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Primal said:

Morals and what is good or bad is not really determined by people or leaders who use it to control people. It is determined automatically by nature and is naturally felt by everybody who has a good and healthy soul. Immoral or evil things almost always are done because people have very sick and diseased souls, and anybody who works to have a clean and healthy soul will naturally and automatically have improving and strengthening morals. We don't need a set of rules to try to force everybody to follow when many of them won't listen and won't follow anyway. We just need everybody to develop a healthy, strong, and comfortable soul, and each person will naturally know what morals to follow.

Doing things which help, protect, and nurture yourself, your family, and our people, these are good things to do. Things that make people stronger, healthier, safer, and better are all good things. And of course anything that is harmful and destructive against our people is bad and immoral. Things like drug use and all other things that are physically and mentally harmful, spreading confusion, lies, and ignorance. Or directly physically harming people. These things are evil and immoral. Do whatever is good for the world. Whatever is helpful for people, helpful for the animals, and helpful for the land, are all good things.

It is immoral to hurt somebody. But self defence is extremely important and should not be suppressed or ignored like what is promoted by christians and buddhists. For you to protect yourself and your family is more important than to not harm somebody else, so it is very moral and good for you to defend your family if there is a situation where it is necessary. It is evil and immoral to hurt or kill animals for no reason or for a bad reason. But it is good and moral to responsibly and humanely kill an animal in the fastest and most comfortable way, if you use this food to feed your family. This is part of the balance in nature and is needed for you and your family to survive which is also an important thing. But it is best to cause as little harm or pain as possible, and to have a good and important reason for it.

Teach your children good lessons and teach them how to be strong. Teach them how to take care of themselves, how to be healthy, and how to take care of all of the things that need to be done. How to use all kinds of tools, how to fix things when they break, how to take care of the house and the land, and how to cook food. How to be self dependent and how to fix any problem. Teach them that it is good to help other people when you are able to, but also there needs to be a balance. Do not trust everybody and know to pay attention and trust your instincts for who should not be trusted. And do not give so much help that it takes away from yourself or harms yourself. Because there is a big problem of people trusting too much and getting hurt or killed because they trusted evil people.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=391126 time=1664554283 user_id=21286](...)

Thank you for your reply! I vibrate the Fehu rune 40 times a day. How much of a problem is it if I miscalculate? Sometimes I wander off and don't know if I'm at 15 or 20 for example.
Can we use wands in rituals ?

To empower a wand, invoke the element of fire* and/or vibrate the Sanskrit word of power for fire, which is Tejas and should be vibrated: TH-TH-AY-AY-YY-YY-AH-AH-U-U-U-S-S-S.
Here is information about strengthening the wand.

The Wand is a standard ritual tool used by mages and sorcerers of the enemy. I strongly discourage the use of a wand. It is also called a "Blasting Rod" and for centuries has been used to abuse and exploit Demons in the name of the enemy “god” and angels. This is not wise if one wishes to establish relationships with Demons as wands are very offensive to them. Wands are representative of the element of fire.
but Here too, information is given that we should not use it.

I'm so confused.
Primal said:
Can I do the Eightfold Path without going the right order? The first one listed is "asana", but I am currently in terrible shape. Honestly, I'd rather get to those yoga poses when I'm back to being a flexible powerlifter like from a few years ago. As of now, it's gonna take work and college life is really keeping me too occupied for any dedicated lifting and stretching program.

Can I move to the third on the list? (Dhyana - Meditation)
It's more so a list than an order. You can mix and match different parts as you best see fit. Combining two or more paths will yield more potent results. For example, asana, meditation and mantra simultaneously.

TerKorian666 said:
I was looking on this https://www.satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html there is [DAH-PP] so it’s something like “-PF”?
I know, I simply linked the one to show you the evolution of instructions. You can vibrate it as a "P" and it would be valid, that is what I was saying. I don't see why "PF" would not be valid as well. There is definitely some leeway and considering we have different native tongues means that we have different approaches to pronunciations.

Dark Lawyer said:
Thank you! Based on your answers, my question is still valid. But I accept that there is no answer, and that I am the only who finds it strange that Maxine Dietrich was still active on the forum in March 2020 and then disappeared without a goodbye or any information. And we have not heard from her for 2.5 years.
A question that must be asked is that does She owe any explanation to us coming directly from Her, explaining things in detail. Think about it for a moment. She has been and is in a very delicate situation and Her personal preference is to remain private. What's more, the overall level of maturation of this community is not in a place of understanding as of yet. Explanations from Her would do little good to anyone, but simply satisfy the need of gossip and potentially further fuel slander by our opponents.

It has been relayed more than once by Cobra that one can ask from Satan and if one is to receive then one can receive the status of this issue.
Hello everyone! My question is about the natal chart. I have Neptune in the sixth house. It says: "Health problems are often evasive and difficult to diagnose, and there can be hypochondria, allergies, asthma, and other sensitivities." It's true. I'm a hypochondriac and I have not been able to diagnose my illness for a long time. What do I need to do to fix this? I'm new to astrology, so I apologize if I suddenly asked a stupid question.
And a few questions about the tarot:
1) Can I use multiple tarot decks?
2) Is it necessary to store them in a velvet bag? Or is the box in which they were bought enough?
3) If I didn't sleep a few nights with the deck under my pillow before using it for the first time, are the cards still usable?

Sorry for my English, I use a translator.
Primal said:
Can I do the Eightfold Path without going the right order? The first one listed is "asana", but I am currently in terrible shape. Honestly, I'd rather get to those yoga poses when I'm back to being a flexible powerlifter like from a few years ago. As of now, it's gonna take work and college life is really keeping me too occupied for any dedicated lifting and stretching program.

Can I move to the third on the list? (Dhyana - Meditation)

The eightfold path is wrongly named, in my opinion. It's more accurately "the eight important things you should do to accelerate your spiritual empowerment". In fact, the idea of an order here is wrong, you should not do one and move to the next, but it's better if you combine many of them in one exercise.
There are many types of asanas, and not all of them are for flexible people. For example, the kundalini yoga basic spinal series, those poses and dynamic moving of the body are asanas, and that series also includes breathing exercises, mudras, bandhas and the mantra Sat Nam, so if you do this exercise every day you are doing 5 aspects of the eightfold path simultaneously.
I'm very curious about something. What does it mean that "darkness contains light".

Light energy is purifying and invigorating though I never worked with black energy yet.

It says here that black absorbs, conceals, creates confusion and signifies new beginnings: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html

Also, Lucifer comes from the Latin word 'lux' (light).

It's confusing to me this topic of white and black. I understand the Freemasons use these colors to represent the duality of life and death, similar to ying and yang.

If you know a bit about this I'd love to learn more. Thank you for your time.
Hi! I'm not new to satanism and JoS, and i think that JoS has good practises. But i found out about V.K. Jehannum. He's a satanist who doesn't agree on JoS demonology, and some stuff about JoS. So here is a quick video about he speaks about JoS. I hope that some priest will reply to this, and will give us a good answer. And also hope that, if he right, JoS will correct the informations of demons and some stuff. https://youtu.be/SZK8IZ9p42M ~Best regards~
Henu the Great said:

Thank you, this answer is worth considering.

(There is another reply from you in the same topic in my notifications, but I can't find it. When I click on the notification, it only brings up the topic, not your reply.)
AFODO said:
Hi! I'm not new to satanism and JoS, and i think that JoS has good practises. But i found out about V.K. Jehannum. He's a satanist who doesn't agree on JoS demonology, and some stuff about JoS. So here is a quick video about he speaks about JoS. I hope that some priest will reply to this, and will give us a good answer. And also hope that, if he right, JoS will correct the informations of demons and some stuff. https://youtu.be/SZK8IZ9p42M ~Best regards~

He's not a Satanist, he's a reverse Christian. A reverse Jew more accurately. He follows that blasphemous anti-Satanic jewish crap called "Qlippoth" which the JoS site has warned about. His website is full of Hebrew crap. Anything Jewish is against Satanism, which is actually ancient Paganism and not Hebrew crap. Therefore, his opinion is invalid.

99% of others who claim to be Theistic Satanists follow Jewish or Christian BS. Not a single one of them has ever denounced the Jews and their blasphemies. Only JoS is against everything Jewish. So, the JoS is unique among all them.
Primal said:
Is there a standard or formal way to do a prayer addressed to Father Satan? The kind in which he will be able to receive the message.
You can do a formal ritual, or simply focus on His sigil and relate what you have to relate. He is aware of us and how our lives go and there is no risk of Him not knowing what's up. It can be problematic the other way, though.

Dark Lawyer said:
(There is another reply from you in the same topic in my notifications, but I can't find it. When I click on the notification, it only brings up the topic, not your reply.)
I deleted my reply initially to correct typing mistakes in it which is why you got two notifications.
last question sorry for the spam!
SO in essence I am a martial artist with A LOT of dislocations... even in my neck/skull. Shall I be focusing at all in fully healing those dislocations with energy work? Because I feel like those injuries are blocking my energy flow.
Primal said:
Can I do the Eightfold Path without going the right order? The first one listed is "asana", but I am currently in terrible shape. Honestly, I'd rather get to those yoga poses when I'm back to being a flexible powerlifter like from a few years ago. As of now, it's gonna take work and college life is really keeping me too occupied for any dedicated lifting and stretching program.

Can I move to the third on the list? (Dhyana - Meditation)
No need to do it in order. Also, hatha yoga can even just be 10 minutes, you don't need to be a olympic lifter to be able to do it
Hyperborean said:
AFODO said:
Hi! I'm not new to satanism and JoS, and i think that JoS has good practises. But i found out about V.K. Jehannum. He's a satanist who doesn't agree on JoS demonology, and some stuff about JoS. So here is a quick video about he speaks about JoS. I hope that some priest will reply to this, and will give us a good answer. And also hope that, if he right, JoS will correct the informations of demons and some stuff. https://youtu.be/SZK8IZ9p42M ~Best regards~

He's not a Satanist, he's a reverse Christian. A reverse Jew more accurately. He follows that blasphemous anti-Satanic jewish crap called "Qlippoth" which the JoS site has warned about. His website is full of Hebrew crap. Anything Jewish is against Satanism, which is actually ancient Paganism and not Hebrew crap. Therefore, his opinion is invalid.

99% of others who claim to be Theistic Satanists follow Jewish or Christian BS. Not a single one of them has ever denounced the Jews and their blasphemies. Only JoS is against everything Jewish. So, the JoS is unique among all them.

In addition, other organizations or similar may also be against Jews but are at a lower level against them. JoS is a complete religion, and information about demons and the like comes straight from the Deamons(The original gentile's Gods).
Hiya satanic family,

My friend is curious about the holocaust being a hoax, but keeps sending me pictures of concentration camps. Are they not real? Or of something else?

Thanks for your support
Hail Satan!
Is there a webpage that I can read about how the Jews created the propaganda (stories , photos) about the holocaust?

Hyperborean said:
Primal said:
That's all well and good but... Am I going to be accepted here despite not being Aryan? I'm Asian. And as far as I know, Nazi Germany hated anyone who wasn't white.

By "as far as I know" you mean "as far as the Jewish propaganda I've been brainwashed to believe tells me", because none of this is true. Asians were called Honorary Aryans and held in high esteem, and the Japanese were the Allies of Hitler. The Indian president was a friend of Hitler and that's why modern Indians respect Hitler and name their stores "Hitler Fashion Wear", "Hitler Ice Cream" and some of them have names like "Adolf Kumar". There were SS soldiers of all races, including Black and Muslim.

Everything you've been told about Nazi Germany is Jewish propaganda. These JoS forums have subforums for all 3 main races, including Asians. National Socialism is an ideology that can be applied to any race, not just Whites. It's all about loving and protecting your race and cleansing it, so you can be an Asian Nazi. Satanic National Socialists support every race to separate and look after their own and control their own countries without flooded by millions of illegal immigrants. The Jews are trying to make Japan and China multicultural, not just Europe.

Read these websites linked here to deprogram yourself from Jewish lies:
Artoria Pendragon said:
Hiya satanic family,

My friend is curious about the holocaust being a hoax, but keeps sending me pictures of concentration camps. Are they not real? Or of something else?

Thanks for your support
Hail Satan!

Of course they are not real, and not because he couldn't but because he had other plans. In that struggle Hitler and his companions of him were in a defensive position, defensive from the vampires (the Jews). Holocausts are from the enemy in Communist countries like Russia and others who is shown in documentaryes as if they were from Germany.
prehaps this one



Artoria Pendragon said:
Is there a webpage that I can read about how the Jews created the propaganda (stories , photos) about the holocaust?

Hyperborean said:
Primal said:
That's all well and good but... Am I going to be accepted here despite not being Aryan? I'm Asian. And as far as I know, Nazi Germany hated anyone who wasn't white.

By "as far as I know" you mean "as far as the Jewish propaganda I've been brainwashed to believe tells me", because none of this is true. Asians were called Honorary Aryans and held in high esteem, and the Japanese were the Allies of Hitler. The Indian president was a friend of Hitler and that's why modern Indians respect Hitler and name their stores "Hitler Fashion Wear", "Hitler Ice Cream" and some of them have names like "Adolf Kumar". There were SS soldiers of all races, including Black and Muslim.

Everything you've been told about Nazi Germany is Jewish propaganda. These JoS forums have subforums for all 3 main races, including Asians. National Socialism is an ideology that can be applied to any race, not just Whites. It's all about loving and protecting your race and cleansing it, so you can be an Asian Nazi. Satanic National Socialists support every race to separate and look after their own and control their own countries without flooded by millions of illegal immigrants. The Jews are trying to make Japan and China multicultural, not just Europe.

Read these websites linked here to deprogram yourself from Jewish lies:
Artoria Pendragon said:
Hiya satanic family,

My friend is curious about the holocaust being a hoax, but keeps sending me pictures of concentration camps. Are they not real? Or of something else?

Thanks for your support
Hail Satan!

Fake beyond measure. Send her/him these photos: https://archive.ph/ZB27E
Artoria Pendragon said:
Hiya satanic family,

My friend is curious about the holocaust being a hoax, but keeps sending me pictures of concentration camps. Are they not real? Or of something else?

Thanks for your support
Hail Satan!

Fake beyond measure. Send her/him these photos: https://archive.ph/ZB27E
Greetings. An astrology post around here said that the ruler of the 6th House shows what kind of jobs one attracts. Azazel's Astrology though, only lists the Rulers of the other houses.. As an analogy to the Sun ruling the 5h House and Neptune ruling the 12th, does Mercury rule the 6th?
Primal said:
Seriously, when is my account off of "trial mode"? When can I freely post without waiting a long time before a moderator approves my post? It's really holding me back. It's a huge mental discomfort for me.

because of the trolls, only a few have the right to it.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. An astrology post around here said that the ruler of the 6th House shows what kind of jobs one attracts. Azazel's Astrology though, only lists the Rulers of the other houses.. As an analogy to the Sun ruling the 5h House and Neptune ruling the 12th, does Mercury rule the 6th?

We have natural rulers.

Every sign is ruled by a certain planet. Same for every house. But in a given chart, the ruler of a house depends on the sign that is on that house.

We know the Sun rules Leo. If you have Leo on your 6th house, the Sun is your 6th house ruler. Mercury is the natural ruler of the 6th house indeed but this isn't of much use to us. We're more interested in the planets that rule the signs on each house cusp.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
For a Runic Working, is it more efficient if I use only 1 Rune to accomplish my scope?
Combining different runes in the same working doesn't make your working less efficient.

But you should also know the properties of runes. If you use a rune like Hagalaz in a peace or love working, you can get dismal results.

As long as the rune selected doesn't greatly differ from the nature of the working, you can use it in combination with other suitable runes.
HappyMan said:
And a few questions about the tarot:
1) Can I use multiple tarot decks?
2) Is it necessary to store them in a velvet bag? Or is the box in which they were bought enough?
3) If I didn't sleep a few nights with the deck under my pillow before using it for the first time, are the cards still usable?

Sorry for my English, I use a translator.

Yes, you can use multiple tarot decks, although it's recommended you use one at a time (not reading with several and mixing the decks.)
If you want a velvet bag, you can use one. Especially if the box is starting to fall apart despite taping it together after some years or months.
The cards are always useable.
magus.immortalis said:
HappyMan said:
And a few questions about the tarot:
1) Can I use multiple tarot decks?
2) Is it necessary to store them in a velvet bag? Or is the box in which they were bought enough?
3) If I didn't sleep a few nights with the deck under my pillow before using it for the first time, are the cards still usable?

Sorry for my English, I use a translator.

Yes, you can use multiple tarot decks, although it's recommended you use one at a time (not reading with several and mixing the decks.)
If you want a velvet bag, you can use one. Especially if the box is starting to fall apart despite taping it together after some years or months.
The cards are always useable.

Thank you so much!
In Astrology, as Signs don't fall perfectly on Houses, beside the Sign on the cusp, do we take the partial following Sign as part of the House also? :? In the sense that it influences that House, as the House is wider, not just a line, as I see it.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
In Astrology, as Signs don't fall perfectly on Houses, beside the Sign on the cusp, do we take the partial following Sign as part of the House also? :? In the sense that it influences that House, as the House is wider, not just a line, as I see it.

We only consider the sign on the cusp.

There is a situation where a sign is completely 'encased' in a house. Say you have Aries on the cusp of the 1st house. Then Taurus is also fully in the 1st house. Followed by a part of Gemini. Gemini is then on the cusp of the 2nd house.

In the above case, we say that Taurus is intercepted in the first house. So we will consider Aries and Taurus to be of influence over the first house. But Gemini only influences the second house.
I often feel very depressed, bad memories of the past always come up in my mind, it's like they are constantly there bogging me down and they never go away, I go through this mentally everyday I am always angry and depressed and medication does not seem to help, neither does meditation or working out, I'm at the point where I just lay in bed most of the day and dream of a happier time, what should I do?
Hesffcs115 said:
I often feel very depressed, bad memories of the past always come up in my mind, it's like they are constantly there bogging me down and they never go away, I go through this mentally everyday I am always angry and depressed and medication does not seem to help, neither does meditation or working out, I'm at the point where I just lay in bed most of the day and dream of a happier time, what should I do?

The past is in the past. What's done is done. You cannot change it, no one can. All you have is now. The quicker you realize and understand that, the quicker you can change. And you change by living every new day like its your last. So you make sure the past doesnt repeat itself.

By spending your days living in the past, you are literally killing yourself. You are depriving yourself of your future. Start living for today and tomorrow. Set a goal, past next week, past next year, something that will pull you through all the shit that may come up from your past.
Hesffcs115 said:
I often feel very depressed, bad memories of the past always come up in my mind, it's like they are constantly there bogging me down and they never go away, I go through this mentally everyday I am always angry and depressed and medication does not seem to help, neither does meditation or working out, I'm at the point where I just lay in bed most of the day and dream of a happier time, what should I do?

I am telling you that meditation, in the long run, solves this and almost everything . Returning curses, warfare, and cleaning of the aura and Chakras work wonders.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=392077 time=1664959661 user_id=19170]
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
In Astrology, as Signs don't fall perfectly on Houses, beside the Sign on the cusp, do we take the partial following Sign as part of the House also? :? In the sense that it influences that House, as the House is wider, not just a line, as I see it.

We only consider the sign on the cusp.

There is a situation where a sign is completely 'encased' in a house. Say you have Aries on the cusp of the 1st house. Then Taurus is also fully in the 1st house. Followed by a part of Gemini. Gemini is then on the cusp of the 2nd house.

In the above case, we say that Taurus is intercepted in the first house. So we will consider Aries and Taurus to be of influence over the first house. But Gemini only influences the second house.

Thank you for answering my questions ! :D
In the summary of relationships on the main site, https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/PREDICTION-2.html are the hard aspects creating the circumstances listed there for the other planets (like the given example with Saturn in hard aspect to one's ruler, but for all the planets) or does the aspect made by the progressed Sun to the other's planet do that ?
Primal said:
I cannot do immediate posts here. All my posts are monitored by the moderators before they appear. My question is, is there such a thing as too many posts per day? I'm beaming with questions and it is often times very time-consuming for me to search things in the archives despite the search box. When I use the search box, I'd often times get directed to articles with a massive wall of text and I wouldn't be sure if the specific answer I was looking for is there somewhere. So please, I'm sorry if the questions seem silly in that way.

But yes, I have so many questions. I've already asked a lot of them but believe me when I tell you I'm actually holding back.
No there are no too many questions. JoS forums are moderated because of trolls, avoiding people posting illegal things and stuff like that. Generally all posts get through. Feel free to ask all your questions.
My friend just sent me a clip of a documentary on gaia on the da Vinci.

Was da Vinci asked to paint over egyptian paintings in itlay - with Paintings such as the last supper? In order to hide occult paintings.

But it looks like he tried to hint towards the egyptian paintings underneath The religious paintings.

Does anyone known anything about the last supper?

I think I read on the JOS site that the some really old paintings of Jesus and Mary MG are actually paintings of satanic reincarnations? Is this correct? And then who would the pictures of Jesus and mary MG actually be?

Thanks for your help
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Artoria Pendragon said:
My friend just sent me a clip of a documentary on gaia on the da Vinci.

Was da Vinci asked to paint over egyptian paintings in itlay - with Paintings such as the last supper? In order to hide occult paintings.

But it looks like he tried to hint towards the egyptian paintings underneath The religious paintings.

Does anyone known anything about the last supper?

I think I read on the JOS site that the some really old paintings of Jesus and Mary MG are actually paintings of satanic reincarnations? Is this correct? And then who would the pictures of Jesus and mary MG actually be?

Thanks for your help

Hello, there! Leonardo Da Vinci was never asked to put paintings of xian (christian) stuff in order to hide occult paintings. Leonardo Da Vinci was never a chridtian, he was an atheist from what I heard.

I personally think he was somehow forced by the Catholics to do this, but still, is a personal opinion, since real historical references showed that Leonardo Da Vinci never had "something to do" with the Egyptian occultism which was thousands of years before Leonardo Da Vinci was born.

As for the pictures, well, you are partially correct? Some of the characters you see in the pictures like last supper are xian concepts that the jews stole from our Original Pagan Gods.

For example, the so-called V Mary is stolen from the Pagan entity Inanna from Uruk or Ishtar / Astarte.

Jesus is another fictitious concept stole from tons of Gods, like Odin. Odin was the original God that was crucified, but of course as the time passed and sadly people forgot about their ancient culture and origins, the jews made the jesus concept they present in that bible of theirs.

Hope I helped you!

Gaia[.]tv is interesting, but sometimes, just like with other media, it can be infected or semi-infected with misinformation, so that is why we need to be careful.


As far as I know Da Vinci was a Risen Serpent, and Mona Lisa was the illustration of the feminine part of his Soul.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
