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Buona sera, ho iniziato il mio cammino con Padre Satana da poco. Vorrei sapere se dopo il rituale d'iniziazione si dovrebbe sentire qualcosa, perchè quando l'ho fatto non ho potuto bruciare il foglio con la preghiera, quindi mi stanno venendo dei dubbi che non abbia funzionato. Dovrei rifarlo quando posso bruciarla oppure è normale all'inizio non sentire niente?
Buona sera, sono nuova e quando ho fatto il rituale d'iniziazione non ho potuto bruciare il foglio. Quindi ho un po' di dubbi se sia riuscito o no, quando si fa il rituale si deve sentire spiritualmente qualcosa? Oppure l'ho fatto male? Se l'ho fatto male lo posso rifare o non posso più?
Nives said:
Buona sera, sono nuova e quando ho fatto il rituale d'iniziazione non ho potuto bruciare il foglio. Quindi ho un po' di dubbi se sia riuscito o no, quando si fa il rituale si deve sentire spiritualmente qualcosa? Oppure l'ho fatto male? Se l'ho fatto male lo posso rifare o non posso più?
Benvenuta, se sul foglio sei riuscita a metterci del tuo sangue la dedica è valida, sono in pochi quelli che riescono a farla perfettamente :lol: Comunque questo è il forum inglese, abbiamo un sub-forum italiano dove puoi scrivere in italiano, qui si dovrebbe scrivere in inglese.
Raynaray said:
So I asked father Satan for a sign and I went to bed soon after. Right as I was about to fall asleep I was jolted awake by what felt like someone shoving into my back. When I say jolted I mean I jumped. It was unpleasant. Is this likely an enemy? I definitely have an eerie feeling. Like someones watching me.

Yeah lol. Satan would never just shove you. Beyond that, you would never feel a creepy, watched feeling from him. It is just one of those retards trying to scare you. I had a friend who was also undedicated, and he started trying the basic aura cleaning.The next day, he told me he had the most awful nightmares.

What are the implications of this? That means someone doesn't want you to have a relationship with Satan. Is that because it would make you weaker? No, lol, it is because it would make you powerful and threatening to them. In my opinion, Satan did not give you a sign in that incident, but you got a confirmation that you were making the right choice, nonetheless.

Keep your eyes out for a sign. Also, how did you ask him, did you mediate on his sigil? I don't think is required, but it certainly helps. The sigil is like a "radio link" to him.

Additionally, you can also dedicate to him to receive his protection, and then watch for or ask again for a sign. You might still get nightmares if you don't have an aura of protection, but I doubt you would actually get shoved again. If, for whatever reason, you decide you don't want to be dedicated to him, you can always rescind it without any trouble.
I need help making a satanic rosary. I just received my baphomet pendant and I'm super excited to use it. Please help.
Ors666 said:
Is the moon going to be in taurus on aug 10? I checked 2 different websites and they both gave me a different result.
Hi everyone ! glad to be here.
I'm new and I posted a new thread but seems like it's not showing.
I was kindly asking where I can find a list of demons and what they can help you with, following the guide on how to summon demons.
Thanks in advance !
Ors666 said:
I did a rune reading on myself and got;
Fehu - Reverse Ehwaz - Reverse Thurisaz

On my description it basically said I presently have luck but it would lead to powerlessness against circumstances and powerful forces threatening me. How should I work around that?
Sounds like nonsense. What do you mean by that? You pay some random non-Satanist person to pull some runes out of a bag, and that's supposed to mean something?
Tyler1176 said:
Hi everyone ! glad to be here.
I'm new and I posted a new thread but seems like it's not showing.
I was kindly asking where I can find a list of demons and what they can help you with, following the guide on how to summon demons.
Thanks in advance !
Find that right here
I afraid of dark room. When I go to my ritual, I close my door and shut the light of my room and then I afraid to do ritual. Before staring any ritual, I vibrate the rune ALGIS 15 times and I affirm " I am always safe , secure protected and healthy in everyway" 10 times. I also do Aura Of Protection. But, nevertheless I afraid. Sometimes I feel Someone is here in my room. Please, tell me how Can I protect myself completely before starting ritual?
Tyler1176 said:
Hi everyone ! glad to be here.
I'm new and I posted a new thread but seems like it's not showing.
I was kindly asking where I can find a list of demons and what they can help you with, following the guide on how to summon demons.
Thanks in advance !
The threads and posts are moderated by the HP s, so it takes some time to get through. For your question I ve sent a reply in your thread.
Hi everyone ! glad to be here.
I'm new and I posted a new thread but seems like it's not showing.
I was kindly asking where I can find a list of demons and what they can help you with, following the guide on how to summon demons.
Thanks in advance !

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Tyler1176 said:
Hi everyone ! glad to be here.
I'm new and I posted a new thread but seems like it's not showing.
I was kindly asking where I can find a list of demons and what they can help you with, following the guide on how to summon demons.
Thanks in advance !
Find that right here

thank you very much ! can't wait to get started, but have so many questions
Sabazios said:
Tyler1176 said:
Hi everyone ! glad to be here.
I'm new and I posted a new thread but seems like it's not showing.
I was kindly asking where I can find a list of demons and what they can help you with, following the guide on how to summon demons.
Thanks in advance !
The threads and posts are moderated by the HP s, so it takes some time to get through. For your question I ve sent a reply in your thread.

Sure, silly me ;)
thank you very much
Kurat said:
Hi everyone ! glad to be here.
I'm new and I posted a new thread but seems like it's not showing.
I was kindly asking where I can find a list of demons and what they can help you with, following the guide on how to summon demons.
Thanks in advance !


Thanks to you too !
Hello everybody!

I've just finished doing my daily fRtR.
I would like to ask two questions : at first, can I open the ritual with my own invocational prayer, or should I just stick to the one given by the clergy?
And then can I begin with SATANAS before I start the vibration and close with AUM after I'm done?

PS.: sorry for grammatical errors
Blitzkreig said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

What have you been up to this whole time?

Persevering and surviving as a warrior of Satan's of course.
I need to know how are the ancient Egyptians directly associated with satanism. I know how, but I’m trying to explain this to someone who is very simple minded and I’m not good at explaining things. I know that they worked with satan and even built structures in ancient Egypt, I know that they are connected to the black race. But the JOS website only tells so much information. can somebody go a little more in depth so I can better explain this to someone else ?
It’s been a while since I been on this site I’m still empowering no progress yet but why is that I pick a meditation program and I’m working on my soul y’all wouldn’t send no psychic attack against if I’m working with y’all now would y’all anyways I have a couple of questions I been working with foundation meditation and I’m starting to feel a lil energy is foundation meditation helps with manipulation of energy right and now I’m working with the trance state and the third eye chakra and working on a lot but it’s moving so slow any advice
Cosmic6999 said:
It’s been a while since I been on this site I’m still empowering no progress yet but why is that I pick a meditation program and I’m working on my soul y’all wouldn’t send no psychic attack against if I’m working with y’all now would y’all anyways I have a couple of questions I been working with foundation meditation and I’m starting to feel a lil energy is foundation meditation helps with manipulation of energy right and now I’m working with the trance state and the third eye chakra and working on a lot but it’s moving so slow any advice

Dude. These things take time. It takes years to clean soul, not to speak of empowering. Keep on doing what you do, and in due time you will see bigger results.

I like the weight lifting analog: It takes years for string armed boy to reach high level bench press for example. Persevere!
Xon said:
I have two question:
Where can I find the shorter version of planetary mantras?
Can a work (runic or similar) be protracted for more of 90 days?

im kinda rusty on this but you can bind protection (intention) to a clear quartz rock(google it) i believe and then use other rocks to charge that one to keep the intention going strong you just need to keep the rocks outside to charge periodically

I've been following you for quite a while in the shadows. I took the time to get to know the community well, and I made my dedication, following the awakening of my Kundalini and the opening of my third eye.

I am French, and I was already following the fight on an Enkiste front.

Currently, I am working on the 40 days program, the runes and Spiritual Warfare.

I started seriously doing Final RTR twice a day minimum a few days ago.

I still notice strange things, I alternate between phases where I literally feel like shit, and others where I feel full of energy, I guess that's normal?

Knowing that it's been a few months, that I'm starting to study... understand that I clearly didn't have the basics when it comes to protection and curse destruction.
I was born into a xian home. Went to church twice a week and sometimes was sent to church camps during the summer. As I got older I started questioning things. When I actually read the bible I saw contradictions, cruelty, and suppression. I turned atheist, and started to doubt any god existed. Eventually I was introduced to Satanism and dedicated. I've learned the bible is twisted truths, predictive programming, and occult crafts I probably am not fully aware of. My question is in regards to the bible scriptures and some of the bs that is in there. Satan has shown me the truth, I am able to see through the lies in that book. I am wondering though, how do you all feel about referencing some things in there when trying to reveal the true plan of the enemy. For example the bible mentions the mark of the beast. There will be something that the jevv releases that is exactly what the bible says is the mark. How do you, preferably a HIGH clergy member feel about us using that scripture against it. If I thought something was "the mark" and telling people don't take that shit! I would have better luck convincing them not to take it if I referenced the scripture compared to me telling them it's the freakn commi kike trying to really own you! But yeah, hopefully you understood my question and I apologise it's such a long post.
Ors666 said:
Does anyone know what foods or herbs strengthen the aura?

I read something about coffee doing a little bit of that, but other than that I don't know.

From my experience I feel like CBD stabilises it.

Is there anything beyond that? And please don't tell me just meditate or do some vibrations to your aura, I'm asking about something I can physically consume for it.

We have something built inside us, something inherent, so no need for external stimuli to advance ourselves spiritually. Quite the contrary.

This is a spiritual path, and for that to be succesful we need to do spiritual stuff. Mantras, meditations, breathing exercises etc. instead of herbs and stuff.

There is of course place for herbs and stuff in some health cases, for physical stuff, but we are talking about spiritual stuff so spiritual stuff applies to it.
BrightMorningStar said:
I was born into a xian home. Went to church twice a week and sometimes was sent to church camps during the summer. As I got older I started questioning things. When I actually read the bible I saw contradictions, cruelty, and suppression. I turned atheist, and started to doubt any god existed. Eventually I was introduced to Satanism and dedicated. I've learned the bible is twisted truths, predictive programming, and occult crafts I probably am not fully aware of. My question is in regards to the bible scriptures and some of the bs that is in there. Satan has shown me the truth, I am able to see through the lies in that book. I am wondering though, how do you all feel about referencing some things in there when trying to reveal the true plan of the enemy. For example the bible mentions the mark of the beast. There will be something that the jevv releases that is exactly what the bible says is the mark. How do you, preferably a HIGH clergy member feel about us using that scripture against it. If I thought something was "the mark" and telling people don't take that shit! I would have better luck convincing them not to take it if I referenced the scripture compared to me telling them it's the freakn commi kike trying to really own you! But yeah, hopefully you understood my question and I apologise it's such a long post.

I think your best bet would be to do Final RTR so that jews power would dwindle and people would see through that shit.

Convincing heavily programmed people with scriptures is not a good approach in my opinion.

All that being said some people will not leave those dead religions even after they are exposed. How would you know who can be persuaded away from xtianity, for example, and who not.

Hence, best approach is Final RTR.
Ors666 said:
Does anyone know what foods or herbs strengthen the aura?

I read something about coffee doing a little bit of that, but other than that I don't know.

From my experience I feel like CBD stabilises it.

Is there anything beyond that? And please don't tell me just meditate or do some vibrations to your aura, I'm asking about something I can physically consume for it.

I don't yet know of anything that helps with the aura specifically but Buer (supposedly, I cannot guarantee it was actually him every step of the way even though I made a deal with him for his help, just be wary when believing things like this) taught me a medicinal drink (which was much more stronger and potent than a casual drink to enjoy because it's purposes were strictly medicinal) involving orange pekoe tea with honey to get rid of a microbial sickness in my digestive tract. Both were healed completely in three days of drinking this drink, but it could vary from person to person.

So all I can say from experience is orange pekoe and honey are good for the digestive tract along with lettuce species foods of which was also supposedly taught to me and this in turn, again from my personal experience, definitely helps to strengthen your solar chakra as this rules over the digestive tract and since the solar chakra is your overall spiritual power it could potentially help with strengthening your aura as well.

Hope this helps a bit, and yes, what we eat affects not only our physical health but our spiritual as well in certain ways.
Hi, my posts are mostly ignored and I wish this one won't be, I created a WhatsApp group with few satanist I met here, is that alright?

We are all newbies that need enlightening, most of us stay in hostile backgrounds can't really do some of the Meditations, would anyone like to join to help us out or to share knowledge?
HI I just have a question what are the benefits of increasing our bioelectricity I have read that already but I cannot find that topic
Two weeks ago I created a thoughtform for the first time, to attract money, now the money has come to me. Should I destroy it?
Machinery said:
Hi, my posts are mostly ignored and I wish this one won't be, I created a WhatsApp group with few satanist I met here, is that alright?

We are all newbies that need enlightening, most of us stay in hostile backgrounds can't really do some of the Meditations, would anyone like to join to help us out or to share knowledge?

The forum here is our primary and only real platform of communication. Though creating your own group and hangout is perfectly fine within your own personal freedom, nobody here is forcefully inclined to join your group if they do not want to. I'm saying this just for your awareness.

shekeb said:
HI I just have a question what are the benefits of increasing our bioelectricity I have read that already but I cannot find that topic

Bioelectricity is our vril/witchpower, it is our overall power when it comes to conjuring and manifesting energy from our soul or the astral around us. The more bioelectricity you naturally run off of or raise for a working, the more easily/efficiently/faster the working or desire is manifested as you are putting more power into it than if you were running off of or using very low bioelectricity.

More bioelectricity is more energy and more energy means more power, more power means more efficient magic and more efficient magic means better attained manifestations and desires. This is the benefit of increasing your biolectricity. What you need in cases of high power is high control and discipline over your own mind and will.

Too much power too quickly without the gradual development of control or discipline in mind has spelled disaster and ruin for mages and witches in the past. Your spiritual advancement does not need to be rushed nor should it. Satan is strong with those who have patience.

Xon said:
Two weeks ago I created a thoughtform for the first time, to attract money, now the money has come to me. Should I destroy it?

Thoughtforms dissipate on their own in time without use and without being 'fed' or maintained. Your decisions with your own magic and spirituality are your own.
Machinery said:
Hi, my posts are mostly ignored and I wish this one won't be, I created a WhatsApp group with few satanist I met here, is that alright?

We are all newbies that need enlightening, most of us stay in hostile backgrounds can't really do some of the Meditations, would anyone like to join to help us out or to share knowledge?
Very bad idea. Whatsapp is owned by Facebook. The entire purpose of that app is to spy on everyone. It spys on every thing you do, and sends it all to China and Israel. In some countries of the world, like Muslim countries, the government would kill anybody who is a Satanist. Facebook could tell them about it.

And also, you do not know who is joining your group. It is very easy to lie. Groups like that have been made before, and most of them turned into disasters because somebody in there was really an enemy working to harm everybody else. It is just not worth it, there is no benefit. This is our group here. And if someone tries to give some harmful bad advice, the rest of us will see it and tell the truth.
Is this authentic?


If so, why did he say "the struggle against the Jews a Satanic power had taken over our country?"
Ghost in the Machine said:
Xon said:
Two weeks ago I created a thoughtform for the first time, to attract money, now the money has come to me. Should I destroy it?

Thoughtforms dissipate on their own in time without use and without being 'fed' or maintained. Your decisions with your own magic and spirituality are your own.
My doubt came from the fact that I read that thoughtforms can absorb negative energy and return to their creator to cause harm, so I want to avoid putting myself in harm's way.
Xon said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Xon said:
Two weeks ago I created a thoughtform for the first time, to attract money, now the money has come to me. Should I destroy it?

Thoughtforms dissipate on their own in time without use and without being 'fed' or maintained. Your decisions with your own magic and spirituality are your own.
My doubt came from the fact that I read that thoughtforms can absorb negative energy and return to their creator to cause harm, so I want to avoid putting myself in harm's way.

If you are talking about a full-blown servitor (a more 'solidified' and 'living' construct of energy) then yes this is the case, of which you can clean it just like you'd clean your own soul. But if you are casually working with energy and manifestations for, say, a money working for example, then this is the case I mean where it dissipates on it's own in that this is not servitor but thought energies fed towards a specified goal.

If you no longer need your servitor at the present time, I personally would not destroy it as it could be used again at a later date. You should really only have cause for destroying your servitor if it becomes unruly, you lose control over it, it 'turns against' you or it becomes so incredibly corrupted and tainted with negative/enemy energies that it is unsalvageable by your own capabilities. To destroy a servitor, vibrate it's name in reverse and will with intent to reverse engineer it's total and complete energy composition, dissipating it's energies to return to the astral as a formless state, aether and black energy as a void element is good in helping with this.

But like I said, I encourage that you hold to your servitor, it is a lesser soul that does your bidding and is essentially a responsibility you should utilize to great effectiveness. You can create an astral quarantine within your astral temple somewhere to withhold and contain your servitor until you require it's services again, be it fifty or a thousand years later. There are mages with servitors that have lasted with them through many lifetimes.

When working with multiple servitors do not put them in the same 'room' together in your astral temple, keep them separated in their own chambers (you can design these chambers to cater to the rulerships and purpose of that servitor). They should remain there until you need them again and I would advise thoroughly cleaning them as much as you can in every aspect and empowering their energies before sending them to their designated quarters.

The decision is up to you in the end though.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
InX said:
Is this authentic?


If so, why did he say "the struggle against the Jews a Satanic power had taken over our country?"
Because the population he was speaking to was mostly christians, so he described it in a way for them to understand.
I don't think he actually said that. Remember that footage has been edited by professional voice actors. This is the "Hitler wuz xian" meme.
What does dreaming with a God means? I dreamed with a man similar to the characteristics of my gd, I was not sure if it was him in the dream but I felt that it was him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
