can I remove it on my own? Is there a way to do this? .or should I go to the doctor (as all my family members have advised me)? Does medication help in this case? .
Hitler never committed suicide, he managed to escape with ufos and is now a God among our Gods.

Thank you for clarifying. I knew I may have missed something!
After nearing 3 months past January(2022). I've returned to meditation from not doing anything my New Years resolution was quitting meditation. But I returned just simple stuff, nothing complex.

I've always had issues with the Yogas(Hatha/Kundalini) in that the physical exercise is just annoying to me. Right now, as of this period of time I said "Keep it simple, it's not a race". Mind that I come from a background of easy burn out and lacking in discipline.

My routine is simple Simple Visual Clean(Aura/Chakras) non-mantra visual, Protection(Simple solar JoS affirmation version), Akasha(Elemental balance with affirmation), Complete Yogic Breath(5), and Foundation breathing(2-5 minutes or so).

The 40-day guide is okay not great or anything. Concerning IF I wish to get back into working on the chakras.

1. Does the opening vibrations are they done a lot? i.e. is it Opening -> Finish the Opening -> Full Chakra Meditation.

I never understood the point of opening chakras if the chakras don't open from just a cycle. I've read of people saying repeat but I've also read of people stating cycle through openings like the 40-DG then move to FCM to perform.

2. Although last time I did FCM I did between 7-10 vibrations so in total nearly 100 vibrations. And that is fine a person stated doing FCM is a daily feeding not a blast-o-rama of doing 40-100 vibrations per chakra rather slow and steady. On top of that I added two more vibrations 3rd eye and pineal.

But my question is do we HAVE to blast so much vibrations? Even 7-10 x total = a lot of vibrations a near rosary bead amount. I'd like to know if we can do lower like 3, maybe?

3. What would be an appropriate affirmation for charka work? I figure we want to open and empower, do we state open and empower or keep it simple My sahasrara chakra is empowering in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me.

4. Whenever I meditate in the past I become all fidgety and sick and tired of doing meditation. To me meditation is a chore it's boring it may even be stupid. Are there ways to learn to harness this for betterment?

I'm not into doing meditation I'm a thinker to me if I don't think it's a waste of time. I know we aren't supposed to randomly think rather we are to be focused by focus is non-existent. I know the act of meditation increases meditation desire plus adding it as a routine would go well. But is there a way to change this and improve on this aspect of being meditation is annoying?


Some people might view my post as strange a 2003 dedicated member asking even absolute basic questions that make no sense and are straightforward in meditation. I tend to overcomplicate or more precisely tend to over-advance. A friend of mines I email from time to time states I dig too deep into advanced properties and then when I need to go back to the basics I'm like how do I get out of this hole.

I don't know why I overcomplexify or push further into too advanced. But I'd like to harness this illogical logic into my meditation. And I don't know how. I'm more amused by JoS and learning and reading posts just for the sake of thinking material. In other words I'm just a theorycrafter I contemplate for the sake of thinking and passing the time as I lead a very boring life.

5.So is there any way to harness extreme persistent daily boredom and an overly active imagination and thinking processment of my mind?

Can I somehow use that for meditation or improving quality of meditation?

FYI I don't perform void or mindfulness or whatever you want to call it even trance is like a boulder to me. So if my illogical logic makes someone answer it's because I'm a thinker I've made my mind into just a thinking processing fantasy World of exist in mental extremism. In other words I'd rather think and live my life mentally then actually do it on the physical. I guess I learned to be my own prisoner in my World and simply fantasize for the sake of passing the time and going about the day.

In fact that is probably the exact reasoning some people incorporate meditation to be more real. But I fear in being more real that I lose my mentality and somehow lack in thinking or become dull or lose out on mental contemplation food so to speak to process. And yes if your wondering I CAN ignore my body a lot living in just a self-made prison.
Aquarius said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Woodlandman said:
Is it good for someone that is dying from a disease, like cancer f.e., to end his life ,instead of dying slowly in pain? Will suicide leave a bigger damage on the soul than a disease would?

Greetings! I read a post once where it was stated that Satan does not forbid/condemn suicide (unlike that xian "god"), and that it can be executed to represent something noble. I think it can be done without "traumatizing the soul". I mean, we could say that every death traumatizes the soul, and , given how many lives we have (as souls), it would mean we'd live in constant spiritual trauma. Nevertheless, it's not a trauma we can't overcome (since we especially evolved to cope with it and be functional enough because , with the curses and seals placed upon us, Immortality was meant to be out of reach for most of us - otherwise we wouldn't have been able to take on another life and we'd be stuck in the spiritual dimension, without the option to evolve anymore) .
Our Hitler also committed suicide! So IF you are okay with depriving yourself from what some would consider life, then the dilemma of morality is closed.
The single problem is that, being reincarnated, you would lose all your satanic knowledge that you have worked to obtain. Of course, that would also happen if you'd follow the ouroboros by a disease f.e. Satan holds in high regard, of what I know, one's self judgement and will as long as they do not interfere with our, SS' , purpose. I think what matters the most is that it is your own choice, well-thought, and that serves your best of interests considering also what can be made of the circumstances you're in.
I do not know, though, how much damage would be done but I think it could be overcome. I do not encourage ANY choice, and you should better talk with and take the words of your Guardian Demon or Father Satan about this first. You can use divination methods, or perform the evocation ritual. From my personal point of view (and I may be wrong), I would not do that , because I would hope until the last moment (I am an incurable idealist) and I would struggle, until that very last moment, to perform biokinesis and healing meditations, to clean my aura thoroughly and to go in trance and say affirmations.
I am deeply sorry if you or anyone you know shall part from this world so soon - Death is just a transformation, in every sense, but I cannot but feel sorry that they would forget everything once again. Hope I helped and stay strong!
Hitler never committed suicide, he managed to escape with ufos and is now a God among our Gods.

I thought he committed ritual suicide to make way for the fourth Reich? Along with other high ranking SS.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I thought he committed ritual suicide to make way for the fourth Reich? Along with other high ranking SS.

As Aquarius said, he didn't. Both Our Fuhrer and his wife have made it off the Earth and reside on one of the worlds of the Gods, alive and well, and having ascended to Godhood by completing the MO.

As an SS it is possible to speak to them psychically, as one would have psychic communication with the Gods, however he has very specific work that he is doing and this one should only approach him if what you are doing in life relates to his previous work on Earth.

If there is need or reason to communicate with him, your GD or Satan, or even he himself will give you signs to let you know.

If you choose to approach him on your own, remember to be respectful and not to do or ask anything which would waste his time, same as one would approach the other and greater Gods.

He does understand some people may simply approach him out of curiosity, or to find confirmation for themselves if indeed he is now an ascended soul who has reached the Godhead as the Joy of Satan says. One can receive the necessary and appropriate signs to prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt if asked about respectfully by an SS.

HPS Maxine has stated clearly in the past, if you seek to address him through psychic communication, refer to him by his title of "Führer", rather than by his name.

"Herr Führer" is as far as I know most appreciated by him.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I thought he committed ritual suicide to make way for the fourth Reich? Along with other high ranking SS.

As Aquarius said, he didn't. Both Our Fuhrer and his wife have made it off the Earth and reside on one of the worlds of the Gods, alive and well, and having ascended to Godhood by completing the MO.

As an SS it is possible to speak to them psychically, as one would have psychic communication with the Gods, however he has very specific work that he is doing and this one should only approach him if what you are doing in life relates to his previous work on Earth.

If there is need or reason to communicate with him, your GD or Satan, or even he himself will give you signs to let you know.

If you choose to approach him on your own, remember to be respectful and not to do or ask anything which would waste his time, same as one would approach the other and greater Gods.

He does understand some people may simply approach him out of curiosity, or to find confirmation for themselves if indeed he is now an ascended soul who has reached the Godhead as the Joy of Satan says. One can receive the necessary and appropriate signs to prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt if asked about respectfully by an SS.

HPS Maxine has stated clearly in the past, if you seek to address him through psychic communication, refer to him by his title of "Führer", rather than by his name.

"Herr Führer" is as far as I know most appreciated by him.

Hail Satan!

Wow that's extraordinary to hear. When I think about him I get a very positive feeling. I will definitely wait to establish communication until the time in right.
is it okay if I miss one or two days in meditations, like with 40 day prgramme for example? due to some problems, I am unable to perform meditations in some days in a week.
VoiceofEnki said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I thought he committed ritual suicide to make way for the fourth Reich? Along with other high ranking SS.

As Aquarius said, he didn't. Both Our Fuhrer and his wife have made it off the Earth and reside on one of the worlds of the Gods, alive and well, and having ascended to Godhood by completing the MO.

As an SS it is possible to speak to them psychically, as one would have psychic communication with the Gods, however he has very specific work that he is doing and this one should only approach him if what you are doing in life relates to his previous work on Earth.

If there is need or reason to communicate with him, your GD or Satan, or even he himself will give you signs to let you know.

If you choose to approach him on your own, remember to be respectful and not to do or ask anything which would waste his time, same as one would approach the other and greater Gods.

He does understand some people may simply approach him out of curiosity, or to find confirmation for themselves if indeed he is now an ascended soul who has reached the Godhead as the Joy of Satan says. One can receive the necessary and appropriate signs to prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt if asked about respectfully by an SS.

HPS Maxine has stated clearly in the past, if you seek to address him through psychic communication, refer to him by his title of "Führer", rather than by his name.

"Herr Führer" is as far as I know most appreciated by him.

Hail Satan!

This was very nice information!

Are you sure „Mein Führer“ would not be better?
Why aquarius sign has two waves as symbol? Does it has to do with duality aspect like with gemini or libra?
NinRick said:
This was very nice information!

Are you sure „Mein Führer“ would not be better?

You might be right. Mein Führer does feel more personal and respectful, which I think he would appreciate.
Ok so since my post got reported then where do I send it? Or big picture does know one want me taking over where Trent EvilShadyman left off
Aquarius said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Aquarius said:
No, I said that your rambling make it seem like you're on drugs. I know you're not on drugs as you have specified that already about 1 year ago?


Become sensitive I’m still on the basics,

I haven’t got no where by the looks of it

With my meditation and growing in power and guidance
GoldenxChild1 said:
Aquarius said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Become sensitive I’m still on the basics,

I haven’t got no where by the looks of it

I read this and could not stop laughing. "WHAT DO YOU NEED HELP WITH"

Need guidance and help with my problems like how come I haven’t felt my energy yet am I doing some wrong
Cc9976 said:
Ok so since my post got reported then where do I send it? Or big picture does know one want me taking over where Trent EvilShadyman left off
Depends what you want to post about. If you have a question, you can post in this thread, or make a new thread from the new topic button. Your post got disapproved most likely because it made no sense or something similar, just as your second part of your post here is mostly gibberish.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
