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Greetings Joy of Satan,

I have been practicing yoga on and off for many years, and have been a big fan of shiva for many years also

i've started the 40 day meditation, and have just got to the chakra meditations

with the visualisation -- its says to visualize the solar charka as facing down, like a grail or cup. I'm not sure about this, as if the heart is the neuter point, then all the chakras below could upward cones (pyramid), and those above the heart would be downward cones.

i get that the solar charkra is like a grail, and the Chinese say the dantien is a cauldron. Though if the entire aura/torus is brining in energy from the top and bottom, and the heart is the neuter, then the solar chakra will still be bringing in energy from below, and then would be upward facing like a pyramid.

please do share your perspective on this if you have any

May all beings on earth know that Satan is the true father of humanity <3
Queen of the Stars said:
Greetings Joy of Satan,

I have been practicing yoga on and off for many years, and have been a big fan of shiva for many years also

i've started the 40 day meditation, and have just got to the chakra meditations

with the visualisation -- its says to visualize the solar charka as facing down, like a grail or cup. I'm not sure about this, as if the heart is the neuter point, then all the chakras below could upward cones (pyramid), and those above the heart would be downward cones.

i get that the solar charkra is like a grail, and the Chinese say the dantien is a cauldron. Though if the entire aura/torus is brining in energy from the top and bottom, and the heart is the neuter, then the solar chakra will still be bringing in energy from below, and then would be upward facing like a pyramid.

please do share your perspective on this if you have any

May all beings on earth know that Satan is the true father of humanity <3
The solar chakra is pointed down and is not a dan tian, the dan tien are separate energetic points.
if it is pointing down, does this mean it is drawing in energy from above?

Aquarius said:
Queen of the Stars said:
Greetings Joy of Satan,

I have been practicing yoga on and off for many years, and have been a big fan of shiva for many years also

i've started the 40 day meditation, and have just got to the chakra meditations

with the visualisation -- its says to visualize the solar charka as facing down, like a grail or cup. I'm not sure about this, as if the heart is the neuter point, then all the chakras below could upward cones (pyramid), and those above the heart would be downward cones.

i get that the solar charkra is like a grail, and the Chinese say the dantien is a cauldron. Though if the entire aura/torus is brining in energy from the top and bottom, and the heart is the neuter, then the solar chakra will still be bringing in energy from below, and then would be upward facing like a pyramid.

please do share your perspective on this if you have any

May all beings on earth know that Satan is the true father of humanity <3
The solar chakra is pointed down and is not a dan tian, the dan tien are separate energetic points.
Queen of the Stars said:
if it is pointing down, does this mean it is drawing in energy from above?

Aquarius said:
Queen of the Stars said:
Greetings Joy of Satan,

I have been practicing yoga on and off for many years, and have been a big fan of shiva for many years also

i've started the 40 day meditation, and have just got to the chakra meditations

with the visualisation -- its says to visualize the solar charka as facing down, like a grail or cup. I'm not sure about this, as if the heart is the neuter point, then all the chakras below could upward cones (pyramid), and those above the heart would be downward cones.

i get that the solar charkra is like a grail, and the Chinese say the dantien is a cauldron. Though if the entire aura/torus is brining in energy from the top and bottom, and the heart is the neuter, then the solar chakra will still be bringing in energy from below, and then would be upward facing like a pyramid.

please do share your perspective on this if you have any

May all beings on earth know that Satan is the true father of humanity <3
The solar chakra is pointed down and is not a dan tian, the dan tien are separate energetic points.
Might be some info you're looking for here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Chakra_Alignment.html
Dark Lawyer said:
I vibrated the Satanas mantra letter by letter, taking a full deep breath for each letter. Following your advice, I simplified yesterday. I only did short inhalations, so it took about 15 minutes instead of 30.
Yes, and you can vibrate SATANAS in one go with one slow breath, being even with all letters.

If I am cleansing the aura of a person who is elsewhere, for example in another house, I have no way of knowing if the person being cleansed is alone at the time of the cleansing. Is it not a problem if there are children or pets around the person being cleaned while I am cleaning from a distance?

And should I be alone if I am cleaning another person remotely?
I'm not sure. Also, you might be overthinking. You could clean them, and will their dross directed towards the enemy, for example. This way their dross would not be hanging around others in their vicinity.

Since you are cleaning someone remotely, you can be accompanied with others.

Clayface said:
I'm gonna say no to my mom next time, but I'm worried that she may take action against me but I dont know if I have dark blue cloth for binding (but I think my mom has a cubby where she stores unused fabric) and the trees are too tall where I live.
You do not need props for binding as props are optional. Your willl and power manifest the results. Props can set the mood, but won't directly affect the outcome. You can simply use the rune Isa with an affirmation for her to not be able to take negative action against you. You should ask your Guardian for help and clean well after each binding session. For permanent binding, you should do it for 40 days straight, beginning from waning Moon period.

I'm afraid that I may have damage done to me (by my mom) that I cant reverse.
She is not able to do such damage you could not reverse.

Should I go through with just saying no? and how should I say no?
Ultimately, the decision is yours. Being cordial and firm, setting boundaries would benefit you.

Mom tells me that I should learn "etiquette" so I can fit in at the kingdom hall (I dont care about fitting in with zombies) but should I really learn etiquette maybe for speaking to real people?
Having social skills is something that benefits us all. Yes, you should learn social skills. Perhaps not the way she wants and for the reasons she wants, but social skills are useful nontheless.

And what I mean by learning to read my natal chart is that it looks confusing because all these symbols and lines that cross over, how do I learn what all of that means?
Open up Azazels astro and read. You can also search info about terms and symbols from other sources.
Hey! I’m not really a new member, but I’m pretty new to being active on the forums. I’ve been meditating for a long time now, but just a few months back I started being way more strict with my routine. I also got this warm sexual glow around me when I was about to sleep constantly. It was like pure bliss engulfing my whole body with subtle heat like being next to a fire. This wasn’t every night and would be on and off, but just recently I did kundalini yoga and took a nap after. I had this vision of a box then an unfolding of purple light into a ton of similar shapes and when I woke up it felt as if my crown chakra and root chakra were connected by a pipe shooting hot air upwards to the crown of my head. I had a horrible taste in my mouth for 2 days afterward and now it just feels like there’s a thin wire that goes along my spine from the root and out of the top of my head. I would be super jittery and anxious. I was wondering if you guys would know what to do in this situation? I was thinking I should just take a step back do and do hatha yoga, aura of protection, and chakra cleaning so I don’t prematurely raise the kundalini energy to the point problems keep arising. Let me know any help is much appreciated! Thank you guys 🙂
Greetings. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Breath_of_Fire.html says that the Breath of Fire is the foundation of Kundalini Yoga. If so, should we use Fire Breaths doing Kundalini Yoga? But since the exhale comes first, how do we sync it with the movements described here? - http://bucurialuisatan.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/yoga_kundalinica_rev.pdf (pdf taken from the beginner's section of the Romanian website)

Second, I read somewhere that we shouldn't strain during Hatha Yoga so that we feel the energy buzz, but I'm using all my force to sustain the poses and I can't focus on anything else. If I go just to the point where I can relax, the position is not correct. Should I "relax" like this or not relax at all until I am able to do them properly?

Thank you !
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Breath_of_Fire.html says that the Breath of Fire is the foundation of Kundalini Yoga. If so, should we use Fire Breaths doing Kundalini Yoga? But since the exhale comes first, how do we sync it with the movements described here? - http://bucurialuisatan.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/yoga_kundalinica_rev.pdf (pdf taken from the beginner's section of the Romanian website)

Second, I read somewhere that we shouldn't strain during Hatha Yoga so that we feel the energy buzz, but I'm using all my force to sustain the poses and I can't focus on anything else. If I go just to the point where I can relax, the position is not correct. Should I "relax" like this or not relax at all until I am able to do them properly?

Thank you !

As far as hatha yoga is concerned, it is not correct to do the positions with effort, and it is better to do them more or less similar, until you have the necessary flexibility.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Breath_of_Fire.html says that the Breath of Fire is the foundation of Kundalini Yoga. If so, should we use Fire Breaths doing Kundalini Yoga? But since the exhale comes first, how do we sync it with the movements described here? - http://bucurialuisatan.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/yoga_kundalinica_rev.pdf (pdf taken from the beginner's section of the Romanian website)

Second, I read somewhere that we shouldn't strain during Hatha Yoga so that we feel the energy buzz, but I'm using all my force to sustain the poses and I can't focus on anything else. If I go just to the point where I can relax, the position is not correct. Should I "relax" like this or not relax at all until I am able to do them properly?

Thank you !
Depends on KY Kriya, but generally, yes. The pdf you linked has instructions on when to inhale and when to exhale.

If there are easier variations of a pose you are doing, master easier one(s) first. You can alter the amount of strain between sessions, doing easier some times, and harder other times.
sola said:
genuine inquiry. so u see how we're r instructed to vibrate syllables? whether its for RTR, or runes, or chakra opening, magickal squares, ect. etc. .

What if someones doesnt have a tongue? or they do but a medical condition doesnt allow them to move it as required.
or like how we're instructed to vibrate 'thoth' which involves the tongue kinda touching the teeth. . . what if someones toothless??

if someone is unable to physically vibrate for whatever reason, do they have alternatives?? if so, are the alternatives equally powerful?

(hail satan)

any insight?
Hello everyone!
I'm a beginner, and right now I'm working on opening of my chakras, I do Hatha Yoga, Void Meditation, Aura of Protection and Aura Cleaning every day. I have some questions about opening the chakras, and about some symptoms I experience since I started meditating. I decided to register and ask them here.
1. I'm currently done with opening of the 6th chakra, but I'm not sure if I did it correctly, and if I should start the seven days again. In the first few days I got a headache, and later on I started to hear some things while I was doing void meditation and being relaxed. I heard hissing similar to the sound a flute makes, a sound of a quiet murmuring, and also some weird noises, like quiet buzzing, similar to the sound I heard around electric machines. I honestly don't know if it was real, but I thought it's worth a mention. On the last days I was laying down after doing yoga, and I started to feel some pressure/tingling around my third eye, I ignored it. A few minutes later I got the same tingling on top of my head, and on both side of my head, like two points a little bit above my ears on both sides. As far as I know the location of the 6th chakra is in the middle of the brain, and none of the above. I didn't felt anything around my 6th chakra, could this mean that I should start the seven days again?
2. Can I use runes or high reps of mantras as a beginner? I'm really interested in deep aura cleaning, and building a strong aura of protection, but all of the methods I could find include a specific vibration of runes, or vibration of mantras. Right now I'm doing the Aura of Protection and Aura Cleaning I found on the meditation page of JoS every day, but I feel like I should do something more. I joined to the last spiritual warfare, but I ended up not finishing the full scedule because of enemy attacks. I did FRTR previously, but this was the first time I did the curse israel and 72 rituals. It was very important to the Gods, to everyone and to me too, and I still can't get over the fact that I failed. The enemy attacks stopped after I did the returning curses and cleaning, but it made the rituals extremely difficult. Next time I don't want to fail, that's the reason why I want to build a stronger aura of protection, and clean my aura more effectively.
3. How many days does it takes to activate the chakras? On the JoS page it's stated that how many days I need to work on the Third Eye, 6th Chakra and Crown Chakra, but I can't find any information about how many days I need to work on the other chakras. Can I work for four days for each one? Is that alright?
4. And lastly, I would like to ask about a few things I experience since I started meditating.
My body gets very hot/warm every day for like an hour, then it passes and I cool down to my normal temperature. I experience the same when I'm doing Aura of Protection and Aura Cleaning, my temperature rises a little bit, then it goes down to normal after I finish them. It's not overwhelming and I don't have any burning sensation, but feels like I'm directly standing under the sun in the summer heat. I also start to sweat a lot. Feels like the heat is radiating from my spine, and covers my whole body. I occasionally start to move unconsciously while doing the meditations, mostly it's back and forth, it happens very rarely tho.
I also have problems with sleeping since like a week or so. I start to feel very energized, even if I was tired throught the day, usually I have to wait until morning to fell asleep normally. I do AoP, Aura Cleaning, Void Meditation and Hatha Yoga in the night normally.
And lastly, I experience something since my childhood, but it got even more intense since I actively doing yoga and meditations. I feel the same energy buzz I get after yoga, but on the base of my spine (Well, on my bottom to be more specific). When I was a kid I got this feeling when something bad was about to happen to me, or when I experienced fear. It's like a big ball of energy gets released from there, it lasts a few seconds normally (I can also trigger this energy release conscously, but I decided not to experiment with it too much). But now, it got even more noticeable, and I experience it constantly. I can feel it slightly at this moment too, if I draw my attention to it, it gets stronger. When I experience fear the energy buzz goes down to my legs, one time it even reached my ankles almost. Right now, as far as I'm aware strong emotions can also trigger this to happen, it don't have to be fear specially, it can happen when I'm really happy about something or vibing to some music. If it's something intense which made it happen I get a rush of warm sensation in my whole body too. But it kinda goes upwards too (?), like yesterday I was laying down after yoga. When I finish I usually stay in that position and just "play around' a little, and try to direct energy inside my body, or concentrate on the flow I feel in my body and see where it goes. I started to experience this like a week ago too, it started with feeling an energy buzz on my foot, and feeling something flowing up on my legs. Well, now I can feel this everywhere, but my foot and leg is the most noticeable still. And, while I was laying down I felt this energy buzz on the base of my spine (from my rear end lol), and it started to slowly flow upwards to my head. I draw my attention to it, to see where it goes. When it reached the top of my head I had a pleasurable feeling there, but a few moments later I had a very strong feeling that I should stop focusing on it, so I did and just stood up.
I'm very curious about it, and what it could be, and what should I do about it. So far, I never mentioned it to anybody, and honestly I don't know if it's something that everyone experiences - If yes, then forgive me my stupidity.
Thank you everyone for taking your time and reading my comment:)
Could doing an uneven amount of mantras for each Chakra cause any nerve damage?

I know the site mentions that if a meditation is too much or you're feeling any sharp pains to stop and that it could lead to nerve damage.

I'm asking because I did Satanama 10x in my root chakra and 1 into each of the others and I felt a bit of a sting, I only focused enough energy to complete the working so I could do it the next day after that.
Blessing be upon you all, SS Family.

Prior to becoming SS, I used to use herbs from a shaman to rid myself off negative energies sent to me and had them sent directly back to their senders. And it worked everytime.

If I were to continue using these herbs;
1.) Would the Gods and the Demons be angry with me?
2.) Do my meditation sessions, as in void meditation and such, rid the protective energies derived from the use of these herbs from me or would power meditation increase their strength?
3.) Would anything of a negative nature be brought about by this?
4.) Would this be considered as dabbling?
Henu the Great said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Breath_of_Fire.html says that the Breath of Fire is the foundation of Kundalini Yoga. If so, should we use Fire Breaths doing Kundalini Yoga? But since the exhale comes first, how do we sync it with the movements described here? - http://bucurialuisatan.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/yoga_kundalinica_rev.pdf (pdf taken from the beginner's section of the Romanian website)

Second, I read somewhere that we shouldn't strain during Hatha Yoga so that we feel the energy buzz, but I'm using all my force to sustain the poses and I can't focus on anything else. If I go just to the point where I can relax, the position is not correct. Should I "relax" like this or not relax at all until I am able to do them properly?

Thank you !
Depends on KY Kriya, but generally, yes. The pdf you linked has instructions on when to inhale and when to exhale.

If there are easier variations of a pose you are doing, master easier one(s) first. You can alter the amount of strain between sessions, doing easier some times, and harder other times.

But do I use the Fire Breaths during the Kriyas in that specific pdf? Because it starts with the inhalation, and it says to inhale deeply, meanwhile on the other page it says that the inhalation is passive, and exhalation comes first.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
But do I use the Fire Breaths during the Kriyas in that specific pdf? Because it starts with the inhalation, and it says to inhale deeply, meanwhile on the other page it says that the inhalation is passive, and exhalation comes first.
For Basic Spinal Energy Series, yes, except for 3rd and 4th part.
Hake LeQheku 666 said:
Blessing be upon you all, SS Family.

Prior to becoming SS, I used to use herbs from a shaman to rid myself off negative energies sent to me and had them sent directly back to their senders. And it worked everytime.

If I were to continue using these herbs;
1.) Would the Gods and the Demons be angry with me?
2.) Do my meditation sessions, as in void meditation and such, rid the protective energies derived from the use of these herbs from me or would power meditation increase their strength?
3.) Would anything of a negative nature be brought about by this?
4.) Would this be considered as dabbling?

1. No they would not, I've had people on here recommend me to use Sage and other things that are also said to rid negative energies.

2. Unless you program yourself to do so. It can likely be used to enhance your meditation.

3. Same as 1, there are some incenses I also use to get rid of negative energies and even bring positive energies.

4. In the JOS we actually do "dabble" in a lot of things, as long as it is safe and does not harm the soul or body.

The only thing that I can say would be bad about it is if you constantly rely on it as you progress. I've even seen on other sites dealing with Witchcraft where they say that the true power comes from within, which it does. That, and anything stolen and used by the enemy, such as anything corrupted by the language, their symbols and all.

I actually use and Atheme, which from what I read is pretty much like a wand, maybe even better from some of the things I've read and what my needs would be with it.

I'm just stating it for reference though because the JOS does speak against using wands because they are yet another thing that the enemy has used for their own gain.

In fact, for herbs, the JOS has it's own page for it https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Herbs.html

You could gain that much more from the meditations here and start your own enchantments and programmings for what you want from each herb.
Ardgion said:
Should the chakras and soul be completely clean before empowering them?

Like I feel that my soul is very dirty and it will take time to completely clean so should I wait with empowering until I am clean?

For some reason I always think that whenever I am doing chakra working I always empower or "enhance" all that dirt inside so I am making it worse.
I know it sound dumb but can someone clear this out for me.

This is not completely correct, and I regret having alluded to this in the past. The only way you will have major problems is if you completely avoid cleaning, balancing, and mind control. This is the case for people who are strongly misinformed, or who have other unrealistic expectations or ideas.

What may happen is that if you have an improper subconscious belief, caused by karma or dirt, then you may inappropriately use your energy to further this. However, if you are working to address your major karmic flaws, then this will not be a problem.

Additionally, being in an empowered state is actually beneficial to us, as it keeps us on a higher plane of existence. With high energy, this has a protective influence against negative energy, for example. Of course, if you have lots of energy, then your cleaning will be even more effective.

Therefore, don't stress about being empowered. Program the energy or empowering exercises to improve your soul in a healthy manner. Do not focus on the dirt, or think it is being empowered, so that you do not unwittingly give it power.

Put a good effort into both your empowerment and cleaning and you will be fine.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=381308 time=1660535544 user_id=21286]
Ardgion said:
Should the chakras and soul be completely clean before empowering them?

Like I feel that my soul is very dirty and it will take time to completely clean so should I wait with empowering until I am clean?

For some reason I always think that whenever I am doing chakra working I always empower or "enhance" all that dirt inside so I am making it worse.
I know it sound dumb but can someone clear this out for me.

This is not completely correct, and I regret having alluded to this in the past. The only way you will have major problems is if you completely avoid cleaning, balancing, and mind control. This is the case for people who are strongly misinformed, or who have other unrealistic expectations or ideas.

What may happen is that if you have an improper subconscious belief, caused by karma or dirt, then you may inappropriately use your energy to further this. However, if you are working to address your major karmic flaws, then this will not be a problem.

Additionally, being in an empowered state is actually beneficial to us, as it keeps us on a higher plane of existence. With high energy, this has a protective influence against negative energy, for example. Of course, if you have lots of energy, then your cleaning will be even more effective.

Therefore, don't stress about being empowered. Program the energy or empowering exercises to improve your soul in a healthy manner. Do not focus on the dirt, or think it is being empowered, so that you do not unwittingly give it power.

Put a good effort into both your empowerment and cleaning and you will be fine.
Doing planetary squares for empowerment before freeing of the soul workings can aggravate negative or unwanted issues regardless of beliefs. Above combined with less expierence than is ideal for squares are common issues when obstacles are appearing related to empowerment.
Henu the Great said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=381308 time=1660535544 user_id=21286]
Ardgion said:
Doing planetary squares for empowerment before freeing of the soul workings can aggravate negative or unwanted issues regardless of beliefs. Above combined with less expierence than is ideal for squares are common issues when obstacles are appearing related to empowerment.

Yes, this is true.

My advice was more along the lines of daily empowerment, not a full Square. Just as a matter of semantics, it is also possible to get this same aggravation even when you are not directly empowering something, but perhaps trying to achieve a certain goal, such as material goals.

But yes, you are right that people should take a good look at their astrology and see where heavy pockets of negative karma lie. For major issues, it is a good assumption that one should do both lots of empowerment and freeing from any obstacles.
Clayface said:
I cant refuse to go along with the cult because I have no job or money and while the suggestion on jobs that need no qualifications is a good one but I dont know how to put it in motion
and if I refuse now I might end up homeless in a subhuman area

I need aura for protection against bad events from happening because a cousin who recently came back to jehova behaves like he is on drugs (doesnt take drugs but that is how he is) and he constantly pressures me on advancing with jehova and I dont like him and becuase of how I behaved at the khall (I was very antisocial that time) my mom said that she will make sure that I connect with the "brothers"

As for cleaning up my chakras and protection, I cant vibrate anything because my mom is home all the time but she lets me "pray" atleast twice a day in privacy (I used matthew 6:6) so I have something to work with but I cant vibrate anything or she will hear

I dont know how to do trance and I cant practice it because she may get suspicious and I feel like I have aphantasia (please I want to get rid of it)

I want to do a ritual to detach from my mom spiritually but I dont think I have enough time alone to do that

I brought up the idea of a spiritual satanist infiltrating my congregation before but I want to bring it up again because I want to fool my mom into thinking that I am connecting with the "brothers" but I'm actually connecting with a satanic brother but I understand that you have other things to do with your lives but I think it's worth thinking about again because I dont see a way out that's fast enough and I'm sorry if I sound like a christian because of that suggestion

I dont know if meeting a spiritual satanist in real life is a good idea because what if they are not from satan?

I'm sorry if I sound like a delusional christian but I'm feeling kinda desperate right now

I want to learn about how to read my natal chart because I think I need to know what my natal chart is
I'm heavily considering letting someone read my astral chart but why would anyone want to help a subhuman?

sorry about my ranting but I feel desperate like talking to those zombies will make me lose my sanity

You are doing fine, given your situation. Do not feel upset or think you are delusional.

Mainly, you will need to focus heavily on doing silent meditations and energy breathing. As you stated above, you can accomplish chakra cleaning, empowerment, and protection in this manner. Additionally, you can also detach from people in this way, by cutting the astral connections between you and them, however, this can take time and effort, and you want to feel competent first.

In regards to Aphantasia, just keep practicing. This does not necessarily ruin your spiritual work. Your willpower still works, regardless of your senses. Unless this is a diagnosis from a doctor, I would not act like this is a major problem. If you train your visualization ability (literally trying to create and hold a shape in your head), and you work on your third eye and 6th chakra, then there is no reason why this will not improve.

I'm not sure what you mean about an SS infiltrating your congregation. You should not be aggravating your mom's paranoia about Satan or anything, or give her any reason to think you are not a Christian. The more you can operate and advance without her knowing, the better. Also, no, you should not try to meet SS in real life.


You need to focus on finding ways to get away from your mom, even in a minor sense. Do you have any school or computer work you should be doing? Then, sit at your desk and "work", but instead you can meditate with your eyes open. Of course, this is not ideal, but it will still work.

I am not sure exactly how much your mom is breathing down your neck. Does she control your computer or phone? Obviously, you are typing to us and browsing these sites (just a reminder to always be careful and use incognito mode). Even if you cannot chant loudly, cannot you at least sit by yourself somewhere?

What does your day consist of? Does your mom order you around during the whole day?

Similarly, you should use the fact that you "pray" on your own and really push that. Try to spend a little longer while doing that, until she accepts that you take time to yourself. Similarly, tell your cousin that you do work on these beliefs, but you are limited by how much private time you can get. You should basically make it seem like your spirituality is very personal and deep, and push the fact that you need alone time.

Does your mom let you exercise? Does she have any opinions on yoga? You should try to do yoga. Just tell her they are bodyweight exercises and stretches. You can tell her you want to start going to the gym, then go there and do your exercises on a mat.

If you think she will be paranoid about the yoga somehow, then instead try to do normal cardio, either at home or the gym. Really stress the fact to your mom that you want to start improving yourself physically. Just like she pushes you to do things, you can definitely ramp up the intensity against her as well, and not in a direct fighting sense, but still putting pressure.


In regards to a job, you can find something by searching online, like here: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=entry%20level&sc=0kf%3Aexplvl(ENTRY_LEVEL)%3B&vjk=e014dafd4dd819d2

Notice that you can search for a location, and you can change the experience level to 'entry-level' meaning no qualifications are needed. There are even online, remote positions if you would like to work from home.

There is no reason why you are going to end up in some sort of squalor or poverty situation.

Yes, you should not refuse your mom if you think it will make her go crazy, but you can also push back with otherwise normal requests, such as wanting a job, wanting more private time, wanting to exercise, and so forth. In all of these areas, you have a strong case against her. In reality, you are less dependent on her than you may think.
thank you,

i wondered if anywhere on the site, the teaching talk of the directions that energy flows.... i..e up through the bottom to the top chakras, or vice versa, i..e down through the crown and out through the root...

here is some good explantation of how a torus field works and the field of inertia/ plane of potentiality, which i guess would be between the solar and sacral chakra....



c u in the astral!

Aquarius said:
Queen of the Stars said:
if it is pointing down, does this mean it is drawing in energy from above?

Aquarius said:
The solar chakra is pointed down and is not a dan tian, the dan tien are separate energetic points.
Might be some info you're looking for here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Chakra_Alignment.html
is there anywhere on the site, that mentions the direction of the spin of the charkas?

do the female charkas spin in an opposite direction to the males? or do they all go the same way?

i once read that the two triangles of the merkaba spin in an opposite direction of a female...

thank you kindly

Aquarius said:
Queen of the Stars said:
if it is pointing down, does this mean it is drawing in energy from above?

Aquarius said:
The solar chakra is pointed down and is not a dan tian, the dan tien are separate energetic points.
Might be some info you're looking for here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Chakra_Alignment.html
I met a pastor yesterday at my job, he came in dressed in a purple suit and stuff. I asked him if he would write me a religious exemption for the COVID shot so I could attend college classes in person. I told him I'd go to his church if he would do that. Classes start in 3 days so I'm not sure it will happen in time but I mean I find it kind of hilarious, I don't feel like it's spiritually dangerous as I have a pretty strong energy field. Should I not do this for any reason? I think it would be funny.. I don't see how else I can go unless a state-recognized church writes me an exemption letter. I'd like to go in person, I only have 5 classes left to graduate.
Greetings! I recall there was a page, on the main site, describing how each of the Trance states feels. I searched all over the website for it but I can't seem to find it. Am I mistaken? Or was it taken down? If anyone knows of it, can you give me the link? (It may sound like I am too lazy to search a damn page, but I really searched for it and am serious when I say I didn't find it) Thanks.
Queen of the Stars said:
is there anywhere on the site, that mentions the direction of the spin of the charkas?

do the female charkas spin in an opposite direction to the males? or do they all go the same way?

i once read that the two triangles of the merkaba spin in an opposite direction of a female...

thank you kindly

Aquarius said:
Queen of the Stars said:
if it is pointing down, does this mean it is drawing in energy from above?
Might be some info you're looking for here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Chakra_Alignment.html
No, No, the all spin the same direction.

https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Star_of_Astaroth.html As the Mer Ka Ba webpage says. The pyramids spin in opposite directions, whether female or male.
Greetings. Maybe I'm too technical but here are some concerns:
In the Standard Ritual to Satan, when it says to turn counterclockwise, then invoke the Four Crowns (which is in itself a counterclockwise turn), does it mean 2 turns, or just one (ringing the bell and then the invocation)? After that, I'm supposed to recite the Invocation to Satan, so do I remain facing South (as after invoking Lord Azazel) or do I turn back to East?
2) as I will perform my Rituals in my Astral Temple, I suppose it is still manners to bath before and dress properly, right?
3) The part with lighting the candles, incense and writing the Letter - is it also done in the Astral Temple?
4) and the part with reading the letter - if I write my letter in the Astral Temple, then in order to read it afterwards I should memorize it , correct? I can't see another way because I can't interrupt and write in the physical world, and then go into my Astral Temple, perform half of a Ritual, then read the letter in the physical world, and then return back there.
Regarding creating an Astral Temple, on the main site it is said to construct it during Ritual. I presume it is the Standard Ritual it is talking about, but I intend to create it exactly because, living with roommates, I cannot do a physical Standard Ritual. Should I just trance, as it is said, and then ask Father Satan to bless it, without a formal Standard Ritual? Or perhaps ask Him after it is constructed...?
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings! I recall there was a page, on the main site, describing how each of the Trance states feels. I searched all over the website for it but I can't seem to find it. Am I mistaken? Or was it taken down? If anyone knows of it, can you give me the link? (It may sound like I am too lazy to search a damn page, but I really searched for it and am serious when I say I didn't find it) Thanks.

Was it this one?

I got it from Meditations>Information Concerning the Mind>Brainwaves
Impetigo said:
I met a pastor yesterday at my job, he came in dressed in a purple suit and stuff. I asked him if he would write me a religious exemption for the COVID shot so I could attend college classes in person. I told him I'd go to his church if he would do that. Classes start in 3 days so I'm not sure it will happen in time but I mean I find it kind of hilarious, I don't feel like it's spiritually dangerous as I have a pretty strong energy field. Should I not do this for any reason? I think it would be funny.. I don't see how else I can go unless a state-recognized church writes me an exemption letter. I'd like to go in person, I only have 5 classes left to graduate.

Try to get a medical exemption instead. Go to a doctor and explain how you have had bad reactions to vaccines in the past, specifically describe an anaphylactic type reaction. And ask if doctor will write you a note for medical exemption.

Only say these things if they are true. I am not telling you to lie about anything. But saying these things will work.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=380123 time=1660046556 user_id=21286]
Heyman342 said:
I'm going to use a rune to attract a very popular person to me so I can meet them. I'm thinking of using the Raidho rune. What do you guys think?

Yes, that would work, but is what you are trying to do good use of your time? Can someone else substitute for this person? If you meet them, will it benefit you greatly? Is it even reasonable that they would meet you, or would it require substantial amounts of energy?

It is important that we are efficient with our time and energy. Chances are, there are much better uses of your time than this, but that is why I ask you to analyze the situation to the best of your ability.

Those are great questions to ask! I will think about those. For Raidho, I listened to the MP3 and there are two pronunciations. Do I have to do both of those? Or could I just do one?
şeytanın kendine ait cezalandırma sistemi varmıdır varsa nasıldır ayrıca sözlerinin oldugu bir kitap varmı varsa nerden bulabilirim
Greetings. I read on the main site that the energy is to be directed upwards so it doesn't stagnate in the feet. Is this what happens if it does? During meditation, my feet felt like they fell asleep, but in a painful way, like pumped up and compressing. When I finished I took a look at them and although I was moving them I couldn't feel them. After some time of walking I could feel the needles and pins sensation and mild spasms. Is it possible for my circulation to stop? :lol: :|
Nevertheless next time I'll direct the energy upwards
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. I read on the main site that the energy is to be directed upwards so it doesn't stagnate in the feet. Is this what happens if it does? During meditation, my feet felt like they fell asleep, but in a painful way, like pumped up and compressing. When I finished I took a look at them and although I was moving them I couldn't feel them. After some time of walking I could feel the needles and pins sensation and mild spasms. Is it possible for my circulation to stop? :lol: :|
Nevertheless next time I'll direct the energy upwards

Microcosmic orbit meditations are legit but we as spiritual Satanists must not detach from the physical body and know that most of that microcosmic orbit nonsense is really based on sucking your butthole and then making it physical. The anal pump is what makes the sacral and cranial pumps effective.

Just read some multi orgasmic man
Does the JoS calendar take into account summer and winter time in the EU Member States? I mean setting the clock one hour forward/back:

magus.immortalis said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings! I recall there was a page, on the main site, describing how each of the Trance states feels. I searched all over the website for it but I can't seem to find it. Am I mistaken? Or was it taken down? If anyone knows of it, can you give me the link? (It may sound like I am too lazy to search a damn page, but I really searched for it and am serious when I say I didn't find it) Thanks.

Was it this one?

I got it from Meditations>Information Concerning the Mind>Brainwaves

No, I've seen this one. Maybe I just got confused and there was no such page, although I can almost clearly remember it listed the different sensations associated with each brainwave frequency...Thanks for finding this though
magus.immortalis said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings! I recall there was a page, on the main site, describing how each of the Trance states feels. I searched all over the website for it but I can't seem to find it. Am I mistaken? Or was it taken down? If anyone knows of it, can you give me the link? (It may sound like I am too lazy to search a damn page, but I really searched for it and am serious when I say I didn't find it) Thanks.

Was it this one?

I got it from Meditations>Information Concerning the Mind>Brainwaves

Those are the states of trance and the states of your physical calm, determined with the cycles of your brain and with those 4 phases, where practices in the astral are possible (it is recommended that when you go deep you should not disturb anything)
But there is also another article where the states of the trace are better explained "states of trance", but don't remember the link.
what are Yantras and why are they not talked abt even though theyre apart of the 8 path?

Im just confused how to do them
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Someone.something_ said:
what are Yantras and why are they not talked abt even though theyre apart of the 8 path?

Im just confused how to do them

They are talked about. All of the gods' sigils are yantras, the runes are yantras and mantras together.

i see, thank you and sorry for not doing proper research beforehand
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
magus.immortalis said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings! I recall there was a page, on the main site, describing how each of the Trance states feels. I searched all over the website for it but I can't seem to find it. Am I mistaken? Or was it taken down? If anyone knows of it, can you give me the link? (It may sound like I am too lazy to search a damn page, but I really searched for it and am serious when I say I didn't find it) Thanks.

Was it this one?

I got it from Meditations>Information Concerning the Mind>Brainwaves

No, I've seen this one. Maybe I just got confused and there was no such page, although I can almost clearly remember it listed the different sensations associated with each brainwave frequency...Thanks for finding this though


This was found in Satanic Witchcraft>Hypnosis

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
