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Answers: "Are The Gods Responsible?"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Ankh666 said:
I disagree with the responsibility question, though. If you genetically engineer something you walk around calling "your son" or "your daughter," it's your job to protect him/her. You don't run off to another solar system and save your own ass, like the Gods did. And if you do, you sure have failed being a father.

Maybe you feel too grateful to them to ever agree to say something negative about them, even if it's the truth? Each to their own, I guess… I prefer honesty, though.

You do not even understand how life works. In regards to them coddling you and every other species in what is the literal whole earth, and holding every person walking the planet by the hand, you have strange interpolations in your own mind both about what life is, what war is, and many other fundamental things about existence. Have you ever checked the size of the planet?

Life is based on unpredictability. This unpredictability is part of life and entwined in it deeply. As such, every ancient poem talked on by the Gods begins with the Chaotic sea or the chaos of creation, and the strife of a Hero like Gilgamesh or others, to instate a form of order in this otherwise totally chaotic universe, so that life, civilization etc, can exist.

One can have a literally close encased shelter for ants, with heat, electricity run, perfect food, and pretending to exercise full control over them, and their lives and decisions, but indeed, no matter what YOU do, the ants are going to act on their own accord. This happens even with ants, which are of the smallest forms of life, and can be controlled in a closed environment.

You may be the best caretaker to these ants, that is, until an event of greater magnitude happens, which is again, a part of life. A meteor crashing, or a big earthquake. There are forces in existence which do not care about your relationship to your ants. This could be a solar flare, also. Then, the house in which one has the cage collapses, and the ants die, and maybe even the person growing them, if they have no clue the earthquake is coming.

In the brain of the ant, it is of course your fault, if we can say that they have any clue that you are somehow taking care of them. The ant looks up and wonders why it now has to do more such as seek it's food, and what is this new environment it was set in after the crushing of the house. The real problems however are far more deeper and pronounced, and possibly unexplainable to the ants at a present level of consciousness. Worse enough, like humanity did, the ants start cursing you for something you seldom have a responsibility about.

The Gods were here for tens of thousands of years growing humanity with great care, from a completely oblivious species, to a self replicating and advancing species. Now, we are starting to even go to space, and if we pass this stage, we may consolidate life on the planet greatly with the enemy gone. Most species and most animals on the cosmos, as evolution would show, never make it that far, not even close.

In our case also, we were also attacked by forces beyond our own power, but the Gods kept them at bay. It is totally sensible for them to leave and do tactical retreat and not die over this, as the person growing the ants in the above example shouldn't stay in the house and die by the ants.

After the house collapses, the normal thought is to just abandon the ants and let them die off, but the Gods clearly didn't see us as ants, and they decided that we have some value, enough value indeed for them to keep kindly helping us and extending a helping hand to humanity. What magnified the war on this world was in particular their defiance in making us sensible species, which aggravated other forces that we now call the enemy, and who were against our existence because they think we would be a threat to them.

The Gods are Gods and they are advanced extraterrestrials and not nannies for every birth since the dawn of time. We are not in reality their equals either, this is a theoretical concept of potential and not a reality. This demanding means you think they are to be forced to be your "equals", guiding your every move, and at the same time, this invalidates any purpose for making us. This they clearly will not do, as we are not equals, the Gods aren't Communists.

They didn't make us to be pets, but to live, evolve and exist. This is the reality of the universe and not liable to one's own emotions of weakness and feeling like they are done wrong by someone if they are not remotely controlled like a drone. We have sufficient power to see through decisions, develop understanding, and be our own "Gods" for the most part, which is why the Gods made sure the methods for this are still existing today.

Most species do not make it past the river or the pond, let alone to start discovering space. Plus, all of these abilities given in the first place, are from the Gods and their attempted risk to engineer us. They have sacrificed more for us than we deserve at the present stage of our existence. Evolutionary science just shows most species get extinct.

Sort of how present day idiotic humanity slays off without a reason other than having crocodile boots, or pandas remaining homeless because the Communists cut all the trees down. The difference between us and the Crocodiles or Pandas going extinct for our carelessness is that in our case, someone out there, actually DOES care about us. This is why we still exist.

The reasons for this is that they think more into the future and they are immortal, so they have the power to help us and develop us. But they cannot entirely control all of our destiny, because we likewise have to an extent "Freedom" and influence in our own environment.

Your opinion is not based on reality but on feelings of being abandoned and complains about why they didn't hold our potty eternally.

Everything of what you say is in reverse. Actually, the Gods played it really well until now. We exist and we actually stand a chance to develop and keep existing in a very threatening environment. These Grey aliens that people see in meditations, are real and they exist, and they truly want to slaughter humanity and they truly want us to never advance. And we are essentially no match for them without external help.

Recurring failures to the jews, fallen civilizations, them completely displaced for our civilizations, the Gods persist. We have moved only in the last decades through impossibilities such as not starting a constant WW3 promoted by the enemy, causing mass nuclear fallout. Every so often the finger of some political leader was on the button that would end the world, and it didn't happen. Most lifeforms on other planets who have had a similar stride and met the enemy are definitely gone. We aren't the only ones, there are many planets where this has happened, and they have been gone forever into nothingness.

The Gods have saved our asses and our little "earth" village is still existing, while it could have been wiped out really easily in an invasion or in a Nuclear fallout. Knowing how retarded humanity has become and how jews literally hold all the red buttons, it is only by ET intervention from the Gods this hasn't happened yet. The Gods are also not omnipotent, and we are not slave computer borgs that can do no wrong. We were given a form of consciousness and free will and this may be our own end, but this is the only way to claim we have a valid existence or to exist at all.

What you say is based on childish emotions and its not reality based. Of course, being ungrateful and demanding always more from THEM, while humans essentially suck and tend to be crap, is the easy way out, same as blaming them for not doing MORE and MORE for us. Like humanity did jack shit for them other than sit in huts and chant their names for what appears to be zero to no returns to them, at all, for thousands of years.

Not only we didn't anything good for them in a very long time, but we also made sure to accelerate thanks to the enemy, our own grave way faster. And they are still helping.

If you ask me the question is not why they didn't do more, the question really is why they still insist to help humanity even though we are systematically failing. Here's some good parenting, not about ants and drone slaves, but when actually believes in their creation.

The Gods are advanced Extraterrestrials, and not "omnipotent" or "omnipresent" as the enemy deceitfully claims to be, and the same goes for the enemy, and the same goes for us - we are not "omnipotent" and "omnipresent", and any such thing would exist in a specific place, at a specific time, and on specific things, and not on everything at all. Even the enemy who has everything enslaved like a borg, clearly fails, does mistakes, and is not omnipotent, omnipresent, or all-powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
As far as I know, the Gods did leave us a system to protect us and if we did keep it up maybe we wouldn't be in this situation...Humans have their fault too.
That's something we all should be very grateful for. The gods are still here with us and sacrificing their time, energy and much more just to help us. That is one of the most beautiful things and the main reason why I love and respect them.
luis said:
As far as I know, the Gods did leave us a system to protect us and if we did keep it up maybe we wouldn't be in this situation...Humans have their fault too.

They did leave behind not only one, but many systems. One such system was a grid system with Temples in which they instructed priests worldwide to go in there and make rituals to channel positive energies to the earth, so that we can be protected and move through this period of aggression with greater safety.

Ziggurats, Pyramid of Giza, Temples all the way up to China and India, and many other landmarks were on top of aligned ley lines. All the spiritual means also, were left from them. All the plan on how to build civilization, was left behind from them, too.

When the "New Gods" ie, the Reptilians showed up and started demanding human sacrifice, or told people to destroy everything of the "Old Gods", some people actually caved in and gave them what they wanted, and this started the period of general decay. Then the jews who were also physically deployed did their best to reverse the ancient system.

The stories of how humans and traitors betrayed them is also registered, when Reptilians showed up such as in cases where they appeared to people in Latin America and asking for human sacrifice, few people did this for all the wrong reasons. Then the rest didn't do anything out of fear, and tyrannies were instated. The cannibalistic tribes in Africa also followed them so that one would get superiority over the other, or so they believed. Other tribes such as the Dogon remained with the Gods and didn't engage in this behavior. Then add the jews to the mix and things became even worse.

I still don't understand how people listened to some overgrown lizards that appeared out of nowhere and started demanding shit from you.
And why were they afraid? FFS, it's better do die fighting than to cower before some star slime that landed on our planet.

I also remember topic similar to this, I think it was Mageson who wrote it. It was about sacrifices tribes from South America did to please the enemy scum. And I remember reading that our Gods told Priests/Rulers to not listen to anything the enemy will say to them and that they are evil.

And some still caved in. It's sad really. Like some lizards on two feet start flapping their forked tongues promising you wealth, power and who knows what else and you actually believe them... I don't even want to imagine the simultaneous facepalms our Gods did at that moment.
I've seen a lot of people ask this question but the reality is, perceiving this whole conflict as one would a war fought with nothing but bombs and guns is the first mistake. As stated by the High Priests before, between these alien civilizations, conflicts are fought on a spiritual basis first, and then a physical basis second. To be sure your typical space laser battles would exist, but the reality is, there's an "unseen" spiritual war taking place that's far more constant and omnipresent. And this is what people mistake and misrepresent when speaking about what's transpired within our own history.

The way I've always looked at it is simple. What people have called the "Eternal Struggle". Even with all the "spiritual power" to spare, even if you had an unlimited supply of it, nature's eternal laws dictate the time (as we perceive it) any working has to take place. That's the nature of material reality after all, its laws. Even if its hard for a mortal mind to comprehend, think of it this way. The Gods victory over the enemy, spiritually speaking, could have been an inevitable event even a thousand years ago. However the process of time this takes place over physically is a different story.

As HP Cobra stated, the Gods created humanity tens of thousands of years ago, and were with us for that long. Add that to the potentially infinite future we'll spend with them side by side after the war is done. In the context of humanity's existent lifespan, as well as our lifespan to come in the event of our victory, the 10,000 rough years we spent under the control of the enemy begins to look like an increasingly trivial amount of time.

In reality, the Gods were never blind to the threat of the enemy. As a matter of fact, the enemies eventual aggression towards our earth and our people would have been something they were aware of even before they began creating us. However, in their wisdom, humanity was still a long term investment worth the time and effort and protection. After all the Gods are pragmatic as they are wise, they'd not put as much as time into us if they didn't believe we were capable of an inevitable victory.

And that's exactly it. Even for the perfect God, capable of manifesting any desire, the laws of nature, of the universe, always remain an inevitable fact, and the manifestation of said desire will always take an amount of time dictated by nature's laws. People are conditioned into thinking that a material object can "poof" out of thin air, like the Genesis story of the Abrahamic retards. In reality, to give an example, the Gods did not "poof" humanity out of thin air. Our creation process, body and soul, took physical time, once again, as per nature's laws.

And that's just exactly it. One can, as we have proudly done in the past, call Satan "All-Powerful". But one has to be aware of what this means, and the fact that this does not mean "omnipotent". This does not mean creating a universe with a click of one's fingers. Rather, its representative of one's ability to inevitably manifest any desired result within the natural context and laws of the universe. Maxine for example has stated the Gods have already triumphed over the enemy. However, due to the function of time and natural law, the physical eradication of the enemy is still manifesting. The same goes if the YHVH thoughtform died say, literally right now. It would not mean every Jew would literally turn into a pile of dust. No, but it would mean, eventually, that nature, our workings, and the Gods workings, would eventually manifest their physical destruction.

So remember that. In a manner of speaking, the enemy's incursion into our world was inevitable. But, all the same, so was our victory. And the event of our victory, and the future it brings, was our very reason for our creation by the Gods to begin with. To think the Gods would ever create an entire race with only short term goals in mind would be foolishness.

As I said once before, the nature of the Gods is that they are capable of "anything that is possible". Anything that is possible, as per the eternal natural laws of our universe. This is the Eternal Struggle. To always be striving to greater heights, to always have more workings manifesting.

So keep fighting at manifest the future Satan and our Gods envisioned. As always, apologies for the long and rambling post. I feel people never can quite grasp the nature of the Gods or especially the nature of reality.
HPS Shannon said:
That's something we all should be very grateful for. The gods are still here with us and sacrificing their time, energy and much more just to help us. That is one of the most beautiful things and the main reason why I love and respect them.
The great thing is, to an extent of course, we as Spiritual Satanists have that beauty as well. We are aligned with the gods and are battling day in and day out for the saving of humanity just as they are. The rest of humanity gives us no praise. No honor. We do it anyway. We’re attacked relentlessly and even suffer to help humanity and we do it anyway. Because it’s our nature at Satanists and as individuals. And that’s amazing. Cause so many people out there would never and don’t do the same. We have people join our forces over and over and then leave right when it gets tough. This proves it, yet you’re here and many others as well stay on and that’s amazing. And the gods help us and may give a reward from time to time, but surely that’s not why we do it. Because I know if there were no benefits I’d still be here, because Lucifer is the light. And the beauty his light reveals is reward enough than staying blind in the dark. Life is our reward, for all time, and what a pleasure to serve on this sacred mission.

This path has brought hard times. Such hard times, to where there are moments when it feels like why? But then I dwell on Satan and it makes sense. None of it feels for nought. Any sacrifice is worth it and doesn’t feel a sacrifice. Anything other than this life would feel like a sacrifice. The ultimate sacrifice is to not follow this path. That’s where you’d truly suffer and fail.
The Gods are responsible the social and political structure they set up on earth was run by those who had finished the Magnum Opus and where fully ascended humans. Even in later ages the rulers where the most ascended and they had contact with the Gods on the astral as well. Our solar system was attacked as part of a large war that is being waged across many galaxies and everyone is stretched thin. Their civilization spans many worlds and galaxies. They never left us they have been fighting the enemy everywhere including here for thousands of years. This war has being going on for awhile and the changing nature of our world reflects this. They built the Third Reich as well to save us from the enemy hybrids and worked to free humanity. If you had not of noticed they are helping us even now.

The struggle goes on, so stop your complaining and start doing your part.

Ankh666 said:
I disagree with the responsibility question, though. If you genetically engineer something you walk around calling "your son" or "your daughter," it's your job to protect him/her. You don't run off to another solar system and save your own ass, like the Gods did. And if you do, you sure have failed being a father.

Maybe you feel too grateful to them to ever agree to say something negative about them, even if it's the truth? Each to their own, I guess… I prefer honesty, though.
Isn’t it enough to stop and think how much they care about us?

Gods do not have their home planet only, but have multiple other colonies out there. Who knows how many planets they have populated?

Among all those planets, what is Earth? They could just cut their losses, forget the Earth, and go invest their time and energy in other worlds. They could just forget the Earth, and say:”sorry, guys, we don’t see why should we bother with you...”

But no, they persist, and have never gave up on us! For thousands upon thousands of years, Earth has been on Their minds. Thousands of years they fought the enemy across the Universe, and thought of ways how to defeat the enemy here.

They knew They had us here on this planet that are with Them for thousands of years, Their children that They know personally. And through us, They tried to do everything they can to inflict damage to the enemy. And They were successful with this. They got in contact with HP Maxine almost two decades ago, and from that moment, everything has changed. Gods have influence on Earth again.

To not write any further, the point I am trying to make is clear, Gods never gave up on Earth, and evidence is abundant. They love us and consider us Their children. Anyone who has ever met with Father Satan and one of the Gods, have witnessed their loving energy, it just feels beyond amazing.

They love us, and They care about us. End of story. Their defeat was mere unfortunate event, and who can guarantee you that leaving the Earth was part of the compromise to keep us alive?

Every single day, every single moment after defeat we and this planet has been in Father Satan’s mind.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I believe I once read somewhere, in a sermon or even on the JoS site, that there are tons upon tons of Gods allied to Satan who do not want to engage with humans in their current state at all. And I can really understand why that is, because of how disgustingly egotistical, selfish, and downright evil people have become nowadays, even at a soul level.

Any advanced being would seek to be treated fairly by others, and to interact on a basis of trust and understanding, where everyone upholds their promises. Personally I have always tried my best to keep all my promises (not just to the Gods, but in general) and when I failed to do so, I felt really bad for it and tried to make up for it tenfold. I always naively believed that everyone was like this, but it turns out almost nobody on this planet actually "cares" about their promises at all, and just makes these emtpily in the spur of the moment. You do something good for these people, and they end up getting success because of what you have done, but then once they tasted the success, they suddenly forget all about you and make themselves believe that they did it all on their own. They throw you away like a battery that has been drained empty.

Having advanced now to any half-decent degree, it's more than just blatant to see for me how ridiculous most people's logics, ethics, and morals are nowadays. Hell if even I wouldnt want to have anything to do with people like this, then I can only speculate how beings who are 10000x more powerful than me would feel, when they are treated shittily like that.
The amount of compassion and kindness that our Goetic Demons (and all those Gods who decided to still help us anyway), along with Satan himself, must have is just unimaginable. I know that I personally would have never had this kind of patience to deal with people like this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When the "New Gods" ie, the Reptilians showed up and started demanding human sacrifice, or told people to destroy everything of the "Old Gods", some people actually caved in and gave them what they wanted, and this started the period of general decay.
This makes me wonder, did the Gods know what exactly was going to happen? If so, did they warn people that green dudes will come down at some point telling them to make human sacrifices?

I'm just trying to figure out what exactly it was that caused people to "cave in" to these green fuckers. Was it a lack of education on the dangers? Personal ego issues/immaturity? Or did the Reptilians employ magick on them to coax them into doing it? Or all of the above?
Some dumb pointless complaints come primarily from people who have not spent any time meditating and no time studying.

This is the reality and this is not some fairytale we can complain about not ending with a rainbow.

Satan has told me only in our galaxy block there are many planets that require help. There are even numbers to this. The enemy also has completely taken over specific planets as key points and some of these are solely "planetary factories" which are used as psychic and general charging stations for the enemy.

Of course, if any beings live there, they are only borg or permanently enslaved.
People think this some sort of joke. Sure, over a distance, to fend them off or ignore them, provided one meditates and has the knowledge of the Gods, you can have peace.

But if the greys or reptilians showed up physically even large amounts of humans stand exactly zero chance to control the situation both psychically and physically. They overpower humans spiritually really easily. They are more advanced by far. Not impossible to defeat, but far more advanced.

Some stories such as the account of a African Shaman describe that they have a story about the Chitauri Reptilians and how they descended with flying saucers and gathered them like rats in a place, with what he described as a modern lightning whip extended from the saucer.

The Gods had estimates. Sight into the future is also an ongoing battlefield no different than the intelligence agencies of countries. More powerful beings can see more exactly and for longer intervals, and the future is like water.

They knew they would come but this doesn't mean anything. And yes, they definitely warned everyone. There are texts, engravings, and many other things describing the enemy.

You know when you have a child all the possibilities of difficulties it may encounter. Last century even death and infant mortality was common. But to keep life going one has a child and uses their maximum ability so that it fares well.

The argument that someone may suffer at one point so it invalidates all efforts and all existence is done by teenagers and people who have no connection or understanding of life, or people too afraid and in denial of life.

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When the "New Gods" ie, the Reptilians showed up and started demanding human sacrifice, or told people to destroy everything of the "Old Gods", some people actually caved in and gave them what they wanted, and this started the period of general decay.
This makes me wonder, did the Gods know what exactly was going to happen? If so, did they warn people that green dudes will come down at some point telling them to make human sacrifices?

I'm just trying to figure out what exactly it was that caused people to "cave in" to these green fuckers. Was it a lack of education on the dangers? Personal ego issues/immaturity? Or did the Reptilians employ magick on them to coax them into doing it? Or all of the above?
This is true. Some of them do not want nothing to do with humanity. Like no offense but we don't want to do anything with you.

I said this and this is very true. I have seen a few of them myself. They want nothing to do with humanity, no introduction, and they will not waste a second on present day humanity.

This is why for the beings that actually care to do so, it is a good idea to give them respect and proper treatment.

Not even the mother or the father physically of some people give a shit about them, nor nobody else on this world. But when the Gods look down to them to help, all they have to say is complaints, and they generally treat them like crap.

Seeing this I understand why some Demons refuse to help humanity or avoid us altogether. Some Gods do refuse and do not want any interaction with mankind, and at best condition may help us only because other Demons put them to the task, or because of some larger goal.

This is because the more powerful Gods like Satan do care. Still, they these Demons themselves do not hold a favorable opinion about us.

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I believe I once read somewhere, in a sermon or even on the JoS site, that there are tons upon tons of Gods allied to Satan who do not want to engage with humans in their current state at all. And I can really understand why that is, because of how disgustingly egotistical, selfish, and downright evil people have become nowadays, even at a soul level.
The one question that was prominent for me in the beginning and still a bit now is why they never gave up on humanity. If I was one of them I don't think I would be so compassionate. For that to be the driving force behind their continued support of humanity is just beyond my ability to grasp.

Hearing that many are at least indifferent to humanity makes it more sensible. Before, I assumed that the ones who refused the human project were exiled with the enemy nordics.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Gods are responsible the social and political structure they set up on earth was run by those who had finished the Magnum Opus and where fully ascended humans. Even in later ages the rulers where the most ascended and they had contact with the Gods on the astral as well. Our solar system was attacked as part of a large war that is being waged across many galaxies and everyone is stretched thin. Their civilization spans many worlds and galaxies. They never left us they have been fighting the enemy everywhere including here for thousands of years. This war has being going on for awhile and the changing nature of our world reflects this. They built the Third Reich as well to save us from the enemy hybrids and worked to free humanity. If you had not of noticed they are helping us even now.

The struggle goes on, so stop your complaining and start doing your part.

Ankh666 said:
I disagree with the responsibility question, though. If you genetically engineer something you walk around calling "your son" or "your daughter," it's your job to protect him/her. You don't run off to another solar system and save your own ass, like the Gods did. And if you do, you sure have failed being a father.

Maybe you feel too grateful to them to ever agree to say something negative about them, even if it's the truth? Each to their own, I guess… I prefer honesty, though.

This made sense to me now
Indifferent yes, but not against us. They are still obligated as part of a greater whole to do certain things such as energy work but they want no personal interaction with humans to a very deep or profound level.

The Gods have the powers and they can be compassionate. It is no loss for them to help us.

They do this with genuine care and joy.

curio said:
The one question that was prominent for me in the beginning and still a bit now is why they never gave up on humanity. If I was one of them I don't think I would be so compassionate. For that to be the driving force behind their continued support of humanity is just beyond my ability to grasp.

Hearing that many are at least indifferent to humanity makes it more sensible. Before, I assumed that the ones who refused the human project were exiled with the enemy nordics.
Satan two years ago showed me that essentially there are tens of planets that they have been helping in our "Galactic territory" who are undergoing similar situations to our own, others more cutting edge and even more advanced than ours.

This is anything but simple.

Harry said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Gods are responsible the social and political structure they set up on earth was run by those who had finished the Magnum Opus and where fully ascended humans. Even in later ages the rulers where the most ascended and they had contact with the Gods on the astral as well. Our solar system was attacked as part of a large war that is being waged across many galaxies and everyone is stretched thin. Their civilization spans many worlds and galaxies. They never left us they have been fighting the enemy everywhere including here for thousands of years. This war has being going on for awhile and the changing nature of our world reflects this. They built the Third Reich as well to save us from the enemy hybrids and worked to free humanity. If you had not of noticed they are helping us even now.

The struggle goes on, so stop your complaining and start doing your part.

Ankh666 said:
I disagree with the responsibility question, though. If you genetically engineer something you walk around calling "your son" or "your daughter," it's your job to protect him/her. You don't run off to another solar system and save your own ass, like the Gods did. And if you do, you sure have failed being a father.

Maybe you feel too grateful to them to ever agree to say something negative about them, even if it's the truth? Each to their own, I guess… I prefer honesty, though.

This made sense to me now
I think the moon is one such planet.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy also has completely taken over specific planets as key points and some of these are solely "planetary factories" which are used as psychic and general charging stations for the enemy
Harry said:
This made sense to me now

I wrote an article on this in ancient Egypt the battle against Akhenaton's alien regime. This was a long and intense war that spanned a decade easily and devastated Egypt. The Egyptians won and destroyed Akhenaton's alien regime. However these people were spiritually and technologically advanced and it was still a hard fight. This shows the enemy felt themselves powerful enough to make an open move at that time so it shows how long this war had already been going on. They targeted Egypt because it was the world power in that region and day. Later they took the time to totally destroy Egypt with the Catholic empire they built but they took special care to target Egypt during this time. If it was not for Napoleon we would know nothing to anything about Egypt. The enemy has been defeated many times in our history but how is the answer...

In the Jewish bible the Jewish empire and race was defeated by the Egyptians [possible Akhenaton connection?] they were almost annihilated as a race with ten whole tribes destroyed by the Assyrians and the kingdom of Israel totally annihilated. The Babylonians also destroyed the remaining Jewish kingdom and massacred the Jews then the Romans who almost physically exterminated the Jewish race in the Bar Kokhba war and destroyed their Temple and nation.

The one thing all these Gentile empires had in common was they were all PAGANS and used psychic warfare and had spiritual protection. Note how fast the Jews have brought down the Gentile empires were Christianity dwells and dominates such as the Russian empire in a few years the Jews conquered the Russian empire with Bolshevism and almost conquered all of Europe. Who defeated the Jewish Communists..... The Pagan forces of the Thule Society from the battle of 1919 and onwards into the Third Reich to Spain and the war against the USSR. The USSR collapsed because it was destroyed in the second war. The former Soviet intelligence officer Viktor Suvorov in his book on the subject stated that Hitler was the one man who had destroyed the USSR and caused its fall down the road. Hitler also knew this himself from his own statements. Hitler was a spiritually highly ascended Pagan adept a Spiritual Satanist who worked with our Gods who the Thule Society were in contact with.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satan two years ago showed me that essentially there are tens of planets that they have been helping in our "Galactic territory" who are undergoing similar situations to our own, others more cutting edge and even more advanced than ours.

So does that mean there are more jewish trick clones for those racial-species? i.e. a subversive species implanted?

Or does that mean in those worlds the enemy is more actively attacking i.e. direct combat.
The ancient American empires were infiltrated by the Jews and they took them over from within and then started to impose the reptilian agenda. I did an article on this. The Jews in their own histories write on their presence in the ancient America's. The ancient world had trade with the American empires this is well known and proven they even found sunken Roman ships off the coast of Mexico. You still have the remnants of ancient Amerindian tribes that worship Yahweh have all the Jewish religious festivals and beliefs and customs and speak a Hebrew language who came from the period of the infiltration of the ancient empires of America.

Purified666 said:
I still don't understand how people listened to some overgrown lizards that appeared out of nowhere and started demanding shit from you.
And why were they afraid? FFS, it's better do die fighting than to cower before some star slime that landed on our planet.

I also remember topic similar to this, I think it was Mageson who wrote it. It was about sacrifices tribes from South America did to please the enemy scum. And I remember reading that our Gods told Priests/Rulers to not listen to anything the enemy will say to them and that they are evil.

And some still caved in. It's sad really. Like some lizards on two feet start flapping their forked tongues promising you wealth, power and who knows what else and you actually believe them... I don't even want to imagine the simultaneous facepalms our Gods did at that moment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But if the greys or reptilians showed up physically even large amounts of humans stand exactly zero chance to control the situation both psychically and physically. They overpower humans spiritually really easily. They are more advanced by far. Not impossible to defeat, but far more advanced.

Some stories such as the account of a African Shaman describe that they have a story about the Chitauri Reptilians and how they descended with flying saucers and gathered them like rats in a place, with what he described as a modern lightning whip extended from the saucer.

Initially I thought we were talking of some few dozens of Reptilians who descended on varying places on the planet trying to coax people into following their teachings. But considering it was much more of an actual "attack", with high-tech machinery and possibly rather high numbers, it makes sense why things happened like this.

I understand that the enemy had superior weaponry and overall strength, but as you said the Gods have left defense mechanisms and the like in place. So did people just not put enough care into maintaining and empowering these mechanisms? And/or was it that they should have tried to fight back more when the Enemy arrived? Since you said that humanity was at fault for "allowing" the enemy to take over, what should the humans back then have done differently to avoid this? I'm interested in historical things like this and in knowing what could have been done to prevent this.
The gods have their own right to survive and to advance and evolve peacefuly in their own planet, its just pure stupidity to think that the gods should stay! Its like saying that a supreme militiry leader should go out in the battlefiled in the middle of war and put his existince in danger in order to protect his soilders :lol:

Sometimes a little bit of selfish is required for your own survival and advancement and saftey, you can't say that your parents are faileurs just because they went out to have fun and left you alone with a babysitter, the gods have powers but its limited i am 100% sure that this ss fellow who asked the quastion is affected by the jewish/chirstian/islamic understanding of what a god is and what a god could do...i am not trying to look wise or smart or cool here by saying quotes, but i am writing this post because when i was a newbie 4 years ago one of my ss friends asked me the same freaking quastion and i answerd him with the same answer.

The gods are not created to serve your ass, they have their own time to to live to enjoy to have sex to meditate to study to make plans to create new things to discover new things to develop their own powers. They have their own world.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satan two years ago showed me that essentially there are tens of planets that they have been helping in our "Galactic territory" who are undergoing similar situations to our own, others more cutting edge and even more advanced than ours.

This is anything but simple.

Harry said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Gods are responsible the social and political structure they set up on earth was run by those who had finished the Magnum Opus and where fully ascended humans. Even in later ages the rulers where the most ascended and they had contact with the Gods on the astral as well. Our solar system was attacked as part of a large war that is being waged across many galaxies and everyone is stretched thin. Their civilization spans many worlds and galaxies. They never left us they have been fighting the enemy everywhere including here for thousands of years. This war has being going on for awhile and the changing nature of our world reflects this. They built the Third Reich as well to save us from the enemy hybrids and worked to free humanity. If you had not of noticed they are helping us even now.

The struggle goes on, so stop your complaining and start doing your part.

This made sense to me now
I remember Reading in the forums some years ago that the God's won up there. Is this true? Or did they just won a battle but the reptilian are still around?

By the way we should thanks the God's everyday for what they did and still do for us...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most lifeforms on other planets who have had a similar stride and met the enemy are definitely gone. We aren't the only ones, there are many planets where this has happened, and they have been gone forever into nothingness.
Have other civilizations saved themselves from reptilians? If so, there would definitely be lessons to learn for us.
You can find two topics that may be of interest in the Encyclopedia, one is a 2018 topic which was called "Akhenaton" by HP Mageson and the other was from 2016 by me and it describes the case with Akhenaton briefly. The first is more elaborate and shows all the details of Latin America also, and how people were swindled, taken over and deceived.

Akhenaton took a concept that already existed in Egyptian spirituality but because he was corrupt, he extended this all the way to "Monotheism" to the point he attempted to literally obliterate all the spiritual foundation of Egypt and start removing the Gods from being followed entirely. He took spiritual alchemy and turned it into a joke, claiming the spiritual alchemy implied that all the spiritual fabric of Egypt had to be destroyed.

This is typical subversion as the enemy did later on with Xianity. They steal the symbols, misinterpret them, and turn them into a program to obliterate people spiritually.

He is also recorded to have been doing other bizarre stuff as in there were wars and expeditions in Egypt and instead of leading he was just painting and not giving a damn, as if he did this on purpose. Eventually the Egyptians managed to take him down and they blotted out his memory completely as a traitor.

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Harry said:
This made sense to me now
I remember Reading in the forums some years ago that the God's won up there. Is this true? Or did they just won a battle but the reptilian are still around?

By the way we should thanks the God's everyday for what they did and still do for us...

As far as they are concerned these do not pose any danger to them anymore and haven't for a while. This is similar to how your enemy may raze small villages but cannot even get close to your capital. Our planet is one small village like that.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most lifeforms on other planets who have had a similar stride and met the enemy are definitely gone. We aren't the only ones, there are many planets where this has happened, and they have been gone forever into nothingness.
Have other civilizations saved themselves from reptilians? If so, there would definitely be lessons to learn for us.

Of course they have, but others have also permanently gone. I am certain others are also successfully escaped and far from this worthless danger of the enemy.

Satan has told me something to the extent that "They have power up until a point" when it comes to civilization take over and damnation. This is a spiritual ascent level and also a material ascent level. So eventually a civilization becomes "impenetrable" from their advances. But this is quite difficult as in particular they feast on those who are very lower from them.
HP Mageson666 said:
I think the moon is one such planet.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy also has completely taken over specific planets as key points and some of these are solely "planetary factories" which are used as psychic and general charging stations for the enemy
I thought the moon was ours? Israel failed the moon landing because of this.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP Mageson666 said:
I think the moon is one such planet.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy also has completely taken over specific planets as key points and some of these are solely "planetary factories" which are used as psychic and general charging stations for the enemy
I thought the moon was ours? Israel failed the moon landing because of this.
pissrael failed because jews are jews.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When the "New Gods" ie, the Reptilians showed up and started demanding human sacrifice, or told people to destroy everything of the "Old Gods", some people actually caved in and gave them what they wanted, and this started the period of general decay.
This makes me wonder, did the Gods know what exactly was going to happen? If so, did they warn people that green dudes will come down at some point telling them to make human sacrifices?

I'm just trying to figure out what exactly it was that caused people to "cave in" to these green fuckers. Was it a lack of education on the dangers? Personal ego issues/immaturity? Or did the Reptilians employ magick on them to coax them into doing it? Or all of the above?
They defeated us with the same technique with which they enslaved the greys. The proof of this is the presence of some grey hybrids with Cohen gene, just like the Jews. Obviously, this disease, technical virus, infiltration works only on breeds of non-ascended creatures. Some people have become gods in the past, but the work of our gods has not been completed. If it weren't for our Gods, those reptilians would have microchipped us a long time ago. The astral attack was done by the reptilians, their slaves instead simply did the virus work. Slaves cannot compete against Gods. Highlighting that no one in the universe can compete against this group of reptilians, except our Eternal Gods of course. This makes me think that this group of reptilians are the strongest after our Gods. Obviously I'm not referring to their slaves. I'd like to know more about these reptilians. We know everything about their gray zombies, Jews, etc.. It is not worth paying too much attention to viruses and slaves. Zombies have no value, they just have to be destroyed, they don't matter. But it is those reptilians who manage these slaves. I'm sorry, I just want to know more about those reptilians.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP Mageson666 said:
I think the moon is one such planet.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy also has completely taken over specific planets as key points and some of these are solely "planetary factories" which are used as psychic and general charging stations for the enemy
I thought the moon was ours? Israel failed the moon landing because of this.

I agree The moon isn't a planet like I think was referred to it is a satellite of earth. It also doesn't appear to have life other than the enemy bases so where would they feed off of.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satan two years ago showed me that essentially there are tens of planets that they have been helping in our "Galactic territory" who are undergoing similar situations to our own, others more cutting edge and even more advanced than ours.

So does that mean there are more jewish trick clones for those racial-species? i.e. a subversive species implanted?

Or does that mean in those worlds the enemy is more actively attacking i.e. direct combat.

So what is the deal with these other planets as my question was no answered. Or has the answer not been provided by beings of higher power?
HP. COBRA then even some Goetian demons only help humanity because their superiors give it that task?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most lifeforms on other planets who have had a similar stride and met the enemy are definitely gone. We aren't the only ones, there are many planets where this has happened, and they have been gone forever into nothingness.
Have other civilizations saved themselves from reptilians? If so, there would definitely be lessons to learn for us.

Of course they have, but others have also permanently gone. I am certain others are also successfully escaped and far from this worthless danger of the enemy.

Satan has told me something to the extent that "They have power up until a point" when it comes to civilization take over and damnation. This is a spiritual ascent level and also a material ascent level. So eventually a civilization becomes "impenetrable" from their advances. But this is quite difficult as in particular they feast on those who are very lower from them.
You mean that group of reptilians have ascended? Based on their potential and soul. And yes, they attack the inferior, that is, the less developed. If I'm wrong to ask, please excuse me. Out of curiosity, I would like to know more about this group of reptilians, because they are the only important ones and they count in their faction. All the others in their faction are just slaves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Akhenaton looked very similar to the reptilian on the 2 pic that you posted above. I wonder whether he was one.
Arcadia said:
No apologies! As I say, Physicality is always ssllooww, always lagging behind, always catching up. Things have to be possible Physically.

HP Mageson666 said:
The struggle goes on, so stop your complaining and start doing your part.

Ankh666 said:
I disagree with the responsibility question, though. If you genetically engineer something you walk around calling "your son" or "your daughter," it's your job to protect him/her. You don't run off to another solar system and save your own ass, like the Gods did. And if you do, you sure have failed being a father.

Maybe you feel too grateful to them to ever agree to say something negative about them, even if it's the truth? Each to their own, I guess… I prefer honesty, though.
No offence to Ankh666 when I say this - ignorance is ignorant. If one knew, then they wouldn't need to be going on about hows and whys and ifs and buts. If they had their Third Eye unblocked, open and empowered, and their Pineal Gland clean and healthy, etc..., they would then realise, "Oh... embarrassed; walks out quietly, backwards", but at this point, at the moment, for now, one needs to 'logicate' it. Unfortunately, though, logic itself is illogical. Logic can't answer nor explain everything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
As far as I know, the Gods did leave us a system to protect us and if we did keep it up maybe we wouldn't be in this situation...Humans have their fault too.

They did leave behind not only one, but many systems. One such system was a grid system with Temples in which they instructed priests worldwide to go in there and make rituals to channel positive energies to the earth, so that we can be protected and move through this period of aggression with greater safety.

I just found this video that explains a bit how the scientist has found that the pyramids actually do "attract" a lot of electromagnetic energy to them and they describe this as rotating energy, it reminds me so much of the Merkaba meditation. They believe the Pyramids were used to connect to the energy of the earth, thanks to the ley line (which they say that are electromagnetic currents generated by the earth) then the shape of the Pyramid helps to attract this energy in "tornado" way. They basically believe they were used as power plants. Now we know that not only were used as Free energy but they were used spiritually too. This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4WpVLfc4q8

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
