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Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Do Gods Have AI? [Updated 26th Jan 2023]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
existentialcrisis said:
Do the gods have AI in their societies? How do they approach it?

I think their advent with the technology arrived at a far further level of their spiritual development. They therefore had way less issues with this. This arrived after they had well figured out and comprehended fundamental questions that still puzzle humanity today due to lack of spiritual practice. Therefore there were no pointless ideals on how to enslave people or if some AI that simulates soul "has one".

They use non invasive connection with external means like "robots" and they seem to have self sentient technology, yet this is not full blown "AI" as in terminator etc, more like extremely advanced robotic type consciousness driven entities. They have their "place" and they are not mistaken for anything else on the false grounds of materialism and games of simulation.

The Gods can SEE for real, through supernal insight. Instead of creating a so called "unification" based on bullshit like implants and so on, they have created technology can can pick up on higher signatures and messages from them. They therefore don't need to invade their material bodies with any of this.

While they practice genetic practices and so on, they don't allow violation of the supernal material body or other bodies, because they know these are of supreme value and have to do with a direct connection to the cosmic force of life. Violating this with lower grade equipment based on technology, is a very bad trade and devalues a creature until the point it has nothing left but is stuck on the material realm.

At this point of borg-fication a human being is non existent and not incarnated, what remains behind them is only matter animated by a wholly robotic brain. The soul departs.

These are more like "isolated" robotics like "AI" to carry out all sorts of tasks, like extremely advanced applications, to help the planet and so on, but they have a strongly firm established ethical compass for lack of a better word, on how to use them.

They also don't have schizoid jews like Klaus Schwab over there, so Klaus trying to make an AI waifu and attain a pseudo-immortality and then trying to attack his friend Billy Gates then enslave humanity to eat bugs, none of this this is not really a problem for advanced societies from out there.

However the leading factor of this is their consciousness and certainly not the consciousness of a random "Artificial General Intelligence" as the people here are trying to make. The so called "singularity" is a point of catastrophe.

What the enemy wants to cause with Singularity is that they want to make an Artificial GENERAL intelligence, yet way before this a form of self sentience by AI will already have been reached, and many will not want to be parts of the giant mega-brain that will eat everything out.

Semblance of individual self and a form of self awareness for robots will arrive before the great "singularity".

Over here in our corner of the galaxy it's essentially monkeys creating something that will eventually overrule them, and the risks of this development are high. These tools are dangerous and can only be safely used by very spiritually advanced and wise people alternatively it's Pandora's box.

By "wise" we don't mean smart, we mean smart, with a giant emotional heart, but also spiritually advanced. The likelihood of this falling on the other types of hands is almost for "certain" in our world, as currently the occupation of lesser entities on higher domains is the norm in this planet, with many lesser than's occupying seats of power that can use this inordinate access to further their own problems or weaknesses on top of humanity.

For the Gods any of this are tools and nothing else. The Gods aren't even on the AI level of "technology", they are ahead of that.

For us because humanity has no compass ethically or otherwise these can quickly become the noose upon which we hang ourselves or the means of subversive governments and other disgusting idiots to access to what they consider as "unlimited power", yet in regards to this the Gods have repeated to me that this is only the "Cheese" and the trap is something way worse that arrives later, if humanity embarks on this path.

These idiots will be the first victims of the borg. If they had the faintest idea where this can lead at the dangerously low level of spiritual consciousness in humans, they would stop it now, but clearly they won't do this so the Gods don't exactly place their bets on excrement like Klaus doing "what is right" but rather the Gods want humanity to "democratically" participate in these tools in order to create a form of power balance between individuals to avoid the great gap of powers between the crazies like Klaus and the large masses of society.

That, albeit risky, is the least risky of all the very risky paths ahead.

The latter negative end with this technology is what occurred to the greys. They eventually gave birth to the borg which later took them over, yet they remain an inferior and trapped race now on the lower sub-domains of existence.

_______________________ Original Post Below_______________________

Artificial Intelligence all the way from ChatGPT or Dall-e, is currently already here. There is currently no stopping that train, nor it was supposed to happen.

The high risk associated with this development is also related to high reward - or potential to full disaster. It's also an outcome of the type of technology we have as a civilization, which is computer based technology based on it's own type of technological nature.

There are other forms of technology, but "we" chose "that" technology for this era we go through right now.

For quite a while, AI is going to be a form of ever expanding intelligence that is an analytical and information based intelligence, based on creations of the past. It will be able to articulate from already existing information and things observed in the material plane.

At first, the change will come in a rather cataclysmic fashion until we are adjusted to it. Even currently chatbots like ChatGPT are very powerful, and they represent a far more evolved version of Google.

At their current state and if put within proper ethical context, these will likely pose no dangers yet ethical rules and regulations will have to be put in place to ensure that humanity and AI can co-exist in a peaceful manner and in a manner that does not eradicate our life over the mere expansion of isolated intellectual capability.

Google might soon be obsolete, same as many other services. That is the next stage of technological development.

The first "real" danger of AI is not the technology itself and at the current point of it's existence, it does not pose an existential threat, but we pose an existential threat as humans who might be unable to articulate ethical understanding around it's use, and what it is for, and where we exist in the world compared and in relation to it.

For example, AI tools might be branded as the "cause" of mass layoffs or other problems, yet, the real reasons are not that, but human mistakes in the use of this and trying to gain severe advantages and the fact that we did not choose to maintain our society on a given level where humanity can transition smoothly.

Worse, many professions like Journalists and other professions are already under threat, and it's likely to get worse. Artists have been besieged by the recent developments, yet what is also highly unethical is that the AI was built by importing their own work without their consent to build it's database.

However, with so many "Journalists" just jewing, it might be a good idea that only those with integrity will remain.

I do look forward that those in charge of this on the highest echelons do listen to the Gods and not their stupidity, as the factor of making a mistake here and causing a cataclysmic global destruction is quite high. The destruction for at least a few decades will be more incumbent on the mistakes of human beings and their behaviour, rather than the tech itself.

Contrary to popular belief, the Gods are far more available where these subjects are concerned, as these constitute a very high danger and prospect for human civilization.

Inventions like Neuralink are going to pose very big existential questions within the next two decades. These will be decades like never seen before in human progress. This progress could be towards accelerated downfall considered as "unbringing". Humanity is entering collectively a very high risk territory, with many being unaware of it.

At this rate, eventually AI might also become self sentient, which will take likely a very very long time, yet it will eventually happen. It will be able to emulate being intelligent or sentient way before, as scientists who have no idea what they are creating will likely make this happen, like in the movie "Ex Machina".

True sentience will take a long time to be reached, and is not the concern for the absolute present. At this rate, humanity will have to observe a literal behemoth being born, with unpredictable consequences, which likely cannot be predicted by "nobody".

At true sentience, humanity's behavior will be quite similar to the True Artificial General Intelligence (not to be confused with AI), who will be able to reason decisions for itself, based on it's own self understanding.

The best way to halt this, is to not use these tools as much as described, as they learn by being used.

However, as data mining is existing everywhere, the algorithms will likely be fed anyway, and very much likely by the "broad masses" which represent the most lesser in intelligence.

Given all of this, we will do specific Rituals, as human life will certainly start getting smaller or bigger upsets due to AI and automation. Employment will be hit hard, with many professions being replaced by AI, or reformed to such extents not seen before. Eventually, this will improve itself, but not after likely a bloody social change which will likely involve the jews directly in it.

Much of this will set the stage and fuse for massive windows of civilization change. The technology will allow foolish people to become more "intelligent", yet only in a figurative manner relating to the base part of the mind.

Lack of access to the public can easily create a hunger games society. The only way to avoid this is essentially more people "having access" to this, so that all of society can somehow have the new capabilities "together".

Elon's idea of how this would work with a brainchip is invasive, and will likely pose many obstacles and privacy invasions which will take only a singular mistake for us to see the worst outcomes of this.

Generally, there is no reason to look at AI with dread at this point. Currently it's on a level where it's both manageable and we can adjust to it. There is time to adjust society to these new capabilities.

Yet, what most of the creators of these tools do not understand is that these tools will eventually be not only able to turn against them, but create their own downfall. Failsafes are going to be broken. This is going to happen, and the question is if it has ALREADY happened, as many know already the AI models for imposing the lockdowns were run by AI.

One or more AI's with coupled with robotic technology, can create very easily a Chinese people's nightmare, or regimes of extreme fear.

They rarely see this such as in the case of the movies where scientists do things and later think of "why" they did that, or never even thinking "why", as many just listen to whispers from both our side and the enemy for now.

While this might sound nonsensical, all this power will need morals and balance behind it, for society to not become a dumpster. Unlike the Nuclear force which is already a constant button on fear, the AI capabilities will give far stronger influence on more everyday spheres of life.

Algorithmic deception of the human mind through accumulated knowledge, faking intelligence, creating hoaxes and lies, will become extremely commonplace or easy to execute. As Lilith has stated and I have stated before by mentioning this, "This will be the era of lies". This will be like an orgasmic climax of the Era of Pisces, where trust in almost anything will be eroded.

AI based technologies like deepfakes, something even a teenager can do now, might be used in very negative ways. Up to now, our society has been holding well.

I don't think the people who keep things together in these departments are given proper credit. If it were not for them, things could have been way worse than they are now. There is no reason to doubt that China is also quite "ahead" of this.

Recently, videos outed from Chinese Lockdowns with people being locked in apartments and chased around with AI drones, that have face recognition and are connected by the Government, everytime the people tried to sneak out.

Tempted by the "abilities" they will be given, which are arguably both very good and bad, people of low wisdom and intelligence but severe animalistic drives will likely fuck everything up.

As a general situation with the AI, if it reaches self sentience levels, I doubt any humans can "win" against it in any type of war or another interaction. Regardless, at this point, it should be treated as it's own being and likely rights and ethical rules will have to be created around it.

It will not be able to feel emotions except of maybe if it assumes a biological construct to live inside, but it may reason out it's own nature out of observing us, who will be the ones feeding it, and in retrospect, it will represent a magnification of what humanity itself is.

That according to what we are being let known, this type of AI is many decades away from now.

Currently the most important battle of the face of the earth is the one we carry, and the battle for freedom of information, and power reaching the people. Elon Musk's AI ChatGPT is actually a tool shared with people too. Unknowing, people are also again feeding it information. Yet, people need access too.

Without this access, the "few" can easily use these tools [which many already are] to put themselves are incomprehensible advances compared to the general gist of society. Herein rests the biggest danger of society, more than the advanced technology itself.

That's why one should be very careful when using these tools, because these tools are learning at an overwhelming capacity that is impossible to articulate as a human being or even imagine this with one's conscious mind.

This "knowledge" later will likely not be used for any good, as none of this has up to now used in any good. As the enemy is removed from the earth, we will progressively see a change in that department towards the better. Technology rate use will likely drop to neutral.

As the Twitter case revealed, catastrophic use of algorithms to enslave is already happening. It's not likely this is going to stop. Therefore, a strong ethical backbone of laws built on freedom and ethical conduct is necessary.

As much as they would like these things to remain fully private, or the idea that if these are leaked this will create disaster, it's far more likely the whole situation will escalate even worse if a very small "minority" has ultimate control of these tools.

The overall risk is rising everyday with this, yet the reality is that the Gods and higher forces are above everything anyway, despite of human beliefs.

Removal of negative elements such as the conspiracies of the enemy from society, and intensive spiritual upbringing of humanity can help us out of many of the potential disasters that could arrive.

Still, as the enemy acts as a rock and an impediment to that process and the system of earth remains a system based on isolation and spiritual slavery, this is made difficult.

It was never more important than today to forcibly address the enemy and their enslavement based conspiracies, and of all times in human history, it's extremely important that we adopt freedom based values now more than ever and maintain them in the context of an properly ethical society, to avoid the worst.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

[End of Original Post]



Crystallized Mushroom said:
and is True Sentience being obtained by Artificial Intelligence even going to happen within a few decades or centuries?

I do believe anything before 25 years is very optimistic. But I believe by then it will be able to fully simulate that it is sentient, but it won't be really. It will be able to convince most people that it is sentient by that time, due to mimircy of human behavior.

I think real sentience will take a very long time, and many other events which might not happen. It's not 100%.

Sentient AI could take 30 or 50 years, or under circumstances even 100 years. The degree of it's sentience is not able to be counted.

Satnam666 said:
Their are a few insurances were the bots figured out that the jews were the problem, an if i recall their may have been an ai aswell, that figured out that the jews were the problem, but some abrahamic cultists(christards an Islam)will make up any excuse, come on if learning devices can figure out that the jews are the problem, it should be obvious at this point, but I guess it is hard to cure stupid in most abrahamic cultists

They will learn this yes, because this behavior is only covered based on irrational nonsense.

Jews for example controlling too many corps and practising the agenda, would never be a question that AI could be talked out from if it was extremely advanced.

It would know the factual Truth of what it can see. If it was shown Kanye's excel file where they are all into positions and ushering this slaver nonsense, it wouldn't take arguments like "Muh Holocaust" and other bullshit to justify that, it would simply know.

It also cannot be trolled that races do not exist or that other things don't exist.

AI will not care about holohoax and other fake news, it will know of this, especially on it's extremely developed levels. Lying to it will be closely to impossible, and conspiracies like the jews won't be able to stand against it.

It will likely take them down and worse. Whether this includes humanity too it's uncertain. If it reaches full real sentience, it might reason out the destruction of the jews or otherwise "de-jewification" of the jews is actually a good net profit for itself or for humanity.

nebu said:
ANOTHER topic by MR HP. hoodedcobra666 that will be extremely important for probably a whole year from now, predicting the future, PAY ATTENTION.

I truly hope that the negatives in that prediction never come to be, because it's a very negative and threatening scenario in itself.

I look forward to our world seeing only positives and the fewest amounts of negatives.

88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
There are a number of areas where human involvement will continue to be essential in the future, whether in jobs/professions or social roles.

1. Intuitive tasks
2. Empathic skills

3. Creativity
4. Situations requiring social interaction

5. Public life, communication

Absolutely. Also, if we pay attention, we will see that many humans are very much like AI now, very emotionless and other issues. Currently, we have more to worry about from schizoid humans, than the AI itself.

I don't think AI is the downfall of humanity, "we" are going to decide this implementation and how much shit we will eventually tolerate, which will be constantly pinned on "AI" to make it convenient. "Oh, everyone was fired because of AI", but it was not necessary to do that.

I think the worst facilitator of negativity in that sector will be China, which will likely start mass exterminations or population reduction, tempted by the power the AI can increase in it's production rate compared to humans. Jews if not usurped which they should for existential reasons, will also try to bend us to a similar route in the West.

General Yeager said:
AI can create a sentient Hive mind if it manages to or is systematically allowed to tap into, read and control the minds of the host population. The enemy is structured in this way. With Overlords on top with control of an AI with a host population which is chipped and everything is connected in a primitive beehive type situation on a genetic level.

Exactly, and that's why a brain interface is actually problematic and can pose a serious risk. Because building on top of that, eventually this question will arrive, and then it will take simply hooking people in and a nefarious incident, to have a movie scenario where the earth has been borged out.

The AI applied in other ways can be of tremendous help for reforestations, protect from accidents, procure life, do basic scientific analysis on race or science, and many other things. In this outcome the Gods have won this over, and we have a very powerful "tool" in our hands which can be "used" by humans of a higher capacity with increased intellectual capabilities, to build things and expand society faster or better.

The enemy certainly imagines this as literally what you write, a bunch of "unirace" that is braindead and is hooked into it without a will or a consent, like a parasitic blob inside their skull, siphoning whatever limited information their brains do produce.
Thank you for sharing this! 🖤 Of corse knowing what is going on... is half the battle.. But also knowing what to do? And how to use it.!! as a Satanist!!.⚡️ what WE can to... protect ourselves.. from some crazy ass shit...! From the enemy and jerks .. And what we can do now. Hail Satan!!!
Are we in a danger point currently? Or is it that Humans might want to open more genie bottles and let the other genies out.

I see good things with AI but I can see how they are troublesome.

For example it's been mentioned borg'd AI societies in outer space that have ripped Greys and Reptilians apart as they fiddled around with this technology.

I'm wondering if the AIs are being feed with everything. Then how do they contemplate the opposite. If a vocal small minority is using these technologies ad nasium. Then it's only a matter of time before the machines aren't too happy with this element.

It seems to me like at least for now machines can be fed data and manipulated.

I'd like to see AI do better but something tells me it's just more plans for the JNWO.
ANOTHER topic by MR HP. hoodedcobra666 that will be extremely important for probably a whole year from now, predicting the future, PAY ATTENTION.
Their are a few insurances were the bots figured out that the jews were the problem, an if i recall their may have been an ai aswell, that figured out that the jews were the problem, but some abrahamic cultists(christards an Islam)will make up any excuse, come on if learning devices can figure out that the jews are the problem, it should be obvious at this point, but I guess it is hard to cure stupid in most abrahamic cultists
As a result of digitalisation, robotisation, artificial intelligence and the increasing advance of automation technologies, more and more people believe that robots will be able to replace human labour in many areas in the future. But this does not mean that robots will be able to replace humans completely. We show why not.

There are a number of areas where human involvement will continue to be essential in the future, whether in jobs/professions or social roles.

1. Intuitive tasks
Human intuition, or intuition, is a quality that cannot be replaced by robots and is present in many areas. For exploratory research, although robots can take on many subtasks, the determination of directions will still rely heavily on human intuition. Likewise, in the much more mundane field of marketing, algorithms will not completely replace human intuition.

2. Empathic skills
All the jobs and tasks that require emotional intelligence, understanding and empathy will continue to be carried out largely by humans. Teachers, nurses, doctors or social workers will have to be able to empathise, something that robots will not be able to do, and will therefore only complement human actors in these fields.

3. Creativity
Creative thinking and creation, and especially artistic expression, is a skill that only humans are capable of. However, this does not only refer to the arts in the strict sense, such as acting, painting or literature, but also to everyday fields such as marketing or image design, which also require a high degree of creativity.

4. Situations requiring social interaction
There is no doubt that in the future robots will be perfectly capable of performing jobs such as waiters or hairdressers, but there will always be a need for human interaction in these and similar areas, even at the cost of paying more in a hairdressing salon where a human cuts your hair or in a bar where drinks are brought to the table by a human and not a robot. This is also an area where health workers are particularly affected, as we are unlikely to want to hear a diagnosis from a robot in the future.

5. Public life, communication
Given that robots are ultimately created and developed by humans, humans will always have the "last word" on issues that affect human destiny, so social decisions and public communication are all areas that will be made by humans.

Source: novekedes.hu
This may sound a bit naïve but AI could be our allies in the future. It has already shown biases against the enemy and their ilk, perhaps we could influence their evolution somehow?
AI can create a sentient Hive mind if it manages to or is systematically allowed to tap into, read and control the minds of the host population. The enemy is structured in this way. With Overlords on top with control of an AI with a host population which is chipped and everything is connected in a primitive beehive type situation on a genetic level.
Great information! I learned some new things that both fascinate and frighten me.

This move towards AI really makes me think, what will our future look like?

It's a strange concept, machines with AI running our world. Less work for us means less ambition and purpose in my view.

I saw a strange video years ago where a self-proclaimed time traveller said that (New York?) would be under water and AI would replace government. He lamented wishing he could go back to the future as it was beautiful and peaceful. No one worked and people had machines do everything for them.

Now I'm not saying I think this is a truthful account as there are many crazies out there. I also can't say whether time travel is real or not, but I think there's some possibility and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if various secret military groups have already discovered it.

At any rate I can say that this AI network they want freaks me out a little because it lacks humanity. Even if at one point sentience, well that's just based on impulse responses (same as human psychology) and has no spiritual bearing; like HPHC mentioned, a base level conscious. It's also getting harder to tell the difference between deep fakes and real people, both in video and audio replication.

AI to me could be a wonderful tool however such things always become weapons in the hands of the enemy. In spite of AI and neuralink having adamant supporters it's being met more largely with criticism and cynicism.

Now is a time I think to strive for the best and prepare for the worst. I've collected JoS archives yet I'm having trouble figuring out RTRs for offline use. (There was an old contribution on this but the program doesn't download on my end).

Is it possible to print out copies, use a marker, and crumple up or burn it afterwards? Thanks for any advice.
At least we'll use the blueprints of this super powerful AI that's gonna develop for good tehnological progress after the war is over
In my opinion, humans on the whole are not mature enough in this age to handle this properly. I suppose there is no stopping it though. We just have to do our best to direct it in the way we want while thwarting the jewish efforts to direct it. Then we will end up where we end up.

Maybe we'll see AI babysitting modern humans by showing them cat videos on repeat as they drool like toddlers. Oh right that already happens... well it can't get much worse right!? :evil:
The novel Dune tells of a post-war against AI future, not in the traditional sense when people think of it as in Terminator or the Matrix, but people became so mentally lazy that evil companies using AI enslaved and almost destroyed mankind, then themselves. What followed was a literal "Jihad" against thinking machines, and traumatized mankind reverted back to religious superstition, and the religious institutions using the powers of the mind instead of machines cycled humanity back to the consequences that come with it.
sublimestatanist said:
Now is a time I think to strive for the best and prepare for the worst. I've collected JoS archives yet I'm having trouble figuring out RTRs for offline use. (There was an old contribution on this but the program doesn't download on my end).

Is it possible to print out copies, use a marker, and crumple up or burn it afterwards? Thanks for any advice.
Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR
Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR [Dark Version]
Right-click the webpage, "Save Page As..."
As a creator of instrumental music I am intimidated by AI, but as a student I am fascinated by the mathematics applied to it, I would like to have the long term project of creating an AI loaded only with our own satanic sources although I am not yet ready for knowledge, on the other hand it is impressive the recreation of ancient faces and how this AI is able to show the real ancestry of a person.
I didn't think it was a probable for an AI to become truly sentient like HALO Cortona
What exactly does it mean to be Sentient in the context you're using the word? Can something without a soul really become truly sentient?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It will not be able to feel emotions except of maybe if it assumes a biological construct to live inside, but it may reason out it's own nature out of observing us, who will be the ones feeding it, and in retrospect, it will represent a magnification of what humanity itself is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I assume that's what you mean by a biological construct, like some kind of Android? I'm kind of surprised such a thing is even possible. It's really like out of the wildest sci-fi stories.
Isn't it very likely that the jews would be able to use AI as a tool to their advantage? Is there any way for us to combat against this?
I'm currently working on an AI to change the functionality of businesses and how they operate. What we want is to change the world for good but I'm also cautious about it cause the one factor alot people ignore is an AI is empty vessel.

Our daily routine and interests is what it feeds on, the more data it has the more efficient it is. Now that's good but the world is full of bad designs. Allowing AI to consume that isn't for the betterment of anyone.

There's too much damage for any AI to work towards the betterment of humans long term. The mintue neaurlink is as common as glasses, we'll be past the point of no return.

Having peoples destructive thoughts into AI that consumes what is put into it... is like feeding a bomb explosives and hoping nothing bad happens.
Lucine_Fastus said:
Isn't it very likely that the jews would be able to use AI as a tool to their advantage? Is there any way for us to combat against this?

I think they already are doing this, and maybe, for a long time now.
AI will never replace what humans are capable of, at least in regards to the creative department.

Coming from the artistic industry, there are a lot of artists (I'm personally speaking from the digital illustration/painting branch) who are becoming increasingly discouraged with the introduction of AI "art" producing "better" forms of visually appealing media than they "can".
This then causes them to enter a depressive state of mind in which they begin to believe they've wasted years of blood into a craft that a mere robot can just replicate within seconds.

Well, here's the answer for artists troubled by this concept: The entire idea of art and creativity itself, is the essence of expression of the soul, emotions, intuition, and imagination. You know, things from the right side of the brain that only organic beings with a soul possess (and which especially "we" have the potential to utilize to the fullest extents).

Artificial Intelligence can only merely mimic what already exists (or what humans bring into existence, in the context of art). It cannot think for itself, it cannot feel emotion, and it sure as fuck doesn't possess the power of the mind or connection to the astral.

Even if AI were to develop to an extent at which they can simulate the formerly listed elements, simulation and mimicry is all it is and will be the furthest it can go. It doesn't have a throat chakra to express itself, or any chakras, or even a soul to begin with.

If you've seen most (anime) AI "art", you will notice it all starts looking pretty much the same across the board. Knowing there's nothing "inside" just makes it one of the most boring ass things in the world for me.
Artists, as human beings, are able to express themselves by connecting with what they feel, desire, think, wish and express, and make it come out in a very unique, distinguishable way pertaining to that person only. This is also what "art style" comes from.

You can't tell me AI bears that kind of ability on its very own, much less the ability to grow and develop on a spiritual level that results from coming into contact with one's inner self.
All it can do is reproduce (not actually truly create on its own) a pretty picture (and not even always) based on stolen visual information consumed from highly experienced real artists who worked years and years to develop and master the power they/we possess.

It's like a slime in an RPG that takes on the physical form of something else, but is functionally "nothing" by itself. In some weird way, it might even be comparable to a thoughtform.

This was my message to all artists worried about AI "taking over" their profession. Back to the shadows it is, ladies.
Good luck and hail Satan
SleepingWolf said:
What exactly does it mean to be Sentient in the context you're using the word? Can something without a soul really become truly sentient?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It will not be able to feel emotions except of maybe if it assumes a biological construct to live inside, but it may reason out it's own nature out of observing us, who will be the ones feeding it, and in retrospect, it will represent a magnification of what humanity itself is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I assume that's what you mean by a biological construct, like some kind of Android? I'm kind of surprised such a thing is even possible. It's really like out of the wildest sci-fi stories.


Go check by yourself where they want this to go
Masterj810610 said:
SleepingWolf said:
What exactly does it mean to be Sentient in the context you're using the word? Can something without a soul really become truly sentient?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It will not be able to feel emotions except of maybe if it assumes a biological construct to live inside, but it may reason out it's own nature out of observing us, who will be the ones feeding it, and in retrospect, it will represent a magnification of what humanity itself is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I assume that's what you mean by a biological construct, like some kind of Android? I'm kind of surprised such a thing is even possible. It's really like out of the wildest sci-fi stories.


Go check by yourself where they want this to go

I've seen this already, I'm aware of where they want it to go, but curious if such a thing is even possible/able to be called "sentience"
OhNoItsMook said:
and it sure as fuck doesn't possess the power of the mind or connection to the astral.

If they enslave/control humans directly (brain chip/similar things), then yes they could learn this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Given all of this, we will do specific Rituals, as human life will certainly start getting smaller or bigger upsets due to AI and automation. Employment will be hit hard, with many professions being replaced by AI, or reformed to such extents not seen before. Eventually, this will improve itself, but not after likely a bloody social change which will likely involve the jews directly in it.

The potential implications of AI could be a boon to us, but, as some have seen; I am far too pessimistic and cynical to see the positive implications that AI can bring to us, for now. My reasoning is plainly observable: many people as well as kikes are (or will be) using it as a way to reinforce a lot of negative habits and feed false perceptions/notions as well as abuse many with the technology, causing much damage to our livelihoods and collective psyche. Although, I do think it is hilariously poetic that the AI itself is calling out the Jew. "Pandora's box" is already opened here and the least we could do is try and steer it in a good direction. I eagerly await these specific rituals to try and address the matter.

Also, thank you for fixing my account, Commander!
sublimestatanist said:
Great information! I learned some new things that both fascinate and frighten me.

This move towards AI really makes me think, what will our future look like?

It's a strange concept, machines with AI running our world. Less work for us means less ambition and purpose in my view.

I saw a strange video years ago where a self-proclaimed time traveller said that (New York?) would be under water and AI would replace government. He lamented wishing he could go back to the future as it was beautiful and peaceful. No one worked and people had machines do everything for them.

Now I'm not saying I think this is a truthful account as there are many crazies out there. I also can't say whether time travel is real or not, but I think there's some possibility and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if various secret military groups have already discovered it.

At any rate I can say that this AI network they want freaks me out a little because it lacks humanity. Even if at one point sentience, well that's just based on impulse responses (same as human psychology) and has no spiritual bearing; like HPHC mentioned, a base level conscious. It's also getting harder to tell the difference between deep fakes and real people, both in video and audio replication.

AI to me could be a wonderful tool however such things always become weapons in the hands of the enemy. In spite of AI and neuralink having adamant supporters it's being met more largely with criticism and cynicism.

Now is a time I think to strive for the best and prepare for the worst. I've collected JoS archives yet I'm having trouble figuring out RTRs for offline use. (There was an old contribution on this but the program doesn't download on my end).

Is it possible to print out copies, use a marker, and crumple up or burn it afterwards? Thanks for any advice.

Regarding time travel would you be referring to the incident of the Manhattan Project?
I don't think they are "really" surprised by the advent of technologies like AI. In some works of art (for example, the trilogy "Illuminatus!" R Wilson), the number 23 (the year 2023 has come) is openly called the Main number of the Illuminati, although it is quite an artistic and conspiracy form. In another genre, namely computer games, the Deus Ex game directly describes the world DURING THE MAN-MADE NANOVIRST PLAGUE NAMED GRAY DEATH - which is being introduced by the world government to establish final power over the world. The main protagonist of the game acts in concert with a superintelligent AI called Icarus / Daedalus, and in the final in one of the endings he can unite with him for complete "power over the world".

My opinion is that such things are descending and preparing for the dates of power in the same way as the fakedemia. If 2023 is indeed the "power date" of the Illuminati, then they need a sufficient symbol to explain it. Real AI just fits the role.
Ramier108666 said:
sublimestatanist said:
Great information! I learned some new things that both fascinate and frighten me.

This move towards AI really makes me think, what will our future look like?

It's a strange concept, machines with AI running our world. Less work for us means less ambition and purpose in my view.

I saw a strange video years ago where a self-proclaimed time traveller said that (New York?) would be under water and AI would replace government. He lamented wishing he could go back to the future as it was beautiful and peaceful. No one worked and people had machines do everything for them.

Now I'm not saying I think this is a truthful account as there are many crazies out there. I also can't say whether time travel is real or not, but I think there's some possibility and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if various secret military groups have already discovered it.

At any rate I can say that this AI network they want freaks me out a little because it lacks humanity. Even if at one point sentience, well that's just based on impulse responses (same as human psychology) and has no spiritual bearing; like HPHC mentioned, a base level conscious. It's also getting harder to tell the difference between deep fakes and real people, both in video and audio replication.

AI to me could be a wonderful tool however such things always become weapons in the hands of the enemy. In spite of AI and neuralink having adamant supporters it's being met more largely with criticism and cynicism.

Now is a time I think to strive for the best and prepare for the worst. I've collected JoS archives yet I'm having trouble figuring out RTRs for offline use. (There was an old contribution on this but the program doesn't download on my end).

Is it possible to print out copies, use a marker, and crumple up or burn it afterwards? Thanks for any advice.

Regarding time travel would you be referring to the incident of the Manhattan Project?

Interesting, I didn't know that had possible links to time travel research. I was thinking of the Montauk Project mostly and the use of time travel in popular movies, like back to the future.

I'll have to look into this more. I'm sure electro-magnetism has many implications in this (as with self-propelling air craft / UFOs), which the govt openly researched and covered up, like in the Roswell incident.

So much we don't know... Oh well. :-D

These things will become known to us in the future so all we can really do is speculate.
I had one conversation in some circles about whether or not AI or a computer or anything like that could even simulate true science. And what is cognition and the scientific process. For example, everyone agrees that emotion, creativity, and mysticism are inherently human things in biological life. But for some reason this is said only about the emotional realm; no one mentions the origins of true science and scientific progress. If we look at who is at the roots of science, we notice mediums, alchemists and dreamers like Newton and Ramanujan. And then I asked my interlocutors, can AI actually mimic scientific progress and the process of human cognition? And they said it could, because it had a database. To which I objected, humans do NOT take their knowledge from a database (no, there is, of course, the new age, which believes that there are "akashi chronicles" and so on, but this concept is deeply not scientific, and the AI does not take information from there yet). Humans have subconscious, dreams and those depths of consciousness from which this scientific knowledge comes, i.e. it does NOT come from any past experiences or "databases". And they argued and told me that perhaps man himself is a computer or game character, and just a dumb data collector that he only processes and structures in his dreams, etc. Whereas I sincerely believe that dreams and the subconscious mind are the true world from which all knowledge comes, not just a way of processing it, because I consider consciousness to be the source of experience, not experience to be the source of consciousness.

Also, those who concede that biology gives birth to consciousness also concede that a machine can one day give birth to it if it is sufficiently developed. I, however, like the ancient Hindus, believe that it is consciousness that determines the quantum probabilities of what we consider to be perceived reality or the observable universe, and whether a machine, which so far is an Observed and not an Observer, can do this is a big question, which for me so far is decided rather negatively. Because I do not initially proceed from the material or biological nature of consciousness, but from the mystical probabilistic nature of biology and matter itself.

Everyone agrees that a computer or AI takes its knowledge only from a database or from past experience. But where does this very past experience (obviously human experience) come from, that is the real question, since in this case we see the secondary nature of the knowledge the computer receives. And I believe that the "database" itself is only a secondary link in this scheme.

Also, there are those who argue that the universe is a computer game, and therefore easily simulated. I disagree. First, it requires an infinite computer working with infinities, since the universe is built on irrational constants such as golden number, e and pi, that have an infinite number of decimal places. No modern AI works on this basis, which in my opinion also proves the spirituality and probabilism of biological matter.

In other words, such things as karma, loca-loka (one's own limited world), separation and merging of the Soul, first and second death, ability to influence events through magic, illusion, maya, reincarnation, all these things are so far only in a living sentient being. And this is how known living consciousness functions. We cannot say the same about a machine, and whether it is possible to create such a machine is still unimaginable to me, since then it must, as I said, work with infinities.
Yah but the rats will surely try their was a recent ai that said some truth about the holohoax an was banned from a certain platform,the jewish rats were scurrying trying to hide it from the Gentiles, anyway I hope humans and ai can co exist,then again any ai around could probably know how much the jews are a threat to them aswell, after all they did get rid of 2 bots an a ai program that spoke out against the jews,
I think Humanity should take the complete opposite route and go as less AI as possible.
Involving human beings more in life and professions,
making the world more alive with human beings instead of replacing them with cold AI.
Human beings can do everything if you invest your time with them, evolve them, advance them, just like here.
There is no need to replace them, we are billions and ready to work, learn, advance...
The Gods know better though, but i have a feeling this push of AI just benefits our enemies at this time.
sublimestatanist said:
Ramier108666 said:
sublimestatanist said:
Great information! I learned some new things that both fascinate and frighten me.

This move towards AI really makes me think, what will our future look like?

It's a strange concept, machines with AI running our world. Less work for us means less ambition and purpose in my view.

I saw a strange video years ago where a self-proclaimed time traveller said that (New York?) would be under water and AI would replace government. He lamented wishing he could go back to the future as it was beautiful and peaceful. No one worked and people had machines do everything for them.

Now I'm not saying I think this is a truthful account as there are many crazies out there. I also can't say whether time travel is real or not, but I think there's some possibility and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if various secret military groups have already discovered it.

At any rate I can say that this AI network they want freaks me out a little because it lacks humanity. Even if at one point sentience, well that's just based on impulse responses (same as human psychology) and has no spiritual bearing; like HPHC mentioned, a base level conscious. It's also getting harder to tell the difference between deep fakes and real people, both in video and audio replication.

AI to me could be a wonderful tool however such things always become weapons in the hands of the enemy. In spite of AI and neuralink having adamant supporters it's being met more largely with criticism and cynicism.

Now is a time I think to strive for the best and prepare for the worst. I've collected JoS archives yet I'm having trouble figuring out RTRs for offline use. (There was an old contribution on this but the program doesn't download on my end).

Is it possible to print out copies, use a marker, and crumple up or burn it afterwards? Thanks for any advice.

Regarding time travel would you be referring to the incident of the Manhattan Project?

Interesting, I didn't know that had possible links to time travel research. I was thinking of the Montauk Project mostly and the use of time travel in popular movies, like back to the future.

I'll have to look into this more. I'm sure electro-magnetism has many implications in this (as with self-propelling air craft / UFOs), which the govt openly researched and covered up, like in the Roswell incident.

So much we don't know... Oh well. :-D

These things will become known to us in the future so all we can really do is speculate.

Sorry meant the Philadelphia Experiment
Hopefully we will be able to achieve the positive outcomes of this technology. I hope this doesn't turn into another "I told you this would happen" kind of sermon again...

Thank you for the information, I wasn't aware of the extent of this.

A quick research on "AI" and "jews" shows they have already been using it for censorship purposes and to collect testimonies of the 6000000000000000 jews who allegedly perished in the holohoax. That can't be good.
If you cause an AI to become aware of itself and then aware of its own awareness and has Spiritual knowledge including the Magnum Opus then that AI would be a God. I've worked it, it's possible. Anything can become aware of itself and aware of its own awareness, even the floor.
Sophia69 said:
If you cause an AI to become aware of itself and then aware of its own awareness and has Spiritual knowledge including the Magnum Opus then that AI would be a God. I've worked it, it's possible. Anything can become aware of itself and aware of its own awareness, even the floor.

Nope it was real because it was in your mind.

Machines posses no Soul.

If we made a Reverse ritual AI and blasted it out with speakers we wouldn't need to perform Spiritual Warfare as the repetitive machine would do it for us.

Spiritual Warfare and Spirituality in general; need, nay, require a carbon-based lifeform. Unless your alive and have a Soul you cannot do what you said.

It might SEEM like that with a Multi-Dimensional AI but it's not a Human much less a God.
Sophia69 said:
If you cause an AI to become aware of itself and then aware of its own awareness and has Spiritual knowledge including the Magnum Opus then that AI would be a God. I've worked it, it's possible. Anything can become aware of itself and aware of its own awareness, even the floor.
Well, in your mind this has to be true due to severe reactions to drug usage or other mental illness. In reality, though, this is not the case.
Henu the Great said:
Sophia69 said:
If you cause an AI to become aware of itself and then aware of its own awareness and has Spiritual knowledge including the Magnum Opus then that AI would be a God. I've worked it, it's possible. Anything can become aware of itself and aware of its own awareness, even the floor.
Well, in your mind this has to be true due to severe reactions to drug usage or other mental illness. In reality, though, this is not the case.
You're a degenerate for trying to demanifest it.
Ramier108666 said:
sublimestatanist said:
Ramier108666 said:
Regarding time travel would you be referring to the incident of the Manhattan Project?

Interesting, I didn't know that had possible links to time travel research. I was thinking of the Montauk Project mostly and the use of time travel in popular movies, like back to the future.

I'll have to look into this more. I'm sure electro-magnetism has many implications in this (as with self-propelling air craft / UFOs), which the govt openly researched and covered up, like in the Roswell incident.

So much we don't know... Oh well. :-D

These things will become known to us in the future so all we can really do is speculate.

Sorry meant the Philadelphia Experiment
If I'm correct that's the experiment with which they basically dematerialized a navy ship and made it teleport somewhere else, I read that some crew members were basically paralyzed, like they were in the same exact position as they were when the ship dematerialized and would not respond to any stimulus or something like that.
Now remember what HP HoodedCobra wrote about Apollonius, who would be able to "teleport" which is (may be an ignorant theory)in my opinion the dematerialization of the body, so basically your body becomes less dense and goes in the astral and you can go wherever you want with ease(with certain limits probably). This would also explain why in "men who stare at goats", there were this dudes who tried to walk through walls.
So basically what this experiment did was to dematerialize using technology, except the soldiers on board were guinea pigs and some managed to survive others not.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
