I entered another big fight at home this time with my younger brother that ended in me beating him.
I left home.
I’m also going to get a full-time job again so I’m not homeless and to put bread on the table.
I’m going for full independence I can’t have/don’t want this family again.
Spirituality and JoS is going to take a backstage for a while.
Survival first.
(Not looking for criticism, as most of you probably would never understand.)
I have been given you a very long text in your previous topic which I doubt you checked it out as you did not reacted on it

But yea, this was obvious to happen , the moment you are in now, sorry but that won't change nothing, sometimes that's how we learn in life, trough such ways, now you realize what is truly important ,it's not like you did not knew but now you feel it deeply as well, Us should be #1 priority in our lives and focus on advancing also do not let your emotions take upon your ration and think, do not just feel but also THINK , time is now important ,you need a job or an income trough something, wish you honest Luck my Brother and do not worry about anything else, try to prioritize what is more important to you and focus with constancy towards MO, only way! Ur family, loved ones ,friends will go , but you have the chance to become a God and even resect them from this " nothingness".
I genuinely believe that you are a good and cool person, although we never spoke much and know each other, I just feel this about you and my feelings/intuition is most of the time correct

Prob you got upset cuz I went in with my bullshit of a answer at first, the one who's been approved not the one where I replayed to your topic, maybe you have not seen it, I rly did put effort into it you know and making it so big and stuff, I am not telling you off and I understand why you would had not done it at that time, but mad or not, believe that there's good people, not just me but the rest of your Brothers and overall many of people here which are looking forwards to b e with you, help you and so on so forth.
Also , do not be discouraged or afraid or anything like that, the God's are always here for Us , maybe not directly all the time but They surely make it's PERMANENT watched, in happened to me where I had this extreme event going on and some entity nearly got me killed and then some kind of "alarm" pumped up in my soul and then bam , some God [which I did not knew his name] just came in, Bless Him! Have faith , focus on what's important, do not things overcomplicate to much and also do no let yourself be your worst enemy, especially now when you need yourself the most.
If you ever feeling like chatting or stuff, be free to message me anytime you want!
Moloch is a jewish thoughtform, nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. It's nothing more than another worthless name for the odious yahweh thoughtform.
Anything related to moloch should be ignored and discarded, and spit upon.
That's what I was doing with the meditation we had on the site , the 72 disgusting names or something like that called , translation from my native language to english.
Enemy was so mad, not only I could feel it, but they were persistently upon my ass, but fuck them, never be warried about them, I speak to everyone when I say this.
Yheove and all it's other names will be entirely vanished from all of the Worlds where it exists. Eternal Light will and IS FOREVER RESTORED. Glory to SATAN!