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Any Tips for quitting Kike sticks (cigarettes)


Active member
Dec 3, 2017
Battling, Ismenios
Soo I’ve been trying to quit smoking for a bit now nothing really been working. it’s starting to effect my health and I’m going to have to probably spend more time healing myself now, so I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or workings that will help. Since I really don’t want to ask for help from the gods, even though I did a Tarot reading which said I won’t be able to quit without help, but I also know the cards can be very finicky and subject to change, though mine are almost never wrong. I’d really like to be able to this myself instead of constantly asking for help.
Thank you for your time
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
Hail Azazel!
What worked for me years ago was drinking a lot of chlorophyll. Also do a lot of pranayama it might help.
HP Mageson666 said:
What worked for me years ago was drinking a lot of chlorophyll. Also do a lot of pranayama it might help.
Really huh, I’ll have to give that I try. Also just alternate nostril or various breathing exercises? Thank you for advice :D
What worked for my friend is I ripped apart every cigarette in his pack and made a pile of all the "tobacco" on the table. And I had him look at it very closely, and feel it in his fingers. Then I told him what it is made from.

When they pump crude oil out of the ground, then they boil it and distill away all the products that they can use. Like distilling alcohol, every temperature has a specific product that boils away at that temperature. All the gasoline, propane, diesal, kerosene, butane, they distill and collect every product that they can use from it. And at the end, they are just left with black sludge that can't be used for anything. All the left over impurities and worthless chemicals. They take this sludge, and they mix it together with the tobacco, then they let it dry into a material kind of like paper. Then they cut the paper into thin strips, and that is what is in cigarettes. Usually they also spray more liquid chemicals onto the paper and let it dry; pesticides to prevent bugs and mold from spreading, and more nicotine.

I told him all of this as he looked at the paper strips of "tobacco" and felt it in his hands. And the chemicals in it were greasy, he got these dark brown/orange stains all over his hand from touching it. He said that I am right, and it is not real tobacco. The entire thing is unnatural and just a mix of garbage poison chemicals that couldn't be used for anything else. He said it's the most discusting thing he ever saw.

And he never had another cigarette since then.
I don't know what happened when I stopped smoking. Not sure if it was my own willpower or if it was the gods helping me somehow, but I just decided to stop smoking one day and never smoked again afterwards.
Smoking causes harm to your upper chakras and your psychic senses and I just stopped smoking one morning about a year ago. I didn't have any big urges to smoke, or no negative side effects right after I stopped. No intense cravings, but the cravings were there.

I used to smoke weed a few years ago, when I first found JoS I was smoking it, and I believe the gods helped me stop. I was on it pretty bad and never went a day without smoking it, but then something strange happened one day while I was high and I was about to blaze up another bowl. I was thinking about Azazel that day and something popped up on my computer right before I was about to smoke more weed that made me think that it was the gods trying to tell me to stop, so I did. It could have just been a coincidence, but I like to think that it was the gods that caused it to happen.
I just recently made a post that said I don't get many signs or responses from the gods, but this is one of those few times where I like to believe they were trying to reach out to me and help me and im grateful for it.
Sun said:

My experience with giving up weed was a lot different then yours, but your story of giving up smoking is exactly the way I did. It happened very early in my 40 day training routine, had my last smoke then the next day no cravings mum offered me a smoke and I said no which is strange cause whenever mum offered me a smoke I would say yes instantly but not this time. Now I haven't touched them since I got the "light cravings" like yourself this was apparent during early stages of quarantine, but now I'm completely clean from them. And not even in a million years will I light up a smoke ever again.

It's very nice reading peoples story on how they gave up smoking, especially someone who gave it up the same way I pretty much did :D

There's a lot of money in the smoking business. Jews, if they could, would legalize all drugs and even pedophilia. They're trying to legalize marijuana as a fun and medicinal plant. As for quitting smoking, there is a particular condition when you smoke, a little bit you can't and a little bit you don't want to quit because you like it and that's why it's hard to quit smoking. But the desire to smoke is stronger and more decisive than the addiction induced by smoking. A trained and developed mind can stop this suicidal desire. There are cases of people who could not or rather did not want to quit smoking and when they developed cancer, fear of the disease induced them to stop. In my opinion, the best thing you can use to remove bad habits and addictions is self-hypnosis. Very important, be careful and make sure you make an accurate and positive affirmation.
ChaosBringer666 said:
You can work on your crown chakra more intensively as it helps get rid of addictions. You can use Wunjo or Nauthiz (or both) to get rid of the addiction. You can use the Jupiter mantra. Try out a couple different things and see how you respond to each of them, then pick the one that works best for you and make a working with it to get rid of the addiction fully.
The best thing is to ready to quit. I tried quitting many times for the reason of knowing it was unhealthy and I should, but I always failed. When I was truly sick and tired of the addiction and what it was doing, I bought a cheap vape to get off the cigarettes, planning to use it temporarily. It broke after a few days and I would have had to wait almost a week to get the replacement part. I just said fuck it, no way I'm picking up cigarettes again. And that was that, it was over. Trying the previous times was incredibly stressful and enraging I couldn't cope with even simple little things without losing severely losing my temper. Being ready is a massive help.
There are things you can try though. Switching to a vape is far, far less damaging than cigarettes and will likely be easier to quit as it takes a bit of willpower to switch in the first place. Vapes only have nicotine while with cigarettes there is a ton of chemicals that you get addicted to. Quitting nicotine on it's own is easier than cigarettes.
One of our memebers posted a runic working that can be a huge help too, not just with quitting smoking as you'll see. I don't remember who it was but the working was to vibrate Nauthiz and in the affirmation state something like "In a positive and healthy way for me the energy of Nauthiz is now giving me the willpower and mental strength to endure through anything. This strength is mine forever"

And don't overly torture yourself in forcing too much to quit, or beat yourself up if you fail. This is one reason the vape step can be good, while you do the working and prep yourself to quit totally.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Soo I’ve been trying to quit smoking for a bit now nothing really been working. it’s starting to effect my health and I’m going to have to probably spend more time healing myself now, so I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or workings that will help. Since I really don’t want to ask for help from the gods, even though I did a Tarot reading which said I won’t be able to quit without help, but I also know the cards can be very finicky and subject to change, though mine are almost never wrong. I’d really like to be able to this myself instead of constantly asking for help.
Thank you for your time
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
Hail Azazel!

I need the answers too xD
Spamming , meditating and fucking it all up with cigs . :p

I did URUZ 108 times 2 times a day and was spamming big time . And even with the RTR energy making affirmations like " I am completely free from cigarette addiction".
Worked for a while.
Couldnt stick to it for 40 days though.
Master said:
There's a lot of money in the smoking business. Jews, if they could, would legalize all drugs and even pedophilia. They're trying to legalize marijuana as a fun and medicinal plant. As for quitting smoking, there is a particular condition when you smoke, a little bit you can't and a little bit you don't want to quit because you like it and that's why it's hard to quit smoking. But the desire to smoke is stronger and more decisive than the addiction induced by smoking. A trained and developed mind can stop this suicidal desire. There are cases of people who could not or rather did not want to quit smoking and when they developed cancer, fear of the disease induced them to stop. In my opinion, the best thing you can use to remove bad habits and addictions is self-hypnosis. Very important, be careful and make sure you make an accurate and positive affirmation.
Sadly I don’t have enough experience in trance so don’t think that will work easily, i would need a lot of practice and I always find it difficult to relax nowadays thank you though may as well try.
Sun said:
I don't know what happened when I stopped smoking. Not sure if it was my own willpower or if it was the gods helping me somehow, but I just decided to stop smoking one day and never smoked again afterwards.
Smoking causes harm to your upper chakras and your psychic senses and I just stopped smoking one morning about a year ago. I didn't have any big urges to smoke, or no negative side effects right after I stopped. No intense cravings, but the cravings were there.

I used to smoke weed a few years ago, when I first found JoS I was smoking it, and I believe the gods helped me stop. I was on it pretty bad and never went a day without smoking it, but then something strange happened one day while I was high and I was about to blaze up another bowl. I was thinking about Azazel that day and something popped up on my computer right before I was about to smoke more weed that made me think that it was the gods trying to tell me to stop, so I did. It could have just been a coincidence, but I like to think that it was the gods that caused it to happen.
I just recently made a post that said I don't get many signs or responses from the gods, but this is one of those few times where I like to believe they were trying to reach out to me and help me and im grateful for it.

Sadly I ruined myself quite a bit smoking weed, set myself back a ton no doubt. I blame my parents about as much as myself. Because “ya sure hun let’s have our 14 year old smoke weed with us like a chimney I’m sure he won’t lose all motivation and do a good deal of brain damage, no son we smoked weed all our lives and we turn out fine” says my mother who is near in cable of thinking for herself. my father put me ‘in charge’ of growing it, and they are both so unstable in their own ways it’s unreal sometimes. Now somedays I feel like torching those fucking plants I was really only able to quit after Beelzebub came to me and opened my eyes to how truly stupid I was being. Perhaps the same kinda emotional / Anger stimulation is needed not quite sure but I’m open to anything at this point since it’s the one of the last things that are really in my way.
Usthepeople666 said:
I need the answers too xD
Spamming , meditating and fucking it all up with cigs . :p

I did URUZ 108 times 2 times a day and was spamming big time . And even with the RTR energy making affirmations like " I am completely free from cigarette addiction".
Worked for a while.
Couldnt stick to it for 40 days though.

Perhaps you just did too much lol I finished my nauthiz, Sowilo, ansuz working and I think the energies are starting to take effect now and that was only 80, 80 20 once a day for perseverance through hardships towards my goals in short. Hmm perhaps you should do what I did and make a formal contract with a daemon... I dunno just spit balling lol
Shael said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
You can work on your crown chakra more intensively as it helps get rid of addictions. You can use Wunjo or Nauthiz (or both) to get rid of the addiction. You can use the Jupiter mantra. Try out a couple different things and see how you respond to each of them, then pick the one that works best for you and make a working with it to get rid of the addiction fully.

Ya I think I should start working on the crown, I did just finish a working for perseverance with nauthiz sowilo and ansuz, I would try the Jupiter mantra but I’m already doing a moon square, for psychic and emotional imbalances but I’ll definitely try to but it some extra work in my crown chakra thanks for reminding me :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
...chemicals in tobacco...

Except for cigars since that isn't smoked in quantities like cigs. And in particularly third world nations like (((Communist))) Cuba whereby everything is grown naturally and in some places like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and other mountainous cigar tobacco region growers.

When it comes to cigs you forgot to mention most modern methods of growing tobacco is using "white phosphorus". The very same willy pete grenades as well as WP bombs that burn. In fact even a single particulate of burning WP is enough to burn clear through the skin down to the bone, it's akin to acid.

Supposedly according to WP users it makes the tobacco grow faster and mature faster sometimes by weeks so instead of waiting an additional month or two the tobacco is sooner rather than later.
Sun said:
I don't know what happened when I stopped smoking. Not sure if it was my own willpower or if it was the gods helping me somehow, but I just decided to stop smoking one day and never smoked again afterwards.
Smoking causes harm to your upper chakras and your psychic senses and I just stopped smoking one morning about a year ago. I didn't have any big urges to smoke, or no negative side effects right after I stopped. No intense cravings, but the cravings were there.

I used to smoke weed a few years ago, when I first found JoS I was smoking it, and I believe the gods helped me stop. I was on it pretty bad and never went a day without smoking it, but then something strange happened one day while I was high and I was about to blaze up another bowl. I was thinking about Azazel that day and something popped up on my computer right before I was about to smoke more weed that made me think that it was the gods trying to tell me to stop, so I did. It could have just been a coincidence, but I like to think that it was the gods that caused it to happen.
I just recently made a post that said I don't get many signs or responses from the gods, but this is one of those few times where I like to believe they were trying to reach out to me and help me and im grateful for it.

That's awesome!
ChaosBringer666 said:
Soo I’ve been trying to quit smoking for a bit now nothing really been working. it’s starting to effect my health and I’m going to have to probably spend more time healing myself now, so I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or workings that will help. Since I really don’t want to ask for help from the gods, even though I did a Tarot reading which said I won’t be able to quit without help, but I also know the cards can be very finicky and subject to change, though mine are almost never wrong. I’d really like to be able to this myself instead of constantly asking for help.
Thank you for your time
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
Hail Azazel!

Hypnosis or maybe Aum Yamaya Nama mantra to make yourself disgusted by them. Also, getting a vape and slowly lowering the nicotine. It isn't perfect, but it is better than nothing. Good luck!
Your far better getting a vape than using Cigarettes. It’s far less harmful not saying not harmful at all. But if it’s going to take awhile to quit you don’t want all the Chemicals that are in Cigarettes. I know this is even harder than most drugs to quit so I feel you.

If you want Homeopathic or Herbal stop smoking things help a lot more than Nicotine patches in my experience. For instance Nic Rx or Smoke Free Naturally or Smoking Be Gone or something on Amazon. Those are helpful to some people who want to go the cold turkey route.

Just be sure to get enough cause later when your about a week into it you will still feel some withdrawal and be thinking I am ok if I smoke or vape one. This is where I failed on this but I will keep trying.

I am less worried with the Vape thing though than Cigarettes. My Gaurdian doesn’t seem to be bothering me on that but I want to quit cause I hate the feeling of being a slave to anything. The one time I smoked some Cigarettes though I felt very much he didn’t like that at all.
slyscorpion said:
Your far better getting a vape than using Cigarettes. It’s far less harmful not saying not harmful at all. But if it’s going to take awhile to quit you don’t want all the Chemicals that are in Cigarettes. I know this is even harder than most drugs to quit so I feel you.

If you want Homeopathic or Herbal stop smoking things help a lot more than Nicotine patches in my experience. For instance Nic Rx or Smoke Free Naturally or Smoking Be Gone or something on Amazon. Those are helpful to some people who want to go the cold turkey route.

Just be sure to get enough cause later when your about a week into it you will still feel some withdrawal and be thinking I am ok if I smoke or vape one. This is where I failed on this but I will keep trying.

I am less worried with the Vape thing though than Cigarettes. My Gaurdian doesn’t seem to be bothering me on that but I want to quit cause I hate the feeling of being a slave to anything. The one time I smoked some Cigarettes though I felt very much he didn’t like that at all.
Eww I hate those things they “might” not be as bad but they give you some new lung condition called Popcorn lung... sounds fun right, Not to be rude but I’ll take my Chances with cancer. Besides In the Jews Torah it states something like “we will poison everything, and when they ask for a solution they will think it is healthy but it will only be more Poison.” I’m pera phrasing but to me sounds like vape is worse, and I’ve already tried it. Didn’t help at all, good luck to you though some people can do it that way :)
ChaosBringer666 said:
Shael said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
You can work on your crown chakra more intensively as it helps get rid of addictions. You can use Wunjo or Nauthiz (or both) to get rid of the addiction. You can use the Jupiter mantra. Try out a couple different things and see how you respond to each of them, then pick the one that works best for you and make a working with it to get rid of the addiction fully.

Ya I think I should start working on the crown, I did just finish a working for perseverance with nauthiz sowilo and ansuz, I would try the Jupiter mantra but I’m already doing a moon square, for psychic and emotional imbalances but I’ll definitely try to but it some extra work in my crown chakra thanks for reminding me :)
Just to add, if you do a working for perseverance but then don't take action it's basically like doing a working to become a better swimmer but to never go swimming.
slyscorpion said:
Your far better getting a vape than using Cigarettes. It’s far less harmful not saying not harmful at all. But if it’s going to take awhile to quit you don’t want all the Chemicals that are in Cigarettes. I know this is even harder than most drugs to quit so I feel you.

If you want Homeopathic or Herbal stop smoking things help a lot more than Nicotine patches in my experience. For instance Nic Rx or Smoke Free Naturally or Smoking Be Gone or something on Amazon. Those are helpful to some people who want to go the cold turkey route.

Just be sure to get enough cause later when your about a week into it you will still feel some withdrawal and be thinking I am ok if I smoke or vape one. This is where I failed on this but I will keep trying.

I am less worried with the Vape thing though than Cigarettes. My Gaurdian doesn’t seem to be bothering me on that but I want to quit cause I hate the feeling of being a slave to anything. The one time I smoked some Cigarettes though I felt very much he didn’t like that at all.

I have again quit cold turkey now. No smoke at all kind of way. Any smoke causes holes in the aura ( i guess this is what I read), and to me it kind of makes sense because when I was reading about Nikola Tesla Online he had mentioned about smoking distracting his mind( again not sure about the authenticity of the article). Also the energy change that happens after you smoke cigs is really disgusting. Not sure about vape ,( never tried it ) .

I just keep repeating to myself now that it is a habit instead of an addiction. I guess once I am off any smoke entering my body for a month or two i will get better.

Also breathing exercises like above do help to atleast reduce the cigarettes.

There is no point smoking ever but in the war conditions we have now it is best to just chuck cigarettes completely.

Also i wanted to know will quitting cigarettes help me hold my breath considerably longer ? I know this sounds stupid and to some extent it is. But now I hold my breath for 10-12 seconds with the breathing exercises while smoking like a chimney.
Aquarius said:
Just to add, if you do a working for perseverance but then don't take action it's basically like doing a working to become a better swimmer but to never go swimming.
Well it wasn’t specifically for smoking though I did kinda in vision it like that. it was mostly for if I got to emotionally charged or something bad happened, I could stay strong in Satanism. thanks for the advice though :)
Usthepeople666 said:
I have again quit cold turkey now. No smoke at all kind of way. Any smoke causes holes in the aura ( i guess this is what I read), and to me it kind of makes sense because when I was reading about Nikola Tesla Online he had mentioned about smoking distracting his mind( again not sure about the authenticity of the article). Also the energy change that happens after you smoke cigs is really disgusting. Not sure about vape ,( never tried it ) .

I just keep repeating to myself now that it is a habit instead of an addiction. I guess once I am off any smoke entering my body for a month or two i will get better.

Also breathing exercises like above do help to atleast reduce the cigarettes.

There is no point smoking ever but in the war conditions we have now it is best to just chuck cigarettes completely.

Also i wanted to know will quitting cigarettes help me hold my breath considerably longer ? I know this sounds stupid and to some extent it is. But now I hold my breath for 10-12 seconds with the breathing exercises while smoking like a chimney.

Good job buddy I’m trying right now too, I’ll quit with ya. FIGHT ON!! FIGHT ON!!
HP Mageson666 said:
What worked for me years ago was drinking a lot of chlorophyll. Also do a lot of pranayama it might help.
Along with chlorophyll also take food grade hydrogen peroxide. With lack of oxygen you get addicted to cigs. With sufficient oxygen, cigarette addiction goes away. You can also try ginger juice.
HP Mageson666 said:
What worked for me years ago was drinking a lot of chlorophyll. Also do a lot of pranayama it might help.
Also i wanted to ask you what do you think of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide to quit addictions.
Every time you put a cigarette out of the packet, imagine it being a circumcised rabbi jew dick. You probably would not put such object in your mouth anymore lol or even touch a cigarette again.
Being serious, I managed to successfully quit by creating spheres of the air element and using them upon myself every time I felt the need of smoking a cigarette. I was a heavy smoker. I have been a nervous aggressive dick for a few weeks but since then I got my mind to normality and my life vastly improved. Good luck with your personal war, may you stand strong
Pirate11 said:
Every time you put a cigarette out of the packet, imagine it being a circumcised rabbi jew dick. You probably would not put such object in your mouth anymore lol or even touch a cigarette again.
Being serious, I managed to successfully quit by creating spheres of the air element and using them upon myself every time I felt the need of smoking a cigarette. I was a heavy smoker. I have been a nervous aggressive dick for a few weeks but since then I got my mind to normality and my life vastly improved. Good luck with your personal war, may you stand strong
Did not need that image, but I appreciate the advice thank you :)
I really loved to smoke cigarets, i never intended to quit, but since i came back to SS i understood that if i wanna make any serious advancment i just have to quit. Plus i felt this opressing energy that was urging me to stop. I think its now 3 or 4 months since i stoped with weed and tobacco, i still want to smoke, like really badly BUT you gotta set your priorities straight, Immortality or sucking on jewish sticks of death(imagine it with everey cig that you are sucking a limp jewish d). It is really hard but with each passing day you will feel more proud of yourself that you didn't smoke. And if you really get the urge to smoke take the cigarete out and wait 15 minutes, if after 15 mimutes you still wanna smoke light it up and enjoy it. I hope you make it Borther! You will have so much more energy and more love for life!
Also i read in one of your coments that you use tarrot cards, could you tell me which Deck because im still searching for one that is not from the enemy.
F_For_Flamingo said:
I really loved to smoke cigarets, i never intended to quit, but since i came back to SS i understood that if i wanna make any serious advancment i just have to quit. Plus i felt this opressing energy that was urging me to stop. I think its now 3 or 4 months since i stoped with weed and tobacco, i still want to smoke, like really badly BUT you gotta set your priorities straight, Immortality or sucking on jewish sticks of death(imagine it with everey cig that you are sucking a limp jewish d). It is really hard but with each passing day you will feel more proud of yourself that you didn't smoke. And if you really get the urge to smoke take the cigarete out and wait 15 minutes, if after 15 mimutes you still wanna smoke light it up and enjoy it. I hope you make it Borther! You will have so much more energy and more love for life!
Also i read in one of your coments that you use tarrot cards, could you tell me which Deck because im still searching for one that is not from the enemy.
Rider Waite is the only way to go in my Opinion :D
So, I also used to smoke but switched to nicotine lozenges over a year ago. Normally they're super expensive but you can find discounted ones at walmart on clearance and that made it easier for me to get them. However, i really want to cut back on and eventually quit these too because i know I'm still addicted to the nicotine. Power meditation has helped me really cut back (I used to have 1 lozenge per hour and now I'm down to 1 lozenge per 6 hours and I keep scaling it back weekly, plan on cutting back to 1 per 7 hours on friday). How damaging is nicotine to the soul? Also will the urge go away completely eventually? I'm just wondering because I want to quit completely but if I cut back too quickly I have a really hard time not being a total bitch and hating everyone around me :/ Not to mention eating a ton of sugar I wouldnt normally eat which isnt healthy either. Is it a good plan to keep cutting back like this at least until my aura is stronger? Meditation has seemed to help so far in at least being a little bit less dependent.

Hail Satan!
ChaosBringer666 said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
I really loved to smoke cigarets, i never intended to quit, but since i came back to SS i understood that if i wanna make any serious advancment i just have to quit. Plus i felt this opressing energy that was urging me to stop. I think its now 3 or 4 months since i stoped with weed and tobacco, i still want to smoke, like really badly BUT you gotta set your priorities straight, Immortality or sucking on jewish sticks of death(imagine it with everey cig that you are sucking a limp jewish d). It is really hard but with each passing day you will feel more proud of yourself that you didn't smoke. And if you really get the urge to smoke take the cigarete out and wait 15 minutes, if after 15 mimutes you still wanna smoke light it up and enjoy it. I hope you make it Borther! You will have so much more energy and more love for life!
Also i read in one of your coments that you use tarrot cards, could you tell me which Deck because im still searching for one that is not from the enemy.
Rider Waite is the only way to go in my Opinion :D
Rider waite is full of jewish crap.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Soo I’ve been trying to quit smoking for a bit now nothing really been working. it’s starting to effect my health and I’m going to have to probably spend more time healing myself now, so I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or workings that will help. Since I really don’t want to ask for help from the gods, even though I did a Tarot reading which said I won’t be able to quit without help, but I also know the cards can be very finicky and subject to change, though mine are almost never wrong. I’d really like to be able to this myself instead of constantly asking for help.
Thank you for your time
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
Hail Azazel!

I quit smoking cold Turkey as a new years resolution 2013.

If I had to do it today, I would vape. Bring the nicotine lower in mg till it was zero.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Soo I’ve been trying to quit smoking for a bit now nothing really been working. it’s starting to effect my health and I’m going to have to probably spend more time healing myself now, so I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or workings that will help. Since I really don’t want to ask for help from the gods, even though I did a Tarot reading which said I won’t be able to quit without help, but I also know the cards can be very finicky and subject to change, though mine are almost never wrong. I’d really like to be able to this myself instead of constantly asking for help.
Thank you for your time
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
Hail Azazel!

A fool proof vaping taper down method anyone can use - to where you won’t notice any effects:

It’s weaker than cigarettes but stay away from “nicotine salts” and high mg’s. They can be more addictive and higher strength than cigarettes.

Get a mod with adjustable wattage, start on 6mg 80vg/20pg juice. Max I’d go would be 120 watts. Make sure your coil is the right ohm-age. This is if you’re a full pack a day smoker.

If you’re just 2-3 a day, maybe 5-6 start at 80 or 60 on 6 or 3.

Get a couple of things of 0mg nicotine as well.

Once your light withdrawals are over from the initial switch to vaping, start going down 10 volts each week. Once you hit 20-30 volts cut the nicotine in half with mixing 0 mg. Wait for withdrawals to end, could be 3 days to a week. Cut it in half again. Keep cutting it in half until the amount is negotiable and you’re just placeboed.

That’s if your addiction is really stubborn.
Feel it out, you can quit in as early as a few weeks like this if you’re up for it. Just know yourself. If you’re the kind of person who cant do cold turkey and has a worse relapse from it then I’d do this. If you’re the kind of person who is better at just cutting it off all at once and never thinking of it again, then cold turkey it.

Combine it with working out, supplements for anxiety like magnesium citrate, epsom salt soaks, drink a lot of water, get a lot of sleep. Meditate. Pulsatilla might help. Amino acids. Sex. Stay motivated.
Aquarius said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
I really loved to smoke cigarets, i never intended to quit, but since i came back to SS i understood that if i wanna make any serious advancment i just have to quit. Plus i felt this opressing energy that was urging me to stop. I think its now 3 or 4 months since i stoped with weed and tobacco, i still want to smoke, like really badly BUT you gotta set your priorities straight, Immortality or sucking on jewish sticks of death(imagine it with everey cig that you are sucking a limp jewish d). It is really hard but with each passing day you will feel more proud of yourself that you didn't smoke. And if you really get the urge to smoke take the cigarete out and wait 15 minutes, if after 15 mimutes you still wanna smoke light it up and enjoy it. I hope you make it Borther! You will have so much more energy and more love for life!
Also i read in one of your coments that you use tarrot cards, could you tell me which Deck because im still searching for one that is not from the enemy.
Rider Waite is the only way to go in my Opinion :D
Rider waite is full of jewish crap.

Any suggestion?
Aquarius said:
Rider waite is full of jewish crap.
Isn’t it the “original” though Meh I’ve always thought it was nice I mean yah wheel of fortune kinda annoying and a few other cards but it’s not “too” bad though many of the others can be far worse. What’s your opinion /favourite deck then I’m curious??
I have the hanson roberts tarot deck that Maxine also uses. But there's many tarot decks on the web, you just have to find them ;)
Aquarius said:
I have the hanson roberts tarot deck that Maxine also uses. But there's many tarot decks on the web, you just have to find them ;)
Lol guess I look for a better one then
Cynthia said:
So, I also used to smoke but switched to nicotine lozenges over a year ago. Normally they're super expensive but you can find discounted ones at walmart on clearance and that made it easier for me to get them. However, i really want to cut back on and eventually quit these too because i know I'm still addicted to the nicotine. Power meditation has helped me really cut back (I used to have 1 lozenge per hour and now I'm down to 1 lozenge per 6 hours and I keep scaling it back weekly, plan on cutting back to 1 per 7 hours on friday). How damaging is nicotine to the soul? Also will the urge go away completely eventually? I'm just wondering because I want to quit completely but if I cut back too quickly I have a really hard time not being a total bitch and hating everyone around me :/ Not to mention eating a ton of sugar I wouldnt normally eat which isnt healthy either. Is it a good plan to keep cutting back like this at least until my aura is stronger? Meditation has seemed to help so far in at least being a little bit less dependent.

Hail Satan!

Hi Cynthia, in my opinion the most Important thing is to realize that you can do it, with little impact to the psyche. Yes sugar is damaging but for me being a little bit more indulgent than usual definitely helped. Also like Sundara said doing something like yoga or working out helps because it gives a natural body buzz, also the beautiful meditation on the meditation page could help. Depending on how long you smoked/ done the lozenges for, it will take longer it and it doesn’t always fully go away for some people because of the nicotine receptors built in the brain from smoking, but you will be less likely to smoke or want the lozenges after a few days because you will feel proud of yourself and it will only grow more as the cravings continue.

You could always ask you guardian for help while affirming “my soul and aura is completely free of nicotine at all times and in every way, totally permanently and completely.” While in visioning and feeling it leaving your body and being replaced by your guardians energy, which you can focus on when you get cravings, Really Helps for me, remember you only have to give it that extra mile for maximum a week then it only gets easier. I’m on four days myself, and a lot of the advice on this page has really helped
Good luck :)
Aldrick said:
I quit smoking cold Turkey as a new years resolution 2013.

If I had to do it today, I would vape. Bring the nicotine lower in mg till it was zero.

Yay Aldrick finally talked to me ^w^
that’s good to hear, I’m basically doing the same thing though I dunno if I kinda cheated because my guardian helped me by giving me energy whilst I was affirming, but close enough I guess.

Good too see you acting more chill and at peace lately, I’ve been feeling rather righteous myself. Have a good day

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
