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Asians use to be white

Dec 29, 2022
There is this article in the South Chinese Post about Asians used to be white. They say white man, but I'm sure it was the white Christian that made the Asians yellow, not only in their eyes but even in the eyes of Asians, but then again, no one is really white I just feel like my identity is gone, what do you guys think ill link the article below


Most Asians have yellow tones to their skin. Asians were never white in the sense of being the same as Europeans. Race is more than skin color.

Blacks are called black, despite very few of them actually having pure black skin. Whites are not paper-white. None of these names are truly accurate, but there is no need to feel like your identity is gone.
While I believe that you're totally wrong. I heard that the Japanese people have trace amount of whiteness in them.
Japan used to be a white country like 15-20 thousand years ago when the continent Lemuria was still above the water. Before the Younger Drias Impact [I know I spelled this wrong.] cataclysm where enormous amounts of astroids, ice, and planetary debris fell to Earth. This impact had so much pressure that it sunk the Lemurian continent under the Pacific ocean and raised up the Himalayan and Andes mountain ranges, which were on the edges of the tectonic plates that were pushed down.

But before this, the White Lemurian people, which this is where White people originally came from on Earth, had visited and lived on Japan. Asian and White people mixed together here at this time, so the Japanese have had some White DNA ever since then. And with all the wars between Japan and Korea where both sides have raped each other's people many times, the Japanese and Koreans have very similar DNA to each other so the Koreans also have some White DNA. This race mixing happened so many thousands of years ago between White and Asian that the DNA is not the same as a White person because everything has alloyed together, but you can still see some White phenotype features in things like the pale skin and increased height compared to some other Asians.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476123 time=1701933391 user_id=57]

Most Asians have yellow tones to their skin. Asians were never white in the sense of being the same as Europeans. Race is more than skin color.

Blacks are called black, despite very few of them actually having pure black skin. Whites are not paper-white. None of these names are truly accurate, but there is no need to feel like your identity is gone.

I would say the East Asians, but the Southeast Asians are entirely different sub-breed, very brown skinned, they used to inhabit southern China but got pushed by the northern sub-races into Southeast Asia, and eventually spread on to Central and South America. The people of southern China have that yellow-brown admixture.
Aquarius said:
While I believe that you're totally wrong. I heard that the Japanese people have trace amount of whiteness in them.

In the Philippines they have a lot of people with Filipino-Spaniard admixture, not that I promote race-mixing. And yeah I completely disagree with the article too, Asians are a completely different race and have no need to go around pretending to be White based on psuedo-science.

Even in the case of light-skinned Asians, the facial features still give off the obvious Asiatic phenotypes.

The only Asians who can claim any White descent are the race-mixed ones, but even if you have like 10% or 2% White inside of you, and the rest is Asian, well you're still Asian and need to embrace an Asian identity. As HPS Lydia mentioned, it's not always just the skin color, but also other things like facial features and height, not to mention that East Asia is prone to the skin-whitening industry.

So in my opinion, it's all hogwash. Perhaps the title should have been "Article Claims Asians used to be white", as this makes it appear as if you are claiming that Asians really White or something like that.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476123 time=1701933391 user_id=57]

Most Asians have yellow tones to their skin. Asians were never white in the sense of being the same as Europeans. Race is more than skin color.

Blacks are called black, despite very few of them actually having pure black skin. Whites are not paper-white. None of these names are truly accurate, but there is no need to feel like your identity is gone.

OK. thanks. i feel better. one more thing can you teach me how to use Hagl in black magick, is it enough to chat the rune and the persons name?
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476123 time=1701933391 user_id=57]
Blacks are called black, despite very few of them actually having pure black skin. Whites are not paper-white. None of these names are truly accurate, but there is no need to feel like your identity is gone.

I feel even the term Asian can be quite inaccurate, as even some scholars have disputed this term to refer to my people. The simply reason being that there's countries in the contintentals of Asia, namely the Arab countries aka "West Asia", Turkey and Armenia, and those folks aren't "Asians" in the ethnic sense (only the geographical). In the case of Lebanon and most of the Ancient Levant, they too are White from what I heard (look at a picture of Emir Bashir Shihab II, he looks like a VIking).

Hopefully when the world is Satanic, we can simplify the ethnic terms - there'd be four (or five - when considering the enemy race)....perhaps Shivaites (Whites), Indraites (Asians), and one for Blacks, Mixed-Race and the Enemy. I'm not Black therefore I wouldn't know a good Sanskrit term for them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Japan used to be a white country like 15-20 thousand years ago when the continent Lemuria was still above the water. Before the Younger Drias Impact [I know I spelled this wrong.] cataclysm where enormous amounts of astroids, ice, and planetary debris fell to Earth. This impact had so much pressure that it sunk the Lemurian continent under the Pacific ocean and raised up the Himalayan and Andes mountain ranges, which were on the edges of the tectonic plates that were pushed down.

But before this, the White Lemurian people, which this is where White people originally came from on Earth, had visited and lived on Japan. Asian and White people mixed together here at this time, so the Japanese have had some White DNA ever since then. And with all the wars between Japan and Korea where both sides have raped each other's people many times, the Japanese and Koreans have very similar DNA to each other so the Koreans also have some White DNA. This race mixing happened so many thousands of years ago between White and Asian that the DNA is not the same as a White person because everything has alloyed together, but you can still see some White phenotype features in things like the pale skin and increased height compared to some other Asians.

Which white are you talking about, Aryan white, right? I'm talking about paper white and not yellow cause, c'mon, no one wants to be yellow. For some reason, sometimes I'm paper white, and other times I'm a brown. I think this is because of the mass mind. and yes I did a DNA test and I said I was like .o1 percent European and thankfully non jew DNA hahaha
Ol argedco luciftias said:
...15-20 thousand years ago...

Wasn't this around the time the Gods were still around. I thought shit hit the fan some 10-12-15 thousand years ago. Not as far back as 20K.

Wouldn't the Gods have been very pissed off and issued warnings to race mixers?

Or does Satan's I allow dictates of one nature to occur a matter of you race mix don't be surprised if we get pissed off at you.

So why would whites mix with Asiatics if they've been warned about it with the Gods around.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476269 time=1702018807 user_id=57]
Maxis Orientis said:
look at a picture of Emir Bashir Shihab II, he looks like a VIking.
No he doesn't, that is an Arab nose. No Northern European has a nose like that.

Ahhh, I see, I learn something new everyday indeed. My knowledge in White vs. Arab phenotypes is much as my performance in algebra back in school (que the horrific memories of failing report cards..... :p )
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476267 time=1702018167 user_id=57]
What do you think of the name "Oriental"? It's what former-HP Lucius Oria advocated for, and why this sub-forum is named as such.

I'm fine with it, and thank for you asking my input. I do pitty that Lucius Oria had to leave as the Orientals haven't had an HP or JG to represent them in a while. I was kinda of being a wee-bit "geeky" when talking about the term Asian, most people can comprehend what Oriental or Asian is referring to.

In terms of anything forum-speaking, this is just a recommendation given to my beginner status, the area I could see some room for change is in the description of this sub-forum. While I have other ideas for just the name of the sub-forum, I can hold those off for now, since I'm kinda low on sleep as I type this.

So perhaps a description like this, "Chinese, Japanese and East Asian culture is riddled with Satanic symbology, such as the Dragon and as historically implemented valuable spiritual culture like Qi-Gong, traditional medicinal practices like Acupuncture and a rich heritage of martial arts and a divination system of their own. However, China is under huge plight under their communist government.

This forum is for the people of Lord Baal Zabul, forefather of the Oriental race, who non-coincidentally, is also the Demon of martial arts and war. This forum also includes "Native Americans" and Amerindians, or Canadian First Nations and Pacific Islanders, the people bearing these monikers are all descended from the Asia-Pacific and the enemy has been bent in giving these people false labels and making them forget their Oriental roots, as the Oriental race is a lot larger than just China and Japan.

Followed by a warning not to promote enemy religions.

The reason I bolded the Native American and etc., is that newcomers who are "Native American/Pacific Islander" might not be aware, and the bolded may catch their attention ever in-case they're thinking why they don't have their own sub-forum.

Maxis Orientis said:

The only Asians who can claim any White descent are the race-mixed ones, but even if you have like 10% or 2% White inside of you, and the rest is Asian, well you're still Asian and need to embrace an Asian identity. As HPS Lydia mentioned, it's not always just the skin color, but also other things like facial features and height, not to mention that East Asia is prone to the skin-whitening industry.

So in my opinion, it's all hogwash. Perhaps the title should have been "Article Claims Asians used to be white", as this makes it appear as if you are claiming that Asians really White or something like that.

I should have worded it differently. i talking about Asians being literally white like snow, not caucasian white.
May I know whether Indians come under the Asian category of race?

Indians are pretty-much their own sub-race. Indians/Pakistanis, Hispanics, and Arabs are sub-races of their own at this point, which is of no surprise why they look so physically similar at times.
Never trust articles that refer to White people with lowercase "w" (unless it was lack of attention, but here it's obviously out of spite). (((Media))) pushes spite against White people and inferiority complex on Asians, making them obsessed with Whiteness to sell dangerous esthetics products and race-mix to extinction with the Eurasian agenda.
I went to a Japanese festival in a Temple and every Japanese person I saw 30-50 years old was coupled with a White looking partner, sad to see.

The standard of the Asiatic race and sexually desirable trait is the tan skin and slanted eyes,

It is a shame this beautiful artist is also a race mixer, sadly instead of passing these beautiful genes they'll probably make a half Asian who will probably be very confused with what they are and feeling they're neither "White enough" or not as attractive as a pure Asian.
Never trust articles that refer to White people with lowercase "w" (unless it was lack of attention, but here it's obviously out of spite). (((Media))) pushes spite against White people and inferiority complex on Asians, making them obsessed with Whiteness to sell dangerous esthetics products and race-mix to extinction with the Eurasian agenda.
I went to a Japanese festival in a Temple and every Japanese person I saw 30-50 years old was coupled with a White looking partner, sad to see.

The standard of the Asiatic race and sexually desirable trait is the tan skin and slanted eyes,

It is a shame this beautiful artist is also a race mixer, sadly instead of passing these beautiful genes they'll probably make a half Asian who will probably be very confused with what they are and feeling they're neither "White enough" or not as attractive as a pure Asian.

Glad you brought this up. Sadly, I've seen a lot of morons even here on the forums posting comments about superiority inferiority nonsense and making people think that just because they're not Greek, Roman, or Nordic that they somehow follow a marginalized culture. Though comments like those are much less common now but going back during the days of the old forum there were many. There are areas where Asians are superior, and other areas where Whites are superior. I have famz that been to Europe and told me that there's this wierd fetish of White European males going after Asian women, and Asian males going after White American women.

While we Asians have our shortcomings I don't live my day wishing I was White or Nordic anything like that and happened to find lots of inventions, accomplishments and Satanic origins in Asian mythologies and Asian culture and esoteric traditions especially with things like TCM. That was the entire point of me coming here and posting things about Asian mythology. There's a reason why China was so influential throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region in the ancient era before the Jews and abrahamic religions started infiltrating Chinese society, countries like Vietnam, Korea and Japan are all into the cultural Sinosphere, no matter how much they want to deny and fight it. Many of China's Gods, including the Chinese names for Satan were integrated into Classical Vietnamese and Classical Korean, which at the time, both used Chinese or Chinese-derived alphabet.

Now as for OP....I get absolutely irritated with his/her posts because all this OP ever does is post about White people and suffers from some inferiority complex instead of actually focusing on issues plaguing the Asians or things about Asian mythology, stuff that Satanists normally should be focusing on. Asians got the Communist China to deal with, though the entire world has to deal with communist China but Asians are closest to them which makes them face the brunt of Chinese aggression. Supposedly the OP has been a "long time Satanists" ever since HP Lucius Oria was still here....but I'm not making any allegations, just an observation.

As a matter of fact....you've posted a lot more useful content on Asian mythology and spirituality than even the other Asian SS themselves.....that just speaks volumes.
The standard of the Asiatic race and sexually desirable trait is the tan skin and slanted eyes,

Sadly what I've seen with the brown Asians outside of Asia (indigenous peoples of Latin America) they're all joining these cartel groups. Every time I watch videos of Mexican and Latin American crime groups, most of of their people bear brown Asiatic traits. There's a video called "Subway Gangs of Mexico", and the people featured on there were like 80% to even fully Aztec, no surprise they still looked much like their Southeast Asian ancestors.

The Navajos of southwestern US impress me though, they're very civilized and are skilled jewelry-makers and silversmiths.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
