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Aryan Origins: Aldebaran or Orion


New member
May 20, 2022
Hello. I would like to know the probable origins of Aryans: Aldebaran? Orion? I am confused on this subject. According to Robert E Dickhoff in his book "Agartha" Aryans came from Adebaran then to mars and earth.
According to other sources I consulted the kikes masters the reptilians are from EBtegeuse in the orion constellation. ANy thoughts on this?
Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius. There are also colonies in other solar systems.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius. There are also colonies in other solar systems.

I'm wondering if "Sirus/Sirians" is the namesake of the country of Syria itself? Many have also attributed it to Surya, which I got no doubt.

How do you feel about the Pleiades system? I've heard good and bad things, the New Agers claim to be Pleiadeans, and the Zoroasters also claim that their God, Ahura Mazda is the ruler of the Pleades.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius. There are also colonies in other solar systems.

I'm wondering if "Sirus/Sirians" is the namesake of the country of Syria itself? Many have also attributed it to Surya, which I got no doubt.

How do you feel about the Pleiades system? I've heard good and bad things, the New Agers claim to be Pleiadeans, and the Zoroasters also claim that their God, Ahura Mazda is the ruler of the Pleades.

Voice of Enki, VoE, good member talked some speculation but it's good theoretician stuff a while back.

In other words there might be the whole greytard/reptard thing of having colonies in other places and also greytards/reptards hounding stupid new agers with greytards/reptards everywhere memes.

But one thing is for certain as VoE went these battles occurring in the vastness of space might last a long time thousands of years. She mentioned we aren't the only planet in our position it's an entire front.

But one thing is for sure the more I've analyzed the situation the more I believe we have colonies in all those areas. But so does the enemy. For Earth it's guaranteed we are in the middle of a match between two hyperpowers. But in those areas out there for example what IF some aliens are in a section of Sirius what if they got their hands on some civilization.

Fact of the matter is Orion and IGF hunt for three things of civilizations; DNA, Data, and Extra-terrestrials. One to borg expanded slavery and one to upgun learn and develop a space faring civilization that can go toe to toe with the enemy.

One planet lost or gained is a win or loss for one guy. VoE mentioned we aren't alone and out in the depths of space a 3rd or 4th party might be out there or more who wants to go toe to toe with both. Maybe a civilization far worse or the opposite maybe a civilization stronger than Orion who found the IGF annoying buggers who need to get roflstomped cause they are pissing other civilizations off.

I don't know how far Humans got to knowledge whether insectoids, reptalliods, hostile grey like civilizations. But all I know is don't believe the non-sense new agers state.

Those places seem sanctified by the enemy and yet what if we are up in those areas. Fighting back, in reality like VoE said if SHTF even the Gods would suffer permanent damages. So things go slowly and steadily.

As one member put it "I think after a solid million or two million years their civilizations collapse and they destroy themselves evolution wise".

It's one thing to believe the Universe revolves one way but even negativity can still exist. Look at muzzies in the middle of desert villages and whatnot. Completely and utterly retarded assbackwards "How do they live?" Funny enough they live barely scraping by.

I don't know the enemy Worlds and don't understand their stuff and their civilization for example like HP.Cobra said "Expiry date for grey borged ones". Why? Your taking out countless slaves. Even a civilization that slaves away like that is hilarious.

I think eventually they just defeat themselves from being so blasted out spiritual warfare. Even their chief aliens this cabal of people who harness the power of their civilization to strike with some massive civilization strike would perish as well.

The enemy isn't stupid we aren't dealing with things that did not get them to these levels. But we are dealing with entities that fucked around with our side and pissed off A LOT of people. I don't think the Gods have small population. If we went from about 2.1 billion in 1945 to currently being 8 billion. How does even a solid 10,000 years would look like. And we are Humans we reproduce like crazy. And yet what's going on in advanced Worlds and societies even with quality vs quantity of spiritual systems in place.

I think the best logical thought is the enemy expanded a lot to different areas but under no circumstances does that mean they won or are winning. They just managed to piss off a lot of people who are very powerful and intend to stand their ground. So don't believe those Everything wuz said by greys/reptillians 'n' sheit. Rather it's possible they are hiding out information to fool people. Keep them distracted to operate under safe spirituality. Look at Raelians, they are basically spiritual communists. Like literally they state greys told them stuff.

Makes you wonder.
Gear88 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius. There are also colonies in other solar systems.

I'm wondering if "Sirus/Sirians" is the namesake of the country of Syria itself? Many have also attributed it to Surya, which I got no doubt.

How do you feel about the Pleiades system? I've heard good and bad things, the New Agers claim to be Pleiadeans, and the Zoroasters also claim that their God, Ahura Mazda is the ruler of the Pleades.

Voice of Enki, VoE, good member talked some speculation but it's good theoretician stuff a while back.

In other words there might be the whole greytard/reptard thing of having colonies in other places and also greytards/reptards hounding stupid new agers with greytards/reptards everywhere memes.

But one thing is for certain as VoE went these battles occurring in the vastness of space might last a long time thousands of years. She mentioned we aren't the only planet in our position it's an entire front.

But one thing is for sure the more I've analyzed the situation the more I believe we have colonies in all those areas. But so does the enemy. For Earth it's guaranteed we are in the middle of a match between two hyperpowers. But in those areas out there for example what IF some aliens are in a section of Sirius what if they got their hands on some civilization.

Fact of the matter is Orion and IGF hunt for three things of civilizations; DNA, Data, and Extra-terrestrials. One to borg expanded slavery and one to upgun learn and develop a space faring civilization that can go toe to toe with the enemy.

One planet lost or gained is a win or loss for one guy. VoE mentioned we aren't alone and out in the depths of space a 3rd or 4th party might be out there or more who wants to go toe to toe with both. Maybe a civilization far worse or the opposite maybe a civilization stronger than Orion who found the IGF annoying buggers who need to get roflstomped cause they are pissing other civilizations off.

I don't know how far Humans got to knowledge whether insectoids, reptalliods, hostile grey like civilizations. But all I know is don't believe the non-sense new agers state.

Those places seem sanctified by the enemy and yet what if we are up in those areas. Fighting back, in reality like VoE said if SHTF even the Gods would suffer permanent damages. So things go slowly and steadily.

As one member put it "I think after a solid million or two million years their civilizations collapse and they destroy themselves evolution wise".

It's one thing to believe the Universe revolves one way but even negativity can still exist. Look at muzzies in the middle of desert villages and whatnot. Completely and utterly retarded assbackwards "How do they live?" Funny enough they live barely scraping by.

I don't know the enemy Worlds and don't understand their stuff and their civilization for example like HP.Cobra said "Expiry date for grey borged ones". Why? Your taking out countless slaves. Even a civilization that slaves away like that is hilarious.

I think eventually they just defeat themselves from being so blasted out spiritual warfare. Even their chief aliens this cabal of people who harness the power of their civilization to strike with some massive civilization strike would perish as well.

The enemy isn't stupid we aren't dealing with things that did not get them to these levels. But we are dealing with entities that fucked around with our side and pissed off A LOT of people. I don't think the Gods have small population. If we went from about 2.1 billion in 1945 to currently being 8 billion. How does even a solid 10,000 years would look like. And we are Humans we reproduce like crazy. And yet what's going on in advanced Worlds and societies even with quality vs quantity of spiritual systems in place.

I think the best logical thought is the enemy expanded a lot to different areas but under no circumstances does that mean they won or are winning. They just managed to piss off a lot of people who are very powerful and intend to stand their ground. So don't believe those Everything wuz said by greys/reptillians 'n' sheit. Rather it's possible they are hiding out information to fool people. Keep them distracted to operate under safe spirituality. Look at Raelians, they are basically spiritual communists. Like literally they state greys told them stuff.

Makes you wonder.

I should clarify some things on what I wrote back then, specifically regarding the Gods.

As I'd been shown more things the past year which did significantly expand my perception.

As HP HoodedCobra also explained in recent posts, the Gods do exist literally in a higher dimension beyond the material.

Their presence in the material is more similar to an avatar, or a projection of their much greater self which exists outside our space time altogether.

In my post which you are referring to, I had significantly underestimated the Gods and their existence.

How that relates or changes things regarding the enemy, I still am not certain.

It is a complicated situation, and I cannot further comment because I'm learning as I go, and I do not want to speak any more incomplete/half truths and especially do not want to speak falsehoods due to limited perception of my own.

The reality out there is deep and the powers of the Gods are unfathomable.

Take what I write in the past with a grain of salt, as even though I had believed to be close to truth back then, I have learned a lot more in recent times which greatly changed my perspective, clearly I was missing a lot of things unfortunately.

Read HP HoodedCobra's posts on the Gods to get more understanding about them.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
as even though I had believed to be close to truth back then, I have learned a lot more in recent times which greatly changed my perspective, clearly I was missing a lot of things unfortunately.
The more you know, the less you know. Right Brother?
Check out this movie regarding reptilians:
Aquarius said:
VoiceofEnki said:
as even though I had believed to be close to truth back then, I have learned a lot more in recent times which greatly changed my perspective, clearly I was missing a lot of things unfortunately.
The more you know, the less you know. Right Brother?

The more you know, the more aware you become of your own ignorance.

It is a long journey to truth, as the truth of our reality is really difficult to fathom in its entirety, perhaps close to impossible for a human.

Power meditation is necessary, otherwise your mind literally cannot handle the understanding required to approach truth.

The rituals we've done for the Gods helped me expand my understanding of them greatly, I am very grateful we were able to do these and connect with our Great Gods so directly.

If someone wants to perceive more about the Gods, my best advice would be to the Rituals of the 4 crowns and meditate deeply upon them, there are many secrets and revelations which can be understood from them.

The path to truth is never ending, and one can never know All, unless one already ascends to the Godhead.

Spiritual Satanism has infinite depth, to find something so magnificent in this godless world is really the greatest blessing.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
I should clarify some things on what I wrote back then, specifically regarding the Gods.

As I'd been shown more things the past year which did significantly expand my perception.

As HP HoodedCobra also explained in recent posts, the Gods do exist literally in a higher dimension beyond the material.

Their presence in the material is more similar to an avatar, or a projection of their much greater self which exists outside our space time altogether.

In my post which you are referring to, I had significantly underestimated the Gods and their existence.

How that relates or changes things regarding the enemy, I still am not certain.

It is a complicated situation, and I cannot further comment because I'm learning as I go, and I do not want to speak any more incomplete/half truths and especially do not want to speak falsehoods due to limited perception of my own.

The reality out there is deep and the powers of the Gods are unfathomable.

Take what I write in the past with a grain of salt, as even though I had believed to be close to truth back then, I have learned a lot more in recent times which greatly changed my perspective, clearly I was missing a lot of things unfortunately.

Read HP HoodedCobra's posts on the Gods to get more understanding about them.

Hail Satan!

No, VoE your correct in correcting me. I don't want to say it like this cause it makes me sound like an ass. But I think even HP.Cobra doesn't know full details about the Gods. I think he's just seeing a snippet of some of the assistive forces.

Even Majestic 12 or people who are contacted by aliens barely witness a full spectrum.

Cobra's recent sermon on his astral projection and seeing this person working in his place with the planet barely being able to sustain the vibration and energy emanating his AP was being difficult.

I honestly don't know and I entertain this information with a ? surrounding it.

I strongly believe we have absolutely no fucking idea on Satan or any God for that matter. Hell even a normal human raised by the Gods is insanely advanced then even some advanced people in modern or ancient times developing themselves. Not even the greats not even Hitler is considered a perfecting Human that accomplished every training under the Gods.

And this isn't to disparage. Imagine being trained by them directly or their civilization better yet as everyone is a practitioner of the metaphysical arts.

I think your right in correcting me, correcting yourself, and correcting everyone and once again recorrecting yourself.

We just barely if anything if simply be. If the Gods are like the beach and we barely if anything grabbed a sand particle and went this is what I know on you.

I don't want to belittle our understanding but it seems as you stated it. We are looking at a perspective of an Earthling.

Anyways thanks for replying and I'm glad you replied back well. I've posted before on certain things and one person was like yeah I remember something like that.

Based on the civilization that broke out of kosher supervision recently according to HP.Cobra and if SHTF here on Earth they were given permission to interfere in our affairs.

I'm always glad to learn new stuff. It's logical what you write and makes sense in those areas of affairs.

Thank you.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius. There are also colonies in other solar systems.

I'm wondering if "Sirus/Sirians" is the namesake of the country of Syria itself? Many have also attributed it to Surya, which I got no doubt.

How do you feel about the Pleiades system? I've heard good and bad things, the New Agers claim to be Pleiadeans, and the Zoroasters also claim that their God, Ahura Mazda is the ruler of the Pleades.

Since so many places have been named after the Gods, as Austria after Astarte, Deutschland after Deus/Zeus, yes, I would be certain of this.

The Pleiades is a confused situation, as they appear in positive remarks in Mythology, but in negative in UFOlogy.
Gear88 said:
Cobra's recent sermon on his astral projection and seeing this person working in his place with the planet barely being able to sustain the vibration and energy emanating his AP was being difficult.

I honestly don't know and I entertain this information with a ? surrounding it.

What sermon would that be? I couldn't find what you're referring to.
Gear88 said:
No, VoE your correct in correcting me. I don't want to say it like this cause it makes me sound like an ass. But I think even HP.Cobra doesn't know full details about the Gods. I think he's just seeing a snippet of some of the assistive forces.

Even Majestic 12 or people who are contacted by aliens barely witness a full spectrum.

Cobra's recent sermon on his astral projection and seeing this person working in his place with the planet barely being able to sustain the vibration and energy emanating his AP was being difficult.

I honestly don't know and I entertain this information with a ? surrounding it.

I strongly believe we have absolutely no fucking idea on Satan or any God for that matter. Hell even a normal human raised by the Gods is insanely advanced then even some advanced people in modern or ancient times developing themselves. Not even the greats not even Hitler is considered a perfecting Human that accomplished every training under the Gods.

And this isn't to disparage. Imagine being trained by them directly or their civilization better yet as everyone is a practitioner of the metaphysical arts.

I think your right in correcting me, correcting yourself, and correcting everyone and once again recorrecting yourself.

We just barely if anything if simply be. If the Gods are like the beach and we barely if anything grabbed a sand particle and went this is what I know on you.

I don't want to belittle our understanding but it seems as you stated it. We are looking at a perspective of an Earthling.

Anyways thanks for replying and I'm glad you replied back well. I've posted before on certain things and one person was like yeah I remember something like that.

Based on the civilization that broke out of kosher supervision recently according to HP.Cobra and if SHTF here on Earth they were given permission to interfere in our affairs.

I'm always glad to learn new stuff. It's logical what you write and makes sense in those areas of affairs.

Thank you.

Regarding the beach analogy, my experience with Spiritual Satanism has been like this:

One day I stumbled upon the JoS. Indeed, it was like a tranquil beach, beautiful and immense. I ran to the sand and began to feel it with my hands.

The grains all being snippets and parts of knowledge and understanding, I dug through it and even rolled through it joyfully, immersed in this new reality which opened up to me.

When I had finally gotten a grasp of what the sand is like, even if it was only a small part, I had build a sandcastle and looked up from the fruits of my understanding with pride.

To my greatest surprise, as I looked up from the beach, there was an ocean in front of me with such depth and immensity it was impossible to see the whole of it. It was impossible to fathom even how immense it really was.

This ocean of knowledge like a whole new reality upon itself. Even though I had yet to master the understanding of the previous world, the beach, that ocean called out to me so I ran towards it and dove in.

I swam far and deep, almost getting lost in this literal sea of knowledge. Through the guidance of the Gods I didn't lose myself in this ocean, instead slowly acclimating to this environment I found myself in.

After a long time, feeling the waters permeate my soul and immersing myself in them, I rose to the surface to take a breathe of fresh air in satisfaction.

Only then to my greatest shock, I saw the night sky above, the countless scintillating stars shining upon me, a new world out there so immense that even the ocean of knowledge I yet couldn't fathom was infinitesimal.

I smiled upon it, upon that snipped of the greater world beyond and decided, I best return to the beach since my foundation is not even remotely build enough to begin to immerse myself in what is out there.

It is important to be aware of the present and to learn and grow your present self.

As for knowledge, there is too much out there, and sometimes you can see too much for your own good as you cannot really fathom it, so to return to the present and work on what you can fathom is the right way to progress, otherwise you can lose yourself in what you find.

HP HoodedCobra helped me quite a bit with this, he deserves a lot of credit for the effort he puts in helping us all with his understanding and wisdom, both in the sermons and through emails.

Hail Satan!
Egon said:

Powerofjustice said:
What sermon would that be? I couldn't find what you're referring to.

Bro that's quite the definition of recent :lol:, I remember that. Still it has nothing to do with what Gear described. What Cobra was saying is, even at his level of advancement, he couldn't stay there long as the level of vibration was so much higher than his, it has nothing to do with aura of protection.
Gear88 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldebaran, Orion and Sirius. There are also colonies in other solar systems.

I'm wondering if "Sirus/Sirians" is the namesake of the country of Syria itself? Many have also attributed it to Surya, which I got no doubt.

How do you feel about the Pleiades system? I've heard good and bad things, the New Agers claim to be Pleiadeans, and the Zoroasters also claim that their God, Ahura Mazda is the ruler of the Pleades.

Voice of Enki, VoE, good member talked some speculation but it's good theoretician stuff a while back.

In other words there might be the whole greytard/reptard thing of having colonies in other places and also greytards/reptards hounding stupid new agers with greytards/reptards everywhere memes.

But one thing is for certain as VoE went these battles occurring in the vastness of space might last a long time thousands of years. She mentioned we aren't the only planet in our position it's an entire front.

But one thing is for sure the more I've analyzed the situation the more I believe we have colonies in all those areas. But so does the enemy. For Earth it's guaranteed we are in the middle of a match between two hyperpowers. But in those areas out there for example what IF some aliens are in a section of Sirius what if they got their hands on some civilization.

Fact of the matter is Orion and IGF hunt for three things of civilizations; DNA, Data, and Extra-terrestrials. One to borg expanded slavery and one to upgun learn and develop a space faring civilization that can go toe to toe with the enemy.

One planet lost or gained is a win or loss for one guy. VoE mentioned we aren't alone and out in the depths of space a 3rd or 4th party might be out there or more who wants to go toe to toe with both. Maybe a civilization far worse or the opposite maybe a civilization stronger than Orion who found the IGF annoying buggers who need to get roflstomped cause they are pissing other civilizations off.

I don't know how far Humans got to knowledge whether insectoids, reptalliods, hostile grey like civilizations. But all I know is don't believe the non-sense new agers state.

Those places seem sanctified by the enemy and yet what if we are up in those areas. Fighting back, in reality like VoE said if SHTF even the Gods would suffer permanent damages. So things go slowly and steadily.

As one member put it "I think after a solid million or two million years their civilizations collapse and they destroy themselves evolution wise".

It's one thing to believe the Universe revolves one way but even negativity can still exist. Look at muzzies in the middle of desert villages and whatnot. Completely and utterly retarded assbackwards "How do they live?" Funny enough they live barely scraping by.

I don't know the enemy Worlds and don't understand their stuff and their civilization for example like HP.Cobra said "Expiry date for grey borged ones". Why? Your taking out countless slaves. Even a civilization that slaves away like that is hilarious.

I think eventually they just defeat themselves from being so blasted out spiritual warfare. Even their chief aliens this cabal of people who harness the power of their civilization to strike with some massive civilization strike would perish as well.

The enemy isn't stupid we aren't dealing with things that did not get them to these levels. But we are dealing with entities that fucked around with our side and pissed off A LOT of people. I don't think the Gods have small population. If we went from about 2.1 billion in 1945 to currently being 8 billion. How does even a solid 10,000 years would look like. And we are Humans we reproduce like crazy. And yet what's going on in advanced Worlds and societies even with quality vs quantity of spiritual systems in place.

I think the best logical thought is the enemy expanded a lot to different areas but under no circumstances does that mean they won or are winning. They just managed to piss off a lot of people who are very powerful and intend to stand their ground. So don't believe those Everything wuz said by greys/reptillians 'n' sheit. Rather it's possible they are hiding out information to fool people. Keep them distracted to operate under safe spirituality. Look at Raelians, they are basically spiritual communists. Like literally they state greys told them stuff.

Makes you wonder.

Yeah, over the course of my journey, I've literally learned this that the entire thing is basically Star Wars, and unlike other sci-fi fiction shit where it's all "flying laser techie one-eyed grey-suit people", the writers of Star Wars knew Pagan Truths and integrated this into the entire lore, the use of meditation, spirit-contact and telepathy (literally shown in the films, channeling the "Force" - which is nothing more but the aether) and the battle between the good E.T.s (our Gods) vs the bad E.T.s (Reptilians/Greys), and the diad between light vs. dark (light-side, dark-side) and how Jedis (us, SS) should be well-versed in handling both light AND dark energies, to create a perfect balance.

It's why the "Chosen One" in Star Wars wasn't your typical hippy enlightened levitating or all about "pink Light of Love" or "meek/weak nice boy" New Age messiah type BS, but rather one who mastered both the Light and the Dark, and knew how to work with the Darkness but not let it envelope him/her into becoming evil and a tyrant. If you notice how he/she's referred to as the "The One Who Brings Balance", not some unrealistic "One Who Gets Rid of Darkness".

Star Wars in my opinion, is a documentary more than anything.....before kike Kathleen Kennedy fucked it all up, being the good kike that she is....many Star Wars fans say she's the "real Sith" since she destroyed a timeless work...a kike Sith Lady that is.

With that being said, I have seen on this forum many times of SS as well as on JoS about how Greys and Reptloids have no free-will.

This recalls many times when Christians would admit seeing the atrocities the Jew-hovah committed, and how they angels just "go along" and do the will of their Grey commander-in-chief, whatever the fuck his/her name may be, not that I really care - only enough to reverse and curse it.

If Jew-hovah told an "angel" to go murder someone for no reason, they do it (of course since they're enslaved angels/Greys).

In Genesis 19:8, Jew-hovah sends to angels to rape Lot's kids, and of course....the angels just "follow along", and Lot being the good kike that he was, just "went along" and sacrificed his daughters as sex sacrifices to these Grey scum.

Some "free-will loving" cosmic big daddy we got there........
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Since so many places have been named after the Gods, as Austria after Astarte, Deutschland after Deus/Zeus, yes, I would be certain of this.

Wow that's amazing! I knew there was Truth to that case, like "Palestine" meaning "Philistine", but I didn't know about the Austria/Astarte or Deutschland/Zues correlation.

It'd be nice of JoS can be a new article revealing the various place names, and their reference or our Gods! If one hasn't been already created.
Back in 2003 nearing 2004 before around the time I stopped going on Yahoo Y! Forums till sometime in 2005 after doing Chakra SoL and MerKaba and having an issue in the bus incident as I call it during my Middle School times.

Someone mentioned a theory that the Gods originated from a Solar System i.e. the main capital homeworld they possessed after exhausting all resources trying to stop it from being destroyed. And thus they left their system of origin and settled on Orion's belt or at least potentially we can argue made Duat/Orion's belt their capital home planet. Maybe Star system I don't recall solar system or star system i.e. the collection of a sector of their empire.

It's believed the Gods have been around for a far longer period than we can potentially speculate and are extra-terrestrials to Duat/Orion coming from a further away place.

My best guess is they expanded far and wide and established many places and finally when their solar system failed and their original colonies they spent countless years deconstructing everything and moving everything and everyone and mining out their planet of all resources and establishing Duat/Orion as the new headquarters of their main body extending their arms of their empire as far and best place as possible.

Remember the Gods aren't omni giga super beings capable of lolstastic shit like the enemy portrays their gods. But are subject to Nature as well I'm sure even some Nordics die off from time to time due to not interested in being Gods or following their own path. Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if some Nordics simply extend their lifespan and live as comfortable as possible reincarnating. I doubt it considering the rewards of pursuing but you never know.

Anyways excuse me if I sound Science Fantasy like something out of Anarchy Online or some video game.

But from what I read in 2003-2004 time period it stuck with me and resonated with me.

In fact I think I recall someone mentioning their old original home world was so powerful spiritually that the vortex of energy that you hook up to when everyone dedicates to Satan is in that places location and it still possess tremendous power even though it destroyed itself due to Natures function.

For all intents and purposes that vortex might be the original location of their former colonies or places of origin.
Back in 2003 nearing 2004 before around the time I stopped going on Yahoo Y! Forums till sometime in 2005 after doing Chakra SoL and MerKaba and having an issue in the bus incident as I call it during my Middle School times.
Excuse me 2004-2005 was my High School days. But 2003 was when I found JoS April 2 weeks before the ending of freeing the Demons sometime around May beginning.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
