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Necronomicon seems pretty powerful to me, but I also don't have to much experience with it. However, logically speaking, I strongly doubt we would put anything here that's a waste of time. There is plenty of incredible knowledge here, so we aren't exactly desperate for practices, so I would assume yes it is very much effective.
I don't doubt that they work, but some work better, some work less, and the time spent is the same.
And it is never superfluous to learn more.
Simply do the mantras in a way that feels effective. For years, my mistake was trying to stretch out the vibration of each one for a long time. And it made all of the rituals take a very long time. Stretching the vibration out like that is not necessary, and it is not making it better.

I'm not saying to do them too short either. But all you have to do is speak them confidently and firmly, and with the vibrating pronunciation. And the sound of the runes will resonate in the room around you, and within your body. This does not require your voice to be at a loud volume, and it is surprising how much resonance you can produce with a low volume vibration if you do everything correctly.

This just takes practice. It took me a long time to get it perfect. Just be firm and confident and speak the vibration. A good way to practice is by doing the gods' rituals, and you can try to do at least one of them every day. This will give you good practice with the runes, and all of the other benefits of those rituals and becoming closer with those gods. Each one takes 15-20 minutes, not counting the part at the end where you meditate and focus on this god. If you get your timing on each rune so the whole thing takes 15-20 minutes, then you are doing it correctly.
This just takes practice. It took me a long time to get it perfect. Just be firm and confident and speak the vibration. A good way to practice is by doing the gods' rituals, and you can try to do at least one of them every day. This will give you good practice with the runes, and all of the other benefits of those rituals and becoming closer with those gods. Each one takes 15-20 minutes, not counting the part at the end where you meditate and focus on this god. If you get your timing on each rune so the whole thing takes 15-20 minutes, then you are doing it correctly.

Thank you for the answer and advice, I have already used it and every day I conduct one of the rituals to the Gods and it helps a lot to learn how to pronounce the runes and remember them, as well as to learn the names of the Gods and their sigils, which helps to remember them better. Although it takes me 20-30 minutes without meditating on the sigil.
This does not require your voice to be at a loud volume, and it is surprising how much resonance you can produce with a low volume vibration if you do everything correctly.
If I remember correctly, I read in a music theory guidebook that sounds with a lower pitch travel further distances, and higher pitched ones don't travel as far and stay closer to the source, is that right?

Also, do you guys think it is necessary to spell out the consonants and vowels in a Kabbalistic way? For example, stretching out the T to always sound like tzzzzzzzz, The S always in a hiss and stuff like that, because I've noticed HP Hoodedcobra666 himself vibrating mantras in the latest Rituals posted in a more simple, chant-like way in the latest MP3s of those rituals.
If I remember correctly, I read in a music theory guidebook that sounds with a lower pitch travel further distances, and higher pitched ones don't travel as far and stay closer to the source, is that right?

Also, do you guys think it is necessary to spell out the consonants and vowels in a Kabbalistic way? For example, stretching out the T to always sound like tzzzzzzzz, The S always in a hiss and stuff like that, because I've noticed HP Hoodedcobra666 himself vibrating mantras in the latest Rituals posted in a more simple, chant-like way in the latest MP3s of those rituals.
It is not necessary to stretch it like that.
Can I practice power meditation randomly or only in order? For example, first, I do top, bottom and middle, or just top to bottom. Second, can I or should I skip some of the power meditations? Third: Is it possible for someone to come to me to help me with some precise questions? I hope this will not be an inconvenience. Thank you 🤘🤟🤟
Can I practice power meditation randomly or only in order? For example, first, I do top, bottom and middle, or just top to bottom. Second, can I or should I skip some of the power meditations? Third: Is it possible for someone to come to me to help me with some precise questions? I hope this will not be an inconvenience. Thank you 🤘🤟🤟
Please read the resources for beginners listed in my signature. If you are on a mobile device you need to open my profile page and select the "About" tab to see it.
Please read the resources for beginners listed in my signature. If you are on a mobile device you need to open my profile page and select the "About" tab to see it.
Please, I want someone to teach me about Satanism through free and private communication. I found it difficult
We are all here to help and guide new people. What is your question?
I found distortions in my work at first, but when I click on the map and the first point, it may lead to returning to the home page, and this home page should be read, and may contain incomprehensible information such as power meditations,,,,,,,,, point Second, there may be a glitch that forces me to stop trying. I don't know if I can skip the second point and move on to the third. My thanks will be to you because you helped me. I hope Satan rewards you for this. Thank you ❤️
incomprehensible information such as power meditations

Meditation is silencing the logical mind, and power meditations are using the soul in this state. Do the directing energy meditation and you will feel, you will concentrate energy to a side of your soul and you will likely feel this.

there may be a glitch that forces me to stop trying.

We can advance trough braking down barriers, if you mean an internal "glitch", that stems from you, you need to fight against this and keep going. As you clean your soul, such blockages will be removed.
I found distortions in my work at first, but when I click on the map and the first point, it may lead to returning to the home page, and this home page should be read, and may contain incomprehensible information such as power meditations,,,,,,,,, point Second, there may be a glitch that forces me to stop trying. I don't know if I can skip the second point and move on to the third. My thanks will be to you because you helped me. I hope Satan rewards you for this. Thank you ❤️View attachment 2679
Not every container has contents in it, and they do not need to have it either. Everything is explained in easy-to-understand graphs. You need to open and read the Joy of Satan webpage, among other resources to get familiar with what these terms and practices are. There are hours upon hours of reading and contemplation for you to do, and no one but you can do it for you.

To make it super simple for you:

Read the Joy of Satan - keep notes if necessary

Have all these other resources on the side for extra guidance - they are made so that your initiation would be as easy as possible.

Then, if you are having some sort of specific difficulty you can ask more, or use search on these forums. You can find so many posts explaining so many things because others have been in similar situations before and people have answered many things before.
Why are there vibrations of names in some Rituals of the Gods, and confirmations in others? In one case, the names need to be vibrated letter by letter, and in the other, pronounced as a whole word?


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Why are there vibrations of names in some Rituals of the Gods, and confirmations in others? In one case, the names need to be vibrated letter by letter, and in the other, pronounced as a whole word?
In both situations, you say the whole word. With Apolon, it is just showing you how to pronounce it.
In both situations, you say the whole word. With Apolon, it is just showing you how to pronounce it.
All the names of the Gods at the end of the ritual, is it as if we are shouting the names of the Gods in invocation/ glorification?
And they don't need to be vibrated like runes, so in all Rituals of the Gods?

And so on.
Correct Sat, sat, sat..
Satya, satya, satya...
And the rest

To say it as a habitual way of speaking in our lives.
Hope this is right place to post, I’m new here with a general question. My dad passed away in 2020 and was a church of england priest, totally in opposition to Satanism. I find myself curious about his afterlife. On the one hand I have tried to do rituals to ensure my dad’s soul is with Satan. But even then i feel a resistance from him. Can he not see even now how mistaken he was. It’s getting to the point where I thinking whatever must come to him should happen, as is the stubbornness of man
Not drawn out forever. But said with a quick and strong vibrated voice.
Thank you, if I may, a few more questions about the other rituals:
The Psalm of Satan and the two rituals of the Blessing of Satanists.
How do you vibrate the words there?


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Nothing is any different. You read these words with the vibrating voice.
Sorry, did you mean:
Aaa-joo-hhaa, Ssook, Aapaa:
Ssaa-vvaa Prraa-taa, Ssaa;
Aaa, Nnooo, Daarr, Kaa.
deaf sounds remain so, and vowels continue. T is T, not Tzz, and D is D, not Dzzz.
Sorry, did you mean:
Aaa-joo-hhaa, Ssook, Aapaa:
Ssaa-vvaa Prraa-taa, Ssaa;
Aaa, Nnooo, Daarr, Kaa.
deaf sounds remain so, and vowels continue. T is T, not Tzz, and D is D, not Dzzz.
You are worrying too much and making everything more complicated and confusing than it really is.

Just read the words.
What does opening energy channels involve? Is it energy work with each chakra or a different energy program than the Cobra 40-day Plan? Regards
What does opening energy channels involve? Is it energy work with each chakra or a different energy program than the Cobra 40-day Plan? Regards

Energy channels are called nadis. The main three nadi are the Ida, Pingalad, sushama, but there are smaller ones, 144.000 in total. These are also related to the chakras.
When one do Hatha or kundalini yoga, these are strengthened and cleaned, same as with specific meditations. Altough, during power mediations, we are mostily focus on chakras, the nadis are also effected, and effected by the chakras' strength and overall state also.
Hello. I would like to ask about the astrological positions of the planets in the natal chart and their influence on a person's chakras. For example, if I have Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus, and Venus in Pisces, does it mean that the solar, lunar and throat (Venus) chakras will be stronger than others? Does it have any effect at all? Or does it have no effect at all? Thanks.
Hello. I would like to ask about the astrological positions of the planets in the natal chart and their influence on a person's chakras. For example, if I have Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus, and Venus in Pisces, does it mean that the solar, lunar and throat (Venus) chakras will be stronger than others? Does it have any effect at all? Or does it have no effect at all? Thanks.
Hello :)

In general it does have an effect, but one's overall level of advancement from past lives also has an effect; as do traumas, hang-ups, and so on, which can block chakras that would otherwise be strong based on the placement of the planets in the signs.
I haven't seen many discussions about this so I'll ask it here.
When I meditate or do workings, rituals, anything, I yawn all the damn time. It's annoying because then I lose concentration. I yawn literally every 30 seconds. It doesn't happen this much during the day, only when meditating. Does it have something with energies making me tired or?
I haven't seen many discussions about this so I'll ask it here.
When I meditate or do workings, rituals, anything, I yawn all the damn time. It's annoying because then I lose concentration. I yawn literally every 30 seconds. It doesn't happen this much during the day, only when meditating. Does it have something with energies making me tired or?
Yawning is often caused by the heart organ needing to pump more blood, not just from being tired. Do you get enough cardio in your day? This could be the cause of the yawning.
Welcome everyone of our new members.

This post is now a Sticky Topic so that people can ask their questions.

Below I post also two important things to start with.

40 Days of Power - A meditation program designed for absolute beginners in Spiritual Satanism to get you started easily:

SATANIC FAQ's by Johnson Akemi:

I want to start the 40days power meditation but the link is inaccessible.
This article, The House of Satan, shows what we are all about here :D

Here is a 6 month meditation program, similar to the 40 day one

Here is a PDF version of the Joy of Satan website. To make it easier to read the whole thing. But this pdf is old, there is more information on the website that has been updated

Here is a copy of the page for doing the Final RTR

Here is instructions for Kundalini Yoga
And instructions for Hatha Yoga

Here is the Chronos XP Planetary Hours program. So you accurately know when to plan your workings according to planet influences.

:D :D :D
They asked me for Decrpty key
Is it okay if I replace Hatha Yoga with Tai Chi for example? I've been practicing hatha on and off for quite a while but never really enjoyed it too much and I've read we can change the practices to our liking. But I want to ask because I'm not sure if hatha has some special benefits.
I recently tried tai chi and fell in love with it.
Before yoga I only practiced Qi Gong for 15 minutes, so before kundalini in the morning and hatha for evening, but I never really enjoyed Qi Gong as much as with recent Tai Chi practices.
I plan to start with Tai Chi and once my body gets more flexible to get back to Hatha Yoga.
Don't say I wasn't, since I've been in a reanimation one time. Isn't that a punishment?
Not even sure what you mean by "reanimation", but as said above they don't control your life. You probably did something to yourself unconsciously because of guilt, there are many people who do that.

The christian "god" doesn't exist and Satan and the Gods just don't care what you do personally and they have more important things to attend to than your personal life. This isn't Christianity here where a nosy god controls and takes note of everything you do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
