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Are you addicted? Subtle Addictions

Thank you for great post, I must work on my internet scrolling addiction. other things are 100% ok.
Aquarius said:
the main themes that are popular on porn websites are incest and other jewish bullshit.

...and race mixing, this is why never watch porn, do not give big visitors number to jewish porn sites, then their destructive industry fall.
Aquarius said:
It's a couple weeks I wanted to make this post, now that the distractions post is up this is gonna be a nice complement :)

We have been "normalized" to act in a certain way since infancy, some more than others, of course. If you look at the common man on the street you will see that he is on his phone, slouched, and briefly taking his gaze away from the phone just to see where he's going, as if he was hooked, and he most likely is just endlessly scrolling on social media, nothing really important. Others you see are smoking, acting as if smoking is actually a normal thing, literally consciously inhaling poison that often is very expensive too, think thousands a year just to support such a disgusting habit.

The common man is now heading phone, with his gaze on his phone all the way back, when he's home he's gonna sit and watch porn, 15 seconds later he has ejaculated to some jewish fetish, he of course feels terrible after that, his girlfriend is emotionally hurt, as he has problems in bed, and prefers some jewish pixels of a pornstar to her lovely girlfriend.

Feeling like a zombie, the common man now turns on Call of Duty, playing matches until midnight, although he totally disregarded his responsibilities, such as cleaning the house, or even cooking to himself something good and healthy, he couldn't be bothered, so he ordered McDonalds, he knows his health isn't the best, but he tries to not care.

He then goes to sleep after midnight, conscious of the fact that he has to wake up at 5.30, so he is gonna feel terrible for sleeping so little, this isn't the first time he does that, he has been doing it for years, but he doesn't care about looking and feeling like a zombie, his eyes have large dark bags, he doesn't care.

The cycle then repeats, over and over again, and the man's health quickly deteriorates. The common man now heavily relies on medicines, and wonders why did this have to happen to him, completely unaware of the years of abuse he subjected his body to.

Internet Addiction
The most subtle, although so many people are addicted to it, not many are able to consciously understand that, what internet addiction means is that when there is a task to do you would rather mindlessly scroll on reddit or other social media for the dopamine hit. Or you constantly think about the internet and what to look and search for, thinking that certain things are necessary, while they are completely obsolete.
Children from the age of 6 are being gifted ipads and being left to them for hours a day, doing whatever shit they want, while the retarded parents ignore their responsibilities because they'd rather to common man stuff.

I don't want to hear excuses about porn, that shit wrecks relationships and makes people literal cucks, meek and weak. It has been shown in studies that a daily porn user conditions the brain in a similar way to heroin users. People have all kind of problems because of porn, like repressing their emotions, objectifying women in a disgusting way, not being able to feel anything during a normal healthy intercourse, lack of attention, depression, genital numbness and the list goes on. Porn, as it is made today is nothing but a weapon against the "goyim", the main themes that are popular on porn websites are incest and other jewish bullshit.
For more info: www.yourbrainonporn.com

Sedentary lifestyle
Being sedentary is terrible for you, couple that with poor posture and you'll create many problems that will take longer to fix. Do some kind of physical exercise, even just very light, every hour or 2. Being sedentary stops/decreases the flow of energy in your body, and you don't need that, we, especially as SS, need more flow of energy.

Coffee is not an addiction per se, I personally drink some coffee every couple of weeks as I like the taste, but it becomes an addiction one is not conscious about when they drink something like 3 or more coffees a day. My parents drink up to 4-5 a day, it has been so engraved into them that they can't even think of it as an addiction, then they complain they have trouble sleeping, as the common man does. The common man complains of things he causes to himself but he doesn't want to fix.

Videogames are not bad in general, me personally I have been addicted to them in the past. I was a very energetic kiddo and my parents thought that a playstation would be good to calm me, i was hooked, only for them to realize(and not fix of course, who wants to deal with a crying child? Definitely not his parents) that it was terrible for me and that it's all I always wanted to do. School was affected and consequently I was made to feel like shit, a 12 yo shouldn't want to suicide because his parents were fuckwits with an animal consciousness.
Personally, I have found after a while that videogames aren't the problem, but the pleasure seeking mindset is, it doesn't matter if you quit videogames, if you have other subtle addictions like porn or internet scrolling you're gonna put more time in those to make up for the lost "pleasure" of videogames, this applies to other things too, so you gotta be strong and remove these influences from your life.
Playing is not bad, but ask yourself if you're doing it for mindless pleasure and avoiding responsibilities or because you actually really like what you're playing.

Hope this helps my fellow SS, these are my experiences as a Zoomer.

All that aside, very good post. Alert others of the dangers and traps in life. We are not to suffer like mundanes, who accept everything and never think to change things in their life.

Who are addicted to everything around them. Leading a miserable, lonely existence.
Tirnenn said:
Aquarius said:
You do have energy, you just can't feel it, if you had no energy you would be dead. Energy still flows through you. The more blood circulation there is the more your energy flows.
I get what you mean, but moreso meant physical exhaustion.

I feel a bit better after aura cleaning and chakra spinning, but not entirely. Ah well, Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that.

I noticed, that when I am tired, that my energy levels drop significantly.

When I am well rested it feels like I am 5times stronger or so.
So get rest. And meditate on a regular basis, I also notice that I get weaker when I skip one day.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Never admit any of your shortcomings. As far as anyone here is concerned, it's none of your fucking business.

I agree with this sentiment but I have also seen a potential for when this is done. You can make an anonymous account and do it while one seeks help. Many people don't in fear of ridicule. That is not how community works. One then remains without help.

It also encourages other people to overcome things. Not always bad to do. Sometimes it takes more courage to do this than to not say it.

One is certainly NOT under any obligation to do it of course.
Henu the Great said:
Yogis who use porn and even approve it... That's like a sniff of amphetamine salts during weekends is ok, due to moderation. I find it disturbing.

Or maybe these people are not yogis, I dunno...

These people are charlatans in regards to drug use.

Don't engage in these things because you open the door to self destruction. These people have not understood it because they are dumb. Yoga for them is some sort of joke.

None of this is required for an actual Yogi with strong self control.
Necrorifter said:
Aquarius said:
Internet Addiction

Yeah, I am guilty of this, but then I try to limit activity to those that are related to what I am doing. So I only look at social media activity once in a while or just keep it in the tab, so I can see a small number appear on the tab if I have something which tends to be a useless group thing. I also install the Cold Turkey Blocker extension which blocks all distraction activity such as Reddit, youtube, Facebook, etc. Altogether I unblock youtube because I rely on it for my music while working on my project.

Aquarius said:

Yeah, guilty as fuck. Fortunately, I never really care much about actually people in porn, prefer to seek those fiction characters. Yeah, I am a 2D over the 3D person. Been that way since puberty and possibility before that. and I doubt that will ever change as I don't truly see humanity in a good light. Perhaps when humanity wakes up and works on its problems, will I then see more compatibility from humanity. As such, I often found most of my relationships with those that don't conform to society such as a pagan person or spiritual person, etc. Of course, I am working on this addiction to increase the time interval between each one. But it more of on and off sort of thing but I guess that the whole point of make-up for pleasure seekers fills in the empty spot. I am more of an experience seeker so I don't really stay on one thing for long. Altogether I have stayed with my personal projects for almost two years now, start around when I first dedicated myself to Satan, so he is really good for me. Even stand by my side when I cry out to him for help with this addiction and found myself have increased willpower and was able to resist it for almost 2 weeks, a time frame of what I considered as an impossibility due to my high desire. Just got to learn to not remove too many things at once or else I will relapse into earlier behavior to make up for this.

Aquarius said:
Sedentary lifestyle

Yeah, I am working out, 50 push up, 50 crunch, and yoga from a 40-day meditation guide by Cobra as well as some tips from my mother who work as a physical therapist. I will be fine with this, but since I am a programmer working on my personal project, I gotta learn to stay in a good pose while on a computer such as good spine straight rather than a hunchback pose.

Aquarius said:

Like you, I am more of a taste for coffee than an addict to it. once a day or once every two days. Very often on days when I need to wake the fuck up and my workout doesn't work that much or I have important stuff that day such as a boss or go somewhere, etc. How fortunate that I have a mother who is addict to caffeine that I felt wrong while watching her, so I resolve to never get in that position and have been avoiding it for years now.

Aquarius said:

Yeah, I am a video game person as that was my only constant companion such early childhood as I can't really get any friends thanks to deafness. So I am more of casual person that enjoy story and graphic than a competitive person that want be the best there ever was, so I avoid the call of duty and focus more on something like Dragon Quest, etc. The only times I go competitive is with friends by my side such as Super Smash Bros. cant do online friends either thanks to deafness but video chat with my deaf friends too. Deafness is both a curse and a blessing. The curse for obvious reasoning but holy shit is it a blessing because that deafness and life of helplessness from it is the only reason I look online and researching religions before I walk into this joy of satan group years ago in early high school. If I was a hearing person, I probably will be out banging some side bitches and act like a dick.

All in All, Good Post. Make me see how much I have grown since I dedicated even if I have a long road ahead before I can call myself a responsible grown man.

Check out this article.


It takes 2-9 months of no porn to heal Erectile dysfunction. With these kinds of things you have to treat it as a real addiction. Only using social media twice a day, then 3 times a week, to once a week and so on. Till you can go 6 months to a year. It doesn't just happen over night.
NinRick said:

Wow! That is a lot of work. I don't know how you can do it and not fall asleep while standing.

If you want my opinion, I feel like the reward from work cannot be worth taking up that much time from your day. What will bring more wealth is greater spiritual power, so I would rather sacrifice the cash for time to meditate more.

If I was in your position, I would've quit that job a long time ago. I realize this is not always practical, however it just seems like they are taking so much time for you. Money cannot replace sleep, nor can it replace other parts of your life that might get neglected.

I guess I didn't ask your opinion, though. Are you content with your current arrangement? For me, when I mess with my sleep, everything else starts to fall out of wack. I just hope you can continue without getting burnt out or something.
Blitzkreig said:
You don't need porn if you do not have a partner. Use your imagination or something. Porn is addictive because it is stimulating and attaches to a base desire. It is not addictive because it is boosts an orgasm, rather it hijacks sexuality to become visual instead of touch-based. The addiction is strong though, I would recommend a spiritual working to break it.
In 2019 I quit for a month but I honestly didn’t notice any difference in myself. At this moment I have been 3 days free so I will try to keep it going.
Sugar's definitely an important mention in this one. One might be surprised by how much sugar something has even if it isn't literally composed of actual sugar cubes.

For example, you want pancakes for breakfast? Syrup and honey has a 1:1 carbohydrate to sugar ratio. That means in a 250g bottle of honey, 100g might have about 80g carbohydrates, of which 80g is sugar. So the whole thing is 200g sugar.

Taking into consideration that 1 sugar cube weighs about 4 grams, that entire 250g bottle of maple syrup is equivalent to 50 sugar cubes, in liquid form. Of which you would then have probably used about a quarter of. In that single breakfast.

The daily MAXIMUM of sugar you should consume is about 25g. You'd have exceeded that in just the first two hours of your day.

Even if you wanted to eat bread, what were you planning on putting on it? Nutella? Boom, sugar. Chocolate sprinkles? There. Honey? Oh, wait. Any fruit jam? There's a bunch in that, too. Don't forget the Grande-size chocolate frappuccino you would've gotten later.

There's so much sugar around us. It's in almost everything, and if something doesn't have much sugar, it probably has a bunch of fat, like potato chips. People tend to just consume things for no reason; snacks, alcohol, cookies. It's because from when we're kids we've grown to love sugar like in gummy bears, ice cream, candy, and so I guess it sticks with people for such a long time that they can't even stop the craving for unhealthy foods, even when they try to fix their nutrition.

Of course, there's an enjoyable element to eating sugar too. It tastes great. It's in all of our desserts, it's always eaten at some kind of celebratory event or holiday. Chocolate on Valentine's right next week. Easter eggs coming up. Other forms of candy on Halloween, and candy canes with festive cookies after that. Maybe a big cake on your birthday or that of someone else. However, all of this around us is exactly what gives sugar such an extent of involvement in the lives of so many people...

It's good to keep it to every once in a while, maybe once a week, every two weeks or even once a month even depending on how serious you are. Fortunately sugar doesn't straight up kill you, but that doesn't mean one should consume excessive amounts of it consistently.
On breakfast, I drink a whole mug of coffee every tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday. And on the rest I drink cold tea.

And I am addicted to water
OhNoItsMook said:
Sugar's definitely an important mention in this one. One might be surprised by how much sugar something has even if it isn't literally composed of actual sugar cubes.

For example, you want pancakes for breakfast? Syrup and honey has a 1:1 carbohydrate to sugar ratio. That means in a 250g bottle of honey, 100g might have about 80g carbohydrates, of which 80g is sugar. So the whole thing is 200g sugar.

Taking into consideration that 1 sugar cube weighs about 4 grams, that entire 250g bottle of maple syrup is equivalent to 50 sugar cubes, in liquid form. Of which you would then have probably used about a quarter of. In that single breakfast.

The daily MAXIMUM of sugar you should consume is about 25g. You'd have exceeded that in just the first two hours of your day.

Even if you wanted to eat bread, what were you planning on putting on it? Nutella? Boom, sugar. Chocolate sprinkles? There. Honey? Oh, wait. Any fruit jam? There's a bunch in that, too. Don't forget the Grande-size chocolate frappuccino you would've gotten later.

There's so much sugar around us. It's in almost everything, and if something doesn't have much sugar, it probably has a bunch of fat, like potato chips. People tend to just consume things for no reason; snacks, alcohol, cookies. It's because from when we're kids we've grown to love sugar like in gummy bears, ice cream, candy, and so I guess it sticks with people for such a long time that they can't even stop the craving for unhealthy foods, even when they try to fix their nutrition.

Of course, there's an enjoyable element to eating sugar too. It tastes great. It's in all of our desserts, it's always eaten at some kind of celebratory event or holiday. Chocolate on Valentine's right next week. Easter eggs coming up. Other forms of candy on Halloween, and candy canes with festive cookies after that. Maybe a big cake on your birthday or that of someone else. However, all of this around us is exactly what gives sugar such an extent of involvement in the lives of so many people...

It's good to keep it to every once in a while, maybe once a week, every two weeks or even once a month even depending on how serious you are. Fortunately sugar doesn't straight up kill you, but that doesn't mean one should consume excessive amounts of it consistently.
In addition to what you eat, it's just as important how much you eat. Even for healthy food, eating too much leads to obesity and ton of other health problems. I remember a study on monkeys where half of them were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, and the other half had a restricted amount of food. In the end, the monkeys with the restricted diet looked many years younger than the monkeys with unlimited food, while they were all the same age. Needless to say, people these days have a lot in common with those monkeys. It takes a lot of willpower to eat the right amount of food, but fortunately we have the knowledge of the gods to help develop our mental discipline!
Blitzkreig said:
AncientRainbows said:

Wow, that is crazy. Thanks for sharing. You are definitely hitting caffeine toxicity limits. You should definitely start weaning yourself off of this as much as possible. Stay strong; the body will adapt quickly back to normal.

Another thing to note about Starbucks coffee is that they put a fuckton of sugar in their drinks, even more than pop, proportionally. This adds to the addictive element to it, and this might even be the main reason you keep going back.

As far as some of the symptoms go, it might help to counterbalance some of them by looking at how the liver is impacted. You should read this TCM article on coffee if you get the chance.

Given what I mentioned about the sugar, I think you should consider additionally excluding Starbucks drinks as much as you can. Drinking a smaller, non-Starbucks drink to mitigate the caffeine withdrawals as you wean off would be the best option.

Good luck.

that article was an interesting read thank you.
on why I keep going back it has less to do with the sugar as I only get drip coffee and more of the endless free refills.
ill definitely post an update or 2 at some point on this once its out and effects after it has been out for awhile.
OhNoItsMook said:
Sugar's definitely an important mention in this one. One might be surprised by how much sugar something has even if it isn't literally composed of actual sugar cubes.

For example, you want pancakes for breakfast? Syrup and honey has a 1:1 carbohydrate to sugar ratio. That means in a 250g bottle of honey, 100g might have about 80g carbohydrates, of which 80g is sugar. So the whole thing is 200g sugar.

Taking into consideration that 1 sugar cube weighs about 4 grams, that entire 250g bottle of maple syrup is equivalent to 50 sugar cubes, in liquid form. Of which you would then have probably used about a quarter of. In that single breakfast.

The daily MAXIMUM of sugar you should consume is about 25g. You'd have exceeded that in just the first two hours of your day.

Even if you wanted to eat bread, what were you planning on putting on it? Nutella? Boom, sugar. Chocolate sprinkles? There. Honey? Oh, wait. Any fruit jam? There's a bunch in that, too. Don't forget the Grande-size chocolate frappuccino you would've gotten later.

There's so much sugar around us. It's in almost everything, and if something doesn't have much sugar, it probably has a bunch of fat, like potato chips. People tend to just consume things for no reason; snacks, alcohol, cookies. It's because from when we're kids we've grown to love sugar like in gummy bears, ice cream, candy, and so I guess it sticks with people for such a long time that they can't even stop the craving for unhealthy foods, even when they try to fix their nutrition.

Of course, there's an enjoyable element to eating sugar too. It tastes great. It's in all of our desserts, it's always eaten at some kind of celebratory event or holiday. Chocolate on Valentine's right next week. Easter eggs coming up. Other forms of candy on Halloween, and candy canes with festive cookies after that. Maybe a big cake on your birthday or that of someone else. However, all of this around us is exactly what gives sugar such an extent of involvement in the lives of so many people...

It's good to keep it to every once in a while, maybe once a week, every two weeks or even once a month even depending on how serious you are. Fortunately sugar doesn't straight up kill you, but that doesn't mean one should consume excessive amounts of it consistently.
You are right about all of this. Processed white sugar is one of the most damaging things that everyone eats. And fake scientists that work for sugar companies payed the American government to make that fake "food pyramid" that says that sugar is good and fat is dangerous. When really many of the diseases that they said is caused by fat were really caused by too much processed sugars. But sugar and fat are both dangerous in too large amounts.

But carbohydrates are very important, you do need to eat some sugar. But this should be in it's natural forms how it is in fruits and grains.
OhNoItsMook said:
Sugar's definitely an important mention in this one. One might be surprised by how much sugar something has even if it isn't literally composed of actual sugar cubes.

For example, you want pancakes for breakfast? Syrup and honey has a 1:1 carbohydrate to sugar ratio. That means in a 250g bottle of honey, 100g might have about 80g carbohydrates, of which 80g is sugar. So the whole thing is 200g sugar.

Taking into consideration that 1 sugar cube weighs about 4 grams, that entire 250g bottle of maple syrup is equivalent to 50 sugar cubes, in liquid form. Of which you would then have probably used about a quarter of. In that single breakfast.

The daily MAXIMUM of sugar you should consume is about 25g. You'd have exceeded that in just the first two hours of your day.

Even if you wanted to eat bread, what were you planning on putting on it? Nutella? Boom, sugar. Chocolate sprinkles? There. Honey? Oh, wait. Any fruit jam? There's a bunch in that, too. Don't forget the Grande-size chocolate frappuccino you would've gotten later.

There's so much sugar around us. It's in almost everything, and if something doesn't have much sugar, it probably has a bunch of fat, like potato chips. People tend to just consume things for no reason; snacks, alcohol, cookies. It's because from when we're kids we've grown to love sugar like in gummy bears, ice cream, candy, and so I guess it sticks with people for such a long time that they can't even stop the craving for unhealthy foods, even when they try to fix their nutrition.

Of course, there's an enjoyable element to eating sugar too. It tastes great. It's in all of our desserts, it's always eaten at some kind of celebratory event or holiday. Chocolate on Valentine's right next week. Easter eggs coming up. Other forms of candy on Halloween, and candy canes with festive cookies after that. Maybe a big cake on your birthday or that of someone else. However, all of this around us is exactly what gives sugar such an extent of involvement in the lives of so many people...

It's good to keep it to every once in a while, maybe once a week, every two weeks or even once a month even depending on how serious you are. Fortunately sugar doesn't straight up kill you, but that doesn't mean one should consume excessive amounts of it consistently.

I got the habit to eat everyday on the breakfast three baked bananas powdered with cinnamon and then following with another fruit(avocado, papaya, mango...) or some toasts. It is not just because it is healthy, but I really like the taste. It is the best when the bananas are slightly green. In this case, they get dry but smooth and sometimes it is so sweet and tasteful that I even get goosebumps *-*. And then I take some sips of a strong coffee without sugar which creates a sensation of contrast that I love <3. I also like them when they are ripe but they loose a liquid after baked and I think the sweetness get diluted in this...It is not as good as when they are a little green. I prefer to bake them on a microwave but it can be with boiling water too.

When I drink cold tea, I prefer to eat toasts instead of a fruit. The toasts let the throat and mouth dry which makes a much more satisfying experience to drink a nice fresh cold tea(without sugar too). It is so good and refreshing. It seems that I drink with my whole body and in a single sip. It feels as I spent the whole day walking on a dry and hot desert then I find an oasis with fresh and potable water. It feels that the water is more tasteful when you are thirsty.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people don't in fear of ridicule. That is not how community works. One then remains without help.

Satanic Eagle said:
If you don't admit your shortcomings how can you expect to learn and improve? This path more than any other, requires a deep understanding of one's self, and every weakness and fault will be brought to light.

While it's "easier" to ignore these addictions, problems, and weaknesses about yourself in the short term, it will only hold you back and increase your suffering in the long run when you inevitably have to face the problem again. Your soul isn't just going to ignore a porn addiction.

In regards to admitting them here on the forums, I think that's down to the individual. Sometimes opening up and saying "I struggle with this" can help massively, because it's the first step in solving a problem; admitting it's there. The forums are a place to learn and grow, and by sharing stories here, it also helps newer people who are facing these issues. I can understand not wanting to share personal information about yourself here, but you have to admit your shortcomings, and it takes a strong person to do that.

A user comes onto the forums. He stays a while then after developing a sense of trust being here for a few months, maybe a year, he admits that he's had a problem with...let's say drinking, alright? Classic alcoholism. He's making an effort to get over it and get sober, but because he's been drinking for so long it gets harder and harder for him to quit without suffering immensely, knowing that there will be pain involved.

He posts a topic on the forum describing the issue, asking for ways to remedy himself and alleviate his pain. Many people come to mock him saying that he's not a true satanist, that he's a piece of shit, that the Gods have pretty much cast him out like the trash he is with one or two people offering genuine advice wishing him the best of luck.

No offense, but a lot of people on this forum are complete assholes and that's why, as Cobra said, nobody admits their problems because of the fear of ridicule.
My weaknesses are caffeine and sugar. Im being pretty stubborn about it too lately to be honest. I hear magnesium and chromium help elliminate those cravings, well, chocolate and sugar specifically. Gunna try to be more frequent with vitamins. And will power ofcourse x.x . Back in the day it was gaming, world of Warcraft specifically. I think I was on there 12 hours a day. My dad kept accusing me of being addicted when I was a teen on till my early 20s back then and I denied...he was right. Eventually I grew out of it and left. (Good riddance)

Its funny alcoholism runs in my family on both sides and skipped me and my dad..I dont smoke and barely drink unless its one glass of red wine. I thought addiction skipped me over yet it can come to someone in a variety of ways. Whatever can play on the reward system in the brain can become an addiction really. How susceptible one is to those relies on a variety of factors including genetics and environment.
ShadowTheRaven said:
No offense, but a lot of people on this forum are complete assholes

Ignore trolls and infiltrators and even if some are rotten apples, most JoS members are true SS and they will help a brother / sister when needed.
ShadowTheRaven said:
He posts a topic on the forum describing the issue, asking for ways to remedy himself and alleviate his pain. Many people come to mock him saying that he's not a true satanist, that he's a piece of shit, that the Gods have pretty much cast him out like the trash he is with one or two people offering genuine advice wishing him the best of luck.
Never seen such a thing. If the person is actually asking advice on how to stop, anybody who behaves as you explained will be stopped by others, if the person is justifying their addiction we might as well tell him the world is not ponies and rainbows.
Coffee and pornography are the most controversial topics here, and I think it is more of an individual issue than anything else, not being able to define "absolute truths" in something relative like this, what works for one may not work for another. there are metabolic factors, lifestyle and what type of organism is yours, what is your resistance and how does it react to you, without coffee I am a completely mediocre guy I need this energetic stimulus that does not harm me (unlike other energetics) by explicit reason for my intense intellectual activity, I am someone who enjoys reflecting a lot, thinking and questioning everything ... in addition there is the issue that considerably improves my sports performance, I follow and practice many sports, so just add this to two liters of daily water and this is what I need to feel physically and mentally healthy all day, but I will not come here and say "do it if it worked for me it will also work for you, if it works for me to be" decreed " that this is a new rule "it does not exist anywhere, it is an individual factor, do not try to convince anyone otherwise to think differently. You can find a thousand studies that approve of caffeine, and a thousand that disapprove it soon is an individual issue, the medicine for me may be a poison for you, what really counts is your personal experience in relation to it. About pornography I mentioned before that it didn't cause me any problems, and I use it in a moderate and positive way, it doesn't interfere with my meditations, yoga, or spiritual evolution. my mind and intellect have an exaggerated versatility that does not allow me to have any addiction (I believe that a deserved result of my long daily meditation sessions) pornography has not harmed my real life, nor my sexual performance, nor my creativity has not really brought me anything negative, does that mean that I am sick because I feel good? it makes no sense, am I sick because the enemy is spreading fanciful theories about it? so we’re sick of living in a capitalist world and contributing to it just for supporting us financially with consumer goods once again it’s pointless, I’m not sick for thinking differently and feeling ecstatic doing something that makes you sick in some way form due to a mere conclusion of your head ... in reality pornography had an effect on me of empathy for women, porn actresses are practically perfect and are too surreal, it does not serve as standards because it is a standard a little far from our reality , it made me see normal women with more romantic and human eyes, not as objects but as the great woman they are for enduring all the attack on their mind designed by the enemy as the feminism that affects practically all women today in different levels, this happened because I reach a spiritual level of positive and high emotional, and I do not blame pornography for an obstacle generated and caused by something other than who blame pornography has not discovered what it is, the real villain these people must deal with is called compulsion, and whoever has a compulsion for something will have a compulsion for everything including a compulsion to make life perfectly healthy in every hundredth of a second and get sick for never relax ... I am still romantic, and I continue to believe in love, I am not violent and I am not a patient who needs to be "stopped" to see pornography ... I have a developed and completely healthy sexuality, physically, mentally and spiritually, before you blame something cure yourself of your internal and imperceptible illnesses ... Hail Satan!
OhNoItsMook said:
Sugar's definitely an important mention in this one. One might be surprised by how much sugar something has even if it isn't literally composed of actual sugar cubes.

I'm extremely grateful that I learned how horrible sugar was half a decade ago. I limit myself to 20g every day, have a LOT less mental and physical health issues.

Also PSA if you're looking to substitute sugar, DO NOT use Stevia; it may be natural, but it has been known to lower testosterone and thus mood (I know I feel like shit the day after consuming it).
Blitzkreig said:
NinRick said:

Wow! That is a lot of work. I don't know how you can do it and not fall asleep while standing.

If you want my opinion, I feel like the reward from work cannot be worth taking up that much time from your day. What will bring more wealth is greater spiritual power, so I would rather sacrifice the cash for time to meditate more.

If I was in your position, I would've quit that job a long time ago. I realize this is not always practical, however it just seems like they are taking so much time for you. Money cannot replace sleep, nor can it replace other parts of your life that might get neglected.

I guess I didn't ask your opinion, though. Are you content with your current arrangement? For me, when I mess with my sleep, everything else starts to fall out of wack. I just hope you can continue without getting burnt out or something.

I do sometimes, fall asleep while meditating, as I do my meditations before I go to bed. When I pass out, and wake up again after some moments, I continue. When I am done after 2hrs or so, I crawl into my bed and pass out xD

This is just an internship, I need it for university, and I have only to stay for another month. Either way, I need to get used to it, as I want to continue like this. Well only with 6-7hrs of sleep tho.

Also I am doing best in life so far, I am advancing spiritually, and materially and it feels like everywhere.
It feels like when I make the effort to take 1 step, the gods push my back and I take two steps instead.

ShadowTheRaven said:
A user comes onto the forums. He stays a while then after developing a sense of trust being here for a few months, maybe a year, he admits that he's had a problem with...let's say drinking, alright? Classic alcoholism. He's making an effort to get over it and get sober, but because he's been drinking for so long it gets harder and harder for him to quit without suffering immensely, knowing that there will be pain involved.

He posts a topic on the forum describing the issue, asking for ways to remedy himself and alleviate his pain. Many people come to mock him saying that he's not a true satanist, that he's a piece of shit, that the Gods have pretty much cast him out like the trash he is with one or two people offering genuine advice wishing him the best of luck.

No offense, but a lot of people on this forum are complete assholes and that's why, as Cobra said, nobody admits their problems because of the fear of ridicule.

You and I have significantly different impressions of folk here. While I have seen some asshats (mostly due to miscommunication or folk missing a point), a lot of it comes down to presentation, and avoiding assumptions.

Example, I have admitted my own failings and problems in the past, on these very forums. Not once would I have considered my head bitten off, or degraded or would I have considered myself exiled. If one presents themselves as accusatory and/or blaming everyone but themselves, that is a whole different matter, and worth calling them out on their bullshit. But despite any concerns I have ran into, it's been overshadowed by the more supportive side by a huge margin.
ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people don't in fear of ridicule. That is not how community works. One then remains without help.

Satanic Eagle said:
If you don't admit your shortcomings how can you expect to learn and improve? This path more than any other, requires a deep understanding of one's self, and every weakness and fault will be brought to light.

While it's "easier" to ignore these addictions, problems, and weaknesses about yourself in the short term, it will only hold you back and increase your suffering in the long run when you inevitably have to face the problem again. Your soul isn't just going to ignore a porn addiction.

In regards to admitting them here on the forums, I think that's down to the individual. Sometimes opening up and saying "I struggle with this" can help massively, because it's the first step in solving a problem; admitting it's there. The forums are a place to learn and grow, and by sharing stories here, it also helps newer people who are facing these issues. I can understand not wanting to share personal information about yourself here, but you have to admit your shortcomings, and it takes a strong person to do that.

A user comes onto the forums. He stays a while then after developing a sense of trust being here for a few months, maybe a year, he admits that he's had a problem with...let's say drinking, alright? Classic alcoholism. He's making an effort to get over it and get sober, but because he's been drinking for so long it gets harder and harder for him to quit without suffering immensely, knowing that there will be pain involved.

He posts a topic on the forum describing the issue, asking for ways to remedy himself and alleviate his pain. Many people come to mock him saying that he's not a true satanist, that he's a piece of shit, that the Gods have pretty much cast him out like the trash he is with one or two people offering genuine advice wishing him the best of luck.

No offense, but a lot of people on this forum are complete assholes and that's why, as Cobra said, nobody admits their problems because of the fear of ridicule.

I can attest to this.

I know what you mean STR pal.

On the whole I have had 99% help off posters when i needed it. If you arent of thick skin it could hurt, doing over 1000 nights in a supermax prison 7 months started in Glasgows toughest HMP Barlinnie (helped build me) most would probably come off the forum if got personal attacks. Mine was only flipping out after kundalini yoga, caused me to go down a bad path.

I recovered from that path some thanks to people on here so it has pros and cons declaring stuff.

This is a fair thread the OP isnt forcing anyone to tell anyone anything its optional, I dont mind replying.
ShadowTheRaven said:
No offense, but a lot of people on this forum are complete assholes and that's why, as Cobra said, nobody admits their problems because of the fear of ridicule.

I understand. It's saddening to see the amount of negativity and scrutiny shown towards fellow SS. I suppose it could be argued that it's necessary in a community like this, which is such a big target for trolls and time-wasters, for people to be defensive. Not to mention the obvious friction that can occur between advanced and newer members (or between committed and lazy SS).

Still, it seems like a real shame that people won't post here out of fear of ridicule. I hope SS struggling with these things can use the resources already here to help them.
I struggled with addictions for years but a scientific paper I read helped me to break them. It started by stating that nothing actually contains an addictive property. Nicotine, cocaine, coffee for example don’t have a particular chemical that hooks you and causes addiction. They are no different than a banana in this respect.
The root of addiction is the feeling itself. When a person feels lonely, self loathing, spiritually disconnected then they look for an escape. This can manifest in anything. Speed addiction, heroin, porn what have you.
When repeating anything it gets to point when it transitions from a conscious action into a subconscious habit. Habits become the normal go to without thinking.

I used to work long hours doing a manual job so I’d get home exhausted. Too tired to cook Id eat cereal. Stressed and unhappy I’d smoke weed. Looking for an escape I’d play Xbox. Sleep for a few hours then wake up and drink coffee, and smoke all day living off sugar.

After years stuck in this cycle I changed jobs. No longer working insane hours doing a manual job I had more energy and time at home than I’d ever had, yet the old habits remained. I found myself playing Xbox for the sake of it even though it annoyed the sheat out of me. I kept drinking sugar and coffee although I didn’t need it. I kept on smoking weed although I was much happier in myself.

One day I found myself shouting and the TV screen and about the throw my Xbox controller against the wall when it dawned on me that I was no longer living my life but trapped in it. I put the controller down and never played the Xbox again.
Eventually I did the same with sugar, coffee, weed, alcohol, and eating junk food. Now I live my life on my terms creating the habits that I want.

Wake up have a coffee or don’t. Perform meditation program then walk the dogs. Clean the house, do yoga, work, study, walk the dogs, cook a proper meal, meditate, perform Rtr, have a long restful sleep. All the while repeating in my head HAIl SATAN!
Jack said:
Aquarius said:
Tirnenn said:
I do have an issue with the sedentary thing. Usually don't have... any energy. Even when I progressed spiritually, it always felt like I had a severe lack of energy. Trying to get back on track now, who knows what will happen, but I don't expect different results on the energy front.

...and video games. I've spent too much time on those. Starting to question if I should rename my account, since I named myself after an NPC that happened to be walking by; brain was running on fumes, and I couldn't think of anything.

Thank fuck I don't like porn, though. I've never understood the appeal of watching other people or characters have sex.
You do have energy, you just can't feel it, if you had no energy you would be dead. Energy still flows through you. The more blood circulation there is the more your energy flows.
You can take different herbs if you have an issue with less energy. They sell generally good quality capsules for this, you can take Ashwagandha and Korean Ginseng. You might feel increased horniness after a couple of days, that's my personal cue that the herbs working. Instead of anything sexual, working out will bring long term benefits. Also your testosterone goes up 50% if you stop ejaculation for 7 days then it plateaues. Remember all these for your goals of working out. Like everything in life, you should keep a progression journal and start slow with low reps.

Convict conditioning was a program I'd highly recommend everyone because its extremely easy in the progression levels and not complicated.
You can search convict conditioning archive.org on Google, all books and DVD series are there.
Blanket statements like that are very misleading. We are not machines, but individuals. Many factors are in play that affect said plateauing. The percentage varies as does the time that it takes.
I hate coffee, I hardly ever drink it. To me it's poison, a "liar" who tricks your brain hides your hunger and the nutrients your body really needs. Then there are the kind non-Satanists who drink coffee and cigarettes for breakfast .... how disgusting, poor your body that has to suffer while losing weight by absorbing the remaining fats in the body. Be careful not to confuse the effects of caffeine with adrenaline because the latter has nothing to do with a simple cup of coffee because coffee only makes you "shake" and wake up the brain but it doesn't give you any kind of physical strength. The adrenaline is obtained by eating proteins, energy foods while the brain is super concentrated by the intensity of physical activity. Adrenaline has something magical for me, all successful characters have had hearts strong enough to be able to withstand the devastating effects of adrenaline, even rappers have felt the adrenaline in their bodies running away from the police. Then there is the rest of the Gentiles who totally rely on the effects of coffee, praying not to get a heart attack. Sports that make the heart beat faster are magical sports that turn men into legends. To finish breakfast I drink milk other than coffee, I just need some endorphin and adrenaline rush to wake up and stay up all day.
Henu the Great said:
Jack said:
Aquarius said:
You do have energy, you just can't feel it, if you had no energy you would be dead. Energy still flows through you. The more blood circulation there is the more your energy flows.
You can take different herbs if you have an issue with less energy. They sell generally good quality capsules for this, you can take Ashwagandha and Korean Ginseng. You might feel increased horniness after a couple of days, that's my personal cue that the herbs working. Instead of anything sexual, working out will bring long term benefits. Also your testosterone goes up 50% if you stop ejaculation for 7 days then it plateaues. Remember all these for your goals of working out. Like everything in life, you should keep a progression journal and start slow with low reps.

Convict conditioning was a program I'd highly recommend everyone because its extremely easy in the progression levels and not complicated.
You can search convict conditioning archive.org on Google, all books and DVD series are there.
Blanket statements like that are very misleading. We are not machines, but individuals. Many factors are in play that affect said plateauing. The percentage varies as does the time that it takes.
The studies show this as a general average. But I guess your right I have to include minute details everytime, people are too stupid to do their own research.
Narciso said:
without coffee I am a completely mediocre guy I need this energetic stimulus that does not harm me (unlike other energetics) by explicit reason for my intense intellectual activity, I am someone who enjoys reflecting a lot, thinking and questioning everything ... in addition there is the issue that considerably improves my sports performance, I follow and practice many sports, so just add this to two liters of daily water and this is what I need to feel physically and mentally healthy all day,

Coffee, like chocolate, has always been a medicinal substance in the past. Medicinal substances are to be used in moderation and for restricted periods of time. If you do not have enough energy without it, it means there is something that is not working properly in your body, either because of improper diet, sleep schedule or other lifestyle reasons. Heading to the health forum and talking to someone there may help you clarify what the issue at hand is.
Narciso said:
Coffee and pornography are the most controversial topics here, and I think it is more of an individual issue than anything else, not being able to define "absolute truths" in something relative like this, what works for one may not work for another. there are metabolic factors, lifestyle and what type of organism is yours, what is your resistance and how does it react to you, without coffee I am a completely mediocre guy I need this energetic stimulus that does not harm me (unlike other energetics) by explicit reason for my intense intellectual activity, I am someone who enjoys reflecting a lot, thinking and questioning everything ... in addition there is the issue that considerably improves my sports performance, I follow and practice many sports, so just add this to two liters of daily water and this is what I need to feel physically and mentally healthy all day, but I will not come here and say "do it if it worked for me it will also work for you, if it works for me to be" decreed " that this is a new rule "it does not exist anywhere, it is an individual factor, do not try to convince anyone otherwise to think differently. You can find a thousand studies that approve of caffeine, and a thousand that disapprove it soon is an individual issue, the medicine for me may be a poison for you, what really counts is your personal experience in relation to it. About pornography I mentioned before that it didn't cause me any problems, and I use it in a moderate and positive way, it doesn't interfere with my meditations, yoga, or spiritual evolution. my mind and intellect have an exaggerated versatility that does not allow me to have any addiction (I believe that a deserved result of my long daily meditation sessions) pornography has not harmed my real life, nor my sexual performance, nor my creativity has not really brought me anything negative, does that mean that I am sick because I feel good? it makes no sense, am I sick because the enemy is spreading fanciful theories about it? so we’re sick of living in a capitalist world and contributing to it just for supporting us financially with consumer goods once again it’s pointless, I’m not sick for thinking differently and feeling ecstatic doing something that makes you sick in some way form due to a mere conclusion of your head ... in reality pornography had an effect on me of empathy for women, porn actresses are practically perfect and are too surreal, it does not serve as standards because it is a standard a little far from our reality , it made me see normal women with more romantic and human eyes, not as objects but as the great woman they are for enduring all the attack on their mind designed by the enemy as the feminism that affects practically all women today in different levels, this happened because I reach a spiritual level of positive and high emotional, and I do not blame pornography for an obstacle generated and caused by something other than who blame pornography has not discovered what it is, the real villain these people must deal with is called compulsion, and whoever has a compulsion for something will have a compulsion for everything including a compulsion to make life perfectly healthy in every hundredth of a second and get sick for never relax ... I am still romantic, and I continue to believe in love, I am not violent and I am not a patient who needs to be "stopped" to see pornography ... I have a developed and completely healthy sexuality, physically, mentally and spiritually, before you blame something cure yourself of your internal and imperceptible illnesses ... Hail Satan!

do not confuse the effects of caffeine with adrenaline. You don't need coffee to get adrenaline. coffee makes you shake and your heart beats if you drink too much while adrenaline naturally produces our body subjected to great physical facts to give you stimuli and super concentration. Adrenaline is something magical for me
Elias Sebastian said:

That's the thing: people think stimulants give you free energy. They don't realize that all they do is force the kidneys/adrenals to give up their reserves of energy to energize the rest of the body.

If you look at Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidneys are considered like a battery pack for the rest of the body. Kidney yang energy, for example, aids digestion and gives willpower. Kidney yin creates synovial fluid and aids in the creation of sexual fluids. It is the kidney yang that wakes the body up in the morning, through the action of cortisol.

Stimulants force the body to give up its kidney yang when it doesn't want to. Feeling tired in the morning can be a symptom of low kidney yang. What the person really needs is more sleep, but what most people do is head to the coffee machine.
You are right about all of this. Processed white sugar is one of the most damaging things that everyone eats. And fake scientists that work for sugar companies payed the American government to make that fake "food pyramid" that says that sugar is good and fat is dangerous. When really many of the diseases that they said is caused by fat were really caused by too much processed sugars. But sugar and fat are both dangerous in too large amounts.

But carbohydrates are very important, you do need to eat some sugar. But this should be in it's natural forms how it is in fruits and grains.

Artificial, dangerous substances (some must be in fairly high * doses, but low doses for long-term use are still harmful):

* Sodium glutamate:
Chemical substance that enhances the taste of food such as fast food. Kills brain cells and promotes tumors, Alzheimer's and epilepsy.

* Aspartame:
Chemical substance that gives a higher risk of stroke and leads to overstimulation of brain cells to such an extent that they die.

Splenda (sweetener):
Often used instead of sugar as a "healthier" alternative. Chemically produced and it is 600 times sweeter than sugar and contains no calories or energy-giving substances. Also known as sucrose. The sugar molecules are broken down, and what remains is chlorine. Destroys brain cells and promotes cancer.

* Sodium and benzote are dangerous for memory and coordination.

* Diacetyl:
The salt that is often on popcorn butter. The salt is resistant to microwaves and is a brain toxin that penetrates the blood-brain barrier. Available in biscuits, among other things. Hides behind "aroma" on the ingredients.

Demonstrated already in the 70s during autopsy reports that those with Alzheimer's had a higher aluminum level than in healthy people.

Healthy supplements:

Bacopa Monnieri:
Plant that is very good for uptake of choline and conversion to acetylcholine. Improves cognitive visual learning and memory.

Many people here know about this, but it is amazing when it comes to removing oxidative stress, removing dangerous LDL cholesterol, improving memory and blood sugar levels.
Blitzkreig said:
Elias Sebastian said:

That's the thing: people think stimulants give you free energy. They don't realize that all they do is force the kidneys/adrenals to give up their reserves of energy to energize the rest of the body.

If you look at Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidneys are considered like a battery pack for the rest of the body. Kidney yang energy, for example, aids digestion and gives willpower. Kidney yin creates synovial fluid and aids in the creation of sexual fluids. It is the kidney yang that wakes the body up in the morning, through the action of cortisol.

Stimulants force the body to give up its kidney yang when it doesn't want to. Feeling tired in the morning can be a symptom of low kidney yang. What the person really needs is more sleep, but what most people do is head to the coffee machine.

You are a genius. I knew that at the bottom of all this there is always our soul and not just the brain, be careful. We can fool our brains easily with drugs, coffee or simply by lying to ourselves. Remember that coffee does not give you any kind of strength and only an illusion a deception to our brain. And then there is the body and soul and those believe me you can't fool them, a saying goes that when you are a certain age, God will present the bill, and I'm not just talking about old age but other physical problems than as a young man maybe you didn't hear.
Stormblood said:
Narciso said:
without coffee I am a completely mediocre guy I need this energetic stimulus that does not harm me (unlike other energetics) by explicit reason for my intense intellectual activity, I am someone who enjoys reflecting a lot, thinking and questioning everything ... in addition there is the issue that considerably improves my sports performance, I follow and practice many sports, so just add this to two liters of daily water and this is what I need to feel physically and mentally healthy all day,

Coffee, like chocolate, has always been a medicinal substance in the past. Medicinal substances are to be used in moderation and for restricted periods of time. If you do not have enough energy without it, it means there is something that is not working properly in your body, either because of improper diet, sleep schedule or other lifestyle reasons. Heading to the health forum and talking to someone there may help you clarify what the issue at hand is.

You got it wrong, I am not without energy when I run out of coffee but I feel that it enhances my natural abilities because it is an energetic and even medicinal stimulant as you just mentioned here. I don't have an inadequate diet, I sleep well and I have a completely healthy lifestyle
Elias Sebastian said:
Narciso said:
Coffee and pornography are the most controversial topics here, and I think it is more of an individual issue than anything else, not being able to define "absolute truths" in something relative like this, what works for one may not work for another. there are metabolic factors, lifestyle and what type of organism is yours, what is your resistance and how does it react to you, without coffee I am a completely mediocre guy I need this energetic stimulus that does not harm me (unlike other energetics) by explicit reason for my intense intellectual activity, I am someone who enjoys reflecting a lot, thinking and questioning everything ... in addition there is the issue that considerably improves my sports performance, I follow and practice many sports, so just add this to two liters of daily water and this is what I need to feel physically and mentally healthy all day, but I will not come here and say "do it if it worked for me it will also work for you, if it works for me to be" decreed " that this is a new rule "it does not exist anywhere, it is an individual factor, do not try to convince anyone otherwise to think differently. You can find a thousand studies that approve of caffeine, and a thousand that disapprove it soon is an individual issue, the medicine for me may be a poison for you, what really counts is your personal experience in relation to it. About pornography I mentioned before that it didn't cause me any problems, and I use it in a moderate and positive way, it doesn't interfere with my meditations, yoga, or spiritual evolution. my mind and intellect have an exaggerated versatility that does not allow me to have any addiction (I believe that a deserved result of my long daily meditation sessions) pornography has not harmed my real life, nor my sexual performance, nor my creativity has not really brought me anything negative, does that mean that I am sick because I feel good? it makes no sense, am I sick because the enemy is spreading fanciful theories about it? so we’re sick of living in a capitalist world and contributing to it just for supporting us financially with consumer goods once again it’s pointless, I’m not sick for thinking differently and feeling ecstatic doing something that makes you sick in some way form due to a mere conclusion of your head ... in reality pornography had an effect on me of empathy for women, porn actresses are practically perfect and are too surreal, it does not serve as standards because it is a standard a little far from our reality , it made me see normal women with more romantic and human eyes, not as objects but as the great woman they are for enduring all the attack on their mind designed by the enemy as the feminism that affects practically all women today in different levels, this happened because I reach a spiritual level of positive and high emotional, and I do not blame pornography for an obstacle generated and caused by something other than who blame pornography has not discovered what it is, the real villain these people must deal with is called compulsion, and whoever has a compulsion for something will have a compulsion for everything including a compulsion to make life perfectly healthy in every hundredth of a second and get sick for never relax ... I am still romantic, and I continue to believe in love, I am not violent and I am not a patient who needs to be "stopped" to see pornography ... I have a developed and completely healthy sexuality, physically, mentally and spiritually, before you blame something cure yourself of your internal and imperceptible illnesses ... Hail Satan!

do not confuse the effects of caffeine with adrenaline. You don't need coffee to get adrenaline. coffee makes you shake and your heart beats if you drink too much while adrenaline naturally produces our body subjected to great physical facts to give you stimuli and super concentration. Adrenaline is something magical for me
I do not confuse the effects of caffeine with adrenaline, and I know the difference between the two very well, what I meant is that I feel that coffee enhances my natural abilities and when I tried to exclude or replace it I feel a fall abrupt in my overall performance, both mental and physical. I drink coffee just to prevent this from happening, moreover I enjoy the effects that caffeine causes on me keeps my mind on and slightly speeds up my heartbeat it makes me happy for some special reason during my sports practice it is kind of a great stimulant in my physical performance, I do periodic medical exams and everything is fine with my health, moreover I trust in the medicinal powers of the gods of hell, we must not forget that the spiritual attacks of the enemies can weaken us physically and with that we can end up confusing and looking for culprits for our general diseases, the great Marbas is there to heal us when something goes wrong
Narciso said:
Stormblood said:
Narciso said:
without coffee I am a completely mediocre guy I need this energetic stimulus that does not harm me (unlike other energetics) by explicit reason for my intense intellectual activity, I am someone who enjoys reflecting a lot, thinking and questioning everything ... in addition there is the issue that considerably improves my sports performance, I follow and practice many sports, so just add this to two liters of daily water and this is what I need to feel physically and mentally healthy all day,

Coffee, like chocolate, has always been a medicinal substance in the past. Medicinal substances are to be used in moderation and for restricted periods of time. If you do not have enough energy without it, it means there is something that is not working properly in your body, either because of improper diet, sleep schedule or other lifestyle reasons. Heading to the health forum and talking to someone there may help you clarify what the issue at hand is.

You got it wrong, I am not without energy when I run out of coffee but I feel that it enhances my natural abilities because it is an energetic and even medicinal stimulant as you just mentioned here. I don't have an inadequate diet, I sleep well and I have a completely healthy lifestyle

I suggest you read what Blitkreig wrote about coffee. TCM is more accurate than Western Medicine. In addition, here is a perspective from a very good Ayurvedic website:

Coffee: how much and when?

You're basically drugging your body just for performance. This will bite you on the back in the long term. Just like those who use other drugs for "spiritual experience" destroy their pineal gland in the process.
eternal666light said:

By obvious choices do you mean munka? That is what I used for porn and it has worked very well.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
