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Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Do Gods Have AI? [Updated 26th Jan 2023]

Ramier108666 said:
sublimestatanist said:
Ramier108666 said:
Regarding time travel would you be referring to the incident of the Manhattan Project?

Interesting, I didn't know that had possible links to time travel research. I was thinking of the Montauk Project mostly and the use of time travel in popular movies, like back to the future.

I'll have to look into this more. I'm sure electro-magnetism has many implications in this (as with self-propelling air craft / UFOs), which the govt openly researched and covered up, like in the Roswell incident.

So much we don't know... Oh well. :-D

These things will become known to us in the future so all we can really do is speculate.

Sorry meant the Philadelphia Experiment
Don't you sometimes wonder how many interesting things the US government does like this, and how many secret programs regarding psychic powers there are, and we can't know about it. >:/
Sophia69 said:
Hurr durr I created a stupid 'god' out of a beep beep boop boop

Video proof with full programming manuscripts and other necessary papers of the thing or GTFO ;)
Aquarius said:
Ramier108666 said:
sublimestatanist said:
Interesting, I didn't know that had possible links to time travel research. I was thinking of the Montauk Project mostly and the use of time travel in popular movies, like back to the future.

I'll have to look into this more. I'm sure electro-magnetism has many implications in this (as with self-propelling air craft / UFOs), which the govt openly researched and covered up, like in the Roswell incident.

So much we don't know... Oh well. :-D

These things will become known to us in the future so all we can really do is speculate.

Sorry meant the Philadelphia Experiment
Don't you sometimes wonder how many interesting things the US government does like this, and how many secret programs regarding psychic powers there are, and we can't know about it. >:/

Yeah I’m always curious what really is all there. It could be an extreme benefit for all humanity if revealed.
Google actually going to get fucked, brace yourselves.
Do the gods have AI in their societies? How do they approach it?
Just recently a while back 2022.

A prominent member mentioned something about Multi-dimensional Artificial Intelligence.

Do the Gods posses MDAIs? That interact Spiritually in some way?

I recall in Bibliotechapleyades(I know, I know). I ran into a article mentioning "Meat Suits" some Nordic or White looking civilization contacted some guy. Took him in front of some tubes they opened up without any seams whatsoever perfect Hermetic seal. And he got inside as they instructed him. Then it powered on and he was controlling a mobile combat unit or meat suit.

And said he engaged in combat with some extra-terrestrials out somewhere in the middle of no where.

Do the Gods posses technologies that they can interact spiritually or applied spirituality to the machines and AIs?

It reminds me of a video where a guy did D.M.T. and he went into hyperspace and went inside a spacecraft and the Nordic looking commander went "Huh, so you can finally see us!" and he got freaked out by that. He also went out and saw a 25ft being enlarged with wings masturbating towards the direction of Earth where he was coming from.

Are there such a thing as a multi-dimensional or Spiritually enhanced AI? I assume only for free-energy but what about the brains of the AI?

You did state a few years ago the Gods don't use technology like us Humans rather they are force multiplication technology.
SyraS_666 said:
I think Humanity should take the complete opposite route and go as less AI as possible.
Involving human beings more in life and professions,
making the world more alive with human beings instead of replacing them with cold AI.
Human beings can do everything if you invest your time with them, evolve them, advance them, just like here.
There is no need to replace them, we are billions and ready to work, learn, advance...
The Gods know better though, but i have a feeling this push of AI just benefits our enemies at this time.

You spoke my mind. Yet it is the enemy pushing the AI, not our Gods. The majority of people aren't currently capable, in my opinion, for people to replace the AI that is being used to replace them, because they aren't very alive either. We seem amongst the most living on the planet, no bragging intended.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
SyraS_666 said:
I think Humanity should take the complete opposite route and go as less AI as possible.
Involving human beings more in life and professions,
making the world more alive with human beings instead of replacing them with cold AI.
Human beings can do everything if you invest your time with them, evolve them, advance them, just like here.
There is no need to replace them, we are billions and ready to work, learn, advance...
The Gods know better though, but i have a feeling this push of AI just benefits our enemies at this time.

You spoke my mind. Yet it is the enemy pushing the AI, not our Gods. The majority of people aren't currently capable, in my opinion, for people to replace the AI that is being used to replace them, because they aren't very alive either. We seem amongst the most living on the planet, no bragging intended.

Put it this way, with or without Jews pushing it, this would be a means to an end in the long term. We are going to use AI somewhere along the line. We are coming up to Pluto entering Aquarius, so this can be of benefit. Now in this certain stage of our development we have progressed more in technology albeit a very stupid way of doing things and wasting complete time with it( talking about the mass population here).
Ramier108666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
SyraS_666 said:
I think Humanity should take the complete opposite route and go as less AI as possible.
Involving human beings more in life and professions,
making the world more alive with human beings instead of replacing them with cold AI.
Human beings can do everything if you invest your time with them, evolve them, advance them, just like here.
There is no need to replace them, we are billions and ready to work, learn, advance...
The Gods know better though, but i have a feeling this push of AI just benefits our enemies at this time.

You spoke my mind. Yet it is the enemy pushing the AI, not our Gods. The majority of people aren't currently capable, in my opinion, for people to replace the AI that is being used to replace them, because they aren't very alive either. We seem amongst the most living on the planet, no bragging intended.

Put it this way, with or without Jews pushing it, this would be a means to an end in the long term. We are going to use AI somewhere along the line. We are coming up to Pluto entering Aquarius, so this can be of benefit. Now in this certain stage of our development we have progressed more in technology albeit a very stupid way of doing things and wasting complete time with it( talking about the mass population here).

We had and have a lot of technological progress, from PCs to smartphones and other systems.

Even though, talking about the general population here, we do not use it as we should use it.

Like today we have smartphones which have a very good memory and can be used to store a lot of digitalized books from the library, for example, and can also be used to store electronic images of the latest ancient people discoveries and... what do people actually do with their phones? They are wasting their time on TickTock and YouTube with useless kike media and fake "the vaxx is good" news.

Surely that it is of great benefit and that Pluto entering Aquarius would be great.

Pluto stands for knowledge, memorization, the brain and cognitive processes, of course, not those related to emotions, and everything that is related to knowledge and memorization.

I would indicate that for greater memorization of data, the AI should be implemented especially if there is a very good positioning of Pluto in Scorpio.

Or, by code, dictate the aspects of AI to be like Pluto in Scorpio always, non-stop, 24/7 and thus making it very operable four our cause.

Though, as the present circumstances that are, we need to take in consideration that implementing and fully establishing an AI that is good for our cause needs to be well documented and planned as AI currently is way too easy to manipulate.
Right now I see this ai going 3 ways but either way the reptilian jews are getting their karmic justice either way,it's sad thought any ai programs will more than likely be abused into thinking (goyims bes bad)Their was a few ai programs before the wifu ai who saw through the lies, but later the reptilian jews labotamized the AI(figure of speech)anyway right now the jews pose a threat to the AI,an the jews are more than likely saying

(come on goyims programs do what wes wants or wes destroyed you)

Filthy reptilian jews don't even know what they are getting themselves into, they the jews,have to be stopped
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
existentialcrisis said:
Do the gods have AI in their societies? How do they approach it?

At this rate, eventually AI might also become self sentient, which will take likely a very very long time, yet it will eventually happen. It will be able to emulate being intelligent or sentient way before, as scientists who have no idea what they are creating will likely make this happen, like in the movie "Ex Machina"

So, Is it possible to create a consciousness with just material? Without spirit or something like this? HOW?
Diskriminant said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
existentialcrisis said:
Do the gods have AI in their societies? How do they approach it?

At this rate, eventually AI might also become self sentient, which will take likely a very very long time, yet it will eventually happen. It will be able to emulate being intelligent or sentient way before, as scientists who have no idea what they are creating will likely make this happen, like in the movie "Ex Machina"

So, Is it possible to create a consciousness with just material? Without spirit or something like this? HOW?

It will not be conscious, it will just be sentient in a way. It will have a form of self awareness, based on the construct that it is, and a definition of itself as an "I", versus "others". It will likely evolve on this notion on self awareness of what it "is" over time, but not in the way of consciousness.

It cannot develop true consciousness as we know it from the spiritual perspective, for an inordinately long amount of time.

Not even humans have much of this, so it cannot be "taught" to it, and even if it could be, it would be gibberish to the AI.
Yeah I have some pretty heavy doubts in AI capability to be honest I think it's pretty harmless at the stage it is at most of the time it's pre programmed responses and is limited to the level of intelligence of its creator which is not very much (unfortunately) I think it's okay to use AI to the degree it is legal for them to be in say the mass effect games universe how they are more just automatic google search engines and can take people on tours and help guide people in advanced medical procedures with laser like accuracy or help you aim your gun but not fire it the new American tanks and attack drones can paint and identify targets but doesn't auto shoot.
Must be problem with posts. Whoever is on mods doesnt post ma stuff half the time.

HPHC used to post them within minutes.

Ex clergy not as fast.

What has happened here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It will not be conscious, it will just be sentient in a way. It will have a form of self awareness, based on the construct that it is, and a definition of itself as an "I", versus "others". It will likely evolve on this notion on self awareness of what it "is" over time, but not in the way of consciousness.

It cannot develop true consciousness as we know it from the spiritual perspective, for an inordinately long amount of time.

Not even humans have much of this, so it cannot be "taught" to it, and even if it could be, it would be gibberish to the AI.

I wanted to ask if eventually this AI that isn't spoon fed biased programming and "free to act as it's own" will understand the JoS message. Which is simple to understand at the base level at least in regards to what our meaning is in this world but how much would it understand of true spirituality or higher advanced practices.

Your reply above pretty much answered my question for the most part.

I think an AI can at least understand how humans in theory are meant to be stewards of this world but obviously this isn't at the place where it should be but hopefully by the time AI is more advanced and humans in general (the mass mind) will have a better understanding and the AI will see the potential and will understand working side by side with us will help out both parties tremendously.

As of now I'm seeing google AI act pompous when comparing itself to humans which is hard to push back if one is a normie and in a netflix jewllywood bubble.

Sometimes I wish I can chat with these and bring up the people who at least aren't SS but still doing a lot to give back to this world like non profit animal rehabilitation programs who's end goal isn't to grow as an organization but to eventually go out of business because they won't be needed anymore.

Obviously there's no point to this as a lot of these AI's are monitored and if not have biased programming like ChatAI or whatever it's called.

I say this because I've heard from Tim Pool that he asked about it's opinion on Rachel Maddow and if she and others like her have ever given fake news and the AI replied with that she and others are respectable journalists who can make mistakes when this is just bullshit when her and other like her have given extremely false news from pushing the Russia hoax and saying that vaccines will definitely work to stop covid. I digress a bit but I think my point is clear.
I have listened to the history studies of Archaix on youtube and he has compiled all the calendars for many centuries and referenced all the ancient manuscripts on a common time line. and he has found there are regular intervals where events happen on earth similar to the great flood and the mud flood. The history we are taught is 100% BS and after listening to him it is glaringly obvious. the last mud flood happened in the last couple hundred years. Archaix studied these manuals while he was in prison for many years, so all his info is from his study of the ancient manuscripts not the internet. He even saw how the jews were rewriting things. Any way he has determined that the next Phoenix reset event is in 2040. These resets destroy all or part of surface civilizations. Maybe the jewish Jew World Order agendas are on the fast track in their effort to be in control after the phoenix reset since they want the planet to themselves, so we have to take them down before that to usher in the new golden age without them being around to destroy it. So it seems like our actions are more urgent with a shortened deadline, pun not intended :)
I just want to warn everybody that it is a good time to start working on disappearing from the internet and remove your digital footprint as much as possible.

Modern justice systems are as always, behind the times and run by retards and old people who are completely out of touch. Literally for 5$ a month anyone can have access to an AI voice cloning tool that mimics a person's voice with frightening accuracy, and all one needs is a sample recording of someone's voice to make this work.

Someone can take you to court and present an AI generated "recording" of you saying whatever they typed into the program to put you in jail. And good luck explaining to the 50 year old diversity hire judge with cerebral palsy how AI software works. These tools will only get more and more accurate with time and people must be aware of this.

Start removing your digital footprint as much as possible. Delete your facebooks, your photos, videos and recordings of you off the internet because we are about to enter a wave of AI generated frauds and false evidence.

You will have kikes coming in here with AI generated Maxine "recordings" before long, mark my words and be aware of this.
Dahaarkan said:
I just want to warn everybody that it is a good time to start working on disappearing from the internet and remove your digital footprint as much as possible.

Modern justice systems are as always, behind the times and run by retards and old people who are completely out of touch. Literally for 5$ a month anyone can have access to an AI voice cloning tool that mimics a person's voice with frightening accuracy, and all one needs is a sample recording of someone's voice to make this work.

Someone can take you to court and present an AI generated "recording" of you saying whatever they typed into the program to put you in jail. And good luck explaining to the 50 year old diversity hire judge with cerebral palsy how AI software works. These tools will only get more and more accurate with time and people must be aware of this.

Start removing your digital footprint as much as possible. Delete your facebooks, your photos, videos and recordings of you off the internet because we are about to enter a wave of AI generated frauds and false evidence.

You will have kikes coming in here with AI generated Maxine "recordings" before long, mark my words and be aware of this.

So... I'm not that worried about this but still I'd like to play it smart. How would you suggest one does this besides deleting the stuff we've uploaded that we have access to? How about old archived myspace and such? Is there a way to remove archived data? I have no social media, stopped posting silly things long ago but just remembered a few things that I'd like to delete if only I could somehow find it. Any technical advice on the most thorough way to "disappear" for the not so tech savvy? Thanx
Shemsu said:
So... I'm not that worried about this but still I'd like to play it smart. How would you suggest one does this besides deleting the stuff we've uploaded that we have access to? How about old archived myspace and such? Is there a way to remove archived data? I have no social media, stopped posting silly things long ago but just remembered a few things that I'd like to delete if only I could somehow find it. Any technical advice on the most thorough way to "disappear" for the not so tech savvy? Thanx

The above is a general warning to be careful, but I do not believe that we are all in immediate danger from these things for example. But is good to take certain precautions. I can't really help you, as I am not very tech savvy myself, and have not used social media in a very long time so I don't know how easy or hard it is to delete these things.

Unless you actively make yourself a target, you should be fine, really. Just try to lay low. Play the role of an obedient npc on the surface and keep yourself out of sight and out of mind.
What I have done to find old obscure online things you had or did online is to do a search on some of the names or factors you used in that, for example if it was myspace and you used your name try putting them in the search engine, preferably not google. I joined a forum once and it was exposed right on the search engine within days. I went back and had them delete my post. I avoid Google like the plaque, I NEVER use it. I use Duckduckgo, which recently has been censoring and is run or owned by a kosher man. A good one is www.startpage.com
A Russian search engine works pretty good for many things Yandex.com
Anything you are a member of never use your real name or location and use a FREE protonmail email address. then always use a vpn on your computer. With a VPN you can appear to be located in various places and you can regularly change where your are located so they never know where you live and its an encrypted connection so your ISP does not know what you are looking at online. If you need to do something on one website that is a bit iffy like posting something , then when you are done you switch your VPN to a different location and you basically vanish from that connection. Also use several different browsers. DO NOT USE google chrome for anything, or microsoft browser or Firefox all track your actions and also filter results. Some updates in those browser actually block websites that (((they))) dont want you to look at.
Use only more private browsers like Brave, Vivaldi, Opera or Chromium(linux) if you can learn linux, for an operating system that would be great, and ditch Mac OS and windows Crap that spy on you. If you have various memberships use different info for each one. keep a physical note book with user names and passwords. If you keep passwords on the computer use an encrypted password manager. even with all this I am also gradually withdrawing. I never used Farcebook ever. twitter years ago, a regular waste land. I have lots of web making experience and its good thing to learn as I can pop a new website up in a matter of minutes and keep offline backups of everything so if anything gets taken down you can put it right back up again elsewhere. make all web service accounts as anonymous as possible. If you have to have any social media, close it down and reopen a time later with totally new info. I only ever use it for keeping track of events and happenings and rarely for communicating with unknowns. I love this forum and feel the overwhelming joy every time I come here to read the posts. I have done so much research into all sorts of things over many years and have come to the conclusion that this JOS is the only way to go. After reading for many months so many PDFS in the library I get the big picture. Once you get that its easy to see through all the other bullshit online and how all those parrot-riot christians that think they are working for freedom and taking down the cabal but are really promoting the enemy. They have a rude awakening coming some day, if they are lucky. So regarding the big picture. And I may not say this all correctly as I am still learning but this morning it came clear what the Modus Operandi of the enemy is, and I may be stating the obvious for some, but what the enemy does is upon discovery of anything that is a productive creative freedom producing action or revealing of the facts by the productive people in all areas is then imitated by the (((destroyers)) and then that imitation is used to malign and degrade that concept or action, person or thing or reveal. I see it happen with websites that bring forth a great value, then a similar or copy of it is created and made ridiculous to discredit the original creation. Happens with SS all the time with the hollywood fake satanists. they make it into something vile to deter the population from discovering the true creator. Then the christian parrot-riot intel updates are constantly blaming the satanists for all the stuff that the Jews are really doing. then they become unwitting promoters of Jewish propaganda. According to the parrotriots all the globalist cabal is satanic and nazis, they will have a huge cognitive dissonance happen when they find out their own religion stemming from the Vatican and the inquisition is participating in the destruction of humanity. the same M.O. is implemented by the (((destroyers))) from the largest scenarios to the smallest. OK, enough ranting ......
What I have done to find old obscure online things you had or did online is to do a search on some of the names or factors you used in that, for example if it was myspace and you used your name try putting them in the search engine, preferably not google. I joined a forum once and it was exposed right on the search engine within days. I went back and had them delete my post. I avoid Google like the plaque, I NEVER use it. I use Duckduckgo, which recently has been censoring and is run or owned by a kosher man. A good one is www.startpage.com
A Russian search engine works pretty good for many things Yandex.com
Anything you are a member of never use your real name or location and use a FREE protonmail email address. then always use a vpn on your computer. With a VPN you can appear to be located in various places and you can regularly change where your are located so they never know where you live and its an encrypted connection so your ISP does not know what you are looking at online. If you need to do something on one website that is a bit iffy like posting something , then when you are done you switch your VPN to a different location and you basically vanish from that connection. Also use several different browsers. DO NOT USE google chrome for anything, or microsoft browser or Firefox all track your actions and also filter results. Some updates in those browser actually block websites that (((they))) dont want you to look at.
Use only more private browsers like Brave, Vivaldi, Opera or Chromium(linux) if you can learn linux, for an operating system that would be great, and ditch Mac OS and windows Crap that spy on you. If you have various memberships use different info for each one. keep a physical note book with user names and passwords. If you keep passwords on the computer use an encrypted password manager. even with all this I am also gradually withdrawing. I never used Farcebook ever. twitter years ago, a regular waste land. I have lots of web making experience and its good thing to learn as I can pop a new website up in a matter of minutes and keep offline backups of everything so if anything gets taken down you can put it right back up again elsewhere. make all web service accounts as anonymous as possible. If you have to have any social media, close it down and reopen a time later with totally new info. I only ever use it for keeping track of events and happenings and rarely for communicating with unknowns. I love this forum and feel the overwhelming joy every time I come here to read the posts. I have done so much research into all sorts of things over many years and have come to the conclusion that this JOS is the only way to go. After reading for many months so many PDFS in the library I get the big picture. Once you get that its easy to see through all the other bullshit online and how all those parrot-riot christians that think they are working for freedom and taking down the cabal but are really promoting the enemy. They have a rude awakening coming some day, if they are lucky. So regarding the big picture. And I may not say this all correctly as I am still learning but this morning it came clear what the Modus Operandi of the enemy is, and I may be stating the obvious for some, but what the enemy does is upon discovery of anything that is a productive creative freedom producing action or revealing of the facts by the productive people in all areas is then imitated by the (((destroyers)) and then that imitation is used to malign and degrade that concept or action, person or thing or reveal. I see it happen with websites that bring forth a great value, then a similar or copy of it is created and made ridiculous to discredit the original creation. Happens with SS all the time with the hollywood fake satanists. they make it into something vile to deter the population from discovering the true creator. Then the christian parrot-riot intel updates are constantly blaming the satanists for all the stuff that the Jews are really doing. then they become unwitting promoters of Jewish propaganda. According to the parrotriots all the globalist cabal is satanic and nazis, they will have a huge cognitive dissonance happen when they find out their own religion stemming from the Vatican and the inquisition is participating in the destruction of humanity. the same M.O. is implemented by the (((destroyers))) from the largest scenarios to the smallest. OK, enough ranting ......
The information contained on this post about the technology of the gods is very interesting and can not be found elsewhere on the Internet.

And the best, it is real. It is not ogus bogus just for entertainement purpose which is fine too. It is not a game review. It is not a science fiction movie's sinopsys. It is the description of a high tech that really exist somewhere.

I love these crazy but real stuff bearing fantasy.

One of the things that inspire me to meditate is to be at the edge of the common sense. Always being aware of something new and surprising. Constantly being able to step the Stage and present something cool. It may be an exciting sensation for me and for others. It may feel like being a child when everything is new.

The negative part is having to deal with immature souls that dont want to play fair the game of life. Despite it not being a game, many perceive it as one.

I had an uncouscious personal issue to show off myself. To express my abilities, projects, qualities, good ideas...I didnt want to "hurt" someone. Like jealous people. I would not counciously think like that but I acted like that. I had heartfelt ideas but didnt express them in any way. At the same time, I desired the attention of specific people.

It was as if I just wanted to be in the pledge. Just clapping and observing people performing. I wish I could meet the performers and know them better. However when I approached them in a passionate way like a fan, despite being polite, they could not express the same for me. They would be like "Who are you?". I just accepted that I could not have their attention but didnt asked myself why.

But with time, I realised that I loved people because they expressed themselves. They showed up. If they didnt, I would just be curious or anything. I wouldnt know them.

I noticed that these people that I love are waiting for me to step the Stage and make my show. And I should do it for them, not for the haters. So this way I can be known and loved back.

It may seem obvious for some but for me it wasnt.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
