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I have a question they have people out here who spiritual and tap into star seeds and stuff they powerful the question is what about us satanist is we the most powerful?
Triple Six said:
Hey people, I got two question regarding void meditation:
- In 40 day program by HP Hooded Cobra it says 2 minutes is enough for beginners (I've been doing the program for two weeks) - does it mean that I need to not have any thoughts for 2 minutes straight or total? Because usually it takes me 10 to 15 minutes to focus and be able to not think about anything for 2 minutes straight.
- On the void meditation page it says you shouldn't have any music in your head... What about listening to some music on the background? I want to try it because it might help me focus better.

The only time I did this meditation flawlessly was when I asked Satan to help me with it. I think I haven't moved a muscle or heard inner voice for 5 minutes straight.

The purpose of void meditation is to teach focus and increase how long you can focus. I would personally push until you can focus immediately, then increase the time.

Also, void doesn't necessarily mean without thoughts. It's means to be focused on one thing and one thing only at a time. This can be a thought. Can also be a feeling. It can be something you are seeing (more common for beginners), something you are hearing, or smelling, and so on. One thing.

You can try music, but the goal here is to teach you to focus without external aids. To focus autonomously. If you're using an aid, it's kind of like cheating, don't you think? How does that benefit you?
What is your opinion on nazis and egyptians believing earth is a hollow concave sphere? I know nasa is BS but did they also lie about the shape of the earth too?
Hello! I was on the JoS site just now (7:23am cst 1/14/2022) and could not access the Exposing Christianity, Satanic Symbols, and Satan's Library pages. They just sat at the loading screen. I cleared my cache and history and tried again but still couldn't and even tried on a different phone and still couldn't. Are the links broken and the site under attack again? Thank yall in advance!
sublimestatanist said:
I have a very random question for you guys. How long does it take you to perform the FRTR?

At my fastest it takes me an hour (doing the 9 repetitions). This is using short vibrations with focus.

However, when using long vibrations it takes me around 3 hours.

I'd like to cut the time down on busier days. Should I use shorter vibrations or should I reduce the number of vibrations?

My goal is to set aside 3 hours for meditating and yoga during work days (3 days/week) and 5 hours per day on my days off (4 days/week). This would be 29 hours each week (and based on 14-hour days of being awake this equals 29.5% of my time).

I definitely need some structure. I get too easily carried away with one thing and miss out on other things. I feel like a kid in a candy store!

I figure about 1/2 of my time should be for RTRs (1.5-hours to 2.5-hours). The rest would be HPHC's 40-day meditation (with chakra opening included everyday) and yoga (45 mins to 1 hour & 15 mins of each per day).

I'm sure these numbers will go up and down a bit depending on the day but it's a start. I count myself extremely lucky because working full-time with riding public transit, shopping and cooking would be crazy difficult though I'm sure it can be done.

Anyway, thanks for your time and sorry for the spiel. ^_^'
Do quick reps, it takes me five minutes. Visualize with intention during vibration.
In a normal magik work, if you dont do the same number of vibrations of the other days, do you have to restart it? I mean slightly less, like 10.

Are there any mantra/runes for claurodiance chakras?
I am new. I come from xristianity. I am interested in finding the creator and always searching for the truth. I recently found out about Rudolf Steiner from a youtuber Robert Sepehr. So I ordered his book "How To Know Higher Worlds". Come to find out recently that he is actually a jew and this is was very disappointing to me. So I found your forum and did a quick search on Rudolf Steiner. I guess Rudolf was a friend of the jews as well. So is there anything useful in this book or should I just discard it? What books should I be looking into in the place of it. Sorry if this sounds elementary

Serbon said:
sublimestatanist said:
Serbon said:
1. Yes it is effective, and keep trying to improve the pronounciations

2. No, its not "ch", https://evilgoy.com/RTRS/A/index.html
Here you have the audio for it

3. You should do aop after the ritual, not before, also returning curses should be done
You feel it because with FRTR you remove blockades in your soul, created by the enemy

Amazing website! I've got the pronunciation down now. Thanks for the great advice! I'm a bit of a perfectionist and wish to make my FRTRs as powerful as they can be. (PS) Is it safe to clean the aura before and after the FRTR? I'm kind of paranoid that some of these energies could negatively affect me.
So I guess the best way to make the FRTR stronger is to continue advancing myself spiritually? (Strengthening the aura and opening the soul?)

I'm now on the second step of opening my chakras (6th chakra). I've noticed vast improvements in manifesting and directing energy since opening my third eye. With continued time and dedication I'm sure I have much to look forward to. The enemy won't know what hit 'em! :twisted:
Yeah it is safe, but I personally only clean aura after the RTRs, before you should raise energy

Also, good job on your advancement, stay strong

The best way of doing your meditation routine and RTRS is to start with cleaning then do your joga hatha kunda, personal workings (first you clean out the dross dann you empower the chakras), aop, then on the hight of your energy you do the RTRS if you can raise some extra energy before doing VU VA VO or SATANAS how often you want, don´t overdo. Then after RTRS cleaning/returning curses.
Thank you for your answers, NinRick and Stormblood.
Looks like void meditation is not as hardcore as I thought it to be.

Got another question about spinning chakras - how I should imagine the heart chakra? In my mind it looks like a green gemstone in a big silver frame.
And is it okay to imagine chakras as gemstones in pyramid shapes? I.e. base - ruby, sacral - amber and so on.
Triple Six said:
Thank you for your answers, NinRick and Stormblood.
Looks like void meditation is not as hardcore as I thought it to be.

Got another question about spinning chakras - how I should imagine the heart chakra? In my mind it looks like a green gemstone in a big silver frame.
And is it okay to imagine chakras as gemstones in pyramid shapes? I.e. base - ruby, sacral - amber and so on.
Sprockets said:
I am new. I come from xristianity. I am interested in finding the creator and always searching for the truth. I recently found out about Rudolf Steiner from a youtuber Robert Sepehr. So I ordered his book "How To Know Higher Worlds". Come to find out recently that he is actually a jew and this is was very disappointing to me. So I found your forum and did a quick search on Rudolf Steiner. I guess Rudolf was a friend of the jews as well. So is there anything useful in this book or should I just discard it? What books should I be looking into in the place of it. Sorry if this sounds elementary

Welcome! :)
Read the whole joyofsatan.org
For people who are undedicated or don't meditate, are their souls pretty much doomed?
I learned recently that the average normie in this unspiritual clown world might last 3 reincarnations before their soul dissipates. However, in an post from a while back HP Cobra said that the Gods don't allow anyone to die like this, was he just referring to us SS souls?

I'm not of the "we must save everyone" new age mentality, but I would like some clarification here.
When I'm in a trance, I can see pretty much my entire room with my eyes closed, except I can't see colors, only shades of black.

There are also times when I wake up, even with my eyes closed I see buildings and landscapes, even people talking, but I can't hear them.

I'm also having the experience of waking up, opening my eyes and seeing strange and very realistic shapes. There was a day when I jumped out of bed scared because I opened my eyes and saw a spider coming towards me.

Usually these images always have a spider shape.

Could this be a sign of the third eye? Does the spider have any specific meaning?
I have one more question that's been bugging me. (This will be my last one for a while and I apologize for the trouble).

What is the difference between Luciferianism and Satanism? I'm confused by people (outside of the JoS) who worship Satan as Lucifer (the light-bearer/morning star).

Everything I read about Theistic Luciferianism seems to follow the same principles and beliefs as Theistic Satanism. Is it something that has minor differences? (Similar to Christianity vs Catholicism?)

I'm not thinking of joining or anything like that. I'm just curious if their on our side or not.
sublimestatanist said:
I have one more question that's been bugging me. (This will be my last one for a while and I apologize for the trouble).

What is the difference between Luciferianism and Satanism? I'm confused by people (outside of the JoS) who worship Satan as Lucifer (the light-bearer/morning star).

Everything I read about Theistic Luciferianism seems to follow the same principles and beliefs as Theistic Satanism. Is it something that has minor differences? (Similar to Christianity vs Catholicism?)

I'm not thinking of joining or anything like that. I'm just curious if their on our side or not.
The old Luciferianism was pretty much Spiritual Satanism, but today, the most famous "luciferianists" are actually just FBI agents:
Serbon said:
The old Luciferianism was pretty much Spiritual Satanism, but today, the most famous "luciferianists" are actually just FBI agents:

This was an extremely informative read and honestly very telling in terms of the FBI. They're a lot more like the CIA than I thought. Thanks Serbon!

There is no greater truth in the path of Satanism than that offered by the JoS and these forums.

I've looked extensively for Luciferian groups and doctrines for the sake of informing myself and I've found that there's nothing but books and paid meditation sessions at ridiculous costs. As well, other groups that claim to be Theistic Satanists are all compromised. I found one that derives works from Albert Pike (a Freemason) and another that talks about a path of "Illumination" and other Illuminati BS. As well, they are all extremely closed and secular.

The enemy has taken out everything except for this place, the strongest and most unrivalled force in Satanism. It is beyond inspiring!

Hail Satan!!!
Yurei said:
For people who are undedicated or don't meditate, are their souls pretty much doomed?
I learned recently that the average normie in this unspiritual clown world might last 3 reincarnations before their soul dissipates. However, in an post from a while back HP Cobra said that the Gods don't allow anyone to die like this, was he just referring to us SS souls?

I'm not of the "we must save everyone" new age mentality, but I would like some clarification here.

Yes, they will eventually have their second death. Depending on the soul it can happen sooner or later but has a timeline it takes about 1000 years of no spirituality to go like that. The gods take SS and Pagan souls to Hell where they stay sustained until they are reincarnated. As for the common folk who are no better than animals they are on their own. Infinite possibilities could happen to them after death.
how long do I do the necronomicon meditation?

I want to try it on the 17th but don't know how many days I should be doing it
Someone.something_ said:
how long do I do the necronomicon meditation?

I want to try it on the 17th but don't know how many days I should be doing it

Hey. I'll give you the same reply HP Hooded Cobra gave a short while ago on the same topic: 1 day, 3 days, 40 days... how long you want.
Can anyone make audio files on how to pronounce stuff for the RTRs, I want to know I'm doing it right.
I couldn't stop the YAUM in my head, and the energy in my heart chakra exploded. Even when I chant ISA, I unconsciously chant YAUM in my head, and I cannot find balance. It doesn't stop when I do void meditation. ISA continues to be chanted, but I am having trouble with my daily life.
How to think like and spiritual satanist and how to think like a demon the human soul is a demon it said so right I’m the studies check it out us satanist is demons
Ludden174 said:
Can anyone make audio files on how to pronounce stuff for the RTRs, I want to know I'm doing it right.
This is audio for the FRTR

Here you have some other audios for the RTRs
Why would a pendulum troll me?It gives fairly accurate answers, but sometimes it is as if it is intentionally mocking me by giving a false one, say it gave an accurate answer to a situation where the outcome was really unknown and difficult to predict, and in situations where the outcome is almost predetermined and easily predictable it is wrong, or yet it deliberately gets on my nerves. What can this be about and what can I do? I've been practicing it for about a year now, and I've had several nervous breakdowns(

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Serbon said:
Sprockets said:
I am new. I come from xristianity. I am interested in finding the creator and always searching for the truth. I recently found out about Rudolf Steiner from a youtuber Robert Sepehr. So I ordered his book "How To Know Higher Worlds". Come to find out recently that he is actually a jew and this is was very disappointing to me. So I found your forum and did a quick search on Rudolf Steiner. I guess Rudolf was a friend of the jews as well. So is there anything useful in this book or should I just discard it? What books should I be looking into in the place of it. Sorry if this sounds elementary

Welcome! :)
Read the whole joyofsatan.org

10-4, I'm on it. Thanks
Ludden174 said:
I am still spiritually weak, should I do the RTRs anyway?
Yes, unless the circumstances absolutely do not allow (doing it silently works as well) like being 24/7 under surveillance or some other limiting factor such as acute health or spiritual issue that needs priority, everyone should do these. The benefits are personal and going outwards to the world. The more people there are doing these daily along with other practices advancing themselves, the better for the practicers and the world at large.

Ludden174 said:
Can anyone make audio files on how to pronounce stuff for the RTRs, I want to know I'm doing it right.
Please check the youtube channel in my signature.
Hello Satanic family (last question I promise lol.) ^_^'
Something has been on my mind for a while. I read somewhere that "they" (jhvh and his ilk) prevented Satan from ascending the Gentiles into Godhead. Were these other beings Elohim and are they the same race as Satan and the Demons? Or are they reptillians, or a variety of both? This part confuses me.

I read something from HP Maxine that they previously worked together to create humanity and that Satan was the one charged with our creation, the lead scientist (in so many words). I understand the rest, how creator and Gods were bound in a suspended state while the enemy desperately tried to muster enough energy to overpower them. I also heard that the Jewish race were created by the Reptoids that we hear so much about (such as from David Icke, creepy videos proving their existence, etc).

They failed and are continuing to fail yet (from what I gather) this is a very long-term battle spanning much longer than we can conceptualize within our lifetimes here on earth.

Is this why he cannot complete his work, because he's got his hands full with this spiritual war? I'm not sour about it in any way and feel extremely loved to have a creator fighting so hard for our sake. I just find that this is the most important thing for me to fully understand in my spiritual journey, even if I may know 99% of it.

Thanks for any information! ♥

Hail Satan!
Recycler1337 said:
Why would a pendulum troll me?It gives fairly accurate answers, but sometimes it is as if it is intentionally mocking me by giving a false one, say it gave an accurate answer to a situation where the outcome was really unknown and difficult to predict, and in situations where the outcome is almost predetermined and easily predictable it is wrong, or yet it deliberately gets on my nerves. What can this be about and what can I do? I've been practicing it for about a year now, and I've had several nervous breakdowns(

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

I've had this same issue with Tarot cards. It seems like only 2 or 3 readings or questions can be asked a day, then it goes crazy.

Make sure to stay calm and void when using it, and only do a few questions, then let it go for the day. Invoking Indigo color first can help, and having Satan's sigil, or the sigil of your Guardian under it. Perthro rune can help too.
Can psychological healing me done during a waxing moon? I started a working on the 6th while the moon was in Waxing Pisces but I feel like waning would of been better.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Can psychological healing me done during a waxing moon? I started a working on the 6th while the moon was in Waxing Pisces but I feel like waning would of been better.

What you really need to do is to stop doubting yourself. :p

Apart from that, I have no clue about psychological healing, sorry. :/
hey i did some research with you guys always in my mind even included some in it.
what are the thoughts about enki beeing the first dispicture of "Satan, Satam" cause i did a MindMap for myself and would to share it with someone if you think that its the first time we got knowledge of him. if we got anything before that that we can prove i would love to add that. if i can share the link to my mindmap here i would love too.
NinRick said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Can psychological healing me done during a waxing moon? I started a working on the 6th while the moon was in Waxing Pisces but I feel like waning would of been better.

What you really need to do is to stop doubting yourself. :p

Apart from that, I have no clue about psychological healing, sorry. :/

All good. And yeah I know, it's easier said than done. These last few weeks I've been extremely unconfident in my abilities. Maybe it's just a transit, thanks NinRick.
GoldenxChild1 said:
NinRick said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Can psychological healing me done during a waxing moon? I started a working on the 6th while the moon was in Waxing Pisces but I feel like waning would of been better.

What you really need to do is to stop doubting yourself. :p

Apart from that, I have no clue about psychological healing, sorry. :/

All good. And yeah I know, it's easier said than done. These last few weeks I've been extremely unconfident in my abilities. Maybe it's just a transit, thanks NinRick.

Recently I wanted to do something, and I doubted myself as well, I didn’t doubt that I was able to do it in the first place, just on how effective I can do it.
So I did it with doubts in my own abilities, then (Lady Inanna) told me, „just do it“,
I listened, and well, it was way easier, and got more powerful. I was restricting myself, unconsciously.

Again you shouldn’t doubt yourself, as there is really not a Single thing you gain from doubting, just do it, to your own capacities, and you will get the best results.

It is all about to give it your best and using your powers to the fullest, then you will reap the best results. Doubts hinder you in this, in all aspects.

So as also VoiceOfEnki said „don’t think, just do it“, has to be applied here.
I wanted to ask if Satan's Day (from a Sidereal perspective) could also be January 17? Because supposedly that's when the Sun enters Capricorn around the Jan 15-20 era. I know Dec 21-23 is Satans Day Tropical wise. But does the Sidereal Version (Jan 15-20) have any significance as the Sun enters 1° Capricorn in that version?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
