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Anu, Enki, Enlil

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This post aims to clear out some misinformation that has been circulating around in the web for a while about the so called "Anu". Similar posts have been written before.

For whatever reason and of course due to Jews, who constantly misinform and slander the Gods, lies are written about them all the time. The Gods are not only hated because they are our ET progenitors, but because their faith and worship actually consisted of high spiritual art, creativity, and power on the civilizations of Gentiles. This was both for evolutionary purposes and for purposes of day to day life, all the way upwards to ascent and doing the Magnum Opus.

Jews have attacked the Gods, both on the basis of being commanded to do such from their inferior ET conglomerate [in a Kamikaze mission they are going to lose entirely], but also, because of the symbolism and the evolutionary importance the faiths of the Gentiles had in empowering us. Attacking our creation implied to stop it's progress. These tenets of "Paganism" were anything but "primitive", especially if so observed through advanced metaphysics and other branches of physics such as Quantum Physics.

People applied these everyday like bread and butter, but after we entered the Middle Ages, the knowledge of these everyday laws was shrunk to the point we had to re-invent the Calculus in Europe, in a series of unfortunate events after which we were again able to march towards our destiny again. Most of the Pagan Cultures had elaborate functions which were spiritual and transcendental, and these represent the highest faculties of man creatively and spiritually, ethically and morally, and yes, scientifically also.

Application of magick for example, falls largely under both natural and "Newtonian" principles [materially], but also principles such as Quantum Mechanics [spiritually]. Of course branding these that way is not necessary, but since these are relative terms which we understand today, there is a bridge built to everyone's intellectual advantage.

Everything this world has, does owe it directly to the Gods, from the first plow that we created to master the soil, to the Internet which was seeded in our mind. The basic foundations that turned us from irrelevant beings to civilized creatures also are techniques and knowledge shared by the Gods. We built up on these and our destiny is to progressively build ourselves up until we become our own sources of guidance and our Gods, eventually, joining them.

The Gods from a natural standpoint do represent the forces of the earth, gave advice for human advancement and affairs, represented all important and eternal mythology of the cosmos, and also served to guide humanity directly, face to face, through the Priesthood and the people who followed them. It was also known that they would frequently [and less frequently after the war with other ET's broke out] visit the Earth face to face, either to instate and create new levels of human civilization, or to help humanity through natural disasters and other threatening affairs that we had little or no control over.

The highest goal of this in every civilization was to allow people to experience life, develop, and eventually achieve the Magnum Opus, and become immortalized. This is the reason the enemy wages war, even scribed into the bible. The eventuality that at some point we would advance considerably on a civilization scale to become immortal, created terror to the enemy alien conglomerate. Therefore, they attacked us.

The above to the side, the trinity of Anu, Enki and Enlil, has been, like everything from Sumeria, slandered and defamed to no end. Anu has been defamed, yet "Anu" does not really consist of an actual "personal being" such as Satan, or how he was called in Sumeria, Enki. Anu is merely the principle of the Ether, and more specifically, the active principle in nature that keeps the universe going, the principle of movement of the cosmos.

Enki, Enlil and Anu, do of course form the "Ruling Trinity" from which the Trinity is stolen. The so called "Trinity" is tied together by a bond of perfect unity. Understanding the full meaning of the forces of the "Trinity" makes one a superior and enlightened being, as such, the symbol of the Freemasonic eye of the Pyramid. Freemasons no longer represent the Ancient Luciferian teachings, and they are basically overtaken by the physical race of reptilian offspring for now, but this does not invalidate that the meanings of the stolen symbols remain of utility.

In regards to Anu, his "Consort" is Ki, the "Mother of all Gods". An and Ki represent respectively the male and female principles of existence [also spelled as En-Ki, which is hidden in plain sight in Enki's name, but Enki is the materialized form], and in the East, "Qi" or "Ki" still symbolizes the vital energy, and "An" appears in basically every civilization under different forms, with the vowels changing before the N, such as ON [On-tology for example, from the Greeks] or "En", the other Greek term which devotes to the "EN" or the "Singular principle" or the unity of the cosmic Aether. In all Pagan Pantheons, this was considered and frequently called both the "Heavenly mother" and the "Heavenly father".

Enki in Sumeria is essentially the same overlapping symbol of the Serpent energy, "En-Ki", manifested in the form of a being, and respectively, existing as a symbol for humans to follow to become the same. Enki is incorporated En and Ki, and does represent "An in the Flesh" or "Anu" in the materialized form. Satan was frequently called in every ancient civilization as the representation of the Universe, or "He who sits on the Throne". These are all terms to denote the extremely and beyond comprehension high spiritual rank that this being does possess.

The same interpolation was later put on and descrated in Hebrew stories, which consist of nothing but slander and propaganda. In their fake reptilian stories, which are made to dissuade humanity from advancing, and confuse us, "The Serpent" is "At war with heaven" and at "war with the divine father". This schism of perception was made by jews for political reasons and also because they were hateful and knew exactly what kind of mental virus they were concoting.

The "Seprent" is not "Against God", but rather, "Is God", and "Leads to God", exactly as Enki is the representation of Anu in the material realm.

Ever more gross have jews become when they started trying to ponder into the ET history of the Gods, and here is where they concocted the stupidest and vilest propaganda. This was not only extremely stupid, but also very underhanded. For example, they created all sorts of stories at how "Enlil was in battle with Enki" or how both were "Trying to overthrow Anu". These gross misinterpretations are literally so retarded that I will just skip them by saying these are inferior reptilian stories to divert attention from the real meanings of these.

The Gods were never in any sort of "Battle" among themselves. WIth the hostile Greys and Reptilians, certainly. But these exist nowhere in our pure Pagan religions, which were created in honesty, nature and Truthfulness.

In regards to the actual character of Enlil or Beelzebul, who is Satan's Brother and second in command, it is written in Sumer that he was the most gracious Father of all the Gods, a watcher of humanity, who has watched over us with great love and care over millenia. The Sumerians said that he was so powerful that even other Gods could not look him straight in the face, which is a metaphor of being extremely immersed in spiritual light, and supernal authority.

The allegory of "Enlil Drowing The Humans" has to do with the fact that Enlil rules the higher part of the Soul. The higher part of the Soul, which Enlil represents ["The opener of the heavens, the bringer of the rain"] has to do with the dew of the Pineal Gland. When this happens to be activated, the bliss flows downwards and "submerges" the body, from the "Heaven" [Crown] to the "Earth". All the lower chakras, which was based on the level of consciousness of the lower world, do become submerged, and therefore, the "Sinful humans die in the flood". This deals with the destruction of the corrupted, misaligned, and negative energies.

When the "Flood of Enlil" happened, "Enki", or the Serpent, is responsible for carrying out the "Good elements of humanity" and "Saving them" by allowing them to ride on the water. This is metaphorical as the purified Serpent energy is not "submerged" by the flood of Enlil, but rather, raises itself during it's rising, carrying with it purified energy. The two above forces work together.

Enki was well known in Sumeria to be a teacher to humanity, and is therefore called the "God of the Humans" and the "Lord of the Earth", both in the literal but also in the metaphorical case. Enki was also the "Lord of Civilization", which later on the enemy, since they knew, they called Satan, "The Lord Of This World", which He indeed, is, has been, and will forever be.

Make no mistakes the Jews of old which concocted the great lies, knew at least approximately what these things were about, and how these were spiritual allegories. As such they wrote lies of the lowest caliber, and unfortunately, retarded and non spiritual practitioners, followed these out of bleeding ignorance.

Later on, when with the advent of the Internet, the knowledge of Ancient Civilizations [much of it discovered only in the last 200 years] and our advancement in meditation, moving towards "Re-Paganization" and so forth, the Jews were left with only one choice: to create the grossest and the stupidest lies to deceive people with, which involved copious lies and purposeful misinterpretation of mythology by Jews like Zecharia Stichin.

These of course were done in the regular defamatory fashion, that dissuaded people from meditation, spiritual advancement, seeking the Gods, or seeing them as the Glorious beings that they were. Stichin made his darnest to represent the Gods as "everything but human" and make them appear measly and irrelevant. We were not made to slave as miners for "Gold" [the Gods have technology and machines to do all of that], nor did Satan fight with his own father, nor did Enlil and Enki have a "brotherly fight because Enlil was evil and wanted to slay humanity", nor any of the other deceitful and underhanded jewish claims matter, and these are only attempts to make our History to look stupid and anything less than the supreme and Divine history it is.

Family of Satan, please, if you see these lies circulating about the web and/or alien forums or other places, please share this article to debunk the situation and give the real spiritual meaning of affairs out.

Thank you HP

i noticed you said that there were some people who did not participate in spiritual affairs back in those days and i think thats so interesting given some gods were face to face with humans and the knowledge that couldve been given so uncorrupted and pure. who could explain somthing better than them? id imagine the humans then had a similar mentality as some do now in regards stages in life. some dont see value in spiritual affairs, but everyone has to eventually right?
Really good article :) I have a question about the dew of the pineal gland, does this allegory has to do with raising the kundalini? Does the dew help in cleaning the soul or something?
Thank you HP :) :)
Everything this world has, does owe it directly to the Gods, from the first plow that we created to master the soil, to the Internet which was seeded in our mind. The basic foundations that turned us from irrelevant beings to civilized creatures also are techniques and knowledge shared by the Gods. We built up on these and our destiny is to progressively build ourselves up until we become our own sources of guidance and our Gods, eventually, joining them.

Yes, Internet is very useful, without Internet I am not here, but what about this that Internet founder was dirty kike Bob Kahn I can not believe that kike invent something so useful, was Bob Kahn plagiarism master like Einstein?
luis said:
Really good article :) I have a question about the dew of the pineal gland, does this allegory has to do with raising the kundalini? Does the dew help in cleaning the soul or something?

You know how when we clean and to a degree protect ourselves by replacing negative energies with positive energies, as both cleaning and protecting clean or to be more specific with protection adds to the cleaning. My best assumption is the Dew merely starts one of the virginization(dross cleaning) process on a lesser level. Besides performing it's own process you can argue the soul is working with fresh, clean energies to empower itself.

[Off-topic: Remember Virgin or Virginization is the principle realm we are trying to achieve i.e. the hermetic principle. Clean to the point negativity of any and all kind along with negative karma(neutral karma isn't bad FYI) isn't in our soul nor the aura. It's merely been grossly materialized as a sexual thing only]

Sure the Pineal Amrita(Dew) is NOT a dross burner like the fires of spiritual energies say Kundalini burning the Chakras clean. It merely pumps into the chakra network and the soul network(nadi) and begins the process of replacing negative energies with positive energies.

Despite the fact that Alchemically, it's the most simplistic or one of the most simplistic workings non-the less it ties into a whole host of other processes found among the soul and down-converted into the physical as time passes i.e. life extension or lesser immortalization levels.
When I was new the war between Anu, Enki and Enlin confused me a little bit and i never understood the actual truth, until today.
Thank you very much!
Thanks, HP. Great sermon.

That clears up a lot of the confusion that came with reading Sitchin's The Lost Book of Enki a few years ago.

luis said:
Really good article :) I have a question about the dew of the pineal gland, does this allegory has to do with raising the kundalini? Does the dew help in cleaning the soul or something?

On the meditations section of the JoS and click part step one. The first step of the magnum opus is activating the pineal gland so that it secretes the elixir of life
luis said:
Really good article :) I have a question about the dew of the pineal gland, does this allegory has to do with raising the kundalini? Does the dew help in cleaning the soul or something?

It’s what the pineal secretes and its what is used to fill you solar plexus chakra(the cup) that greatly helps with the magnum opus. In fact this process alone can prolong ones life.
Kurat said:
Everything this world has, does owe it directly to the Gods, from the first plow that we created to master the soil, to the Internet which was seeded in our mind. The basic foundations that turned us from irrelevant beings to civilized creatures also are techniques and knowledge shared by the Gods. We built up on these and our destiny is to progressively build ourselves up until we become our own sources of guidance and our Gods, eventually, joining them.

Yes, Internet is very useful, without Internet I am not here, but what about this that Internet founder was dirty kike Bob Kahn I can not believe that kike invent something so useful, was Bob Kahn plagiarism master like Einstein?

The Internet was mostly based on the US military projects which have always been rife with Germans and native US White geniuses. Most fundamental for it were the works of the Briton Tim Berns Lee, who is a Briton with very Nordic characteristics. It was a collective effort of many bright individuals.

As with kikestein, most of the time, we are told of the few Jews who did some lifting here and there, many if not everytime based on theft and plagiarism. For example everyone knows of many internet Jews, but little fame has been given to Linus Trovalds which is basically one of the most major geniuses of our times and is still well alive.
luis said:
Really good article :) I have a question about the dew of the pineal gland, does this allegory has to do with raising the kundalini? Does the dew help in cleaning the soul or something?

Yes, but not exactly, but yes. It's cleansing is more related to the fact that once the awareness of the human being opens up, a lot of negative behaviors are seen for the lack of essence they did possess in one's life. As such it's called a purifier. It makes people literally better people, alongside the benefits of evolving the soul and nourishing the material body.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Really good article :) I have a question about the dew of the pineal gland, does this allegory has to do with raising the kundalini? Does the dew help in cleaning the soul or something?

Yes, but not exactly, but yes. It's cleansing is more related to the fact that once the awareness of the human being opens up, a lot of negative behaviors are seen for the lack of essence they did possess in one's life. As such it's called a purifier. It makes people literally better people, alongside the benefits of evolving the soul and nourishing the material body.
I kinda understand what you mean here, it did happen to me, I remember those negative behaviors and I just wonder was it me doing that? They feel "empty" for lack of a better word.
I hate how the enemy claims that the best people are their slaves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kurat said:
Everything this world has, does owe it directly to the Gods, from the first plow that we created to master the soil, to the Internet which was seeded in our mind. The basic foundations that turned us from irrelevant beings to civilized creatures also are techniques and knowledge shared by the Gods. We built up on these and our destiny is to progressively build ourselves up until we become our own sources of guidance and our Gods, eventually, joining them.

Yes, Internet is very useful, without Internet I am not here, but what about this that Internet founder was dirty kike Bob Kahn I can not believe that kike invent something so useful, was Bob Kahn plagiarism master like Einstein?

The Internet was mostly based on the US military projects which have always been rife with Germans and native US White geniuses. Most fundamental for it were the works of the Briton Tim Berns Lee, who is a Briton with very Nordic characteristics. It was a collective effort of many bright individuals.

As with kikestein, most of the time, we are told of the few Jews who did some lifting here and there, many if not everytime based on theft and plagiarism. For example everyone knows of many internet Jews, but little fame has been given to Linus Trovalds which is basically one of the most major geniuses of our times and is still well alive.

I remember one of my teachers in school included Tim Berners Lee in one of his assembly speeches and he was making a point about phones and social media in the school. He asked people to put their hands up if they knew who he was and then I think he did the same for Steve Jobs and a few people knew. No one knew Tim Berners Lee though, who is barely credited and acknowledged for the work he did not even that long ago which has revolutionised human society from 2007 upwards. Hopefully in this decade the man will be recognised for his work, the turn of the Age of Aquarius. Another one is Alan Turing, the Briton who developed the first ever computers which were then used to crack Germany's Enigma code. Such a shame that the talents of a Third Sex man were weaponised against the one nation then which was actually pioneering homosexual rights and his right to exist freely- Germany. For people reading this Alan Turing ended up getting sterilised for homosexuality and committed into an asylum in the 60's in Britain after the war- dying at a young age. He committed suicide via a poisoned apple, which is where Steve Jobs got the logo of Apple from, the apple with the bite out of it.

It pisses me off about Turing that the LjewBT crowd who talk on the matter say that if only he had waited a little longer for the legalisation of homosexuality would he of been fine. If he was working for the National Socialists he would of survived because actually contemporary history is a humongous lie. These people would do good to dwell on the side of the 60's and 70's that are ugly, like the mass depression, sexual abuse and ignorance in the population and understand that Turing had a vast reason to escape the fate which awaited him as an "insane person".
Luther was openly known to have been a racial Jew in history. Writers have commented on this fact as well in books discussing him. All Luther did was create a pure form of Judaism and then used this movement to attempt to exterminate the last parts of European society the Jews didn't have total control over somehow. This included the mass execution of hundreds of thousands of Europeans for Witchcraft by the protestants and the final erasure of any of the surviving Pagan traditions that survived even in a strange corrupted form. John Calvin the protestant leader who's discipline Knox, created British Israelism which became CI. Was a racial Jew named Cohen who changed his name to Calvin.

The Europeans were moving away from Christianity with the Rebirth of Paganism movements occurring in Europe and the Jews needed to make some kind of a push to prevent this. Luther's rants against his own tribe show the reason many Europeans wanted to be free of the Catholic church is because its a Jewish program and they had enough of the Jewsus lies.
HP HC 666 this is myth and has nothing to do with current affairs, I get information through contemplation and divination and do not listen to fools !..
Futures said:
HP HC 666 this is myth and has nothing to do with current affairs, I get information through contemplation and divination and do not listen to fools !..
You look like a very deluded person. You should go on joyofsatan.com and read it all.
Thank you for confirming that Anu was not a physical entity and the mankind was not created to dig gold.
when gentile start knowing who is enki , Enlil , the JEW made counter Attack By publishing
stupid books like Zecharia Stichin books to continue brainwashing gentile .
Many Egyptian pyramids were actually built with Telekinesis which shouldn't be surprising given the Spiritual Culture of the times.....
Futures said:
HP HC 666 this is myth and has nothing to do with current affairs, I get information through contemplation and divination and do not listen to fools !..

Another one......
Thanks again, I was really confused about that. … Anu…

I'm curious to know how long it takes you to write
You really write well, always on the “earth”, interesting

I want to ask Satan is our Father!
Who's our Mother?(Both physical and metaphysical)

Lilith? Ashtarte?
Both of them?
Or none in this dispute?

It's just the Father and fim… [motherless]
This forgery of our true origin and about the cosmic conflict you have just exposed has been something that was annoying me. First because even though I was ignorant on Satanism when I read "The lost book of Enki" by the kike Zecharia Sitchin in Autumn (April) 2018 I already knew what kind of "people" these depicable beings, the jews, are, have always been and continue to be until the Return of our Gods when they will be finally slaughtered for ever along with their cronies, their henchmen, their "god", their reptilean shapeshifters, their nordics and other related spiteful ilk. While reading it and also I read "The Twelfth Planet" I knew I couldn't trust him to the fullest owing to the fact the author was a JEW and because he even acknowledged "jehovah" as his god. I began my path to enlightenment in 2010 when I started to watch videos of Hitler, Himmler and reading plenty of occult books, to watch tons of documentaries, read important books mainly Nietzsche and above all to question myself and all others who called themselves "truth seekers" but they ended up saying lies to pay lip service to the kikes slandering the United States of America, the white race, Satan, the Romans, Babylonians or praising Jewish Putin as a world saviour. I participated in political parties of so called "nazis" and "anti zionist" of my country and although they always tried to make a difference between "non Zionist" jews (???) and religious jews I knew the jews are all the same shit another day and are not to be trusted due to their deceitful behaviour. I took every word of this jew with a pinch of salt till I finally found this website and studied all the information given on the main page. I had to to clean myself from corrupted knowledge I had acquired since when you learn numerology, tarotism, astrology, yoga and the occult with those who are without you always risk to fall into their lies. That being said, I never believed all the bullshit and crap from the maggots of the Jew Age Movement which I considered it christianity for light way losers.
What really pissed me off of this liar jew Sitchin was, he had the nerve to accuse Enlil of the crimes perpetrated by their warmonger jewish god. Fucking kike!!!!
Without further ado, what I want to add here to the sermon is another tactic the Jews are promoting which I reckon most of you here, due to being English speaking people, might not be aware of. There many youtube channels, blogs and Facebook pages out there in Spanish promoting the idea that the filthy non existant nazarene was a son of Enki and not the son of YHVH who was sent to planet earth by our creator Enki to spread his message. David Parcerisa and Jaconor73 both Spaniards are the ones behind this brand new lie to deceive deluded assholes who can't see the nazarene is a very powerful thoughtform created by high ranking jewish warlocks at the time of the Roman Empire as well as the yhvh black magick system to cut us off from our Gods and to unable us to gather cosmic energy from the 4 cardinal points. To make matters worse, not only misfit David Parcerisa promote this junk but also he parrots what jewish Zecharia Sitchin wrote on his books that Enki and Enlil are enemies and of course he slanders our beloved Enlil and accuse him of the crimes committed by the enemy nordics the greys the reptileans and the jews. He regularly quotes the bible to prove his point right. How can people be so ignorant to buy his dreadful books??? Of course, do I need to tell you he never mentions the word "jew" ? He is worse than jewish David Icke who tries to sell us the idea that the white race is behind Zionism which is another strategy of the kikes telling us that the askenazim are Europeans who converted to Judaism(????). This defamatory """theory""" is explained and elaborated by another jew Arthur Koestler in the book "The Thirteenth Tribe" (1976).
Parcerisa and Jaconor73 disrespectful behaviour goes even further as to assert Enki is a reptilean. I can't help but see red when I hear these lies coming from their mouths.
Last but not least, if things couldn't get any worse I was reading a forum of the jew ager movement last night I couldn't believe my eyes: they were claiming they speak with Enki and that Enki is a pleiadian and he belongs to the Galactic Federation, others called it "La Corporación" (The Corporation) and the descriptions they gave of Him didn't resemble to anything of what has been described on JoS websites or by drawings some members have made of Him and of other high ranking Gods. These motherfuckers dipshit must be talking to either a thoughtform or to an enemy nordics but I guess, judging by their mental illness they seem to have and their alienation, it must be just hallucinations due to the repeatedly smoking of blunts, consume of figs and other shit they take.
We must be on alert and on guard there are many lies spread on the net and many high strung trolls. I was arguing with a few of them in the channel of Parcerisa and when they were exposed they started to write nonsensical bullshit without any proof and incoherent arguments that didn't have anything to do with what I was inquiring them. Just like robots when their programming is no longer there to provide them with help they commence to attack or belittling you what they didn't know was of how powerful my 3th chakra and hence my ego is
It's disgusting how these lizards think alike. Jewble man created to serve jewgod. Jewmarx communism. Jewzakaria humans created to dig..
HailDuatGods said:
It's disgusting how these lizards think alike. Jewble man created to serve jewgod. Jewmarx communism. Jewzakaria humans created to dig..

Zechariah Shit-chin compares the alleged Sumerian "originals" with the Jewish "creation" story, and while at one moment, Shit-chin proves that the Gods of the Aryan peoples existed before "YHVH" and his creations that were created for the sole purpose of standing in the White Man's way, and then destroying everything to do with the White Race, Shit-chin does the typical Yiddish double-talk that tries to exalt the Jewish/Christian God and "his" angels above the Aryan God and His Demons, and describes the White Race and our Gods as nothing more than creations that the Jewish God made by giving "the breath of life" (the shit-bag holy spirit) to the combination of mud and feces. The Talmud states that the Mother of the White Race was created by "God" out of mud and feces. In the eyes of the Jewish people, the Aryan Gods and their human bloodlines are to be sabotaged from returning to their rightful places as Masters of the Earth, and then bred out of existence through endless miscegenation. Race-mixing = the genocide against Satan's sacred seed-line. In the Talmud, the Jews praise Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ for turning Satan's offspring against their own God by convincing them that Satan isn't merely the Adversary of the Jewish people, but that He is "the Adversary" of the White Race, the humans who were born in His Image and Likeness. The Talmud says the following: "The (White) Gentiles shit before their God."

Zechariah Shit-chin and his cult of "We all come from the same source" drones eat the whole "humanity as a goldmining slave experiment" mythology right up because it leads right back to the human equality teachings of Jesus Christ which contradict Satan's and Eternal Nature's Laws that miscegenation and different races living together violate the #1 rule of Satan: survival of the fittest, and equality only among equals (one's own kind).

As Abir Taha summarized in "Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman," Nietzsche summed up Satan and Nature's Law concerning Justice and human "equality:"

"[p. 49] [The] Nietzschean highly aristocratic morality justifies arbitrary conduct and ruthlessness toward the 'lower order' [my note: Semitic and Christian order]..., but it has a privilege in its duty toward one's self and one's peers only; that is, equality, duty and loyalty exist only 'among equals', i.e. among aristocrats: Nietzsche indeed had the firm conviction that 'one has duties only to one's equals, toward the others one acts as one thinks best: that Justice can be hoped for (unfortunately not counted on) only inter pares [among equals]'... 'Equal to the equal, unequal to the unequal'- that would be the true slogan of justice.'

Quite significantly, the ideology and code of conduct of the very aristocratic S.S. were astonishingly identical to Nietzsche's Master morality; in fact, it was as if the S.S. had literally adopted this morality as their very own: the S.S. motto, 'Meine Ehre hesst Treu' (My Honour is loyalty'), symbolising the spirit of obedience, loyalty, duty and comradeship within the elitist Black Order, testifies to this certainty. The S.S.'s very rigorous standards of selection imposed on their volunteers and their espousal of the following particularly demanding creed of combat, remind us of Nietzsche's eclectic and radically aristocratic values:

'The SS man's basic attitude must be that of a fighter for fighting's sake; he must be unquestioningly obedient and become emotionally hard; he must have contempt for all 'racial inferiors' and for those who do not belong to the order; he must feel the strongest bonds of comradeship with those who do belong, particularly his fellow soldiers, and he must think nothing impossible.'" p. 49

The likes of the Zechariah Shit-chin cult, and the New-Agey exploiters and corrupters of Thoth's Merkaba teachings and Ptah-Osiris's (Satan's) Flower of Life are using the teachings of the Aryan Gods against Them, in order to unite different races (Jews excluded, of course, as they are to use racial equality only against White Gentiles, but not for Jews) together in a borderless society, in order to make Whites believe the lie of Jesus Christ that "We all bleed the same color" and "We are all the same underneath, regardless of who and where we come from." My grandmother - a 90-year old English-woman who should be dead by now - tried to brainwash my partner with these Liberal New Age Christian lies right in front of me. The New Age ET cult is nothing more than taking the teachings of the Liberal-Democrat Christian Left wing, and throwing psychic readings, crystals, meditation, past-life regression, chakras, kundalini, the Merkaba, and the Flower of Life into the mix, so Christianity can survive the New Aeon by blending in and assimilating what was originally of Satan and the Aryan people, instead Christianity experiencing a complete death past the point of no return.

There are still goldmining tunnels from Atlantis that exist in a vast network of Agarthan subterranean tunnels, everywhere from Asia, to Africa, to Ireland, and to the Americas, but there were no goddamned goldmining slaves who were assigned to do the toil for the Gods that the Gods, with their Divine, unparalleled technology, could have created advanced robots to do, that Enki took pity on and decided to make it possible for them to experience equality with the aristocratic Masters. It was the same race of extra-terrestrials who gave the Jews the ability to reproduce that gave cockroaches and mosquitoes the ability to reproduce. Yes, the enemies of Satan's Nordics (including the Reptilian Jewhovah lizard-angels) also have chakras and kundalinis, so these features are not limited to the White Gods who are the First Ancestors of the Aryan Race.

Although the following sermon of mine from my website, written sometime in 2015 is outdated, it still contains intense heresies against "the Sitchin (Shit-chin) Theory." Yes, the Aryan Gods are extra-terrestrial Nordics, but the White Race came out of India, not out of Africa, and White Europe came after White India and Tibet. Shit-chin highlights the fact that the Aryan Race is to Satan as what the Jewish people are to Jehovah-Yahweh, but, the rest of The Lost Book of Enki, as well as most of the rest of Shit-chin's books are the delegitimization and falsification of the original Aryan Scriptures, so that the Jews can eliminate the White Race and have their Noahide, one non-Jewish race under the God of Israel with no more opposition from rebellious Whites. Give the following outdated, but useful sermon from my website a read:


Breeding the Aryan Supermen Or Resurrecting the "Fallen Angels" Part One: Background Information by High Priest Jake Carlson

All Gentiles [non-Jews] are of Satan. However, with that being said, the purpose of this sermon is to serve as a wake up call for White Gentiles, as it is our Aryan race who is the direct descendants of Satan, that is the world's most endangered species of the human races. This is not about any race being better than any others, but it is a necessary reality check. This is an open letter to the Christians who are holding our race back by poisoning our racial soul with Jewish excrement. All Christianity, including traditional, conservative Christianity that is racially-conscious and is against Communism/Marxism, is just as lethal to the spiritual soul of our race as race-mixing is to the physical bodies of our race. Like race-mixing and Communism, Christianity, which was invented by the Jews in order to destroy the Aryan race, must be abolished permanently or else we will not have a future.

The following are excerpts from "Ark of the Christos" by William Henry. My copy is on CD-ROM, not a hard copy/book.

"Throughout my more than ten years of study of what may be regarded as the Sitchin Hypothesis I have pondered several questions concerning the Shining One’s quest for gold and their creation of humanity as [initially] a slave race in order to acquire this element. First, why travel all the way to Earth for an element that is reputed to be plentiful in the asteroids of space? Secondly, why travel all this way only for gold? Why not many of the Earth’s other abundant resources? Water, for example.

Thirdly, instead of doing some risky genetic engineering and combining their own DNA with that of the proto-humans already inhabiting the Earth, why did the Shining Ones not simply build machines or robots to do the work? If they were technologically able to build space ships, why not robots too?

I have questioned why a metallurgist and ‘gene smith’ of E.A.’s [Enki's] reputed mastery would need to mine gold at all. As the father of alchemy he surely had the ability to manufacture gold from base metals. In fact, so attached is he to the art of alchemy, that this art may be thought of as the Mystery religion of E.A.

Gold, for example, symbolized by [a circle with a dot in the middle], is an alchemical pun or symbol for soul, and for Sol, the Sun. Sol is an alchemical term for the essence of life hidden in gold. This essence is called the tinc-tura rubea (red tincture), red like the alchemical sun (and Planet X).

This sun-substance drips from the Sun and produces lemons, oranges, wine, and, in the mineral kingdom, gold. In humans it is the “shining” or “lucent body..." Accordingly, it is the prima material, the gold, of which we are made, and the gold E.A. was likely in search of.

Another key to deciphering the alchemical meaning of E.A.’s mining activity is provided when we remember that water, the element from which E.A. first attempted to mine gold, is often used as a metaphor for “mother” and “souls.” The ancients, particularly the Hermetic magicians, claimed that the maternal waters in combination with the maternal Earth created souls.

Tiamat’s oceans were described as a womb full of the fluid of creation. If, symbolically, water represents souls as the fluid of creation, and gold represents soul, Tiamat’s, and Earth’s, seas were full of souls.

Another candidate for the fluid of creation is blood/DNA. A third possibility is Sol, the essence of life.

In this light, when Planet X split or divided the stone of Tiamat in two she released an ocean of souls, blood or cosmic essence into the cosmos.

My premise is that the beings from Planet X are interested in saving souls. One of E.A.’s original titles was “House-Waters”. Allowing for the interchange of water and souls renders E.A. as “Lord of the Souls.” Substituting soul for gold, as do alchemists, it is conceivable that the alleged planetary crisis Planet X was facing was not material but spiritual. Gold making or acquisition aside, the quest of the alchemist is the quest to transmute their soul into a higher form, apotheosis, or God making.

Simply, I ask, what if the decaying “atmosphere” of Planet X that E.A. was attempting to repair with gold was actually a soul atmosphere in decay? Suppose Planet X was experiencing a soul crisis and E.A. came to Earth in search of souls to replenish his home world.

Further suppose that the souls he intended to retrieve were once resident on Tiamat and were now embedded in the Earth.

E.A.’s partner Ninharsag’s title Nin-ti-nugga, ‘lady life’ or ‘She Who Gives Life to the Dead’, may in an eerie sense, simultaneously reinforce my thesis and point to her special role as a representative of Planet X.

In the story of Tiamat we learn of a planet and a group of souls that sank in the night, of which there were survivors, who engaged in a long march to regroup, and reclaim a collection of power tools to assist in rebuilding their civilization so that the souls might return home.

Most ancient words for soul are feminine: psyche, pneuma, anima, alma. This is because the ancients believed every man had a female soul derived from the Mother Goddess (Tiamat) through Mother Earth. This makes perfect sense if Earth is Tiamat reincarnated.

The story of Tiamat, the former Pleiadean homeworld, is the Atlantis story in the stars." [1]

Marduk and Tiamat battle/clash

"Planet X" was known to the ancient Sumerians, as well as Adolf Hitler and the highest-ranking Nazis as "Maldek" and "Marduk," the planet that was named after Satan's son Marduk. History has recorded the clash of Planet Marduk and Tiamat. In art, this clash is depicted with Enki/Satan's son Marduk shooting arrows down the dragon Tiamat's throat. This depiction is a metaphor for this clash. The Jewish people stole from Tiamat to create the Jewish allegory for the Jewish kundalini power, the dragon of chaos, "Leviathan." This is why the Joy of Satan Ministries has never met a Demon named "Leviathan," but some people who are either Jewish or sympathize with the Jewish kikes, claim to have met Leviathan "face-to-face." Depictions of Leviathan adorn many Jewish synagogues. The so-called Church of Satan chose the Hebrew letters that spell "Leviathan" to bind the inverted pentagram of Satan, the Baphomet. This is inexcusable, as this curses Satan and exalts his enemies, the Jewish people.

I agree with some of William Henry's assertions that are stated above, but I know for sure that Enki/EA created the different Gentile races, but chose to breed with the White humans, the humans who are the most like Satan and his Demons, in physical, mental, and emotional character, as well as the most spiritually advanced humans, due to Satan putting the most spiritual knowledge into the souls of the White race, thus making the success of the White man and woman the most civilized of humanity. When Satan created the different Gentile races, he worked with Nature and evolution, not against it. This is why both the creation and the evolution of the human races are fact, not fiction.

As a side note, for people who are curious, I don't personally believe that sexual orientation comes from Satan and his Demons, but comes from a force of Nature that randomly chooses which Gods, humans, and animals, alike, will be heterosexual, homosexual, or bi-sexual. Like heterosexuality, homosexuality and bi-sexuality, are also common among Satan and his Demons. The thing to remember, however, is that it was Satan who gave humans the ability to have sex, and he gave the ability to procreate, in the case of the order given to heterosexuals and bi-sexuals, "Be fruitful and multiply," which the Biblical version was stolen from the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish Communizing of human sexuality that has created the sexual imbalances and the sexual psychosis that we have today, including the unnatural prejudice against homosexuality. These feelings do not come from Satan. They come from the Jewish manipulation of human psychology. Jewish religions, such as Christianity and Islam, have made Gentiles much more easy to manipulate and keep "in line" for the Jewish agenda of Global Communism.

What William Henry notes above is that the clash of Marduk and Tiamat caused the loss of some of Satan's Demons, and Satan and his Demons came to Earth to resurrect these lost souls. That was the purpose for the creation of humans; the mixing of Satan's DNA with that of planet Earth's natives. This led to the creation of the different Gentile races, and the Satanic birth of the Aryan race.

The following narrative from The Lost Book of Enki details the birth of the first Aryan human with white or blonde hair and blue eyes, the perfect image and likeness of Satan and his Demons.

"In the Edin Lu-Mach was the workmaster, quotas to enforce was his duty,

The Earthlings' rations to reduce was his task.

His spouse was Batanash, the daughter of Lu-Mach's father's brother she was.

Of a beauty outstanding she was, by her beauty was Enki charmed.

Enki to his son Marduk a word did send: To your domain Lu-Mach do summon,

How by Earthlings a city to build there him teach!

And when Lu-Mach to the domain of Marduk was summoned,

To the household of Ninmah, in Shurubak, the Haven City, his spouse Batanash he brought,

From the angry Earthling masses protected and safe to be.

Thereafter Enki his sister Ninmah in Shurubak was quick to visit.

On the roof of a dwelling when Batanash was bathing
Enki by her loins took hold, he kissed her, his semen into her womb he poured.

With a child Batanash was, her belly was truly swelling;

To Lu-Mach from Shurubak word was sent: To the Edin return, a son you have!

To the Edin, to Shurubak, Lu-Mach returned, to him Batanash the son showed.

White as the snow his skin was, the color of wool was his hair,

Like the skies were his eyes, in a brilliance were his eyes shining.

Amazed and frightened was Lu-Mach; to his father Matushal he hurried.

A son unlike an Earthling to Batanash was born, by this birth greatly puzzled I am!

Matushal to Batanash came, the newborn boy he saw, by his likeness amazed he was.

Is one of the Igigi the boy's father? Of Batanash Matushal the truth demanded;
To Lu-Mach your spouse whether this boy his son is, the truth reveal!

None of the Igigi is the boy's father, of this upon my life I swear! So did Batanash him answer.

To his son Lu-Mach Matushal then turned, a calming arm on his shoulders he put.

A mystery the boy is, but in his oddness an omen to you is revealed,

Unique he is, for a task unique by destiny he was chosen."

"Enki the child greatly adored, to read the writings of Adapa him he taught,

The priestly rites how to observe and perform the boy as a young man learned." [2]

And who is Enki/EA according to the literature of his enemies, the Jewish people?

"Gentiles are children of the serpent that seduced Eve." Zohar I, 28b

"Eve had sex with the devil conveying lust to Gentiles." Abodah Zarah 22a

"...Thus the Zohar again explains that the words of the Scripture 'Jehovah Elohim made man', mean that He made Israel. The seventeenth-century Rabbinical treatise Emek ha Melek observes: 'Our Rabbis of blessed memory have said: 'Ye Jews are men because of the soul ye have from the Supreme Man (i.e, God). But the nations [non-Jews] of the world are not styled men because they have not, from the Holy and Supreme Man, the Neschama (or glorious soul) but they have the Nephesch (soul) from Adam Belial, that is the malicious and unnecessary man, called Sammael, the Supreme Devil.'" [3]

"When Adam, the earthling, was created by Enki and Ninkhursag, Lilith was appointed his consort, but she refused to submit to the wifely role and fled from Adam to become the bride of Enki himself. ...Enki-Samael and Lilith were jointly regarded, in the Talmudic tradition, as being the epitome of the Tree of Knowledge." [4]

Samael is Enki/EA/Satan, and he is the biological Father of the White Aryan race.

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God ["Fallen Angels/Demons"] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown" (Genesis 6:1-4).

Note: After the King James version of the Bible, politically correct versions of the Bible were published that eliminated the racial elements of Genesis 6:1-4, replacing the word "fair" with "attractive" or "beautiful." This is a Jewish assault on the collective Aryan soul that tries to make race-mixing appear to be "acceptable" in the Jewish attempts to destroy us and all traces of us, as we belong to Satan.

According to Satan, The Lost Book of Enki is a detailed allegory that states how the White Aryan race used to be Demi-Gods and Demi-Goddesses, but that we lost our immortality, due to racial compromise: race-mixing. With the Aryan race came the most advanced civilizations, and all of the original Satanic Pagan religions that taught how to return to our immortal state of Godhood. This is the objective of Spiritual Satanism, which is Pagan Satanism, not reverse Christianity.

As we have already seen, the Nietzschean-Nazi Supermen are Satan and his Demons, but in part two of this sermon, we will see how Nietzsche was the prophet of these Aryan Supermen, and how Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were given orders by Satan to create the leap from Man to Man-God, and to usher in the New Aeon of the Aryan Superman [666], ruled by Satan and his Chosen One, the Antichrist.

[1] Ark of the Christos by William Henry [CD-ROM]

[2] The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin pages 203-205

[3] http://www.talmudblasphemy.com/talmud-and-Jesus.htm [Christian website filled with misunderstandings about the Talmud and its alleged quotes about "Jesus"]

[4] Genesis of the Grail Kings by Laurence Gardner p. 153

Go to Part Two:

I respectfully welcome all my brothers! Many thanks for the app,its works fine,I can join with my mind and with my soul to the group and together could create a bigger energetic and growing power of our God.

I am a Hungarian warrior,from Nimrod(MARDUK) by Hunor and Magor via Atilla (sword of God)
I looking other Hungarians members or focused Nigel Sharidon!
I got some awake news what I would to tell on hungarian!

Please help me to find him,thanks so much.

I wish a woderful day all of you,and see you at the next RTR
Dear Soldiers of the gallant Satanic Army I have message to share with you regarding the new strategy of the enemy concerning the summerian tables. Most of you here are well versed on the occult and know the truth are very aware of how the enemy have completely lost the war. In this current decade and the years to come there is no room for chrisitanity. The crimes of the church and their pedophile popes and priests are no longer a secret, they are being exposed everywhere to the point even the most overly attached holyjoes cannot deny these heinous crimes anymore. Like Maxine wrote all over JoS main and related websites chrisitianity is the bulwark of jewish power and that bulwark is falling and is being tear apart hence they are desperately looking for a new bulwark to keep their power.
Christianity is at its end therefore, as information that has to do with our true origin is emerging, they are twisting and counterfeiting knowledge, nothing new as they have performed this strategy since the dawn of time.
As recommended by Commander HoodedCobra I decided to investigate what was said about this lie on the net. Like I stated in a previous message of mine, they are now saying bullshit about Enki about Enlil mainly in Spanish websites or youtube videos. Blatant and disrespectful lies like Enki is a reptilian who is fighting his brother or that the pleiadians are on our side or that Enki is one of them. The latter is being said by new ager assholes who love to twist everything to fit their agenda of making gullible goyim fall in the clutches of the reptilians by making them join their spacecraft on the astral which is nothing more than the vortex of yahweh who feeds on soul and empowers that spiteful thoughtform yhvh. I was surprised and disgusted when I came across a website spreading a brand "new" lie (it was posted in 2014) and as always: all ways lead to christianity and to that ubiquitous nazarene I reckon they are doing it to keep promoting the already dead christian programme and I see a pattern here with things the kikes did in the past adapt jewsus character to the times.
Due to people becoming more aware of Enki's history and their need to mantain their power based on their programme christianity, they are now changing their speech to fit their narrative of christianity. They are saying Enki is our foe since he is against jewsus.
I will give you the link of that fucking website at the end of my comment.
According to these morons, Enlil and Anu are the good guys while Enki is the evil one because he opposes them and the worst crime these sons of a bitch accuse him of is for combating jewsus!!!! As you read Satanits, our beloved Enlil who fights side by side with his brother Enki to free the earth is against us and Enlil and Anu and jewsus who has to do with them are fighting him. What a nerve!!! They are even more disrespectful to Him than that fucking jew Sitchin. To make things worse they also dare to say that Thor is Enlil, when in fact Thor is another God who is also fighting alongside us to bring damnation to the jews and their "god". My take is Enlil is the norse God Tyr, the greek God Ares and the roman God Mars all the characteristics these Gods have in common are very similar to those of Enlil's. I was sick of my stomach while reading this shit. I couldn't believe my eyes. The worst part of all this is there are more lies like this coming but it serves to show how desperate they are to keep humankind confused.


Who are the Draconians/Dracos?
In ancient history we see many of the Dragons and reptile beings who are represented as a guardians. So why do hate reptilian race and why do we compare them to Jews?
Phoenix said:
Who are the Draconians/Dracos?
In ancient history we see many of the Dragons and reptile beings who are represented as a guardians. So why do hate reptilian race and why do we compare them to Jews?

I'll explain to the best of my abilities, mind you it might not be what an HP may reply.

Draconians/Dracos these are the system in which it is believed by most people whereby these Reptards and Greytards come from. It would not in any way shape or form be wrong to call them the Empire of Draco or Empire of Draconians or something to that nature.

Dragons and reptiles, particularly reptiles, are fine creatures nothing is wrong with them. But we call reptillians, reptillians because it is the most human intellectual word invented for these beings. Even other beings of higher power use the word since we understand it. The Gods probably have names like "Retarded worthless piece of shit who is so worthless even the excrement of a cockroach is holier than them". We call Greys, Greys due to the Gray color but it's possible they have names by our Gods or other civilizations.

I'm sure other civilizations call them names like "Retarded bug headed cockknockers or something". They are annoying and worthless hooked up to their matrix albeit not all Greys are hooked to the matrix and it's very possible some privileged if not outright natural grey exists with both genitals and an unhooked consciousness from the matrix AI machines they have or even hooked up as command and control personnel.

Either way dragons don't exist. Albeit it might be possible a species out in the cosmos might be dragon or dragon-like but non-the less these are names we attribute to the tool of evolution namely the Kundalini. Also dragons and even reptiles to some Gentiles might be symbols of power Animals or even protection as is the case with the Kundalini it doesn't just evolve you but protects you as well i.e. elevates your power and vibration.

The connection between jews and reptillians is simple. Out of all the races in the entire planet the jewish people have DNA doping on their genetic markers they call cohen/levite genes. These genes only appear to jewish people i.e. not Gentiles. Any Gentile with the markers is either being lied to like DNA companies perform lies with test i.e. purposefully deceiving people with false tests. Or the person as some point in their history had a family member assimilate with a jewish person. Or another possibility they were adopted and somehow never told about their history.

We connect the dots between the jews and reptillians because in essence Greys and Reptillians are in as much the Gods and progenitors of jewish people. This isn't even based on our website, this isn't just fanciful imaginative of our hatred of jewish people or some form of fake information. No on the other hand many vocal rabbis have stated such extraterrestrial logic and especially as mass information on aliens comes to existence it shows up that many will admit jews are from some other place. Their general way in which they view life i.e. weltanschaang or World view is reasons as to why they act the way they act.

Hope that answers your question.
Gear88 said:
Phoenix said:
Who are the Draconians/Dracos?
In ancient history we see many of the Dragons and reptile beings who are represented as a guardians. So why do hate reptilian race and why do we compare them to Jews?

I'll explain to the best of my abilities, mind you it might not be what an HP may reply.

Draconians/Dracos these are the system in which it is believed by most people whereby these Reptards and Greytards come from. It would not in any way shape or form be wrong to call them the Empire of Draco or Empire of Draconians or something to that nature.

Dragons and reptiles, particularly reptiles, are fine creatures nothing is wrong with them. But we call reptillians, reptillians because it is the most human intellectual word invented for these beings. Even other beings of higher power use the word since we understand it. The Gods probably have names like "Retarded worthless piece of shit who is so worthless even the excrement of a cockroach is holier than them". We call Greys, Greys due to the Gray color but it's possible they have names by our Gods or other civilizations.

I'm sure other civilizations call them names like "Retarded bug headed cockknockers or something". They are annoying and worthless hooked up to their matrix albeit not all Greys are hooked to the matrix and it's very possible some privileged if not outright natural grey exists with both genitals and an unhooked consciousness from the matrix AI machines they have or even hooked up as command and control personnel.

Thank you for your answer. One more thing...
Why do most of black metal bands mention Reptiles as their "ally" and why do they connect Lucifer with Reptile? I know there are many garbage bands. First band that comes in my mind is Dimmu Borgir. When they say that Gods mixed with Earthly beings, they mean Reptilians. So in that regards Indo - Aryan people must be descendants from Reptilian race/Draconians. When Jews invented the concept of "fallen angels" it's what they mean. So Jews can't have connection to Draconians, since they hate them. Meanwhile there is an agenda of Reptilians being in the government of USA. Whole lot of mix up. What the hell...

Either way dragons don't exist. Albeit it might be possible a species out in the cosmos might be dragon or dragon-like but non-the less these are names we attribute to the tool of evolution namely the Kundalini. Also dragons and even reptiles to some Gentiles might be symbols of power Animals or even protection as is the case with the Kundalini it doesn't just evolve you but protects you as well i.e. elevates your power and vibration.

The connection between jews and reptillians is simple. Out of all the races in the entire planet the jewish people have DNA doping on their genetic markers they call cohen/levite genes. These genes only appear to jewish people i.e. not Gentiles. Any Gentile with the markers is either being lied to like DNA companies perform lies with test i.e. purposefully deceiving people with false tests. Or the person as some point in their history had a family member assimilate with a jewish person. Or another possibility they were adopted and somehow never told about their history.

We connect the dots between the jews and reptillians because in essence Greys and Reptillians are in as much the Gods and progenitors of jewish people. This isn't even based on our website, this isn't just fanciful imaginative of our hatred of jewish people or some form of fake information. No on the other hand many vocal rabbis have stated such extraterrestrial logic and especially as mass information on aliens comes to existence it shows up that many will admit jews are from some other place. Their general way in which they view life i.e. weltanschaang or World view is reasons as to why they act the way they act.

Hope that answers your question.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This post aims to clear out some misinformation that has been circulating around in the web for a while about the so called "Anu". Similar posts have been written before.

For whatever reason and of course due to Jews, who constantly misinform and slander the Gods, lies are written about them all the time. The Gods are not only hated because they are our ET progenitors, but because their faith and worship actually consisted of high spiritual art, creativity, and power on the civilizations of Gentiles. This was both for evolutionary purposes and for purposes of day to day life, all the way upwards to ascent and doing the Magnum Opus.

Jews have attacked the Gods, both on the basis of being commanded to do such from their inferior ET conglomerate [in a Kamikaze mission they are going to lose entirely], but also, because of the symbolism and the evolutionary importance the faiths of the Gentiles had in empowering us. Attacking our creation implied to stop it's progress. These tenets of "Paganism" were anything but "primitive", especially if so observed through advanced metaphysics and other branches of physics such as Quantum Physics.

People applied these everyday like bread and butter, but after we entered the Middle Ages, the knowledge of these everyday laws was shrunk to the point we had to re-invent the Calculus in Europe, in a series of unfortunate events after which we were again able to march towards our destiny again. Most of the Pagan Cultures had elaborate functions which were spiritual and transcendental, and these represent the highest faculties of man creatively and spiritually, ethically and morally, and yes, scientifically also.

Application of magick for example, falls largely under both natural and "Newtonian" principles [materially], but also principles such as Quantum Mechanics [spiritually]. Of course branding these that way is not necessary, but since these are relative terms which we understand today, there is a bridge built to everyone's intellectual advantage.

Everything this world has, does owe it directly to the Gods, from the first plow that we created to master the soil, to the Internet which was seeded in our mind. The basic foundations that turned us from irrelevant beings to civilized creatures also are techniques and knowledge shared by the Gods. We built up on these and our destiny is to progressively build ourselves up until we become our own sources of guidance and our Gods, eventually, joining them.

The Gods from a natural standpoint do represent the forces of the earth, gave advice for human advancement and affairs, represented all important and eternal mythology of the cosmos, and also served to guide humanity directly, face to face, through the Priesthood and the people who followed them. It was also known that they would frequently [and less frequently after the war with other ET's broke out] visit the Earth face to face, either to instate and create new levels of human civilization, or to help humanity through natural disasters and other threatening affairs that we had little or no control over.

The highest goal of this in every civilization was to allow people to experience life, develop, and eventually achieve the Magnum Opus, and become immortalized. This is the reason the enemy wages war, even scribed into the bible. The eventuality that at some point we would advance considerably on a civilization scale to become immortal, created terror to the enemy alien conglomerate. Therefore, they attacked us.

The above to the side, the trinity of Anu, Enki and Enlil, has been, like everything from Sumeria, slandered and defamed to no end. Anu has been defamed, yet "Anu" does not really consist of an actual "personal being" such as Satan, or how he was called in Sumeria, Enki. Anu is merely the principle of the Ether, and more specifically, the active principle in nature that keeps the universe going, the principle of movement of the cosmos.

Enki, Enlil and Anu, do of course form the "Ruling Trinity" from which the Trinity is stolen. The so called "Trinity" is tied together by a bond of perfect unity. Understanding the full meaning of the forces of the "Trinity" makes one a superior and enlightened being, as such, the symbol of the Freemasonic eye of the Pyramid. Freemasons no longer represent the Ancient Luciferian teachings, and they are basically overtaken by the physical race of reptilian offspring for now, but this does not invalidate that the meanings of the stolen symbols remain of utility.

In regards to Anu, his "Consort" is Ki, the "Mother of all Gods". An and Ki represent respectively the male and female principles of existence [also spelled as En-Ki, which is hidden in plain sight in Enki's name, but Enki is the materialized form], and in the East, "Qi" or "Ki" still symbolizes the vital energy, and "An" appears in basically every civilization under different forms, with the vowels changing before the N, such as ON [On-tology for example, from the Greeks] or "En", the other Greek term which devotes to the "EN" or the "Singular principle" or the unity of the cosmic Aether. In all Pagan Pantheons, this was considered and frequently called both the "Heavenly mother" and the "Heavenly father".

Enki in Sumeria is essentially the same overlapping symbol of the Serpent energy, "En-Ki", manifested in the form of a being, and respectively, existing as a symbol for humans to follow to become the same. Enki is incorporated En and Ki, and does represent "An in the Flesh" or "Anu" in the materialized form. Satan was frequently called in every ancient civilization as the representation of the Universe, or "He who sits on the Throne". These are all terms to denote the extremely and beyond comprehension high spiritual rank that this being does possess.

The same interpolation was later put on and descrated in Hebrew stories, which consist of nothing but slander and propaganda. In their fake reptilian stories, which are made to dissuade humanity from advancing, and confuse us, "The Serpent" is "At war with heaven" and at "war with the divine father". This schism of perception was made by jews for political reasons and also because they were hateful and knew exactly what kind of mental virus they were concoting.

The "Seprent" is not "Against God", but rather, "Is God", and "Leads to God", exactly as Enki is the representation of Anu in the material realm.

Ever more gross have jews become when they started trying to ponder into the ET history of the Gods, and here is where they concocted the stupidest and vilest propaganda. This was not only extremely stupid, but also very underhanded. For example, they created all sorts of stories at how "Enlil was in battle with Enki" or how both were "Trying to overthrow Anu". These gross misinterpretations are literally so retarded that I will just skip them by saying these are inferior reptilian stories to divert attention from the real meanings of these.

The Gods were never in any sort of "Battle" among themselves. WIth the hostile Greys and Reptilians, certainly. But these exist nowhere in our pure Pagan religions, which were created in honesty, nature and Truthfulness.

In regards to the actual character of Enlil or Beelzebul, who is Satan's Brother and second in command, it is written in Sumer that he was the most gracious Father of all the Gods, a watcher of humanity, who has watched over us with great love and care over millenia. The Sumerians said that he was so powerful that even other Gods could not look him straight in the face, which is a metaphor of being extremely immersed in spiritual light, and supernal authority.

The allegory of "Enlil Drowing The Humans" has to do with the fact that Enlil rules the higher part of the Soul. The higher part of the Soul, which Enlil represents ["The opener of the heavens, the bringer of the rain"] has to do with the dew of the Pineal Gland. When this happens to be activated, the bliss flows downwards and "submerges" the body, from the "Heaven" [Crown] to the "Earth". All the lower chakras, which was based on the level of consciousness of the lower world, do become submerged, and therefore, the "Sinful humans die in the flood". This deals with the destruction of the corrupted, misaligned, and negative energies.

When the "Flood of Enlil" happened, "Enki", or the Serpent, is responsible for carrying out the "Good elements of humanity" and "Saving them" by allowing them to ride on the water. This is metaphorical as the purified Serpent energy is not "submerged" by the flood of Enlil, but rather, raises itself during it's rising, carrying with it purified energy. The two above forces work together.

Enki was well known in Sumeria to be a teacher to humanity, and is therefore called the "God of the Humans" and the "Lord of the Earth", both in the literal but also in the metaphorical case. Enki was also the "Lord of Civilization", which later on the enemy, since they knew, they called Satan, "The Lord Of This World", which He indeed, is, has been, and will forever be.

Make no mistakes the Jews of old which concocted the great lies, knew at least approximately what these things were about, and how these were spiritual allegories. As such they wrote lies of the lowest caliber, and unfortunately, retarded and non spiritual practitioners, followed these out of bleeding ignorance.

Later on, when with the advent of the Internet, the knowledge of Ancient Civilizations [much of it discovered only in the last 200 years] and our advancement in meditation, moving towards "Re-Paganization" and so forth, the Jews were left with only one choice: to create the grossest and the stupidest lies to deceive people with, which involved copious lies and purposeful misinterpretation of mythology by Jews like Zecharia Stichin.

These of course were done in the regular defamatory fashion, that dissuaded people from meditation, spiritual advancement, seeking the Gods, or seeing them as the Glorious beings that they were. Stichin made his darnest to represent the Gods as "everything but human" and make them appear measly and irrelevant. We were not made to slave as miners for "Gold" [the Gods have technology and machines to do all of that], nor did Satan fight with his own father, nor did Enlil and Enki have a "brotherly fight because Enlil was evil and wanted to slay humanity", nor any of the other deceitful and underhanded jewish claims matter, and these are only attempts to make our History to look stupid and anything less than the supreme and Divine history it is.

Family of Satan, please, if you see these lies circulating about the web and/or alien forums or other places, please share this article to debunk the situation and give the real spiritual meaning of affairs out.


What I learned is that Anu is a real physical being. The father of Enki :(
It is logical that the Jews and others who write terrible things about the Anunnaki, do it for many reasons including, how to keep the masses of gentiles in modern slavery, simple first break souls with Hebrew then in prayer, then put some character like Sitchin, for example among the things that does not explain, what would exist without processed metals coming out of mines?? Simply little and nothing, it would be very hard to work the wood without metals extracted from the mines, so no agricultural tools, no carpenter's tools to make for example maritime ships and nothing at all. Evidently the Gods have brought technological progression and have dug mines to have metals to be used in a thousand technological fields of the time, then even the Romans continued to dig manually hundreds of thousands of years later, then mines to have irons, but these were then more on the guerrilla on the construction of weapons and armor in metal. Without metals there would not have been two wooden boards to build a door something, a wooden house, because the blades without metals do not resist friction in cutting and much more, metal is what has allowed human evolution until today even if it is a breeding of souls, even NPCs must understand, The work of the ancients then allowed the modern progression and metal is everywhere is essential. Try to imagine the sapiens of the earth without Anunnaki, you would still be with stone weapons and without a tool to vanish a vegetable garden. But the Gods did more by putting/cross-breeding their immortal genetics into these sapiens and then created other human races with their pure genes as well.
https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/PYRAMIDS.html - Zecharia Sitchin's book in references
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=41415 - jewish sitchin
What is that?? Why u post shit from jewish book on jos?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
