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You can search on the internet for a map of Lay Lines. Locations where multiple lines cross each other are extremely powerful, and these are usually called Energy Vortexes. These are existing all over the world.
Can we be happily married to someone that has their natal ascendant Square to ours?
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!
I and my girlfriend have known about Satanism for quite a long time and I have been a member for over a year, though she decided to finally accept it as the only true religion recently. The problem is: Her mother is Christian, we both have issues with this since it is clearly just a money grabbing scheme. But despite all our efforts her mother refuses to listen. I'm seeking your guidance towards what I should do, should I cut contact with her mother (who I already disliked even before I learned of her Christianity)? Is there a way you would suggest we convert her? Or is there something else we should do?
I and my girlfriend have known about Satanism for quite a long time and I have been a member for over a year, though she decided to finally accept it as the only true religion recently. The problem is: Her mother is Christian, we both have issues with this since it is clearly just a money grabbing scheme. But despite all our efforts her mother refuses to listen. I'm seeking your guidance towards what I should do, should I cut contact with her mother (who I already disliked even before I learned of her Christianity)? Is there a way you would suggest we convert her? Or is there something else we should do?
Don't cut off contact with her. Treat her nicely. And don't try to convert her. Don't talk about it. Most people are not ready to come to the truth, their minds are not strong enough. Maybe in her next lifetime.
Can someone list all the;
- planets
- zodiac signs
- elements
associated with each of the 24 runes?

And also these associations to each of the 24 runes (if they exist);
- tarot
- demons/gods
- incenses
- colors
- candle colors
- gemstones
- metals
- plants/herbs/spices
- sounds (excluding the rune’s vibration itself)
- days of the week
- days of the year
- chakras.

Such info already exists on the JoS webpage of runes, but it seems to be incomplete. Idk if thats intentional or not.

Is a revamp to that section of JoS already underway?
What is Jehovah like? Does he only care about Jews?
Hi is a a thoughtform, a tool that the Jews use for their purposes. In the fake story they invented (the Bible) is their god and cares only about them, killing everyone for them, exposingchristianity explains much and much more about these topics.
Excellent. Thanks for that Luciftias.
You can search on the internet for a map of Lay Lines. Locations where multiple lines cross each other are extremely powerful, and these are usually called Energy Vortexes. These are existing all over the world.
Can someone list all the;
- planets
- zodiac signs
- elements
associated with each of the 24 runes?

And also these associations to each of the 24 runes (if they exist);
- tarot
- demons/gods
- incenses
- colors
- candle colors
- gemstones
- metals
- plants/herbs/spices
- sounds (excluding the rune’s vibration itself)
- days of the week
- days of the year
- chakras.

Such info already exists on the JoS webpage of runes, but it seems to be incomplete. Idk if thats intentional or not.

Is a revamp to that section of JoS already underway?
The runes are not related directly to planets in our solar system or to constellations, because the energy currents they connect to come from other sources further away. We can say runes like Sowilo or Uruz are strongly related to the sun, but I believe this is more of a coincidence. The energies are just similar and for similar purposes.

Practice working with the runes, and you will see what they feel like and what they do.
The runes are not related directly to planets in our solar system or to constellations, because the energy currents they connect to come from other sources further away. We can say runes like Sowilo or Uruz are strongly related to the sun, but I believe this is more of a coincidence. The energies are just similar and for similar purposes.

Practice working with the runes, and you will see what they feel like and what they do.
Thank you.

What energy currents do they actually connect to?
What can be done to turn ‘negative’ aspects in natal synastry into a positive thing instead? Or to negate the negative aspect so that its neutral? Or to dampen the aspect so its less negative? (In that order of preference) (Ideally the first option obviously).

The natal synastry aspects are:
- Squaring ascendants
- My neptune opposite their sun
The runes are not related directly to planets in our solar system or to constellations, because the energy currents they connect to come from other sources further away. We can say runes like Sowilo or Uruz are strongly related to the sun, but I believe this is more of a coincidence. The energies are just similar and for similar purposes.

Practice working with the runes, and you will see what they feel like and what they do.
Are there vibrations (from any languages) that are directly related to planets and/or zodiac signs and/or elements?

If so; where may I learn all about them?
All of the planetary mantras we have, like in the planet squares. And elemental mantras.

Good sources are Joy of Satan, and the books by Dr. David Frawley.
Thank you.

Elemental mantras like agni & visuddi? Which others exist and what’re their elements, please?
I want to send a job application by mail and sending it to a company. I don't know who will read it. Is there some kind of ritual I can do to bless the letter and have a positive impact on the person reading it?
Why is the forum ugly looking? Why not add some decorations? Especially ornamental dividers.
Why is the forum ugly looking? Why not add some decorations? Especially ornamental dividers.
Your feedback is appreciated.

There’re plans to upgrade the forum’s aesthetics in the future. (Don’t know when exactly).
Why is the forum ugly looking? Why not add some decorations? Especially ornamental dividers.
You could upload visual examples of what it should look like, & whatever else you think would be good to add.

Your examples can be added to the forum faster than planned if enough people like them.

The examples you upload don’t have to be perfect either. Just good enough to give us an idea, so that our members which are better at art can refine it to a higher level.

We can also implement non-aesthetic features to the forum (like ones that involve more scripting/coding). So if you have ideas for that anytime; please share.
Why is the forum ugly looking? Why not add some decorations? Especially ornamental dividers.
If all of the spiritual information of the Gods which you will not find anywhere else in the world is not good enough for you, and what matters more to you are some lights and decorations. This looks like an incorrect priority.
If all of the spiritual information of the Gods which you will not find anywhere else in the world is not good enough for you, and what matters more to you are some lights and decorations. This looks like an incorrect priority.

Right? My thoughts exactly scrolling through and seeing their post.
I want to send a job application by mail and sending it to a company. I don't know who will read it. Is there some kind of ritual I can do to bless the letter and have a positive impact on the person reading it?
Ritual for wealth and prosperity. Ritual for Baal Zebul and asking for help.

Go to the rituals page for Blessings.

During the Lord AZAZEL POWER RITUAL,all the provided runes should be vibrated???????
How can we create our own vibrations?

Can I make one up and program a specific purpose/goal/intention to it and expect that to work?

‘ðoktaram’ for example (totally made up). Could I program it to attract my romantic crush and expect that to work? (provided that I vibrate it for many days & such & such).
I realize that Sorath doesn't like most people. He's never been anyone's Guardian Demon outside of Hilter. And He purposefully refuses to give out much information about Himself in order to avoid being bothered by people. But, if anyone here knows this answer, and is allowed to say, where does He rank in terms of other Demon Gods and especially in relationship to Satan?

The question of His rank has been a great mystery for ages. And the vague rumor that always floated around is that He's somehow "above Lucifer."

If this is simply something He's not interested in revealing to us yet, so be it; He's clearly a very private person.

(Mods feel free to deny publication of this question / post / reply if it's inappropriate or bothersome, I understand questions and assumptions about Sorath are probably a regular issue.)
How can we create our own vibrations?

Can I make one up and program a specific purpose/goal/intention to it and expect that to work?

‘ðoktaram’ for example (totally made up). Could I program it to attract my romantic crush and expect that to work? (provided that I vibrate it for many days & such & such).
You should read the rune section in Jos site to create the idea. Runes cannot be created like that, they are for differed purposes, so you will chose the appropriate/s for your work.
How can we create our own vibrations?

Can I make one up and program a specific purpose/goal/intention to it and expect that to work?

‘ðoktaram’ for example (totally made up). Could I program it to attract my romantic crush and expect that to work? (provided that I vibrate it for many days & such & such).
Mantras exist by universal spiritual law. They are not just whatever random nonsense sounds you invent. This would not work.
Thank you, team.

How may I offset a Neptune x Sun Opposition in natal synastry?
Thank you, team.

How may I offset a Neptune x Sun Opposition in natal synastry?
A spiritual Sun square is very effective. And you can also do a freeing of the soul working with the mantra "Munka" with an appropriate affirmation to further help with this.
لقد قمت بالانضمام ولم التقى بالشيطان او اي اله
لو توجد طريقه للتواصل ارجو المساعده
Will the Gods telepathically communicate blueprints of technology that they have, so we can build it on earth?

I feel like the Gods already communicated many technologies to us. But I also feel like theres a lot of technology that they’ve not communicated. Powerful technologies that could win us the physical/spiritual war against kikes on earth.

Why have they not revealed these kind of technologies to us? (I can think of a few reasons already. Though it’s only speculation at this point - idk the actual reason(s) for certain).

In any case, I want to dedicate a portion of my time into having such technologies on earth - to use to our warfare’s advantage. Is it a good idea or should I put that time to other use?

(I’d use a portion of my time for spiritual development regardless of anything. I just thought that, alongside all the AoPs & Squares & yoga & etc., I could also make a *career out of bringing new technologies to earth in accordance with the Gods’ will. I have nothing else to do with my spare time, and I’m naturally keen on physics/maths/science and revolutionary technologies. I think (not certain) my natal also supports this kind of *career).

* ‘career’ just means something I dedicate a significant portion of my life to. It’s not about making money/profit. But I’m also open to the idea of profiting from this - it’s just not the main intention. The main intention is to remove as much power & control from the kikes as possible. Profit I’d make from this career would be donated to JoS liberally.
Will the Gods telepathically communicate blueprints of technology that they have, so we can build it on earth?

I feel like the Gods already communicated many technologies to us. But I also feel like theres a lot of technology that they’ve not communicated. Powerful technologies that could win us the physical/spiritual war against kikes on earth.

Why have they not revealed these kind of technologies to us? (I can think of a few reasons already. Though it’s only speculation at this point - idk the actual reason(s) for certain).

In any case, I want to dedicate a portion of my time into having such technologies on earth - to use to our warfare’s advantage. Is it a good idea or should I put that time to other use?

(I’d use a portion of my time for spiritual development regardless of anything. I just thought that, alongside all the AoPs & Squares & yoga & etc., I could also make a *career out of bringing new technologies to earth in accordance with the Gods’ will. I have nothing else to do with my spare time, and I’m naturally keen on physics/maths/science and revolutionary technologies. I think (not certain) my natal also supports this kind of *career).

* ‘career’ just means something I dedicate a significant portion of my life to. It’s not about making money/profit. But I’m also open to the idea of profiting from this - it’s just not the main intention. The main intention is to remove as much power & control from the kikes as possible. Profit I’d make from this career would be donated to JoS liberally.

Satanic scientists and engineers, in a Satanic environment, such as in Nazi Germany, are able to receive technologies from the Gods. They did. What is necessary and has a point, the Gods will tell us and guide us to this. But merely Satanic people by themselves would be able to accelerate science and engineering a lot, even without the Gods, let alone with the Gods.

Nikola Tesla have also received sights of technologies from the Gods.

Learning engineering and science, or other things to the greatest depths is a grand goal for SS. You can, and if you want, you should dedicate your life to this. All of us should aim for something big, and not just for a normie life with meditation.
Will the Gods telepathically communicate blueprints of technology that they have, so we can build it on earth?

I feel like the Gods already communicated many technologies to us. But I also feel like theres a lot of technology that they’ve not communicated. Powerful technologies that could win us the physical/spiritual war against kikes on earth.

Why have they not revealed these kind of technologies to us? (I can think of a few reasons already. Though it’s only speculation at this point - idk the actual reason(s) for certain).

In any case, I want to dedicate a portion of my time into having such technologies on earth - to use to our warfare’s advantage. Is it a good idea or should I put that time to other use?

(I’d use a portion of my time for spiritual development regardless of anything. I just thought that, alongside all the AoPs & Squares & yoga & etc., I could also make a *career out of bringing new technologies to earth in accordance with the Gods’ will. I have nothing else to do with my spare time, and I’m naturally keen on physics/maths/science and revolutionary technologies. I think (not certain) my natal also supports this kind of *career).

* ‘career’ just means something I dedicate a significant portion of my life to. It’s not about making money/profit. But I’m also open to the idea of profiting from this - it’s just not the main intention. The main intention is to remove as much power & control from the kikes as possible. Profit I’d make from this career would be donated to JoS liberally.

You are on to something it's just not how that works. They usually do not give literal blueprints.

The greatest technology already given to us is that of self-transformation. When that is employed and you reach a level of unimpeded communication then you will be given directions, instructions, advice on how to proceed.

I try to get ahead in this path while leading a balanced existence and so far this approach has gifted me countless blessings.

Build your relationships with the Gods, improve your health, mind, soul and enjoy life. You will do great if you listen to your Guardian.

It was refreshing to read your post as we have similar ambitions.

Best of luck

I've been curious for a while about this and wanted to get y'all's take on the matter:

How do we feel about "other" "Satanists?"

How do we feel about Theosophy and/or NAM/New Age, specifically those pockets and/or offshoots who claim that Satan / Lucifer / Sanat Kumara is god?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
