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Are you addicted? Subtle Addictions


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
It's a couple weeks I wanted to make this post, now that the distractions post is up this is gonna be a nice complement :)

We have been "normalized" to act in a certain way since infancy, some more than others, of course. If you look at the common man on the street you will see that he is on his phone, slouched, and briefly taking his gaze away from the phone just to see where he's going, as if he was hooked, and he most likely is just endlessly scrolling on social media, nothing really important. Others you see are smoking, acting as if smoking is actually a normal thing, literally consciously inhaling poison that often is very expensive too, think thousands a year just to support such a disgusting habit.

The common man is now heading phone, with his gaze on his phone all the way back, when he's home he's gonna sit and watch porn, 15 seconds later he has ejaculated to some jewish fetish, he of course feels terrible after that, his girlfriend is emotionally hurt, as he has problems in bed, and prefers some jewish pixels of a pornstar to her lovely girlfriend.

Feeling like a zombie, the common man now turns on Call of Duty, playing matches until midnight, although he totally disregarded his responsibilities, such as cleaning the house, or even cooking to himself something good and healthy, he couldn't be bothered, so he ordered McDonalds, he knows his health isn't the best, but he tries to not care.

He then goes to sleep after midnight, conscious of the fact that he has to wake up at 5.30, so he is gonna feel terrible for sleeping so little, this isn't the first time he does that, he has been doing it for years, but he doesn't care about looking and feeling like a zombie, his eyes have large dark bags, he doesn't care.

The cycle then repeats, over and over again, and the man's health quickly deteriorates. The common man now heavily relies on medicines, and wonders why did this have to happen to him, completely unaware of the years of abuse he subjected his body to.

Internet Addiction
The most subtle, although so many people are addicted to it, not many are able to consciously understand that, what internet addiction means is that when there is a task to do you would rather mindlessly scroll on reddit or other social media for the dopamine hit. Or you constantly think about the internet and what to look and search for, thinking that certain things are necessary, while they are completely obsolete.
Children from the age of 6 are being gifted ipads and being left to them for hours a day, doing whatever shit they want, while the retarded parents ignore their responsibilities because they'd rather to common man stuff.

I don't want to hear excuses about porn, that shit wrecks relationships and makes people literal cucks, meek and weak. It has been shown in studies that a daily porn user conditions the brain in a similar way to heroin users. People have all kind of problems because of porn, like repressing their emotions, objectifying women in a disgusting way, not being able to feel anything during a normal healthy intercourse, lack of attention, depression, genital numbness and the list goes on. Porn, as it is made today is nothing but a weapon against the "goyim", the main themes that are popular on porn websites are incest and other jewish bullshit.
For more info: www.yourbrainonporn.com

Sedentary lifestyle
Being sedentary is terrible for you, couple that with poor posture and you'll create many problems that will take longer to fix. Do some kind of physical exercise, even just very light, every hour or 2. Being sedentary stops/decreases the flow of energy in your body, and you don't need that, we, especially as SS, need more flow of energy.

Coffee is not an addiction per se, I personally drink some coffee every couple of weeks as I like the taste, but it becomes an addiction one is not conscious about when they drink something like 3 or more coffees a day. My parents drink up to 4-5 a day, it has been so engraved into them that they can't even think of it as an addiction, then they complain they have trouble sleeping, as the common man does. The common man complains of things he causes to himself but he doesn't want to fix.

Videogames are not bad in general, me personally I have been addicted to them in the past. I was a very energetic kiddo and my parents thought that a playstation would be good to calm me, i was hooked, only for them to realize(and not fix of course, who wants to deal with a crying child? Definitely not his parents) that it was terrible for me and that it's all I always wanted to do. School was affected and consequently I was made to feel like shit, a 12 yo shouldn't want to suicide because his parents were fuckwits with an animal consciousness.
Personally, I have found after a while that videogames aren't the problem, but the pleasure seeking mindset is, it doesn't matter if you quit videogames, if you have other subtle addictions like porn or internet scrolling you're gonna put more time in those to make up for the lost "pleasure" of videogames, this applies to other things too, so you gotta be strong and remove these influences from your life.
Playing is not bad, but ask yourself if you're doing it for mindless pleasure and avoiding responsibilities or because you actually really like what you're playing.

Hope this helps my fellow SS, these are my experiences as a Zoomer.
Aquarius said:
Coffee is not an addiction per se, I personally drink some coffee every couple of weeks as I like the taste, but it becomes an addiction one is not conscious about when they drink something like 3 or more coffees a day. My parents drink up to 4-5 a day, it has been so engraved into them that they can't even think of it as an addiction, then they complain they have trouble sleeping, as the common man does. The common man complains of things he causes to himself but he doesn't want to fix.

I just truly identified my coffee addiction today going to ween myself down and off over the next few weeks but I would like to give some context on the deeper stages of this one.

it starts with Starbucks and free refiles for me.
today I had 5 of the large drips (24oz) and a small 8oz cup of instant coffee later. important to note that a normal 8oz cup is something like 95mg of caffeine on average and a large is shy of 300mg. some side effects start showing up at the 500mg level that include getting migraines when you don't have any. upwards of that I dont know the next stage so I'm going to call it a gram you start being unable to focus on anything without caffeine in your system and just space out till your next cup. then at the next level say where I'm at after regular use (I went love hate with coffee for awhile in December I ended up not going past 2 large cups and stayed at 1 most of the time while jan it was 3 mostly last 2 weeks or so 6 has been average) so with that time frame in mind, you get all the previous symptoms and the additional one of sore and stiff muscles in your upper body withdrawals can cause insomnia. to be fair ive been at this level most of the last few years but it wasn't tell today that i was actually able to see the issue with it.

I'm posting my experience with the negatives of coffee to hopefully help everyone reading identify if they are having issues related to it.

most people i believe dont consider it an addiction because while its ingrained in your average Joe no one talks about their withdrawals and the like with coffee unlike they will with booze.
I do have an issue with the sedentary thing. Usually don't have... any energy. Even when I progressed spiritually, it always felt like I had a severe lack of energy. Trying to get back on track now, who knows what will happen, but I don't expect different results on the energy front.

...and video games. I've spent too much time on those. Starting to question if I should rename my account, since I named myself after an NPC that happened to be walking by; brain was running on fumes, and I couldn't think of anything.

Thank fuck I don't like porn, though. I've never understood the appeal of watching other people or characters have sex.
I do light gaming for an hour. If I don't, I'll simply lose it and snap.
Tirnenn said:
I do have an issue with the sedentary thing. Usually don't have... any energy. Even when I progressed spiritually, it always felt like I had a severe lack of energy. Trying to get back on track now, who knows what will happen, but I don't expect different results on the energy front.

...and video games. I've spent too much time on those. Starting to question if I should rename my account, since I named myself after an NPC that happened to be walking by; brain was running on fumes, and I couldn't think of anything.

Thank fuck I don't like porn, though. I've never understood the appeal of watching other people or characters have sex.
You don't have energy because of your sedentiary lifestyle which will lower your quality of life and maybe even takes days away in that body on this earth.
Aquarius said:
Internet Addiction

Yeah, I am guilty of this, but then I try to limit activity to those that are related to what I am doing. So I only look at social media activity once in a while or just keep it in the tab, so I can see a small number appear on the tab if I have something which tends to be a useless group thing. I also install the Cold Turkey Blocker extension which blocks all distraction activity such as Reddit, youtube, Facebook, etc. Altogether I unblock youtube because I rely on it for my music while working on my project.

Aquarius said:

Yeah, guilty as fuck. Fortunately, I never really care much about actually people in porn, prefer to seek those fiction characters. Yeah, I am a 2D over the 3D person. Been that way since puberty and possibility before that. and I doubt that will ever change as I don't truly see humanity in a good light. Perhaps when humanity wakes up and works on its problems, will I then see more compatibility from humanity. As such, I often found most of my relationships with those that don't conform to society such as a pagan person or spiritual person, etc. Of course, I am working on this addiction to increase the time interval between each one. But it more of on and off sort of thing but I guess that the whole point of make-up for pleasure seekers fills in the empty spot. I am more of an experience seeker so I don't really stay on one thing for long. Altogether I have stayed with my personal projects for almost two years now, start around when I first dedicated myself to Satan, so he is really good for me. Even stand by my side when I cry out to him for help with this addiction and found myself have increased willpower and was able to resist it for almost 2 weeks, a time frame of what I considered as an impossibility due to my high desire. Just got to learn to not remove too many things at once or else I will relapse into earlier behavior to make up for this.

Aquarius said:
Sedentary lifestyle

Yeah, I am working out, 50 push up, 50 crunch, and yoga from a 40-day meditation guide by Cobra as well as some tips from my mother who work as a physical therapist. I will be fine with this, but since I am a programmer working on my personal project, I gotta learn to stay in a good pose while on a computer such as good spine straight rather than a hunchback pose.

Aquarius said:

Like you, I am more of a taste for coffee than an addict to it. once a day or once every two days. Very often on days when I need to wake the fuck up and my workout doesn't work that much or I have important stuff that day such as a boss or go somewhere, etc. How fortunate that I have a mother who is addict to caffeine that I felt wrong while watching her, so I resolve to never get in that position and have been avoiding it for years now.

Aquarius said:

Yeah, I am a video game person as that was my only constant companion such early childhood as I can't really get any friends thanks to deafness. So I am more of casual person that enjoy story and graphic than a competitive person that want be the best there ever was, so I avoid the call of duty and focus more on something like Dragon Quest, etc. The only times I go competitive is with friends by my side such as Super Smash Bros. cant do online friends either thanks to deafness but video chat with my deaf friends too. Deafness is both a curse and a blessing. The curse for obvious reasoning but holy shit is it a blessing because that deafness and life of helplessness from it is the only reason I look online and researching religions before I walk into this joy of satan group years ago in early high school. If I was a hearing person, I probably will be out banging some side bitches and act like a dick.

All in All, Good Post. Make me see how much I have grown since I dedicated even if I have a long road ahead before I can call myself a responsible grown man.
Lmao, I read this post on my phone, while I am sitting at my office and drink coffee.. and no I don’t have a problem with coffee... It‘s only a problem, when I am running out of coffee.. o.o

But to be fair, I only sleep 4hrs or so each night.

Hey, lets be honest, you have forgotten that many of us are addicted... to.. the forums here xD
Tirnenn said:
I do have an issue with the sedentary thing. Usually don't have... any energy. Even when I progressed spiritually, it always felt like I had a severe lack of energy. Trying to get back on track now, who knows what will happen, but I don't expect different results on the energy front.

...and video games. I've spent too much time on those. Starting to question if I should rename my account, since I named myself after an NPC that happened to be walking by; brain was running on fumes, and I couldn't think of anything.

Thank fuck I don't like porn, though. I've never understood the appeal of watching other people or characters have sex.
You do have energy, you just can't feel it, if you had no energy you would be dead. Energy still flows through you. The more blood circulation there is the more your energy flows.
Thanks for writing this, I have and have had problems with a couple on this list ! Caffeine excessively from Monster Energy Drinks as well as nicotine. Im doing 90 days of of 108 reps of Ansuz to free myself from all profane habits and addictions. I started yesterday when the moon was in Scorpio and Imbolc.

Aquarius said:
It's a couple weeks I wanted to make this post, now that the distractions post is up this is gonna be a nice complement :)

We have been "normalized" to act in a certain way since infancy, some more than others, of course. If you look at the common man on the street you will see that he is on his phone, slouched, and briefly taking his gaze away from the phone just to see where he's going, as if he was hooked, and he most likely is just endlessly scrolling on social media, nothing really important. Others you see are smoking, acting as if smoking is actually a normal thing, literally consciously inhaling poison that often is very expensive too, think thousands a year just to support such a disgusting habit.

The common man is now heading phone, with his gaze on his phone all the way back, when he's home he's gonna sit and watch porn, 15 seconds later he has ejaculated to some jewish fetish, he of course feels terrible after that, his girlfriend is emotionally hurt, as he has problems in bed, and prefers some jewish pixels of a pornstar to her lovely girlfriend.

Feeling like a zombie, the common man now turns on Call of Duty, playing matches until midnight, although he totally disregarded his responsibilities, such as cleaning the house, or even cooking to himself something good and healthy, he couldn't be bothered, so he ordered McDonalds, he knows his health isn't the best, but he tries to not care.

He then goes to sleep after midnight, conscious of the fact that he has to wake up at 5.30, so he is gonna feel terrible for sleeping so little, this isn't the first time he does that, he has been doing it for years, but he doesn't care about looking and feeling like a zombie, his eyes have large dark bags, he doesn't care.

The cycle then repeats, over and over again, and the man's health quickly deteriorates. The common man now heavily relies on medicines, and wonders why did this have to happen to him, completely unaware of the years of abuse he subjected his body to.

Internet Addiction
The most subtle, although so many people are addicted to it, not many are able to consciously understand that, what internet addiction means is that when there is a task to do you would rather mindlessly scroll on reddit or other social media for the dopamine hit. Or you constantly think about the internet and what to look and search for, thinking that certain things are necessary, while they are completely obsolete.
Children from the age of 6 are being gifted ipads and being left to them for hours a day, doing whatever shit they want, while the retarded parents ignore their responsibilities because they'd rather to common man stuff.

I don't want to hear excuses about porn, that shit wrecks relationships and makes people literal cucks, meek and weak. It has been shown in studies that a daily porn user conditions the brain in a similar way to heroin users. People have all kind of problems because of porn, like repressing their emotions, objectifying women in a disgusting way, not being able to feel anything during a normal healthy intercourse, lack of attention, depression, genital numbness and the list goes on. Porn, as it is made today is nothing but a weapon against the "goyim", the main themes that are popular on porn websites are incest and other jewish bullshit.
For more info: www.yourbrainonporn.com

Sedentary lifestyle
Being sedentary is terrible for you, couple that with poor posture and you'll create many problems that will take longer to fix. Do some kind of physical exercise, even just very light, every hour or 2. Being sedentary stops/decreases the flow of energy in your body, and you don't need that, we, especially as SS, need more flow of energy.

Coffee is not an addiction per se, I personally drink some coffee every couple of weeks as I like the taste, but it becomes an addiction one is not conscious about when they drink something like 3 or more coffees a day. My parents drink up to 4-5 a day, it has been so engraved into them that they can't even think of it as an addiction, then they complain they have trouble sleeping, as the common man does. The common man complains of things he causes to himself but he doesn't want to fix.

Videogames are not bad in general, me personally I have been addicted to them in the past. I was a very energetic kiddo and my parents thought that a playstation would be good to calm me, i was hooked, only for them to realize(and not fix of course, who wants to deal with a crying child? Definitely not his parents) that it was terrible for me and that it's all I always wanted to do. School was affected and consequently I was made to feel like shit, a 12 yo shouldn't want to suicide because his parents were fuckwits with an animal consciousness.
Personally, I have found after a while that videogames aren't the problem, but the pleasure seeking mindset is, it doesn't matter if you quit videogames, if you have other subtle addictions like porn or internet scrolling you're gonna put more time in those to make up for the lost "pleasure" of videogames, this applies to other things too, so you gotta be strong and remove these influences from your life.
Playing is not bad, but ask yourself if you're doing it for mindless pleasure and avoiding responsibilities or because you actually really like what you're playing.

Hope this helps my fellow SS, these are my experiences as a Zoomer.

Coffee and cigs are addicting because of caffeine and Nicotine, both stimulants. They dont do this for no reason. Porn, in and of itself is not really an issue. But what has become of the porn industry, which is really bad today, is alot of traps.

Internet and video games are a great tool and fun experience. Their usage, comes down to the individuals personal life. Before smart phones, people stared at a wall, bored out of their mind. So it's not the internet's fault. The question is what kinda life does this person live. If we were as an old pagan Society, with plenty of friends and family, this recent Imbolc yesterday, would have been celebrated by the whole town or city. I doubt people would escape so much on their phones.

If they had a relationship they desired, I doubt they would escape to porn very much. Also you're assuming every relationship has a monogamous girlfriend who gets jealous over porn. Again going back to pagan times, there would be bath houses and everything else. Maxine wrote a post on this, people wouldn't get into relationships for sex. Which would decrease alot of this jealousy and cheating. We have to first ask the question, why the relationship? Not why is it failing. If the answer is for a consistent sex partner, then betting on the fitness of the relationship is a futile endeavor to begin with.
Aquarius said:
Tirnenn said:
I do have an issue with the sedentary thing. Usually don't have... any energy. Even when I progressed spiritually, it always felt like I had a severe lack of energy. Trying to get back on track now, who knows what will happen, but I don't expect different results on the energy front.

...and video games. I've spent too much time on those. Starting to question if I should rename my account, since I named myself after an NPC that happened to be walking by; brain was running on fumes, and I couldn't think of anything.

Thank fuck I don't like porn, though. I've never understood the appeal of watching other people or characters have sex.
You do have energy, you just can't feel it, if you had no energy you would be dead. Energy still flows through you. The more blood circulation there is the more your energy flows.
You can take different herbs if you have an issue with less energy. They sell generally good quality capsules for this, you can take Ashwagandha and Korean Ginseng. You might feel increased horniness after a couple of days, that's my personal cue that the herbs working. Instead of anything sexual, working out will bring long term benefits. Also your testosterone goes up 50% if you stop ejaculation for 7 days then it plateaues. Remember all these for your goals of working out. Like everything in life, you should keep a progression journal and start slow with low reps.

Convict conditioning was a program I'd highly recommend everyone because its extremely easy in the progression levels and not complicated.
You can search convict conditioning archive.org on Google, all books and DVD series are there.
Porn managed to shake (excuse the pun)

Coffee I have hit kinda hard during lockdown, alot better than previous "addictions" :D

Video Games i do play a bit not too much that it interferes with my work.

Nothing better playing a game with the music on

Good thread.
I think that we should not turn our life into a kind of neo-Buddhism, the focus has to be on spiritual advancement, and after that it will be easier to deal with these physical issues. In fact, the best alternative is to maintain a healthy diet, but that shouldn't stop you from eating some junk food and going to MacDonald's twice a month. Internet: This coronavirus has isolated us, it is inevitable not to use the internet, but we must be strategists and use the internet intelligently, discreetly seeking to spread spiritual Satanism in space with many delusions, will this leave our enemies and they will be furious? nothing better than that. Porn: I use porn and I don't see any negative effect on me, the most suitable method is to have control over it and not let this aspect dominate you, porn has a positive effect on me because I use it sparingly remember that Maxine is different from new age said there was no problem with pornography, as long as you are advanced in spirituality it will not affect your real life, since in sexuality it is spiritual. wanting to stop it is not much different from the enemy ideology of "Practice abstinence and be a happy slave". Sedentary lifestyle: I am not sedentary, I practice an hour or more of physical exercise per day, the practice of sport is important, keep exercising and you will become healthier. Coffee: I drink several cups of coffee a day, I feel good and positive about it, it doesn't affect my health because I don't let it get out of control, it doesn't affect my sleep, I sleep normally every night, I need coffee to think in a clean and better way to reflect well without coffee I forgive some 25% of my intellectual capacity without a doubt, the difference between the medicine and the poison is the dose, what differentiates the addiction to coffee from the virtue in drinking it is how can you cope and feel about it ... Video games: We should not completely discard the video game, the pleasures of life should not be eliminated with the excuse that it will seriously harm you, but rather show those pleasures that you can dominate them and not the other way around, I have a lot of energy even without giving up any of that, and I have total control over my mind, this is because I have constant contact with all the gods of hell, there is a football game that I particularly I like it a lot mainly playing online, but I play a maximum of 3 daily matches or less, I think the ideal is not to let the games rob you more than half an hour or at most one hour of your time. while meditating several hours a day, I believe that I am in the right direction of evolution, I do not give up physical and technological pleasures but I give complete and total ownership to the spiritual pleasures offered by spiritual Satanism ... Hail Satan!!
Tirnenn said:
I do have an issue with the sedentary thing. Usually don't have... any energy. Even when I progressed spiritually, it always felt like I had a severe lack of energy. Trying to get back on track now, who knows what will happen, but I don't expect different results on the energy front.
Have you tried breathing in energy into your aura or chakras? Energy from the sun is pretty powerful and effective. Chronic fatigue or feeling drained all the time can be a sign of medical issues, repressed emotions, an entity draining you or your body not getting the right nutrition. I used to feel exhausted and drained all of the time for years because I was always angry, in fight or flight mode and had repressed emotions.

If you’re a beginner who has never exercised before, do the FREE 45 day beginner fitness plan by Stew Smith: http://site.stewsmithptclub.com/45dayplan.pdf
Tirnenn said:
"Even when I progressed spiritually, it always felt like I had a severe lack of energy."

To me, this statement points towards other than the immediate spiritual area. It could be a deeper spiritual problem then just lack of energy. However, it could also be physical.

There are plenty of physical reasons why you may feel fatigued. While spiritual energy eventually translates into physical energy, if the physical imbalance is great enough, the spiritual energy might not be enough in the current state.

Yoga is great for this in that it directly impacts both physical and spiritual energies.
Aquarius said:
It's a couple weeks I wanted to make this post, now that the distractions post is up this is gonna be a nice complement :)

We have been "normalized" to act in a certain way since infancy, some more than others, of course. If you look at the common man on the street you will see that he is on his phone, slouched, and briefly taking his gaze away from the phone just to see where he's going, as if he was hooked, and he most likely is just endlessly scrolling on social media, nothing really important. Others you see are smoking, acting as if smoking is actually a normal thing, literally consciously inhaling poison that often is very expensive too, think thousands a year just to support such a disgusting habit.

The common man is now heading phone, with his gaze on his phone all the way back, when he's home he's gonna sit and watch porn, 15 seconds later he has ejaculated to some jewish fetish, he of course feels terrible after that, his girlfriend is emotionally hurt, as he has problems in bed, and prefers some jewish pixels of a pornstar to her lovely girlfriend.

Feeling like a zombie, the common man now turns on Call of Duty, playing matches until midnight, although he totally disregarded his responsibilities, such as cleaning the house, or even cooking to himself something good and healthy, he couldn't be bothered, so he ordered McDonalds, he knows his health isn't the best, but he tries to not care.

He then goes to sleep after midnight, conscious of the fact that he has to wake up at 5.30, so he is gonna feel terrible for sleeping so little, this isn't the first time he does that, he has been doing it for years, but he doesn't care about looking and feeling like a zombie, his eyes have large dark bags, he doesn't care.

The cycle then repeats, over and over again, and the man's health quickly deteriorates. The common man now heavily relies on medicines, and wonders why did this have to happen to him, completely unaware of the years of abuse he subjected his body to.

Internet Addiction
The most subtle, although so many people are addicted to it, not many are able to consciously understand that, what internet addiction means is that when there is a task to do you would rather mindlessly scroll on reddit or other social media for the dopamine hit. Or you constantly think about the internet and what to look and search for, thinking that certain things are necessary, while they are completely obsolete.
Children from the age of 6 are being gifted ipads and being left to them for hours a day, doing whatever shit they want, while the retarded parents ignore their responsibilities because they'd rather to common man stuff.

I don't want to hear excuses about porn, that shit wrecks relationships and makes people literal cucks, meek and weak. It has been shown in studies that a daily porn user conditions the brain in a similar way to heroin users. People have all kind of problems because of porn, like repressing their emotions, objectifying women in a disgusting way, not being able to feel anything during a normal healthy intercourse, lack of attention, depression, genital numbness and the list goes on. Porn, as it is made today is nothing but a weapon against the "goyim", the main themes that are popular on porn websites are incest and other jewish bullshit.
For more info: www.yourbrainonporn.com

Sedentary lifestyle
Being sedentary is terrible for you, couple that with poor posture and you'll create many problems that will take longer to fix. Do some kind of physical exercise, even just very light, every hour or 2. Being sedentary stops/decreases the flow of energy in your body, and you don't need that, we, especially as SS, need more flow of energy.

Coffee is not an addiction per se, I personally drink some coffee every couple of weeks as I like the taste, but it becomes an addiction one is not conscious about when they drink something like 3 or more coffees a day. My parents drink up to 4-5 a day, it has been so engraved into them that they can't even think of it as an addiction, then they complain they have trouble sleeping, as the common man does. The common man complains of things he causes to himself but he doesn't want to fix.

Videogames are not bad in general, me personally I have been addicted to them in the past. I was a very energetic kiddo and my parents thought that a playstation would be good to calm me, i was hooked, only for them to realize(and not fix of course, who wants to deal with a crying child? Definitely not his parents) that it was terrible for me and that it's all I always wanted to do. School was affected and consequently I was made to feel like shit, a 12 yo shouldn't want to suicide because his parents were fuckwits with an animal consciousness.
Personally, I have found after a while that videogames aren't the problem, but the pleasure seeking mindset is, it doesn't matter if you quit videogames, if you have other subtle addictions like porn or internet scrolling you're gonna put more time in those to make up for the lost "pleasure" of videogames, this applies to other things too, so you gotta be strong and remove these influences from your life.
Playing is not bad, but ask yourself if you're doing it for mindless pleasure and avoiding responsibilities or because you actually really like what you're playing.

Hope this helps my fellow SS, these are my experiences as a Zoomer.

Thank you very much i am to be a zoomer too very soon
AncientRainbows said:

Wow, that is crazy. Thanks for sharing. You are definitely hitting caffeine toxicity limits. You should definitely start weaning yourself off of this as much as possible. Stay strong; the body will adapt quickly back to normal.

Another thing to note about Starbucks coffee is that they put a fuckton of sugar in their drinks, even more than pop, proportionally. This adds to the addictive element to it, and this might even be the main reason you keep going back.

As far as some of the symptoms go, it might help to counterbalance some of them by looking at how the liver is impacted. You should read this TCM article on coffee if you get the chance.

Given what I mentioned about the sugar, I think you should consider additionally excluding Starbucks drinks as much as you can. Drinking a smaller, non-Starbucks drink to mitigate the caffeine withdrawals as you wean off would be the best option.

Good luck.
Thanks for this, gave me some extra encouragement.
One of my favorite quotes: "If not us, who? If not now, when?" - JFK

Necrorifter said:

Porn is a very strong addiction and very hard to go cold-turkey. You will definitely want to use Munka on an appropriate detachment date to rid yourself of porn use. I have been using it for the past month or so with very good results.

Switching away from porn is all about substituting the visual stimuli with the physical and mental (that you create in your mind) stimuli. The visual stimuli of porn makes it addictive almost like a video game or youtube video. When you cease using it, you will feel more in tune with your actual sexual urges, not those that turn on only at certain digital formations.

Of course you will still create a scene in your mind that you like, but you should focus on this character doing the actions to your body, as opposed to them just doing the action in a void space.

You may be surprised that the orgasms without porn are also much stronger as well (at least in my experience). At the worst of my porn addiction, when I was a teen, I would orgasm and it would barely even feel good. I think this is because it was tied too much into the mental ideas and less about the physical. In other words, I was not actually generating enough physical sexual energy before orgasm, rather the brain was just triggered it once it saw something it liked enough.


As far as posture goes, your best friend would be a posture-correcting brace. There are ones for sitting and for standing, if you look online. These braces will strengthen the muscles such that you can maintain correct posture on your own.


As far as video games go, it depends how you respond to them. Video games are pretty powerful sources of stimulation, so always be wary of them, however some people can disconnect more easily than others.

For me, whenever I played video games, it was always a means of procrastination. Furthermore, I would way overshoot my allocated time to play them. For this reason, I deemed them as unsafe entertainment sources, and disconnected completely.

I played them since I was a kid and always enjoyed being immersed in them, but this only harms me. I have certain natal placements that can lead me to becoming complacent and willing to dream my life rather than acting it out.
Aquarius said:
It's a couple weeks I wanted to make this post, now that the distractions post is up this is gonna be a nice complement :)

We have been "normalized" to act in a certain way since infancy, some more than others, of course. If you look at the common man on the street you will see that he is on his phone, slouched, and briefly taking his gaze away from the phone just to see where he's going, as if he was hooked, and he most likely is just endlessly scrolling on social media, nothing really important. Others you see are smoking, acting as if smoking is actually a normal thing, literally consciously inhaling poison that often is very expensive too, think thousands a year just to support such a disgusting habit.

The common man is now heading phone, with his gaze on his phone all the way back, when he's home he's gonna sit and watch porn, 15 seconds later he has ejaculated to some jewish fetish, he of course feels terrible after that, his girlfriend is emotionally hurt, as he has problems in bed, and prefers some jewish pixels of a pornstar to her lovely girlfriend.

Feeling like a zombie, the common man now turns on Call of Duty, playing matches until midnight, although he totally disregarded his responsibilities, such as cleaning the house, or even cooking to himself something good and healthy, he couldn't be bothered, so he ordered McDonalds, he knows his health isn't the best, but he tries to not care.

He then goes to sleep after midnight, conscious of the fact that he has to wake up at 5.30, so he is gonna feel terrible for sleeping so little, this isn't the first time he does that, he has been doing it for years, but he doesn't care about looking and feeling like a zombie, his eyes have large dark bags, he doesn't care.

The cycle then repeats, over and over again, and the man's health quickly deteriorates. The common man now heavily relies on medicines, and wonders why did this have to happen to him, completely unaware of the years of abuse he subjected his body to.

Internet Addiction
The most subtle, although so many people are addicted to it, not many are able to consciously understand that, what internet addiction means is that when there is a task to do you would rather mindlessly scroll on reddit or other social media for the dopamine hit. Or you constantly think about the internet and what to look and search for, thinking that certain things are necessary, while they are completely obsolete.
Children from the age of 6 are being gifted ipads and being left to them for hours a day, doing whatever shit they want, while the retarded parents ignore their responsibilities because they'd rather to common man stuff.

I don't want to hear excuses about porn, that shit wrecks relationships and makes people literal cucks, meek and weak. It has been shown in studies that a daily porn user conditions the brain in a similar way to heroin users. People have all kind of problems because of porn, like repressing their emotions, objectifying women in a disgusting way, not being able to feel anything during a normal healthy intercourse, lack of attention, depression, genital numbness and the list goes on. Porn, as it is made today is nothing but a weapon against the "goyim", the main themes that are popular on porn websites are incest and other jewish bullshit.
For more info: www.yourbrainonporn.com

Sedentary lifestyle
Being sedentary is terrible for you, couple that with poor posture and you'll create many problems that will take longer to fix. Do some kind of physical exercise, even just very light, every hour or 2. Being sedentary stops/decreases the flow of energy in your body, and you don't need that, we, especially as SS, need more flow of energy.

Coffee is not an addiction per se, I personally drink some coffee every couple of weeks as I like the taste, but it becomes an addiction one is not conscious about when they drink something like 3 or more coffees a day. My parents drink up to 4-5 a day, it has been so engraved into them that they can't even think of it as an addiction, then they complain they have trouble sleeping, as the common man does. The common man complains of things he causes to himself but he doesn't want to fix.

Videogames are not bad in general, me personally I have been addicted to them in the past. I was a very energetic kiddo and my parents thought that a playstation would be good to calm me, i was hooked, only for them to realize(and not fix of course, who wants to deal with a crying child? Definitely not his parents) that it was terrible for me and that it's all I always wanted to do. School was affected and consequently I was made to feel like shit, a 12 yo shouldn't want to suicide because his parents were fuckwits with an animal consciousness.
Personally, I have found after a while that videogames aren't the problem, but the pleasure seeking mindset is, it doesn't matter if you quit videogames, if you have other subtle addictions like porn or internet scrolling you're gonna put more time in those to make up for the lost "pleasure" of videogames, this applies to other things too, so you gotta be strong and remove these influences from your life.
Playing is not bad, but ask yourself if you're doing it for mindless pleasure and avoiding responsibilities or because you actually really like what you're playing.

Hope this helps my fellow SS, these are my experiences as a Zoomer.

Thank you bro for this i still have some thing to do with porn but i'm on it and fixing it, this helped me to understand that porn is realy shit. Also sedentary life i have that too i do just 15 min of exercise per day the rest i sit on computer and every 2 days i go shoping on foot. And the videogames adiction of sitting and playing all day is over now for like 2 years. I just play like 30 min or an hour per 1 day or every 2 days. I don't drink coffee. No social media here exept that i listen to music on YT that aren't jewish or that has no negative affirmations in it and mostly just instrumentals, and i just have a whatsapp account where i talk to 2 other SS sometimes and sharing SS informations between us.
MAOI like Syrian rue extract or b. caapi tincture with L-dopa mucuna and 5htp -- and hard exercise has really helped my addictions. I find it easier to modify my behavior when my dopamine and serotonin aren't gobbled back up instantly and I'm craving like weed, cigs, porn, w/e.. If you take MAOI don't do much or if you do then avoid aged foods. This isn't a long-term fix, like magick, it's just to get to a manageable state -- like homeostasis, quickly.

there is also another much bigger addiction. Sugar. 100 years ago the normal consumption of sugar the refined white stuff was around 2 to 3 pounds a year. Now for most in the western world it's over 22 pounds a year and these numbers aren't even from last year but closer to 2015 so I bet it's even higher.
I've been trying to read up on sugar addiction. It's one of those addictions most don't realize that they have cause it's put in so many foods. Many use it in their coffees plus it's in damn near everything from bread to yogurt.
On top of it all these high amounts of sugar cause enormous problems including heart disease, stroke, brittle bones, obesity, and so much more. In one form or another high consumption of sugar causes most of the diseases we know of today.

The worst thing is trying to cut back on said sugar. Unless you can get out of the city and grow your own food or get into a community that does this it's an uphill battle. I've been trying but till it gets warmer it's hard to make my own food when in a cold home- no furnace it burnt out last year and another one costs over 400 bucks in warm weather-

So addiction is everywhere since the common man has had the ancient knowledge stolen from him and garbage shoved down his throat for several generations. At least now people are waking up and finding out more about what is going on.

Hail Father Satan
NinRick said:
But to be fair, I only sleep 4hrs or so each night.

What do you mean? Like in a "good" way, or insomnia and tossing around all night?

If you are going to bed at roughly the same time and not stimulated by blue light right before, then this would point towards a physical imbalance. Other symptoms would also be present to elucidate this.

Otherwise, if you simply don't feel tired at your normal bed time, this would point more towards disrupted circadian rhythm, likely caused by blue light exposure.
I’m subtly addicted to sugar. I don’t drink soda or anything but if I go all day without eating anything sweet I will get a headache. I also gave up on quitting porn and masturbation until I have a partner.
As for coffee, I enjoy a tiny cup of coffee. I mean a tiny. For this tiny amount (no more than half a cup, 4oz), I drink it every single day. And I don't even finish the cup. I just take small sips. I know, I know. Like what's the point then? Well, coffee isn't so bad when it's consumed at the bare minimum like that. It's something you need to keep in mind not to overdo as it is a stimulant.

If you're a big coffee drinker, more than twice a cup and almost every single day, then you need minerals.

You can either take mineral drops, drink salt water (no table salt/refined whatsoever), or take shilajit. And of course, drink plenty of water everyday. Especially if you've got Saturn aspecting moon. It's important to drink lots of water but also include good, real salt (pref in the AM).
Never admit any of your shortcomings. As far as anyone here is concerned, it's none of your fucking business.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I’m subtly addicted to sugar. I don’t drink soda or anything but if I go all day without eating anything sweet I will get a headache. I also gave up on quitting porn and masturbation until I have a partner.

To counter the headache, eat something that is a healthy carb, such as sweet potato or rice. If this does not work, then you have to rely on simply weaning.

You don't need porn if you do not have a partner. Use your imagination or something. Porn is addictive because it is stimulating and attaches to a base desire. It is not addictive because it is boosts an orgasm, rather it hijacks sexuality to become visual instead of touch-based. The addiction is strong though, I would recommend a spiritual working to break it.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Never admit any of your shortcomings. As far as anyone here is concerned, it's none of your fucking business.

While privacy is certainly a given right, being honest or willing to share your problems is what allows others to learn and succeed. I remember reading posts by GITM about his own problems and it struck me how honest and open he was.

Sometimes I am very closed off, but I push myself to open up on here a little bit where I think learning or solutions can be had. Of course be mindful of anything that can be used against you.
Enki4ever said:
there is also another much bigger addiction. Sugar. 100 years ago the normal consumption of sugar the refined white stuff was around 2 to 3 pounds a year. Now for most in the western world it's over 22 pounds a year and these numbers aren't even from last year but closer to 2015 so I bet it's even higher.
I've been trying to read up on sugar addiction. It's one of those addictions most don't realize that they have cause it's put in so many foods. Many use it in their coffees plus it's in damn near everything from bread to yogurt.
On top of it all these high amounts of sugar cause enormous problems including heart disease, stroke, brittle bones, obesity, and so much more. In one form or another high consumption of sugar causes most of the diseases we know of today.

The worst thing is trying to cut back on said sugar. Unless you can get out of the city and grow your own food or get into a community that does this it's an uphill battle. I've been trying but till it gets warmer it's hard to make my own food when in a cold home- no furnace it burnt out last year and another one costs over 400 bucks in warm weather-

So addiction is everywhere since the common man has had the ancient knowledge stolen from him and garbage shoved down his throat for several generations. At least now people are waking up and finding out more about what is going on.

Hail Father Satan
I wanted to post that too, but I was in an extreme hurry and was already late and forgot it :/
Blitzkreig said:
NinRick said:
But to be fair, I only sleep 4hrs or so each night.

What do you mean? Like in a "good" way, or insomnia and tossing around all night?

If you are going to bed at roughly the same time and not stimulated by blue light right before, then this would point towards a physical imbalance. Other symptoms would also be present to elucidate this.

Otherwise, if you simply don't feel tired at your normal bed time, this would point more towards disrupted circadian rhythm, likely caused by blue light exposure.

I need to work 10hrs a day now or so. It takes me 1h30mins to 2hrs to get to work and back, my spiritual routine takes around 4hrs or more, I need to learn for my exams and I also work for around1-2hrs from home for something different. Then I need to eat as well.

24hrs are just too little for me to squeeze everything in a day and get enough sleep. Today I only slept 6hrs, and I can not sleep any more, I tried xD

Also, if I don’t meditate before I go to sleep, I have a hard time falling asleep as well.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Never admit any of your shortcomings. As far as anyone here is concerned, it's none of your fucking business.

If you don't admit your shortcomings how can you expect to learn and improve? This path more than any other, requires a deep understanding of one's self, and every weakness and fault will be brought to light.

While it's "easier" to ignore these addictions, problems, and weaknesses about yourself in the short term, it will only hold you back and increase your suffering in the long run when you inevitably have to face the problem again. Your soul isn't just going to ignore a porn addiction.

In regards to admitting them here on the forums, I think that's down to the individual. Sometimes opening up and saying "I struggle with this" can help massively, because it's the first step in solving a problem; admitting it's there. The forums are a place to learn and grow, and by sharing stories here, it also helps newer people who are facing these issues. I can understand not wanting to share personal information about yourself here, but you have to admit your shortcomings, and it takes a strong person to do that.
Aquarius said:
You do have energy, you just can't feel it, if you had no energy you would be dead. Energy still flows through you. The more blood circulation there is the more your energy flows.
I get what you mean, but moreso meant physical exhaustion.

I feel a bit better after aura cleaning and chakra spinning, but not entirely. Ah well, Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that.
Narciso said:
I think that we should not turn our life into a kind of neo-Buddhism, the focus has to be on spiritual advancement, and after that it will be easier to deal with these physical issues. In fact, the best alternative is to maintain a healthy diet, but that shouldn't stop you from eating some junk food and going to MacDonald's twice a month. Internet: This coronavirus has isolated us, it is inevitable not to use the internet, but we must be strategists and use the internet intelligently, discreetly seeking to spread spiritual Satanism in space with many delusions, will this leave our enemies and they will be furious? nothing better than that. Porn: I use porn and I don't see any negative effect on me, the most suitable method is to have control over it and not let this aspect dominate you, porn has a positive effect on me because I use it sparingly remember that Maxine is different from new age said there was no problem with pornography, as long as you are advanced in spirituality it will not affect your real life, since in sexuality it is spiritual. wanting to stop it is not much different from the enemy ideology of "Practice abstinence and be a happy slave". Sedentary lifestyle: I am not sedentary, I practice an hour or more of physical exercise per day, the practice of sport is important, keep exercising and you will become healthier. Coffee: I drink several cups of coffee a day, I feel good and positive about it, it doesn't affect my health because I don't let it get out of control, it doesn't affect my sleep, I sleep normally every night, I need coffee to think in a clean and better way to reflect well without coffee I forgive some 25% of my intellectual capacity without a doubt, the difference between the medicine and the poison is the dose, what differentiates the addiction to coffee from the virtue in drinking it is how can you cope and feel about it ... Video games: We should not completely discard the video game, the pleasures of life should not be eliminated with the excuse that it will seriously harm you, but rather show those pleasures that you can dominate them and not the other way around, I have a lot of energy even without giving up any of that, and I have total control over my mind, this is because I have constant contact with all the gods of hell, there is a football game that I particularly I like it a lot mainly playing online, but I play a maximum of 3 daily matches or less, I think the ideal is not to let the games rob you more than half an hour or at most one hour of your time. while meditating several hours a day, I believe that I am in the right direction of evolution, I do not give up physical and technological pleasures but I give complete and total ownership to the spiritual pleasures offered by spiritual Satanism ... Hail Satan!!

Couldn't have said it better bro! Moderation is key and this nofap bs started cuz most people verge on two extremes. And its jewish. We need pleasure in our lives.
I personally smoke a cigar or cigarillo here and there. Or drink a beer. Living without pleasure is going to ruin your life as you abstain and it becomes boring. I know that the body needs this to boost your immune system. It's really not that black and white. I also remember Maxine's statement on porn. And it was already natural for me lol. It comes down to duty and purpose in life which keeps you focused. When the enjoyment has power over you, your not doing what your supposed to do. Also have fun in the spiritual advancement and warfare. And don't be to hard on yourselves. That's my 2 cents. And caffeine or coffee boosts lifting/sports performance Hail Satan!!
I can attest to porn being one of the worst things to be addicted to. It's a cancer upon this world and needs to be eradicated.
As to what why people get addicted to it so easily it's because you can't get sex that easily. In the past, brothels were a thing and there was no stigma or hangups around sex.

Same old "jew causes a problem and then pushes a solution" crap. At the very least it will be easy to remove porn in the upcoming SS world. Just make porn illegal and brothels legal.

I'm drinking a very healthy dose of coffee while witting this... considering I have a long night ahead of me, I can't care too much :D

I was also addicted to video games. The most addicting ones I found are the type of games like MMOs, MMORPGs or online FPS games. They trick your brain into thinking you are actually "progressing", considering you have to put in work to get a new item, spell, whatever the case might be, which in turn releases all the feel good chemicals in the brain(once you get that item).

And you'd legitimately have people spend upwards of 10 hours every single day trying to get that rare item. I remember partnering up with a guy in an MMORPG around midnight, we were then grinding for some items till 3 am, that's when I went to sleep. I then woke up at around noon, ate lunch, turned on my PC and the guy was still grinding. He said he didn't go to sleep and proceeded to play the game for 4 more hours, only leaving when he said he's gonna pass out. Even for me that was too much. And that comes from someone who as a 14 year old used to play from noon till 3-4 am every weekend.
Looking back, I really hate myself for wasting so much time of my life doing basically nothing.

Normally, you'd feel good after working a while and then buying something you really wanted or needed. Or achieving your goal. These types of games make you feel the same way, except you get no real reward out of it. And this effect is also amplified by the fact that there are other people in that game that can see your items, spells, K/D, etc.
Even when I was addicted, I always found I'd spend much more time playing games like these as opposed to just playing a singleplayer game.
Great list. It's great most people did not take it the wrong way. I have a problem with a couple of this and I defeated two of this "giants" in the past. Progressing accordingly like most people who are serious in this path.

Additionally, I would update the "videogames" section to "passive entertainment" as to include anything that puts your mind into a passive state to absorb enemy brainwashing, and weaken your creativity and your visualisation skills. Passive entertainment would then include one of the previous points (porn), which is severely underestimated by some people in its fully negative effects (no real positives), and be extended to include tv shows and films.

Now, one needs not to go commando here and exclude all of those completely. One just needs to control how much times they spend on it. A couple of non-consecutive hours in the weekend or once in a while being an example of a sensible option. An example of what is to avoid altogether is to spend several hours a day on it, like most NPCs. The only exception is porn, which is 100% no for obvious reasons. You do not need to watch other people have sex in order to get hard. You just need to activate your mind and visualise whatever. Additionally, you can also breathe energy into your sacral chakra and your root chakra, which works in some cases to create sexual arousal, as it stimulates the kundalini.

You're bored? Pursue other activities that actually help you holistically and are entertaining, instead of poisoning you. Some example are: gardening, researching topics you are interested in, sports, music (producing, playing, etc), other artistic/creative staff, DIY, and so on. You are not lost if you do not game every day and do not watch tv shows/videos/etc.
Very interesting advice, some of us waste our time doing unnecessary things that keep us in one cycle for long.
We gat to be conscious of time.
But I believe most of us who have come to the limelight of satanic teaching are different from the lazy Jews who thinks everything comes through miracle.
A Satanist from my observation are gearing towards fixing the world.
Hail Mammon
Hail Lilith.
Hail master Satan.
Blitzkreig said:
Necrorifter said:

Porn is a very strong addiction and very hard to go cold-turkey. You will definitely want to use Munka on an appropriate detachment date to rid yourself of porn use. I have been using it for the past month or so with very good results.

Switching away from porn is all about substituting the visual stimuli with the physical and mental (that you create in your mind) stimuli. The visual stimuli of porn makes it addictive almost like a video game or youtube video. When you cease using it, you will feel more in tune with your actual sexual urges, not those that turn on only at certain digital formations.

Of course you will still create a scene in your mind that you like, but you should focus on this character doing the actions to your body, as opposed to them just doing the action in a void space.

You may be surprised that the orgasms without porn are also much stronger as well (at least in my experience). At the worst of my porn addiction, when I was a teen, I would orgasm and it would barely even feel good. I think this is because it was tied too much into the mental ideas and less about the physical. In other words, I was not actually generating enough physical sexual energy before orgasm, rather the brain was just triggered it once it saw something it liked enough.


As far as posture goes, your best friend would be a posture-correcting brace. There are ones for sitting and for standing, if you look online. These braces will strengthen the muscles such that you can maintain correct posture on your own.


As far as video games go, it depends how you respond to them. Video games are pretty powerful sources of stimulation, so always be wary of them, however some people can disconnect more easily than others.

For me, whenever I played video games, it was always a means of procrastination. Furthermore, I would way overshoot my allocated time to play them. For this reason, I deemed them as unsafe entertainment sources, and disconnected completely.

I played them since I was a kid and always enjoyed being immersed in them, but this only harms me. I have certain natal placements that can lead me to becoming complacent and willing to dream my life rather than acting it out.

Hmm, that does explain why I enjoy PoV of porn more than one being with other beings as it is easier to visualize myself there when it seems like I am there. But I suppose you are correct. Perhaps I should try to reduce the usage of digital porn and more on myself. Perhaps it time to stop bringing my digital device into the bathroom and do it without any aid besides my mind. Besides if I can simulate myself via my own mind, then surely it means my mind has grown strong and focus that it can actually satisfy me. But I wonder what is your stance on the toy? I guess it is fine as it is the action you put yourself through anyway.

Yeah, I actually have one of those braces, but I think I need to get a bigger one as I outgrow them long ago. But I should be able to use it until I get order to get another brace, but money is tight right now and it is not a top priority. Same for the toy.

True, I often use video games as inspiration or figure out how they work so I can apply them to my project as I am making my own games. But the issue arose when I spent far too long in-game, often get immensely in their storytelling that I forget to go back and work on my projects, or even worse. If I left at the wrong time, then it will be constantly on my mind to get back to the game just so I can see what happens next, distract me from working on the project. But you are absolutely correct in that we need to act out our dream rather than dream act out for us.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
