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Y’all all wrong I don’t believe in that Christianity shit, y’all made assumptions if we family in Satan eyes why beef, question who all y’all really
Damon said:
Cosmic6999 said:
True in a since but Satan had to create something Satan is not no regular god. Y’all sleeping on Satan. He is very very very powerful. He should be at a Omni level but y’all don’t think he is at that level. Then y’all sadly mistaking Satan is powerful he created us. It’s a huge purpose then this. Empowering the soul is just the basics part. Keep training you will see what I am talking about.

Look who's talking. You're the person who is too lazy to read the JoS site, who is too lazy to even write correct sentences and you come to tell us who Satan really is?

He is powerful, but he isn't the Christian god, he is an immortal extraterrestrial and like every other physical being he has limits in his powers. To think he's like another version of the Christian god means you're mistaken. It's actually very easy to make that mistake, all you have to do is to come to Satanism with a Christian mentality and that's it, you'll naturally replace Jehova with Satan. Lots of people make that mistake and it doesn't need spiritual empowerment at all. But it's much harder to admit that Satan is an immortal ET.

Empowering the soul is not the "basics" but what SS is all about. Satanism isn't blindly worshiping a Christian god-like being. But transforming our souls and becoming immortal like Satan himself.

You're just a Christian with a different god and you think because of that you're superior to everyone else here.

Lol y’all all made assumptions be careful who you treat never know who my ancestors might
Sarmenti said:
My knowledge is very very limited, I have dedicated but I have just started meditating. With all of that plus the ramp up from the enemy, this has caused a question to become stuck in my mind. Am I good to go? I know that I will always need to train, learn and advance because this is an endless journey, but what if someone dedicated today and died tomorrow would they be with the Gods? Since all I have done so far is dedicate will I still end up being chewed on by the enemy after death? This all probably sounds stupid to the advanced individuals but please bare with me. Also, as I type this I realize that this may be a hangup from my catholic childhood.

Yes you're fine. Like I said to another person before: you have self-awareness and you are sincere, so it's good. The Gods know and understand that.

If you were someone lost you wouldn't even know it, you would have the delusion that you are the greatest SS just for merely existing. If you were that person I would waste many replies trying to help you and you still wouldn't get it.
The satanic sacraments are true. I have read in detail on this subject but I still need guidance on how to access this sacrament.

Heal Satan Lucifer
My god who fills me with the light of eternal life
Damon said:
Sarmenti said:
My knowledge is very very limited, I have dedicated but I have just started meditating. With all of that plus the ramp up from the enemy, this has caused a question to become stuck in my mind. Am I good to go? I know that I will always need to train, learn and advance because this is an endless journey, but what if someone dedicated today and died tomorrow would they be with the Gods? Since all I have done so far is dedicate will I still end up being chewed on by the enemy after death? This all probably sounds stupid to the advanced individuals but please bare with me. Also, as I type this I realize that this may be a hangup from my catholic childhood.

Yes you're fine. Like I said to another person before: you have self-awareness and you are sincere, so it's good. The Gods know and understand that.

If you were someone lost you wouldn't even know it, you would have the delusion that you are the greatest SS just for merely existing. If you were that person I would waste many replies trying to help you and you still wouldn't get it.

Thank you Damon. To expound on this further, I am fighting a battle against alchohol. Its the same everytime, one night I will not drink and go to bed early. I will get up early and meditate before work. Afterwards I feel great and cant wait to get off work so I can continue meditating. At work I have a bad day and by the end Im pissed off. So when I get home instead of meditating, I crack open a beer. So I dont meditate that night nor the next morning. The entire following day I beat myself up and cant help but thinking that Father and the Gods are looking at me and saying, "Screw this worthless piece of shit. Rip up his dedication." I have repeated this entire sequence over and over again. This is another and basically the main reason why I am worried about whether or not if Im good to go. I admittedly was nervous about putting this in my original post.
From chakra diagrams, there are seven chakras in the front, center and the back of body. Which ones are the part that i need to focus most when cleaning aura and spinning? I used to focus on the centers, but today when i read <the chakras> it says"There are seven major chakras located "along the spine" that are the most powerful." And the only positive response during spinning chakras was when I focus on them along the spine.
I find it hard to imagine chakras as pyramids and spin them.They tend to be just triangle and move around. any tips on it?Maybe i just to be more concentrated
Sarmenti said:
Thank you Damon. To expound on this further, I am fighting a battle against alchohol. Its the same everytime, one night I will not drink and go to bed early. I will get up early and meditate before work. Afterwards I feel great and cant wait to get off work so I can continue meditating. At work I have a bad day and by the end Im pissed off. So when I get home instead of meditating, I crack open a beer. So I dont meditate that night nor the next morning. The entire following day I beat myself up and cant help but thinking that Father and the Gods are looking at me and saying, "Screw this worthless piece of shit. Rip up his dedication." I have repeated this entire sequence over and over again. This is another and basically the main reason why I am worried about whether or not if Im good to go. I admittedly was nervous about putting this in my original post.

If you can't help it because of alcohol addiction, I don't see why Satan would disregard you. I'm sure if you see a person who can't work because he's sick you won't say "this lazy bastard doesn't work, he's useless". The Gods aren't much different, a sick person needs compassion.

Most addictions come from unbalanced chakras and energy, so the meditations will help with the alcohol problem too, just make sure to keep on doing them as much as you can. One time a day is good if that's all you can manage. You may think it's not much but I've seen people who make up excuses to avoid meditating even 15 minutes once a day.

You can do workings to get rid of that addiction together with meditations.

How can I assure I find my soulmate in my next incarnation? I wish to advance with her forever. What can be done? How can two souls be together now, continuously and forever? How to maintain communication with somebody after physical death, and how to know when that soul has incarnated again and rejoined our physical reality. And how to find that souls physical body.
How much time does it take for a soul to incarnate?

Thank you brothers and sisters!
Hail Satan!
Ion666 said:
How can I assure I find my soulmate in my next incarnation?

You can't, because that decision depends on the higher part of you that survives death and which looks at things from a bigger picture and not your temporary personality. After your death you may decide that it's better to advance separately for a lifetime.

Ion666 said:
How can two souls be together now, continuously and forever?

They can be in spirit together, but if you mean physically it's not guaranteed they'll be together forever.

Ion666 said:
How to maintain communication with somebody after physical death, and how to know when that soul has incarnated again and rejoined our physical reality. And how to find that souls physical body.

Ultimately this is up to the spirit, it can communicate with you only if it is not busy planning its next life and working on other things. And it goes without saying that you have to be psychically open. You can only find a reincarnated spirit only if it decides to incarnate close to you, the reincarnated child will show signs like being more friendly to you than others. But if for example you live in America, it may decide to incarnate in Russia and in that case it will be almost impossible and unnecessary to find it, as it means it chose to advance separately from you.

Ion666 said:
How much time does it take for a soul to incarnate?

There's no fixed time. It depends on whether it has unfinished business because it died young or committed suicide or any other reason. If it does it may reincarnate immediately. But if it died naturally it will be more time before it reincarnates. Sometimes spirits choose to reincarnate in a specific time in history so they may wait for hundreds of years.
Sarmenti said:
"Screw this worthless piece of shit. Rip up his dedication."

Trust me, as someone who's dealt with reaching for the easy solution before, if they haven't kicked my dumbass out yet, you're fine. At worst they may sass you a bit and call you a moron, but it's BECAUSE they still care and want you better than this. The divines of Orion are more patient than we feel we deserve a lot of the time.

As long as you don't declare yourself an enemy, even treading off the path because of lost faith is tolerated. Ideal? No. I can speak that from experience (two or three pages ago, I mentioned my own situation about losing faith). But they're still willing to help you fix things.
It is me again. The thing is, I have a question, if I vibrate the Thaum or the Gaum in my mind, ¿does it still work? ¿Does it work in the same way as when vibrating by voice, or is it less effective?
hello, on the HP hooded cobra 40 day meditation program, I have problems with Hatha Yoga Routine PDF and Kundalini Yoga PDF, which won't let me download the files, could someone please give me some other link to download them, and thank you very much.
Thank you for the guidance and as I introduced myself earlier when I joined the joy of satan I am in jail for 20 months now and I am doing my worship in a cell with more than twenty people I tried to ask for a private room so my things to do secretly failed now I have been doing regular meditation RTR breath exercises and yoga I completely lack self-discipline and many of my things I do not like to share with the people I live with because they are still slaves I have truly dedicated myself to the devil father from the spirit because I know what kind of family has been in great need of help from our gods my search for the right side started at a very young age but I did not have enough guidance and my spirit was ruled by excessive alcoholism and all this I see now in my deep reflections on where my mistakes were and how can I avoid it in the way I worship in the name of satan and all the gods of hell receive me and give me life happy new and doing his job as his agent I do not know what level I am in so far for the worship and meditation I do but I move forward in the name of father satan

The name of Satan Lucifer should be given strength in the beginning and now and always
Hail Satan Azazel
Hail Satan Astaroth
Hail Satan Lilith
Hail Satan Ink
Hail Satan Eligos
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I asked this in an old thread about sigils and circles but I figured it would get more answers here. Does anyone know what the sigil is on the front of the Necronomicon? Best I can find is that it is "the sigil of the gateway". If this is the case would this one be bad to encircle as well? Any info greatly appreciated in advance.

HAIL SATAN and The HPs for all they do, especially HP HC and HP Maxine. If not for her who knows how long it would have taken me to put all the pieces of this puzzle together (already had 17 years put in when I found the JoS) and If I didn't have Cobra's perfectly concise and clear sermons on what is going on I might be as lost as everyone around me.
Sekix said:
It is me again. The thing is, I have a question, if I vibrate the Thaum or the Gaum in my mind, ¿does it still work? ¿Does it work in the same way as when vibrating by voice, or is it less effective?
It is much better if you can speak it. Or even whisper it very quietly. Can you play music or television loud enough so you can quietly speak without anyone hearing you.
So I used to be a JOS member a couple years ago but fell for Christianity again. I always had questions about satanism but never asked them so here they are. I'm returning back to JOS. Why does the christian god make us suffer and spend our whole lives only worshipping him and everything in my life has to worship him? Also why does satan seem to always be the one to actually help me and actually care? I've read some materials but it never seemed to answer these but I may have over looked it
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shadiel said:
hello, on the HP hooded cobra 40 day meditation program, I have problems with Hatha Yoga Routine PDF and Kundalini Yoga PDF, which won't let me download the files, could someone please give me some other link to download them, and thank you very much.

Thank you very much!!!!!
Telescope said:
So I used to be a JOS member a couple years ago but fell for Christianity again. I always had questions about satanism but never asked them so here they are. I'm returning back to JOS. Why does the christian god make us suffer and spend our whole lives only worshipping him and everything in my life has to worship him? Also why does satan seem to always be the one to actually help me and actually care? I've read some materials but it never seemed to answer these but I may have over looked it
Satan is our father who wants us to grow and prosper, and yhvh thoughtform aka jewish "god" is a criminal who wants to kill you and steal your stuff. Steal your stuff is literal as also figurative. To spend time in slavish worship is stealing time...
Larissa666 said:

Hello Larissa,
We need to consult you on something very important.
Commander gave me the "Ok" to contact you.
Can you please send me or commander a mail?

Please answer me once you read this.
Thank you.

My email is in my signature below.
I have to ask. I stopped meditation after a while and have only recently got back into it. My question is not about that its about the astral world. I meditate by lying on my bed. Sometimes its like i'm in a whole other place. Like some sort of astral school of sorts. I say this because its not a lucid dream. I am an expert lucid dreamer. My control over the elements is limited their. I know because I created fire and could feel it burning on my skin. It didn't look like true fire either. It looked more like lava.

My question is if all our souls are connected through the gods then wouldn't we all be capable of hanging out in the astral world. Like is these visions an attack of the enemy. Or is there truly an astral school up there. Because I keep accidentally traveling their. Or to peoples houses while meditation. Am i hallucination maybe?
I have to ask. I stopped meditation after a while and have only recently got back into it. My question is not about that its about the astral world. I meditate by lying on my bed. Sometimes its like i'm in a whole other place. Like some sort of astral school of sorts. I say this because its not a lucid dream. I am an expert lucid dreamer. My control over the elements is limited their. I know because I created fire and could feel it burning on my skin. It didn't look like true fire either. It looked more like lava.

My question is if all our souls are connected through the gods then wouldn't we all be capable of hanging out in the astral world. Like is these visions an attack of the enemy. Or is there truly an astral school up there. Because I keep accidentally traveling their. Or to peoples houses while meditation. Am i hallucination maybe?
Are the enemies attacks particularly heavy on Sunday? I’ve been feeling chaos coming from Sunday’s for a couple years now, but just want to check.
Wolfsage said:
Are the enemies attacks particularly heavy on Sunday? I’ve been feeling chaos coming from Sunday’s for a couple years now, but just want to check.

I can imagine it being more potent on Sundays due to, well, Catholic mass. However, I can also expect it being more or less prominent depending on where exactly one lives in the world. I would fear for the safety of a loyalist (though I would also vigorously question their judgement) if one lived next to the Vatican, as an extreme example.
Regards to all,
Since I am a new member, I want to ask one question ...
I have a strong desire to create a Blog in my own language (Serbian language), through which I will promote our religion.
I am interested in whether I can use the material from the official site?
Thanks for your reply!
Long live Satan!
mita975 said:
Regards to all,
Since I am a new member, I want to ask one question ...
I have a strong desire to create a Blog in my own language (Serbian language), through which I will promote our religion.
I am interested in whether I can use the material from the official site?
Thanks for your reply!
Long live Satan!
Ion666 said:

How can I assure I find my soulmate in my next incarnation? I wish to advance with her forever. What can be done? How can two souls be together now, continuously and forever? How to maintain communication with somebody after physical death, and how to know when that soul has incarnated again and rejoined our physical reality. And how to find that souls physical body.
How much time does it take for a soul to incarnate?

Thank you brothers and sisters!
Hail Satan!

You just meet with this person in next life, do not worry because of it. It happen easily.
Sekix said:
It is me again. The thing is, I have a question, if I vibrate the Thaum or the Gaum in my mind, ¿does it still work? ¿Does it work in the same way as when vibrating by voice, or is it less effective?

if you have no other choice you can do it in your mind but it is much better and effective to vibrate out loud. Do so if you can.
Aloyce said:
Thank you for the guidance and as I introduced myself earlier when I joined the joy of satan I am in jail for 20 months now and I am doing my worship in a cell with more than twenty people I tried to ask for a private room so my things to do secretly failed now I have been doing regular meditation RTR breath exercises and yoga I completely lack self-discipline and many of my things I do not like to share with the people I live with because they are still slaves I have truly dedicated myself to the devil father from the spirit because I know what kind of family has been in great need of help from our gods my search for the right side started at a very young age but I did not have enough guidance and my spirit was ruled by excessive alcoholism and all this I see now in my deep reflections on where my mistakes were and how can I avoid it in the way I worship in the name of satan and all the gods of hell receive me and give me life happy new and doing his job as his agent I do not know what level I am in so far for the worship and meditation I do but I move forward in the name of father satan

The name of Satan Lucifer should be given strength in the beginning and now and always
Hail Satan Azazel
Hail Satan Astaroth
Hail Satan Lilith
Hail Satan Ink
Hail Satan Eligos
:lol: :lol: :lol:

If you are really locked up how do you have internet access?? do they even allow that? In all seriousness if you are really in the pen, remember one thing. Tell no one your beliefs. If anyone asks say you are atheist. Do your time and get out, and keep going on the path. Do some cleaning workings. Chanting surya will help you clean your aura. Freeing the soul using ansuz or munka can help with alcohol and drug addictions. repeat returning curses parts one and 2 daily.
Telescope said:
So I used to be a JOS member a couple years ago but fell for Christianity again. I always had questions about satanism but never asked them so here they are. I'm returning back to JOS. Why does the christian god make us suffer and spend our whole lives only worshipping him and everything in my life has to worship him? Also why does satan seem to always be the one to actually help me and actually care? I've read some materials but it never seemed to answer these but I may have over looked it

read exposingchristianity.com
it will help you deprogram from xtian crap. the hebrew "god" is a hivemind human hating entity that thrives off of suffering and death. Satan actually cares as opposed to this imposter because he is the actual father of humanity. joohovah just kidnapped his children and told them their real father was "the devil" and made up all sorts of horrid lies about him, which all xtians have been brainwashed with.
Luciferchild23 said:
Shadiel said:
Lately I have had very strange dreams and revealing with respect to Amdusies, even in some of them I have spoken and interacted with and I would like to know how I can be sure that it is a message and it is not just a product of my imagination.

Ιf it is a message the signs will continue to come in a way that you are convinced and understand without a doubt. Βe very observant in what draws your attention to real life (beyond the ordinary)

Make the combinations with your dreams to see if there is any connection between them to unite the puzzle. Depending on how sensitive you are to the signs, your demon guard will approach you appropriately.

Hail Lucifer
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Asmodeus
Hail Amon Ra
Hail Thoth
Hail Zeus
Hail Lilith
Hail Malphas
Hail Sorath

I second this. this has happened with me as well. signs and other things in real life that draw you in or get your attention will have connection to the dreams in someway if it was someone trying to contact you.
I have compiled all articles in the sections of witchcraft and meditation into a single pdf which is easy to read. How can I post it here for others users to download it?
I'm going to dedicate myself tonight, and I'm a little scared, especially because I don't want to ruin it since I still don't understand the part where it says "Sign your name with blood", it has me very confused.
Osiris Silvio said:
I have compiled all articles in the sections of witchcraft and meditation into a single pdf which is easy to read. How can I post it here for others users to download it?
Upload it to somewhere and post a download link.

Mega.nz is quite popular in that regard.
What are peoples Opinions on Samuel? says he is an angel but is indifferent. Is it safe to interact with Samuel?
What are peoples Opinions on Samuel? says he is an angel but is indifferent. Is it safe to interact with Samuel?
I knew many people would be surprised to see me online while in prison this is not strange for African governments corruption is like food for our leaders there are police I pay to enter many of my needs including in sence candles and so on I continue meditation as well as raum

I still need a lot of guidance and training for this period

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
