patrioticgentile_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius. There are also colonies in other solar systems.
I'm wondering if "Sirus/Sirians" is the namesake of the country of Syria itself? Many have also attributed it to Surya, which I got no doubt.
How do you feel about the Pleiades system? I've heard good and bad things, the New Agers claim to be Pleiadeans, and the Zoroasters also claim that their God, Ahura Mazda is the ruler of the Pleades.
Voice of Enki, VoE, good member talked some speculation but it's good theoretician stuff a while back.
In other words there might be the whole greytard/reptard thing of having colonies in other places and also greytards/reptards hounding stupid new agers with greytards/reptards everywhere memes.
But one thing is for certain as VoE went these battles occurring in the vastness of space might last a long time thousands of years. She mentioned we aren't the only planet in our position it's an entire front.
But one thing is for sure the more I've analyzed the situation the more I believe we have colonies in all those areas. But so does the enemy. For Earth it's guaranteed we are in the middle of a match between two hyperpowers. But in those areas out there for example what IF some aliens are in a section of Sirius what if they got their hands on some civilization.
Fact of the matter is Orion and IGF hunt for three things of civilizations; DNA, Data, and Extra-terrestrials. One to borg expanded slavery and one to upgun learn and develop a space faring civilization that can go toe to toe with the enemy.
One planet lost or gained is a win or loss for one guy. VoE mentioned we aren't alone and out in the depths of space a 3rd or 4th party might be out there or more who wants to go toe to toe with both. Maybe a civilization far worse or the opposite maybe a civilization stronger than Orion who found the IGF annoying buggers who need to get roflstomped cause they are pissing other civilizations off.
I don't know how far Humans got to knowledge whether insectoids, reptalliods, hostile grey like civilizations. But all I know is don't believe the non-sense new agers state.
Those places seem sanctified by the enemy and yet what if we are up in those areas. Fighting back, in reality like VoE said if SHTF even the Gods would suffer permanent damages. So things go slowly and steadily.
As one member put it "I think after a solid million or two million years their civilizations collapse and they destroy themselves evolution wise".
It's one thing to believe the Universe revolves one way but even negativity can still exist. Look at muzzies in the middle of desert villages and whatnot. Completely and utterly retarded assbackwards "How do they live?" Funny enough they live barely scraping by.
I don't know the enemy Worlds and don't understand their stuff and their civilization for example like HP.Cobra said "Expiry date for grey borged ones". Why? Your taking out countless slaves. Even a civilization that slaves away like that is hilarious.
I think eventually they just defeat themselves from being so blasted out spiritual warfare. Even their chief aliens this cabal of people who harness the power of their civilization to strike with some massive civilization strike would perish as well.
The enemy isn't stupid we aren't dealing with things that did not get them to these levels. But we are dealing with entities that fucked around with our side and pissed off A LOT of people. I don't think the Gods have small population. If we went from about 2.1 billion in 1945 to currently being 8 billion. How does even a solid 10,000 years would look like. And we are Humans we reproduce like crazy. And yet what's going on in advanced Worlds and societies even with quality vs quantity of spiritual systems in place.
I think the best logical thought is the enemy expanded a lot to different areas but under no circumstances does that mean they won or are winning. They just managed to piss off a lot of people who are very powerful and intend to stand their ground. So don't believe those Everything wuz said by greys/reptillians 'n' sheit. Rather it's possible they are hiding out information to fool people. Keep them distracted to operate under safe spirituality. Look at Raelians, they are basically spiritual communists. Like literally they state greys told them stuff.
Makes you wonder.