I added to my program doing Asanas and Sanskrit mantras, such as the combinations below, doing 18 vibrations for each chakra, some 9 for a position and its inversion (you can change to 13 etc.).
For relations of each mantras to the corresponding chakra, see: http://www.joyofsatan.org/Tuning.html
Modifications to fit your preference are welcome.
18 MAUM in crown chakra + Headstand:
18 THAUM in 6th chakra + Child's Pose:
9 HAUM + Shoulderstand & 9 HAUM + Fish Pose, both in throat chakra:
18 YAUM in chest chakra and shoulders, doing easy pose or twisting for both sides:
9 RAUM for each of the following poses, in the solar chakra:
9 VAUM for each of the following poses, in the sexual chakra:
9 LAUM for each of the following poses, in the base chakra:
I started based on this post by HPS Maxine Dietrich:
Happy Spring Equinox to everyone.
The 'opening the chakras' meditations on the JoS are quite weak. There are several reasons for this, the most important being that anything stronger could be dangerous for new people and those who have already reached a level in their past life at some time, but are new to spirituality in this one. It is best to take things slowly with opening the soul. The meditations actually activate the chakras somewhat, but again, this is very individual. Few people have the exact same results. The granthis [knots], especially the ones blocking the 6th and yes, the crown can be extremely difficult to open and empower fully. This is where much of the psychic power and perceptions are at such as accurate telepathic communications and astral sight. Those who are having problems will benefit form this knowledge given to me by Satan. HoodedCobra was also given more details on this from Satan and the effects are exceptionally powerful. If you are new, I strongly warn you
not to do this, but to take things a step at a time.
The hatha [physical] yoga asanas are more than just physical. Each of these asanas works on specific chakras. The headstand works on the 6th and 7th chakras, especially when combined with the seed vibrations, breathing exercises and the application of the bandhas [the yogic locks]. If you choose to do this exercise, it must be done every day, for many days to make sure you are fully open. The major problem with the lighter versions, which are on the JoS, is that yes, the chakra is opened and activated, but then soon closes back up again in many people, unless it was fully opened in a past life.
Indications that the crown and 6th chakras are blocked are pains in the head, crawling sensations around the crown and the inability to fully see astrally and hear telepathic communications correctly. Telepathic communications can be way off in those who are not fully open, but again, I warn you, this is extreme and NOT for newbies!! You must have patience or you will end up having problems.
Kick up into a headstand, this is where your head is touching the floor. You should have your crown centered on the floor. It is best to do this with a wall for support, as you don't want to be concentrating on maintaining your balance, when you should be focusing on the vibration, the breathing and your crown.
Immediately perform the breath of fire for 54 repetitions. If you can't do 54, then do what you are able to do, in and out, using your abdominal muscles in rapid succession, and at the end of the 54th breath, exhale, inhale and fill your lungs, contract your anus, [this is applying the root lock], driving the energy from the base of your spine to your crown chakra, and hold your breath as long as you comfortably can- DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF!
On the exhale, vibrate 'TH' -- a hard TH, with your tongue directly above your front two teeth on your hard palate. Vibrate the 'TH' until you are completely exhaled. The above is one round. You should do 2-3 and then these must be done every day, preferable during your meditation/yoga session.
When you are finished, perform 5-6 rounds of alternate nostril breathing; breathing in through your crown chakra, and exhaling through your crown chakra.
HoodedCobra added that after completing the above, lie on your back and vibrate 'GAUM' into your pineal gland; the effects are extreme. You can also lie on your stomach [for your third eye] and vibrate 'THAUM.' Both of these steps are optional.
So here is a summary:
1. Headstand, your crown chakra should be centered and aligned with the floor.
2. Perform the breath of fire for 54 repetitions, focusing on your crown.
3. Hold your breath and apply the root lock by contracting your anus and focus on driving the energy up into your crown.
4. On the exhale, vibrate TH
5. Keep your head down [never, even stand or sit up right after any inverted asanas], and lie on your back for a few minutes.
The above constitutes one round.
When you are finished with however many rounds you choose to do, then perform 5-6 rounds of alternate nostril breathing, 'breathing' through your crown chakra.
One more thing... Drug use is up the individual. If someone chooses to use drugs, smoke marijuana, or whatever, this is their own personal choice. I know there have been plenty of arguments in the groups back and forth on this. There is one thing though that I would like to share regarding this. This was something I saw myself and it was very sad and ended in tragedy.
When one is under the influence, the mind is altered to be much more open and receptive. In other words, in addition to drugs weakening the user's aura, they also open the user's mind to suggestion. This has a direct correlation to hypnosis. Anyone with an ability and knowledge of witchcraft; using the powers of the mind and soul to influence another will have a very easy time with anyone who regularly uses mind altering substances, even alcohol. The user is wide open. I witnessed the above; one adept individual who used the powers of the mind on a user and the user over time, virtually became a slave to this person. The user got in deeper and deeper and deeper and was completely under the influence and control of the adept one, readily and eagerly succumbing to the wishes and desires of the adept. The user's will and resistance were totally broken. The above ended in death.
This same situation is common with adept hypnotists. NEVER, EVER ALLOW ANYONE TO HYPNOTIZE YOU- IF YOU DO, YOU CAN BECOME HIS/HER BITCH!
The CIA and others have used drugs, mainly barbiturates, to put a person under to where he/she is completely at the mercy of a skilled hypnotist. The personality can be artificially split this way and much more. With spies, if caught and tortured, the weaker personality, which is the main personality that doesn't remember everything and experiences black outs, will have no recall of anything, regardless of the methods used. The one who is hypnotized will do exactly what the operator orders him/her to do when awake and not even remember it. With the intentional use of drugs, even those who normally cannot be hypnotized [a small percentage of the population], will succumb.
Mind altering substances are the same way. Just know this.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/ser...M vibration.
is there any audio to download ?