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hi guys i hope someone notices this.

I have read that if i charge Satan's sigil on a paper and post it on the wall of my room it will help keeping the evil spirits out, is that real? And if it is how do you empower or charge a sigil? Is there a rune to empower it or just by holding a paper and breathing out energy will be enough?
hi what do you think of rune magick? and also what do people mean by vibrating runes? what does vibrating mean to them? what do they mean by vibrating? this is not just for runes but i heard it a lot around here and i dont know what they mean by it
Hello brothers and sisters.

After more than half a year, I finally feel I am advancing at meditations. Even tho, I am stuck now, I feel I am close to a breakthrough. The only thing holding me down is fear, amplified by the thought that I am doing something wrong. Can you please help me out with this.

I began the 6 month training program 4 weeks ago, but I still cant get past the first meditation.
I can not surrender to trance. I used to simply lie down and try to enter trance by relaxing. After no results, I now focus on my breath and no longer lay. Like I said, the only barrier left is fear. A few weeks ago I passed out during foundation meditation so now I am hesitant to fully commit to trance. I read on the JoS that breathing should never be forced lest I want to get brain damage overtime.
I don't want to move forward with the next meditations until I succeed at this one. I want to make sure I get the technique right as I am going to do this for the rest of my life after all, and I don't want to be stupid about it.

Here is exactly what I do step by step:

Every night. 22:00. Dark room, lit candle. I have a metronome, and deeply inhale on a count to 6. I then hold on a count to 6, while contracting my perineum muscles and abs and keeping the rest of my body relaxed. I keep my full attention focused in my 6th chakra. (the same way I concentrate on holding the red flame imprint during Flame Meditation). On the exhale I try relax fully and feel as if I am falling. After a few rounds, I begin to feel a very slight tingling/buzz in my body every time I inhale, and when I exhale, my head feels like sniping (same effect one feels when he is too drunk, pardon me for this disgusting example). When I hold my breath, it feels like blood rushes into my head. Even tho I have my eyes closed, darkens turns brighter and I notice how faded colors emerge in mist like forms in front of me. I totally forget about my physical surroundings and my physical body and it feels I am in a different place.
At this point If I continue to do the rounds with the same intensity I know for sure either two things will happen:
1. I subconsciously want to stay awake, but I loose total control of my physical body, loose balance, fall on my face and pass out for a few seconds, wake up and stop the session. (this happened once, but I wasn't prepared then)
2. I accept whatever this new experience brings, fully surrender, loose balance, fall and hopefully have my breakthrough.

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong. Is this reaction normal? Am I too weak to handle energy? What should I do to improve?
Bless you for reading this!

Hail Satan! Hail Lucifuge!
Hi everyone.
My question is: Is It fine if the blood to put on the dedication comes from another left part of my body, as a wrist or even the fist, and not the index finger?
I just can't get any blood from it.
I finally had the opportunity to get three Little sharp blades.
I understood I needed to take action as I was tired of waiting, and I just went to my neighbour asking him for a razor blade to shave myself, telling him I had a small party to go to.
I hate myself for not having thought about it before... the problem was so simple.
Thank you for your time.
Bless you all!
Satanic Path said:
Hi everyone.
My question is: Is It fine if the blood to put on the dedication comes from another left part of my body, as a wrist or even the fist, and not the index finger?
I just can't get any blood from it.
I finally had the opportunity to get three Little sharp blades.
I understood I needed to take action as I was tired of waiting, and I just went to my neighbour asking him for a razor blade to shave myself, telling him I had a small party to go to.
I hate myself for not having thought about it before... the problem was so simple.
Thank you for your time.
Bless you all!
It can come from anywhere on your body. Do whatever is safest and easiest.
Ion666 said:

You can't expect to focus on one thing until you master it. Unfortunately that's not possible unless you move on to advance in other areas.

If you keep trying to perform and master telekinesis for example and yet you don't move on to open or empower your hand and shoulder chakras or strengthen your soul over time, you're going to be stuck doing that for a long time with very slow or no results at all.

What you are doing is more of hypnotizing yourself to sleep instead of entering an aware trance, which is not bad, you're able to achieve this and it's definitive progress to the concept in and of itself which is to lower your brain waves. But the utilization of a trance is in being able to also simultaneously ground yourself with enough awareness to use this state of your mind in order to perform feats, and well, if you pass out or become too lulled, you'll end up lacking that awareness and control.

If I'm completely honest I never really devoted practice or real training to do a trance and yet recently in the past month I've discovered to be able to enter one within mere seconds with intent alone when I decided to really try, and I have tried it before when I was newer and not as advanced, I achieved next to nothing back then and ended up giving up on it because I was frustrated. The reason I'm suddenly able to do it so easy now after like a 5 year gap is because over the years I had focused on developing other factors of my soul, chakras and mind and I became experienced with the act of 'intent' through other means in directing energy and empowering myself, freeing my chakras and centres and so on, so I already had a good foundation to perform it on so it came easier to me.

So don't try to push yourself into mastering something that doesn't yet have all of the areas covered in order to perform it, you may only end up frustrating yourself. You can't drive a car until you build it first.
I have a question

I can feel a buzzing/tingling feeling in my lower part of body, mostly my legs... This feeling can come like a pulse when ever i want... Some how i can generate it
I can hold on to it for seconds

But i can't feel it in my torso that much

When i do power meditation and especially void meditation after power meditations, i can generate it more powerfully for a little while in all my body

After that it gets normal again

It is not there by it self, it comes whenever i want

So, do you know about this?
What is this?
Is it okay for me to generate it? Or i am wasting it when i do this?
If it is somthing, what can i do with it?

Thank you
Valeh said:

Sensations of energy can vary from heat, tingling, coldness, burning, buzzing, trembling, feelings of adrenaline, shakiness, pressure and even soreness or pain as the body both astral and physical is adjusting to the new energies.
I've been thinking about Nergal for years.
I feel a very strong love for Nergal, and I saw that we must learn more about Daemons that we have that kind of connection, but I can't find much about him.
What should I do?
Sorry my bad English
In the topic of reincarnation.Do we maintain a gender or does gender change in each lifetime? As in am a man now, is there a possibility that I was a woman in my previous lifetime or will I be a woman in my next life? Thanks in advance.
Crying baby said:
In the topic of reincarnation.Do we maintain a gender or does gender change in each lifetime? As in am a man now, is there a possibility that I was a woman in my previous lifetime or will I be a woman in my next life? Thanks in advance.
No, your biological sex is hardwired into your soul, you will always be a man/woman.
Hello fellow Satanic comrades. I have been back on the satanic path, and want too continue to advance myself and prove myself worthy enough too serve the gods. I feel like alot of dross has build up on my soul, and I was also brought up as a christard through the enemy's indoctrination.

As I continue my daily habits of meditation, I have felt a blockage or disturbance at my crown chakra. I was wondering if this was caused by my suspicions above or something I am unaware of like maybe a enemy attack ?

I shall strengthening my resolve and put more emphasis of cleaning the chakras, if that is whats is recommended.
Appreciate any feedback.

Hail SATAN !!!!
Cosmic6999 said:
Do the site have old magick death magick dangerous magick and healing magick

It does. But don’t use death magick as a noob lol
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Satanic Path said:
Hi everyone.
My question is: Is It fine if the blood to put on the dedication comes from another left part of my body, as a wrist or even the fist, and not the index finger?
I just can't get any blood from it.
I finally had the opportunity to get three Little sharp blades.
I understood I needed to take action as I was tired of waiting, and I just went to my neighbour asking him for a razor blade to shave myself, telling him I had a small party to go to.
I hate myself for not having thought about it before... the problem was so simple.
Thank you for your time.
Bless you all!
It can come from anywhere on your body. Do whatever is safest and easiest.

To get the blood out of your left index finger is a sign of respect. Soo... do not use blood from your nose or open wounds or stuff like that..
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Do the site have old magick death magick dangerous magick and healing magick
Why don't you read the website and see? What reason is there to ask anyone?

Because some people are lazy af and value their time more than the time of others
NinRick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Satanic Path said:
Hi everyone.
My question is: Is It fine if the blood to put on the dedication comes from another left part of my body, as a wrist or even the fist, and not the index finger?
I just can't get any blood from it.
I finally had the opportunity to get three Little sharp blades.
I understood I needed to take action as I was tired of waiting, and I just went to my neighbour asking him for a razor blade to shave myself, telling him I had a small party to go to.
I hate myself for not having thought about it before... the problem was so simple.
Thank you for your time.
Bless you all!
It can come from anywhere on your body. Do whatever is safest and easiest.

To get the blood out of your left index finger is a sign of respect. Soo... do not use blood from your nose or open wounds or stuff like that..

I've cut my left fist, is it okay?
About luciferian order.could it be a satanic organization? I have read some of their books and found the information is related to what is on the jos website.
Satanic Path said:
NinRick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It can come from anywhere on your body. Do whatever is safest and easiest.

To get the blood out of your left index finger is a sign of respect. Soo... do not use blood from your nose or open wounds or stuff like that..

I've cut my left fist, is it okay?

Don’t worry this is perfectly fine^^

Just one time someone wanted to use blood from his nose.. and this is not okay
Hi, getting a reply asap will be appreciated, my parents found out that I'm satanic and I'm trying to convince them in all ways that I can no longer worship the false god, things are getting hot and I have no one to turn too, I've not talked to or seen demons and I think I'm about to be either homeless or totally drowned in the false religion, Xianity, therefore HELP!!
Machinery said:
Hi, getting a reply asap will be appreciated, my parents found out that I'm satanic and I'm trying to convince them in all ways that I can no longer worship the false god, things are getting hot and I have no one to turn too, I've not talked to or seen demons and I think I'm about to be either homeless or totally drowned in the false religion, Xianity, therefore HELP!!

Oh brother...

From my experience, some people, especially xians are too far gone to be saved. They are just like worms. I told my sister about Satan and the gods, she still prays to YHWH, gets seriously sick and prays even more, called in an argument we had the Gods „Monsters“. Do not try to convince them, they are beyond any salvation. They are just like earth-worm. Let them drown in their own dirt.

Now what you do is, you tell your parents that they are right. Pretend to be a christ. In your heart you still love Satan and you are still a Satanist. Just pretend for your parents to be like them. Or just say that you are an atheist.. however do not say that you are a Satanist, this is way too dangerous.

Clean your aura, build an Aura of protection (returning curses 1&2) and bind your parents, so they do not do anything that will harm you in any way.

Lie to your parents, let them believe that you are like them or an atheist

Are you still underage?
Machinery said:
Hi, getting a reply asap will be appreciated, my parents found out that I'm satanic and I'm trying to convince them in all ways that I can no longer worship the false god, things are getting hot and I have no one to turn too, I've not talked to or seen demons and I think I'm about to be either homeless or totally drowned in the false religion, Xianity, therefore HELP!!
If you're a teen then they can't legally evict you. If not then try to fix things, or try to buy time and find a jobs and a place to stay.
I am yet confused about using zasitr mantra. (1) Here, my question is : After vibrate ,Will I visualize my aura red or Will I visualize enemies aura red? Here i am confused.
Machinery said:
Hi, getting a reply asap will be appreciated, my parents found out that I'm satanic and I'm trying to convince them in all ways that I can no longer worship the false god, things are getting hot and I have no one to turn too, I've not talked to or seen demons and I think I'm about to be either homeless or totally drowned in the false religion, Xianity, therefore HELP!!

You can say to your parents that you are not satanist anymore, but you can still stay satanist and continue doing RTR-s secretly.
Whenever I do void meditation with my eyes open the world around the point I am focusing on starts to get extremely distorted. The best way to describe it is that it looks like this.


The rippling water effect. everything sort of bleeds together.

Is this normal?
Greetings to all!

This morning, almost falling asleep, I felt what I have felt for years that my body would vibrate and that would be just a paralysis of ordinary sleep, and right after a lucid dream or astral trip. But instead the vibration was so strong that it scared me and I had to mentally scream for Satan to help me and I think it stopped and came back to vibrate a little less.

I already clean my aura every day, do you recommend increasing it for a longer work of Suraye vibration for aura protection? Or would it be my own energies

My body vibrated so much that I thought it was going to explode literally.

I have been consistent in meditation for a few months.
Hi guys

What do you think about using maigic mushrooms just one time?

I never did, but some people are saying this helped them with accessing the spritual realm... Like it opens the gates

Do you have any personal experience on this to confirm or deny this?
NinRick said:
Machinery said:
Hi, getting a reply asap will be appreciated, my parents found out that I'm satanic and I'm trying to convince them in all ways that I can no longer worship the false god, things are getting hot and I have no one to turn too, I've not talked to or seen demons and I think I'm about to be either homeless or totally drowned in the false religion, Xianity, therefore HELP!!

Oh brother...

From my experience, some people, especially xians are too far gone to be saved. They are just like worms. I told my sister about Satan and the gods, she still prays to YHWH, gets seriously sick and prays even more, called in an argument we had the Gods „Monsters“. Do not try to convince them, they are beyond any salvation. They are just like earth-worm. Let them drown in their own dirt.

Now what you do is, you tell your parents that they are right. Pretend to be a christ. In your heart you still love Satan and you are still a Satanist. Just pretend for your parents to be like them. Or just say that you are an atheist.. however do not say that you are a Satanist, this is way too dangerous.

Clean your aura, build an Aura of protection (returning curses 1&2) and bind your parents, so they do not do anything that will harm you in any way.

Lie to your parents, let them believe that you are like them or an atheist

Are you still underage?
I'm still underage and I just felt the conviction like a message that I have to pretend to not be a satanist cause my parents were inviting pastors, I gave them life threatening lies and I got disappointed, like they don't care if I die for the false one or stay in poverty, as I'm typing this my mother has started a vigil every night to pray to the false god that I will not become a satanist which is very annoying and funny. I'm currently working on making money and leaving this place cause I can't stand going to the false god church or reading his rubbish word, it annoys my spirit, though I'm the only one I physically know that's on this path, I tried convincing my best friend but he's also deeply rooted, so I don't have friends and I have no family to turn too, I've opened my third eye tried to summon the Gods but nothing :cry: , I know I'm under attack from the false god because I experience lots of bad luck lately but I hope I see all through.

I'm sorry I just had to pour all this out, I'm just 17 and things are not really looking, but no matter what I will never turn to the false god and so I end this with.

Valeh said:
Hi guys

What do you think about using maigic mushrooms just one time?

I never did, but some people are saying this helped them with accessing the spritual realm... Like it opens the gates

Do you have any personal experience on this to confirm or deny this?
Never do it, they fuck you up mentally. These people are drugged out retards who will never have access to their soul consciously, while these idiots need drugs to have "spiritual" experiences you can have them consciously if you take the time to meditate.
Valeh said:
Hi guys

What do you think about using maigic mushrooms just one time?

I never did, but some people are saying this helped them with accessing the spritual realm... Like it opens the gates

Do you have any personal experience on this to confirm or deny this?
Sure you "open senses" with huge price to pay. You open yourself to enemy attacks at the same time and fuck your mind up. Other thing is that you don't have any control over beings stronger than you, and there are many. You would just make Gods busy protecting you with that stupidness. What's the point when you can get the same results with meditating every day. Yes, it takes effort, and that's how it's supposed to be. The easy route (pop some pills, do some shrooms, etc.) always has huge side effects which can't be ignored.
Valeh said:
Hi guys

What do you think about using maigic mushrooms just one time?

I never did, but some people are saying this helped them with accessing the spritual realm... Like it opens the gates

Do you have any personal experience on this to confirm or deny this?

I did mushrooms before as well.

They are just drugs, and those guys who say thdy made „spiritual experiences“ because of those mushrooms, are just pretty stupid.
They are just people who love to take drugs lmao.

There is nothing spiritual about it.
It can also cause psychological harm.
5Elements said:
Whenever I do void meditation with my eyes open the world around the point I am focusing on starts to get extremely distorted. The best way to describe it is that it looks like this.


The rippling water effect. everything sort of bleeds together.

Is this normal?

Yes. It is like smoke around candle light that I see when I get really focused. don't worry just keep on doing void meditation daily.

Valeh said:
Hi guys

What do you think about using maigic mushrooms just one time?

I never did, but some people are saying this helped them with accessing the spritual realm... Like it opens the gates

Do you have any personal experience on this to confirm or deny this?

Extremely frowned upon.

Depending on outside substances to artificially stimulate spirituality causes detriment to the soul and chakra's health and makes you weakened and debilitated. It also causes holes in the aura which enables negative and malevolent forces and energies to more easily and strongly affect you. Most of us who have been here for a very long time in advancement can do things more efficiently and positively than any drug or 'shroom' can do, and we're able to do it all by ourselves with our own abilities any time, anywhere. Reliance on such things makes you dependent and pathetic in personal power. If you try or rely on drugs and trash like mushrooms in opening up to the astral and 'psychic ability', you won't be considered a real mage here at all, just a weak and pitiful excuse of a dabbler.

Stay away from that garbage if you know what's good for you, there's nothing 'magic' about them.
NinRick said:
Satanic Path said:
NinRick said:
To get the blood out of your left index finger is a sign of respect. Soo... do not use blood from your nose or open wounds or stuff like that..

I've cut my left fist, is it okay?

Don’t worry this is perfectly fine^^

Just one time someone wanted to use blood from his nose.. and this is not okay
I made the dedication a few days ago and used blood from my nose.
Now that I know I have done a disrespectful thing, I will ask Satan for forgiveness by visualizing his signet.
Do I also have to do something else to be forgiven?

Taio said:
5Elements said:
Whenever I do void meditation with my eyes open the world around the point I am focusing on starts to get extremely distorted. The best way to describe it is that it looks like this.


The rippling water effect. everything sort of bleeds together.

Is this normal?

Yes. It is like smoke around candle light that I see when I get really focused. don't worry just keep on doing void meditation daily.


That's a perfect way to describe it! It's like everything around the object just bleeds together like smoke. Thank you for helping me describe it and than you for helping me realize what it is.
Tejas said:
NinRick said:
Satanic Path said:
I've cut my left fist, is it okay?

Don’t worry this is perfectly fine^^

Just one time someone wanted to use blood from his nose.. and this is not okay
I made the dedication a few days ago and used blood from my nose.
Now that I know I have done a disrespectful thing, I will ask Satan for forgiveness by visualizing his signet.
Do I also have to do something else to be forgiven?


There is no need for any of this, you made the dedication sincerely that's all that truly matters. Nose, finger, fist, leg, it doesn't matter where you find it easiest to get the blood from, blood is blood, the purpose of it from yourself is to simply associate your soul's energy on the more solid level of the material plane to the dedication as a formal spiritual bond as our blood has direct power from our soul.

You don't need to "ask for forgiveness".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
