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Ol argedco luciftias said:
True Death said:
Greetings fellow satanists! Hope all is well and everyone here is advancing well daily. I have a few questions regarding the meditations so I can ensure its being done properly.

1) chakra spinning- it states for various chakras to be aligned a specific way (point facing up etc) does this mean I align it first and then spin it? So do I leave my chakras to carry on spinning or do I stop them and then align them after I am done spinning? Sorry if the question sounds confusing, today is my first day doing this meditation and I am Abit confused.

2) yogic breathing- I struggle with this one a lot, but after I am done with the breathing exercise my body feels light and tingles, does this mean I'm doing it right? And does anyone struggle with this because after a few rounds It becomes extremely hard. (I contract my abdominal muscles as hard as possible) is this right or am I trying to hard?

3) Any tips on visualization? I sometimes feel that I'm not trying hard enough or I'm not visualising properly, just want some friendly advice as I'm sure a lot of beginners like myself struggle with it.

4) the final RTR is it recommend to raise energies before doing it or can I just do the rtr? I read that you can but I want to know if raising energies beforehand makes the ritual more powerful.

Sorry if it seems like I'm asking a lot of questions, I do read the JOS website daily but I'm currently busy going through all the sermons which is extremely interesting and informative, my belief is getting stronger daily.
1) You can do those 2 steps seperately in any order, or you can do them at the same time. However you want.

2) That light tingly feeling is exactly what you are trying to have. That means it is working. But you should not be contracting any muscles as hard as you can, there is no need for that. You should be relaxed.

3) Don't worry too much about visualization. Don't try too hard or you can make it harder to do. Just relax and imagine that you can see whatever it is you want to see. And if it is hard for you to see the picture, just relax and know that it is happening anyway.

4) You should definitely raise energy before starting the RTR. Especially as a beginner. If you don't have a lot of energy when you start, it may drain you and it might be harder to get through the whole thing.

Asking questions is not a problem. It means that you are learning more and getting better. Only the dumbest people never asked a question, that's why they never learned anything. I'm not saying that you always have to ask your question to another person, but all the smartest people ask many questions to themself every day. These questions make them try to find answers, and that's what makes them the smartest. So everybody should always be thinking of more questions, or else what are you learning?

Thank you so much for your response!! I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and puts my mind at ease. I will definitely apply what you have told me to my meditations tomorrow morning. Absolutely I have this hunger for knowledge and sometimes spend hours on the JOS website daily. I have never been so dedicated to learning until I dedicated myself to Satan.
I have my final question when I practice working on empowering my soul,
First I was doing a lot of studying and they said what Satanism is focus on working towards empowering our soul to develop telekinesis and telepathy and levitation,

Now I feel that mean something so I am working with empowering and I need to be sure my training notes is correct or if I need to work on mainly,

So I am working with mainly cleaning My aura and meditation for protection,

Working with energy foundation meditation, since it’s all in one meaning void meditation and energy meditation,

And foundation meditation and I’m particularly working with the hand chakras,

And advancing myself cause that’s what father Satan been telling me and I will stick with that,

So I need to know also chakra spinning and breathing exercises as well,

So I need to know if this training planned is good or do I need to add more also opening my third eye chakras,

And focus on empowering so I can talk to Satan himself I believe it fully now,
AlexElPM said:
Hello all fellow SS.

I just want to know your personal tricks to enter on trance. I spent a lot of time trying to enter and it seems impossible to me and I'm getting irritated about it.

I know the JoS tricks, but I want to know YOUR own. Your experience.

Like mentioned here already hatha yoga helps a lot in this case.
But breath is extremely powerful.
Just do this if you want to enter a trance or even a mild trance.( also dont be scared or have any hesitations in trying to get into a trance and not really high expectations of what it would feel like ). I would literally keep doing the Jos exercise for an hour only to realise i cant move so you have to let go to actually fall.
And Practice Practice Practice.
Dont aim for trance as such, just aim for being deeply relaxed.
After hatha yoga , just sit down and even simple 3-3-3 (inhale- hold -exhale with the breath is enough), but do know that when you start to feel your body you are supposed to start the falling exercise.

being in a Lift with the falling is what I preferred as steps made me nervous. Like i am i going down too many flights of stairs of kind of question.

And void void void.
Even when you lie down to sleep just focus completely on a body part and try not to think anything.(, try focusing on your back ( the part touching your bed))
You will feel extremely relaxed and calm, and maybe start falling too.
This will help you in feeling your vril too after yoga or meditation sessions.
And this will be deeply relaxing. I had times when the timer after the yoga session would keep buzzing but I would not feel like moving or just couldnt.
Trance can only be achieved if you are deeply relaxed.

Also keep some back support. When you get into a trance you can very well start slouching.

Combine this with void and your life will be 100 times better.

Also try to find the reasons of why you cant relax as this can be one of main reasons as to not achieving a trance state. Are you tensed about having to do something later? Dont worry about it then . Practice pin point focus and know that multi tasking kills productivity greatly. So why not just focus on the task at hand and then since you will come out relaxed and feeling better your work that was bothering you will also be done rather quickly.
Take Care
Cosmic6999 said:
What should I do?
Foundation Energy Breathing Meditation   

Everybody should be doing this every day. Every beginner on their first day should already start doing this meditation. And everybody who has been doing it for years, they should still be doing this every day. It's just important for everybody.

Opening the Soul       https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/OpeningChakras.html    
Open all of your chakras. Every single one of them, especially all the main ones. Do it in the order that the instructions say to do it in, starting at the top of the list and going down. This order is not for no reason, this order is absolutely necessary. In order of the way energy goes through the soul, if any of the top chakras are closed and blocked, there will be no energy to go to the chakras below it. As you can see, the hand chakras are some of the least important in the entire body. Everything on the list above the hand chakras is more important, and needs to be done first. If you don't do a very complete job of opening and empowering every chakra that is above hand chakras on the list, any effort that you try to do on the hand chakras will be basically worthless because there will be no current of energy flowing through you anyway. No energy through your body = no energy through your hands.

You would have saved yourself a lot of time if you would have listened to any of the many very caring and helpful people who tried to tell you all of this already. You won't get anywhere by being stubborn about dumb things. Just listen to the people who are more experienced and aware then you are, because we all want to help you. Every one of us all has to go through the same kinds of things, so you can learn a lot from the ones who already did it.

Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations      https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html
You do this meditation every day to keep the chakras strong, keep them open, keep the energy current flowing through them, and keep them always getting stronger. This is basically a requirement for everybody. There are some other meditations that could also be done for the same purposes, but this here is one of the best ones so it's a great idea for everybody to all be doing this every day.

While you do this, you can also be spinning the chakras at the same time. There are 2 pages of instructions for that.         
This is easy and doesn't take much more focus to also do this at the same time when you are doing the Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations, so there is no reason not to do it.

After you have already opened all the chakras, and you have been doing the Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations for a few days, you can start doing this next one.
Full Chakra Meditation    

When you do this, you can also include the smaller chakras in your temples, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet. Starting at the top of the head and going down. After you do the 4th chakra, you can do the shoulders and keep going down the chakras in your arms. After you do your base, you can go to your hip chakras and then down your legs. In this one meditation, you can build in the Foundation Energy Breathing Meditation, the Tuning Chakras Through Through Vibrations, and Chakra Spinning.

Kundalini Yoga gets a lot of powerful energy moving through the soul. Very easily, and in a short amount of time, it produces a huge effect.
This is the one I do. If you have been doing all the meditations before this point on this list, for at least a few weeks, then I think you are also ready to be doing the Kundalini Yoga. If you are going to be doing kundalini yoga, I recommend you to do this first right before all your other meditations every day, because this will supply the energy that all the other meditations will be building on.

You can also sometimes do the
Beautiful Meditation From Satan    

This works on empowering your pineal gland and opening all the chakras in your head. But you do not need to do this one every day, because it is a very strong effect. If you have done a lot of this one, you know what I mean. And if you are doing this meditation, you can also do some of this other one along with it.
3rd Eye, Pineal Breathing Meditation     

I recommend doing both of these together, because they are pretty similar and are meant for similar things, so it works good to do them together. You do not need to do these every day, but do them whenever you want to. Maybe once every few days.

So a good schedule every day. If you are a beginner just starting, you first have to do all the steps of the Opening the Chakras. And then for every level of people from the lowest beginner to the most experienced, it would be a good idea for them to include these meditations. Foundation Meditation, Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations, Chakra Spinning, and Full Chakra Meditation. You can do all 4 of these at the same time while you are doing the steps of the Full Chakra Meditation. If you are comfortable with doing all of those, then you can also add in Kundalini Yoga. If you do Kundalini Yoga, that should be the first thing you do right before doing the other meditations.

Then you can also add in some other things if you want to. Like King and Queen, or Raum.

And of course doing the Final RTR every day. This removes curses and blockages away from you and makes everything else easier.
This is a very easy and great way to do the RTR.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations      https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html
You do this meditation every day to keep the chakras strong, keep them open, keep the energy current flowing through them, and keep them always getting stronger. This is basically a requirement for everybody. There are some other meditations that could also be done for the same purposes, but this here is one of the best ones so it's a great idea for everybody to all be doing this every day.

Hello, I've been reading your reply and I would like to implement the Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations into my routine. I was just wondering how do I go about doing this sort of meditation? and the third eye isn't included on there either so perhaps I would use THAUM for tuning the third eye or is this not important?
Does doing this meditation help unblock the chakras faster?

I would like to ask what kind of benefits would doing this meditation have on the Third Eye? I understand the third eye isn't the only chakra on the soul but through my limited knowledge I've always thought to open the other chakras you should have the Third Eye opened first.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:
What should I do?
Foundation Energy Breathing Meditation   

Everybody should be doing this every day. Every beginner on their first day should already start doing this meditation. And everybody who has been doing it for years, they should still be doing this every day. It's just important for everybody.

Opening the Soul       https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/OpeningChakras.html    
Open all of your chakras. Every single one of them, especially all the main ones. Do it in the order that the instructions say to do it in, starting at the top of the list and going down. This order is not for no reason, this order is absolutely necessary. In order of the way energy goes through the soul, if any of the top chakras are closed and blocked, there will be no energy to go to the chakras below it. As you can see, the hand chakras are some of the least important in the entire body. Everything on the list above the hand chakras is more important, and needs to be done first. If you don't do a very complete job of opening and empowering every chakra that is above hand chakras on the list, any effort that you try to do on the hand chakras will be basically worthless because there will be no current of energy flowing through you anyway. No energy through your body = no energy through your hands.

You would have saved yourself a lot of time if you would have listened to any of the many very caring and helpful people who tried to tell you all of this already. You won't get anywhere by being stubborn about dumb things. Just listen to the people who are more experienced and aware then you are, because we all want to help you. Every one of us all has to go through the same kinds of things, so you can learn a lot from the ones who already did it.

Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations      https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html
You do this meditation every day to keep the chakras strong, keep them open, keep the energy current flowing through them, and keep them always getting stronger. This is basically a requirement for everybody. There are some other meditations that could also be done for the same purposes, but this here is one of the best ones so it's a great idea for everybody to all be doing this every day.

While you do this, you can also be spinning the chakras at the same time. There are 2 pages of instructions for that.         
This is easy and doesn't take much more focus to also do this at the same time when you are doing the Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations, so there is no reason not to do it.

After you have already opened all the chakras, and you have been doing the Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations for a few days, you can start doing this next one.
Full Chakra Meditation    

When you do this, you can also include the smaller chakras in your temples, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet. Starting at the top of the head and going down. After you do the 4th chakra, you can do the shoulders and keep going down the chakras in your arms. After you do your base, you can go to your hip chakras and then down your legs. In this one meditation, you can build in the Foundation Energy Breathing Meditation, the Tuning Chakras Through Through Vibrations, and Chakra Spinning.

Kundalini Yoga gets a lot of powerful energy moving through the soul. Very easily, and in a short amount of time, it produces a huge effect.
This is the one I do. If you have been doing all the meditations before this point on this list, for at least a few weeks, then I think you are also ready to be doing the Kundalini Yoga. If you are going to be doing kundalini yoga, I recommend you to do this first right before all your other meditations every day, because this will supply the energy that all the other meditations will be building on.

You can also sometimes do the
Beautiful Meditation From Satan    

This works on empowering your pineal gland and opening all the chakras in your head. But you do not need to do this one every day, because it is a very strong effect. If you have done a lot of this one, you know what I mean. And if you are doing this meditation, you can also do some of this other one along with it.
3rd Eye, Pineal Breathing Meditation     

I recommend doing both of these together, because they are pretty similar and are meant for similar things, so it works good to do them together. You do not need to do these every day, but do them whenever you want to. Maybe once every few days.

So a good schedule every day. If you are a beginner just starting, you first have to do all the steps of the Opening the Chakras. And then for every level of people from the lowest beginner to the most experienced, it would be a good idea for them to include these meditations. Foundation Meditation, Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations, Chakra Spinning, and Full Chakra Meditation. You can do all 4 of these at the same time while you are doing the steps of the Full Chakra Meditation. If you are comfortable with doing all of those, then you can also add in Kundalini Yoga. If you do Kundalini Yoga, that should be the first thing you do right before doing the other meditations.

Then you can also add in some other things if you want to. Like King and Queen, or Raum.

And of course doing the Final RTR every day. This removes curses and blockages away from you and makes everything else easier.
This is a very easy and great way to do the RTR.

I do feel energy through my hand chakras always I do
Stormblood said:
Libra said:
Satanic_truth88 said:
Doing a hatha yoga routine before meditation will launch you straight into a trance once you are proficient at correctly doing the poses/asanas. A trance state is just a state of relaxation. You go into a trance when you are falling asleep. You don't need any special techniques. Just close your eyes, relax and clean your aura to get the energy going

I’ve always felt like a trance state was a step below relaxation. Like I can be relaxed but not necessarily in a trance. It’s hard to describe but maybe it’s because I feel like I only have an on and off switch. When I lie down to sleep, I’m out almost instantly.

But I will try that and see if it helps. I need to be doing more yoga anyway. It might be why my mind is so all over the place. Thank you for the advice.

So, sit instead of lying. Cross-legged (lotus/half-lotus or easy pose), in thunderbolt pose (on your heels, basically), or fully squatted (bum touching the ground, basically and foot fully on the floor, of course)... whichever is most relaxing for you Sitting on a chair is not a natural position for human beings. As such, sitting for too long brings postural issues and other imbalances. The more one does, the more it takes to fix them later on.

Oh I do that already. I would never have gotten any meditation done if I didn’t. I just meant to imply that I don’t really hit a relaxation phase before going to sleep when lying down. Same in a chair. Not that I try to meditate in either position. It’d be impossible, posture aside. It’s just lights off immediately for me.
Cosmic6999 said:
I do feel energy through my hand chakras always I do
I'm not saying you don't. But whatever that amount is, it is extremely weaker than it would be if the rest of your soul was open. So if that's something you really care about, you need to do a lot of work on all your other chakras too. Or else you are just wasting your time.

Think of your soul like a clock. There are a lot of gears in there, and all of them need to work. If you have a strong steel gear matched up with a weak little plastic gear, the plastic one would wear down quickly and would not mesh correctly with the steel one anymore. So the power of the entire system is limited to what the weakest part can handle. Like a chain is only as strong as the weakest link.
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations      https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html
You do this meditation every day to keep the chakras strong, keep them open, keep the energy current flowing through them, and keep them always getting stronger. This is basically a requirement for everybody. There are some other meditations that could also be done for the same purposes, but this here is one of the best ones so it's a great idea for everybody to all be doing this every day.

Hello, I've been reading your reply and I would like to implement the Tuning Chakras Through Vibrations into my routine. I was just wondering how do I go about doing this sort of meditation? and the third eye isn't included on there either so perhaps I would use THAUM for tuning the third eye or is this not important?
Does doing this meditation help unblock the chakras faster?

I would like to ask what kind of benefits would doing this meditation have on the Third Eye? I understand the third eye isn't the only chakra on the soul but through my limited knowledge I've always thought to open the other chakras you should have the Third Eye opened first.

You just focus on the chakra, and keep repeating the word for it for as long as you want. Yes, you would use Thaum for the 3rd eye. Any smaller chakra in your body, you can use the same word for it as the word for the main chakra that is closest to it. This is one of the best ways to work on the third eye. As you are doing this, relax and change the tone of your voice around to find the tone that gives the strongest feeling of vibration inside the chakra.

This opens the chakras and makes them stronger.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I do feel energy through my hand chakras always I do
I'm not saying you don't. But whatever that amount is, it is extremely weaker than it would be if the rest of your soul was open. So if that's something you really care about, you need to do a lot of work on all your other chakras too. Or else you are just wasting your time.

Think of your soul like a clock. There are a lot of gears in there, and all of them need to work. If you have a strong steel gear matched up with a weak little plastic gear, the plastic one would wear down quickly and would not mesh correctly with the steel one anymore. So the power of the entire system is limited to what the weakest part can handle. Like a chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

I am working on opening my soul I’m just strengthening and opening my hand chakras
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I do feel energy through my hand chakras always I do
I'm not saying you don't. But whatever that amount is, it is extremely weaker than it would be if the rest of your soul was open. So if that's something you really care about, you need to do a lot of work on all your other chakras too. Or else you are just wasting your time.

Think of your soul like a clock. There are a lot of gears in there, and all of them need to work. If you have a strong steel gear matched up with a weak little plastic gear, the plastic one would wear down quickly and would not mesh correctly with the steel one anymore. So the power of the entire system is limited to what the weakest part can handle. Like a chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

I am working on opening my soul I’m just strengthening and opening my hand chakras
hi im looking for people in athens greece that can help me with lhp and satanism . just pm
My questions are

1.When you open your eyes for a long time till tears come, you start seeing purple and pink all around and some objects glow with white golden light. I understand that the light is aura but what about all the purple and pink you see covering almost all of your vision? And recently i saw some spots whose color i am not sure of but i am sure i saw some individual spots around my vision when seeing auras and purple color. Although i have seen cells of maybe my eyelashes, the spots i saw when i meditated deep was different. What are those spots?
Am i hallucinating about everything? I have not taken any drugs which are not medicine till date.

2. Some days before, i was invaded in my dreams i think. Some people were there, not sure about the numbers, they asked me questions and i think i revealed all of my knowledge of supernatural. I think they were perplexed or troubled in a concerning manner.
They were wearing black suits, though i am not sure. What i am sure of is that i revealed all of my secrets of 'outer' knowledge to them just because i wanted to brag. I know i was being ignorant and stupid and my only defence is that the outcome would have been different if i was conscious. The question is, am I in danger?

3.I have been diagnosed with asthma and my nose is almost permanently blocked because of rhinitis throughout the year. When i do meditation where you hold your breath and focus on the middle of the nose bridge before exhaling slowly, I feel blood pumping to my nose and it makes my nose even further blocked. The effect becomes more pronounced when i see the purple and pink color covering all of my vision. What can i do to prevent this?

4. I am trying to take vitamin c and d3 supplements for my asthma and rhinitis and i wanted to know if its harmful for spiritual advancement.

5.How to go into trance? I have tried but i can only feel the body pain. I have astrally projected, but not for long. My most vivid experience about it is the deathly silence. I never knew true silence until i projected and words can't describe the silence. It was dark everywhere and i could hardly see things. However, i wasn't conscious through the process of projection, it happened by chance. The vibration before ejection is indeed true. My question being, how to go into trance? I tried ladder and elevator method but somehow, can't do it. Is there any other method?

6. Is there any way to cure permanent rhinitis and asthma through spirtual means? I am tired of bring breathless and it robs me of my will to do anything. And i suspect i might need to do a surgery once more for open nose. I have already done minimum FESS with septoplasty. I don't want to have a second surgery but i am willing to do anything for an open nose. Its truly tiring.

7.Is it true that if you don't have any offsprings, you cease to exist or that you won't reincarnate anymore?

8.What do people with magnum opus do to prevent getting dissected or epsteined by the world government(if there is one)?

9.How to truly know if a chakra is open? What indicates that your chakra is open?

I am not a SS and do not want to be dedicated because i do not know what i am getting myself into. My family comes from a hindu background. None of us are Christians.
I have been a guest and registered only today to ask questions.
irezumi said:
hi im looking for people in athens greece that can help me with lhp and satanism . just pm
There is no pm. There is absolutely no need for you or anybody else to meet anybody, that's dangerous and unnecessary. You can study the website and ask questions here.
Aquarius said:
irezumi said:
hi im looking for people in athens greece that can help me with lhp and satanism . just pm
There is no pm. There is absolutely no need for you or anybody else to meet anybody, that's dangerous and unnecessary. You can study the website and ask questions here.

ok i understand. i will continue in here.
Gabi1234 said:
There is any pray to satan or any mantra to ask him something?
You visualise his sigil and speak to him.
Gabi1234 said:
The problem that i dont have psycic powers of see and talk with satan and also i dont know which medetion i need to do i mean energy medetion or something else?
You don't need psychic powers to speak with him, you just visualise his sigil and speak to him normally, either out loud or mentally.
Aquarius said:
Gabi1234 said:
The problem that i dont have psycic powers of see and talk with satan and also i dont know which medetion i need to do i mean energy medetion or something else?
You don't need psychic powers to speak with him, you just visualise his sigil and speak to him normally, either out loud or mentally.
Satan has a strong and sensitive enough soul that Satan can always hear you and listen to you every time that you try to focus on him. It does not matter if you can not hear or feel him, because he can feel and hear you.
hi, i'm sorry for my probably terrible english.
so i thought i'd try contacting my gd using a ouija board alone, didn't work. it only works when i use it with some friends, but i don't trust them. do i need more practice?
elena nolife said:
hi, i'm sorry for my probably terrible english.
so i thought i'd try contacting my gd using a ouija board alone, didn't work. it only works when i use it with some friends, but i don't trust them. do i need more practice?
Ouija boards require you to be in trance, and it's easy for an enemy entity to interfere. It's not the best divination tool for a beginner. Also don't use it with friends it's something serious and as you said they can't be trusted with these things.
One person told me that Satan and Lucifer are not the same he also said that Satan is made by the Christian Church Is that true.
Cause I know from what I read in the jos I need to know I’m tired of being misled by others I feel the jos is the way to go
On the site do they have a good of energy manipulation or magick,

Well some like a telekinetic god or so
Gabi1234 said:
Someone told me in this forum that if i want to ask something satan i just need to vizuzle his sigil now what if dont have any psycic powers but i want to go to astral travler and talk with him its fine he will talk with me and also how can i meet him in the astral world? I only saw his picuters

You will have to advance yourself quite a bit before seeing or hearing Him. He will hear you just fine when you concentrate your thoughts to Him. He may resopond by a feeling or a sign or something else in your life. One has to be open minded.

You can astral travel when you are advanced enough to do that. No need to rush. Take your time and learn the basics and go from there.
Hello everyone, first time posting here. Recently my dad told me that I had jewish great-grandmother, which would make me 1/8 jewish. But nobody in my family (dad, mom and their parents) ever practiced judaism.
How do I know for sure that I'm gentile or jewish? Should I take ancrestry tests, and which one would you recommend?
And if it turns out that I have jewish blood, what should I do?
Can someone please tell me a way to delete posts? I wanted to delete a post where i might have shared info which could be traced back to me.
Question if I practice the hand chakras meditation and the psi ball everyday and every chance I get would my energy increase,

I know y’all going to say that it’s pointless if your soul not empower but it’s a reason why I ask this,

I am empowering my soul but I am asking about this because Satan talking to me in my dreams,

I seen snakes in my dreams and everything I do it’s with my hands
Cosmic6999 said:
Question if I practice the hand chakras meditation and the psi ball everyday and every chance I get would my energy increase,

I know y’all going to say that it’s pointless if your soul not empower but it’s a reason why I ask this,

I am empowering my soul but I am asking about this because Satan talking to me in my dreams,

I seen snakes in my dreams and everything I do it’s with my hands

If you talked to Satan and you know where to go.
I think cleansing the soul and strengthening the chakras is a priority. it makes it easier to strengthen the hand chakras because it affects the roots.
then it can go parallel to the hand chakras.
Is it possible that we can empower our bodies to run fast at a high speed and jump at a higher height level,

Since we are magickal beings and learning to use our bio electric field,

I’m pretty sure we can do that right?
Misikeksz666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Question if I practice the hand chakras meditation and the psi ball everyday and every chance I get would my energy increase,

I know y’all going to say that it’s pointless if your soul not empower but it’s a reason why I ask this,

I am empowering my soul but I am asking about this because Satan talking to me in my dreams,

I seen snakes in my dreams and everything I do it’s with my hands

If you talked to Satan and you know where to go.
I think cleansing the soul and strengthening the chakras is a priority. it makes it easier to strengthen the hand chakras because it affects the roots.
then it can go parallel to the hand chakras.

I get what you saying cleaning our soul and opening it and practicing the hand chakras technically?
Hello people of "Ancient Forums",

I have seen the deception of christianity a few years ago and since then I never knew what was the appropriate spiritual path. I did acknowledge that life on earth was not all there was and that spiritual knowledge has been purposefully been hidden from the public. Upon exploring the internet I stumbled upon this website and things have started to make sense, not to mention the fact that users here are aware of the danger of the tunnel of light and the jewish question.

In short what I have come to understand is that I have to awaken the kundalini, and by doing this I have to meditate consistently?

A simple response on how to save myself from reincarnation would be appreciated.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
