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Are These People Satanists?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
JoS always had a policy of not spending our time to even address non serious people online or those who don't matter for Satanism in general.

Joy of Satan leads - we are the leaders in Satanism online. For this reason, even people who fundamentally do not like us, tend to read on our material with great care. Most of the time, this can be done for good or nefarious purposes and intentions, to learn, or to hate and detract. Some go as far as to steal this material. And so on.

The Joy of Satan, has always been generous, and it's position where it is, is because we have provided true, open, verifiable, and actual information. This was Satan's Will and it was done. This is why we have also had all this success, which other Satanists can like, dislike, envy, respect or disrespect.

It is, what it is.

Recently, some member posted yet another video of yet another 'Satanist' online, who has taken on themselves, the valiant and glorious arguments [most of these go around for decades, we are bored of them] against the Joy of Satan.

None of them made sense in any objective fashion. Most of it is also idle repetitions that have been done over many years, which are generally a package of "JoS haters" arguments, that only revolve around disliking the Joy of Satan, oftentimes because of other interests or individual reasoning.

But we are used to this. As most of these arguments, if they stood by logical fashion, and they weren't more of the usual "but I feel like I know better", they would have arguable substance.

The intention of the video, was basically explained in the first 2 minutes, and it is always the same, below expectations, type of arguing that takes place.

People just have an issue with the Joy of Satan for being the most long-term Satanic Organization and the biggest online, and so on, they feel like we steal the customers of scammers, imposters, and other similar individuals who have offered nothing to Satan unless it's confusion.

Most arguments against the Joy of Satan are not these of an actual, argument character, based on logic or fallacy, but it's about different "moral values" and other similar pointless evaluations. These valuations are at odds even with themselves most of the time, and what a Satanist is supposed to mean, not by JoS standards, but by all Satanic standards.

One problem these people have is what they refer to as "The JoS is Antisemetic", as if that is evil. If this is evil, they fail to explain why this is evil, other than virtue signalling and using lines that are frequently heard by many people nowadays on the subject.

Tell me, since one is a Satanist, and they understand that one can go contrary to popular accepted notions and 'morals' - if the information and objective reality, at least on our research, points out to the collective of the Jews, as a danger to Satanism - what is so morally wrong to actually dislike them, close our doors, or even more, demand that these people clear the space and allow Satanism to grow, which is in our interest to grow?

Even worse, the above reveals the following: the moral valuation of this collapses unto itself, and it's reality is reliant only on one thing: whether or not this information about Jews is objective.

None of these individuals sat down, and even if they act like judges, they never took it on themselves to make a reasonable analysis on why a "Satanist", should in anyway, at least be wary or close out these influences that collectively we can call by many names: "Jewish, Hebrew, Abrahamic" and so on.

They try to make it seem, like any media outlet and deceitful person would, that we are randomly, out of the blue, beyond any logical grounding, against "Jews". This is the epitome of not only dishonesty, but also, it shows that these people are only emotionally and morally valuating, and not thinking of the matter objectively.

You see, one can feel however they want about this subject. People can choose to ignore it. They can tell themselves, the Jews have done nothing wrong to Satan or the Demons, and they may go as far as the convenience of lying to themselves goes. They can be at ease with this emotional valuation of the situation.

Mages, Pagans, Witches, even New Agers, can make the same claims. They were the persecuted classes when the creations of Jews had full power onto this earth, but they can now live in permanent denial. More of the "Feel Good" arguing here presents itself.

We, we don't want to live in this denial, and we accept the actual inheritance of what it means to be a Satanist, with the inconvenient parts involved. Do I need to point to the Deuteronomy and other curses, in regards to the penalties that involve death in regards to "people like this"?

The striking majority of jews, lives by these rules for about 20 centuries, without a change in a letter to these rules. Nobody tells them it's "immoral", even if it's totally evil and proof of bottomless hatred to do so. Meanwhile, everyone tells us the moral fake talking, because we dislike their aeons long racist, supremacist, anti-magician, anti-logical, anti-Satanic, hatred.

And why do people see only one side of this coin? Because indeed, Jews do massively control the moral valuations of understanding that people make. Nietzsche has explained this reality. Satanists who pretend to be smart, inquisitive, or into research, should read these works such as the "Anti-Christ" to understand what this means and how it has affected our civilizations for centuries. Not only ours, but those of the world at large.

It only comes down to objective reality, that one will understand if there is any point to our disdain with the Jews, or what we collectively call "Jewish, Hebraic, Abrahamic" and so on. Many "Satanists" do swear, and they are by definition, into ways parted to this moral standardization promoted by the enemy, yet many are still conditioned to think, to behave, and to defend it, even if they are enemies to it.

This, proves how subjected and mentally enslaved are by those in control. You unconsciously don't even criticize jews, because this is how deeply they have programmed everyone to not criticize them or look into disliking them as an objective choice, that one should be allowed to make out of their free will.

Jews after all, they have made their choice - their culture is about hating all other cultures in a very fundamental way, inscribed all over their books, litanies, prayers and curses. If anyone else does defend themselves from this, what is actually the negative thing?

Is not Satanism about justice, and practicing fundamental natural logic? Are there animals in nature that are attempted at a massacre and don't try to react to this or avoid it?

These people who deceitfully argue falsely that it's not jews that control this all, but if this was not the case, why is everyone enforced into believing into jewish lies since childhood, such as the lie of the Nazarene, or the lie of Islam borne out of the same historical lore?

Why were you brought up to worship a Jew from Nazareth, if this race of people, has not had any "influence" towards you, "Free-Thinker"?

Because these people do not have influence? No. Because they do have had, for centuries, a totalitarian influence over culture. That is why Satanists have to run worldwide and they are considered monsters. One can tell themselves any lie, but this is the reality.

History proves otherwise, and is contrarian to these emotional lies in regards to the matter. That is the objective, and factual Truth. While these people call themselves "Satanists", ignoring the fundamental and historical realities, one's argument cannot matter.

They ignore that all persecution, death, and attacks on Satan and the Gods, did emerge from jewish talmudic, torah, and abrahamic lore. It's these values that made this world into an unwelcome, threatening, or negative environment for Satanists, Witches, researchers of the spirit, even scientists.

These were the first, most violent, and most direct attacks Satan and the Pagan Gods have ever received, but also the collective spirit of what we call "Ancient Religions".

These later were transformed by other zealots to the main, Abrahamic "Religions", which used to kill people like these "Satanists" for centuries, over and over again, on the mere suspicion one was engaged into any of the "Forbidden arts".

The whole lore of the jews, is a counter culture to attack the Demons and Satan. Jewish culture says nothing else but that "Polytheism is invalid" and that everyone who does not believe in the singular interpretation of "God", deserves death and punishment.

This gave birth to social, political and living conditions. Before that, all of this was acceptable and part of society. After this, people were hunted like animals.

Nietzsche and other great thinkers to explain, that all of the jewish "culture", was essentially only a form of revenge against their "Rival Races", of people "Aryan", who were superior to them, and whom they had to socially compete.

Everyone who has read anything about jews, or even knows the absolute basics, does know that these people lived among Pagans in Spiritual Civilizations. All their books are heaps of curses, attacks, and defamation against these people and their Nations.

Jews formulated, because of their own hatred, all the slander, defamation, fear, against the Pagan Gods, the spiritual, and anything that went contrary to this, was destroyed by slaves that followed their programs.

These people, calling themselves 'Satanists', they don't have a problem with this all.

They never studied any history probably. Their whole justification is their emotion. In the case of jews who try to promote this lie, it's nothing but a self preservation mechanism - they are promoting in the Satanic Community exactly what will benefit jews themselves.

Maybe from some of these people, some are just dumb and/or don't possess a spirit of justice or cannot afford to ask questions.

Many also, being jews themselves, which would explain a lot of their profanity in what they call and try to define as Satanism, turning it to nothing but a bogus circus, or using it only as a proxy for a fast buck for a pointless book. According to these "Satanists", this behavior is "acceptable".

Another thing these people always tend to ignore, is that "by coincidence", the "powers that be", which are overwhelmingly controlled by people who are jews, into judaism, or the related religious affiliations where the whole river ends into the same jewish pond, do "happen" to have with-held, punished by death, or in the very least, hidden, all information that deals with the "Devil" or "Satan", unless it conformed to their own biblical dialectic.

Everything little that did survive in regards to "Satanism", and every "grimoire" that survived, came out of jewish hands, or christians, teaching defiled practices that disrespect and vilify the Gods? Most of which involve methods which could only relate to torture, disrespect, slander, and attacks?

If one wants to call themselves a "Satanist", at least, unless one is a complete pretender and/or does this for social reasons, it wouldn't be as illogical to accept fundamental realities such as the above. Be this that this is lack of education masking itself through spectacles of pointless superiority [another bogus behavior by bogus Satanists] these people should study and learn.

And if one feels they are in allegiance with the "Dark Lord", they might as well take seriously the threats that conspire for centuries to destroy all the legacy of the wonderful spiritual path that is Satanism. Or they can sit on the sidelines and not make judgements about matters that are superior to their understanding and themselves.

We will keep fighting for our right to a safe world and environment for our practices and existence, and also, we will keep fighting for Satanism, which will of course, benefit many of those who are against us now.

We are not against other Satanists who seek to do the same - or who fight the above aforementioned enemy in other forms, be these social or political. If one decides for emotional reasons that one cannot accept the reality of the above, one is lesser than the people that we want to reach.

We are also well aware, that many others do understand and espouse these views, but privately, due to fear of persecution, death, or other forms of misfortune, further validating our arguments.

We have nothing against efforts done on other levels, but we have a right to consider them "lesser than" or simply not honest or meaningful enough. As far as we go, these benefit Satan too, but not on the level which will cause an overturn of the general worldwide hostility against Satan and Satanism.

We also retain the right, however, as the biggest and oldest Satanic organization of the internet, the biggest in membership by the biggest comparison, and after having helped hundreds of thousands of Satanists, to maintain our views in regards to the aforementioned issues and to share them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
At the end of the day it's just more propaganda for us. Whether good, neutral, or bad propaganda someone out there is gonna be like "You know these JoS guys seem to have legit understanding, the whole anti-semtic aspect is interesting let me inquire further".

In the end this person or these people whom are "JoS haters" are basically feeding into us. It be akin to some jewish person going on MSM/Judenpresse and going "Oy vey evil Satanic Nazis are doing spiritual warfare against us". "It's those Joy of Satan freaks they perform reverse torah rituals and reverse new testament rituals and attack our alephbet with magick rituals and all these reversal stuff."

Funny enough how many people are gonna go "Wait a fucking minute, Spiritual warfare, Nazi, anti-semtic, magick, spirituality, RTR/RNTRs". You got yourself a new Satanists, hannukah bastard.

So in the end let the haters, hate, they'll just feed into us. Whereby people take the time to explore would realize they are wrong and we are right. Funny enough many of these "JoS haters" or "anti-JoS" are like stating we are an eCult or we put guns to people's head to make them dedicate or work with us. Nope, not at all, sure we might by definition on the first point be CONSIDERED a cult but it's not unreasonable that they too could be a cult as well or that by definition many xtians are in cults themselves or group herd mentality of said groups like a Militia group or something.

Anyways it's still a win for us. They are just giving us free advertisement.
Jews claim that the collectives of Gentile people, "descendants of Esav" [Whites], "descendants of Ham" [Blacks], "descendants of Amalek" [collective of Gentiles that tried to defend their civilizations and beliefs] and every other Gentile people, deserved all the torment that happened to them, and will be subject to eternal punishment and damnation when and if their "Messiah" arrives. Hmmm...

They write volumes on how they torment people, and how they see everyone as cattle animals. Hmmm...

There are no such writings from any of the above cultures against Jews. Only jews wrote these things for 2000+ years. Yet jews claimed everyone hated them and not the other way around...Hmm....

For thousands of years. They had a lot of chances to reverse it, and any few of them that were "live and let be", they never prevailed in their midst to impose "sanity". That's because the striking majority of them which is insane, always ruled...Even during "Democracy"...So they elect these and allow these to rule them... Hmmm...

All the jewish work and bible is about how Gentiles pay the "Sins of their forefathers" or of "Adam and Eve", so they don't accept any "Individual" not being liable to hereditary punishment...Hmm....

Meanwhile jews hide behind the shield that they are "individuals" and that "nothing their forefathers did is what they should pay for"...While they do all the same...Hmm...

But some goyim after many centuries decided it's time they stop that shit, so they are the evil ones. Hmmm...

Jews are the type of bully to have beat up the whole school. Bully walks around with a book of all the people he has beat to death, and says it's a good thing. Hmm...

And then when someone raises a fist to them and beats them, they cry it's immoral to do so, because goyim, don't resist it, says the book the bully wrote. Hmm...
I remember one time I saw a post in the judaism subreddit by someone asking their community what they thought of him being a pagan and getting into pagan culture. The top reply was "Against the noahide laws." I laugh whenever I think of that. The jews have no right to their hypocritical cries of persecution.
Gear88 said:
At the end of the day it's just more propaganda for us. Whether good, neutral, or bad propaganda someone out there is gonna be like "You know these JoS guys seem to have legit understanding, the whole anti-semtic aspect is interesting let me inquire further".
Any publicity is good publicity! xD That's why the jew and its (((media))) don't mention us very much. That is because while there may be, say... 100 million individuals who are against us, there would be 2 billion who would be for us, for example.

In the end this person or these people whom are "JoS haters" are basically feeding into us. It be akin to some jewish person going on MSM/Judenpresse and going "Oy vey evil Satanic Nazis are doing spiritual warfare against us". "It's those Joy of Satan freaks they perform reverse torah rituals and reverse new testament rituals and attack our alephbet with magick rituals and all these reversal stuff."
If the jew said it as blatantly as that, many people would still not believe it, because "Magick no exist!" - but some still would come, though, even if just for the anti-semitism.

Funny enough how many people are gonna go "Wait a fucking minute, Spiritual warfare, Nazi, anti-semtic, magick, spirituality, RTR/RNTRs". You got yourself a new Satanists, hannukah bastard.
Lol. Some - too many for the jew's liking!

So in the end let the haters, hate, they'll just feed into us. Whereby people take the time to explore would realize they are wrong and we are right. Funny enough many of these "JoS haters" or "anti-JoS" are like stating we are an eCult or we put guns to people's head to make them dedicate or work with us.
Yeah? Why hate us so much? Why not just ignore us? If they go and fap over porn but they dislike certain genres, would they make an anti-[insert disliked porn genre here] site? Well, why the fornicate not?! Zidiots.

Nope, not at all, sure we might by definition on the first point be CONSIDERED a cult but it's not unreasonable that they too could be a cult as well or that by definition many xtians are in cults themselves or group herd mentality of said groups like a Militia group or something.
Someone once said that religions start as cults. The difference here is that we are not a "religion"; we are supporters, promoters, encouragers, endorsers of Scientific Nature or Natural Science.

Anyways it's still a win for us. They are just giving us free advertisement.
Zidiots just accept ignorantly and without researching what is said on these anti sites, but some of the audience/users of the sites eventually would still see what the JoS says is right - and has been proven right again and again and again...

Meteor said:
Even if it wasn't for the things they've done being unforgivable, there's the fact that they're still continuing it to this day. Even their language contains an insult to Satan. With everything combined, how can anyone believe Satan would care for such disgusting vermin?
In fact, is there any excuse at all not to despise them?
If you mean the jew, then it has a soul incompatible with Humans and Nature here. Oil and water don't mix; chalk and cheese don't mix. The jew and its shit is just unnatural here and unnatural for us. As for any Humans who are against us - they still have a chance. They can come to realise the actual truth and be on the correct side. Regardless of whether they come onto the right side or not, National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism - or "Paganism" - will not stop, because they cannot be stopped. They cannot be stopped as much as the Universe being eternal cannot be stopped.

What, should they not pay for the crimes of their ancestors, because they're individuals too? If they're individuals, why do they still continue their crimes to this day? Clearly, their fault lies not only in their actions but in their very being as well.
Again - the jew's soul is incompatible with Humans and Nature here. It just doesn't fit-in, it doesn't belong here. It's like devices telling you to not mix batteries, because of the different make-ups of them.

Is it unfair? Unfair to whom exactly? I think our response is perfectly reasonable.
The jew is a disease upon this part of Nature and us. We do not hesitate to kill germs which are trying to kill us, so we also should not hesitate to use legal means to remove an infestation of unwanted aliens/ETs from our midst, either.
Niddah 45 said:
Rav Ḥisda said: Come and hear the mishna: If the girl is less than that age of three years and one day, intercourse with her is like placing a finger into the eye. Why do I need the mishna to teach: Like placing a finger into the eye? Let it teach simply: If she is less than that age, intercourse with her is nothing. What, is it not correct that this is what the mishna teaches us, by its comparison to an eye: Just as placing a finger in an eye causes it to tear and tear again, when another finger is placed in it, so too after the intercourse of a girl under three the hymen disappears and comes back again?

Source= the jew himself- https://www.sefaria.org/Niddah.45a.8?lang=bi

1 and only part of the talmud make this race detestable and more, these degenerates would probably dismiss this.
As the the world falls apart and people are thrown into lockdown after lockdown hell, these 'Satanists' permit allegiances with xian progressives and other idiots. Factually speaking, Sleepy Joe has a picture of the FUCKING POPE in the White House Office, which anyone about separating church and state should find absolutely outrageous and appalling. His VP was bribed to overlook Catholic priests raping kids for decades. Even if you hate Trump and find him distasteful, anyone who isn't some sort of mental defective and truly hates xianity could and would not align themselves with this.

As per our dear friend zeliris, it seems that 'radical individualism' of these """"Satanists"""" just boils down to operating a weed business, bragging about getting kickbacks from 'higher ups' and fucking everyone else over, while also somehow being a BLM drone reiterating ressentiment and ideas of original sin in racial terms.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One problem these people have is what they refer to as "The JoS is Antisemetic", as if that is evil. If this is evil, they fail to explain why this is evil, other than virtue signalling and using lines that are frequently heard by many people nowadays on the subject.

It is funny, leftists "satanists" say that they are against mainstream xtianity, but when you talk about jews, they say that oy vey it is evil because mainstream media say so. Leftist "satanists" are our great enemies, like The Satanic Temple, what even do not believe in Satan and magic but support Marxist crap.
You make great points HP. These fake satanists either lack intellect, know very little of history, or their "ego" is much too big for reality.

In my honest opinion the main character flaw with these fake satanists is that they don't want to be honest with themselves. As if they have the power to bend reality. In their mind if they "believe" the jews aren't criminals, that will completely overwrite the millennias of their crimes.

These fake Satanists can't even manifest the simplest of spells. Let alone be honest with themselves of the situation they find themselves in.
Aquarius said:
Niddah 45 said:
Rav Ḥisda said: Come and hear the mishna: If the girl is less than that age of three years and one day, intercourse with her is like placing a finger into the eye. Why do I need the mishna to teach: Like placing a finger into the eye? Let it teach simply: If she is less than that age, intercourse with her is nothing. What, is it not correct that this is what the mishna teaches us, by its comparison to an eye: Just as placing a finger in an eye causes it to tear and tear again, when another finger is placed in it, so too after the intercourse of a girl under three the hymen disappears and comes back again?

Source= the jew himself- https://www.sefaria.org/Niddah.45a.8?lang=bi

1 and only part of the talmud make this race detestable and more, these degenerates would probably dismiss this.

"Sefaria which is the biggest jewish website about their writings is wrong goy. Oy vey"
I have seen a lot of rubbish online "against JOS"

I just laugh at it :lol: as its just to discredit us and clergy.

Got to stay loyal to our own people and Clergy.

Hail JOS
Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Niddah 45 said:
Rav Ḥisda said: Come and hear the mishna: If the girl is less than that age of three years and one day, intercourse with her is like placing a finger into the eye. Why do I need the mishna to teach: Like placing a finger into the eye? Let it teach simply: If she is less than that age, intercourse with her is nothing. What, is it not correct that this is what the mishna teaches us, by its comparison to an eye: Just as placing a finger in an eye causes it to tear and tear again, when another finger is placed in it, so too after the intercourse of a girl under three the hymen disappears and comes back again?

Source= the jew himself- https://www.sefaria.org/Niddah.45a.8?lang=bi

1 and only part of the talmud make this race detestable and more, these degenerates would probably dismiss this.

"Sefaria which is the biggest jewish website about their writings is wrong goy. Oy vey"
If you read more it get even worse...they say 12 is a good age to get her pregnant *puke*
Grazie Cobra per questo discorso ,io credo che chi parla o simpatizza per ebrei cristiani mussulmani non possa dichiararsi Satanista .Sappiamo tutti i crimini commessi da questi nel corso dei secoli , tutto il male fatto ai nostri dei .io persobalmante ho impiegato 40 anni per trovare la verita su Satana ed i nstri Dei, quindi trovo disgusto per gli ebrei ed i loro complici ..e sono sicuro che vedranno l ira di Satana e solo cio che meritano..Hail Satan
Gear88 said:
At the end of the day it's just more propaganda for us. Whether good, neutral, or bad propaganda someone out there is gonna be like "You know these JoS guys seem to have legit understanding, the whole anti-semtic aspect is interesting let me inquire further".

In the end this person or these people whom are "JoS haters" are basically feeding into us. It be akin to some jewish person going on MSM/Judenpresse and going "Oy vey evil Satanic Nazis are doing spiritual warfare against us". "It's those Joy of Satan freaks they perform reverse torah rituals and reverse new testament rituals and attack our alephbet with magick rituals and all these reversal stuff."

Funny enough how many people are gonna go "Wait a fucking minute, Spiritual warfare, Nazi, anti-semtic, magick, spirituality, RTR/RNTRs". You got yourself a new Satanists, hannukah bastard.

So in the end let the haters, hate, they'll just feed into us. Whereby people take the time to explore would realize they are wrong and we are right. Funny enough many of these "JoS haters" or "anti-JoS" are like stating we are an eCult or we put guns to people's head to make them dedicate or work with us. Nope, not at all, sure we might by definition on the first point be CONSIDERED a cult but it's not unreasonable that they too could be a cult as well or that by definition many xtians are in cults themselves or group herd mentality of said groups like a Militia group or something.

Anyways it's still a win for us. They are just giving us free advertisement.

Anymore, this is beyond stupid. It no longer has any effect on anyone. It always come down to, we are some kinda cult because we dont get down and ass kiss the jews, with every chance present.

They dont bother to actually read the material, or debate the material. They just hold a haughty attitude, and were suppose to kiss their ass, because they are serious sounding and act like they know everything.

Its beyond retarded, and may work on those of a very young age, who havent studied. Normally these people are jewish or are under jewish persuasion. Their arguments never hold up to any substantial value, just alot of mindless pleading and phobia creation, such as Maxine created a thoughtform ect.
Haters gonna hate.

If they want to dabble in the enemy's teachings while claiming to be satanists, then they will reap the result of poison.

The enemy has more or less poisoned the very fabric of reality for their followers. People who follow their teaching can be considered in a very different universe. The gap is incredible. They live in pain, misery, and suffering. The result of all those curses and spiritual ignorance are plainly visible to the trained eye.

What's worse is everytime you watch someone else try to improve only to be dragged down by those very same forces.

We are very lucky to be here. RTR all the days!
Aquarius said:
Niddah 45 said:
Rav Ḥisda said: Come and hear the mishna: If the girl is less than that age of three years and one day, intercourse with her is like placing a finger into the eye. Why do I need the mishna to teach: Like placing a finger into the eye? Let it teach simply: If she is less than that age, intercourse with her is nothing. What, is it not correct that this is what the mishna teaches us, by its comparison to an eye: Just as placing a finger in an eye causes it to tear and tear again, when another finger is placed in it, so too after the intercourse of a girl under three the hymen disappears and comes back again?

Source= the jew himself- https://www.sefaria.org/Niddah.45a.8?lang=bi

1 and only part of the talmud make this race detestable and more, these degenerates would probably dismiss this.

Then I don't wanna hear Satanic Path is such evil and cruel. I am totally sane and natural.
Who wouldn't want to build a whole building where you can put pedos, and go there to play funny games?
And, of course, when they die, you bring them back to life and go on.
Eugenics, anger release...they can be useful. Or they could be used to train magick. Telekines can of course be used to break bones and cut things...these people would be great test animals for those who want to learn such things.
I get mad. Thinking that my son could be near one of them. Or that children live in a world where certain things exist. Or that these things themselves exist.
Who in the world would let a pedo live? Sure, he can live, if living means being a test animal or a mean to unleash anger.
If I could, I would go take the kike who wrote this, and rip him apart with my own hands.
Children have to stay children. Children are our tomorrow. And we don't want a world full of men and women with suicidal thoughts, mental disorders, drug addiction. And of course, I don't want to see other people who have been abused. I don't want to live and know that in this exact moment, a baby is being ruined.
It goes also for standard rapists. For how standard they can be.
I am tired of xians protecting them. If you defend them, you deserve death. How in the world could you ever say that they can be healed through prayers?
I have big plans for these "people".
I get that the Jews are evil. I agree you're stupid if you don't see it, or sadly still programmed.
I was dumb to doubt. And it only happened because I'm not advanced enough to communicate with the gods and see for myself. Thanks HP.
Low Priest said:
I get that the Jews are evil. I agree you're stupid if you don't see it, or sadly still programmed.
I was dumb to doubt. And it only happened because I'm not advanced enough to communicate with the gods and see for myself. Thanks HP.

All the JoS is about:

1. Seek Satan and the Gods
2. Try to learn to communicate with them.
3. Summon Demons.
4. Become spiritually competent to grow and become better on the above. So you can get in contact with THEM and make your life better, advance and so on.

Like, this are the core teachings of JoS. Not sure why so many people lie about obvious things, about us.

Maybe they want to summon Archangels, kiss jewish rear, and buy some worthless book online, or write it to make a hundred dollars. And they feel like we're an obstacle.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Source= the jew himself- https://www.sefaria.org/Niddah.45a.8?lang=bi

1 and only part of the talmud make this race detestable and more, these degenerates would probably dismiss this.

"Sefaria which is the biggest jewish website about their writings is wrong goy. Oy vey"
If you read more it get even worse...they say 12 is a good age to get her pregnant *puke*

"Ov vey how dare you criticize child molestor holy rabbis goyim. You're supposed to accept everyone as they are. Oy vey".

Unfortunately I had to read much of this for years, in order to understand what these things are. There are endless disturbing and insane things beyond comprehension.

Most Gentiles don't have the faintest idea. This is why they repeat memes like "Jews are persecuted" and "they are victims" and all that.
Shanti Sananda said:
Gear88 said:

Its beyond retarded, and may work on those of a very young age, who havent studied. Normally these people are jewish or are under jewish persuasion. Their arguments never hold up to any substantial value, just alot of mindless pleading and phobia creation, such as Maxine created a thoughtform ect.

I understand the high incompetence of these "magicians" when I read that slander.

Satan existed before HPS Maxine existed. So how would someone "make" a thoughform?

"Thoughtforms" have a limit to their intelligence and capacities, and they are creations of a specific spectrum of capability. They are also, rather dumb in themselves.

Anyone who is a spiritual adept, will be able to see what is what directly. Gods display overwhelming intelligence and they could never be a human creation. Also, thoughforms are bound by the level of advancement of their creator. They cannot really exceed this.

These people are really amateurs, but with ill intentions, and not one of learning.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"But the Jesuits, the communists, and the new age drug hallicinators have all written many books designed to make the reader insane. And full of curses. And these books say different things than JOS. They seem smart, so we should listen to them instead of JOS. The jesuits and communists took over a large amount of the world, so they must know what they're talking about. The bible is the most popular book in the world so it must be important, I'm going to read that instead of JOS."

I posted this one on Facebook. You present a great case here. Thanks.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"But the Jesuits, the communists, and the new age drug hallicinators have all written many books designed to make the reader insane. And full of curses. And these books say different things than JOS. They seem smart, so we should listen to them instead of JOS. The jesuits and communists took over a large amount of the world, so they must know what they're talking about. The bible is the most popular book in the world so it must be important, I'm going to read that instead of JOS."


When you put it like that... :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shanti Sananda said:
Gear88 said:

Its beyond retarded, and may work on those of a very young age, who havent studied. Normally these people are jewish or are under jewish persuasion. Their arguments never hold up to any substantial value, just alot of mindless pleading and phobia creation, such as Maxine created a thoughtform ect.

I understand the high incompetence of these "magicians" when I read that slander.

Satan existed before HPS Maxine existed. So how would someone "make" a thoughform?

"Thoughtforms" have a limit to their intelligence and capacities, and they are creations of a specific spectrum of capability. They are also, rather dumb in themselves.

Anyone who is a spiritual adept, will be able to see what is what directly. Gods display overwhelming intelligence and they could never be a human creation. Also, thoughforms are bound by the level of advancement of their creator. They cannot really exceed this.

These people are really amateurs, but with ill intentions, and not one of learning.

To be honest I've had this thought before only for a short period of time. I recall a thoughtform is only as strong or powerful as it's creator or creators. ON top of that if the enemy uses a lot of thoughtforms such as their godform thoughtform. You'd think something that gets pumped with tremendous energies both terrestrially and extra-terrestrially that it would amount to some tremendous factor. And funny enough yes jews have had good, fun times in the past but funny enough some small no-name organization pops up(us) and in about two decades is making the entire World quake against the JNWO.

I will readily admit I've had my doubts and had my own personal negatives towards my religion-politics. I've said this before and funny enough another person mentioned similar things that "What is NS?" or "What is JoS?". I've not bought into the enemy propaganda but studying it I can see why some would. Unfortunately due to how humanity is not everyone is in position to spiritually advance even to the iota of openness to the Gods. I'm cautious to believe everyone. I'll admit there a few members I look up to who deem wellness to our community but we've also had our fair share of troublemakers or people whom somehow go rogue and crazy.

Me personally I'm an obsessive person. I DON'T agree with "If your doing the same thing over and over and nothing changes. That is the definition of insanity". Rather I take it as a form of perseverance. I will readily admit being here in JoS since 2003 nothing has ever happened. Perhaps I'm not as hardcore, perhaps my lack of trance, void.

I don't know I honestly stopped wanting to spiritually advance, stopped progressing. The only things I do is clean my aura, do a few meditations like chakra spinning and call it a day. I know that sounds bad but I'm so burnt out that the only drive I have is a pure obsession. I'll admit I've gone through the whole is JoS fake, is spirituality is fake, is the enemy right and we are wrong religion wise, is man just supposed to exist 60-70-80 years and die. I've grown older and my life has not improved nor gotten worse but it seems like I'm just not as realistic. I'll admit my astrological chart shows someone whom lives in their own bubble certain Neptunic properties causing unrealistic states.

I simply want to live. I hate to state the whole Lucifuge Rofocal situation whereby his fellow alien species said "I just want the microchip to be happy".

Well I'm not happy nor feel happy nor have a happy funfilled life. But I will admit that despite all the fighting I've done. I simply am not happy. I don't like my smartphone. After using a dumbphone since 2009 to 2019, I moved to a smartphone and I'm not happy with it. I'm not happy it does not possess certain things. That's just one example I have.

Another one is last time I even played a video game was sometime late 2012-early 2013. I was just reinstalling CoD4 to replay it and half-way through I cancelled the install and said "Fuck it, this is getting annoying". My personal computer that I posses in my room is from 2007 archaic junk. WTB Gods technologies on Earth.

Do you know how concerned I am that information can be deleted or removed or eliminated not just from the internet but our own devices. What if it fails or what if it runs out of power or what if I'm doing something and it eats up the battery and I can't for the life of me call or something.

I simply feel the ineptitude of life and my own learned helplessness. I'm fearful, paranoid, and probably mentally ill to a degree ignoring my mental health breakdown earlier in the past decade.

I don't agree with hating the JoS or NS or anything of that nature. But the JoS, NS, and my own weltanschaang(World-View) has only brought me misery and despite changing my ideas and mental state back in 2014 from my stereotypical (((Neo-Nazi))) into )))O.G. Nazism(((. I'm pretty much not happy with anything.

Like I said I clean my soul been doing heavy cleanings since 2018 so what like Maxine said 2-3 years the first virginization levels are achieved a soul, chakra and aura, that is fully cleansed of negative properties, past, present, and future. Well funny enough I don't FEEL different nor SEE difference nor nothing. I really cannot tell if my soul is clean or not. Do what I do even manner does it even clean me does it work.

So I guess as annoying as I can be I reverberate back and forth between states of "Is it the spiritual factor" or "Is it just life and how shitty and worthless, no purpose, doesn't serve any use type situation".

And yes if your wondering I've had delusions of receiving assistance from the Gods when they come. Some are gonna say you just want the Gods to clean you up, like the mess you are. Well funny enough if I'm such a mess as a player of the Gods then what about the rest or others in humanity. What about the people who truly did create a mess in their lives and are looking for a way out.

I've learned don't get me wrong I hold no ill to JoS even if it brought me misery and grief. You guys are innocent it's my own boisterous personality and proudness being the diametric opposition of everyone. But seems like nothing has occurred. I still continue as nothing is better. Even if the religious factor is fake even if spirituality is fake. I still see the destruction of Earth as retarded and the drowning of humanity in a quagmire is retarded as well. Like I've said a few times I merely follow the political side and understand NS is the end product of Evolution.
HP.Hoodedcobra666 You are truly a badass.. Your a great writer and would have been a great defense lawyer if your not one already. It was the megalith of info on history , on JOS , that made my lightbulb go off. It's a spiritual battle for the survival of the ancient knowledge. A gift from Satan which you defend so eloquently.
The jewish lifestyle is antithetical to our own. You don't need to be a Satanist to discover that. It's easy enough to just go ask them what they think of gentiles to understand the end goal. They have no intentions to peacefully coexist and want to thin the gentile heard and rule any stragglers.

Most of the "Satanist" I have met outside of the JoS are either reverse christians or nihilist who think they need no allies and/or hard work to achieve anything. There's also the small number of armchair satanist that roam around mostly wasting time with theories of aliens and do nothing while they wait for the gods to come down and rescue them.

People have degraded so much I'd call anyone who has some form of morality and work ethic a real Satanist before many who would call themselves that.
Nietzsche has explained this reality. Satanists who pretend to be smart, inquisitive, or into research, should read these works such as the "Anti-Christ" to understand what this means and how it has affected our civilizations for centuries. Not only ours, but those of the world at large.

I also recommend reading Nietzsche's -genealogy of morality- to everyone, which perfectly explains how the Jews reversed pagan and gentile morals through Christianity.

Before Christianity the virtues were strength, intelligence, health and everything else good in nature.

the "virtues" have become:

sickness weakness being losers.

this is the reason why some people justify the Jews.

because Jews brainwashed Gentiles.

some Gentiles justify the Jews, since it is very "virtuous" to be slapped and not react.
jrvan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"But the Jesuits, the communists, and the new age drug hallicinators have all written many books designed to make the reader insane. And full of curses. And these books say different things than JOS. They seem smart, so we should listen to them instead of JOS. The jesuits and communists took over a large amount of the world, so they must know what they're talking about. The bible is the most popular book in the world so it must be important, I'm going to read that instead of JOS."


When you put it like that... :lol:
That guy would seriously come here like 3 times every week with a new book he started reading that he wanted to ask us about. And 100% of the books were written by communists, Jesuits, new-age freaks, drug addict hallucinators, and all kinds of evil people who's only goal is to leave people confused and ruined. And many books that were just full of real powerful curses to cause confusion and harm. We kept trying to tell him to throw it all in the garbage because it is only going to harm him. I wasted way too much time trying to help him, but he never wanted to listen.

I'm not sure if he was purposefully trying to harm us by promoting harmful things, or if he had good intentions but was just very confused. But he never wanted to listen and he never wanted to learn. He was never a Satanist anyway, he only pretended to be.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shanti Sananda said:
Its beyond retarded, and may work on those of a very young age, who havent studied. Normally these people are jewish or are under jewish persuasion. Their arguments never hold up to any substantial value, just alot of mindless pleading and phobia creation, such as Maxine created a thoughtform ect.

I understand the high incompetence of these "magicians" when I read that slander.

Satan existed before HPS Maxine existed. So how would someone "make" a thoughform?

"Thoughtforms" have a limit to their intelligence and capacities, and they are creations of a specific spectrum of capability. They are also, rather dumb in themselves.

Anyone who is a spiritual adept, will be able to see what is what directly. Gods display overwhelming intelligence and they could never be a human creation. Also, thoughforms are bound by the level of advancement of their creator. They cannot really exceed this.

These people are really amateurs, but with ill intentions, and not one of learning.

To be honest I've had this thought before only for a short period of time. I recall a thoughtform is only as strong or powerful as it's creator or creators. ON top of that if the enemy uses a lot of thoughtforms such as their godform thoughtform. You'd think something that gets pumped with tremendous energies both terrestrially and extra-terrestrially that it would amount to some tremendous factor. And funny enough yes jews have had good, fun times in the past but funny enough some small no-name organization pops up(us) and in about two decades is making the entire World quake against the JNWO.

I will readily admit I've had my doubts and had my own personal negatives towards my religion-politics. I've said this before and funny enough another person mentioned similar things that "What is NS?" or "What is JoS?". I've not bought into the enemy propaganda but studying it I can see why some would. Unfortunately due to how humanity is not everyone is in position to spiritually advance even to the iota of openness to the Gods. I'm cautious to believe everyone. I'll admit there a few members I look up to who deem wellness to our community but we've also had our fair share of troublemakers or people whom somehow go rogue and crazy.

Me personally I'm an obsessive person. I DON'T agree with "If your doing the same thing over and over and nothing changes. That is the definition of insanity". Rather I take it as a form of perseverance. I will readily admit being here in JoS since 2003 nothing has ever happened. Perhaps I'm not as hardcore, perhaps my lack of trance, void.

I don't know I honestly stopped wanting to spiritually advance, stopped progressing. The only things I do is clean my aura, do a few meditations like chakra spinning and call it a day. I know that sounds bad but I'm so burnt out that the only drive I have is a pure obsession. I'll admit I've gone through the whole is JoS fake, is spirituality is fake, is the enemy right and we are wrong religion wise, is man just supposed to exist 60-70-80 years and die. I've grown older and my life has not improved nor gotten worse but it seems like I'm just not as realistic. I'll admit my astrological chart shows someone whom lives in their own bubble certain Neptunic properties causing unrealistic states.

I simply want to live. I hate to state the whole Lucifuge Rofocal situation whereby his fellow alien species said "I just want the microchip to be happy".

Well I'm not happy nor feel happy nor have a happy funfilled life. But I will admit that despite all the fighting I've done. I simply am not happy. I don't like my smartphone. After using a dumbphone since 2009 to 2019, I moved to a smartphone and I'm not happy with it. I'm not happy it does not possess certain things. That's just one example I have.

Another one is last time I even played a video game was sometime late 2012-early 2013. I was just reinstalling CoD4 to replay it and half-way through I cancelled the install and said "Fuck it, this is getting annoying". My personal computer that I posses in my room is from 2007 archaic junk. WTB Gods technologies on Earth.

Do you know how concerned I am that information can be deleted or removed or eliminated not just from the internet but our own devices. What if it fails or what if it runs out of power or what if I'm doing something and it eats up the battery and I can't for the life of me call or something.

I simply feel the ineptitude of life and my own learned helplessness. I'm fearful, paranoid, and probably mentally ill to a degree ignoring my mental health breakdown earlier in the past decade.

I don't agree with hating the JoS or NS or anything of that nature. But the JoS, NS, and my own weltanschaang(World-View) has only brought me misery and despite changing my ideas and mental state back in 2014 from my stereotypical (((Neo-Nazi))) into )))O.G. Nazism(((. I'm pretty much not happy with anything.

Like I said I clean my soul been doing heavy cleanings since 2018 so what like Maxine said 2-3 years the first virginization levels are achieved a soul, chakra and aura, that is fully cleansed of negative properties, past, present, and future. Well funny enough I don't FEEL different nor SEE difference nor nothing. I really cannot tell if my soul is clean or not. Do what I do even manner does it even clean me does it work.

So I guess as annoying as I can be I reverberate back and forth between states of "Is it the spiritual factor" or "Is it just life and how shitty and worthless, no purpose, doesn't serve any use type situation".

And yes if your wondering I've had delusions of receiving assistance from the Gods when they come. Some are gonna say you just want the Gods to clean you up, like the mess you are. Well funny enough if I'm such a mess as a player of the Gods then what about the rest or others in humanity. What about the people who truly did create a mess in their lives and are looking for a way out.

I've learned don't get me wrong I hold no ill to JoS even if it brought me misery and grief. You guys are innocent it's my own boisterous personality and proudness being the diametric opposition of everyone. But seems like nothing has occurred. I still continue as nothing is better. Even if the religious factor is fake even if spirituality is fake. I still see the destruction of Earth as retarded and the drowning of humanity in a quagmire is retarded as well. Like I've said a few times I merely follow the political side and understand NS is the end product of Evolution.
Keep cursing yourself Gear. Don't say you didn't know. It's not too late to turn your boat around.

I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder whether you're some guy trolling because of how you constantly affirm negativity on yourself and some other habits but I do give you the benefit of doubt.

You can keep whining about how your life sucks (trust me you won't even make it to 30 in your next lifetime; it will be a magnified version of this one if you don't stop whining and doing nothing to change your life) or you can use the knowledge the JoS provides and turn your life around. Your choice.
Blackdragon666 said:
Keep cursing yourself Gear. Don't say you didn't know. It's not too late to turn your boat around.

I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder whether you're some guy trolling because of how you constantly affirm negativity on yourself and some other habits but I do give you the benefit of doubt.

You can keep whining about how your life sucks (trust me you won't even make it to 30 in your next lifetime; it will be a magnified version of this one if you don't stop whining and doing nothing to change your life) or you can use the knowledge the JoS provides and turn your life around. Your choice.

My choice is to continue with what I am. I have a naturally negative personality. Life sucks what can I say there is nothing good or wonderful in it. I see that every single day of this shitty life. If it continues in my next life "Oh well" it just affirms life is worthless and stupid. Pointless existence for a pointless Universe. Nothing wonderful about living or anything.

Trolling it's funny you mention that because if we don't agree and don't abide by some maligned world-view it's trolling. Yeah I guess I am trolling if by definition of your definition. It's kinda like some trolls who come on our forum and make a point. If we don't agree with certain things they get attacked by members not necessarily banned.

Well it's not trolling just talking for real I've been with this organization since 2003 and nothing has ever happened. I keep going cause there is nothing else to do. But whatever call it trolling or whatever. Just being honest, nothing has happened. I've summoned, meditated, RTRs/RNTRs, what can I say that's the worthlessness of life and religion and politics. A life long preoccupation so people are in control and aren't going crazy.

It reminds me of a thought I had back when I was 12 back in 2003 time period. I bet nothing is gonna change and happen and I'll just keep living the same way. Well what can I say I'm now 30 and it's basically SS/DD, Same shit/different day. And apparently the World is such a worthless piece of shit place that it's going down it's all collapsing and going to a shithole.

I'm here just for the sake of being here and basing my entire reality on it. If it's fake or maybe JoS is a trolling organization or controlled opposition or some fake front for something. Well whatever I'm in it, that's my shitty life, what can I do. I know I'm using the analogy incorrectly but I keep fucking that chicken(I know the meme behind it just using it in an alternative way).
Gear88 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Keep cursing yourself Gear. Don't say you didn't know. It's not too late to turn your boat around.

I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder whether you're some guy trolling because of how you constantly affirm negativity on yourself and some other habits but I do give you the benefit of doubt.

You can keep whining about how your life sucks (trust me you won't even make it to 30 in your next lifetime; it will be a magnified version of this one if you don't stop whining and doing nothing to change your life) or you can use the knowledge the JoS provides and turn your life around. Your choice.

My choice is to continue with what I am. I have a naturally negative personality. Life sucks what can I say there is nothing good or wonderful in it. I see that every single day of this shitty life. If it continues in my next life "Oh well" it just affirms life is worthless and stupid. Pointless existence for a pointless Universe. Nothing wonderful about living or anything.

Trolling it's funny you mention that because if we don't agree and don't abide by some maligned world-view it's trolling. Yeah I guess I am trolling if by definition of your definition. It's kinda like some trolls who come on our forum and make a point. If we don't agree with certain things they get attacked by members not necessarily banned.

Well it's not trolling just talking for real I've been with this organization since 2003 and nothing has ever happened. I keep going cause there is nothing else to do. But whatever call it trolling or whatever. Just being honest, nothing has happened. I've summoned, meditated, RTRs/RNTRs, what can I say that's the worthlessness of life and religion and politics. A life long preoccupation so people are in control and aren't going crazy.

It reminds me of a thought I had back when I was 12 back in 2003 time period. I bet nothing is gonna change and happen and I'll just keep living the same way. Well what can I say I'm now 30 and it's basically SS/DD, Same shit/different day. And apparently the World is such a worthless piece of shit place that it's going down it's all collapsing and going to a shithole.

I'm here just for the sake of being here and basing my entire reality on it. If it's fake or maybe JoS is a trolling organization or controlled opposition or some fake front for something. Well whatever I'm in it, that's my shitty life, what can I do. I know I'm using the analogy incorrectly but I keep fucking that chicken(I know the meme behind it just using it in an alternative way).
Trolling because I've fixed life issues that would take decades with a single working and someone complains that they never got results in like two decades. Trolling because every person who tries out the meditations on JoS usually gets results rather quickly, including getting feedback from the Gods and even trying out magic as instructed by the JoS but apparently it just won't budge for you.

Regardless of that, you have been at this negativity thing for a long time and you're going to reap what you sowed someday. When life gets tough, you don't just whine and do nothing. What have you done to fix your life? Then why should it get better if your efforts don't match your needs? Life can actually be enjoyable even in this age we live in. Even for those who are without to a certain extent.

You can keep getting stuck in your past but life will never wait for you. Things will always move forward.
Gear88 is pretty much alone with the sentiment "satanism doesn't work". And even with that, he is knowingly or unknowigly lying, because I remember reading about him doing Venus square, and he fucked the affirmation up in such a way that people around him were having sex, instead of him. Everyone else has had improvement, but this guy just repeats the same record over and over again. Many of us were born with hardships ahead, but most of us (at least the seriously wanting to advance people) are advancing, no matter the pace, advancing nevertheless.

He is a miserable loser. How I know? I used to be that way too (not so low, but regardless), but over time I pushed little by little, step by step forward and onward newer giving up on the idea that I can improve. Even before being a ss.

All of the negative thinking that he posts when he talks about himself is a very strong indicator that it's in his head, and he is in denial. As long as he can't let go, and move forward, JOS is trolling, and he is right. Sad but true.
From what i seen most ''reasons'' against jos are pure repetitive crap, i can even list most of them here:
1. There are retards who think that this group is for the money, its funny to think something like this when in fact i never seen JOS asking for money, only one in a post like it was by Cobra but it was not like asking it was something like ''that time you waste you could do meditation, final rituals or donating to jos (this was the closest thing i seen to asking for money)''
2. Jus wuz racist (its funny that they call us eval reecists when JOS have special comunities for blacks and asians...) und anti semitic oy vey and look it now how people are crying after Hitler over the internet that he was right and the gentiles should had allied him.
3. There are another kind of retards who think that the information is stolen without giving sources but i always seen the sources from what books Maxine took information so that also does not make any sense.
4. Those emails and how Maxine was some nazi group in US and did some pedophile act idk? Those i do not know, exagerated as always but can someone explain what's with those emails?
5. They also hate us because there is backlash when someone say that they want to leave for another religion, like yeah dunno you do a dedication in blood about how you dedicate your soul for your life etc and then ''yoooooo buddddyyyy i goooottttt boooreeedd lemmme choose anuda religin.
6. Annnddd the last is how we pray on teens and how we promote paranoia were enemy is attacking you everyday or someone on reddit said that he became paranoic where here i seen that people recommand to not jump to the thoughts that its the enemy when you have bad thoughts.
7. There is one moree.... its about how we blame every weirdo of being a jew... well yeah some people may exagerate but really in my native forum there was a popular member there who had as username the reversed name of a demon (i dunno why nobody saw that until it was too late), he helped people etc, etc but he tried to talk to new member in private and to help them how to feel like ''advanced satanist'' by giving them drugs.... yep... and also he drank human blood and putted blood on demons sigils... yep... all proof by screenshots of the victim... (i hope the guy die of testicular cancer or something), and now on his own site is promoting things anti-jos when in the past he was full blown on ''promoting'' jos...

These are all the ''reasons'' against the JOS i seen over the years, most of them bullshit lets not forget how the so called other ''satanist'' who smock crack in order to ''astral project'' and talk to goblins consider us fake and a weird cult...
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 is pretty much alone with the sentiment "satanism doesn't work". And even with that, he is knowingly or unknowigly lying, because I remember reading about him doing Venus square, and he fucked the affirmation up in such a way that people around him were having sex, instead of him. Everyone else has had improvement, but this guy just repeats the same record over and over again. Many of us were born with hardships ahead, but most of us (at least the seriously wanting to advance people) are advancing, no matter the pace, advancing nevertheless.

He is a miserable loser. How I know? I used to be that way too (not so low, but regardless), but over time I pushed little by little, step by step forward and onward newer giving up on the idea that I can improve. Even before being a ss.

All of the negative thinking that he posts when he talks about himself is a very strong indicator that it's in his head, and he is in denial. As long as he can't let go, and move forward, JOS is trolling, and he is right. Sad but true.

I don't even know if the venus square worked or not. The fact of the matter is I never fucked up the affirmation. As a matter of fact the one who double confirmed my affirmation was one of the members who I emailed me with assistance, they told me to email them so I did. On top of that the person in question told me to perform 13 affirmations as counting the sides/diagonal of the Venus Square falls into an addition of numbers in numerology to 13.

So I stated for the Venus square this affirmation: I am constantly, continuously and eternally attracting sexual intercourse with love and affection to myself in the most happy, positive, beneficial, and best way for me. x13.

Had I known better I would have stated: I am having sexual intercourse and outercourse with love and affection in a safe, healthy, happy, and positive way for me. x13

Either way it worked or it didn't work I don't know. That's the thing I don't even know if it worked or anything for all intents and purposes it's just a coincidence.

Now to get on topic with this "loserism" you talk about. Well am I a "loser", no, I don't think so. I mean I view myself as low but not a loser not gonna go that far. Perhaps I am maybe, maybe but actually or reality wise or anything. I can't say yes or no.

So let's say I'm a "miserable loser" so what? What is so strange or abnormal or anything for that matter. IF anything you can argue OTHER people are "miserable losers". Like for example since the media went berserk over the Capitol Hill "storming" and "riot". Am I loser because I didn't go there and participate in "sieging" the castle so to speak? IF anything the over 130 people who've been under various levels of investigations or even outright arrest are the losers.

I'm not saying "Satanism doesn't work" maybe for others it does. Maybe there's reasons why it doesn't work for me and maybe those reasons COULD or COULD not be a defining issue. I came found the JoS 2003, when I was 12 years old, I dedicated within not even a week. I read everything and within the week had a black candle, sharp knife, and did the dedication April 29th, 2003 wanted to do it on the 30th but didn't know about astrological date times. Okay I dedicated well okay so what? Funny about a year later in 2004. I told my friend about in high school lunch to visit the site and read everything and if he wishes I could lend him the black candle and dedicate himself. He spent 3-4 days reading, felt okay, felt happy with the whole National Socialism as he was another die-hard WW2 buff and liked the Axis powers over the allies. Well he dedicated February of 2004.

Well what happened? I don't know. I really don't know what the dedication is supposed to do besides giving you a guardian demon and being friendly with the Gods so situations don't arise whereby negativity or entities or something pops in. And yet funny enough countless posts of people stating some strange entity came or interfered or negativity or something. And I go I grab a Demon Sigil, I recite the name, no one has stated how long to recite or anything so I spend 2-3-4 minutes repeating the name with the sigil in my mind as best as possible even if my best is just a insignificant amount of time visualizing something as best as possible due to not having developed skills of single pointedness. Apparently for some people they develop gifts of miracles having some sort of intense ultra powerful visualization. Again some of these people come in hardly any meditation or anything dedicate and boom few weeks later or a few months and they can practically see their thoughts as vividly as real life. For all intents and purposes if we can see our thoughts as physically concrete as real life wouldn't that by definition the act of thinking becomes dangerous. WHAT IF I see something while driving and I run it over thinking it's just a thought visualization when I realize it's some small animal. Again begs the question by theorycrafting that statement of how do beings of higher power drive if their consciousness is so expanded and they live in higher realms of dimensions whereby thoughts are amplified and more powerful as well as senses.

Again when the Gods arrive people are gonna ask these questions I just want to know the answer so I can know a study their books so I can understand higher spiritual levels. Whether I get there or not at the end of the day people en mass are just gonna ask questions, read, study and then realize well it's just a mental curiosity.

And then I perform the prayer petition. Which begs the question if I'm summoning a demon by petitioning his name repeatedly why do I need Satan to double check and tell this Demon to come if they can already hear my petition to them. In fact theorycrafting some idea wouldn't it be better to petition Satan through his name and summon the demon with the prayer. I guess that is silly as Satan is unsummable but basically some sort of superior method. I understand the whole telephone thing but it sounds like one of those 1800s-1900s operator switch. You state or push zero or some operator code and tell them Dial Klondike666. If I have a telephone with buttons or a rotary dial why do I need to contact a person to switch me at a switching board when I can just dial the number and directly contact. Again I'm not criticizing just seems like it's annoying to that entity if they wish to be summoned in friendly, respectable manner or manners why go through the risk of contacting them without encrypted lines only for them to come from a petition from their Leader on top of my own petition. Wouldn't it make more sense to petition the Leader first and get encrypted coms with them.

Albeit theorycrafting further WHAT IF they want an enemy to come in and then they kill it or chase it away to waste it's time.

But anyways returning to Demon Summoning I summon and well I state my statements and then well what?

Meditation wise I've for example done badass MerKaBa I became obsessed with this meditation and studied everything on it on our sites. Well if it's supposed to be this high vibration oscillation meditation. Where is the feelings. I perform it 2 minutes not even 2 minutes done. Okay moving on it works it work it doesn't work it doesn't work. Maybe I'm supposed to be voided or tranced or both or something. I don't know. I notice people come here and state they perform mindfulness/void whatever or trance and somehow master it in a month or two. Some people have stated things that makes me go "How does some person dedicate and then meditate and then they are some zen master with void and trance in a matter of weeks?"

You state I'm a "miserable loser" okay so what? That's reality. That's a factor of life. In my defense of myself "I have a naturally negative personality". Maybe it's some plutonic aspect or solar aspect or maybe it's because I'm cancer and like a friend of mines stated still waters run deep. But want to know something. Every single time I call something out. I'm proven right.

Kinda like that annoying rap-rock crap from Beck. "I'm a loser baby, so why dontcha kill me".

It's all in my head. Well I can say the same thing about anything really. Is it REAL or is it all just in our heads. Someone reads a book and they act it out. Or someone reads a book realizes it's just a mental construct or mental curiosity or mental entertainment and moves on.

Like a disclaimer or something kinda like back in the early 2000s when Jackass got popular. Well funny enough lots of people did shit and suffered something.

Honestly I [member:mad:Henu the Great] I really don't know how to answer your statements. I'm not trying to defend myself your absolutely correct. But it's kinda like psychology your only communicating with some random human person who has some education on or lack of education on people. For all intents and purposes why should I do what they state. We are just shooting the shit.

I mean how many people have the same mentality as me? Lots a lot and that is a good thing. I think the problem everyone has is that people don't like being told to doubt themselves. Or as I emailed my friend: Is it normal to self-destruct and deconstruct and attack yourself. He replied "No but if your in position of doing this I guess your just learning how to understand and debate better not just with yourself but with others". Something people don't do or if they do don't go far.

You COULD say I'm drinking from my own poison or staring too deeply into the abyss. But I'm willing to deconstruct myself and tear myself apart and bare everything raw only to return back to before better off.

It reminds me of HP.Cobra mentioning sometime ago that it takes between 300 -to- 500 years to understand your personality. Understand the self. Well IF THAT'S how long it takes to learn about yourself. Well what about when you enter the negative sides and deal with it. I deal with my negativity and I continue to be negative because that is normal and natural for me. Especially since leaving high school. I didn't need to leave high school and have a break to understand life sucks as I knew life sucks beforehand well beforehand actually since being a child. Kinda like Steve Smith from American Dad when talking to Jeff he goes "See in the real world things often suck".

Well I naturally and natively am a loser by all definition or your(Henu) definition. But that's okay not everyone is a winner and even many winners want to be losers or feel like they should be losers or even feel like losers despite winning. My naturally negative personality makes me Built Panzer tough. SO on top of my cancarian defense, also my negative personality I'm more resistant and resilient. I guess you can argue Saturnian as well as my Saturn is pretty prominent in my chart IF that even means anything. Technically my body wise it's very Saturnian and Cancarian but non-the less I relish in my misery, loserism. AM proud to be a loser and miserable but like Rob Zombie states "Falling down, I'm a psychoholic. Eratic and Sure I cannot fail".
Weassel said:
From what i seen most ''reasons'' against jos are pure repetitive crap, i can even list most of them here:
1. There are retards who think that this group is for the money, its funny to think something like this when in fact i never seen JOS asking for money, only one in a post like it was by Cobra but it was not like asking it was something like ''that time you waste you could do meditation, final rituals or donating to jos (this was the closest thing i seen to asking for money)''

Wow, so evil. This goyim want money because it costs money to run everything. So evil.

Now please sign this form for 100$ per month for mr Kikestein to teach you about Satanism. So good.

Weassel said:
2. Jus wuz racist (its funny that they call us eval reecists when JOS have special comunities for blacks and asians...) und anti semitic oy vey and look it now how people are crying after Hitler over the internet that he was right and the gentiles should had allied him.

We wuz racist n shiet. We tell pplz race exists. And to love biodiversity and not make it disappear. Oy veyyyy. So hatee!

Jews built their religion about this but thats evil to know goy.

Weassel said:
3. There are another kind of retards who think that the information is stolen without giving sources but i always seen the sources from what books Maxine took information so that also does not make any sense.

Doesn't matter if you cite it goyim, it's plagiarism. Everyone with the least experience on these matters, would know, that when you state your source, it's not "Plagiarism".

Weassel said:
4. Those emails and how Maxine was some nazi group in US and did some pedophile act idk? Those i do not know, exagerated as always but can someone explain what's with those emails?

HPS Maxine has answered here:


Weassel said:
5. They also hate us because there is backlash when someone say that they want to leave for another religion, like yeah dunno you do a dedication in blood about how you dedicate your soul for your life etc and then ''yoooooo buddddyyyy i goooottttt boooreeedd lemmme choose anuda religin.

Oh shieet, this religion u can't ch8ng? Dis is so terriblu. I want one different every week. Fuck da jos ok?

Weassel said:
6. Annnddd the last is how we pray on teens and how we promote paranoia were enemy is attacking you everyday or someone on reddit said that he became paranoic where here i seen that people recommand to not jump to the thoughts that its the enemy when you have bad thoughts.

In the internet, alone on a computer, innocents are exposed or can read pedoblogs, do or order drugs, get on pornhub, get stalked on video games, join muslim terrorist organizations, and sit on the Pope's legs though as young as 7. Or just go to their local church to be sexually abused by a christcuck's favorite and beloved Christian Pastor who is MORAL and a GOOD person, he has been doing that criminal shit for 40 years. You can also listen to music about murder, making your own crack lab, and that type of stuff. But that's normal in our society, goyim.

That's what's abnormal: you can't read the JoS goyim, it's terrible. It tells you shit like meditate, have a healthy lifestyle, be self aware, stay always legal, don't do drugs and shit like that.

That can possibly make a smart goyim when one grows up, and is therefore immoral and EVIL.

Weassel said:
7. There is one moree.... its about how we blame every weirdo of being a jew... well yeah some people may exagerate but really in my native forum there was a popular member there who had as username the reversed name of a demon (i dunno why nobody saw that until it was too late), he helped people etc, etc but he tried to talk to new member in private and to help them how to feel like ''advanced satanist'' by giving them drugs.... yep... and also he drank human blood and putted blood on demons sigils... yep... all proof by screenshots of the victim... (i hope the guy die of testicular cancer or something), and now on his own site is promoting things anti-jos when in the past he was full blown on ''promoting'' jos...

The internet has it's share of ghouls. They are on the lookout for people. Nobody can prevent this. On our end, we have blocked direct lines of communication, and these never post on the forums or appear in any platform.

But these types are insistent. They will seek out people personally, and try to initiate contact, somehow.

Jews and infiltrators doing deplorable acts is nothing new. They violate every law in Satanism, and every ethic in Satanism, because their jewish blood leads them to do this, to defame Satan.

I guess this goes for people who want to be so cuddly with randoms online, with a big big nose. It's also frequent people like this can be paid shills with a mission to make people do things that will land them in SERIOUS trouble.

So as we repeat ad nauseum, stay away, and drive this garbage out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
JoS always had a policy of not spending our time to even address non serious people online or those who don't matter for Satanism in general.

Joy of Satan leads - we are the leaders in Satanism online. For this reason, even people who fundamentally do not like us, tend to read on our material with great care. Most of the time, this can be done for good or nefarious purposes and intentions, to learn, or to hate and detract. Some go as far as to steal this material. And so on.

The Joy of Satan, has always been generous, and it's position where it is, is because we have provided true, open, verifiable, and actual information. This was Satan's Will and it was done. This is why we have also had all this success, which other Satanists can like, dislike, envy, respect or disrespect.

It is, what it is.

Recently, some member posted yet another video of yet another 'Satanist' online, who has taken on themselves, the valiant and glorious arguments [most of these go around for decades, we are bored of them] against the Joy of Satan.

None of them made sense in any objective fashion. Most of it is also idle repetitions that have been done over many years, which are generally a package of "JoS haters" arguments, that only revolve around disliking the Joy of Satan, oftentimes because of other interests or individual reasoning.

But we are used to this. As most of these arguments, if they stood by logical fashion, and they weren't more of the usual "but I feel like I know better", they would have arguable substance.

The intention of the video, was basically explained in the first 2 minutes, and it is always the same, below expectations, type of arguing that takes place.

People just have an issue with the Joy of Satan for being the most long-term Satanic Organization and the biggest online, and so on, they feel like we steal the customers of scammers, imposters, and other similar individuals who have offered nothing to Satan unless it's confusion.

Most arguments against the Joy of Satan are not these of an actual, argument character, based on logic or fallacy, but it's about different "moral values" and other similar pointless evaluations. These valuations are at odds even with themselves most of the time, and what a Satanist is supposed to mean, not by JoS standards, but by all Satanic standards.

One problem these people have is what they refer to as "The JoS is Antisemetic", as if that is evil. If this is evil, they fail to explain why this is evil, other than virtue signalling and using lines that are frequently heard by many people nowadays on the subject.

Tell me, since one is a Satanist, and they understand that one can go contrary to popular accepted notions and 'morals' - if the information and objective reality, at least on our research, points out to the collective of the Jews, as a danger to Satanism - what is so morally wrong to actually dislike them, close our doors, or even more, demand that these people clear the space and allow Satanism to grow, which is in our interest to grow?

Even worse, the above reveals the following: the moral valuation of this collapses unto itself, and it's reality is reliant only on one thing: whether or not this information about Jews is objective.

None of these individuals sat down, and even if they act like judges, they never took it on themselves to make a reasonable analysis on why a "Satanist", should in anyway, at least be wary or close out these influences that collectively we can call by many names: "Jewish, Hebrew, Abrahamic" and so on.

They try to make it seem, like any media outlet and deceitful person would, that we are randomly, out of the blue, beyond any logical grounding, against "Jews". This is the epitome of not only dishonesty, but also, it shows that these people are only emotionally and morally valuating, and not thinking of the matter objectively.

You see, one can feel however they want about this subject. People can choose to ignore it. They can tell themselves, the Jews have done nothing wrong to Satan or the Demons, and they may go as far as the convenience of lying to themselves goes. They can be at ease with this emotional valuation of the situation.

Mages, Pagans, Witches, even New Agers, can make the same claims. They were the persecuted classes when the creations of Jews had full power onto this earth, but they can now live in permanent denial. More of the "Feel Good" arguing here presents itself.

We, we don't want to live in this denial, and we accept the actual inheritance of what it means to be a Satanist, with the inconvenient parts involved. Do I need to point to the Deuteronomy and other curses, in regards to the penalties that involve death in regards to "people like this"?

The striking majority of jews, lives by these rules for about 20 centuries, without a change in a letter to these rules. Nobody tells them it's "immoral", even if it's totally evil and proof of bottomless hatred to do so. Meanwhile, everyone tells us the moral fake talking, because we dislike their aeons long racist, supremacist, anti-magician, anti-logical, anti-Satanic, hatred.

And why do people see only one side of this coin? Because indeed, Jews do massively control the moral valuations of understanding that people make. Nietzsche has explained this reality. Satanists who pretend to be smart, inquisitive, or into research, should read these works such as the "Anti-Christ" to understand what this means and how it has affected our civilizations for centuries. Not only ours, but those of the world at large.

It only comes down to objective reality, that one will understand if there is any point to our disdain with the Jews, or what we collectively call "Jewish, Hebraic, Abrahamic" and so on. Many "Satanists" do swear, and they are by definition, into ways parted to this moral standardization promoted by the enemy, yet many are still conditioned to think, to behave, and to defend it, even if they are enemies to it.

This, proves how subjected and mentally enslaved are by those in control. You unconsciously don't even criticize jews, because this is how deeply they have programmed everyone to not criticize them or look into disliking them as an objective choice, that one should be allowed to make out of their free will.

Jews after all, they have made their choice - their culture is about hating all other cultures in a very fundamental way, inscribed all over their books, litanies, prayers and curses. If anyone else does defend themselves from this, what is actually the negative thing?

Is not Satanism about justice, and practicing fundamental natural logic? Are there animals in nature that are attempted at a massacre and don't try to react to this or avoid it?

These people who deceitfully argue falsely that it's not jews that control this all, but if this was not the case, why is everyone enforced into believing into jewish lies since childhood, such as the lie of the Nazarene, or the lie of Islam borne out of the same historical lore?

Why were you brought up to worship a Jew from Nazareth, if this race of people, has not had any "influence" towards you, "Free-Thinker"?

Because these people do not have influence? No. Because they do have had, for centuries, a totalitarian influence over culture. That is why Satanists have to run worldwide and they are considered monsters. One can tell themselves any lie, but this is the reality.

History proves otherwise, and is contrarian to these emotional lies in regards to the matter. That is the objective, and factual Truth. While these people call themselves "Satanists", ignoring the fundamental and historical realities, one's argument cannot matter.

They ignore that all persecution, death, and attacks on Satan and the Gods, did emerge from jewish talmudic, torah, and abrahamic lore. It's these values that made this world into an unwelcome, threatening, or negative environment for Satanists, Witches, researchers of the spirit, even scientists.

These were the first, most violent, and most direct attacks Satan and the Pagan Gods have ever received, but also the collective spirit of what we call "Ancient Religions".

These later were transformed by other zealots to the main, Abrahamic "Religions", which used to kill people like these "Satanists" for centuries, over and over again, on the mere suspicion one was engaged into any of the "Forbidden arts".

The whole lore of the jews, is a counter culture to attack the Demons and Satan. Jewish culture says nothing else but that "Polytheism is invalid" and that everyone who does not believe in the singular interpretation of "God", deserves death and punishment.

This gave birth to social, political and living conditions. Before that, all of this was acceptable and part of society. After this, people were hunted like animals.

Nietzsche and other great thinkers to explain, that all of the jewish "culture", was essentially only a form of revenge against their "Rival Races", of people "Aryan", who were superior to them, and whom they had to socially compete.

Everyone who has read anything about jews, or even knows the absolute basics, does know that these people lived among Pagans in Spiritual Civilizations. All their books are heaps of curses, attacks, and defamation against these people and their Nations.

Jews formulated, because of their own hatred, all the slander, defamation, fear, against the Pagan Gods, the spiritual, and anything that went contrary to this, was destroyed by slaves that followed their programs.

These people, calling themselves 'Satanists', they don't have a problem with this all.

They never studied any history probably. Their whole justification is their emotion. In the case of jews who try to promote this lie, it's nothing but a self preservation mechanism - they are promoting in the Satanic Community exactly what will benefit jews themselves.

Maybe from some of these people, some are just dumb and/or don't possess a spirit of justice or cannot afford to ask questions.

Many also, being jews themselves, which would explain a lot of their profanity in what they call and try to define as Satanism, turning it to nothing but a bogus circus, or using it only as a proxy for a fast buck for a pointless book. According to these "Satanists", this behavior is "acceptable".

Another thing these people always tend to ignore, is that "by coincidence", the "powers that be", which are overwhelmingly controlled by people who are jews, into judaism, or the related religious affiliations where the whole river ends into the same jewish pond, do "happen" to have with-held, punished by death, or in the very least, hidden, all information that deals with the "Devil" or "Satan", unless it conformed to their own biblical dialectic.

Everything little that did survive in regards to "Satanism", and every "grimoire" that survived, came out of jewish hands, or christians, teaching defiled practices that disrespect and vilify the Gods? Most of which involve methods which could only relate to torture, disrespect, slander, and attacks?

If one wants to call themselves a "Satanist", at least, unless one is a complete pretender and/or does this for social reasons, it wouldn't be as illogical to accept fundamental realities such as the above. Be this that this is lack of education masking itself through spectacles of pointless superiority [another bogus behavior by bogus Satanists] these people should study and learn.

And if one feels they are in allegiance with the "Dark Lord", they might as well take seriously the threats that conspire for centuries to destroy all the legacy of the wonderful spiritual path that is Satanism. Or they can sit on the sidelines and not make judgements about matters that are superior to their understanding and themselves.

We will keep fighting for our right to a safe world and environment for our practices and existence, and also, we will keep fighting for Satanism, which will of course, benefit many of those who are against us now.

We are not against other Satanists who seek to do the same - or who fight the above aforementioned enemy in other forms, be these social or political. If one decides for emotional reasons that one cannot accept the reality of the above, one is lesser than the people that we want to reach.

We are also well aware, that many others do understand and espouse these views, but privately, due to fear of persecution, death, or other forms of misfortune, further validating our arguments.

We have nothing against efforts done on other levels, but we have a right to consider them "lesser than" or simply not honest or meaningful enough. As far as we go, these benefit Satan too, but not on the level which will cause an overturn of the general worldwide hostility against Satan and Satanism.

We also retain the right, however, as the biggest and oldest Satanic organization of the internet, the biggest in membership by the biggest comparison, and after having helped hundreds of thousands of Satanists, to maintain our views in regards to the aforementioned issues and to share them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Is Satan talking to me in my head.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
Even if it wasn't for the things they've done being unforgivable, there's the fact that they're still continuing it to this day. Even their language contains an insult to Satan. With everything combined, how can anyone believe Satan would care for such disgusting vermin?
In fact, is there any excuse at all not to despise them?
If you mean the jew, then it has a soul incompatible with Humans and Nature here. Oil and water don't mix; chalk and cheese don't mix. The jew and its shit is just unnatural here and unnatural for us. As for any Humans who are against us - they still have a chance. They can come to realise the actual truth and be on the correct side. Regardless of whether they come onto the right side or not, National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism - or "Paganism" - will not stop, because they cannot be stopped. They cannot be stopped as much as the Universe being eternal cannot be stopped.

What, should they not pay for the crimes of their ancestors, because they're individuals too? If they're individuals, why do they still continue their crimes to this day? Clearly, their fault lies not only in their actions but in their very being as well.
Again - the jew's soul is incompatible with Humans and Nature here. It just doesn't fit-in, it doesn't belong here. It's like devices telling you to not mix batteries, because of the different make-ups of them.

Is it unfair? Unfair to whom exactly? I think our response is perfectly reasonable.
The jew is a disease upon this part of Nature and us. We do not hesitate to kill germs which are trying to kill us, so we also should not hesitate to use legal means to remove an infestation of unwanted aliens/ETs from our midst, either.
Yes, I did mean the jews. And I agree on every point; I was just trying to point out the hypocrisy of those who think it's okay to defend kikes since it pisses me off so very much. Why are (((they))) the ones who get defended by so many people after everything that happened? Perhaps the ones defending them are new Souls who don't really know a thing, but does the suffering the jews directly or indirectly brought upon me and my ancestors not matter to them?
They are ignorant. If they weren't, then they would be struggling - "ignorance is bliss". Instead of struggling to improve things, they are enjoying ignorant bliss...or blissful ignorance.

It disgusts me a lot, but you're right; they can still learn, especially if they are already mages or pagans or "Satanists", even if they make a mockery of the latter right now. Even atheists can be fine since most aren't actually against the concept of Gods if there is evidence, and are just fed up with the hypocrisy of the disgusting jewish programs like xianity.
There is still judeochristianisation in the (((media))), though. So even if they think they're atheists, they are still ju-dazed and christianised - plus with islam and the attempt of shariah "law" - which again is jewish, of course.

I don't know if people who have fully bought into such programs and have already committed crimes as a result should be forgiven just because they are gentile, though.
On what scale? Once they reincarnate, if they can, then would that be a clean slate?

But if not for jews, xianity wouldn't have been a thing, and its adherents wouldn't have had an "excuse" to murder, exile, harass or assault innocent people.
Take Robert Maudsley - Britain's most dangerous prisoner kept in solitary confinement in a glass box under a jail for more than 40 years and until death (https://archive.is/AE9rk and https://archive.is/uQoe9), for example - due to a person's upbringing, is it their fault? Bearing in mind the jew just wants to throw us away and forget about us - that way, we cannot stand on our own two feet and have to rely on the jew's dictatorship in order to have our Souls be consumed by the jew's overlords. At least Satan wants us to improve and be healthy, so I think people - christians, muslims, atheists, etc. - should be at least be given a chance. (Will Maudsley be murdered before Satan and some Gods and Goddesses return, or will he be given a chance upon Their return?) There is a sever imbalance of Elements and Energies, so...

In the end, it's still jews to blame for that too.
A fish rots from the head down.

Like I said (and you said as well), there is something wrong with the very being of jews. I didn't mention it, but I do think that going extinct is the least they could do for us to make things remotely fair.
Remotely fair, lol. That would be nice, but the jew doesn't know or understand what nice is!

If that doesn't sound fair to them, then shouldn't they have considered that a bit sooner (as if they're capable of that)? Like Cobra said they've had thousands of years to change, but they didn't. They clearly are no more than a pest that needs to be eradicated for humans to prosper.
It can't change. You can't change a leopard's spots. Can a tree stop being a tree and become an international airport or a Human? The difference with Humans is that we can adapt and change our behaviours - for better or for worse - and that can be, and has been, exploited severely. The jew is not Human; it is merely humanoid. The jew is as the jew does. No more can a robot change its programming than a jew can stop being a jew and the jew is practically a robot anyway; it has Artificial Humanity.

Gear88 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Keep cursing yourself Gear. Don't say you didn't know. It's not too late to turn your boat around.

I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder whether you're some guy trolling because of how you constantly affirm negativity on yourself and some other habits but I do give you the benefit of doubt.

You can keep whining about how your life sucks (trust me you won't even make it to 30 in your next lifetime; it will be a magnified version of this one if you don't stop whining and doing nothing to change your life) or you can use the knowledge the JoS provides and turn your life around. Your choice.

My choice is to continue with what I am. I have a naturally negative personality. Life sucks what can I say there is nothing good or wonderful in it. I see that every single day of this shitty life. If it continues in my next life "Oh well" it just affirms life is worthless and stupid. Pointless existence for a pointless Universe. Nothing wonderful about living or anything.

Trolling it's funny you mention that because if we don't agree and don't abide by some maligned world-view it's trolling. Yeah I guess I am trolling if by definition of your definition. It's kinda like some trolls who come on our forum and make a point. If we don't agree with certain things they get attacked by members not necessarily banned.

Well it's not trolling just talking for real I've been with this organization since 2003 and nothing has ever happened. I keep going cause there is nothing else to do. But whatever call it trolling or whatever. Just being honest, nothing has happened. I've summoned, meditated, RTRs/RNTRs, what can I say that's the worthlessness of life and religion and politics. A life long preoccupation so people are in control and aren't going crazy.

It reminds me of a thought I had back when I was 12 back in 2003 time period. I bet nothing is gonna change and happen and I'll just keep living the same way. Well what can I say I'm now 30 and it's basically SS/DD, Same shit/different day. And apparently the World is such a worthless piece of shit place that it's going down it's all collapsing and going to a shithole.

I'm here just for the sake of being here and basing my entire reality on it. If it's fake or maybe JoS is a trolling organization or controlled opposition or some fake front for something. Well whatever I'm in it, that's my shitty life, what can I do. I know I'm using the analogy incorrectly but I keep fucking that chicken(I know the meme behind it just using it in an alternative way).
Life doesn't "suck". It doesn't have the ability to suck. You, however, have a mouth and can suck - dick, milkshake through a straw... You can also be a sponge and suck-up good things and bad things. Boo-fucking-hoo. Get over it and get on with it.

Nyan said:
Is Satan talking to me in my head.
Nyan said:
Are demons talking to me in my head.
What is with all of the spaces in your first post? No, Satan and the Daemons are not talking to you in your head; that is the cheese you ate before you went to bed. Now it's your turn - the floor's yours.
Weassel said:
From what i seen most ''reasons'' against jos are pure repetitive crap, i can even list most of them here:
1. There are retards who think that this group is for the money, its funny to think something like this when in fact i never seen JOS asking for money, only one in a post like it was by Cobra but it was not like asking it was something like ''that time you waste you could do meditation, final rituals or donating to jos (this was the closest thing i seen to asking for money)''
2. Jus wuz racist (its funny that they call us eval reecists when JOS have special comunities for blacks and asians...) und anti semitic oy vey and look it now how people are crying after Hitler over the internet that he was right and the gentiles should had allied him.
3. There are another kind of retards who think that the information is stolen without giving sources but i always seen the sources from what books Maxine took information so that also does not make any sense.
4. Those emails and how Maxine was some nazi group in US and did some pedophile act idk? Those i do not know, exagerated as always but can someone explain what's with those emails?
5. They also hate us because there is backlash when someone say that they want to leave for another religion, like yeah dunno you do a dedication in blood about how you dedicate your soul for your life etc and then ''yoooooo buddddyyyy i goooottttt boooreeedd lemmme choose anuda religin.
6. Annnddd the last is how we pray on teens and how we promote paranoia were enemy is attacking you everyday or someone on reddit said that he became paranoic where here i seen that people recommand to not jump to the thoughts that its the enemy when you have bad thoughts.
7. There is one moree.... its about how we blame every weirdo of being a jew... well yeah some people may exagerate but really in my native forum there was a popular member there who had as username the reversed name of a demon (i dunno why nobody saw that until it was too late), he helped people etc, etc but he tried to talk to new member in private and to help them how to feel like ''advanced satanist'' by giving them drugs.... yep... and also he drank human blood and putted blood on demons sigils... yep... all proof by screenshots of the victim... (i hope the guy die of testicular cancer or something), and now on his own site is promoting things anti-jos when in the past he was full blown on ''promoting'' jos...

These are all the ''reasons'' against the JOS i seen over the years, most of them bullshit lets not forget how the so called other ''satanist'' who smock crack in order to ''astral project'' and talk to goblins consider us fake and a weird cult...

I've found these people are not serious, in fact simply a product of social consumer egoism. Caught in a movement that they can only find themselves walking in circles, nothing will change with these people. Many of this is also a projection, just imagine how the narrative would be if we took away Nazism haha.
Specter said:
Weassel said:
From what i seen most ''reasons'' against jos are pure repetitive crap, i can even list most of them here:
1. There are retards who think that this group is for the money, its funny to think something like this when in fact i never seen JOS asking for money, only one in a post like it was by Cobra but it was not like asking it was something like ''that time you waste you could do meditation, final rituals or donating to jos (this was the closest thing i seen to asking for money)''
2. Jus wuz racist (its funny that they call us eval reecists when JOS have special comunities for blacks and asians...) und anti semitic oy vey and look it now how people are crying after Hitler over the internet that he was right and the gentiles should had allied him.
3. There are another kind of retards who think that the information is stolen without giving sources but i always seen the sources from what books Maxine took information so that also does not make any sense.
4. Those emails and how Maxine was some nazi group in US and did some pedophile act idk? Those i do not know, exagerated as always but can someone explain what's with those emails?
5. They also hate us because there is backlash when someone say that they want to leave for another religion, like yeah dunno you do a dedication in blood about how you dedicate your soul for your life etc and then ''yoooooo buddddyyyy i goooottttt boooreeedd lemmme choose anuda religin.
6. Annnddd the last is how we pray on teens and how we promote paranoia were enemy is attacking you everyday or someone on reddit said that he became paranoic where here i seen that people recommand to not jump to the thoughts that its the enemy when you have bad thoughts.
7. There is one moree.... its about how we blame every weirdo of being a jew... well yeah some people may exagerate but really in my native forum there was a popular member there who had as username the reversed name of a demon (i dunno why nobody saw that until it was too late), he helped people etc, etc but he tried to talk to new member in private and to help them how to feel like ''advanced satanist'' by giving them drugs.... yep... and also he drank human blood and putted blood on demons sigils... yep... all proof by screenshots of the victim... (i hope the guy die of testicular cancer or something), and now on his own site is promoting things anti-jos when in the past he was full blown on ''promoting'' jos...

These are all the ''reasons'' against the JOS i seen over the years, most of them bullshit lets not forget how the so called other ''satanist'' who smock crack in order to ''astral project'' and talk to goblins consider us fake and a weird cult...

I've found these people are not serious, in fact simply a product of social consumer egoism. Caught in a movement that they can only find themselves walking in circles, nothing will change with these people. Many of this is also a projection, just imagine how the narrative would be if we took away Nazism haha.

Actually the simple fact is they don't study. Or they've been judenthumped by kosher non-sense like 6 gorillian or anne frank or some other holohoax bullshit.

Study is important. Personally my love of the Axis powers during my childhood and my Neo-Nazi ways. Made me completely resistive in comparison to these retards.

Like back in mid-2000s when I played a prominent MMORPG. Style > Substance (Style over Substance). Well funny enough our side fought with both Style and Substance.

So basically I just kept my deep infatuation with WW2 as the main shield to not be a slave of krast like these guys.

I'm sure some anti-JoS people read this and go "This guy is crazy". Yeah well my craziness for WW2 and the assessment of knowledge I've done cemented me into this lifestyle. Kinda like how I dedicated at 12 years old. I've seen a few others dedicate at such young age. It's abnormal for most but I saw in the JoS something that clicked with my Weltanscaang(World-view).

I think these guys don't want to solve the World's problems. They just want it to burn. They have too much of this pinko-red spectrum rainbow color political view whereby everything must exists. Do you know how many people would be happy if the Government gave them 20,000 dollars to Aktion T4 their retarded child as compensation for their extreme distraught some people have literally blown their brains out raising a retarded child. Eugenics and all this anthropological and racial studies all of this amuses me extremely deeply it resonates with me. All it does it makes me a better racist and racial realist.

I'm glad to have delved into National Socialism and Joy of Satan. Without both of these I'd probably just doing whatever who knows. It's my drink of choice, my fountain of development.

I think in the end the anti-JoS people find their way. Just reading out sites implants the seeds of development. Someday it'll bore straight into their brain and make them go "Oh shit JoS people were fucking right the whole fucking time."

I've always wondered why they hate us. We want a better World, more Aryans not in disrespect to other races, and improvement to everything. Turn man into God IF they want IF not at least climb up as high as possible and not be a debt slave to some kikes who deem themselves superior.

If anything NS/SS is about re-instilling the MIGHT of being a Gentile. What's wrong with that?......

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
