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even though i'm new, can I have an astral temple? I do not have any privacy to do a standard ritual for Father Satan, how do I ask him to consecrate my astral temple so?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Xon said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Thoughtforms dissipate on their own in time without use and without being 'fed' or maintained. Your decisions with your own magic and spirituality are your own.
My doubt came from the fact that I read that thoughtforms can absorb negative energy and return to their creator to cause harm, so I want to avoid putting myself in harm's way.

If you are talking about a full-blown servitor (a more 'solidified' and 'living' construct of energy) then yes this is the case, of which you can clean it just like you'd clean your own soul. But if you are casually working with energy and manifestations for, say, a money working for example, then this is the case I mean where it dissipates on it's own in that this is not servitor but thought energies fed towards a specified goal.

If you no longer need your servitor at the present time, I personally would not destroy it as it could be used again at a later date. You should really only have cause for destroying your servitor if it becomes unruly, you lose control over it, it 'turns against' you or it becomes so incredibly corrupted and tainted with negative/enemy energies that it is unsalvageable by your own capabilities. To destroy a servitor, vibrate it's name in reverse and will with intent to reverse engineer it's total and complete energy composition, dissipating it's energies to return to the astral as a formless state, aether and black energy as a void element is good in helping with this.

But like I said, I encourage that you hold to your servitor, it is a lesser soul that does your bidding and is essentially a responsibility you should utilize to great effectiveness. You can create an astral quarantine within your astral temple somewhere to withhold and contain your servitor until you require it's services again, be it fifty or a thousand years later. There are mages with servitors that have lasted with them through many lifetimes.

When working with multiple servitors do not put them in the same 'room' together in your astral temple, keep them separated in their own chambers (you can design these chambers to cater to the rulerships and purpose of that servitor). They should remain there until you need them again and I would advise thoroughly cleaning them as much as you can in every aspect and empowering their energies before sending them to their designated quarters.

The decision is up to you in the end though.
Thanks a lot, brother. I find this very useful and interesting.
I've already noticed great effects (and some maybe not so great when I didn't properly direct the energies) from the material mars square, (almost completed)
and now I want to do a spiritual mars square, along with a material sun square.

Is it totally fine to do 2 squares at one time? Or should I only do one square at a time?

It only takes a couple of minutes per day depending on the repetitions. I want to know if anyone's tried it before, what did you experience?
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
InX said:
Is this authentic?


If so, why did he say "the struggle against the Jews a Satanic power had taken over our country?"
Because the population he was speaking to was mostly christians, so he described it in a way for them to understand.
I don't think he actually said that. Remember that footage has been edited by professional voice actors. This is the "Hitler wuz xian" meme.
I think when He said that the Jews had no power over Germany, it was the National Socialists who took over the country.
Invictus said:
I've already noticed great effects (and some maybe not so great when I didn't properly direct the energies) from the material mars square, (almost completed)
and now I want to do a spiritual mars square, along with a material sun square.

Is it totally fine to do 2 squares at one time? Or should I only do one square at a time?

It only takes a couple of minutes per day depending on the repetitions. I want to know if anyone's tried it before, what did you experience?
You can't do 2 squares for the same planet. Because you are doing the mantra more times, and you are not doing the correct numbers for each day. Both squares are ruined and broken if you try to do that.

But you can do 2 squares for 2 different planets, because each planet has a different mantra. So the numbers don't get messed up then. But be very careful not to mix them up and say the wrong mantra.

When I void meditate, and when I vibrate AUM (today during the opening of the heart chakra), but mostly when I VM, I see this exact pattern: (check my avatar, I tried to draw it as precisely as possible). Sorry, I don't know how to post an image. I tried but it didn't work.

I see a black circle with slight pink violet in the center, bordered by intense indigo, like a peacock's feather. There are waves of yellow, red and green going towards this "black circle" in the middle of my field of view. When this happens, it feels like I am in a tunnel and lights are moving from outside my field of view towards this black center. The circle gets bigger sometimes, and I want to approach it my field of view never gets all black or all purple. When I get too close, I just loose focus, and the image disappears. Sometimes this circle gets bigger and bigger as if I am approaching it. This happens with my eyes closed, regardless if it's dark or light in the room, and it also happens with my eyes open. Then the images overlap. What is this?

Is this merely my retina receiving electric impulses? If so then, why does this image manifest only during mediation?

Thank you for your guidance.
Hail Satan!
Ion said:

When I void meditate, and when I vibrate AUM (today during the opening of the heart chakra), but mostly when I VM, I see this exact pattern: (check my avatar, I tried to draw it as precisely as possible). Sorry, I don't know how to post an image. I tried but it didn't work.

I see a black circle with slight pink violet in the center, bordered by intense indigo, like a peacock's feather. There are waves of yellow, red and green going towards this "black circle" in the middle of my field of view. When this happens, it feels like I am in a tunnel and lights are moving from outside my field of view towards this black center. The circle gets bigger sometimes, and I want to approach it my field of view never gets all black or all purple. When I get too close, I just loose focus, and the image disappears. Sometimes this circle gets bigger and bigger as if I am approaching it. This happens with my eyes closed, regardless if it's dark or light in the room, and it also happens with my eyes open. Then the images overlap. What is this?

Is this merely my retina receiving electric impulses? If so then, why does this image manifest only during mediation?

Thank you for your guidance.
Hail Satan!
Are there any bright lights anywhere when this happens? Sounds like what it looks like when you look at a bright light bulb and get some damage on your eyes that takes a few minutes to go away.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ion said:

When I void meditate, and when I vibrate AUM (today during the opening of the heart chakra), but mostly when I VM, I see this exact pattern.
Thank you for your guidance.
Hail Satan!
Are there any bright lights anywhere when this happens? Sounds like what it looks like when you look at a bright light bulb and get some damage on your eyes that takes a few minutes to go away.

No. It happens in my room where light is diffuse during the day. And at night I don't use light props during meditation. My room is dark with only a candle light 2 m away from me. But this is different than the small red dot flame imprint. It's an irregular circle that looks like a sun only its black. The deeper I am in meditation, the bigger it gets and the brighter the colors.

Thank you for making this post possible :)

I had a specific question of guidance with steps to follow :?:

What is the steps and exercises to fly?

Be greatly appreciated.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!
I wish Maxine would have written more about mental illness in regards to Satanism. I'm very interested in the causes of things like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and psychosis in general, as well as what someone who has one of these diagnoses should do as they pursue godhead. I know on one of the power meditations pages she says to not proceed with some of the meditations (the opening chakras) if you are on psychiatric medications, but she doesn't say what will happen if you do, nor does she specify a type of psychiatric medication.

I am diagnosed bipolar--have been for over a decade--and I am currently on a monthly Invega injection (antipsychotic) and 200 mg daily of Lamictal (an anti-epileptic prescribed to me as a mood stabilizer). I'm just starting to do the power meditations, and I'm wondering how much my situation will affect my progress/journey. Rather than depression, my main problem if I'm off of meds has been manic episodes where I either become delusional and impulsive, at worst, or I lose track of time and live in fantasy land (not eating/bathing and instead live in my head) at best. These manic episodes are usually preceded and accompanied by insomnia.

My psychiatrist is pretty cool, though. He even let me try going med-free recently, although this was before I decided to get into any sort of meditations. The attempt failed, with me becoming insomniac and unable to function (eat, bathe, etc.) once the Invega was out of my system, experiencing a mixture of anxiety and an inability to tune out "voices" (not sure how much were imagined and how much were actual entities). We hadn't even touched my Lamictal yet, as we were weaning me one med at a time. Eventually, I got sick of the "voices" pestering me, and I volunteered to go back on the Invega so I could go back to living a normal life. I was very sad in making this decision. However, I am on a low dose of Invega (78 mg, the second to lowest dose) and my psychiatrist is even willing to let me be on the lowest dose (39 mg). For reference, most psychiatrists don't let a patient go below 117 mg with Invega. He lets me keep Ambien and a low-dose prescription of Zyprexa on hand for emergencies, particularly for when I experience insomnia that could lead into mania (unfortunately, neither of these really helped during my recent episode, hence why I volunteered to go back on my injection).

I am now doing void meditations (something which I now see I should have started doing long ago), aura cleansing, chakra alignment and spinning, breath of fire, and I've even been so bold as to start the opening the soul/opening the chakras, despite the warning not to proceed while on psychiatric meds without the okay from a physician. It didn't say why, or what type of psychiatric med, and I doubted my psychiatrist would care, doubting he would understand it (if anything, he'd probably think "meditation" and be like, "yeah, meditation is good!" lol).

So if too little energy causes depression, what causes mania? Too much energy? How does one address that (especially if it's episodic)? How should one proceed with awakening kundalini in a situation like mine? And how/when to wean off of meds?

I tried posting this as its own topic, but it didn't get approved. Not sure why. :?:
maddcat0 said:
Are those with psychiatric diagnoses welcome in these forums?
Work a lot on aura cleaning and void meditation.
Ok, it got approved. :) Whew! I was feeling pretty darn hurt for a while there! I guess it must have just gotten buried among other members' posts. I'm can be a little sensitive sometimes, so I jumped to conclusions last night before it got approved.
I have found these Enochian vibrations very powerful, it felt like a painless burn on my skin. I came up with it on my own, I will translate it, you can verify the translation yourself and I’ll mention how to pronounce it.

Micaloz a Enai Satanas Blans


This means “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects./The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

I could not find the Enochian word for ‘me’ but this worked well regardless.

I visualised a blue fire around me and vibrated it into myself 108 times, then affirmed 3 times in English “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”
Where did the Jews come from? I thought Satan created all humans? So how did the Jews become Jewish? And how did the greys infiltrate our species?
Gigipah.666 said:
I have found these Enochian vibrations very powerful, it felt like a painless burn on my skin. I came up with it on my own, I will translate it, you can verify the translation yourself and I’ll mention how to pronounce it.

Micaloz a Enai Satanas Blans


This means “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects./The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

I could not find the Enochian word for ‘me’ but this worked well regardless.

I visualised a blue fire around me and vibrated it into myself 108 times, then affirmed 3 times in English “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”
This is not the right thread.
If "Beelzebub" means "lord of the flies" and is a slanderous alteration of Ba'al's true name, should we still call him that? Do we still call him Beelzebub? And what is the status/view of flies in regards to him? Are they still representative of him? Or should we refrain from associating him with flies completely?
Was thinking to create new topic but I'll ask around here. I've been having quite a big issue recently with thoughforms that it is making me mad. I read somewhere that they'll keep doing that if we keep giving them attention. I tried ignoring them but sometimes, man they hit hard with some really disrespectful thoughts towards Gods and I end up just apologising knowing it's the enemy that's doing this but still, I don't know why am I doing that.
Do I just try my best to keep ignoring them?
I know this has probably been answered but I didn't know what key words to search.
Many thanks for any help
Do high ranking demons ever act as guardian demons for individuals? Because I think Beelzebub is my guardian demon.
Am very happy to serve Satan with all my soul.
My worry is I don't know how to meet with my guidance angel still confused with the stages.
But I have done my dedication rituals already.
Living with my parents,
If I can live independently to adore my master Lucifer am sure this will hastened my encountered with my Creator (SATAN
Hello to all of you brothers and sisters! First of all sorry for my bad english if theres any :oops: i'm planing to do a working with runes for killing my father on 08.08, i saw that 08.08 is a good date for black magick and on this date is his birthday also; i couldnt hope for a better day
Now i hope that i dont get any bad feedback for wanting to do this working... I was a slave in my family mentally and physically for around 10y and this crap s gotta end, i am so fed up with this, the pain and misery is unbearable already.. I want to use Thurisaz, Uruz and Hagl, all of them together for nine times then the affirmation nine times.. He has a severe heart disease and it will be easy to direct the energies.. Any thoughts? :?
Serpent dream

This is by far the weirdest dream I've ever had, if anyone can help me interpret it, that would be very helpful.

I was picked from a crowd by a tall dark haired man in the midst of a city; others were trying to win his favor or services but he wasn't interested in them, I also felt more aware or enlightened, (this might have been more representative of being more aware of the global situation than non-satanists). Then he took me up some flights of stairs winding around buildings, and somehow ended up at the top of a rocky mountain, standing at the top of the peak with the man to my right. The man changed in appearance, he had long blonde hair. He told me that he was going to give me a weapon to use against the enemy, and I was given by this man a white hollowed rod. I held this rod up from one end towards the sky, and out of the end facing the sky flowed out seven white snakes, extending out from the pipe about a foot or more(they had a bit of a shine to them). Lightning began to strike.

Then I was taken immediately to my desk, in front of my computer where I do my RTRs and rituals, the man sitting to the right of my desk. The staff was beside me, serpents still on one end, hissing. (After this point I was on the brink of waking up, so the rest might be irrelevant, as I had more control over the dream) Under my desk crawled a white snake and it bit my right foot, I felt fine afterwards. I woke up. Then I went back to sleep, and yet another dream where I live in a much bigger home with sculptures, gates for doors, and fine furniture, things like that. I woke up again.

I've tried using search engines to find the meaning of the seven serpents, but I keep getting xian crap about how the serpent is evil and that it represents absolutely horrible things no matter what(which is false). Also apparently white snakes are good luck.
hey guys
does anyone actually know that is there any difference between satan - lucifer - shiva?
if there is, what is it ?

It is, therefore, more probable that Baal-Zebub, “Lord of Flies” [which occurs only in a very late narrative, one which has a pronounced didactic tendency], is a contemptuous uneuphonic Jewish modification of the true name, which was probably Baal-Zebul, 'Lord of the High House.'

At any rate, the late Hebrew narrator or, if we will, an early scribe may have resented the application of such a title as 'Lord of the high house' [which suggested to him either Solomon's temple or the heavenly dwelling of Yahwi, to the Ekronite God, and changed it to 'Lord of flies,' Baal-Zebub. This explanation throws light on three proper names,- JEZEBEL, ZEBUL, and ZEBULON, 'from thy [high house] of holiness and glory.'


maddcat0 said:
If "Beelzebub" means "lord of the flies" and is a slanderous alteration of Ba'al's true name, should we still call him that? Do we still call him Beelzebub? And what is the status/view of flies in regards to him? Are they still representative of him? Or should we refrain from associating him with flies completely?
Satan did create all humans. Jews are not humans.


maddcat0 said:
Where did the Jews come from? I thought Satan created all humans?
Machinery said:
Hi, my posts are mostly ignored and I wish this one won't be, I created a WhatsApp group with few satanist I met here, is that alright?

We are all newbies that need enlightening, most of us stay in hostile backgrounds can't really do some of the Meditations, would anyone like to join to help us out or to share knowledge?

I would join!
Aquarius said:
Gigipah.666 said:
I have found these Enochian vibrations very powerful, it felt like a painless burn on my skin. I came up with it on my own, I will translate it, you can verify the translation yourself and I’ll mention how to pronounce it.

Micaloz a Enai Satanas Blans


This means “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects./The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

I could not find the Enochian word for ‘me’ but this worked well regardless.

I visualised a blue fire around me and vibrated it into myself 108 times, then affirmed 3 times in English “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”
This is not the right thread.
Good for you. It’s the left thread.
Gigipah.666 said:
Good for you. It’s the left thread.

Dude don't be rude this is a thread for beginners to ask questions about spiritual advancement and other matters relating to Satanism. It's not for you to express your gratitude for the enochian vibrations, instead write a topic about it and post it in the main forum or any other forums but not here which is a topic for beginners to ask questions.

Siola said:
Machinery said:
Hi, my posts are mostly ignored and I wish this one won't be, I created a WhatsApp group with few satanist I met here, is that alright?

We are all newbies that need enlightening, most of us stay in hostile backgrounds can't really do some of the Meditations, would anyone like to join to help us out or to share knowledge?

I would join!
Very bad idea. Whatsapp is owned by Facebook. The entire purpose of that app is to allow facebook, and the Chinese and Israeli governments, to spy on every detail of your communications. Spy on everything you say, and also collecting microphone and video recordings and your location all without telling you. It is one of the absolute worst ways to communicate if you think that privacy has any value. Plus there is artificial intelligence that looks for specific words and topics and puts an alert in the system that you are talking about something they don't like, and this tells them to pay attention and spy on you even more.

There is nothing that facebook, China, and Israel hates more than Satanists, power meditations, RTR, and anybody who knows about jews. You want them to see you talking about everything that they hate most. Many countries do not have freedom of religion, especially muslim countries, and some countries will put you in jail for being a Satanist. Muslim and communist countries both execute Satanists. And Whatsapp will tell them about it.

This is our forum here. This is our place for those kinds of discussions. You are literally on the exact topic for asking for help on any problem. You don't need some communist jewish spying app to ask us for help with anything.
Gigipah.666 said:
I have found these Enochian vibrations very powerful, it felt like a painless burn on my skin. I came up with it on my own, I will translate it, you can verify the translation yourself and I’ll mention how to pronounce it.

Micaloz a Enai Satanas Blans


This means “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects./The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

I could not find the Enochian word for ‘me’ but this worked well regardless.

I visualised a blue fire around me and vibrated it into myself 108 times, then affirmed 3 times in English “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

That burn on your skin is probably from all the drugs you shoot up.

Just use Algiz for protection, you also need to do SATANAMA.
Am very happy to serve Satan with all my soul.
My worry is I don't know how to meet with my guidance angel still confused with the stages.
But I have done my dedication rituals already.
Living with my parents,
If I can live independently to adore my master Lucifer am sure this will hastened my encountered with my Creator (SATAN
You can keep living with your parents. Satan wants you to be comfortable and prosperous. Satan does not want you to act like a slave, you don't need to worship him like people worship christian "god."

You already have a guardian. You will learn who it is when you are able to know who it is. Just keep working on making yourself better, and you will keep getting better.
Ardgion said:
Was thinking to create new topic but I'll ask around here. I've been having quite a big issue recently with thoughforms that it is making me mad. I read somewhere that they'll keep doing that if we keep giving them attention. I tried ignoring them but sometimes, man they hit hard with some really disrespectful thoughts towards Gods and I end up just apologising knowing it's the enemy that's doing this but still, I don't know why am I doing that.
Do I just try my best to keep ignoring them?
I know this has probably been answered but I didn't know what key words to search.
Many thanks for any help
Just keep ignoring them, and keep doing the RTR. The whole thing those thought-forms are trying to do is they want to stop you from doing the RTR. The gods are not offended by it, they know it is not your thoughts.
Hi I wanted to do a planetary square for mercury to help with learning and memory. It says on the jos sight to do it on a Wednesday but I also see on the calendar that another optimal date is one the 3rd of august when it’s in Aquarius. I’m wondering which would be more effective waiting for another time for a planetary working or doing a regular 40 day one on the third? Thanks
Dragoness1998 said:
Is a planetary square ruined if you are interrupted in the middle of doing the mantras? I was interrupted half way through but continued it afterwards.

Well if you did too many reps or too few the entire square is ruined.
Lets say you have to vibrate a Mantra, lets say 40 for today. You already did 30, got interrupted, resumed with your square and did 10 additional reps, then chances are good that you die not ruined your entire working.

How ever if you did 30, stopped and did another 40 well then your square is ruined, if you ask me.
What does it mean to vibrate a rune or a mantra? How do you do it?

Why do Satanists on the forum condemn alcohol when the standard ritual page says to poor a cup of wine?

On the meditations where you breathe in energy can I imagine the energy coming in on the exhale as if I've created a vacuum that is being filled up with energy? It feels a lot more natural that way for me. Also this goes for the elemental invocations in that for example with fire I imagine my body to be simmering lightly with flame on the inhalation and then on the exhale I flare it up and feel it as intensely as possible. It's because I breathe light from the Buteyko method... can't really undo that now.
I'm still wondering if high-ranking demons are ever assigned to people as their guardian demon...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
