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Are there homosexual demons too?


Sep 27, 2018
Actually I have never heard of any homosexual demon or demoness. Does homosexuality exist among demons?

If I want to have a forever relationship with a demon, is it possible?

I feel very lonely without friends or a real lover/partner. I thought I would ask Satan for a demon partner.
DarkShadow said:
Actually I have never heard of any homosexual demon or demoness. Does homosexuality exist among demons?
Yes, of course.
I feel very lonely without friends or a real lover/partner. I thought I would ask Satan for a demon partner.
Ask away!
DarkShadow said:
Actually I have never heard of any homosexual demon or demoness. Does homosexuality exist among demons?

If I want to have a forever relationship with a demon, is it possible?

I feel very lonely without friends or a real lover/partner. I thought I would ask Satan for a demon partner.
Yes, there are
DarkShadow said:
Actually I have never heard of any homosexual demon or demoness. Does homosexuality exist among demons?

If I want to have a forever relationship with a demon, is it possible?

I feel very lonely without friends or a real lover/partner. I thought I would ask Satan for a demon partner.

You can ask father for a partner, but im just gonna give you my experience just in case you run into the same problems i did:

First of all, you have to really work on your astral senses. You must be practicing daily to open yourself up to see the astral world. Second, you must make sure what it is you truly want in relationships, are you monogamous? Poly? Bi? Find out the type of partner(s) you want. A tarot reading can help you find out a lot more about what you truly need.
My partner visited me in the astral while i was asleep. And it was very vivid. I literally opened my arms in real life to embrace him.
Another thing is, that you wont always see or hear or sense your partner(s). I only saw and sensed mine once. Idk whats the real reason for that, but it could add to the loneliness actually... so im not exactly sure.

Just be sure that all of your astral senses are always working and open.
I'll wait, I want to work on myself. But this loneliness becomes unbearable.

I had some biases against Goddess Ishtar, she represents sexual freedom and is a Goddess of love. I never really understood why boys, even bisexual, see homosexuals as disgusting or just a use and throw material. Why they only choose girls over boys, I truly loved someone but he choose a girl over me. He was the first who lured me into it then left me. I cry for him everyday. Whenever I see a straight couple, I feel hurt and pain. I feel like there is some problem with me, I'm not good, I'm imperfect. Only straight sex and love is right. This hurts me very much and I cry.

On Friday, 8 July 2022, I was crying again. I wanted to know the true meaning of love. While crying I asked Goddess Ishtar, " You are the Goddess of love. What is love? What is meaning of love? Why should we love? What is the need to love?" I imagined her with her multiple lovers.
That's when I got my answer, it was sudden and out of nowhere. I felt she's is doing something and is very busy and is very annoyed with me. And these sentences flashed in my mind out of nowhere.

"Love is Happiness. It ensures that we help each other."

It is the most satisfactory answer. This is why Gods care for us, parents care for their children, friends for each other and a lover cares for his/her loved one. It ensures our survival.
I'm not saying Ishtar talked to me, it's just I got my answer when I prayed to her. I wanted to show my gratitude so I write it here. Thank you Mother Ishtar.

Now I know he didn't love me. Now I have a hope that I won't be lonely forever. I will too have a partner and love like everyone else.
I'll wait and let the gods decide a true and perfect partner for me.

Thank you Goddess Ishtar
Thank you Father Satan
DarkShadow said:
I'll wait, I want to work on myself. But this loneliness becomes unbearable.

I had some biases against Goddess Ishtar, she represents sexual freedom and is a Goddess of love. I never really understood why boys, even bisexual, see homosexuals as disgusting or just a use and throw material. Why they only choose girls over boys, I truly loved someone but he choose a girl over me. He was the first who lured me into it then left me. I cry for him everyday. Whenever I see a straight couple, I feel hurt and pain. I feel like there is some problem with me, I'm not good, I'm imperfect. Only straight sex and love is right. This hurts me very much and I cry.

On Friday, 8 July 2022, I was crying again. I wanted to know the true meaning of love. While crying I asked Goddess Ishtar, " You are the Goddess of love. What is love? What is meaning of love? Why should we love? What is the need to love?" I imagined her with her multiple lovers.
That's when I got my answer, it was sudden and out of nowhere. I felt she's is doing something and is very busy and is very annoyed with me. And these sentences flashed in my mind out of nowhere.

"Love is Happiness. It ensures that we help each other."

It is the most satisfactory answer. This is why Gods care for us, parents care for their children, friends for each other and a lover cares for his/her loved one. It ensures our survival.
I'm not saying Ishtar talked to me, it's just I got my answer when I prayed to her. I wanted to show my gratitude so I write it here. Thank you Mother Ishtar.

Now I know he didn't love me. Now I have a hope that I won't be lonely forever. I will too have a partner and love like everyone else.
I'll wait and let the gods decide a true and perfect partner for me.

Thank you Goddess Ishtar
Thank you Father Satan

This is a beautiful reply and actually just opened my eyes to understand love better.

Thank you and I wish you the best in finding a great partner for yourself.
DarkShadow said:
I'll wait, I want to work on myself. But this loneliness becomes unbearable.

I had some biases against Goddess Ishtar, she represents sexual freedom and is a Goddess of love. I never really understood why boys, even bisexual, see homosexuals as disgusting or just a use and throw material. Why they only choose girls over boys, I truly loved someone but he choose a girl over me. He was the first who lured me into it then left me. I cry for him everyday. Whenever I see a straight couple, I feel hurt and pain. I feel like there is some problem with me, I'm not good, I'm imperfect. Only straight sex and love is right. This hurts me very much and I cry.

On Friday, 8 July 2022, I was crying again. I wanted to know the true meaning of love. While crying I asked Goddess Ishtar, " You are the Goddess of love. What is love? What is meaning of love? Why should we love? What is the need to love?" I imagined her with her multiple lovers.
That's when I got my answer, it was sudden and out of nowhere. I felt she's is doing something and is very busy and is very annoyed with me. And these sentences flashed in my mind out of nowhere.

"Love is Happiness. It ensures that we help each other."

It is the most satisfactory answer. This is why Gods care for us, parents care for their children, friends for each other and a lover cares for his/her loved one. It ensures our survival.
I'm not saying Ishtar talked to me, it's just I got my answer when I prayed to her. I wanted to show my gratitude so I write it here. Thank you Mother Ishtar.

Now I know he didn't love me. Now I have a hope that I won't be lonely forever. I will too have a partner and love like everyone else.
I'll wait and let the gods decide a true and perfect partner for me.

Thank you Goddess Ishtar
Thank you Father Satan

Unfortunately for us gays our options are pretty limited🤣
I totally get you. I was LITERALLY obsessed with this jerk in highschool for four years. I eventually healed and now i can say im almost 98 percent recovered ever since dedicating. Also the gods are never bothered or annoyed by us unless in some extreme cases as in being a traitor or whatever, so dont ever think a god is annoyed with you just talking to them. These types of beliefs will go away and replace with truth as you advance.
Don't worry youll find the person you love. 🤘🖤
DarkShadow said:
I'll wait, I want to work on myself. But this loneliness becomes unbearable.


It sounds like you have hangups or other trauma related to love. You can use Ansuz or Munka to remove these obstacles from you. Check your Venus. It may be in a bad sign, degree, or have negative aspects.

Even if you get a demon partner, as others said, you will still have to work to connect to them. Also, if you have internal pain, you may still feel some of this even with a partner. This happens in the case where the pain or trauma is due to strong negative karma, not just a single event of this life. Therefore, you may be oversensitive in the relationship, or even feel pain as you remove the negative karma.

Although Astarte was likely busy, it is generally not the best idea to assume the Gods are mad or annoyed at you. At the same time, just make sure you are doing the best you can as an SS.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=373871 time=1657562829 user_id=21286]

Not annoyed at me. But annoyed because how I thought about her. I had my own issues related to love and sex but I resented her although I knew it's not her fault. I thought she represents only straights and women, what about people like me. So I felt hurt and bad. But by her blessing I got my answer and more understanding.

Blitzkreig, do you think people get negative karma when they hurt or do bad things to others ? Those people who hurt me in past lives and in this life, will they live happily in their life ?

I am suffering here and they will be enjoying somewhere. They have hurt me and forgotten about me. I'll take my revenge, if not in this life then in another life time. I'll destroy them and I'll burn their souls to ashes.
DarkShadow said:
Actually I have never heard of any homosexual demon or demoness. Does homosexuality exist among demons?

If I want to have a forever relationship with a demon, is it possible?

I feel very lonely without friends or a real lover/partner. I thought I would ask Satan for a demon partner.

Humans are social beings, sure, you can approach the Demons and establish mutually beneficial relationships with them, and this is the most beautiful thing there is. However, you also need human interaction, human friends, and human lovers. You need physical attainment, communication, touch and such things that only humans can give you.

So you should try to make human friends, and lovers.
DarkShadow said:
Actually I have never heard of any homosexual demon or demoness. Does homosexuality exist among demons?

If I want to have a forever relationship with a demon, is it possible?

I feel very lonely without friends or a real lover/partner. I thought I would ask Satan for a demon partner.

Daemons can be homosexual. And humans who become gods who are gay are a great example. You have to realize the Daemons, and the various races of Gods are very diverse in lifestyles. Everyone is different. So are you. But while having a Daemon lover would be nice, don't forget you're human too. Socializing with people and hopefully finding a human lover will help satisfy your natural needs as well.
If you think about it, you will see that homosexual relationships are not as strange as they seem. Because, what are a heterosexual couple after all? Two very equal human beings. There are very few differences.

I don't know how possible this so-called living forever with the same partner is. I think one would be bored to death.
DarkShadow said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=373871 time=1657562829 user_id=21286]

Not annoyed at me. But annoyed because how I thought about her. I had my own issues related to love and sex but I resented her although I knew it's not her fault. I thought she represents only straights and women, what about people like me. So I felt hurt and bad. But by her blessing I got my answer and more understanding.

Blitzkreig, do you think people get negative karma when they hurt or do bad things to others ? Those people who hurt me in past lives and in this life, will they live happily in their life ?

I am suffering here and they will be enjoying somewhere. They have hurt me and forgotten about me. I'll take my revenge, if not in this life then in another life time. I'll destroy them and I'll burn their souls to ashes.
Don't you think that perhaps She was not annoyed by you or your feelings, but by those who caused you to feel that way - those who inflicted that karma upon you? I once asked Her a question too, and feeling Her powerful sense of justice for myself for just a few minutes permanently changed how I think about myself.

Suppose the Souls of those who hurt you in past lives have already withered away into nothingness, what will you do then? Will you continue to dwell on the pain and suffering of the past, or will you seek to free yourself and focus on the future?

I hope it isn't rude for me to say this, but I think perhaps the most important thing is that you learn to love yourself. I promise it will give you great strength.
Prisma said:
DarkShadow said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=373871 time=1657562829 user_id=21286]

Not annoyed at me. But annoyed because how I thought about her. I had my own issues related to love and sex but I resented her although I knew it's not her fault. I thought she represents only straights and women, what about people like me. So I felt hurt and bad. But by her blessing I got my answer and more understanding.

Blitzkreig, do you think people get negative karma when they hurt or do bad things to others ? Those people who hurt me in past lives and in this life, will they live happily in their life ?

I am suffering here and they will be enjoying somewhere. They have hurt me and forgotten about me. I'll take my revenge, if not in this life then in another life time. I'll destroy them and I'll burn their souls to ashes.
Don't you think that perhaps She was not annoyed by you or your feelings, but by those who caused you to feel that way - those who inflicted that karma upon you? I once asked Her a question too, and feeling Her powerful sense of justice for myself for just a few minutes permanently changed how I think about myself.

Suppose the Souls of those who hurt you in past lives have already withered away into nothingness, what will you do then? Will you continue to dwell on the pain and suffering of the past, or will you seek to free yourself and focus on the future?

I hope it isn't rude for me to say this, but I think perhaps the most important thing is that you learn to love yourself. I promise it will give you great strength.

You are right. I'll heal my self and I'll be happy. But if they live, then I'm not going to forgive and forget.
DarkShadow said:
Prisma said:
DarkShadow said:
Not annoyed at me. But annoyed because how I thought about her. I had my own issues related to love and sex but I resented her although I knew it's not her fault. I thought she represents only straights and women, what about people like me. So I felt hurt and bad. But by her blessing I got my answer and more understanding.

Blitzkreig, do you think people get negative karma when they hurt or do bad things to others ? Those people who hurt me in past lives and in this life, will they live happily in their life ?

I am suffering here and they will be enjoying somewhere. They have hurt me and forgotten about me. I'll take my revenge, if not in this life then in another life time. I'll destroy them and I'll burn their souls to ashes.
Don't you think that perhaps She was not annoyed by you or your feelings, but by those who caused you to feel that way - those who inflicted that karma upon you? I once asked Her a question too, and feeling Her powerful sense of justice for myself for just a few minutes permanently changed how I think about myself.

Suppose the Souls of those who hurt you in past lives have already withered away into nothingness, what will you do then? Will you continue to dwell on the pain and suffering of the past, or will you seek to free yourself and focus on the future?

I hope it isn't rude for me to say this, but I think perhaps the most important thing is that you learn to love yourself. I promise it will give you great strength.

You are right. I'll heal my self and I'll be happy. But if they live, then I'm not going to forgive and forget.
I'm glad you understand. And of course, wrongs are to be righted, where possible. But revenge should be something that sets you free, rather than dragging you down. As long as you're wary of that, it's fine.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
