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Sorry If this has been explictly stated elsewhere.

I was reading the torah and the jews exposed pdf and the chakras section on JoS main and I noticed references to yin and yang.

I want to clarify this does:

yang=Male, active, electric, fire and air elements

yin=Female, passive, magnetic, earth and water elements

Any additional info also helps.
I haven't meditated properly for a few months now though I'm still an SS and do RTRs. I'm planning to get back into it after starting gym.

I'm not planning to do a lot of meditations, since dedicating is an issue for me so I'm planning on doing a little for a while to get the rhythm going.

If I did Aura Cleaning, AOP, Void Meditation, Chakra Spinning and RAUM meditation, would that be enough for a start or are there any other recommendations?

Thank you!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
one of goat ppl said:
Hello friends,
I’m looking for kundalini yoga page.
JoS has lots of text so hard find to this.

This is the same one that is on JOS.
Hesffcs115 said:
I noticed the 40 day meditation program is missing the opening of the 6th chakra should this be skipped or is that an error

I guess it's an error. I've added it after opening of 3rd eye
Serbon said:
Is it possible for Satan to reject someone's dedication, and why? I've heard from some people that they were rejected
Satan accepts all Gentiles, and rejects all jews. Simple as that.

Some people will lose their way or betray Satan, but not the other way around.

Player7 said:
I haven't meditated properly for a few months now though I'm still an SS and do RTRs. I'm planning to get back into it after starting gym.

I'm not planning to do a lot of meditations, since dedicating is an issue for me so I'm planning on doing a little for a while to get the rhythm going.

If I did Aura Cleaning, AOP, Void Meditation, Chakra Spinning and RAUM meditation, would that be enough for a start or are there any other recommendations?

Thank you!
Always, always clean yourself after rtr.

What you have listed works fine. Once you get yourself up to speed you can alter your methods. Hatha yoga done daily will greatly enhance your physical and spiritual side simultaneously. Consider it...

Moonshine said:
I don't know how to evoke Satan I have read many articles on internet about evoking Satan but most of it is kind of weird

I am in dire need to communicate with Satan or any other demon but don't now a proper way

Please help me
The most simple way is to focus on the sigil, and talk.

More info: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html
Henu the Great said:
Serbon said:
Is it possible for Satan to reject someone's dedication, and why? I've heard from some people that they were rejected
Satan accepts all Gentiles, and rejects all jews. Simple as that.

Some people will lose their way or betray Satan, but not the other way around.

Player7 said:
I haven't meditated properly for a few months now though I'm still an SS and do RTRs. I'm planning to get back into it after starting gym.

I'm not planning to do a lot of meditations, since dedicating is an issue for me so I'm planning on doing a little for a while to get the rhythm going.

If I did Aura Cleaning, AOP, Void Meditation, Chakra Spinning and RAUM meditation, would that be enough for a start or are there any other recommendations?

Thank you!
Always, always clean yourself after rtr.

What you have listed works fine. Once you get yourself up to speed you can alter your methods. Hatha yoga done daily will greatly enhance your physical and spiritual side simultaneously. Consider it...

Moonshine said:
I don't know how to evoke Satan I have read many articles on internet about evoking Satan but most of it is kind of weird

I am in dire need to communicate with Satan or any other demon but don't now a proper way

Please help me
The most simple way is to focus on the sigil, and talk.

More info: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html
Wanted to ask too, did I get a GD when I dedicated, or do I have to do a new standart ritual to ask Satan to give me a GD?
Ardgion said:
Is it okay do do workout like pushups, bicycles etc, before or after hatha yoga. I'm trying to do more so I'm trying to combine these two.
More than ok. You decide, which way. I would do hatha after other exercises. I think others have pointed out also that doing hatha after workout(s) would be the approach to go with.
Serbon said:
Wanted to ask too, did I get a GD when I dedicated, or do I have to do a new standart ritual to ask Satan to give me a GD?

You don't have to do anything extra, dedication is enough.
Lili said:
Serbon said:
Wanted to ask too, did I get a GD when I dedicated, or do I have to do a new standart ritual to ask Satan to give me a GD?

You don't have to do anything extra, dedication is enough.

Thanks for answering. There was this one YouTube video, made by a SS, telling we should do a seperate ritual for this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvUSRa3LgWM
What do u think about it?
Henu the Great said:
Ardgion said:
Is it okay do do workout like pushups, bicycles etc, before or after hatha yoga. I'm trying to do more so I'm trying to combine these two.
More than ok. You decide, which way. I would do hatha after other exercises. I think others have pointed out also that doing hatha after workout(s) would be the approach to go with.

Thank you for answering, the other question I posted about yoga didn't get answered so I hope you might help with it.
So I have an issue when doing hatha yoga 4th position, the cobra stretch. As I am still not that flexible I am only doing it like in the first image but my arms are in like 90 degree angle instead of shown in the image as I cannot stretch my back that much yet.
Problem is, I feel a huge pain in my lower back, in centre and I cannot do this position anymore and it's hard to breathe when doing that pose.
It started recently and every time after I finish with yoga session, when I try to lay still, I cant because of the pain in that spot.
So should I go even lower?
Ardgion said:
Henu the Great said:
Ardgion said:
Is it okay do do workout like pushups, bicycles etc, before or after hatha yoga. I'm trying to do more so I'm trying to combine these two.
More than ok. You decide, which way. I would do hatha after other exercises. I think others have pointed out also that doing hatha after workout(s) would be the approach to go with.

Thank you for answering, the other question I posted about yoga didn't get answered so I hope you might help with it.
So I have an issue when doing hatha yoga 4th position, the cobra stretch. As I am still not that flexible I am only doing it like in the first image but my arms are in like 90 degree angle instead of shown in the image as I cannot stretch my back that much yet.
Problem is, I feel a huge pain in my lower back, in centre and I cannot do this position anymore and it's hard to breathe when doing that pose.
It started recently and every time after I finish with yoga session, when I try to lay still, I cant because of the pain in that spot.
So should I go even lower?

If the pain is that huge, then dont overdo it
Ardgion said:
Thank you for answering, the other question I posted about yoga didn't get answered so I hope you might help with it.
So I have an issue when doing hatha yoga 4th position, the cobra stretch. As I am still not that flexible I am only doing it like in the first image but my arms are in like 90 degree angle instead of shown in the image as I cannot stretch my back that much yet.
Problem is, I feel a huge pain in my lower back, in centre and I cannot do this position anymore and it's hard to breathe when doing that pose.
It started recently and every time after I finish with yoga session, when I try to lay still, I cant because of the pain in that spot.
So should I go even lower?
Hatha should always be comfortable. So when you have pains, back off a bit until is is comfortable.

Over time your body adapts and you can stretch further. Consistency is key here, as usual. So keep going, and reap the rewards as you go on.
Henu the Great said:
Player7 said:
I haven't meditated properly for a few months now though I'm still an SS and do RTRs. I'm planning to get back into it after starting gym.

I'm not planning to do a lot of meditations, since dedicating is an issue for me so I'm planning on doing a little for a while to get the rhythm going.

If I did Aura Cleaning, AOP, Void Meditation, Chakra Spinning and RAUM meditation, would that be enough for a start or are there any other recommendations?

Thank you!
Always, always clean yourself after rtr.

What you have listed works fine. Once you get yourself up to speed you can alter your methods. Hatha yoga done daily will greatly enhance your physical and spiritual side simultaneously. Consider it...
I will do my best to start yoga too once I'm physically better. Thanks for your time and response.

Boa tarde à todos. Desculpem quaisquer erros, minha língua natal é português e eu mal aprendi a mexer no site ainda...

Eu me inscrevi no site a pouco tempo, porém acompanho o site de vocês há alguns anos nesses meus altos e baixos (encontrei o site porém só lia ele, agora que estou começando a seguir realmente). Inicialmente tive um preconceito muito grande em relação ao que li no site pelo que era dito dos nazistas. Voltei e deixei de ler o site várias vezes pelo mesmo motivo mas acho que existe um Demônio que me acompanha e não me deixa sossegar se eu não fizer o que devo kkk ele me fez voltar por várias vezes ao mesmo site por varios meios diferentes até o muro da minha mente cair e eu enxergar a verdade. Apesar de nunca ter sido uma cristã fervorosa eu fui criada em uma familia cristã, mas dentro do meu coração eu sempre soube que esse não era o jeito correto de viver. E pasmem, sempre blasfemei a Jeová. Ex: Eu dizia que o odiava, pelejava contra ele em vários palavrões e semelhantes... Meus pais começavam até a rezar às vezes. Mas ter lido sobre esse lado do nazismo e sobre Hitler foi um grande choque que eu superei e aceitei. Hoje acredito, NACIONAL SOCIALISMO É A RESPOSTA.

Quando fiz 17/18 anos comecei com as meditações, comecei a estudar sobre e criei uma curiosidade notável a respeito dos extraterrestres. Comecei a seguir alguns canais no youtube que inicialmente abriram minha mente junto a meditação porém me perdi nas porcarias cristãs no meio do caminho. Quase me tornei espírita, bom que Satanás não abandona seus filhos, mesmo eu, uma filha traidora. Mas eu sei que Ele entende que eu fiz o que fiz por falta de conhecimento, não por maldade. Quando comecei as meditações um universo inteiro se abriu em minha mente. Eu chamava de "Fonte", para não ter que chamar de Deus e me confundir ou enviar energias ao jeová mesmo sem querer. Na época, eu não sabia quem eram Satanás e seus demônios. Eu sempre dizia/orava ao Pai deixando claro que não era a jeová que eu estava orando, e sim ao verdadeiro Criador de tudo e todas as coisas e eu conseguia o sentir. Adorei muitos Deuses hindus e me surpreendi ao saber que eles estão ao lado de Satan. Eu sentia em cada célula do meu corpo a conexão com o mundo na época. Pode soar meio bobo, mas eu sentia em cada batida do meu coração a conexão com a terra, com o ar, com as plantas, com o fogo, com os insetos, com o Sol... Foi então que me perdi ouvindo padres, buscando conhecimentos em sites cristãos e coisas do tipo. E claro, lendo sobre o budismo corrompido. Foi apenas a poucos dias atrás que eu percebi que eu estava com a alma brilhante nesta época por causa das meditações, apesar de não saber que era Satanás quem eu adorava, e que agora estou como estou por degeneração espiritual. Fazendo práticas cristãs anti-vida perdi tudo o que havia semeado até então. Me perdi bastante mas recentemente me encontrei novamente. Faz mais ou menos 3 meses que voltei a meditar, agora da forma correta (sem exagerar no chackra cardíaco), comecei o hatha yoga e estou tentando colocar o kundalini yoga no meu dia a dia. Com passos leves vamos longe, e não quero me sobrecarregar. Dentro desses 3 meses ja passei por dias em que eu estava sobrecarregada demais. Alguns dias parecia mesmo que entidades do inimigo ficavam me rondando para tentar me atrapalhar/perturbar. Mas não sou madura espiritualmente o suficiente para perceber todas as vezes se sou eu desequilibrada ou se tem algo querendo que eu me desequilibre. Estou colocando tudo aos poucos nos meus habitos diarios. Sou fumante, tanto maconha como cigarro. Ha dias atras tive uma lucidez forte e vontade de parar, e vou. Mas ainda estou trabalhando nisso. Percebi que o que me impede de avançar drasticamente também é isso. Eu trabalho meu espirito e de repente jogo porcarias nele e depois tenho que trabalhar tudo denovo. Bom... resumindo, me perdi, me encontrei e estou lutando com toda força que tenho para ser melhor para mim mesma, para os Demônios, para o universo (que vai ganhar mais uma alma com clareza mental o bastante para defende-lo quando necessário) e ate mesmo para os outros. Quando não estamos bem com nós mesmos, não fazemos bem a ninguém.

Isso foi apenas um resumo básico, agora vem algumas dúvidas que para alguns mais avançados pode parecer bobo, mas são dúvidas que eu acho que me ajudariam a colocar a mente no lugar.

1. Existe um post que a hp maxine mencionou sobre descrever o passo a passo de como usar a magia. Se alguém encontrar (acreditem eu procurei) e puder postar agradeço imensamente.

2. Sobre alguns demônios serem Deuses adorados do Egito antigo apenas com outros nomes, ia ser muito interessante, na lista dos Demônios, ter os respectivos Deuses que eles são ligando eles aos seus verdadeiros nomes da época. Alguns eu vi que ja tem, mas parece que outros não. Se eu não estiver errada, Satanás é Shiva, certo? Onde Vishnu se encaixaria? Li em algum artigo anos atrás (fora do JOS) que dizia que Vishnu era o criador do universo e de tudo que nele existe. Outro que Vishnu, Shiva e Brahma são a mesma entidade porém em suas 3 faces. Seria correto? Qualquer iluminação que alguém puder me dar sobre esse assunto vai me ajudar demais. QUALQUER INFORMAÇÃO VAI SER DE GRANDE AJUDA.

3. Sobre as runas e palavras de poder, nas meditações são dadas algumas opções. As mais conhecidas que não são runas, ex: AUM, OM (que foi corrompido sem a letra a) etc. Li no JOS que essas quase não tem resultados e que apenas servem para ampliar o que ja existe em si, não são como as runas que mudam as energias. Então entoar AUM sem uma limpeza antes vai ampliar tanto as coisas boas quanto ruins que estão nos crackras, aura etc. Estou correta? Então teria problema fazer alguns trabalhos ouvindo mantras? Tipo rtr? Porque em minha vida é dificil encontrar silêncio, então eu preciso improvisar. Eu abafo barulhos tensos, como som alto dos vizinhos, ou serra elétrica etc com mantras para meditar e fazer os rtrs. Algum conselho? As vezes medito até de fone porque aqui o silêncio é impossível.

4. Eu sou casada e meu marido é satanista, porém segue o satanismo cristianizado básico. Não faz nada pelo próprio espírito, não acredita que temos esse potencial e acredita mais em quimbanda e pedir favores a entidades do que se fortalecer e aprender a fazer por si mesmo. O quanto isso pode me afetar espiritualmente? Eu o amo e não desejo deixa-lo, mas imagino que devam existir exercícios que podem me ajudar a me proteger espiritualmente de qualquer coisa que o acompanhe (como entidades de quimbanda, candomblé etc). Ele nao frequenta mas ja teve contato e tem um longo historico de macumbas feitas contra ele, o que as vzs respinga em mim, né?! Enfim, e se puderem esclarecer pra mim, essas entidades são os inimigos a jogar dos dois lados, certo?

5. Lilith seria uma Deusa ou um Demônio? Mantenho um altar para ela em casa mas confesso que desde que comecei as meditações sinto que ele nao é necessário, mas as vezes ainda acendo velas. Uma vez pedi a ela algo que em uma semana foi resolvido. Fiz o pedido em uma cachoeira, acendi velas e deixei algumas oferendas. Fiz o pedido com muito sentimento, em lágrimas e ela fez por mim o que eu não tive coragem de fazer. SEMPRE SEREI GRATA. Prometi minha fidelidade a ela, eternamente, porem hoje me sinto mais proxima a Satanás. *Isso teria algum problema entre eu e ela?* Pois todos são do mesmo seguimento... Esses seres tem sentimentos como nós, porem não sei o quão diferente podem ser, não quero desrespeitar Lilith, por isso essa pergunta. Eu a senti uma vez, senti mesmo, tivemos uma ligação, tive muitos sonhos com serpentes onde elas me olhavam, me acompanhavam, eu as carregava e coisas do tipo. Sonhos vividos e reais. Senti uma vez, quando fui agradecer oque ela havia feito por mim, me ajudado e a senti na nuca e na parte de tras da cabeça. Senti um formigamento bem forte nessa região e entendi que era ela querendo que eu a sentisse, que eu soubesse que ela estava ali.

6. Na época em que eu meditava bastante aos meus 17/18 anos (hoje tenho 25) eu cheguei a ter uma visão que se alguém puder me esclarecer eu agradeceria. Vou descrever em detalhes: eu parecia ser ar, ou algo do tipo, não tinha corpo e apenas flutuava. Logo a minha frente, existia uma cachoeira 360°. Parecia um redemoinho gigante. Uma vez li que existiam entradas para o centro da Terra nos polos do planeta, foi o que desencadeou minha busca pela espiritualidade. Esse dia eu estava meditando, e tive essa visão. Parecia o mar, e era como se tivesse aberto um ralo no fundo dele, onde toda a agua girava e caia nesse ralo (a ideia do ralo é so pra explicar como o mar estava, porque era só uma grande cachoeira giratoria no meio do mar). Eu levei para este lado de ser a entrada para o "centro da terra". Li no JOS que existe realmente algo dentro da terra onde estão algumas pessoas que ascenderam e tal. Na entrada tinha um gênio, LITERALMENTE. Metade homem e metade fumaça. Não vi o rosto mas parecia belo, com cabelos negros, lisos e longos ate a cintura. Ao lado dele havia um homem. O gênio tinha o dobro do tamanho do homem e o jogou para o centro da Terra. Fui tirada desta "viagem" bruscamente e retornei ao meu corpo. Parecia que meu espirito tinha saido e acabado de entrar. (Tudo isso sem o uso de nenhuma droga, na época eu havia diminuido drasticamente o uso).

7. Gostaria de abrir meus sentidos rapidamente (de forma saudável, claro), teriam meditações específicas que eu possa usar? Quero ter um contato mais próximo, ver, ou ouvir, enfim, com o Demônio guardião, nao sei qual é, o sinto proximo e as vezes quase posso ouvi-lo. Vejo seus sinais, mas ainda quero mais. E sei que todos querem, não estou desesperada, mas pretendo "evoluir" o mais breve possível.

8. Ja tive também um encontro com Ganesh, eu estava dormindo, mas foi aquele tipo de sonho vivido que agente sabe que nao é so um sonho. Diferente da outra visão que foi em meditação. Neste sonho eu estava deitada e Ganesh apareceu. O que eu vi foi um elefante extremamente colorido, mas ele era etéreo, não tinha um corpo realmente, o que eu podia ver eram luzes coloridas em forma de elefante. Ele subiu em cima de mim e me olhou nos olhos, quando abriu a boca "vomitou" um arco íris gigantesco dentro da minha boca, como se tivesse me dando um presente. Acordei cheia de energia. E isso me leva a outra pergunta, qual a ideia geral de serem representados por animais? Quando eu lia muito sobre extraterrestres eu lembro de ler algo sobre felideos (felinos humanoides amigaveis a humanidade) e até tive um sonho vivido com um. Queria entender, eles são assim? Ja cheguei a pensar até que eram animais que ascenderam, não sei se é possivel em outros mundos, dimensões etc... fica ai a minha dúvida. Alguém pode me esclarecer?

Há alguns dias chorei por me lembrar que eu estava tão cheia de vida e joguei tudo fora. Pedi perdão aos Deuses, aos Demônios e aos Heróis por te-los blasfemado. Foi por ignorância. Eu sinto que me perdoaram. Eu fui levada ao engano, seguindo canais do youtube acreditando no que certas pessoas diziam. E eles diziam que tudo no mundo é ruim (versão budista corrompida). Não pode acumular bens, não pode desejar ouro, não pode ter desejo sexual (até hoje tento desbloquear isso em minha mente e alma)... então o "meliante" (hehehe) dizia: "Como aqueles Deuses hindus podem estar fazendo o certo quando esbanjam riquezas? Ensinando a odiar o dinheiro para sobrar mais pros judeus infelizes. E eu levei isso a serio na epoca e destrui meu espirito me afastando dos Deuses. Mas eu estou decidida! Ja fiz o ritual de dedicação, ja renunciei a todas as entidades que não são do lado de Satanás. Eu decidi que vou mudar minha vida, mas quero me abrir o bastante para não tomar decisões precipitadas, como da outra vez e me arrepender depois. Preciso de clareza para seguir em frente de maneira benéfica a mim.

Vocês mais experientes, eu não sei como funciona o contato de vocês com os Deuses, mas se ao lerem isso receberem qualquer recado, conselho ou quaquer coisa direcionada a minha pessoa, eu peço, postem. Me passem esse recado, seja bom ou ruim, será bem vindo. Qualquer pequeno detalhe para mim é de grande ajuda. As coisas parecem estar melhorando para mim novamente, mas não estou nem 1/3 do que ja fui um dia com a meditação e isso me frusta sabe... mas eu sei que devagar eu chego la, ja cheguei uma vez e chegarei novamente.

Desculpem o grande texto e desde já agradeço a atenção de quem leu até o fim e se deu ao trabalho de me responder. Vamos nos unir, todos nós. Vamos ser fortes, vamos unir as pessoas como Hitler, VAMOS MUDAR O MUNDO EM NOME DE SATANÁS E TODOS OS DEUSES QUE O ACOMPANHAM E POR FIM, EM NOME DE TODA A HUMANIDADE POIS NÓS MERECEMOS!


Can someone please explain what the number "111" in numerology means?
In Curse the Israel working is it :

Vibrate AUM x1
Those who bless Israel are cursed. x9
Those who curse Israel are blessed x9
Vibrate AUM x1


Vibrate AUM x1
Those who bless Israel are cursed. x1
Those who curse Israel are blessed x1
Vibrate AUM x1

Does this counts as 1 repition and we should do repeat it 9 times ?
I'm new to satanism & I tried to have normal conversation with satan. As in like "hi satan how r u"

But at the end I fell as if I was speaking to myself only I didn't feel any energy or presence or anything

So, was it rude of me to speak to him in that way

Plus I'm in doubt that are demons even real or not
Can anybody help me
Which mantra can I use to empower my Ida and Pingala?
Is AUM good for that? Or can I use something even better?
Moonshine said:
I'm new to satanism & I tried to have normal conversation with satan. As in like "hi satan how r u"

But at the end I fell as if I was speaking to myself only I didn't feel any energy or presence or anything

So, was it rude of me to speak to him in that way

Plus I'm in doubt that are demons even real or not
Can anybody help me

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, first, I find it adorable that you want to casually chat with Father Satan, HOWEVER, he is very important, and very BUSY. He is the highest God and Emperor of this world, can you understand how busy he really is?

First, you should only try to call Father Satan after you have performed the dedication ritual.
Then secondly, you can speak to Father Satan and tell him about how you feel, how you love him and that you are very thankful for everything he has done for you... he will receive everything, don’t worry.

If you are not open enough, you can not feel, see or hear Demons, even if they were there. (Okay no, you could still feel them, their energies would make you high because of an energy rush)

If you are more open they can also talk telepathically to you.

However, each time Father Satan (or maybe Baal-Zebulon?) has talked to me, always there was serious meaning behind it.
Either they have saved me, or showed me something important (for me personally important for motivation), explained me something, or even gave me an assignment. But this is VERY RARE.
This doesn’t happen all the time. Also for telepathic communication you also need to be open I think, but most comes from Father Satan and our Gods and Goddesses.

Dedicate your soul, work on your powers and in time you will be able to see the truth. But only after your soul is opening up, your soul is sealed right now. Soon you start to fathom what I mean by that.

Good luck on your path.
I keep hearing my head to vibrate svahah for the past couple days does anyone know what this is?
Hello, I'm new, I'm not sure how to access the yahoo groups so I thought I would make an account on the official page since I am very serious and curious about Satanism. Please only people who have been Satanists for an extended period of time or who are admins please PM me or email me personally at chell****@yahoo.com so I may ask some more questions and see if this is right for me. As a long time atheist, I have been interested in Satanism for a very long time. Please don't let my lack of faith turn you off though as I have grown up with Christians, gone to church camp for many years and as an adult atheist, worked for a Catholic Church as a graphic designer for many years. Out of any of the "spirits, angels, etc" I think the traditional Christian God of the Western world is disgusting and cruel. I am extremely curious about Satan and Satanism and if someone very experienced might be so inclined to explain to me the goodness and greatness of Satan and tips or good reading material for me to at least help me research him, I would truly be grateful. Thank anyone for their time, I truly appreciate it.
Moonshine said:
I'm new to satanism & I tried to have normal conversation with satan. As in like "hi satan how r u"

But at the end I fell as if I was speaking to myself only I didn't feel any energy or presence or anything

So, was it rude of me to speak to him in that way

Plus I'm in doubt that are demons even real or not
Can anybody help me

It wasn't rude. If you are totally new it's rare that you'll experience anything in real time. It's better to ask something than just saying "Hi Satan". As a response you may get signs in real life (like seeing 666) or other synchronicities. Keep your eyes open for these. That's how many new people usually get answers from Satan or the Demons.

For feeling energy you need to be more sensitive, but it is easier than seeing astrally.
Moonshine said:
I'm new to satanism & I tried to have normal conversation with satan. As in like "hi satan how r u"

But at the end I fell as if I was speaking to myself only I didn't feel any energy or presence or anything

So, was it rude of me to speak to him in that way

Plus I'm in doubt that are demons even real or not
Can anybody help me
When I did my dedication ritual, I've asked Satan to give me a sign tomorrow, also that evening I really felt his loving energy around me, I have thought it could be placebo, so to be sure, let's ask for a sign. Tomorrow in school, we had to connect some words with lines, when I finished the work, I realized the lines made a perfect looking pentagram.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Username said:
Vibrate AUM x1
Those who bless Israel are cursed. x1
Those who curse Israel are blessed x1
Vibrate AUM x1

this counts as 1 repetition and we should repeat it 9 times
This way is correct.

Thank you for your answer.
Excuse me, I have a question about time zones.

On May 22, we are supposed to Curse Israel.
On May 23, we are supposed to do Right to Own Nations RTR.

Suppose a person is in US. His watch says its May 22.
He will do Curse Israel.

Another Person is in Japan. His watch says its May 23.
He will do Right To Own Nations RTR.

Both are at the same point in linear time. Meaning both the person are in the present, right now, regardless of time zones.

Am I assuming correct or am I wrong somewhere ?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Moonshine said:
Is father satan powerful Enough to reverse time??

Just curious
Time does not go backwards.

Yeah, scientifically speaking time reversal is impossible.
But even science can't give evidence of existence of Gods, demons & deities.

But still we believe in them. We know/think that they exist.

We even believe that satan is very powerful.

I am not trying to argue with you it's just I was a bit disappointed 😞 by your answer and there is possibility/probability that your answer may be correct. I was hoping for positive answer.
Am a new here please I need your help in areas that I don't know. I have the following questions based on rituals;
1. What is the best time to perform rituals as advised in satanism?
2. What is the formal dressing code when performing a ritual.?
3. Can you perform rituals in a guest room if you don't have your personal room.?
4. Can you still be using the clothes that you used to perform rituals?
5. Is it ok to brow off the candles after burning the prayer paper when performing rituals?
7. How long does it take to start seeing the positive changes in life when you perform rituals for the first time?
8. How can I talk to satan?
9. How do I summon a demon for riches and power?
10. Can I use any other candles for rituals if I don't happen to find a color candles?
11. What is the best time to talk to satan? And is it in dreams or in physical??

Please anyone to help me with these questions I really need answers to my questions before I do my rituals. Thank you!
Mudenda said:
Am a new here please I need your help in areas that I don't know. I have the following questions based on rituals;
1. What is the best time to perform rituals as advised in satanism?
2. What is the formal dressing code when performing a ritual.?
3. Can you perform rituals in a guest room if you don't have your personal room.?
4. Can you still be using the clothes that you used to perform rituals?
5. Is it ok to brow off the candles after burning the prayer paper when performing rituals?
7. How long does it take to start seeing the positive changes in life when you perform rituals for the first time?
8. How can I talk to satan?
9. How do I summon a demon for riches and power?
10. Can I use any other candles for rituals if I don't happen to find a color candles?
11. What is the best time to talk to satan? And is it in dreams or in physical??

Please anyone to help me with these questions I really need answers to my questions before I do my rituals. Thank you!

1. Any time.
2. Wear whatever you want.
3. Do it any place. Whatever is convenient for you.
4. Of course. It is your clothes.
5. Yes. You don't even really need any candles. It's good to have a candle for the dedication ritual, but nothing else needs a candle.
7. Depends on the situation, or what you are actually talking about. I do not know what kind of signs you would notice.
 8. You can try this
There are other things you could do, but this will surely work.

9. They are not going to give riches and power to you, that is not how this works.
10. It does not matter what kind of candle you have. Color does not matter.
11. Any time. If you are a beginner, it may help you to do it late at night because the subconscious part of your mind becomes more active at night, and this may help you feel it better.
Henu the Great said:
Moonshine said:
But satan is powerful can't he do it??
Time does not go backwards, as stated above. However beings with advanced skills can go back in time, in the aether. Astral travelling in time is possible.
I think you should be careful to describe it in a more accurate way. They do not go backward in time, what they are able to do is to have a vision of what happened in the past. It is like watching a recording of what happened long ago. They are not actually in the past, and nothing from the past would change.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Henu the Great said:
Moonshine said:
But satan is powerful can't he do it??
Time does not go backwards, as stated above. However beings with advanced skills can go back in time, in the aether. Astral travelling in time is possible.
I think you should be careful to describe it in a more accurate way. They do not go backward in time, what they are able to do is to have a vision of what happened in the past. It is like watching a recording of what happened long ago. They are not actually in the past, and nothing from the past would change.
Thank you for clarifying.

It is true, that once something has happened, it will not un-happen by anyone.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
