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Arguments against "Civilization"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the NS Scene right now, in the more serious alleys where there are Pagan people, we have as always some polarized division that is created by yet again another misconception and not understanding the truth in full. In other words, not knowing Satan.

This has somehow bled over to people misinterpreting Nietzsche and others who were against "Civilization" and pro "Barbarism". This debate has been going for long, actually, centuries.

Nietzsche and many others defined the barbaric condition as basically...The natural condition of the human being without a jewish despotic system that destroys them into their own civilization, and corrupts them entirely. Ie, a natural state of life without aliens amongst one's midst.

The only issue any philosophers had from Rousseau to Nietzsche (They share their stance on Civilization being useless and negative for humanity) was upon reflecting of the very recent forms of civilizations who have been hijacked by jews. Which are unspiritual, unidealistic, 100% material, aimless civilizations that only seek to preserve the weak and satisfy the senses of those few slavers at the top.

They never were aware of the jewish problem (they were but they did not go into extent about it) to the extent of how they have corrupted civilization, and therefore of course, they came to hate 'civilization'. (((Civilization))) today deserves harsh criticism, but these arguments are in the very least stupid. This is equal to hating the symptom of a disorder, when one hasn't figured out the cause.

And by all means, this is understandable. There was no internet in Nietzsche’s time, or in Rousse’s, or in Evola's time. Nor the sciences of biology have proven the existence of an alien racial pool within humanity which is called the 'jewish' one and so forth.

However some arguments presented are as such:

-"Civilization is decadent".
-"Civilization is not needed".
-"Civilization emasculates people and robs freedoms".

The list goes on. Some people also have the mental incapacity to put in an equal padding civilizations such as Nazi Germany, with let's say, any other civilization of today's befallen crap world. This shows how retarded so many of these arguments are in the first place.

For example, how emasculated is a farmer that is self-reliant, owns guns, has no boss, and lives in the country side without any mind controlling technology, and has around a minimum of 5 to 10 children, is never afraid to die of hunter and famine as he will be taken care of by the higher powers in his country, but also the big town nearby so that he can study and learn whatever he pleases. Does that sound really 'emasculated' to anyone? Because this was the average farmer in Nazi Germany.

Himmler had an aim that no "Survivalist Pagans" know either, which was to create the Warrior Farmer. The Warrior Farmer was to be all of the above, plus have total military training and mental articulation to the level of a commander in the military. Does that sound 'stupid' or 'emasculated', or 'without freedom' to anyone?

The people were living largely in a tribal manner, and basically, without any external tribal interference. There was no globalism back then but only in an jewish wet-dream of an idea.

However such dreams in the world we live today, and in the world we will keep living for quite a time from now, are all inapplicable without the sheath of a civilization to protect them. These little dreams cannot exist without a productive shroud.

As for Dennis Wise claiming his crap about "JEWS IN GERMANY", this Christian Mossad Agent needs to know something fundamental, that some people have been retarded enough to convert to Judaism, but this does NOT make them Jews by blood.

First and foremost, from where are these arguments against 'civilization' presented? From a computer, from the internet, from the safety of being protected by a military (civilized construct) by barbarian hordes, from the articulation made by speech because someone taught us how to write, and so forth. Even the safety to express these opinions who have came from being in contrast what one thinks is 'civilization', is a civilized matter.

So there is hard hypocrisy here in saying that we should deny the usefulness of these tools. Note: TOOLS. Many people are slaves of these tools, but the people who seek to reach a next level in their understanding need such tools in order to do so. There is no other way to live today.

I have lived in a rural place half of my life. I know how the farm life is, and I know how the high town's life is. Many people are pretending to be hardcore survivalists and anti-civilization while in fact they are living the basic, rural life, that was the norm in the last century. There is no need to pretend one is some sort of survivalist master that drinks their piss into a cave. I know firsthand how this thing goes.

What many people call 'survivalism' today was the life that my own grandparents practiced. Only far worse, as they had no internet, not even a car, and many other things. The same goes for most people because guess what, 100 years ago life was extremely different.

There is also this idea about how uncivilized barbarians are going to be so nice, peaceful and without any jealousy, living happily ever after. If that was the case, what was the primordial URGE that Aristotle and others talked about, to create CIVILIZATION out of nowhere?

This is because at least for Whites, civilizations are a normal thing. I do not consider 'civilization' the massive racial cauldron that is called globalism today, but the Town-State was an acute example of civilization. In humans there is an intrinsic need to have some sort of civilization, sometimes out of necessity, sometimes because they want to fulfill other species desires.

However this un-articulation of the human nature, isn't going to go away by imagining an idyllic society that somehow, is so perfect because there is no civilization in it. And this has been the case for thousands of years.

The point of civilization to exist is to create an environment within where beings can advance spiritually until they reach the next level of their evolutionary process. Then the conventional view of 'civilization' as we knew it before, will no longer be 'necessary' how we know it today. See the contrast between Globalism, and Nazi Germany. Both can be considered falsely 'civilizations'; their essence however diametrically opposed. IF ONE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THAT PROCESS, it's normal that they hate, despise, or misunderstand civilization.

Conside that even the jewish feces have pinned and parasitized on the civilizations of others in their parasitic attempt to keep up with this process of developing themselves. But being lazy as they were and uncreative, they never did this on their own. In the negative term of the word, the jews are the most 'civilized' of all the species of the planet, but in the actual contrast of what civilization REALLY is, the jew is an alien barbarian entity, of the lowest slimy nature.

The problem of most civilization haters is that they do not understand the importance of civilization before the jews, and after their emergence into their construct and finally taking it over. The end result is of course hated in more than one ways. Many of these people also blame others such as the Roman Empire for doing what...Creating one of the best civilizations on Earth basically. Because they fell on the jews. Yes, they fell on the jews.

This may seem like it has the simple explanations all these people give every time such as that the "Romans were decadent" and many other fancy explanations plastering at the surface of nothing, but actually, they fell into an alien force and alien forces outside of this planet or even dimension and world. As for the arguments about "Decadence", how is sexuality and the expression of virility, "DECADENT". Is this because the bible said so? Even so called sexual deviancy doesn't have to do with why a civilization falls. It's a symptom of a falling civilization, but it's not the cause of this.

Some people state they are Pagan, but their conception still remains fully christian, simply because they do not follow any spiritual path to awaken themselves to their so called new 'beliefs'. Therefore these beliefs remain as beliefs, and in the end of the day, they remain Christians who say "Hail Odin" or something. Maybe some things were to be considered overly derailed or overly focused, but decadent is merely stupid. The Pagan ethics are not located in the specific matter of one's genitilia use, in more or less 'honorable' ways.

Blaming the Romans for failing is like one of these scrawny people who analyze sports, and say what the people in them could have done better. Of course, these people have never played sports, and can hardly move a limb, but of course, they can be just judges of people ten times more superior than them. The same thing goes for people who think they have the understanding and the brain to judge Hitler, as many of these 'anti-civilization' people do. Hitler is beyond their conception to judge or criticize.

And of course like so many others who have failed themselves, they pass harsh judgement down to Hitler in one or another way. Because well, he had to defeat the whole planet isolated in their mind. While these people can't even defeat their own Christian slave programming. In other words, you are not in a position to be the judge of anything, but yourself at this point.

I myself am not in favor of this 'civilization' that is going on here, the "Western Civilization", and all these pseudo-civilization judaisms that parade as civilizations that are 'ours'. These are only a cancer and we have nothing to do with them. So far as I am concerned, they must be destroyed, as decadence and race mixing are the crown jewels of such.

However, this does not take away the fact that they are great, that White civilizations are still the most powerful on earth with other homogeneous powerful Gentiles following up close up, and of course, the NECESSITY of a civilization is not taken away either.

The HOW that created civilizations corrupting for nature and destruction of the planet, human beings, races, and all the balance of our world, was the JEW. Not the civilization itself, neither even other Gentiles who many so much blame for coming into other countries and so forth. These are SYMPTOMS of the first CAUSE OF CORRUPTION, which is the JEW. And they will never be solved until this ALIEN element is understood, driven away, and tackled.

One example is however, did Egypt or any other such civilization pollute, attempt nuclear testing (There is proof of high radioactive activity in many places, and it's proven they possessed the ability to possibly split the atom with their own technology), destroy the planet, and inferiority all the species in teh world forever? No. This is because these civilizations came from the Gods.

Blaming "civilization" is like blaming the fact that humanoids have a body, or a generic fact such as the Sun exists. Is there a point in blaming the sun? Some people may trap it's rays to create weapons of disaster. Blaming natural facts doesn't work or mean anything in itself.

So in that case, BLAME THE JEWS INSTEAD. Because the sun cannot be suddenly creating nuclear bombs, neither can simple minerals be created into nukes, or computer chips with AI that wants to conquer the world through data control into a cattle farm. These are all doings of people with specific intents. Blaming the means they use and us for creating constructs that the jews perverted and falling victims into their alien occupation, is the classical jewish recipe of blaming the victims.

The jews are the problem. If the jews abduct your child and they make it into a machine that wants to kill you, do you blame your child, or the jew? The same thing is the case with civilization. Civilization is empowering but there is no guarantee that it will always be in your hands, especially if you have democracy.

Due to factors such as aliens and other forces which are unseen to many, civilizations have now fell into the hands of the enemy.

Lastly, civilization is mandatory, as even if you stop building your own, others will develop theirs. This is a law of nature. And as a final analysis, for those who are aware of the existence of other species beyond of this earth, will understand that having civilization is the only way to survive in this large gamble that is called 'life'.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Those people are just extreme anarchists.

The fact is civilization is a sociological aspect of evolution. Just as a single cell organism becomes more complex with evolution into multi celled organism. Society is the same you have the evolution of knowledge specialization sectors and services that require specific organization. Doctors, tradesmen, Political leaders, scientists, farmers, industrial workers, teachers, business owners and on as new technologies are developed this continues we have only had pilots in the last century and air travel industry. This is part of sociological evolution.

The Marxists and Anarchists are extreme levers they want to reduce us to some pre development state of primitivism in the name of their radical egalitarianism which is the real god of Christianity. The fact is because the development of civilization is natural evolutionary reality. People will start to redevelop themselves socially over time. The Jews put Europe in a year zero primitivism with the totalitarian regime of the Catholic Church. And in time this fell apart with development of new knowledge that caused new technologies and sectors to develop.

What these levers want with their hatred of civilization is the same as someone wanting to revert a human back to a prehumen ape by rolling back evolution. Just as we pass genes onto the next phase of generation we also pass knowledge onto to be further developed.
Everything we create, the Jews work to corrupt and destroy. Thanks to the internet, we have global communications. Now the entire world can see the Jewish problem. Communications are out of Jewish control, though the Jews still work relentlessly to destroy.

Blatant examples are what has happened to Yahoo, especially the email and the egroups. A few years ago, both were very user friendly.

The Jew works to ruin anything for the advancement of humanity. One must be knowledgeable in their writings, their foul 'God" and their character.

The Jew incessantly parades injustice. Their so-called god is the absolute worst when it comes to insane cruelty and injustice. Jewish Hollywood is the same. Slaves must be accepting of any and all kinds of injustices. This is a subliminal.

Civilization must have both laws and justice. The major key in destroying a civilization is through corrupting its legal system. This is a main focus of the Jew. The legal system is infested with Jews from top to bottom.

The entire Talmud is made up of endless unreasonable laws, law after law and also gives the Jew endless exercises in argument. It is a rabbinical commentary on the Torah, its 613 laws and of course laws regarding how to carry out blood sacrifices and other related crap that is a detriment to humanity.

Technology is advancement. Higher beings in other worlds combine both technology and spiritual powers. Both work together. For example, flying saucers can travel at remarkable speeds, as the occupants who pilot the craft combine group telekinesis, all turning their heads one way, making the craft disappear from sight as it moves so fast, working spiritually with the technological capabilities of the craft.

Just as Western Europe experienced the Renaissance after the Jews were expelled and driven east, the world will also advance in civilization after they are gone.
Short on time but with a brief look that farmer you describe has always been me. That's my dream life. I must have been a Nazi before.
An argument Varg was using is because Greeks were doing some erotic paintings and stuff, then this is a reason why civilization must not exist. Because somehow Europeans mixed with non-Whites and this made them make civilization and have sexual urgers... Then I asked how about what Hitler called "Healthy Nordic Eroticism" in NS Germany.

This survivalist people might as well preffer the "simpler" lifestyle of Ukranian farmers when the Sovietic Union invaded and imposed the Holodomor, and it's also somehow's Hitler's fault of creating NS to try stop it from happening to all people who hadn't a higher deffensive backing (a "simpler life") to avoid this Jew-made mess.

Egon said:
An argument Varg was using is because Greeks were doing some erotic paintings and stuff, then this is a reason why civilization must not exist. Because somehow Europeans mixed with non-Whites and this made them make civilization and have sexual urgers... Then I asked how about what Hitler called "Healthy Nordic Eroticism" in NS Germany.

This survivalist people might as well preffer the "simpler" lifestyle of Ukranian farmers when the Sovietic Union invaded and imposed the Holodomor, and it's also somehow's Hitler's fault of creating NS to try stop it from happening to all people who hadn't a higher defensive backing (a "simpler life") to avoid this Jew-made mess.


Varg has very judeo-xtian morals unfortunately. He views sex as this purely reproductive and sacred thing between heterosexuals and anything else is degenerate. That is also a major view among the neo-nazis out there.

Greeks were not race mixers (link to one's city and greek identity was very high) and were masters of art, culture and philosophy at that time. Ancient greek culture and mythology have had a special place in my heart since I was a small child.

The real reason I'm angry with Varg and stopped watching his videos however is how he dares blaming Hitler for fighting the jews because "he lost". These days Varg gives the impression to the youth (his primary audience is single young white males and he admits it) that fighting is pointless and they should hide in huts. I get it that for those without the world can seem somewhat confusing but how can I recommend his videos if he wants to drawn third sex people in bogs and everybody else to live "modestly" in a hut, which basically means renouncing to influence society.
Egon said:
An argument Varg was using is because Greeks were doing some erotic paintings and stuff, then this is a reason why civilization must not exist. Because somehow Europeans mixed with non-Whites and this made them make civilization and have sexual urgers... Then I asked how about what Hitler called "Healthy Nordic Eroticism" in NS Germany.

This survivalist people might as well preffer the "simpler" lifestyle of Ukranian farmers when the Sovietic Union invaded and imposed the Holodomor, and it's also somehow's Hitler's fault of creating NS to try stop it from happening to all people who hadn't a higher deffensive backing (a "simpler life") to avoid this Jew-made mess.


Varg has my respect in more than one ways, so far non SS go. He actually follows Paganism in reality, and he fights the enemy. And for this reason I will not say anything negative about him as a person, ever, unless he does anything that is extremely negative. Which probably he won't unless coerced. But I will refute and criticize his ideas nonetheless. All in the spirit of maintaining a higher standard and keeping people seeing both sides for example.

He mentioned this for the Romans. Now the whole conversation doesn't have to be about sex. And yes, there are rampant, and highly decadent sexual phenomena anymore. But this in itself means nothing and the jews as usual destroy everything for an extra mile as always.

So these issues become somehow the center of civilization and over-represented everywhere, right in the face of everyone. Forcing them into retreat into xian morality through another frontier. Because yes, sexuality that is not properly monitored can actually be a disaster for every civilization, but so are other things as well. Criminalizing sexuality is stupid.

Varg has a right to like and dislike whom and what he pleases. As for his opinions on the defeat of Hitler. Whatever. He is not in a position to judge Hitler. Weren't it for Hitler, Europe would have been a large, gulag. Not the imaginary libertarian gulag.

But an actual, hardcore, USSR Gulag with jews and everyone else in Europe inside an electric fence. Those who cannot comprehend that what happened happened out of necessity and that this was the only way Hitler could have acted, have no idea about the firm powers behind 'wyrd' and 'destiny' into this sense.

Varg does not deserve any diss or anything negative thrown to him. I have replied on the groups indepth on the situation. Living in huts and eating wall-nuts forever isn't going to save us from intergalactic aliens who have taken the planet by the balls. However freedoms and hardiness related to this style of living can actually prove useful in many ways, in contrast to the absolutely sissified lifestyle that is pushed anymore.

However Varg acts like a doomsday prophet frequently. His gospel is how the rare earth will end and so forth. Like the rare earth that was already used can't be recycled...For example. And that the world is going to end so run for the mountains. While the jews will own borgs in 10 years and flying saucers. And somehow, by leaving them freely roam in civilization, we are going to be saved.

Because the post-apocalyptic preaching is defined to come as prophesied anyway, isn't it. These are all christian mindsets here, just presented in a different clothing, but I do not think the people who engage into these understand this properly. So my post acted as a wake-up call to these people to hit this programming hard.

Personally, even if this was was 'lost', as how many of these demoralized and nonspiritual people believe, I wouldn't give a damn and still fight the good struggle.

"Civilization" does never drop or go completely extinct. Also, there is fake money to always funnel into any economy. Many people don't get this either. And they think that any collapse can still happen. If the kikes want it to happen, then it will. All collapses are done under international judea, and they do this on purpose. It doesn't just happen. It's decided. But money is printable and calculated on computers anymore.

They had decided for it to come way earlier, but a collapse would also destroy their system in massive revolts, and their chair is already shaking. Also in the point of collapse, all their so called 'wealth' goes out of the window as well, as their money will account to nothing as well. They will be getting murdered and looted in the streets just like everyone else, and in a globalist economy, nor pissrael nor any other place will have it 'flawlessly'.
The thing with Varg's criticism of Hitler and National Socialism it does not factor in historical reality. The Jewish Marxists were already fighting a war against Europe. Marxists had by armed uprising taken Hungary, parts of Germany all of Russia and were looking to grab all of Europe in 1920 the Red Army invaded Poland to use as the Red Bridge to invade Germany and onwards thought Europe.

Hitler and other German Patriots were able to organize enough of their Nation to push back, thankfully the Communist Jew,Cohen was overthrown in Hungary as well. The Italian's were able to organize and push the Marxists out as well. Later Hitler and the Italian's were able to step in and end the civil war the Marxists started in Spain under orders from Stalin.

The second world war didn't start in 1939 it started in 1918 when the Jew Lenin ordered the continuation of war against the rest of Europe till the Red Army conquered. Every political and armed revolutionary movement was being organized and directed form Moscow. Stalin carried on Lenin's policy his way which was building the Red Army up into the largest and best equipped force on earth. That is what his five year plans were for. With the purpose of then invading Europe openly again in a surprise attack that would overwhelm all opposition

Hitler was able to organize the rest of Europe to meet this threat and attack Stalin's forces a few weeks before they were going to attack Germany and the rest of Europe.

Historians have pointed out while eight percent of Germany died in that war. Thirty percent of Germany would have died if the Communists had of taken over totally. In the end Hitler did the right thing and stopped the Jewish Marxist onslaught. Hitler destroyed the Red Army and the Soviet Union. And stopped them totally.

Living in the forest like Hobbit's was not going to stop the Red Army tanks and the rape and slaughter of tens of millions more then already occurred if the Red Army had of taken all of Europe. Hitler and his allies were reacting against a Marxist policy of armed aggression and violent conquest.
On another thing, I note the Libertarians on utube like to criticize Hitler and the Third Reich while bitching about MARXISTS all the time........

There bitch seems to be Hitler didn't realize the way to destroy the armed Marxists revolution in Germany was with free market liberal capitalism.....Wait they already had that in Germany and the Marxists were still taking everything over. Oh wait the way to stop the Marxists was with beta sophistic arguments, no those guys just got clubbed over the head by the Commies. Um.....well the way to stop the Marxists was the one way Hitler took. And they are whining over it. Mainly because these people are Jews themselves pretending in many cases to be Gentiles.

Varg did point out Southern is a Jewess and that McCarthy chick is as well. McCarthy was literally cam whoring before then put some clothes on and tried to become David Icke lite then put more clothes on and became Alt Lite.
With Varg's statements on sexual norms on the video that was mentioned on the ancient Greeks and Roman's the one mentioned which the porn mosaic's. He does not understand the bronze age Scandinavians had the same sexual mores the ancient Greeks did. Much of their ritual art is sexual in nature and their rituals were based on Hieros Gamos of the Greeks and Romans. The same culture is seen in the Vedic Aryans in the east. The ancients worshipped the Phallus and Yoni the symbol of eternal life and the yoni of the soul and the union of energies that create existence. The Germanic Creation myth with Freya is totally sexual. And the stories around Freya are always very sexual in nature. Freya unites sexually with the warrior or Hero to transform them with the serpent fire to ascension. This survived in the Grail mythos. The Phallos is the spine and head with the risen serpent. The Romans had the sexual union of the god and goddess on the walls on their houses for good luck. The Swastika is the same symbol and meaning. The Pagans used sex to activate and raise the serpent.
Everyones talking about these complex groups and things that I will in all likely hood never understand but there is one thing I really learned out of this. What we are living in today is very far from proper civilization and its because the jews are running the show.

Everyday for quite awhile now I have gone to work looked outside the window and been so utterly disgusted with the world we live in that I truely believed that it wasnt worth saving. That it should die. Everyday doing rtrs I told myself that Im doing this for Father Satan and that I dont care about these people. But now I see that these people can be saved. Its not that civilization doesnt work its that we dont have a proper true civilization, we havent experienced it. What I really hate is the jews.

You have just changed my understanding of the entire world and it was a change for the better. Thank you.
HP Mageson666 said:
On another thing, I note the Libertarians on utube like to criticize Hitler and the Third Reich while bitching about MARXISTS all the time........

There bitch seems to be Hitler didn't realize the way to destroy the armed Marxists revolution in Germany was with free market liberal capitalism.....Wait they already had that in Germany and the Marxists were still taking everything over. Oh wait the way to stop the Marxists was with beta sophistic arguments, no those guys just got clubbed over the head by the Commies. Um.....well the way to stop the Marxists was the one way Hitler took. And they are whining over it. Mainly because these people are Jews themselves pretending in many cases to be Gentiles.

Varg did point out Southern is a Jewess and that McCarthy chick is as well. McCarthy was literally cam whoring before then put some clothes on and tried to become David Icke lite then put more clothes on and became Alt Lite.

Because obviously, you can deal with Marxist hordes that want to kill you and actively arm up and have began civil war...

By teaching them about FREE MARKET ECONOMY!

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
For example, flying saucers can travel at remarkable speeds, as the occupants who pilot the craft combine group telekinesis, all turning their heads one way, making the craft disappear from sight as it moves so fast, working spiritually with the technological capabilities of the craft.

So this is how it works, many people in one craft using group telekinesis is like spiritual life hack and that's going to be hard to manage if that's going to be our first time in the far future...is it okay if I can politely request where you got the claim(Source)? I'm curious to know that and I believe that it's not rude to question and doubt out of random curiosity here since we're all Spiritual Satanists that want to study and advance. :)
HoodedCobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
On another thing, I note the Libertarians on utube like to criticize Hitler and the Third Reich while bitching about MARXISTS all the time........

There bitch seems to be Hitler didn't realize the way to destroy the armed Marxists revolution in Germany was with free market liberal capitalism.....Wait they already had that in Germany and the Marxists were still taking everything over. Oh wait the way to stop the Marxists was with beta sophistic arguments, no those guys just got clubbed over the head by the Commies. Um.....well the way to stop the Marxists was the one way Hitler took. And they are whining over it. Mainly because these people are Jews themselves pretending in many cases to be Gentiles.

Varg did point out Southern is a Jewess and that McCarthy chick is as well. McCarthy was literally cam whoring before then put some clothes on and tried to become David Icke lite then put more clothes on and became Alt Lite.

Because obviously, you can deal with Marxist hordes that want to kill you and actively arm up and have began civil war...

By teaching them about FREE MARKET ECONOMY!


Some arguments are presented as such:

-"Civilization is decadent".
-"Civilization is not needed".
-"Civilization emasculates people and robs freedoms".

The problem of most civilization haters is that they do not understand the importance of civilization before the jews, and after their emergence into their construct and finally taking it over. The end result is of course hated in more than one ways. Many of these people also blame others such as the Roman Empire for doing what...Creating one of the best civilizations on Earth basically. Because they fell on the jews. Yes, they fell on the jews.
In the National Socialist Archive/Fourth Reich/666BlackSun Library, there is a book/pdf called The Sumerian Swindle I seriously recommend it to every gentile who can read a well-informed work. The man who wrote it completely and clearly mentions where Civilization deeply went wrong, and how the Jew poisoned civilization. I'm serious about this, the author shows exactly when and where in civilization went wrong, why it hasn't been corrected, and how from the first civilization under (Enki) Satan in Sumeria over time became corrupted. Reading just some of the book made the world look night and day clear to me.

What I feel is that these new National Socialist groups understand there is a corruption in civilization, but think that cutting off the entire arm (like a disease) is far better than fixing the current state of affairs. Like Hitler, they similarly know jews have plagued society for many many years, but unlike Hitler, they don't understand where to separate healthy, Aryan, spiritual civilization from the corrupted, poisoned jewish leech.
But, i will reiterate that this book in the National Socialist Archive, if given to enough gentiles, will reverse international jewry at a pace on par with Germany under Hitler!

If you want to see the 666BlackSun library:

Here is the Sumerian Swindle: How The Jews Betrayed Mankind:

(I should mention this link is archive.org because the jews probably saw this, and worked extremely hard to take it down. Valuable information like this are the reason why the jewish ADF (Anti-Defamation League) want to censor the internet. I for one downloaded the pdf just to make sure the Enemy does not take if off the internet, as they have in the past attacked any ideology who opposes them, just like the forums and Spiritual Satanist websites in the past.)

Heil Hitler!
Hail the Pantheon of Hell!
Hail Satan!
Ninja 666 said:
HoodedCobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
On another thing, I note the Libertarians on utube like to criticize Hitler and the Third Reich while bitching about MARXISTS all the time........

There bitch seems to be Hitler didn't realize the way to destroy the armed Marxists revolution in Germany was with free market liberal capitalism.....Wait they already had that in Germany and the Marxists were still taking everything over. Oh wait the way to stop the Marxists was with beta sophistic arguments, no those guys just got clubbed over the head by the Commies. Um.....well the way to stop the Marxists was the one way Hitler took. And they are whining over it. Mainly because these people are Jews themselves pretending in many cases to be Gentiles.

Varg did point out Southern is a Jewess and that McCarthy chick is as well. McCarthy was literally cam whoring before then put some clothes on and tried to become David Icke lite then put more clothes on and became Alt Lite.

Because obviously, you can deal with Marxist hordes that want to kill you and actively arm up and have began civil war...

By teaching them about FREE MARKET ECONOMY!


HP Mageson666 said:
With Varg's statements on sexual norms on the video that was mentioned on the ancient Greeks and Roman's the one mentioned which the porn mosaic's. He does not understand the bronze age Scandinavians had the same sexual mores the ancient Greeks did. Much of their ritual art is sexual in nature and their rituals were based on Hieros Gamos of the Greeks and Romans. The same culture is seen in the Vedic Aryans in the east. The ancients worshipped the Phallus and Yoni the symbol of eternal life and the yoni of the soul and the union of energies that create existence. The Germanic Creation myth with Freya is totally sexual. And the stories around Freya are always very sexual in nature. Freya unites sexually with the warrior or Hero to transform them with the serpent fire to ascension. This survived in the Grail mythos. The Phallos is the spine and head with the risen serpent. The Romans had the sexual union of the god and goddess on the walls on their houses for good luck. The Swastika is the same symbol and meaning. The Pagans used sex to activate and raise the serpent.

Where do you get your information
HC just noticed the part on Dennis Wise.

I bought the hitler dvd n joined the forum its NS stuff you can buy where did the link of mossad come in got me worried now :eek: :eek:

Bump this thread guys please

Is this the same Dennis Wise who runs the communisim by the back door and Adolf Hitler DVDS?


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
