AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. I intend to start a 40 day working for intuition. It's my first working so any corrections/suggestions are welcome.
From what I understand, I should vibrate a Rune (I chose Lagur) into my 6th Chakra 40 times, then affirm 40 times. I thought about the next affirmation : "My pineal gland and intuition are permanently empowered now, in the most positive and powerful way for me. I know myself." Should I do anything else besides that? Like visualization, or using color?
40 days or 80 better yet 90 days(10 more days) usually what we've mentioned is many can do a simple 40 or 90 day or multiple 40-90 days and get away with it the general consensus is people coming to SS are bulked up from previous lives or spiritual phenomena and might not need to go further albeit there are those who've mentioned 120, 270, 360, or 720 days. Just to let you know your not limited to 40 days ONLY FYI.
40 vibrations(or any other number of vibrations but you picked 40 so I'm assuming your not wanting to become tired of doing it and or keeping it lower but respectfully stronger to produce an effect i.e. your a spiritually newer person).
Affirmation wise since your pumping this into the 6th chakra you would state center ajna as the pineal is not being stimulated directly just passively since the pineal sits within the center ajna. I believe the working can be a general intuition i.e. focus on the entire body but I believe someone can state an advanced form of working would be working on the chakra for intuition i.e. runic imprint/vibration with a mini chakra rune.
So in essence you can take Lagus choosing your version pick a national vibration. And either imagine the Lagus rune on the 6th chakra illuminating it. Pure Gold color is used for intuition.
Great Fortune, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits. I believe gold attracts larger sums of money (use green with shimmering gold for money meditation.) Gold is used for healing, happiness, authority, reputation, honor, and personal power. Use gold for confidence, fame, success in gambling, pleasure, securing popularity/charisma, increasing health and vitality, healing, protection, success, and magickal power.
Gold is one of the most powerful of the colors. Satan has a golden aura. Gold is the color of the Sun, and is of the element of fire. In Satanic alchemy, gold represents the perfection of the soul. Both the colors gold and white-gold are seen all over in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, in the temples and pyramids. Gold is the color of riches and power.
And then vibrate the chosen mantra. If you want you can visualize gold coming into the 6th/Lagus as a form of breathing in gold energy to enhance the color effect. So instead of just breathing in and vibrating you acclimate a color breathing effect and push in some extra gold.
IF your not comfortable with vibrating this way you can always do a traditional Runic working and place the Lagus rune in the center of your body and shine out all the throughout your being an aura inside and out like illumination or lightbulb effect.
Intuition wise for a working especially with how positive gold is and this vibration you want to consider your affirmation correctly.
"My pineal gland and intuition are permanently empowered now, in the most positive and powerful way for me. I know myself."
I think a better affirmation would be: My center ajna chakra, pineal gland, and intuition are permanently empowered in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me. I know myself."
That last part is kinda odd but it doesn't sound bad. Your affirmation states most positive and powerful way for me. What is most positive? what is most powerful? how powerful is powerful?. I think your adding to the affirmation power clauses that might backfire and not produce an effect or maybe not pick up on events. Remember what is at your level and is another can be powerful. For example feeling the magnetic effect of your 3rd eye that pressure VERY well in a powerful way above your level is powerful but for someone else it's like "meh that is common for me it happens all the time".
So I think your doing something like I've done in the past and others have contemplated that sometimes leaving out the power phrases and keeping it simple is better. Lydia is a good affirmation producer so is Blitzkreig and a few others.
I just think your should keep the positive clause of the end S, H, P, and B for me. To procure this enhancement of intuition along with the effect of producing on your body in a positive way. After all your pumping into your organ i.e. brain.
Affirmation no way you should do 40 affirmations though funny enough we don't have the full technological informatics to help us decode what 40 affirmations does. 40 can have certain principles and we can study it but within a framework of limited data.
But stick to the first few 1-18 is the main affirmation amount. I think in your case a safe usage of 8 or 9 is fine. 8 affirmations or 9 affirmations. 18 is another fine number for this if you want to really up the amount of affirmations.
As for directing I have no idea how to direct with your affirmation and your reality you wish to improve. I've noticed with a lot of meditations and affirmations I just will it in and not bother with creating a metaphysical imprint. In other words I don't understand how to direct it is what I mean.
This expansion of spirituality might be something like at least spend a few minutes 2-5 minutes visualizing your chakra glowing and absorbing the energy, your pineal gland glowing and absorbing the energy, and finally visualize the gold energy working abound inside of you.
But that is my best guess to your affirmation.
Anyways good luck. Perform the working and let us know what occurred so we can help you out to improve your intuition after all your gonna probably have effects and might not recognize it all. Kinda like lucid dreaming and missing out on dream signs you intuited the dream sign but you never bothered to register it and wake up inside the dream to be lucid. So feel free to post back so we can help.