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Are physical laws the same in other galaxies as in ours?


Apr 9, 2018
Are physical laws the same in other galaxies as in ours? What about other star systems in our Galaxy? I remember HP Cobra saying that greys reside in another dimension. If I'm not mistaken they live in our Galaxy. Does it mean that in our Galaxy itself there are dimensions that are not accessible for human beings?

Hail Satan!
As far as I know, different "dimensions" relate to how abundant the akasha is and how high the vibration is on a specific planet and sector of the universe. There can definitely be multiple dimensions inside of a galaxy.

Physical laws are the same throughout the universe. The issue is that nowadays the understanding of these laws is lacking and incomplete. Once true spirituality is no longer illegal, we will fully understand this laws and how to work with them to advance ourselves better and the planet with us not just spiritually but in science and technology as well.
Nero said:
Are physical laws the same in other galaxies as in ours? What about other star systems in our Galaxy? I remember HP Cobra saying that greys reside in another dimension. If I'm not mistaken they live in our Galaxy. Does it mean that in our Galaxy itself there are dimensions that are not accessible for human beings?

Hail Satan!

I also think just as @Stormblood said that "physical laws" are present and uniform in the entire universe, however humanity has a very limited and narrow understanding of these laws (due to being very limited and "narrow" beings ourselves due to lack of spiritual knowledge which would open totally new gates for humanity in terms of technological and scientific advancement).

I am convinced for example that in other galaxies and maybe in our galaxy there are elements that are completely different to what we are used to on Earth, elements with totally different chemical and physical properties which would "defy physics" based on our understanding, however they are just as natural as everything nature created.

Another very relevant example is High Priestess Maxine's statement on our technology compared to the Gods' technology. Our most advanced technology being considered "archaic junk", does not mean that the Gods' technology is something our of the natural or existing outside "physical laws" but it means that we as a civilization exist at a very small level of technological advancement compared to what exists outside Earth, and that the Gods on the other had are at an infinitely higher level of awareness and understanding of the Universe and of the physical laws overall.

Also when we think of "physical", we associate this word with the "gross", "material" dimension that we reside in, however "physical laws" also exist in higher dimensions, which are also part of the natural existence, but they are unreachable to most people due to spiritual blindness. I think the higher dimensions exist simultaneously with the physical dimension we are active in (as opposed to "existing" in because we humans also "exist" in higher dimensions but most humans do not have the knowledge and spiritual capability to access those dimensions), and that those dimensions are "overlapped" over the entire Universe, but as higher "levels" so to say, and they are not something "sporadic". I think our subconscious mind is a good example of something that is part of our "being", but exists at a higher dimension, and is certainly not a product of the physical processes of the brain.

For example in our subconscious mind there is the entire memory of all our past lives, which we cannot actively "remember" as we do with present life memories. I believe the reason we cannot actively remember memories from past lives is because "physically" when we were alive in previous lives, those memories were actively stored in the brain of the body we had back then, and after dying we lost the active connection to that body and therefore to the brain where those memories were stored. But since they are entirely "stored" in the subconscious mind (a non-physical "part" of our being basically), it is possible to access them with the correct knowledge and enough practice.

We can actively remember some memories from the present life as they are stored in the brain, but even this is something humans are very limited at due to lack of spirituality, because the brain of a very advanced person works at a much higher "potential" and is capable of many more processes (what many people consider ""superpowers"" nowadays) than a general person that lacks spiritual practices. For example I knew of a scientist, it might be Nikola Tesla if I am not wrong, who could remember entire book pages letter by letter. He literally had the imagea of the pages he read in his mind and he could clearly and accurately remember them. I think many people who are spiritually advanced can do this, we might have some even among ourselves. This is one example of a much superior brain-mind process that most people are not capable of.

There is a lot that can be said about this but I just gave the examples above to show that "physical laws" are nothing but the natural laws of existence and many "extraordinary" things that humans are completely capable but totally unaware of, are also natural and do not defy these natural laws.
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=476563 time=1702155013 user_id=1057]
For example I knew of a scientist, it might be Nikola Tesla if I am not wrong, who could remember entire book pages letter by letter. He literally had the imagea of the pages he read in his mind and he could clearly and accurately remember them. I think many people who are spiritually advanced can do this, we might have some even among ourselves. This is one example of a much superior brain-mind process that most people are not capable of.

There is a lot that can be said about this but I just gave the examples above to show that "physical laws" are nothing but the natural laws of existence and many "extraordinary" things that humans are completely capable but totally unaware of, are also natural and do not defy these natural laws.

This is called Eidetic memory and Eidetic recall.

There's a few Humans on Earth that posses eidetic memory and even fewer with eidetic recall.

Eidetic memory is computer memory storage you remember precisely and accurately 100% fully. But it's hard to recall, some people the few that exist can recall everything.

My breakfast came at 7:15am after waking up at 6:45am and the birds were singing their songs outside singing in a high-pitched tone. I woke up and put on my black socks with my suit etc.etc.

You get the picture. Totally different things it's one thing to remember it's another to recall the entirety of your life.



i.e. hyperthymesia.

But it seems like memory is varied for example I posses a regurgitating memory. Remember isn't smart or intelligent but a component of it.

But unfortunately my biggest issue is I want to remember and download everything. I posses a very robotic computer memory style. Most people on the forums would despise my working of my mind.

Why do you think I have so many problems with void and trance, incapability to do it. I wonder if I'll ever do it, my dream is to astral project been wanting to do it since 1999/2000 at least.

My memory is very fatiguing and my constant mental chatter. I prefer thinking, I think therefore I am. Rather than wield the might of the right brain.

Still it's the way I am and I would change it if it brought me better spirituality. Maybe I just need to work on my soul.

I have the odd habit of saying I know everything which might be a form of mental laziness.

Yes unfortunately I meditate in beta or gentle alpha too low and gentle to recognize the trance and forget about void the constant background music. I can pause my brain for a solid second but the music and the effects of wanting to express myself so fast and quickly my mouth can't keep up.
Gear88 said:
This is called Eidetic memory and Eidetic recall.

There's a few Humans on Earth that posses eidetic memory and even fewer with eidetic recall.

Eidetic memory is computer memory storage you remember precisely and accurately 100% fully. But it's hard to recall, some people the few that exist can recall everything.

My breakfast came at 7:15am after waking up at 6:45am and the birds were singing their songs outside singing in a high-pitched tone. I woke up and put on my black socks with my suit etc.etc.

You get the picture. Totally different things it's one thing to remember it's another to recall the entirety of your life.


That is it yes. I knew about it being called ”photographic memory” but didn't remember it when writing the above message.

Void meditation actually gets easier and easier once you start doing it correctly after a few days - couple weeks. Have you tried to keep your mind empty by focusing your vision/sight on a fixed point and also focusing on your breathing? This makes it a bit easier to keep your mind empty as it gives you something to actively focus on so you don't have to focus on your thoughts.
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=476649 time=1702225679 user_id=1057]Void meditation actually gets easier and easier once you start doing it correctly after a few days - couple weeks. Have you tried to keep your mind empty by focusing your vision/sight on a fixed point and also focusing on your breathing? This makes it a bit easier to keep your mind empty as it gives you something to actively focus on so you don't have to focus on your thoughts.

Yes I sure have both opened and eye. I notice with closed it feels more like I'm going to sleep.

My biggest issues which I posted recently on newcomers answers to help newbies. Is seeing an image or hearing background thoughts a null of void.

In other words "WHAT exactly is void?"

Excuse the hyper-rationalization and use of logic. I assume void and trance are sciences and I'm more into the intellectual part.

I shall practice more void and trance as I want to advance in my meditations. Albeit my issues are not just the noises in my house or outside. But the internal mechanism. You see here is the thing if I see an image form is that a violation of void?

Am I supposed to be blank like a robot. I get the idea of stopping the mental voice i.e. your inner void, background chatter, and music.

I play lots of music in my head a lot one of the reasons why I always hated music, I've changed that and do like music.

My issues are I spend lots of time in my head. I've read of people having their mind fully blank for extended periods of time. Blitz did tell me in a reply or was it a reply to a person that void isn't about turning your mind to mush. Rather it's an assistive work.

I'd also like to trance especially the benefits of trance which Lydia mentioned for example spending a solid period of time in it and then coming out refreshed.

I do have desire to visit a Professional Hypnotist. I get it you gotta be trusting and they can't manipulate you.

But I'd like to set off a trigger mechanism 1-5, 5-1 count to enter and exit the trance.

Perhaps most likely I'm in a trance it's just too gentle to affect me whereby I feel "drugged" out so to speak. I always was under the assumption meditation is like tripping out on a hallucinogenic and just being out of it. Not to sully the idea of meditation or trance.


I think one thing some of you need to understand is our souls and technology isn't very developed. I believe the more we spiritually advance the more we download new laws and physics.

For example one rule I recently thought up:

Anything and everything in the Universe and outside of it leaves tracks behind.

For example you can sense a star billions of lightyears away and see the echo it left behind. Or for example a black magician leaves behind traces a being of higher power can process and understand and see why that scenario was created.

Much like a Sniper hunting a person down you leave trails behind. Notice how someone can murder a person 40 years ago and now they get caught due to technology.

I believe we need to push for more spiritual-technologies, spirit-tech.

Maybe as our souls aggrandize our technology aggrandizes with it.

Remember subconsciously the Universe is being created by us all the time. Perhaps the rational is our spirituality fosters our technology.

In essence we give "life" to technology by advancing micro and macro cosmically.

Sounds strange I'm not saying we literally make the technology work logically or illogically. More like as we download new realities it changes our inner and outer selves for good, ill, or neutral.

Maybe we on some level need to explore further internally and externally for newer tech, laws, and rules.
I don't know how to attach links here yet so I'll just say there is this YouTube channel or person called Visable Thought and the name of the topic is The book of Alien races over 82 on Earth
this might help
Gear88 said:

On Void meditation, what you are essentially doing is, letting all thoughts and distractions pass by your attention, until the mind is entirely quiet, null, void. You focus on the moment, it is a focus or pure focus, not on a thing or a thought, but on the moment itself where everything is still.

When you have a very active mind, you will see all kinds of images/thoughts/ideas and memories swirling in your mind as you sit down and close your eyes. The mind is constantly active, random thoughts over things from weeks ago, or years ago pop up, imagination runs wild, ideas whirl around in your head like a heavy tide rushing up against the shore. It is a whirlpool of thoughts and images.

To achieve void, what you do is you let all these thoughts, memories, ideas, your inner voice, everything, you let it pass by your mind. Instead of letting it whirl around, or letting your mind get immersed in those thoughts and memories, you watch them pass by, one by one, until everything passes.

Like a man in a lighthouse watching the passing of the tide. As everything quiets down, and all the thoughts have settled down, the mind becomes quiet, your inner sight becomes empty, like a true expansive void of nothing, and your mind enters a state of tranquility where there is true control. Everything vanishes, your inner voice, even your memories, they are all put aside, away from your focus, so that you can focus on the nothing.

To make a comparison to a computer, it is quite like de-fragmenting your mind.

When you are in that state of void, time passes very quickly. Usually I do a short session before meditation, of around 5 minutes, especially before rituals, in order to empty my mind so that i can focus fully on the ritual at hand and there will be no inner distractions during the ritual I am doing.

I'll set a soft alarm at 5 minutes, and sit down to void my mind. Just close your eyes, and like a watcher in a lighthouse, you watch the sea of thoughts quiet down until all is empty. When it is empty, you stay within the emptiness until the timer goes off, and you are ready to meditate.

The first time I did void, it took me 45 minutes to quiet down my mind. 45 minutes before all the fragmented thoughts had passed by my focus, and finally there was tranquility.

Now, you do not need to do this in one go, but you can do 2 minutes each day, letting as many thoughts pass by and settle down as you manage within those two minutes, until eventually your mind will become void after a certain amount of time. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. It is best to build this up one step at a time, instead of trying it all at once.

This then becomes a skill where you can quiet your mind at any time, in any place, at any moment, to get rid of stress, excessive emotions, mental distractions, etc, anything which detracts from your focus.

Your mind itself will become more quiet as well. You won't be wasting so much energy on random unnecessary thoughts, and instead can focus on meaningful thoughts.

As someone with a formerly extremely overly active mind, I can say this costs an excessive amount of energy, to where you will be tired or exhausted even without doing anything, because you are constantly thinking, your brain is always busy with a myriad of things, which is a constant drain. When you master void, suddenly you can do so much more, as all that energy that was being wasted is now available to you, almost like you are unlocking the true capacity of your brain.

To make the analogy with a computer, imagine your system is infected with bloatware, and it runs like crap. Deleting this nonsense, suddenly your system runs like a Nasa computer and functions how it should.

Mastering Void meditation is kind of like debloating your mind, so your mind can function properly. You will perform better under any scenario, especially in stressful scenario's, since your mind will be under your control, and you can calmly assess things, react quicker, be more flexible, etc.
Voice of Enki [JG said:
" post_id=477290 time=1702548884 user_id=84]

JG Voice of Enki, you have profile looks very cool now.
You deserve it a thousand times over. Thank you for all your help.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
