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are gipsies related to jews in blood?

BlackOnyx8 said:
Due to the nature of my job I have to deal with hundreds of gipsies, I have been observing and analyzing their behavior for a long time. 99% of them have a lot of jewish features, the majority of them have the jewish nose, very pronounced. The 1% that don't have many jewish features are the younger generations, which I suspect are mixed with Gentiles. I doubt they aren't of jewish descent...

Older members of the gipsies communities are open practitioners of judaism.

Anyway, they are merchants (counterfeit material), they also are in the gold business, also into drugs and weapons, they get caught but since the justice system is made to benefit the criminal, they are thrown back into the streets, some of them never go to court for trial, they just vanish when the day comes, and nobody seems to care. Since these don't qualify as an actual job, they have no official income, and they live as parasites sucking the welfare system dry. More kids = more money. They also get to have free food, and lower prices on water and electricity, and house rent because they are in dire need. They also occupy random uninhabited houses, and settle there like its their own. Due to a law in my country in which if they are there 15 years uninterrupted the house becomes their property. I have actually seen this happen... the owner showed up tried to get rid of them they took the owner to court of law and won, the house became theirs. Unbelievable.

They treat Gentiles like crap, they think we owe them for some reason, they mock us, laugh at us because we try to expose their crimes, they know they get away with it. They openly discuss things like, murder, rape, mutilation... even speaking about their own. They are very bad even for themselves. They hit kids very hard drag them in the streets by their hair. One time I saw a woman hit by the husband in the head, looked like there was a tennis ball growing out of her head from how swollen it was. It could even grow a basketball for all I care, I just found it very barbarian and disturbing...This is supposed to be considered very normal among them.

They disrespect Nature, extreme pollution of ecosystems that they occupy, rivers heavily polluted with a lot of random crap, forests, it is very sad. The animal abuse is also very extreme. Namely dogs and horses. They steal people's animals and abuse them in the most horrific ways.

In my country nobody knows the gipsies are jewish, but it is very blatant if the facial features weren't enough proof, the behavior definitely is. Everybody wants to help the gipsy, everybody treats them like victims of society like they are hated for no reason at all.

It makes me really angry and sad to watch all of this happen before my eyes and not being able to take legal action against this, some who have are promptly accused of racism and have to pay large amounts of money to the offended gipsies (jews). Police officers who fire back when fired upon are sometimes thrown into jail for the most absurd accusations.

I am not sure if this is the case in every country, but as far as Portugal is concerned proceed with caution when dealing with gipsies, they all have jewish blood and they will screw you if they have the chance.

As if you had described Hungary.But the other comments I watched at the way ,I see it,they are protected by the Law(governments) everywhere the gypsies.
are these actual gypsys or a group just called that?

Iraqi Roma persecuted: Minority say they are excluded

Sabazios said:
And I'm living right besides you, since I m in Romania, and the situation isn t better than in Hungary.

As far as I know,that at least in Romania employed by the police physical violence against gypsies,if they do something more serious,so it is relatively,keep them under control.
My parents and my brother they were in Transylvania(Erdély)on holiday,and my brother(no SS) with a local man spoke with.
He told a story to my brother,that a gypsy(I don't even know where locally)he went to some disco and took out a knife,and the Romanians disarmed him(they beat him),and the police were called,the police took him inside to the police station,and they were beaten there too :lol: :D
It's just a story,but the local man,that my brother talked to,he said that In Romania, roughly things like this are going on.
If I remember correctly,this is the story it happened there Praid,was in or around has been.
You live there,you should know better.But there is none in hungary and gypsies are more vicious :( :cry: :evil:

What do you think about this the things I just wrote(is this really how the authorities treat gypsies)?
Because if that is the case,then just better a little bit perhaps the situation In Romania(if only by that much).

I do not understand the Romanian(but a foreigner)nor to politics,and I'm not trying to be clever,but how do you see?
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sabazios said:
And I'm living right besides you, since I m in Romania, and the situation isn t better than in Hungary.

As far as I know,that at least in Romania employed by the police physical violence against gypsies,if they do something more serious,so it is relatively,keep them under control.
My parents and my brother they were in Transylvania(Erdély)on holiday,and my brother(no SS) with a local man spoke with.
He told a story to my brother,that a gypsy(I don't even know where locally)he went to some disco and took out a knife,and the Romanians disarmed him(they beat him),and the police were called,the police took him inside to the police station,and they were beaten there too :lol: :D
It's just a story,but the local man,that my brother talked to,he said that In Romania, roughly things like this are going on.
If I remember correctly,this is the story it happened there Praid,was in or around has been.
You live there,you should know better.But there is none in hungary and gypsies are more vicious :( :cry: :evil:

What do you think about this the things I just wrote(is this really how the authorities treat gypsies)?
Because if that is the case,then just better a little bit perhaps the situation In Romania(if only by that much).

I do not understand the Romanian(but a foreigner)nor to politics,and I'm not trying to be clever,but how do you see?
I can't say for sure to be honest.
Some policemen do employ violence, while others do not. I've heard stories as well, but I didn't see it in person. And it wasn't only about gypsies. I heard of romanians getting beaten aswell.
Well that's that, some of the gypsies I know that went to jail got discharged pretty fast, and it doesn't change the way they live.
I mean there is one gypsy I know that took fines after fines and never paid any, and nothing happened to it.
Sabazios said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sabazios said:
And I'm living right besides you, since I m in Romania, and the situation isn t better than in Hungary.

As far as I know,that at least in Romania employed by the police physical violence against gypsies,if they do something more serious,so it is relatively,keep them under control.
My parents and my brother they were in Transylvania(Erdély)on holiday,and my brother(no SS) with a local man spoke with.
He told a story to my brother,that a gypsy(I don't even know where locally)he went to some disco and took out a knife,and the Romanians disarmed him(they beat him),and the police were called,the police took him inside to the police station,and they were beaten there too :lol: :D
It's just a story,but the local man,that my brother talked to,he said that In Romania, roughly things like this are going on.
If I remember correctly,this is the story it happened there Praid,was in or around has been.
You live there,you should know better.But there is none in hungary and gypsies are more vicious :( :cry: :evil:

What do you think about this the things I just wrote(is this really how the authorities treat gypsies)?
Because if that is the case,then just better a little bit perhaps the situation In Romania(if only by that much).

I do not understand the Romanian(but a foreigner)nor to politics,and I'm not trying to be clever,but how do you see?
I can't say for sure to be honest.
Some policemen do employ violence, while others do not. I've heard stories as well, but I didn't see it in person. And it wasn't only about gypsies. I heard of romanians getting beaten aswell.
Well that's that, some of the gypsies I know that went to jail got discharged pretty fast, and it doesn't change the way they live.
I mean there is one gypsy I know that took fines after fines and never paid any, and nothing happened to it.
Then this beating method not specifically used against gypsies :eek: :( ,but a general method of the Romanians.
Although I think,that they have some authority for the police in Romania if there is still "so to speak" beatings,not as in Hungary that the gypsy spits on and beats the police.Not all police officers, of course,but quite a lot of places the gypsy criminals terrorizing the police here in Hungary.
As far as prisons are concerned,here almost the gypsies eagerly awaited to be returned,because in Hungary almost "luxury and wellness" there are prisons,or the gypsies find each other.The gypsies are still proud,that they were in prison,and are happy to tell each other,how good it was.Actually they go there for sport(boxing matches,muscle building with exercise and so on),there are many videos of it on the net about these Hungarian prisons.
In hungary there is now this new party(MHM{Mi Hazánk Mozgalom}),this party's dawn programme has a few points on prisons and punishment extensively.
Would introduce the "Siberian wage prisoner reservation at".The gypsies have been they would not be proud,if from the Siberian prisons(such as the Black Dolphin) maybe let them out.

If you might be interested in this party(MHM) (in short,as far as possible :) ):https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65207

Before I read it which you just replied to,before I read this new article:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=71514&p=351704#p351704
This no longer belongs to the Hungarian party,and it seems a bit long,but it also writes about prisons.
I thought this was a relevant piece of writing :)
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Then this beating method not specifically used against gypsies :eek: :( ,but a general method of the Romanians.
Although I think,that they have some authority for the police in Romania if there is still "so to speak" beatings,not as in Hungary that the gypsy spits on and beats the police.Not all police officers, of course,but quite a lot of places the gypsy criminals terrorizing the police here in Hungary.
As far as prisons are concerned,here almost the gypsies eagerly awaited to be returned,because in Hungary almost "luxury and wellness" there are prisons,or the gypsies find each other.The gypsies are still proud,that they were in prison,and are happy to tell each other,how good it was.Actually they go there for sport(boxing matches,muscle building with exercise and so on),there are many videos of it on the net about these Hungarian prisons.
In hungary there is now this new party(MHM{Mi Hazánk Mozgalom}),this party's dawn programme has a few points on prisons and punishment extensively.
Would introduce the "Siberian wage prisoner reservation at".The gypsies have been they would not be proud,if from the Siberian prisons(such as the Black Dolphin) maybe let them out.

If you might be interested in this party(MHM) (in short,as far as possible :) ):https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65207

Before I read it which you just replied to,before I read this new article:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=71514&p=351704#p351704
This no longer belongs to the Hungarian party,and it seems a bit long,but it also writes about prisons.
I thought this was a relevant piece of writing :)
For starters, I don't think it's only a romanian thing with beatings, a simple search online showed cases from other countries where cops beat people aswell.
After that, with the authority, I'm unsure, I doubt it's legal "to beat" people they arrested. Saw some cases where policemen got stripped out of function.

On the subject of prisons, I honestly don't have much to say, since I wasn't interested in them to begin with. I have not gone through the first link, so I won't drop an opinion on it(maybe some other time when I can go through all the info there). As for the second link, I guess I can say one thing, from all he wrote there on prisons, I can actually agree that "it's not a place to punish, but to indoctrinate criminals to be worse than they were before entering".
In the city where I live there are some gypsies, in the school where I study there is a gypsy, I had a fight with one of her friends, and this gypsy was going to send her father to kill me '-', they are really disgusting, I saw some gypsy women, I felt extreme disgust, man, horrible thing, I feel extremely threatened just to get close to a gypsy, it seems that when a gypsy comes close to me, my aura does everything to keep these parasites away.

I have an extreme hatred for gypsies, they stole all the wealth and gold from my great-grandmother.
I used to work in a store where a jewish man was sitting and reading our magazines and newspapers everyday.
He was somehow allowed to do this because he had some kind of psychological condition. He "had to read about good news" I heard.

At that same store gypsies also used to come in and cook tea using tea water from the coffee machine, and also wanting us to fill up water bottles. Sometimes they managed to make costumers buy things for them, which made them want even more things.

My boss told those gypsies away with strong determination, yet allowed that old jewish man to sit there and read our magazines for free day in and day out. He thus clearly had a way more sophisticated way of getting his free stuff so to say.

I've heard of more sophisticated gypsies also though, scammers etc. but they are probably mostly jews anyway.
StyleCoin said:
In the city where I live there are some gypsies, in the school where I study there is a gypsy, I had a fight with one of her friends, and this gypsy was going to send her father to kill me '-', they are really disgusting, I saw some gypsy women, I felt extreme disgust, man, horrible thing, I feel extremely threatened just to get close to a gypsy, it seems that when a gypsy comes close to me, my aura does everything to keep these parasites away.

I have an extreme hatred for gypsies, they stole all the wealth and gold from my great-grandmother.

That is because a part of gypsies are mixed with jews. If you would meet a gipsy wich is only a kind of mixed indian, you wouldn't feel that. This subrace of gypsies mixed with jews are the ones who live like parasites. On the other side, the normal part of them usually are just fine
Sabazios said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Then this beating method not specifically used against gypsies :eek: :( ,but a general method of the Romanians.
Although I think,that they have some authority for the police in Romania if there is still "so to speak" beatings,not as in Hungary that the gypsy spits on and beats the police.Not all police officers, of course,but quite a lot of places the gypsy criminals terrorizing the police here in Hungary.
As far as prisons are concerned,here almost the gypsies eagerly awaited to be returned,because in Hungary almost "luxury and wellness" there are prisons,or the gypsies find each other.The gypsies are still proud,that they were in prison,and are happy to tell each other,how good it was.Actually they go there for sport(boxing matches,muscle building with exercise and so on),there are many videos of it on the net about these Hungarian prisons.
In hungary there is now this new party(MHM{Mi Hazánk Mozgalom}),this party's dawn programme has a few points on prisons and punishment extensively.
Would introduce the "Siberian wage prisoner reservation at".The gypsies have been they would not be proud,if from the Siberian prisons(such as the Black Dolphin) maybe let them out.

If you might be interested in this party(MHM) (in short,as far as possible :) ):https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65207

Before I read it which you just replied to,before I read this new article:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=71514&p=351704#p351704
This no longer belongs to the Hungarian party,and it seems a bit long,but it also writes about prisons.
I thought this was a relevant piece of writing :)
For starters, I don't think it's only a romanian thing with beatings, a simple search online showed cases from other countries where cops beat people aswell.
After that, with the authority, I'm unsure, I doubt it's legal "to beat" people they arrested. Saw some cases where policemen got stripped out of function.

On the subject of prisons, I honestly don't have much to say, since I wasn't interested in them to begin with. I have not gone through the first link, so I won't drop an opinion on it(maybe some other time when I can go through all the info there). As for the second link, I guess I can say one thing, from all he wrote there on prisons, I can actually agree that "it's not a place to punish, but to indoctrinate criminals to be worse than they were before entering".
The Mercury into a backward movement started at(here in hungary from 12:47),I hope this will not to obstruct communication :) :)

He(man from Parajd or around Parajd) said to my brother the story that,the beatings are just at the police station behind closed doors(so they don't see the beating),probably because to enable the police to defend themselves,if they(suspected offenders) were to accuse the police that they were beaten.
By the way, the Hungarian police"large usually"is afraid of gypsies,but Hungarians can be harassed by the police.

I am not particularly interested the prisons,but on this gypsy issue inescapable because of their parasitic and criminal nature.In Hungarian prisons mostly there are gypsies.

No need to go all the way the first link,enough of the topic text(at the link recommendation I was just thinking,I just forgot to add),the comment is not so much,but they also have valuable contributions.
I do not wish for you to read in full,probably not worth that much,especially if takes the time from the ritual(RTR's) and spiritual development.
StyleCoin said:
In the city where I live there are some gypsies, in the school where I study there is a gypsy, I had a fight with one of her friends, and this gypsy was going to send her father to kill me '-', they are really disgusting, I saw some gypsy women, I felt extreme disgust, man, horrible thing, I feel extremely threatened just to get close to a gypsy, it seems that when a gypsy comes close to me, my aura does everything to keep these parasites away.

I have an extreme hatred for gypsies, they stole all the wealth and gold from my great-grandmother.
I also went to school with gypsies,because in the municipality where I live,the upper secondary school has been closed(Classes 4-8),so I had to go to a nearby town,where the school is almost half were gypsies :((if not more than half,I don't know exactly)
The primary school in hungary There are up to 1-8 grades.
So I also have experience with them(about gypsies),and they are not good to say the least.
Anyway, I also instinctively disgust and negativity,I feel for these (gypsies),anywhere and anytime if only a little bit of the they are close to me.
I hope this will set the free that it will get rid of these the undesirable from memories:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615&hilit=Deep+cleaning

By the way we have every reason to hate them.
Otherwise to from lot of and families hard facts(brave),otherwise they are cowards,only the law(kike) protects them.
A music about the gypsies:https://soundcloud.com/user-728048684/szervusz-kedves-mensch-jogos

The lyrics was not on the internet anywhere,I wrote it therefore out,while listening to music(although I already knew it by heart roughly,but I wanted to be punctual).

Although probably translated into English does not rhyme,but it's what the text says that counts.

The lyrics translated from Hungarian to English(DeepL Translator):
You have lived here for centuries
our ancestors have welcomed you
but I don't think they welcomed your arrival with open arms
Your Indian origin is stigmatized at every level
the colour of your skin, your mentality only adds to the tension.

You are ungrateful, even though you have more rights than the indigenous people
you exploit the social safety net to the full
the music of the gypsy anthem, the soft tinkling of the violin
is not enough to make me feel sympathy for you.

Ref:Hello dear untermensch, how are you?
Have you been stealing, cheating, lying, who have you fooled these days?
Hello dear untermensch, the state is supporting you, right?
But you complain about how hard life is.

You've been living here for centuries, our ancestors took you in
but I don't think they welcomed your arrival with open arms
You hid behind a religion so your devil wouldn't be recognized
you are a master of lies, a master of deception
all that is rotten and sick is a sign of your character
Your usury and tyranny have killed millions
When trouble has come, you've hidden in the background, waited for the hurricane to calm
then the evil inside you erupted again like a volcano.

Ref: Hello dear untermensch, how are you?
You've been stealing, cheating, lying, speculating these days?
Hello dear untermensch, a whole country pities your people
and yet you complain about being excluded.

You've lived here for generations, the West has accepted you
the fountain of brainwashed liberals is your arrival
I am not complaining, you have made our cities more colourful
Of course, some cultural differences pop up now and then
the population is terrorized by the colored bastards
the police are helpless,the facts speak for themselves
we tolerate your presence, despite the many differences
but the cup is slowly being filled and the hospitality is over.

Hello, my dear Untermensch. I'll tell you what's new
Take your tent, there's no better world for you here
Your integration has failed, the taste of reality is bitter
but the dog will not become bacon and the blood will not turn to water!

Ref: Hello dear untermensch, how are you?
Are you disguising yourself as a refugee these days?
Welcome Untermensch, the promised land is before you
I'm sorry to say, but we've had just about enough of you!
Oh, yes!

In original(Hungarian) language:
Évszázadok óta itt élsz,
az őseink befogadtak téged
de nem hiszem azt,hogy tárt karokkal várták az érkezésed
India származásod minden szinten megbélyegzett
a bőröd színe,a mentalitásod csak fokozza a feszültséget.

hálátlan vagy,bár több jogod van,mint az őshonos népnek
a szociális védőhálót kihasználod teljes egészében
a cigányprímás muzsikája,a hegedű lágy csengése
nem elég ahhoz,hogy veletek szemben kiváltsa az együttérzésem.

Ref:Szervusz kedves untermensch,mond nálad mi újság?
loptál,csaltál,hazudtál,kit vertél át manapság?
szervusz kedves untermensch,ugye az állam eltart téged?
de te mégis csak panaszkodsz,hogy milyen nehéz az élet.

évszázadok óta itt élsz,az őseink befogadtak téged
de nem hiszem azt,hogy tárt karokkal várták az érkezésed
egy vallás mögé rejtőztél,hogy az ördögöd ne ismerjék fel
mestere vagy a hazugságnak,ura vagy a szemfényvesztésnek
minden ami romlott és beteg,az a jellemedre utal
uzsorád és zsarnokságod végzett már milliókkal
ha baj volt megbújtál a háttérben,vártad míg lenyugszik az orkán
aztán a benned rejtőző gonosz ismét kitört,mint a vulkán.

Ref: Szervusz kedves untermensch,mond nálad mi újság?
loptál,csaltál,hazudtál,min spekuláltál manapság?
Szervusz kedves untermensch,egy egész ország sajnálja a néped
de te mégis csak panaszkodsz,hogy kirekesztenek téged.

Generációk óta itt élsz,a nyugat befogadott téged
a sok agymosott liberális vára az érkezésed
nem panaszkodom,hisz a városainkat színesebbé tettétek
persze fel-fel bukkannak néha,egyes kultúrális eltérések
a lakosságot terrorizálják a színes bőrű gengek
a rendőrség is tehetetlen,a tények magukért beszélnek
megtűrtük a jelenléted,a sok különbség ellenére
de lassan betelik a pohár és a vendégszeretetnek vége.

Szervusz kedves untermensch,én megmondom mi újság
fogd a sátorfádat,itt nem vár rád szebb világ
az integrációd kudarcba fulladt,keserű a valóság íze
de a kutyából nem lesz szalonna és a vér sem válik vízzé!

Ref: Szervusz kedves untermensch,mond nálad mi újság?
csak nem menekültnek álcázod magadat manapság?
isten hozott untermensch,előtted az ígéret földje
csak sajnos azt kell mondanom,hogy elegünk van belőled!
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
StyleCoin said:
In the city where I live there are some gypsies, in the school where I study there is a gypsy, I had a fight with one of her friends, and this gypsy was going to send her father to kill me '-', they are really disgusting, I saw some gypsy women, I felt extreme disgust, man, horrible thing, I feel extremely threatened just to get close to a gypsy, it seems that when a gypsy comes close to me, my aura does everything to keep these parasites away.

I have an extreme hatred for gypsies, they stole all the wealth and gold from my great-grandmother.
I also went to school with gypsies,because in the municipality where I live,the upper secondary school has been closed(Classes 4-8),so I had to go to a nearby town,where the school is almost half were gypsies :((if not more than half,I don't know exactly)
The primary school in hungary There are up to 1-8 grades.
So I also have experience with them(about gypsies),and they are not good to say the least.
Anyway, I also instinctively disgust and negativity,I feel for these (gypsies),anywhere and anytime if only a little bit of the they are close to me.
I hope this will set the free that it will get rid of these the undesirable from memories:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615&hilit=Deep+cleaning

By the way we have every reason to hate them.
Otherwise to from lot of and families hard facts(brave),otherwise they are cowards,only the law(kike) protects them.
They would be considered outcastes in India in terms of lineage. And their behviour and religion would make them socially outcast as well. By the descriptions they do behave very much like some of the lower caste people in India. Some of them are probably related to gypsies. They would get thrashed by people in India or excommunicated. Ironically gypsy like tribes do get government benefits that many native majorities dont get. They can get into universities and government jobs with shittier grades than us.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
are these actual gypsys or a group just called that?

Iraqi Roma persecuted: Minority say they are excluded

I watched the video,but as I do not understand the language,so I don't really know about it what to say about.
Dark Blue Eye said:
StyleCoin said:
In the city where I live there are some gypsies, in the school where I study there is a gypsy, I had a fight with one of her friends, and this gypsy was going to send her father to kill me '-', they are really disgusting, I saw some gypsy women, I felt extreme disgust, man, horrible thing, I feel extremely threatened just to get close to a gypsy, it seems that when a gypsy comes close to me, my aura does everything to keep these parasites away.

I have an extreme hatred for gypsies, they stole all the wealth and gold from my great-grandmother.

That is because a part of gypsies are mixed with jews. If you would meet a gipsy wich is only a kind of mixed indian, you wouldn't feel that. This subrace of gypsies mixed with jews are the ones who live like parasites. On the other side, the normal part of them usually are just fine
As far as I know they are the same parasites all over and nowhere does it say around the world,that they are good,or would there be any who are fine.But you can still,only I have not heard of it :)
I think that,about a mixed gypsy, even if he is normal,that's what it is,cause it's not the gypsy blood dominated by.

That's pretty convincing to me and satisfactory response:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=66914#p66914

But even if there are some good ones among them,I fully agree with this:
Sabazios said:
Now, outside of these, let me ask you something, if 10%(just saying... ik it's much lower than that in this case) are decent people( decent by not going full throttle like crazed beasts, no crimes, no thievery, etc) out of a specific group/race of people, does that make that group any better? Does those 10% actually matter when the rest 90% are actually working to destroy the country and the people that live in it?

By the way, I knew of a miscellaneous gypsy man.
Now if you don't mind Dark Blue Eye then I would not share this story,because it's a bit long and he might recognise me.
He fooled me,but I would add,that I was the stupid,that I trusted him.

Trust no one,trust is only an assumption,but to serve in His shadow unconditionally(Lucius Dragonwolf-Ordo Umbra)
Assumption is the mother of all failures(High Priestess Maxine Dietrich)

I on this forum I tried all the read the post about gypsies and it's pretty clear,that they are not our friends.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
StyleCoin said:
As far as I know they are the same parasites all over and nowhere does it say around the world,that they are good,or would there be any who are fine.But you can still,only I have not heard of it :)
I think that,about a mixed gypsy, even if he is normal,that's what it is,cause it's not the gypsy blood dominated by.
I didn't understand what you meant to say in the last sentence

That's pretty convincing to me and satisfactory response:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=66914#p66914
HP HoodedCobra has a more recent opinion, wich I will show you

But even if there are some good ones among them,I fully agree with this:
Sabazios said:
Now, outside of these, let me ask you something, if 10%(just saying... ik it's much lower than that in this case) are decent people( decent by not going full throttle like crazed beasts, no crimes, no thievery, etc) out of a specific group/race of people, does that make that group any better? Does those 10% actually matter when the rest 90% are actually working to destroy the country and the people that live in it?
The problem is different. All jew-gypsies are bad for obvious reasons, but non jew gypsies are just a mixed race. You can't say they are bad, their ancestors did some mistakes and fell in jews's trap, but all races did some mistakes and we must take them as they are and fix them

By the way, I knew of a miscellaneous gypsy man.
Now if you don't mind Dark Blue Eye then I would not share this story,because it's a bit long and he might recognise me.
He fooled me,but I would add,that I was the stupid,that I trusted him.

Trust no one,trust is only an assumption,but to serve in His shadow unconditionally(Lucius Dragonwolf-Ordo Umbra)
Assumption is the mother of all failures(High Priestess Maxine Dietrich)

I on this forum I tried all the read the post about gypsies and it's pretty clear,that they are not our friends.

Is not about trust, is about delivering the hate towards the right people. I still think not all gypsies deserve the hate, only the jew ones. I will translate something from our forum

I know, this topic has been debated and re-debated so many times in the past. But some things need to be clarified once and for all, to eliminate unnecessary worry or stress.

First of all, not all gypsies are the same. And here I am not referring to individuals but to Gypsy groups/tribes/races. And probably every one of us has lived and seen this. Gypsy culture is not universal, and that's because they don't all have the same origins. There are gypsies who live in palaces and have a specific tradition, others live in caravans and wander here and there, then there are gypsies who are workers of a kind and although they don't have much, they are good people, they try to give their children a future by sending them to school, etc., then we have the gypsy mafia in the south of the country, who seem to be part of a specific group. There are probably other types as well. These different traits betray different origins.

Two on the hand - and this can be logically deduced from the above point - not all Gypsies are of Jewish origin. I know, much has been said both here and on the English forum about Gypsies. But the truth is that not all of them are Israeli. So, if you're here, if you've done the initiation ritual and been welcomed by Satan and the Gods, if you've had pleasant experiences with them, but happen to be Gypsy or mixed, you have no cause for concern; the "Gypsy" genes you've inherited are certainly not Israelite genes.

I had a discussion with HP HoodedCobra 666 on the subject, and he confirmed the same.

"The term "gypsy" is attributed to so many groups. The Romanians who are called Gypsies don't even look like Gypsies from the UK or the Mediterranean area.

Gypsies need to be looked at specifically. Because many tribes that came from the Orient, were called "gypsies". Some were even formed from Egyptians. Others came from the Middle East, while other tribes were Jewish with Israelite descent."

By Thomas, 02 April 2021, translated from romanian
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
A music about the gypsies:https://soundcloud.com/user-728048684/szervusz-kedves-mensch-jogos
Bro, great song, :lol: :lol:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
StyleCoin said:
In the city where I live there are some gypsies, in the school where I study there is a gypsy, I had a fight with one of her friends, and this gypsy was going to send her father to kill me '-', they are really disgusting, I saw some gypsy women, I felt extreme disgust, man, horrible thing, I feel extremely threatened just to get close to a gypsy, it seems that when a gypsy comes close to me, my aura does everything to keep these parasites away.

I have an extreme hatred for gypsies, they stole all the wealth and gold from my great-grandmother.

That is because a part of gypsies are mixed with jews. If you would meet a gipsy wich is only a kind of mixed indian, you wouldn't feel that. This subrace of gypsies mixed with jews are the ones who live like parasites. On the other side, the normal part of them usually are just fine
As far as I know they are the same parasites all over and nowhere does it say around the world,that they are good,or would there be any who are fine.But you can still,only I have not heard of it :)
I think that,about a mixed gypsy, even if he is normal,that's what it is,cause it's not the gypsy blood dominated by.

That's pretty convincing to me and satisfactory response:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=66914#p66914

But even if there are some good ones among them,I fully agree with this:
Sabazios said:
Now, outside of these, let me ask you something, if 10%(just saying... ik it's much lower than that in this case) are decent people( decent by not going full throttle like crazed beasts, no crimes, no thievery, etc) out of a specific group/race of people, does that make that group any better? Does those 10% actually matter when the rest 90% are actually working to destroy the country and the people that live in it?

By the way, I knew of a miscellaneous gypsy man.
Now if you don't mind Dark Blue Eye then I would not share this story,because it's a bit long and he might recognise me.
He fooled me,but I would add,that I was the stupid,that I trusted him.

Trust no one,trust is only an assumption,but to serve in His shadow unconditionally(Lucius Dragonwolf-Ordo Umbra)
Assumption is the mother of all failures(High Priestess Maxine Dietrich)

I on this forum I tried all the read the post about gypsies and it's pretty clear,that they are not our friends.
My honest opinion, the term 'gypsy' is too broad, has been used on a lot of different people of different races, so they are not "all the same". Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles. Those groups, I doubt they can be together, they might have some values, and might not do damage to the country they live in. Except ofcourse, the race mixing issue, which is kinda big within the gypsy communities lately. This is just an observation on my part so it may be wrong, but they seem worse on the subject of race than the average gentile.

As for that gypsy which fooled you, well, don't blame yourself, just remember never to trust people like that.
Dark Blue Eye said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
As far as I know they are the same parasites all over and nowhere does it say around the world,that they are good,or would there be any who are fine.But you can still,only I have not heard of it :)
I think that,about a mixed gypsy, even if he is normal,that's what it is,cause it's not the gypsy blood dominated by.
I didn't understand what you meant to say in the last sentence

That's pretty convincing to me and satisfactory response:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=66914#p66914
HP HoodedCobra has a more recent opinion, wich I will show you

But even if there are some good ones among them,I fully agree with this:
Sabazios said:
Now, outside of these, let me ask you something, if 10%(just saying... ik it's much lower than that in this case) are decent people( decent by not going full throttle like crazed beasts, no crimes, no thievery, etc) out of a specific group/race of people, does that make that group any better? Does those 10% actually matter when the rest 90% are actually working to destroy the country and the people that live in it?
The problem is different. All jew-gypsies are bad for obvious reasons, but non jew gypsies are just a mixed race. You can't say they are bad, their ancestors did some mistakes and fell in jews's trap, but all races did some mistakes and we must take them as they are and fix them

By the way, I knew of a miscellaneous gypsy man.
Now if you don't mind Dark Blue Eye then I would not share this story,because it's a bit long and he might recognise me.
He fooled me,but I would add,that I was the stupid,that I trusted him.

Trust no one,trust is only an assumption,but to serve in His shadow unconditionally(Lucius Dragonwolf-Ordo Umbra)
Assumption is the mother of all failures(High Priestess Maxine Dietrich)

I on this forum I tried all the read the post about gypsies and it's pretty clear,that they are not our friends.

Is not about trust, is about delivering the hate towards the right people. I still think not all gypsies deserve the hate, only the jew ones. I will translate something from our forum

I know, this topic has been debated and re-debated so many times in the past. But some things need to be clarified once and for all, to eliminate unnecessary worry or stress.

First of all, not all gypsies are the same. And here I am not referring to individuals but to Gypsy groups/tribes/races. And probably every one of us has lived and seen this. Gypsy culture is not universal, and that's because they don't all have the same origins. There are gypsies who live in palaces and have a specific tradition, others live in caravans and wander here and there, then there are gypsies who are workers of a kind and although they don't have much, they are good people, they try to give their children a future by sending them to school, etc., then we have the gypsy mafia in the south of the country, who seem to be part of a specific group. There are probably other types as well. These different traits betray different origins.

Two on the hand - and this can be logically deduced from the above point - not all Gypsies are of Jewish origin. I know, much has been said both here and on the English forum about Gypsies. But the truth is that not all of them are Israeli. So, if you're here, if you've done the initiation ritual and been welcomed by Satan and the Gods, if you've had pleasant experiences with them, but happen to be Gypsy or mixed, you have no cause for concern; the "Gypsy" genes you've inherited are certainly not Israelite genes.

I had a discussion with HP HoodedCobra 666 on the subject, and he confirmed the same.

"The term "gypsy" is attributed to so many groups. The Romanians who are called Gypsies don't even look like Gypsies from the UK or the Mediterranean area.

Gypsies need to be looked at specifically. Because many tribes that came from the Orient, were called "gypsies". Some were even formed from Egyptians. Others came from the Middle East, while other tribes were Jewish with Israelite descent."

By Thomas, 02 April 2021, translated from romanian
For starters, I'd like to say something about what was quoted from me. I didn't wrote it as I should have. I should've said exactly what I meant so I'll say it here. No, that thing with percents wasn't directed towards gentiles termed as gypsies(basically those 'gypsies' who aren't parasiting, damaging etc.) but stricly about gypsies(the parasites). Honestly, I don't know about you guys, but when I see a gentile, I see a gentile, regardless if he calls himself a gypsy or not, if he's gentile I don't even put him in the category I refer as 'gypsies'. To me gypsies are jewish parasites .That's all there is to it.

Now about the 'race-mixed' gypsies(and those of other descents), without jewish dna in them. Regardless of anything else, we all know that they don't have a place in our countries. What do you think?
Dark Blue Eye said:
I didn't understand what you meant to say in the last sentence
Or should I say also that it is not the gypsy Characteristic.I can't do better than this(maybe a translation error).

Dark Blue Eye said:
The problem is different. All jew-gypsies are bad for obvious reasons, but non jew gypsies are just a mixed race. You can't say they are bad, their ancestors did some mistakes and fell in jews's trap, but all races did some mistakes and we must take them as they are and fix them
With this sentence of yours I can fully agree.But that's not what I see that they would improve and would seek to to make them better(make themselves better).Since they settled in Hungary,since then there have only been problems with them.A lot of money spent on integration,but it has failed miserably.And not just the money,spent on their integration,but even after all this time,since they have been living here fail to integrate,or only the jew-gypsy got to Hungary :? :eek:
Groups of gypsies in the according to Wikipedia:The Roma in Hungary can be divided into six major groups, linguistically and historically, as well as by self-definition. Three of the six groups, the Hungarian Gypsies, the Oláh Gypsies and the Beyaks, live in Hungary in larger numbers, while three smaller groups, the Carpathian Gypsies, the Sinti and the Romanian Gypsies, number only a few hundred and one or two thousand members respectively. The Hungarian Gypsies and the Carpathian Gypsies are collectively known as Romungro.

I do not know if they are whether they are jewish or not.

The bankruptcy of gypsy integration:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohVmGlsIu5s(unfortunately there is no translation for this)
I put this here just to,because I'm not making it up.

One question:If not all gypsies are bad,then why is the that all over the world they are hated everywhere?
Or is there a place where they love them?
Or just does not reach me the news,that where they are well regarded.
Of course I have heard many that X,Y and Z are gypsies are decent and cultured,because they work,raising their children and do not commit crimes(they steal, they cheat, they lie).But about another tribe or even good news about a group I have not heard good news,only at the level of individual people.

I find it hard to accept them,if they remain in the criminal and lazy continue their lifestyle.

Dark Blue Eye said:
Is not about trust, is about delivering the hate towards the right people. I still think not all gypsies deserve the hate, only the jew ones. I will translate something from our forum
"Is not about trust, is about delivering the hate towards the right people"
I did not say a word,that I would hate this man for scammed me,rather I was rather disappointed(but not very much :) )

"I will translate something from our forum"
Can you provide a specific link for this on the latest development?Because in your quote can't get available at.
I couldn't find it here on the forum.
Sabazios said:
A music about the gypsies:https://soundcloud.com/user-728048684/szervusz-kedves-mensch-jogos

Bro, great song, :lol: :lol:

Thank you very much :!:
I am very happy,that you like it :D :D :cool: :cool:

Sabazios said:
As for that gypsy which fooled you, well, don't blame yourself, just remember never to trust people like that.
Thank you very much for this too your contribution,it feels good to have a little(rather very :) :) ) :D :D :) :)
And yes,I trust no more in these,but usually in anyone anymore. :( :roll:
Sabazios said:
Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles. Those groups, I doubt they can be together, they might have some values, and might not do damage to the country they live in.
I just don't know about it.What I have already written that nowhere on earth is he loved,nor any part of them(not for nothing).
Although that may be the case:" Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles and if the gypsies are judged,then no strain and varieties according to,but just generally all gypsies.
Sabazios said:
Now about the 'race-mixed' gypsies(and those of other descents), without jewish dna in them. Regardless of anything else, we all know that they don't have a place in our countries. What do you think?

Same as whites in South Africa, or America if we didn't kill the native people; blacks in America, and so on. The thing is that damage had done and we need to fix this, firstly by race awakening. I think people will naturally go in the places of their origins, but we cannot force anything as long as the blood is not mixed
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
With this sentence of yours I can fully agree.But that's not what I see that they would improve and would seek to to make them better(make themselves better).Since they settled in Hungary,since then there have only been problems with them.A lot of money spent on integration,but it has failed miserably.And not just the money,spent on their integration,but even after all this time,since they have been living here fail to integrate,or only the jew-gypsy got to Hungary :? :eek:
Groups of gypsies in the according to Wikipedia:The Roma in Hungary can be divided into six major groups, linguistically and historically, as well as by self-definition. Three of the six groups, the Hungarian Gypsies, the Oláh Gypsies and the Beyaks, live in Hungary in larger numbers, while three smaller groups, the Carpathian Gypsies, the Sinti and the Romanian Gypsies, number only a few hundred and one or two thousand members respectively. The Hungarian Gypsies and the Carpathian Gypsies are collectively known as Romungro.

I do not know if they are whether they are jewish or not.

The bankruptcy of gypsy integration:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohVmGlsIu5s(unfortunately there is no translation for this)
I put this here just to,because I'm not making it up.
This sounds like the jew part of gypsies. I can't disagree with you on this because we leave in same region and I think that those criminal gypsies are the jew part of them. In the short range of my region I see two types of gypsies: those who have 5 or more kids, live togheter and are parasites for society, western countries know them pretty well. All of them have jew facial features. The other ones are much less in number and live at their own house, have a normal number of kids and are really hardworkers. Their facial features are similar to indians

One question:If not all gypsies are bad,then why is the that all over the world they are hated everywhere?
Or is there a place where they love them?
Or just does not reach me the news,that where they are well regarded.
Of course I have heard many that X,Y and Z are gypsies are decent and cultured,because they work,raising their children and do not commit crimes(they steal, they cheat, they lie).But about another tribe or even good news about a group I have not heard good news,only at the level of individual people.

I find it hard to accept them,if they remain in the criminal and lazy continue their lifestyle.

Is normal that people don't like this type of lifestyle. When you look at the gypsies from Egypt or England is clearly that they have no jew origins, but people still wouldn't like that some people gather in their city, leave for a period and then leave, but times changed and this types gypsies disapeared.

Now when someone says something about gipsy they associate the word only with gypsies that are from India. Wich they stoped in the region of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Here they were mixed with jews because jews were not tolerated by the locals and they saw an opportunity in this poor people. This is my theory on them, but many things are unclear
on gyipsies history. I would like to go deeper in this subject, but I need to read more about them. The things from above are based on some informations, but also from what I see around me and what my grandmother told me about jews and gypsies

Dark Blue Eye said:
Is not about trust, is about delivering the hate towards the right people. I still think not all gypsies deserve the hate, only the jew ones. I will translate something from our forum
"Is not about trust, is about delivering the hate towards the right people"
I did not say a word,that I would hate this man for scammed me,rather I was rather disappointed(but not very much :) )

"I will translate something from our forum"
Can you provide a specific link for this on the latest development?Because in your quote can't get available at.
I couldn't find it here on the forum.

Dark Blue Eye said:
This sounds like the jew part of gypsies. I can't disagree with you on this because we leave in same region and I think that those criminal gypsies are the jew part of them. In the short range of my region I see two types of gypsies: those who have 5 or more kids, live togheter and are parasites for society, western countries know them pretty well. All of them have jew facial features. The other ones are much less in number and live at their own house, have a normal number of kids and are really hardworkers. Their facial features are similar to indians
I'd disagree with this. I had a classmate before, yes a gypsy, who had like 5 or more siblings(can't remember how many since I wasn't interested in their life story, but it was around 5 brothers/sisters). Even though that classmate didn't have jewish features, was pretty good in classes(having good grades, and actually studying), and the family was 'living' a decent life, the way that classmate was talking and acting towards others was simply jewish. The presence of that individual simply left me disgusted.

One question:If not all gypsies are bad,then why is the that all over the world they are hated everywhere?
Or is there a place where they love them?
Or just does not reach me the news,that where they are well regarded.
Of course I have heard many that X,Y and Z are gypsies are decent and cultured,because they work,raising their children and do not commit crimes(they steal, they cheat, they lie).But about another tribe or even good news about a group I have not heard good news,only at the level of individual people.

I find it hard to accept them,if they remain in the criminal and lazy continue their lifestyle.

Is normal that people don't like this type of lifestyle. When you look at the gypsies from Egypt or England is clearly that they have no jew origins, but people still wouldn't like that some people gather in their city, leave for a period and then leave, but times changed and this types gypsies disapeared.

Now when someone says something about gipsy they associate the word only with gypsies that are from India. Wich they stoped in the region of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Here they were mixed with jews because jews were not tolerated by the locals and they saw an opportunity in this poor people. This is my theory on them, but many things are unclear
on gyipsies history. I would like to go deeper in this subject, but I need to read more about them. The things from above are based on some informations, but also from what I see around me and what my grandmother told me about jews and gypsies
I'm not sure where they mixed with jews, but considering they 'left' India, I doubt they left on good terms. It's possible that they were mixed before having to leave as well. Also I'm pretty sure that 'gypsies' weren't really tolerated here when they came aswell, but this is just from what I've heard from older people, maybe not on the same level as jews but close enough.
Dark Blue Eye said:
Same as whites in South Africa, or America if we didn't kill the native people; blacks in America, and so on. The thing is that damage had done and we need to fix this, firstly by race awakening. I think people will naturally go in the places of their origins, but we cannot force anything as long as the blood is not mixed
Glad we can agree on this :)
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sabazios said:
Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles. Those groups, I doubt they can be together, they might have some values, and might not do damage to the country they live in.
I just don't know about it.What I have already written that nowhere on earth is he loved,nor any part of them(not for nothing).
Although that may be the case:" Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles and if the gypsies are judged,then no strain and varieties according to,but just generally all gypsies.

Due to the term being used to call too many people, what a group of jewish-gypsies does is attributed to the entirety of people called gypsies. So naturally the hate will go towards all the groups, not to a specific group of gypsies.
Dark Blue Eye said:
This sounds like the jew part of gypsies. I can't disagree with you on this because we leave in same region and I think that those criminal gypsies are the jew part of them. In the short range of my region I see two types of gypsies: those who have 5 or more kids, live togheter and are parasites for society, western countries know them pretty well. All of them have jew facial features. The other ones are much less in number and live at their own house, have a normal number of kids and are really hardworkers. Their facial features are similar to indians

You don't have to agree with me,otherwise I do not insist,to be right only for me.
Yes,probably to Hungary only the jewish gypsy :( .
We also have gypsyes who live normally,but only a handful few are they and in any case not grouped together.
Which is the best thing of all,that gypsies who are who try to lead a normal life to live at,those of other criminals gypsy excludes.They will do this(criminal{jewish} gypsies) it is said:"are becoming Hungarian".This is the phrase is used to live honestly to gypsies who want.

Are these normal gypsies in your region live in groups?

Dark Blue Eye said:
Is normal that people don't like this type of lifestyle. When you look at the gypsies from Egypt or England is clearly that they have no jew origins, but people still wouldn't like that some people gather in their city, leave for a period and then leave, but times changed and this types gypsies disapeared.

It's good to have them these gypsies,you maybe should be right :) .
And as for the hate,this is what I can imagine:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sabazios said:
Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles. Those groups, I doubt they can be together, they might have some values, and might not do damage to the country they live in.
I just don't know about it.What I have already written that nowhere on earth is he loved,nor any part of them(not for nothing).
Although that may be the case:" Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles and if the gypsies are judged,then no strain and varieties according to,but just generally all gypsies.

Dark Blue Eye said:
Now when someone says something about gipsy they associate the word only with gypsies that are from India. Wich they stoped in the region of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Here they were mixed with jews because jews were not tolerated by the locals and they saw an opportunity in this poor people. This is my theory on them, but many things are unclear
on gyipsies history. I would like to go deeper in this subject, but I need to read more about them. The things from above are based on some informations, but also from what I see around me and what my grandmother told me about jews and gypsies
Yes it is indeed would need research.Although I also research,but I regret the time,because it takes time away from FRTR's.I do not know their history,it's so very,and the things I wrote's,I have seen so far,I have heard and I have experienced about gypsies.

But if you do your research about the gypsies,good luck with that :) .

Dark Blue Eye said:

Thank you!
I doing a slight reassessment :).
They're definitely one of the reptilians on the surface of the earth. They make many kids so they can get money from the government for support (they give families with lots of children a monthly money support), but they don't educate them. Usually the mothers are thieves and tricksters, they walk all around the place with 15 children all around and they rarely bathe. They are generally dangerous and provoke fights and they commit robberies and murders.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
This sounds like the jew part of gypsies. I can't disagree with you on this because we leave in same region and I think that those criminal gypsies are the jew part of them. In the short range of my region I see two types of gypsies: those who have 5 or more kids, live togheter and are parasites for society, western countries know them pretty well. All of them have jew facial features. The other ones are much less in number and live at their own house, have a normal number of kids and are really hardworkers. Their facial features are similar to indians

You don't have to agree with me,otherwise I do not insist,to be right only for me.
Yes,probably to Hungary only the jewish gypsy :( .
We also have gypsyes who live normally,but only a handful few are they and in any case not grouped together.
Which is the best thing of all,that gypsies who are who try to lead a normal life to live at,those of other criminals gypsy excludes.They will do this(criminal{jewish} gypsies) it is said:"are becoming Hungarian".This is the phrase is used to live honestly to gypsies who want.

Are these normal gypsies in your region live in groups?

Dark Blue Eye said:
Is normal that people don't like this type of lifestyle. When you look at the gypsies from Egypt or England is clearly that they have no jew origins, but people still wouldn't like that some people gather in their city, leave for a period and then leave, but times changed and this types gypsies disapeared.

It's good to have them these gypsies,you maybe should be right :) .
And as for the hate,this is what I can imagine:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sabazios said:
Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles. Those groups, I doubt they can be together, they might have some values, and might not do damage to the country they live in.
I just don't know about it.What I have already written that nowhere on earth is he loved,nor any part of them(not for nothing).
Although that may be the case:" Some groups of people termed as gypsies, are simply gentiles and if the gypsies are judged,then no strain and varieties according to,but just generally all gypsies.

Dark Blue Eye said:
Now when someone says something about gipsy they associate the word only with gypsies that are from India. Wich they stoped in the region of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Here they were mixed with jews because jews were not tolerated by the locals and they saw an opportunity in this poor people. This is my theory on them, but many things are unclear
on gyipsies history. I would like to go deeper in this subject, but I need to read more about them. The things from above are based on some informations, but also from what I see around me and what my grandmother told me about jews and gypsies
Yes it is indeed would need research.Although I also research,but I regret the time,because it takes time away from FRTR's.I do not know their history,it's so very,and the things I wrote's,I have seen so far,I have heard and I have experienced about gypsies.

But if you do your research about the gypsies,good luck with that :) .

Dark Blue Eye said:

Thank you!
I doing a slight reassessment :).
Does the shattering or rtrs damage these things or not. There is at least a couple in my neighborhood.
slyscorpion said:
Does the shattering or rtrs damage these things or not. There is at least a couple in my neighborhood.

Focus the FRTR into them or the place where they live
CaspianTheDreamer said:
slyscorpion said:
Does the shattering or rtrs damage these things or not. There is at least a couple in my neighborhood.

Focus the FRTR into them or the place where they live

They live right downstairs from me I saw them passed out drunk next to the door a couple times to my building that is why I am going to do this.
I am sure he is a Gypsy. I got his image I am going to focus the final rtr and shattering into him a couple times. I don't know if I am going to be able to know what happened or not but I want him out of here as I do not like the energy related to him and it's annoying.
slyscorpion said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
slyscorpion said:
Does the shattering or rtrs damage these things or not. There is at least a couple in my neighborhood.

Focus the FRTR into them or the place where they live

They live right downstairs from me I saw them passed out drunk next to the door a couple times to my building that is why I am going to do this.
I am sure he is a Gypsy. I got his image I am going to focus the final rtr and shattering into him a couple times. I don't know if I am going to be able to know what happened or not but I want him out of here as I do not like the energy related to him and it's annoying.

A tip: utilize the nearest fatal factor for this creature.

For example, are there a lot of stray dogs around in your neighborhood? Visualize him being attacked by one or many of them and being torn apart.

Is your neighborhood somewhere where ppl dont drive carefully? Visualize him getting crushed under an 18 wheel truck.

Are there gangs or criminal activity in your area? Visualize him being stabbed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gypsies are an Hindo-Jewish blend, and they are basically jews.

Most people in America have no idea on what they even are, but in Europe, they are nothing but equal and the same to jews, just lesser in intelligence in how they go about any disgusting shit they do.

Physically speaking, many also look like jews.

Drakon put it succintly on what Gypsies are, they aren't your fancy fortune tellers like the US or something. They are an amassment of jewish / lower caste hindu amassment of crap, that is universally detestable because of thousands of years of worthless behavior.

Just out of curiosity. Modern-day Romanisael (Tater) Travellers are the descendants of the first Romanies who arrived in Scandinavia during the 16th century. Are these ethnically of Jewish descendant too?

I ask this because I know a couple of people that claim they are of this descent, Tater. My friends sister and their mother looks like a gypsy, which has always made me really uncomfortable, but I have never been a 100% certain as their behavior is not like a typical gypsy, but just like "us". They have also way higher IQ than the typical gypsy, but this might be of the Aryan genes they have mixed with...if Taters are of Jewish descent as well.

I am really confused because my friend took a DNA test, and it did not reveal any Jewish Origin (from my knowledge anyway).
Hello everyone!
Just a question? How to make a post? Can not find it:((( :roll:
With your permission I wouel like to ask here:
Who is the Moloch?
CaspianTheDreamer said:
slyscorpion said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Focus the FRTR into them or the place where they live

They live right downstairs from me I saw them passed out drunk next to the door a couple times to my building that is why I am going to do this.
I am sure he is a Gypsy. I got his image I am going to focus the final rtr and shattering into him a couple times. I don't know if I am going to be able to know what happened or not but I want him out of here as I do not like the energy related to him and it's annoying.

A tip: utilize the nearest fatal factor for this creature.

For example, are there a lot of stray dogs around in your neighborhood? Visualize him being attacked by one or many of them and being torn apart.

Is your neighborhood somewhere where ppl dont drive carefully? Visualize him getting crushed under an 18 wheel truck.

Are there gangs or criminal activity in your area? Visualize him being stabbed.

Well none of those apply right now (well yeah I honestly think they might pretty soon I am going to try to get out of here at the end of my lease) but I don't want to deal with him or the other one (possibly though a Jew) that long. The sad thing is this place used to be nice somewhat.

I will keep this in mind and think of something I started with the shattering going to do more stuff tonight.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
