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Can I do the opening of the 6th chakra meditation more than 7 days in a row or does it have to be exactly 7, thank you.
Henu the Great said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think you should be careful to describe it in a more accurate way. They do not go backward in time, what they are able to do is to have a vision of what happened in the past. It is like watching a recording of what happened long ago. They are not actually in the past, and nothing from the past would change.
Thank you for clarifying.

It is true, that once something has happened, it will not un-happen by anyone.

It is possible to change the past, but not by reversing time or traveling back.

There's a concept called probable futures and probable pasts (and probable presents, too). When you make a choice, the other choice still exists as a probability, as a probable past you didn't choose.

You should be familiar with how you can change the future: When you use a divination method, you see the probable future that will come based on your current actions and life. If you change it, whether by work or magick you will choose another probable future and that bad thing you saw as the future will not happen.

What don't people know is the same thing can be done with the past and present. A woman had chronic back pain because she had an accident when she was 5 years old. So she visualized herself being 5 years old at the time of the accident playing happily and nothing bad happening. Her back pain disappeared over a month. So, what happened? She chose a different probable past and her present changed accordingly. This is a more advanced method of magick.
Mudenda said:
Am a new here please I need your help in areas that I don't know. I have the following questions based on rituals;
1. What is the best time to perform rituals as advised in satanism?
2. What is the formal dressing code when performing a ritual.?
3. Can you perform rituals in a guest room if you don't have your personal room.?
4. Can you still be using the clothes that you used to perform rituals?
5. Is it ok to brow off the candles after burning the prayer paper when performing rituals?
7. How long does it take to start seeing the positive changes in life when you perform rituals for the first time?
8. How can I talk to satan?
9. How do I summon a demon for riches and power?
10. Can I use any other candles for rituals if I don't happen to find a color candles?
11. What is the best time to talk to satan? And is it in dreams or in physical??

Please anyone to help me with these questions I really need answers to my questions before I do my rituals. Thank you!
1. night, when doing rituals to Satan, Monday would be best
2. dress all in black, or if u have u can get ritual clothes
3. Why not
4. I am using them
5. I didnt
7. It took me 1 day to get a sign I asked for
8. Its explained on the website
9. u have a list of demons for nearly every purpose on the website (https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HELP.html)
10. Do your best to find the color
11. It's answered in the question one. If u have all of ur chakras open (minor and bigger ones) u could hear him telepathically
Hesffcs115 said:
Are all s's in mantras pronounced like a cat hiss as in surya? Thank you.

U have audio files of those mantras on JoS ''opening of the soul'' page
Hesffcs115 said:
Can I do the opening of the 6th chakra meditation more than 7 days in a row or does it have to be exactly 7, thank you.
you can do more if u feel like u havent opened it in 7 days
Others have answered your questions, but I want to clarify some important things.

Mudenda said:
7. How long does it take to start seeing the positive changes in life when you perform rituals for the first time?

If you do rituals only without doing power meditations every day you will not see much change. Power meditations are more important than rituals. Power meditations are the most important thing in Spiritual Satanism.

Mudenda said:
9. How do I summon a demon for riches and power?

There are no instant riches or power here. It all takes work, whether physical or magickal.

Satanism is about using our own powers to bring changes in our lives without depending on other beings, so it's better to use magickal workings for that. Summoning a Demon can be done too but you need to be a Dedicated Satanist and experienced in power meditations before trying it.
Rational Satanist said:
Henu the Great said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think you should be careful to describe it in a more accurate way. They do not go backward in time, what they are able to do is to have a vision of what happened in the past. It is like watching a recording of what happened long ago. They are not actually in the past, and nothing from the past would change.
Thank you for clarifying.

It is true, that once something has happened, it will not un-happen by anyone.

It is possible to change the past, but not by reversing time or traveling back.

There's a concept called probable futures and probable pasts (and probable presents, too). When you make a choice, the other choice still exists as a probability, as a probable past you didn't choose.

You should be familiar with how you can change the future: When you use a divination method, you see the probable future that will come based on your current actions and life. If you change it, whether by work or magick you will choose another probable future and that bad thing you saw as the future will not happen.

What don't people know is the same thing can be done with the past and present. A woman had chronic back pain because she had an accident when she was 5 years old. So she visualized herself being 5 years old at the time of the accident playing happily and nothing bad happening. Her back pain disappeared over a month. So, what happened? She chose a different probable past and her present changed accordingly. This is a more advanced method of magick.
This is basically nonsense. The past can not be changed because it has already happened, and there is no way to change it. The future is not certain, there are many things that could possibly happen, so the future can be influenced and changed. This is where probability will have some effect like you say.

What happened with this woman, she did not change the past. She had that accident when she was a child, and there is nothing that could ever change that. Mind, body, and soul are all connected, and I guess her pain was mostly caused by her own pattern of thinking. At the time of the accident, she was obviously in a lot of pain. But the actual injury has healed since then. This bad pain had such an effect on her mind and her soul that it programmed her to always be focusing on the pain. And this is the opposite of healing, this is the psychic affirmation of permanent pain. This has a strong spiritual and mental effect that can then create physical things like making the muscles very tight, making the nerves overly active, increasing stress hormones, increasing inflamation, and every one of these effects makes the pain worse. I would say that it is the pain from these factors that she had felt her whole life, or at least mostly from these factors. And that the original injury had actually healed when she was a child leaving either no pain or only a small and mild amount of pain remaining from the actual injury.

This exercise she did was an exercise of detachment. What she did was to remove the mental and spiritual blockage from herself by directly removing that thought-form of programmed mental pain energy. And with all of that programmed mental pain removed, it removed the tight muscles, it removed the stress hormones, it removed the inflamation, it relaxed the nerves, and all other physical manifestations of the mental/spiritual pain. And she felt enormously better because those effects were most or all of her pain.

The past is not changed. She still had that accident as a child, and nothing can change that. In a world where people have a better understanding of spiritual concepts and how things interact, she would have been healed years ago because it would be understood that she needs to do this detachment. It was a mental/spiritual problem, and it was healed in a mental/spiritual way, but some of the understanding was incorrect. It was important for this woman to believe that she is going back and actually changing the past because this is a tool that allows her to remove this thought-form issue, it allows her to go back and remove that original seed from her mind which grew into all those years of pain. Because that was the moment where that seed started, so she needs to go back to that moment in her mind to remove that seed.

But of course the past is not actually changed. Nothing changes the fact that that accident did happen. This whole idea you are describing is people who have some idea of how things work and grow from a mental point, and they do have understanding of how to heal and fix the problem. I would say they are 80% correct. But they either don't know or just don't say what is actually happening. I see it as basically the same thing as convincing a child to eat broccoli by telling them it is little trees and they will be like a big strong dinosaur eating trees. It is healthy for them, it will help them, and it will help them to grow big and strong, but obviously they aren't going to be like a dinosaur. It's just a tool. Telling people they can change the past is the same kind of tool. But whatever event that happened will never changed, it is only their own reaction and response to it that is changing.
Hesffcs115 said:
Are all s's in mantras pronounced like a cat hiss as in surya? Thank you.
Not always. But you can do this if you want, and it will not harm anything.

Hesffcs115 said:
Can I do the opening of the 6th chakra meditation more than 7 days in a row or does it have to be exactly 7, thank you.
You could do more than 7 day. But you don't need to. Because after 7 days, it has already been opened so you don't need to keep doing the thing to open it. It would be better for you to move to other things like strengthening, cleaning, empowering.

These kinds of things will help you.


NinRick said:
Moonshine said:
I'm new to satanism & I tried to have normal conversation with satan. As in like "hi satan how r u"

But at the end I fell as if I was speaking to myself only I didn't feel any energy or presence or anything

So, was it rude of me to speak to him in that way

Plus I'm in doubt that are demons even real or not
Can anybody help me

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, first, I find it adorable that you want to casually chat with Father Satan, HOWEVER, he is very important, and very BUSY. He is the highest God and Emperor of this world, can you understand how busy he really is?

First, you should only try to call Father Satan after you have performed the dedication ritual.
Then secondly, you can speak to Father Satan and tell him about how you feel, how you love him and that you are very thankful for everything he has done for you... he will receive everything, don’t worry.

If you are not open enough, you can not feel, see or hear Demons, even if they were there. (Okay no, you could still feel them, their energies would make you high because of an energy rush)

If you are more open they can also talk telepathically to you.

However, each time Father Satan (or maybe Baal-Zebulon?) has talked to me, always there was serious meaning behind it.
Either they have saved me, or showed me something important (for me personally important for motivation), explained me something, or even gave me an assignment. But this is VERY RARE.
This doesn’t happen all the time. Also for telepathic communication you also need to be open I think, but most comes from Father Satan and our Gods and Goddesses.

Dedicate your soul, work on your powers and in time you will be able to see the truth. But only after your soul is opening up, your soul is sealed right now. Soon you start to fathom what I mean by that.

Good luck on your path.

Hey NinRick :D

Can i communicate with father satan, without dedication my soul?
Recently the satanic temple sued the state of Texas for abortion restroctions that impede their "religious abortion rituals".

My questions:
1. What the hell is an abortion ritual?
2. Does the JoS condone this kind of rituals?
3. Does the satanic temple worship the same gods as the JoS
4. And if so do our gods condone this type of behavior?

This is deeply worries me because I'm sure the babies they are aborting for their rituals are white babies. I can't believe our gods would aproove.
So my last question is: If the "Satan" the TST worships is not the same as the JoS' then who/what is he?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is basically nonsense. The past can not be changed because it has already happened, and there is no way to change it. The future is not certain, there are many things that could possibly happen, so the future can be influenced and changed. This is where probability will have some effect like you say.

I see you still subscribe to the 18th century worldview where time is linear. But there's no linear time. It's an illusion based on the way our brain categorizes things. Advanced quantum mechanics and metaphysics show that time is really happening simultaneously and it is a fluid, not a fixed thing.

There have been experiments done about that confirm the past can be changed in some degree. I suggest reading the book The Field by Lynne McTaggart and particularly the chapter 9. (Free PDF here). Possibly the Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot too.

This belief you have is very limiting. Do you see what you are doing? You are basically doing harm to yourself, by preventing yourself from ever changing time by believing time is fixed. You are okay to believe this, but others don't have to have the same limitations as you. I don't subscribe to this belief.
Moonshine said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Moonshine said:
Is father satan powerful Enough to reverse time??

Just curious
Time does not go backwards.

Yeah, scientifically speaking time reversal is impossible.
But even science can't give evidence of existence of Gods, demons & deities.

But still we believe in them. We know/think that they exist.

We even believe that satan is very powerful.

I am not trying to argue with you it's just I was a bit disappointed 😞 by your answer and there is possibility/probability that your answer may be correct. I was hoping for positive answer.

This person who replied to you is an advanced Satanist, but he unfortunately has limited beliefs and tries to impose his limiting beliefs on others. Satan can travel back and forward in time. Even humans can do it, because the linearity of time is an illusion (time is really simultaneous) and mainstream science has a materialistic bias. There's also a concept called probable pasts which exist parallel to the past we have experienced and you can choose them. There's more to read on that if you are interested:

Physicists successfully perform time travel experiment.
Man Spent 2 years in 2749
There are many more stories about time travelers from the future if you search about them.

The Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project are also proof that the government knows about time travel and does research on that:

Time Traveler from Philadelphia Experiment Shows Map of Future US

There is a book called "A Course in Time Travel" which you can find and download as a free PDF. I'm not posting it here because it contains some New Age nonsense.
Hesffcs115 said:
I keep hearing my head to vibrate svahah for the past couple days does anyone know what this is?

It's sanskrit for a word pertaining to spirituality. Nama better references the material realm. I don't know the exact specifics.

If you are hearing it in your head, it could be a sign pertaining to something you are doing. For example, you might need to add svaha to a mantra, for example. I am 90% sure svaha isn't vibrated by itself. Nonetheless, it wouldn't hurt anything.


SaxonStranger100 said:

ShermanTank said:

Contact me at [email protected]

Talk to you soon.
Moonshine said:
NinRick said:
Moonshine said:
I'm new to satanism & I tried to have normal conversation with satan. As in like "hi satan how r u"

But at the end I fell as if I was speaking to myself only I didn't feel any energy or presence or anything

So, was it rude of me to speak to him in that way

Plus I'm in doubt that are demons even real or not
Can anybody help me

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, first, I find it adorable that you want to casually chat with Father Satan, HOWEVER, he is very important, and very BUSY. He is the highest God and Emperor of this world, can you understand how busy he really is?

First, you should only try to call Father Satan after you have performed the dedication ritual.
Then secondly, you can speak to Father Satan and tell him about how you feel, how you love him and that you are very thankful for everything he has done for you... he will receive everything, don’t worry.

If you are not open enough, you can not feel, see or hear Demons, even if they were there. (Okay no, you could still feel them, their energies would make you high because of an energy rush)

If you are more open they can also talk telepathically to you.

However, each time Father Satan (or maybe Baal-Zebulon?) has talked to me, always there was serious meaning behind it.
Either they have saved me, or showed me something important (for me personally important for motivation), explained me something, or even gave me an assignment. But this is VERY RARE.
This doesn’t happen all the time. Also for telepathic communication you also need to be open I think, but most comes from Father Satan and our Gods and Goddesses.

Dedicate your soul, work on your powers and in time you will be able to see the truth. But only after your soul is opening up, your soul is sealed right now. Soon you start to fathom what I mean by that.

Good luck on your path.

Hey NinRick :D

Can i communicate with father satan, without dedication my soul?
dedication would be a good first step
hello guys. i just wanna say first: thx to everyone who is active on the forum, actively answering questions and spreading knowledge. where'd i be without you guys :lol:

ok someone told me there is a pantheon older than satan and the gods. is this true or was the person straight up waffling?
Rational Satanist said:

You are being a clown. If Satan could go backwards in time and change everything, he would have gone back and changed it so that the jews/christians didn't destroy this world. If an event has happened, then it has happened.

The experiment where scientists sent a laser to a different time, the laser went forward in time. It was detected before it was sent. Nothing has gone backward in time to the past.

You can believe whatever you want. But jewish pseudo science means nothing to me.
Moonshine said:
NinRick said:
Moonshine said:
I'm new to satanism & I tried to have normal conversation with satan. As in like "hi satan how r u"

But at the end I fell as if I was speaking to myself only I didn't feel any energy or presence or anything

So, was it rude of me to speak to him in that way

Plus I'm in doubt that are demons even real or not
Can anybody help me

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, first, I find it adorable that you want to casually chat with Father Satan, HOWEVER, he is very important, and very BUSY. He is the highest God and Emperor of this world, can you understand how busy he really is?

First, you should only try to call Father Satan after you have performed the dedication ritual.
Then secondly, you can speak to Father Satan and tell him about how you feel, how you love him and that you are very thankful for everything he has done for you... he will receive everything, don’t worry.

If you are not open enough, you can not feel, see or hear Demons, even if they were there. (Okay no, you could still feel them, their energies would make you high because of an energy rush)

If you are more open they can also talk telepathically to you.

However, each time Father Satan (or maybe Baal-Zebulon?) has talked to me, always there was serious meaning behind it.
Either they have saved me, or showed me something important (for me personally important for motivation), explained me something, or even gave me an assignment. But this is VERY RARE.
This doesn’t happen all the time. Also for telepathic communication you also need to be open I think, but most comes from Father Satan and our Gods and Goddesses.

Dedicate your soul, work on your powers and in time you will be able to see the truth. But only after your soul is opening up, your soul is sealed right now. Soon you start to fathom what I mean by that.

Good luck on your path.

Hey NinRick :D

Can i communicate with father satan, without dedication my soul?

Sorry, I can not answer this question.

I mean, he will hear you, however, can you perceive his answer?

You should rather dedicate your soul and grow stronger, so you can solve all your problems on your own. This will help you your entire life, as from that point on, you can take care of yourself.
Also, we are always with Father Satan and our Goddesses and Gods, we are never alone.
Rational Satanist said:
Moonshine said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Time does not go backwards.

Yeah, scientifically speaking time reversal is impossible.
But even science can't give evidence of existence of Gods, demons & deities.

But still we believe in them. We know/think that they exist.

We even believe that satan is very powerful.

I am not trying to argue with you it's just I was a bit disappointed 😞 by your answer and there is possibility/probability that your answer may be correct. I was hoping for positive answer.

This person who replied to you is an advanced Satanist, but he unfortunately has limited beliefs and tries to impose his limiting beliefs on others. Satan can travel back and forward in time. Even humans can do it, because the linearity of time is an illusion (time is really simultaneous) and mainstream science has a materialistic bias. There's also a concept called probable pasts which exist parallel to the past we have experienced and you can choose them. There's more to read on that if you are interested:

Physicists successfully perform time travel experiment.
Man Spent 2 years in 2749
There are many more stories about time travelers from the future if you search about them.

The Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project are also proof that the government knows about time travel and does research on that:

Time Traveler from Philadelphia Experiment Shows Map of Future US

There is a book called "A Course in Time Travel" which you can find and download as a free PDF. I'm not posting it here because it contains some New Age nonsense.

Okay thank you :D

Your words kind of cheer me up. :D
Rational Satanist said:
Moonshine said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Time does not go backwards.

Yeah, scientifically speaking time reversal is impossible.
But even science can't give evidence of existence of Gods, demons & deities.

But still we believe in them. We know/think that they exist.

We even believe that satan is very powerful.

I am not trying to argue with you it's just I was a bit disappointed 😞 by your answer and there is possibility/probability that your answer may be correct. I was hoping for positive answer.

Well yes and no. Time isn't the same as what today science thinks but this doesn't mean you can travel back in time. For better explanation let's look at the post of HPHC:
This is very serious and has to do with the future of humanity, and there are multiple "time dimensions" into this for lack of a better word. On the lower ones, we aren't here yet. Humans currently reside on the lowest of this dimension, so we are far back compared to the higher dimensions the Gods exist and act in.

While our future has been won [time and dimension are correlated], the lower levels in the time dimensions are lagging through and will eventually also appear visibly. Currently, in our timeline we are going through the timeline that has already passed in another dimension, ie, the enemy is still very active, fighting and so on. On the dimension that has come to pass, this is already concluded. This is not to create mind boggling theories, but to give a general explanation to how this works.

We are in the same train, where has crossed the finish line of dark mist in the front wagons, but we are on the last wagon, still seeing the worst fumes, mists, and negative things. If the situation does get very bad, chances are the last wagons may be cut off [which we fight spiritually to reassure that it doesn't happen]. All this is therefore still taking time and fighting back to hold together.

For keeping it simple, beings at higher dimensions can "act in/on/for the future". They can be in both present and future but this doesn't mean they can travel back. Act of future probably isn't easy and requires a good amount of thought and energy. When you also take in to the account that "future isn't set in stone". This shows that future can change according to a lot of things. So just because you made the perfect moves for the future, this doesn't mean present is perfect.

Think of it like a chess game but you also play on another board which is two moves ahead. Let's say the main board is (a) and future board is (b). If your pawn gets killed at (b), then you can play differently and save the pawn at (a). Which would force the (b) board to differ from its current position. The opponent can also do the same. This is simple enough. Now let's another board(c), which is three moves ahead of (a). Also new rule; any piece defeated in (c) must been saved at (b), if not piece in (a) will disappear. Now it gets a little bit complicated doesn't it?

This is basically how a game in time is basically played but it's just a hundred times more complicated. You can't travel back but you can create ripple effects in the future which causes different effects on the present(aka. past of the future).

Or at least this is what i understand about how time works for now. I hope it gives you an idea.

(Btw first study is just a simulation made by people who can't simulate real time and second person who says he traveled in time is probably a fraud. It's easy to make few obvious 'knowledge from future' claims like "Coast line will differ because the ice is melting.". Yeah, like this isn't something everyone already says and knows. You can easily draw a map like that with information you can find in web or books of the field. This guy won't be alive by the time people can wrong him so he probably just lies to have some fun.)
Eu havia feito uma pergunta aqui em um post bem grande, porém não fui respondida. Apaguei porque havia uma pergunta que talvez poderia me causar problemas, eu ia apagar depois que alguém respondesse mas decidi não deixar as perguntas aqui por mais tempo. Eu não entendi bem o funcionamento das postagens, acho que na verdade estou editando o primeiro post, pois não sei apagar ainda. AS perguntas também saíram com erros ortográficos por causa do corretor. Enfim, espero que de certo o edit.

De qualquer forma, muitas das minhas perguntas aqui foram respondidas lendo no próprio site, só as mais "pessoais" ficaram sem respostas mas de qualquer maneira eu não vim pra reclamar, vim agradecer e editar o post.

Obrigada a toda a equipe so JOS, vocês mudaram minha vida!

Ol argedco luciftias said:
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!


eu nao consigo apagar meus posts, tentei editar e vi que nao deu. Por favor algum moderador pode me ajudar? Eu nao descobri como apagar o post e aposto que vcs conseguem apagar TODOS OS MEUS. Foram apenas 3 posts eu acho, eu não quero ser banida, não vou postar mais enquanto não aprender a mexer no site mas por favor, me ajudem. Apaguem meus posts pra mim, eu tentei muito e não achei onde é.
one of goat ppl said:
I have my question.
Last night I fall asleep after using DXM.
Then I watched dream which has a sing shows me red colored "8" and Jupiter.
How do you think about it?
and also I want to know about sort of merit/demerit of psych drugs.

I use to take that stuff a lot when I was younger its really no good.
This question recently popped up in my head.

I've modified the basic AoP on JoS meditation section.

Affirm: "I am breathing in powerful protective energy. This energy is building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times in every way." x8(as I use it 8 times).

Now this is the basic AoP; The way I say it is: "I am breathing in power white-gold protective energy. This energy is building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times, in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me."

Now after this thought popped in my head. Am I hurting or helping myself by dictating the positive clause at the end?

It states in every way. I can't say I ever had a bad experience with basic AoP but should it be in every way or is in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me. I recall at least one member many years ago mentioned they used in every way and were protected negatively. I can't say I've been protected negatively.

Am I hurting my defenses with my own modification?

Same with the AoP booster from the JoS section: My aura is very powerful and is protecting me at all times and in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me.

Should it be in every way as well?
What are the JoS' thoughts on Albert Pike?
He said he's god was Lucifer but aren't the Freemasons of the enemy?
Username said:
Excuse me, I have a question about time zones.

On May 22, we are supposed to Curse Israel.
On May 23, we are supposed to do Right to Own Nations RTR.

Suppose a person is in US. His watch says its May 22.
He will do Curse Israel.

Another Person is in Japan. His watch says its May 23.
He will do Right To Own Nations RTR.

Both are at the same point in linear time. Meaning both the person are in the present, right now, regardless of time zones.

Am I assuming correct or am I wrong somewhere ?

No we follow Astrological time. Just because it's 12:01am and it states May 23 it's still 22. So even if you forget to meditate or perform a spell or perform a square you still have till about 6:30ish am usually between 6:20-6:40am time changes astrologically.

Say you did a ritual at May 22, it's still May 22 past 12am so you gotta wait about 6 and a half hours more to change the time.

Astrological time changes no greater than 7am no less than 6 am. So somewhere in between usually around the bottom of the hour in a 10-15 minute interval.

Every day there is a change of time. I'd usually just in case wait an extra 15 minutes just in case same with doing certain timed rituals just wait an extra 15 minutes to make sure your inside the time window.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I look forward to answering any questions anyone may have. Truth and knowledge are the foundation of this path of which I relentlessly enforce.

Boa tarde, farei uma pergunta que não é sobre satanismo. Eu gostaria de apagar as minhas postagens, porém não consigo. Fiz algumas perguntas neste mesmo tópico e não consigo apagar nem editar. O site não dá essa possibilidade de excluir? Por favor me ajude. Eu só quero excluir minhas postagens.

Quick question.
When you empower your Solar chakra, do you roll the R‘s , or don’t you do it?

I am asking because the JoS says that when we open the Solar we should NOT roll the R.
On the full chakra meditation it says we should roll the R.

For me both works just fine. The Rolled R‘s are a bit better Tho.

I am asking because we are translating the JoS to German, I don’t want to make any mistakes.

Thank you for your help!
NinRick said:

Quick question.
When you empower your Solar chakra, do you roll the R‘s , or don’t you do it?

I am asking because the JoS says that when we open the Solar we should NOT roll the R.
On the full chakra meditation it says we should roll the R.

For me both works just fine. The Rolled R‘s are a bit better Tho.

I am asking because we are translating the JoS to German, I don’t want to make any mistakes.

Thank you for your help!

I don't know on the opening specifically, but I can tell you that rolling the R long and adjusting the vibration on the solar plexus area, is where the power lays and most powerful. Rolling the R is like a car engine getting started, and then starting and keeping your focus on your solar and vibration there opens and empowers the solar. I never did normal R.

If you cannot adjust the pshysical vibration on the solar plexus, a little trick is to bend forward a little bit and adjust it there. Every vibration has two parts on the feeling and adjusting. First is the physical, the body vibrates and then the energetical vibration that is felt. Combining the two and adjusting the two with will and experience is most powerful. Rolling the R is the most easy to adjust physically on the solar plexus and have direct effects.
NakedPluto said:
NinRick said:

Quick question.
When you empower your Solar chakra, do you roll the R‘s , or don’t you do it?

I am asking because the JoS says that when we open the Solar we should NOT roll the R.
On the full chakra meditation it says we should roll the R.

For me both works just fine. The Rolled R‘s are a bit better Tho.

I am asking because we are translating the JoS to German, I don’t want to make any mistakes.

Thank you for your help!

I don't know on the opening specifically, but I can tell you that rolling the R long and adjusting the vibration on the solar plexus area, is where the power lays and most powerful. Rolling the R is like a car engine getting started, and then starting and keeping your focus on your solar and vibration there opens and empowers the solar. I never did normal R.

If you cannot adjust the pshysical vibration on the solar plexus, a little trick is to bend forward a little bit and adjust it there. Every vibration has two parts on the feeling and adjusting. First is the physical, the body vibrates and then the energetical vibration that is felt. Combining the two and adjusting the two with will and experience is most powerful. Rolling the R is the most easy to adjust physically on the solar plexus and have direct effects.

And exactly for this I love u so much. Not only you answer my question, you also give me very valuable tips along. Thank you!

Btw, thanks to you I can reach my goal now.
You have shown me what I have to do.
Thank you so much!!
Onek_the_One said:
What are the JoS' thoughts on Albert Pike?
He said he's god was Lucifer but aren't the Freemasons of the enemy?

To my knowledge Albert Pike is gentile. The Freemasons were originally Luciferian; however, in the 1700's Jewish adepts infiltrated and subverted the original doctrines/teachings. Now, it's full of Hebrew, Angelic, and Jesus trash.
Gear88 said:
Username said:
Excuse me, I have a question about time zones.

On May 22, we are supposed to Curse Israel.
On May 23, we are supposed to do Right to Own Nations RTR.

Suppose a person is in US. His watch says its May 22.
He will do Curse Israel.

Another Person is in Japan. His watch says its May 23.
He will do Right To Own Nations RTR.

Both are at the same point in linear time. Meaning both the person are in the present, right now, regardless of time zones.

Am I assuming correct or am I wrong somewhere ?

No we follow Astrological time. Just because it's 12:01am and it states May 23 it's still 22. So even if you forget to meditate or perform a spell or perform a square you still have till about 6:30ish am usually between 6:20-6:40am time changes astrologically.

Say you did a ritual at May 22, it's still May 22 past 12am so you gotta wait about 6 and a half hours more to change the time.

Astrological time changes no greater than 7am no less than 6 am. So somewhere in between usually around the bottom of the hour in a 10-15 minute interval.

Every day there is a change of time. I'd usually just in case wait an extra 15 minutes just in case same with doing certain timed rituals just wait an extra 15 minutes to make sure your inside the time window.

After seeing your reply, I searched about planetary hours.
It seems that you can only turn the date of the calendar by +1 only after sunrise but not at 12:00 AM.
Am I right on this one ?
Since I'm living in Islamic country and the culture here very different than the west.
Trying to find a partner is almost impossible, or have to be in very hidden way
and those who you would find in social media or chatting apps are not my type at all.

The culture here is like to get marry first then getting to know her, just asking your family to find a girl for you that they think she suits you and when she and their family accept we can see each other and getting know each other: in this stage she's my fiance.
We can divorce but it's bad too for her as a reputation.. and it's harder and long story if after mirage.

also since my beliefs are very different I could put my life at risk by revealing them later.
I don't want to put a girl in shock or living with her if I don't find the acceptance nor wanting to ruin her life.. or waste her time depending on chances of how she will accept me or I will convince her.

Race mixing isn't favorable and shouldn't be done but what if it's my only option since the west are more open to accept me as I am?
Most likely finding same race living in more open country, but that's hard too
Arabs always live in tribes and close to each other and close to their society.

I want to mention that Satan doesn't pressure anyone and wants everyone to be free but nothing urges to go this path too, it's too unhealthy.

The most important question for me: What if I haven't planned to have kids? Is it okay?
As long as we both gentiles even if not same race but both trying to advance and taking care about each other.

What do you guys think?
Username said:
After seeing your reply, I searched about planetary hours.
It seems that you can only turn the date of the calendar by +1 only after sunrise but not at 12:00 AM.
Am I right on this one ?
Day begins when the Sun rises.
Night begins when the Sun sets.

It's that simple.
In the chakras diagram points of astral hearing 1 are those on both sides or just the left? Thank you.
NinRick said:
Dragoness1998 said:
Is a planetary square ruined if you are interrupted in the middle of doing the mantras? I was interrupted half way through but continued it afterwards.

Well if you did too many reps or too few the entire square is ruined.
Lets say you have to vibrate a Mantra, lets say 40 for today. You already did 30, got interrupted, resumed with your square and did 10 additional reps, then chances are good that you die not ruined your entire working.

How ever if you did 30, stopped and did another 40 well then your square is ruined, if you ask me.

I experienced the same problem a while ago doing the Jupiter square. I got interrupted and I lost my focus for about 5-10 minutes doing some other things out of my control.

I stopped at GRIM and I continued GRAUM afterwards.

Is the working really not ruined when the counting is perfectly finished? I hope some other members can reassure this.

@NinRick I mean no offense brother. I just want to ask the input of other members. Thank you.
it takes me a lot longer to do the meditations than its said they should last(especially the aura cleansing which can take me 30 minutes sometimes and the chakra spinning longer). Is this normal? this makes it very hard to be motivated to do the meditations
Hesffcs115 said:
In the chakras diagram points of astral hearing 1 are those on both sides or just the left? Thank you.
Both sides.

Fuil said:
it takes me a lot longer to do the meditations than its said they should last(especially the aura cleansing which can take me 30 minutes sometimes and the chakra spinning longer). Is this normal? this makes it very hard to be motivated to do the meditations
Is there any particular reason you are doing them slowly, or do you simply just do them slowly?

Aura cleaning is usually pretty fast process. You do the mantra whilst simultaneously visualising, and affirm at the end with visualisation, or simply only with visualisation both of which take 5-15 minutes usually for most.

Nothing wrong to spend more time with these activities as long as you have the time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
