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Shrekelstein said:
It is, therefore, more probable that Baal-Zebub, “Lord of Flies” [which occurs only in a very late narrative, one which has a pronounced didactic tendency], is a contemptuous uneuphonic Jewish modification of the true name, which was probably Baal-Zebul, 'Lord of the High House.'

At any rate, the late Hebrew narrator or, if we will, an early scribe may have resented the application of such a title as 'Lord of the high house' [which suggested to him either Solomon's temple or the heavenly dwelling of Yahwi, to the Ekronite God, and changed it to 'Lord of flies,' Baal-Zebub. This explanation throws light on three proper names,- JEZEBEL, ZEBUL, and ZEBULON, 'from thy [high house] of holiness and glory.'


maddcat0 said:
If "Beelzebub" means "lord of the flies" and is a slanderous alteration of Ba'al's true name, should we still call him that? Do we still call him Beelzebub? And what is the status/view of flies in regards to him? Are they still representative of him? Or should we refrain from associating him with flies completely?

Yes, this is why I was asking. She says it's a slander on his name, but she continues to call him that as she writes the page. So, should we call him Beelzebub or not?
I don't understand the use of love spells. Isn't it better to have faith that you will be taken care of by the Gods and get to meet the right person at the right time?
Hello. :)

I don't know if this topic has been discussed before, if so, I apologize in advance.

I was wondering. There are people who, when they read about Demons to find their Guardian Demon, they did not feel something compared to others.
What would be the cause?
Could it be because this is their first life in which they are Satanists?
Or could they have some blockages?
maddcat0 said:
I'm still wondering if high-ranking demons are ever assigned to people as their guardian demon...
Yes, they are.
maddcat0 said:
Shrekelstein said:
It is, therefore, more probable that Baal-Zebub, “Lord of Flies” [which occurs only in a very late narrative, one which has a pronounced didactic tendency], is a contemptuous uneuphonic Jewish modification of the true name, which was probably Baal-Zebul, 'Lord of the High House.'

At any rate, the late Hebrew narrator or, if we will, an early scribe may have resented the application of such a title as 'Lord of the high house' [which suggested to him either Solomon's temple or the heavenly dwelling of Yahwi, to the Ekronite God, and changed it to 'Lord of flies,' Baal-Zebub. This explanation throws light on three proper names,- JEZEBEL, ZEBUL, and ZEBULON, 'from thy [high house] of holiness and glory.'


maddcat0 said:
If "Beelzebub" means "lord of the flies" and is a slanderous alteration of Ba'al's true name, should we still call him that? Do we still call him Beelzebub? And what is the status/view of flies in regards to him? Are they still representative of him? Or should we refrain from associating him with flies completely?

Yes, this is why I was asking. She says it's a slander on his name, but she continues to call him that as she writes the page. So, should we call him Beelzebub or not?[/quote]

To tell the truth I dont know I just call him Bael most the time. Its kind of like Astaroth some people say that is offensive too some still use it just like they still use Beelzebub. I try to use one of the other names when referring to her too such as Ishtar or isis etc.
I don’t know how can I invoke/evoke water would you say to me how I can do it
And I lost my relationship with my gf and I am so remorseful I don’t know how can I fix this.trying to make magic and I do it everyday but things are just ruins more
i am open your advices.
Have a good day
Hey guys, is the 3th of August a good day to start a inteligence working? I think i read it somewhere on the forum but can't find it now.
Olivia said:
Hello. :)

I don't know if this topic has been discussed before, if so, I apologize in advance.

I was wondering. There are people who, when they read about Demons to find their Guardian Demon, they did not feel something compared to others.
What would be the cause?
Could it be because this is their first life in which they are Satanists?
Or could they have some blockages?

If your not open to the spiritual at all your not going to get much even if your guardian is right there. Doing meditation for maybe even just a few months consistently depending on the person can help as they will start to feel energy and sense the energy of their Gaurdian. It's nothing to be concerned about as we all start at different levels. I personally was able to sense a little energy when starting out like if I did sanskrit Mantras and felt a little something at my dedication but I was not able to see and hear the Gods or sense that much. A lot of people start out with very little to no sensitivity its nothing to be ashamed of I was there too.
Gigipah.666 said:
I have found these Enochian vibrations very powerful, it felt like a painless burn on my skin. I came up with it on my own, I will translate it, you can verify the translation yourself and I’ll mention how to pronounce it.

Micaloz a Enai Satanas Blans


This means “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects./The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

I could not find the Enochian word for ‘me’ but this worked well regardless.

I visualised a blue fire around me and vibrated it into myself 108 times, then affirmed 3 times in English “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

Be very careful with this stuff. Glad I I this cause I actually did study enochian a few years ago and try to write a few things myself. You have one of the names of the xtian God in here just a warning this connects you to enemy energy be very careful with this. ENAEE is one of the names of the xtian god/YHVH thoughtform. It even is commonly used in the enochian angelic magick bullshit that you should have nothing to do with. Most of the ones that say The Lord or God or Lord etc are most certainly not referring to Satan. You will know this if you even studied a little of where this originally came from.

Enochian is not the most powerful thing I know and it can sound cool but saying stuff that connects you to the xtian God is just Dumb as it does have some energy to it as you know from doing this. If your going to do something like this make sure you really actually know what your saying before doing it ok. This actually doesnt protect you it opens you up to attack what you said there even with the word Satan in it.
Gigipah.666 said:
I have found these Enochian vibrations very powerful, it felt like a painless burn on my skin. I came up with it on my own, I will translate it, you can verify the translation yourself and I’ll mention how to pronounce it.

Micaloz a Enai Satanas Blans


This means “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects./The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

I could not find the Enochian word for ‘me’ but this worked well regardless.

I visualised a blue fire around me and vibrated it into myself 108 times, then affirmed 3 times in English “The Light of The Lord Satan Protects me.”

To give an example of how the energy would go here would be "the light (empowering) of the xtian God then Satan and Protect. See this still connects you to and empowers the xtian thoughtform with this protecting is last after "god" and Satan just added in there. So you still have xtian energy going over whatever it is your protecting in the mind of the energy.

That is what I mean. Hope this helps if you want to ask me more about enochian start a regular topic on the main JOS group I will answer but just know a lot of people will tell you this doesnt much matter or is dumb and the rtrs are more powerful. But it does have some energy so if you like it on a side project note it's not complely worthless. This is off topic for here though. But I just wanted to warn you what you really were saying that's all.
Invictus said:
I've already noticed great effects (and some maybe not so great when I didn't properly direct the energies) from the material mars square, (almost completed)
and now I want to do a spiritual mars square, along with a material sun square.

Is it totally fine to do 2 squares at one time? Or should I only do one square at a time?

It only takes a couple of minutes per day depending on the repetitions. I want to know if anyone's tried it before, what did you experience?

He is asking I believe if you can do both the material and spiritual square at the same time. The two mantras would be different one ending in namah and one in svaha or someone could do long for one and short for the other. You obviously cant do two of the same type of square at the same time.

About The material and spiritual at the same time. Dont know to be honest. If you want to find out I would suggest waiting for the Jupiter square as its shorter so if this doesnt work you didnt waste as much time and effort.

However I think this would weaken both a little just like doing two different squares at the same time would example Mars and Sun.

I dont totally see why not totally though if you do this later report back your results I have been curious about this as well no one ever honestly answered it back when I asked.
slyscorpion said:
Invictus said:
I've already noticed great effects (and some maybe not so great when I didn't properly direct the energies) from the material mars square, (almost completed)
and now I want to do a spiritual mars square, along with a material sun square.

Is it totally fine to do 2 squares at one time? Or should I only do one square at a time?

It only takes a couple of minutes per day depending on the repetitions. I want to know if anyone's tried it before, what did you experience?

He is asking I believe if you can do both the material and spiritual square at the same time. The two mantras would be different one ending in namah and one in svaha or someone could do long for one and short for the other. You obviously cant do two of the same type of square at the same time.

About The material and spiritual at the same time. Dont know to be honest. If you want to find out I would suggest waiting for the Jupiter square as its shorter so if this doesnt work you didnt waste as much time and effort.

However I think this would weaken both a little just like doing two different squares at the same time would example Mars and Sun.

I dont totally see why not totally though if you do this later report back your results I have been curious about this as well no one ever honestly answered it back when I asked.
I'll let you know; I'm currently on it, about a week in for each, material sun square plus a spiritual mars square. So far for mars, the expected sacral chakra on overdrive with typical effects like increased sex drive and noticeable increase in bio energy, as well as it being easier to circulate orgasmic energy, the lingering effects seem to last a good while as well.
For the sun.... I'm not sure yet as it is physical, so I'm still waiting on something out of the ordinary to happen, other than more auspicious dreams ( i'm unsure if it has to do with the square). For context, with the physical mars square, I attracted a decent amount of money, but only from about halfway through it and the larger amount towards the end for a total of about 1500 USD. It could have been more, but I slacked off on directing the energies as well as I could have, which resulted in residual energy bringing some unwarranted hostility from several people.

Anyways, I'll update you on the end result.
slyscorpion said:
Olivia said:
Hello. :)

I don't know if this topic has been discussed before, if so, I apologize in advance.

I was wondering. There are people who, when they read about Demons to find their Guardian Demon, they did not feel something compared to others.
What would be the cause?
Could it be because this is their first life in which they are Satanists?
Or could they have some blockages?

If your not open to the spiritual at all your not going to get much even if your guardian is right there. Doing meditation for maybe even just a few months consistently depending on the person can help as they will start to feel energy and sense the energy of their Gaurdian. It's nothing to be concerned about as we all start at different levels. I personally was able to sense a little energy when starting out like if I did sanskrit Mantras and felt a little something at my dedication but I was not able to see and hear the Gods or sense that much. A lot of people start out with very little to no sensitivity its nothing to be ashamed of I was there too.
Yes but I was referring to the fact that when you read on the site about Demons, you know, when you want to find who your Guardian Demon is, there are people who feel an attraction for a Demon and in the end that Demon is their Guardian Demon and some people who seek it do not feel an attraction for somebody. Why?
In the sense that you are looking for your Guardian Demon and you do not know who he is. You keep reading their characteristics but you don't feel that attraction that others feel.
Are all non-Satanic entities our enemy? Are there demons/other entities that are not Satan's that are not our enemies? Who is and is not our enemy (besides the obvious)?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This article, The House of Satan, shows what we are all about here :D

Here is a 6 month meditation program, similar to the 40 day one

Here is a PDF version of the Joy of Satan website. To make it easier to read the whole thing. But this pdf is old, there is more information on the website that has been updated

Here is a copy of the page for doing the Final RTR

Here is instructions for Kundalini Yoga
And instructions for Hatha Yoga

Here is the Chronos XP Planetary Hours program. So you accurately know when to plan your workings according to planet influences.

:D :D :D

The files are no longer available. :(
Who (not what) are the incubi/succubi? Are they ever any of the demons listed on the Joy of Satan website? Or are they usually lower-level demons whose names you have to figure out on your own (if you're lucky or advanced enough to even be able to do so)? How does one identify their incubus/succubus?
melmelxmoon said:
-what are the other names/versions of athena, zeus, odin, hermes, hades, Dionysos, apollo and seth (I've found Sekhmet)?
-and why would they make themselves known to an average christian 12 yo girl? And what does it mean if Athena chose to be somewhat of a patron to me?
-why did I have most of my exp with greek gods when I'm nordic/celtic?
-why did I have these experiences with these exact demons?
-Odin invited me to worship him and the nordic gods at 13? what does that mean?

1) You can find the other names on wikipedia, usually it will say, on the page for Zeus, what he is known by in other cultures.

2) It means they think you are worth the time investment. Likely reason is that you had a past relationship with them, which also explains you being drawn to meditation and being open to their psychic interactions with you. It is not just a coincidence.

3) Perhaps just what your brain was most familiar with. The interactions are based upon your experiences, so if your brain was familiar with greek gods more, than that is how they appeared to you. I don't think there are any racial implications. The gods are the same, regardless of the cultural lens applied.

4) They were trying to steer you on the correct path and reestablish connection with you.

5) Same as above.
maddcat0 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This article, The House of Satan, shows what we are all about here :D

Here is a 6 month meditation program, similar to the 40 day one

Here is a PDF version of the Joy of Satan website. To make it easier to read the whole thing. But this pdf is old, there is more information on the website that has been updated

Here is a copy of the page for doing the Final RTR

Here is instructions for Kundalini Yoga
And instructions for Hatha Yoga

Here is the Chronos XP Planetary Hours program. So you accurately know when to plan your workings according to planet influences.

:D :D :D

The files are no longer available. :(

I removed thos folders, I don't have them anymore. But Sabazios had it all saved, and he uploaded his own copy. You can use these links below that Sabazios uploaded, and it has all the same things.

Sabazios said:
This is the stuff of Argedco

And here is the folder with HC videos (I don't think they are all though)

They are labels for Demons that choose to have romantic/sexual relationships with humans. If you feel confused by the terms just call them Demon lovers

maddcat0 said:
Who (not what) are the incubi/succubi?

They could be, but usually no.

maddcat0 said:
Are they ever any of the demons listed on the Joy of Satan website?

Demon lovers aren't like Guardian Demons. Not every dedicated Satanist has one. You have to do a ritual asking Satan to send you one as it's indicated in the JoS page about them. If you do a ritual and you're astrally open they'll contact you so you don't have to do any work finding their name.

Or are they usually lower-level demons whose names you have to figure out on your own (if you're lucky or advanced enough to even be able to do so)? How does one identify their incubus/succubus?
Invictus said:
slyscorpion said:
Invictus said:
I've already noticed great effects (and some maybe not so great when I didn't properly direct the energies) from the material mars square, (almost completed)
and now I want to do a spiritual mars square, along with a material sun square.

Is it totally fine to do 2 squares at one time? Or should I only do one square at a time?

It only takes a couple of minutes per day depending on the repetitions. I want to know if anyone's tried it before, what did you experience?

He is asking I believe if you can do both the material and spiritual square at the same time. The two mantras would be different one ending in namah and one in svaha or someone could do long for one and short for the other. You obviously cant do two of the same type of square at the same time.

About The material and spiritual at the same time. Dont know to be honest. If you want to find out I would suggest waiting for the Jupiter square as its shorter so if this doesnt work you didnt waste as much time and effort.

However I think this would weaken both a little just like doing two different squares at the same time would example Mars and Sun.

I dont totally see why not totally though if you do this later report back your results I have been curious about this as well no one ever honestly answered it back when I asked.
I'll let you know; I'm currently on it, about a week in for each, material sun square plus a spiritual mars square. So far for mars, the expected sacral chakra on overdrive with typical effects like increased sex drive and noticeable increase in bio energy, as well as it being easier to circulate orgasmic energy, the lingering effects seem to last a good while as well.
For the sun.... I'm not sure yet as it is physical, so I'm still waiting on something out of the ordinary to happen, other than more auspicious dreams ( i'm unsure if it has to do with the square). For context, with the physical mars square, I attracted a decent amount of money, but only from about halfway through it and the larger amount towards the end for a total of about 1500 USD. It could have been more, but I slacked off on directing the energies as well as I could have, which resulted in residual energy bringing some unwarranted hostility from several people.

Anyways, I'll update you on the end result.

Are you saying Mars phyical Square can be used for money?

That might be helpful cause Mars rules an area of my chart that deals with that.

I didnt know that would work though I will have to try it.
Shrekelstein said:
If you do a ritual and you're astrally open they'll contact you so you don't have to do any work finding their name.

But what if I want to call my incubus by name? Or is that not something you do with an incubus? Do they not have names? I'd read the page about incubi on the site before posting my question, so I already understood the basics that you covered.
slyscorpion said:
Are you saying Mars phyical Square can be used for money?

That might be helpful cause Mars rules an area of my chart that deals with that.

I didnt know that would work though I will have to try it.
It works. Obviously the sun square is preferred, however.

I'll tell you the affirmation I used everyday from the beginning in case it helps. I used a modified version of the "wealth and prosperity" ritual:
"AAAUUUUMMM""I am now growing in material wealth and power, in a positive and healthy manner for me, and am permanently protected and prosperous in all ways, now continuously, and forever." "AAAUUUUMMM" (several repetitions until all energy is directed)

Next time I might reduce it to just material wealth and power to focus it in more.

Be warned though, if people start to get aggressive with you, from family to strangers, it MIGHT be the square's (outward influencing) energy not completely benefiting you. I'm sure you'll take into consideration your current mars placement in your progressions, transit, natal, solar return, and lunar return. Including aspects.
maddcat0 said:
How do our members view faeries/fairies? What are they really?

I think these are like elementals that can be found in Nature. Some of these things still supposedly exist. If you go into nature and meditate you might experience them I was told this by another Satanist a long time ago. However you have to be open. I think these are not harmful more like neutral another form of spiritual life not really involved in what we are doing one way or the other.
Olivia said:
slyscorpion said:
Olivia said:
Hello. :)

I don't know if this topic has been discussed before, if so, I apologize in advance.

I was wondering. There are people who, when they read about Demons to find their Guardian Demon, they did not feel something compared to others.
What would be the cause?
Could it be because this is their first life in which they are Satanists?
Or could they have some blockages?

If your not open to the spiritual at all your not going to get much even if your guardian is right there. Doing meditation for maybe even just a few months consistently depending on the person can help as they will start to feel energy and sense the energy of their Gaurdian. It's nothing to be concerned about as we all start at different levels. I personally was able to sense a little energy when starting out like if I did sanskrit Mantras and felt a little something at my dedication but I was not able to see and hear the Gods or sense that much. A lot of people start out with very little to no sensitivity its nothing to be ashamed of I was there too.
Yes but I was referring to the fact that when you read on the site about Demons, you know, when you want to find who your Guardian Demon is, there are people who feel an attraction for a Demon and in the end that Demon is their Guardian Demon and some people who seek it do not feel an attraction for somebody. Why?
In the sense that you are looking for your Guardian Demon and you do not know who he is. You keep reading their characteristics but you don't feel that attraction that others feel.

Every Satanist that dedicates at least that is serious and going to advance has a Gaurdian Demon. It is possible to have a Gaurdian not listed on the site I believe as there are a lot of Gods out there.

It might have to do with What personality fits you the most too and your elements possibly. Who I strongly believe my Gaurdian is as he is the main one that has come around me has the same main element as me and a personality that gets along with mine well. Not to mention his zodiac position is where my north Node is.

Though no one has straight up said that they are my Gaurdian I am still working on becoming more open though.

It is not problematic I dont think if someone asks through Satan for help in finding out who their Gaurdian is.

Either that or they can just wait and keep trying to advance eventually their Gaurdian will show themselves.
Abyss said:
Hello to all of you brothers and sisters! First of all sorry for my bad english if theres any :oops: i'm planing to do a working with runes for killing my father on 08.08, i saw that 08.08 is a good date for black magick and on this date is his birthday also; i couldnt hope for a better day
Now i hope that i dont get any bad feedback for wanting to do this working... I was a slave in my family mentally and physically for around 10y and this crap s gotta end, i am so fed up with this, the pain and misery is unbearable already.. I want to use Thurisaz, Uruz and Hagl, all of them together for nine times then the affirmation nine times.. He has a severe heart disease and it will be easy to direct the energies.. Any thoughts? :?
Can i get any help on this please? It s my first working with runes and i would like to know if this is a good combination (i mean on the reps) thanks in advance for any help
So, I just read some posts from HP's about Hitler and I was a little bit confused.
I read that Hitler had some other religious people fighting with him and gave them even gifts:

''It was a pendant with a small Koran. Hitler was honoring them with this small symbolic gift. He was honoring them with what was the most important aspect of their lives and their history. National Socialist racialism was loyal to the German race and totally respected all other races.”

I know that the NS stood for their own race but that confused me, can someone explain this? :?:

And I now know that race mixing is not a good thing and that you shouldn't even sleep with someone who has a different race because there will be a spiritual bonding in some way, but what if I fall in love with someone not my race? Do I just need to avoid any romantic relationship and get over my feelings? Isn't there already a spiritual bonding when I feel very attracted to someone not my race? And what about best friends? Isn't there a bonding too? For example, a asian girl and a black girl are just best friends for years and everythings fine... But what about the bonding thing?? I feel really bond to a friend of mine who is white but half turkey and half italy, I'm brown but half turkey and half brazil... Is other racial friendship okay? And, is she even my race? Our skin is different but wer're both half from turkey so I'm confused, I still don't really know which race I belong to because I can't call myself black or white... Please help me out with this.

So, now the adoption part. I can't have kids on my own, it's just sadly not possible. So I would adopt one. Should I adopt a kid my race? Is adoption as it is even a good thing? Should i consider something else???

Hope for replies, I'm really a bit lost :)
maddcat0 said:
Are all non-Satanic entities our enemy? Are there demons/other entities that are not Satan's that are not our enemies? Who is and is not our enemy (besides the obvious)?

No there are ones not even involved in the war that can be on the spiritual as there are a lot of worlds out there and not all of them would hate us but they are not going to visit us either most likely. Almost all non Satanic entities that would appear to us probably are of at least they are suspicious and might have their own agenda that's not great. This is why you always want to be sure who your talking to is of Satan.
Abyss said:
Abyss said:
Hello to all of you brothers and sisters! First of all sorry for my bad english if theres any :oops: i'm planing to do a working with runes for killing my father on 08.08, i saw that 08.08 is a good date for black magick and on this date is his birthday also; i couldnt hope for a better day
Now i hope that i dont get any bad feedback for wanting to do this working... I was a slave in my family mentally and physically for around 10y and this crap s gotta end, i am so fed up with this, the pain and misery is unbearable already.. I want to use Thurisaz, Uruz and Hagl, all of them together for nine times then the affirmation nine times.. He has a severe heart disease and it will be easy to direct the energies.. Any thoughts? :?
Can i get any help on this please? It s my first working with runes and i would like to know if this is a good combination (i mean on the reps) thanks in advance for any help

In my honest opinion if you want to do something as drastic as a killing with energies and have to ask advice for it, you are not ready for that yet...

Work on cleaning and empowering your soul and focus on studying first...
Abyss said:
Abyss said:
Hello to all of you brothers and sisters! First of all sorry for my bad english if theres any :oops: i'm planing to do a working with runes for killing my father on 08.08, i saw that 08.08 is a good date for black magick and on this date is his birthday also; i couldnt hope for a better day
Now i hope that i dont get any bad feedback for wanting to do this working... I was a slave in my family mentally and physically for around 10y and this crap s gotta end, i am so fed up with this, the pain and misery is unbearable already.. I want to use Thurisaz, Uruz and Hagl, all of them together for nine times then the affirmation nine times.. He has a severe heart disease and it will be easy to direct the energies.. Any thoughts? :?
Can i get any help on this please? It s my first working with runes and i would like to know if this is a good combination (i mean on the reps) thanks in advance for any help
I saw that comment, and I ignored it purposefully. Nobody is going to help you with that.
In making a black mirror, is it ok to use multiple layers of black nail polish instead of enamel?
Hi I am new to satanism and I have question
What is RTR
could you explain clearly
Sabazios said:
FluffyMott said:
Hello all

Would like to ask where do i find out how to summon or contact or find out who my spirit guardian is?
I suppose you mean how to find your Guardian Demon, so read this topic

hello yes that is what i ment thank you
maddcat0 said:
Shrekelstein said:
If you do a ritual and you're astrally open they'll contact you so you don't have to do any work finding their name.

But what if I want to call my incubus by name? Or is that not something you do with an incubus? Do they not have names? I'd read the page about incubi on the site before posting my question, so I already understood the basics that you covered.

Do incubi have names?
i did not know much english cause of that I want your help
in Final RTR ritual the sentence { blot the herbew letters out completely } what does it mean
do you have a video to blotting
shekeb said:
i did not know much english cause of that I want your help
in Final RTR ritual the sentence { blot the herbew letters out completely } what does it mean
do you have a video to blotting

You can print the ritual on paper and blot out the letters, meaning for example use black colour to paint over hebrew letters to erase them.


You can use online tools for Final RTR, such as:



Hail Satan :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
