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Are white men naturally attracted to asian women or is it brainwashing?

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I never said anyone did. Now fuck off and don’t be confrontational with me boy.
Aquarius said:
Also he said many of the EE women in these programs are actually being human trafficked.
You did. And I'm not being confrontational, the language you just used makes it evident you're still immature, and your age is the proof of that. You should work on yourself before finding a life partner.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Who cares. Slavs are the worst subrace. Most of their men are weak and ugly looking untermensch. It would be a great deed if I were to impregnate their women with my superior Anglo Celtic genes. Most of us in my region are already sub racially mixed. Every kind of European is here, Italian, French, and the above mentioned.

>Slavs are the worst subrace

>The only countries that aren't totally cucked to oblivion are Slavic countries.
Damon said:
Stormblood said:
There are no factual stats that suggest that feminist women are more than oppressed women and more than normal women.

Factual stats? You can see their ideology which is about conflating women with men, falsely claiming that there's no difference between them and making women like men. I think you have a false idea about feminism, I suggest you look at more what modern third-wave feminists believe. They claim that the world is under a patriarchy, they infantilize women and minimize men's problems and they are obsessed with bullshit problems like manspreading and mansplaining. If feminists just kept it to themselves I wouldn't care about them, but they have infiltrated the academia and almost every institution panders to them. They canceled an astrophysicist who landed a space probe into a comet because some random feminist found his shirt offensive. So, feminism is pure cancer (no offense to cancer).

So women follow that obnoxious ideology are obnoxious themselves. Even normal women are influenced by that because it permeates every part of our culture. All women's magazines and TV shows are influenced by feminism.

Feminist women are not "oppressed" because there's no oppression of women today. They are either entitled spoiled princesses who want special privileges just for being women or have daddy issues and they hate all men because of that. Again I'm talking about actual feminists, not "cafeteria feminists" who claim to be feminists but have no idea what the feminist ideology is about.

Citation needed. In other words, where did I say that feminism, especially radical feminism is not a toxic ideology?

The argument I made is: "Normal women and oppressed women are more than feminist women"

As for your "there is no oppression of women", there is plenty of evidence there against it. See:

• Islam
• Radical xtard families
• Domestic abuse
• Families with a jewish father and a Gentile mother (they brought it upon themselves)

There are entire pages on the JoS website that explain how ALL abrahamic religions are created to oppress femininity.

Damon said:
Stormblood said:
Feminism is a reaction to the condition women have been subjected by the abrahamic programmes: that of extreme subordination and submission, exploitation, suppression and being denied basic human rights, which also manifested in the suppression and extreme, obsessive-compulsive control of sexuality and creativity in society. Like with everything with the jews, the create the problem, then create a solution that is the polar opposite of the problem.

It's not a reaction, it's a jewish program designed to turn women against men and it's based on marxism. This explains why most feminists are jewesses. There are so many of them that Wikipedia was forced to hide the "List of Jewish feminists" page because one jew claimed that this list could be used by anti-semites.

I already stated that it's a jewish programme. For the thousandth time. Jews create the problem, leave people to fend for themselves in that mess, then they elaborate a "solution" that is as problematic as the problem is. People think they have a way out of the problem and so they jump to that other extreme. The jews play both sides against the middle. In this case and several other case, they decide what realities they want people to fall in.

Communism vs Capitalism
Socialism vs Nationalism
Marxism vs Functionalism
Abrahamic religions vs Atheism
Liberalism vs Conservatism
Left vs Right
Sexual chaos vs Sexual oppression
Feminism vs Abrahamic oppression of women
LGBT rights vs Abrahamic criminalisation of homosexuality
Academic brainwashing vs Abrahamic criminalisation of knowledge and wisdom

The kikes make extreme options to prevent people from understanding balance and harmony which are of Satanism.

Try to see things in a holistic manner, instead of being a reductionist. This is not MGTOW forum. It's a Satanic forum. You cannot get away with extremist statements such as "All White women are feminist." Have you personally interviewed all White women?
Damon said:

If you fill your head with this garbage about there not being any suitable White woman you can date, then you'll never find a White woman to date because you'll manifest your own reality. You are the one who creates your own luck. Embedding into your head pessimistic thoughts is unhealthy for you and will negatively impact any relationship of any kind you're going to have with women. Your superiors, your subordinates, your peers, your friends, your family members, fellow SS women, other female relatives.

You'd benefit from starting to have positive thoughts about women. You could start by telling yourself that there are White women that are normal and White women who are amazing too. Think of HPS Maxine. Is she not an amazing White woman? Think of Lydia, another amazing White woman. I'm sure you can find many example. A Venus square can also help to improve your relationship with White women and attracting positive, healthy and loving relationships with them.

If there is a trauma relating to your first attachment to your mother, you should also work on that with freeing the soul workings. Your first attachments in life act as models for all future attachments, creating a framework that is becomes more and more complex as you grow up. That's why children need to have secure attachments to their parents during their whole infancy. The attachment with your father or any male figure that you are the most in contact with while you are a toddler, becomes a model for all future male connections. The same happens with your mother/female guardian. That's also why homosexual couples are unfit to raise children.

Psychology would have us believe that it is no longer possible to fix issues related to that after certain timeframe has expired in your infancy, but we Satanist know that we can fix any psychological issue, hangup and blockage.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Who cares. Slavs are the worst subrace. Most of their men are weak and ugly looking untermensch. It would be a great deed if I were to impregnate their women with my superior Anglo Celtic genes. Most of us in my region are already sub racially mixed. Every kind of European is here, Italian, French, and the above mentioned.
:D So you base your view on them purely on superficial reasons, ie. looks. Who would have thought. :D

It wouldn't be a favor, as it is sub race mixing... And that's not a reason to mix further, btw. You should know better than that...
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aquarius said:
And who has suggested any of these programs? Nobody.
I never said anyone did. Now fuck off and don’t be confrontational with me boy.

Henu the Great said:
But yeah, EE partner wouldn't be sub racially close enough for you anyway, methinks.
Who cares. Slavs are the worst subrace. Most of their men are weak and ugly looking untermensch. It would be a great deed if I were to impregnate their women with my superior Anglo Celtic genes. Most of us in my region are already sub racially mixed. Every kind of European is here, Italian, French, and the above mentioned.

You are insulting your own race? What the fuck is wrong with you? I understand you are young but please get a grip man.
ShadowTheRaven said:
>Slavs are the worst subrace

>The only countries that aren't totally cucked to oblivion are Slavic countries.

I never said they weren’t resilient people. Enduring starvation and being thrown in gulags for decades will you make you keen and less prone to believe Jew lies having lived under it.

Henu the Great said:
:D So you base your view on them purely on superficial reasons, ie. looks. Who would have thought. :D

It wouldn't be a favor, as it is sub race mixing... And that's not a reason to mix further, btw. You should know better than that...
Looks are not superficial. It’s very hard to have a strong and ugly population. Good genes have been shown to come in packages.

Would you say that the Demons are unattractive? No because they are the pinnacle of nature. Everyone knows inherently what’s beautiful and what isn’t and this goes far beyond human facial structure.
Who cares. Slavs are the worst subrace. Most of their men are weak and ugly looking untermensch.

slavs are one of strongest subraces they might be ugly but they are not weak, they are clearly better than anglo celtics.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Looks are not superficial. It’s very hard to have a strong and ugly population. Good genes have been shown to come in packages.
I disagree. You are making generalisation based on your perception which is definitely not as comprehensive as it should be in such a case.

Would you say that the Demons are unattractive? No because they are the pinnacle of nature. Everyone knows inherently what’s beautiful and what isn’t and this goes far beyond human facial structure.
Why are you comparing perfected beings with us who have been in the mud for past millenia, and more?

So you don't like your own race... Ok, but focus on improving yourself so you can see better the good in others aswell.
inthenameofsatan said:
, they are clearly better than anglo celtics.

No they aren’t we founded America and built/innovated it the other Europeans for the most part didn’t get here until Ellis island in the 20th century. You aren’t even white so IDK why you are talking about this.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
No they aren’t we founded America and built/innovated it the other Europeans for the most part didn’t get here until Ellis island in the 20th century. You aren’t even white so IDK why you are talking about this.

Look at America now. Now look at Poland.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Look at America now. Now look at Poland.

Who gives a fucking shit dude I’m talking about the past not current day. Wow Poland is a majority white nation left in Europe, they are still opposed to NS and racialism. But they are sooo based bro.


Funnily enough poles hate Hitler and Germany more than anyone. I don’t think this is even a fair comparison. It’s like the giant douche vs turd sandwich false dichotomy.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Look at America now. Now look at Poland.

Who gives a fucking shit dude I’m talking about the past not current day. Wow Poland is a majority white nation left in Europe, they are still opposed to NS and racialism. But they are sooo based bro.


Funnily enough poles hate Hitler and Germany more than anyone. I don’t think this is even a fair comparison. It’s like the giant douche vs turd sandwich false dichotomy.

Speaking in my capacity as a Pole, this is true. Not so much on the racialism these days but it is often forgotten that Poland is still heavily shackled by xianity and a cultural hatred for NS. It makes sense when you consider the history, but regardless of whether it makes sense how they got there, it needs to be corrected or Poland's majority-White, increasingly anti-Jew tendencies won't save it.

What I don't understand is why you're just tearing down an entire subgroup of the White race. Surely you can understand that's going to piss off people who don't want their own people insulted, especially when those insults are not actually based in reality. You don't like it when people insult you and your group, so I know you understand this.

I'm just throwing it out there that I reject the notion that Slavs are by and large ugly. People say this like they have some sort of statistics showing that this is an objective truth, and when you point out they don't have this, they just show you pictures of particularly ugly Eastern Europeans - not necessarily Slavs, but Balts and Romanians and Hungarians, etc. - and say "but see look at this specific example." Obviously you can have some ugly ass, Jew-looking Slavs out there, we've all seen it. But the same can be said of literally all racial subgroups, and I don't see the argument of "yeah but slavs in particular" as being anything more than a backed-into-a-corner excuse. Physical weakness doesn't hold up as a claim either, especially if your argument is you personally don't find Slavic men attractive so it stands to reason they're genetically weak (I hope there's more to it than that.). Especially when you see those strongman competitions and how a lot of them are populated with Slavs and Balts - and a healthy dose of Nordics, too. Iceland has it going on.

It's also worthy of note that you are more likely to be attracted to your subgroup, so it would make sense that non-Slavs tend to find Slavs less attractive. I tend to find Slavic features more attractive, usually. My other two main groups are also Anglo-Celtic and Germanic, and lo and behold those are also the groups I tend to be attracted to more often than not. I don't disrespect the subgroups I'm not part of, however. The issue here is that you equate your not finding them attractive as well as historical developments with meaning that they are therefore the worst subgroup, and this idea just strikes me as...anti-White, to be honest with you. I find anyone that encourages division amongst Whites, talking about which subgroup is better than the other, to be espousing anti-White rhetoric. Because it does create division, intentional or otherwise. We can have objective conversations about genetics, about the makeup of these subgroups, but dismissing a massive subgroup of White people as being just "the worst" and that they'd be blessed to have your genes and their men are by and large weak, it's just shit-talking. It's the type of shit-talking that would piss you off if someone came in saying that shit about Anglo-Celtics or White people as a whole - and people do say that shit about Anglo-Celtics and White people as a whole, using the same reasoning. And the shit-talking becomes even less steeped in reality when one tries to make a genetic basis for these arguments, when Slavs amongst themselves are so genetically varied that there's not really claims about genes one could make that applies to all Slavs, other than basic shit like they're White. Even if what you were saying were true, you're not going to actually convince anyone of that by smugly shitting on their people and, by extension, them. It genuinely does create hostility between different White subgroups, as the White Nationalist sphere on Twitter can really exemplify.

I hope at least some of this reaches you in the spirit that it's intended. It just genuinely bothers me when people insultingly tear down an entire group of White people - any White group, really, but certainly my own as well, because you are indeed talking about me by extension, as I'm part of my people, too. Even if we wanna talk about some sort of truthfulness to the genetic inferiority of Slavs to other ethnic groups, you'll have better luck with those ideas if you respectfully reach across the aisle to your other Satanists.
TV propaganda ,Brainwashing , unhealthy attraction

You only need one soul .

Two souls in one body = chaos "fall of human"

if people keep race mixing they will turn into Baboon

I know it sounded like I was tearing down Slavs for no real reason but it’s just a response to constant fetishization of EE and people like Putin. “Omg he upholds the Orthodox Church Russia is so based!”. It’s just annoying and untrue. Yeah most EE nations seem to be fairing well today compared to others but there’s still nothing you could do to make me go there. It looks grey and dreary all the time and generally soul crushing based on the communist architecture, I’m sure some towns and cities are great but it’s not for me.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
inthenameofsatan said:
, they are clearly better than anglo celtics.

No they aren’t we founded America and built/innovated it the other Europeans for the most part didn’t get here until Ellis island in the 20th century. You aren’t even white so IDK why you are talking about this.

you don't need to be white to see superiority of slavic race.
also i consider myself white
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

I know it sounded like I was tearing down Slavs for no real reason but it’s just a response to constant fetishization of EE and people like Putin. “Omg he upholds the Orthodox Church Russia is so based!”. It’s just annoying and untrue. Yeah most EE nations seem to be fairing well today compared to others but there’s still nothing you could do to make me go there. It looks grey and dreary all the time and generally soul crushing based on the communist architecture, I’m sure some towns and cities are great but it’s not for me.

Now see, this is perfectly fine and agreeable. I hope I emphasized well enough that it's just denigrating a White ethnic group that I take issue with, as criticisms towards Slavs and how shit is over there should be made often, namely in regards to the things you said. The communist architecture is in extreme contrast to the traditional European architecture that nevertheless is still present. It sucks because plenty of Slavic cities - St. Petersburg in particular even though a name change is in order - have a shit ton of great, colorful buildings from neoclassical, baroque, romantic, etc., periods, and if you look at Poland and the Czech Republic in particular, much of their cities do not contrast visually much with German cities at all, even the ones that were not part of Germany/Austria at varying intervals throughout history. It's funny enough that this point was brought up as a complete demolition of all remnants of EE's communist past, including all architectural styles and monuments, is one of the things I'm particularly passionate about.

The fetishization of Eastern Europe that you pointed out is actually a very real part of the other side of the Jewish coin that keeps all Europeans locked down. Whereas leftist ideologies/cultural Marxism have weakened Western Europe and shaped their political systems into operations that facilitate White destruction, Eastern Europe is held more in place by the residual remnants of xianity, which is trying to find lifeblood in nationalist sentiment. Those who are still confused are equating their catholicism/orthodoxy with being White/Slavic, and they're finding fervor in believing they're gonna save or defend Europe from the Muslim hordes like in ages past. Ultimately, it could be that Slavs do play a big role in actualizing Satan's plans for Europe and the rest of the world, but it's not going to be the Russian Orthodox saving the day.

That's to say nothing of the fact that Putin is Jewish, so the more NS-leaning Slavs who are increasingly aware of Jews and don't like them need to contend with that. I'll shit a sideways cactus before I start hearing arguments about how Putin is actually the Anton LaVey of Russian Jews.
inthenameofsatan said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
inthenameofsatan said:
, they are clearly better than anglo celtics.

No they aren’t we founded America and built/innovated it the other Europeans for the most part didn’t get here until Ellis island in the 20th century. You aren’t even white so IDK why you are talking about this.

you don't need to be white to see superiority of slavic race.
also i consider myself white

Slavs are pretty damn nifty, but I honestly don't think this should be a matter of superiority. We can still be realistic and objective about things like genetic variation causing things like IQ differences, differences in structure/strength, and so on, even amongst White groups, but it would be a healthier attitude to instead focus on improving ourselves and our people. So often when people talk about superiority, it's not to be objective, but to engage in some dick-waving contest of "haha we're better." I see that shit on the WN sphere of Twitter all the time and it sucks ass. Threads of these people explaining why Slavs or Anglos or Celts or Nordics or whatever else are actually the most advanced, genetically best ethnic group, and why the other White ethnic groups only have the good things they have because of mistakes in history. The result is always division amongst Whites who, themselves, actually share a lot of genes between these White subgroups, but identify with the most prevalent or their most favored one and then pit themselves against other White people. It genuinely does us no good in the end.

I think we'll be better off maintaining a brotherly sense of camaraderie between our various White groups, created by Satan as we are in accordance with His desires for us, and instead compare ourselves against how we were yesterday. Just keep building on ourselves, our own peoples, and improving any flaws or inefficiencies we find within. Over time the fruits of this labor will speak for itself and comparing White subgroups to each other will be like comparing piles of different rare metals, all valuable.

Thanks for the reasonable discussion I agree with your points.

inthenameofsatan said:
you don't need to be white to see superiority of slavic race.
Superior in what way? I don’t have to prove a negative so you can make a post telling me why.
also i consider myself white

What you consider yourself and what you actually are are 2 separate things. I can consider myself a unicorn but that doesn’t mean I am.
Stormblood said:
True romantic and sexual love cannot be experienced toward other races. What you can experience is lust at most. However, brainwashing can make you delirious and mimick something that doesn't exist in the same way hypnosis can make you act like a monkey when you aren't one.

Other than lust, friendship can be experienced in some cases and business relationship may be entertained, even in the SS future when each races will live in their own continent instead of being displaced where they don't belong culturally, climatically and otherwise.

This is the most accurate I have seen. Basically our Women have left us, what was once innocence and femininity is no longer with us. So we are left to sort between what self absorbed trash will be with us for the night.

Since becoming accustomed to this, Aryan men have resorted to different strategies to cope with this. One is to go Gay with other men, though this has stopped being a feasible option as well, as most are losers with HIV.

So then presents itself a new solution, that of race mixing with fair skinned races, who still have present those elements men look for. Namely, Asiatic and Latin Decent.

On further examination, the ability to connect and not be repulsed is not possible, at least to the extent of a relationship, but can however be over looked in the form of Lustful intercourse.

Those who possess stronger Pagan Souls, complain the hardest on this. As can be witnessed In some who appear to be so disillusioned and darkened by life, they appear almost sociopathic. While at the same time, the same members go on to fight the hardest and show how much they do care. While the bipolar tailspins could bewilder someone, this behavior is not indicative of a sociopath, who would never show weakness and instead attempt to show others how faultless they are.

This behavior rather is stemmed from the longing to return to the world they once knew. Just imagine someone stepping through a time portal from the 1300s to today society. They would be repulsed by everything, have no desire to stay, and plead to be allowed back to their own time. Thus is the dilemma of the soul who remembers.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

I know it sounded like I was tearing down Slavs for no real reason but it’s just a response to constant fetishization of EE and people like Putin. “Omg he upholds the Orthodox Church Russia is so based!”. It’s just annoying and untrue. Yeah most EE nations seem to be fairing well today compared to others but there’s still nothing you could do to make me go there. It looks grey and dreary all the time and generally soul crushing based on the communist architecture, I’m sure some towns and cities are great but it’s not for me.

Now see, this is perfectly fine and agreeable. I hope I emphasized well enough that it's just denigrating a White ethnic group that I take issue with, as criticisms towards Slavs and how shit is over there should be made often, namely in regards to the things you said. The communist architecture is in extreme contrast to the traditional European architecture that nevertheless is still present. It sucks because plenty of Slavic cities - St. Petersburg in particular even though a name change is in order - have a shit ton of great, colorful buildings from neoclassical, baroque, romantic, etc., periods, and if you look at Poland and the Czech Republic in particular, much of their cities do not contrast visually much with German cities at all, even the ones that were not part of Germany/Austria at varying intervals throughout history. It's funny enough that this point was brought up as a complete demolition of all remnants of EE's communist past, including all architectural styles and monuments, is one of the things I'm particularly passionate about.

The fetishization of Eastern Europe that you pointed out is actually a very real part of the other side of the Jewish coin that keeps all Europeans locked down. Whereas leftist ideologies/cultural Marxism have weakened Western Europe and shaped their political systems into operations that facilitate White destruction, Eastern Europe is held more in place by the residual remnants of xianity, which is trying to find lifeblood in nationalist sentiment. Those who are still confused are equating their catholicism/orthodoxy with being White/Slavic, and they're finding fervor in believing they're gonna save or defend Europe from the Muslim hordes like in ages past. Ultimately, it could be that Slavs do play a big role in actualizing Satan's plans for Europe and the rest of the world, but it's not going to be the Russian Orthodox saving the day.

That's to say nothing of the fact that Putin is Jewish, so the more NS-leaning Slavs who are increasingly aware of Jews and don't like them need to contend with that. I'll shit a sideways cactus before I start hearing arguments about how Putin is actually the Anton LaVey of Russian Jews.

Me as Estonian Finno-Ugric think that Slavs are cool people and they are white, but I think that we all Finno-Ugric, Germans and Slavs are little bit genetically different and I do not support mixing between them.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Now see, this is perfectly fine and agreeable. I hope I emphasized well enough that it's just denigrating a White ethnic group that I take issue with, as criticisms towards Slavs and how shit is over there should be made often, namely in regards to the things you said. The communist architecture is in extreme contrast to the traditional European architecture that nevertheless is still present. It sucks because plenty of Slavic cities - St. Petersburg in particular even though a name change is in order - have a shit ton of great, colorful buildings from neoclassical, baroque, romantic, etc., periods, and if you look at Poland and the Czech Republic in particular, much of their cities do not contrast visually much with German cities at all, even the ones that were not part of Germany/Austria at varying intervals throughout history. It's funny enough that this point was brought up as a complete demolition of all remnants of EE's communist past, including all architectural styles and monuments, is one of the things I'm particularly passionate about.

Communist architecture is real horror, especially in Estonian countryside places places where idiots built apartment building in the middle of the field and on first day plaster on the wall fell down.
Shanti Sananda said:
Stormblood said:
True romantic and sexual love cannot be experienced toward other races. What you can experience is lust at most. However, brainwashing can make you delirious and mimick something that doesn't exist in the same way hypnosis can make you act like a monkey when you aren't one.

Other than lust, friendship can be experienced in some cases and business relationship may be entertained, even in the SS future when each races will live in their own continent instead of being displaced where they don't belong culturally, climatically and otherwise.

Since becoming accustomed to this, Aryan men have resorted to different strategies to cope with this. One is to go Gay with other men, though this has stopped being a feasible option as well, as most are losers with HIV.

You must be new here. A few reminders about facts in this community:
• SS is not synonymous with MGTOW: we have women here and many of them are superstars, like our founder HPS Maxine Dietrich. Heil Maxine!
• HIV, AIDS and other STDs are known to be artificial ailments created by the kikes in Switzerland to destroy the homosexual population physically, just like they have destroyed them psychologically through abrahamic religions and GLBT organisations later. Through prostitutes, they are now also transmitted to heterosexual people who have the same likeness as homosexuals to be infected. This is also done because the enemy detests no lo longer having the same severe restrictions that were in place with abrahamic religions.
• Homosexuality is natural and fully accepted by our Gods.
• By quoting me, you quoted a prominent homosexual member of the SS community.
As time progresses and likesay with the increasing pressure I perceive there's a sum natural element in feminine Aryan women which is just going to come out naturally. There is literally nothing to worry about just do the race rituals and go as normal if your so concerned.
Stormblood said:
Shanti Sananda said:
Stormblood said:
True romantic and sexual love cannot be experienced toward other races. What you can experience is lust at most. However, brainwashing can make you delirious and mimick something that doesn't exist in the same way hypnosis can make you act like a monkey when you aren't one.

Other than lust, friendship can be experienced in some cases and business relationship may be entertained, even in the SS future when each races will live in their own continent instead of being displaced where they don't belong culturally, climatically and otherwise.

Since becoming accustomed to this, Aryan men have resorted to different strategies to cope with this. One is to go Gay with other men, though this has stopped being a feasible option as well, as most are losers with HIV.

You must be new here. A few reminders about facts in this community:
• SS is not synonymous with MGTOW: we have women here and many of them are superstars, like our founder HPS Maxine Dietrich. Heil Maxine!
• HIV, AIDS and other STDs are known to be artificial ailments created by the kikes in Switzerland to destroy the homosexual population physically, just like they have destroyed them psychologically through abrahamic religions and GLBT organisations later. Through prostitutes, they are now also transmitted to heterosexual people who have the same likeness as homosexuals to be infected. This is also done because the enemy detests no lo longer having the same severe restrictions that were in place with abrahamic religions.
• Homosexuality is natural and fully accepted by our Gods.
• By quoting me, you quoted a prominent homosexual member of the SS community.

I merely mentioned that dating guys was no better than dating girls in the western world. Where did I say homosexuality wasn't Natural?
Kurat said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I know it sounded like I was tearing down Slavs for no real reason but it’s just a response to constant fetishization of EE and people like Putin. “Omg he upholds the Orthodox Church Russia is so based!”. It’s just annoying and untrue. Yeah most EE nations seem to be fairing well today compared to others but there’s still nothing you could do to make me go there. It looks grey and dreary all the time and generally soul crushing based on the communist architecture, I’m sure some towns and cities are great but it’s not for me.

Now see, this is perfectly fine and agreeable. I hope I emphasized well enough that it's just denigrating a White ethnic group that I take issue with, as criticisms towards Slavs and how shit is over there should be made often, namely in regards to the things you said. The communist architecture is in extreme contrast to the traditional European architecture that nevertheless is still present. It sucks because plenty of Slavic cities - St. Petersburg in particular even though a name change is in order - have a shit ton of great, colorful buildings from neoclassical, baroque, romantic, etc., periods, and if you look at Poland and the Czech Republic in particular, much of their cities do not contrast visually much with German cities at all, even the ones that were not part of Germany/Austria at varying intervals throughout history. It's funny enough that this point was brought up as a complete demolition of all remnants of EE's communist past, including all architectural styles and monuments, is one of the things I'm particularly passionate about.

The fetishization of Eastern Europe that you pointed out is actually a very real part of the other side of the Jewish coin that keeps all Europeans locked down. Whereas leftist ideologies/cultural Marxism have weakened Western Europe and shaped their political systems into operations that facilitate White destruction, Eastern Europe is held more in place by the residual remnants of xianity, which is trying to find lifeblood in nationalist sentiment. Those who are still confused are equating their catholicism/orthodoxy with being White/Slavic, and they're finding fervor in believing they're gonna save or defend Europe from the Muslim hordes like in ages past. Ultimately, it could be that Slavs do play a big role in actualizing Satan's plans for Europe and the rest of the world, but it's not going to be the Russian Orthodox saving the day.

That's to say nothing of the fact that Putin is Jewish, so the more NS-leaning Slavs who are increasingly aware of Jews and don't like them need to contend with that. I'll shit a sideways cactus before I start hearing arguments about how Putin is actually the Anton LaVey of Russian Jews.

Me as Estonian Finno-Ugric think that Slavs are cool people and they are white, but I think that we all Finno-Ugric, Germans and Slavs are little bit genetically different and I do not support mixing between them.

Jews try push idea that Finno-Ugric nations are Mongolians but it is lie. Some Finno-Ugric nations in Siberia are mixed with Mongolians blood, but all Finno-Ugric nations have some white DNA and ancient times were all Finno-Ugrians white.
Non-Asian men who are "into" Asian women came from the stereotype that us Asian women are submissive and serve the husband. And not just that, they like the thought of us as small framed, and that also means tighter vagina.

What a bunch of bullshit.

Asian women these days in the west are marrying white and black men.

Black men love the thought of a tiny little Asian woman to have sex with. I've heard it all my youth.

However, in Asia, it is still preferable to stick to our own. And that we should do!
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Now see, this is perfectly fine and agreeable. I hope I emphasized well enough that it's just denigrating a White ethnic group that I take issue with, as criticisms towards Slavs and how shit is over there should be made often, namely in regards to the things you said. The communist architecture is in extreme contrast to the traditional European architecture that nevertheless is still present. It sucks because plenty of Slavic cities - St. Petersburg in particular even though a name change is in order - have a shit ton of great, colorful buildings from neoclassical, baroque, romantic, etc., periods, and if you look at Poland and the Czech Republic in particular, much of their cities do not contrast visually much with German cities at all, even the ones that were not part of Germany/Austria at varying intervals throughout history. It's funny enough that this point was brought up as a complete demolition of all remnants of EE's communist past, including all architectural styles and monuments, is one of the things I'm particularly passionate about.

The fetishization of Eastern Europe that you pointed out is actually a very real part of the other side of the Jewish coin that keeps all Europeans locked down. Whereas leftist ideologies/cultural Marxism have weakened Western Europe and shaped their political systems into operations that facilitate White destruction, Eastern Europe is held more in place by the residual remnants of xianity, which is trying to find lifeblood in nationalist sentiment. Those who are still confused are equating their catholicism/orthodoxy with being White/Slavic, and they're finding fervor in believing they're gonna save or defend Europe from the Muslim hordes like in ages past. Ultimately, it could be that Slavs do play a big role in actualizing Satan's plans for Europe and the rest of the world, but it's not going to be the Russian Orthodox saving the day.

That's to say nothing of the fact that Putin is Jewish, so the more NS-leaning Slavs who are increasingly aware of Jews and don't like them need to contend with that. I'll shit a sideways cactus before I start hearing arguments about how Putin is actually the Anton LaVey of Russian Jews.

Me as Estonian Finno-Ugric think that Slavs are cool people and they are white, but I think that we all Finno-Ugric, Germans and Slavs are little bit genetically different and I do not support mixing between them.

Jews try push idea that Finno-Ugric nations are Mongolians but it is lie. Some Finno-Ugric nations in Siberia are mixed with Mongolians blood, but all Finno-Ugric nations have some white DNA and ancient times were all Finno-Ugrians white.

Finno - Ugric Asiatic blood in the past or lets Mix between Nordics and mongols

Currently All Finno-ugric are fairly white, blue eyed and blonde to gold hair

But still you can see some Mongolian vibes in their appearance but today considered fairly European

Heavily mixed with Nordics of sKandanavia

as an example , check this football player he is Norwegian blue eyes +gold hair




You can see Asiatic strains"blood" in him, But Europeans ,they are now European just like the Basques of Iberia .

study the phenotype finno-ugric and the lapps +samis ,
Apply critical thinking do your own Hypothesis.

* There is no racism at all, and no reason to worry about .
sonnenkraft said:
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
Me as Estonian Finno-Ugric think that Slavs are cool people and they are white, but I think that we all Finno-Ugric, Germans and Slavs are little bit genetically different and I do not support mixing between them.

Jews try push idea that Finno-Ugric nations are Mongolians but it is lie. Some Finno-Ugric nations in Siberia are mixed with Mongolians blood, but all Finno-Ugric nations have some white DNA and ancient times were all Finno-Ugrians white.

Finno - Ugric Asiatic blood in the past or lets Mix between Nordics and mongols

Currently All Finno-ugric are fairly white, blue eyed and blonde to gold hair

But still you can see some Mongolian vibes in their appearance but today considered fairly European

Heavily mixed with Nordics of sKandanavia

as an example , check this football player he is Norwegian blue eyes +gold hair




You can see Asiatic strains"blood" in him, But Europeans ,they are now European just like the Basques of Iberia .

study the phenotype finno-ugric and the lapps +samis ,
Apply critical thinking do your own Hypothesis.

* There is no racism at all, and no reason to worry about .

Haland is hot.
sonnenkraft said:
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
Me as Estonian Finno-Ugric think that Slavs are cool people and they are white, but I think that we all Finno-Ugric, Germans and Slavs are little bit genetically different and I do not support mixing between them.

Jews try push idea that Finno-Ugric nations are Mongolians but it is lie. Some Finno-Ugric nations in Siberia are mixed with Mongolians blood, but all Finno-Ugric nations have some white DNA and ancient times were all Finno-Ugrians white.

Finno - Ugric Asiatic blood in the past or lets Mix between Nordics and mongols

Currently All Finno-ugric are fairly white, blue eyed and blonde to gold hair

But still you can see some Mongolian vibes in their appearance but today considered fairly European

Heavily mixed with Nordics of sKandanavia

as an example , check this football player he is Norwegian blue eyes +gold hair




You can see Asiatic strains"blood" in him, But Europeans ,they are now European just like the Basques of Iberia .

study the phenotype finno-ugric and the lapps +samis ,
Apply critical thinking do your own Hypothesis.

* There is no racism at all, and no reason to worry about .

Yes, some Finno-Ugric people are mixed with Asians, but I think that originally they where full white and it happened later. For example in Russian Empire during Ivan the Terrible time, when he wanted mix all nations to one Christian Russian nation, or in My family tree where I have about 3% Asian blood by My Grandfather bloodline, race mixing happened about 100-200 years ago. Idea that from Siberia come Asiatic Finno-Ugric people to Estonia and Finland and mixed race so hard that they become white sounds utopic. "Finno-Ugrians are Asians" are idea what white race enemies are using, some leftist idiot wrote in Estonian newspaper that Estonians are changed race in past from Asians to White, so in future it is not problem to change it to Black. But I still believe idea that Finno-Ugric people come from Siberia, because when our langue and culture come from here, then blood must to. Native Siberians was white.
Stormblood said:
Haland is hot.

:D :lol: , Yup ,he is a beautiful gentile
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
>Slavs are the worst subrace

>The only countries that aren't totally cucked to oblivion are Slavic countries.

I never said they weren’t resilient people. Enduring starvation and being thrown in gulags for decades will you make you keen and less prone to believe Jew lies having lived under it.

Henu the Great said:
:D So you base your view on them purely on superficial reasons, ie. looks. Who would have thought. :D

It wouldn't be a favor, as it is sub race mixing... And that's not a reason to mix further, btw. You should know better than that...
Looks are not superficial. It’s very hard to have a strong and ugly population. Good genes have been shown to come in packages.

Would you say that the Demons are unattractive? No because they are the pinnacle of nature. Everyone knows inherently what’s beautiful and what isn’t and this goes far beyond human facial structure.

Slavs = Slaves

Have pity on them they are fighting the good fight against worldwide jewry more than most groups of ppl.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
>Slavs are the worst subrace

>The only countries that aren't totally cucked to oblivion are Slavic countries.

I never said they weren’t resilient people. Enduring starvation and being thrown in gulags for decades will you make you keen and less prone to believe Jew lies having lived under it.

Henu the Great said:
:D So you base your view on them purely on superficial reasons, ie. looks. Who would have thought. :D

It wouldn't be a favor, as it is sub race mixing... And that's not a reason to mix further, btw. You should know better than that...
Looks are not superficial. It’s very hard to have a strong and ugly population. Good genes have been shown to come in packages.

Would you say that the Demons are unattractive? No because they are the pinnacle of nature. Everyone knows inherently what’s beautiful and what isn’t and this goes far beyond human facial structure.

Slavs = Slaves

Have pity on them they are fighting the good fight against worldwide jewry more than most groups of ppl.
Please, do not insult our members. We have Slavic members and this is very disrespectful toward them.
Stormblood said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I never said they weren’t resilient people. Enduring starvation and being thrown in gulags for decades will you make you keen and less prone to believe Jew lies having lived under it.

Looks are not superficial. It’s very hard to have a strong and ugly population. Good genes have been shown to come in packages.

Would you say that the Demons are unattractive? No because they are the pinnacle of nature. Everyone knows inherently what’s beautiful and what isn’t and this goes far beyond human facial structure.

Slavs = Slaves

Have pity on them they are fighting the good fight against worldwide jewry more than most groups of ppl.
Please, do not insult our members. We have Slavic members and this is very disrespectful toward them.

Sorry it was meant to be a backhanded defense of them against Southern's remarks.
I have to say this or I can't keep calm.

I, in all of my honestly and sincerity, absolutely think that eastern asian women are beautiful and attractive.(Japanese, Korean or Chinese)

This is something which has to be stated no matter what.

Also, I used to find the hollywood women not so attractive but eastern asian women beautiful. But The female lead in Better Call Saul is absolutely Wife material. She's attractive too and so kind.
Username said:
I have to say this or I can't keep calm.

I, in all of my honestly and sincerity, absolutely think that eastern asian women are beautiful and attractive.(Japanese, Korean or Chinese)

You have a serious problem.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Username said:
I have to say this or I can't keep calm.

I, in all of my honestly and sincerity, absolutely think that eastern asian women are beautiful and attractive.(Japanese, Korean or Chinese)

You have a serious problem.

How so ?
Can you clarify ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
