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Announcement: Joy Of Satan Guardians [First Announcement Made]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

The first fellow SS who are ordained in the Joy of Satan Guardians positions are Named as the following:

SoaringEagle666, Blitzkreig, Lydia, BlackDragon666

More will be receiving the Rank in the close future. We wish them good fortune and to stay strong in service on the JoS Forums, members and the Spiritual Satanic Community.

There will be an evolving situation with each member materializing the position in their own way, according to their needs, abilities etc.

Congratulations to all of them. You know why you are here, and everyone knows why these SS made it here too,

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

As stated in the New Year Address, there is going to be the formulation of a ranking to empower people so that the JoS and it's members can be empowered. As of now, the Joy of Satan Guardians is officially instated rank that members can achieve.

Functionally, the idea of this position is not to procure false ego, but rather to procure strong personalities and for people to understand more the value of their words, Satanic mission, provide more support and more richness of content for people in JoS, but also to facilitate understanding of one's self and the mission of Joy of Satan.

People who will attain this rank will be generally people that already have been off-mod, and therefore have proven their intentions of helping and assisting others. The purpose of this group of people will be what is said in the title of it, to procure safety and expansion inside the Joy of Satan and it's members.

The ascent to this rank could also incur descent in the case one misuses these capabilities to harm others or engage in negative behaviour more than warranted or necessary. Absence, while not recommended, will be an option if one absolutely has to go.

Noblety of behavior is expected. Not faultlessness or fakeness of course, but one is expected to shine the light that they have received from the Gods and Father Satan in a more direct way.

For example, when you have Free Posting privilege, the reason for this is to help, but also understand the value of power coming from this, how it affects others etc. Gods work in the same way in a chain of command. Organization of this kind creates space for growth and empowerment.

As the Joy of Satan expands there will be more and more people that will be necessary to take a more active role in the Forum. This of course will give them [they have to earn this by their actions] the necessary respect to grow themselves and the community.

As there are many people who contribute heavily there is going to be a specific set of emotional and logical approaches that will have to be reflected in an individual in order to make this into this rank.

According to assumed responsibilities, there will also be extended perks for these people, in due time or based on circumstance. Posting announcements, etc.

It doesn't mean that if one is in this rank automatically becomes faultless or whatever, but what is strongly insisted is that the person has a proven track record of growth and advancement on them that can be reflected on other people to accelerate the advancement and growth of all.

This level of ranking will be a pre-requisite for becoming Joy of Satan Clergy [the highest ranking], but it will not be necessitated that one becomes or has to become Clergy if they make it into this rank.

This Rank will exist on it's own purpose alongside and under supervision from Clergy. Even within the JoS Guardians not all people are going to be the same or "equal", as contributions or duties might not be the same.

The words to keep in mind is that we are like Ancient Protectors of the Truth, JoS, our people, materials, tenets, and so on.

Certain duties will be incumbent in this position, with certain benefits. You won't have to build Rome on your own. The whole ordeal will be based on teamwork, not excessive individuality. In a way, this Rank will represent the warrior protectors of the Ancient Pagan civilizations, people that protect what is right and valuable, and other people.

One will have to certainly spend sometime helping others and doing work of JoS as one probably is already doing to find themselves into this rank. We will be working closely and like a brotherhood to advance this place under Satan and the Gods, counteract problems, and keep the community safe and existing.

Invitations are going to be sent and there will be conversation for those who want to engage in a known or nameless manner. Some people have already told me that they will be part of this, but without being public on the forum, assisting externally or in other necessary ways.

People who want to will be announced here and possibly have their User Account changed to a different color. We are looking into how it will be obvious. Some of you have already been informed a month ago, etc.

It does not mean that if one doesn't make it to this case one isn't trusted, cared for or loved, because as explained, there will be some specific duties and expectations from people in this rank. The Gods do indeed get satisfied when people rise in this way, as it reflects in a small scale way how they operate.

Certain people need expansions in order to advance personally too. It's false to think that our life only has to do solely with ourselves, because that's only the case of a very primary level. As people advance, one naturally might move further. Azazel told me of this before, and that is necessary therefore that this process takes place.

Therefore the purpose except of external is to facilitate the evolution of certain individuals that need to advance further. One can continue to receive their merits and glory in their own way as the group recognizes these directly as it is.

Any soul that works for Father Satan is valued by Father Satan and that is well known.

Yet the above will help to formalize this and give others who might be currently joining and advancing a sense of safety and guidance in that others will always be here to help them like older Brothers must help the younger ones.

Joy of Satan Guardians is now instated, glory to the members that will carry the Satanic Banner and hold it high.

May the Gods bless us all in continued overflowing power and capacity.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This sounds great. I love hierarchy and structure. I look forward to seeing the advancement and continued great work of our future Joy of Satan Guardians.

Hail Satan!
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.
I don't want to be an asshole here but isn't that going to create issues and cliques within the groups. As of right now everyone is equally under moderation or pre-moderation. Giving XYZ power to someone could entail issues.

We've had members even well-known members go off the deep end. Ghost in the Machine is one, the whole Shael/Azorm thing. Even former-HP. Mageson kicked the bucket and went into his own little corner of the internet.

For example me(Gear88). I appreciate some people, I'm appreciated by a small number of people. Have I ever consistently or persistently posted good information for me in my own personal opinion NOPE!. Except for a small number of positive posts. I've surmised that many of my posts show a person who is completely out of sync with spirituality and is unwanting to progress. Despite not having spiritual attainments I do have information and I do remember stuff,(even if my memory faculties are not computer like and have created issues with people over it. For example confusing HP.Cobra's MerKaBa vibration post for 2006 when he posted it in 2012).

(FYI over the last few days I've been re-reading some of my older posts and it's like "Man I seem stuck in the hamster wheel of non-progression", mind you it's my own fault I'll readily blame myself).

Except remembering and theorycrafting and using my mind. I do not have an iota of spiritual progression. There are people like me for example early-2020 a number of 5-10-15+ year old members joined after being on hiatus or not following the JoS for YEARS or simply dedicating for the sake of dedicating only to realize they never practiced the main-point of JoS i.e. spiritual property.

I don't know how dedicated for the sake of dedicated is to some people. But we've had people kinda bowl over these mentalities stating basically how can you be a JoS member for the sake of one just to never practice spirituality?

And also what about people who join the forums just to post a few times and that is it. Just as many have joined for the answer to a question at a spiritual crossroads. But again the point is what about people who are basically post-whores. They post an obscene amount of posts but are not advanced in any way or they become delusional or were delusional and just aggrandized their delusion.

I see too many issues. It's nice don't get me wrong JoS Guardians like it to a degree I still think the name could use improvement. But non the less in my own personal opinion I see issues with it.
Wonderful announcement, HP Cobra. It is so exciting to see such progress, expansion, and advancement of the JoS being made. This new rank will be pivotal and progressive, as a lot of people contribute immensely but do not want to be Clergy (or are not ready to be).

Hail Satan, Eternally!
Great post, high priest. thank you for the information you have been giving us for so many years. hail satan forever.
Great Idea and Project.
Hail Satan! ⛧
Cant buy trust or loyalty.

Enjoy moderating people who have made it to this level.
If there is one or two BIG RANKS to be achieved, then the ones that will come or came in this year for an example, will not be as motivated to get to that rank because is to far from them

There are people with 1000posts, 2000, etc, and if i look for an example at smb with that certain rank and he have such big quantity of posts, i will asume thay he have that rank because of those posts, which is natural to think.

So i will not find motivation to work to be like them because is to far, like there is just MO, no begginer no intermediate no advanced, just MO and that is it. Sure there will be more trust and i will look different at somebody's posts as i do at yours than at others, exactly because how important is somebody in our eyes, his posts
affect us more than others, because we trust that person words more.

The point is, why not to make a whole bunch of ranks based quality and quantity of posts, i mean , even if you state in your post that, such a rank can be achieved with hard work and so on, those posts will go and new people will still come, will you explain to them all the time the same thing? Why to don't let them feel and see how things works naturally by seeing somebody having(idk QUEST / BEGGINER HELPER / INTERMEDIATS / ADVANCED /GOD SENT HELPER/ GUARDIAN OF THE JOS ))

Names that also sound pretty good and make somebody want to have them because they will make them feel closer to the gods, by seeing that name in his profile/when he post something under/beside his name like on the romanian forum, but with more inspired names if possible.

Motivation is important, feeling important by being seen as smb important is also important.

This will require much more effort but, this will come with motivation because you would be able to feel and see your growth(forum) and feel closer to the gods, when look at those ranks, and others as well, in time, and also usually being active on the forum improve your mindset and that improve your spiritual life and so on, so there could be a connection between those ranks and one's life that can be improved, in one's life.

You can even state the benefits/responsaibilties for every rank.


Rank 1 2 3 - no benefits other than trust gaining in the community (should state it)

Rank 4 - can post where others can't

Rank 5 - can directly have an email with a topic to discuss and a predict to create with your own informations, so even if you don't put everything in that post, a certain part of that subject will be discussed so slowly it help to fulfill some certain agenda of informations given.

An email that you can decline, and if you keep declining to a point, the rank will be taken.

And the way those topics will be made can be, is to add on smbs account who have a certain rank an option to post somewhere , WHERE , it will be verify by big ranks before being post on main page and also can be add/take out informations
COBRA : i take out some informations, and i will add something to complete the ones above.

Or can be send on email and by there to be done as above.

Rank 6 - the ones who speak with the gods directly and do their durect bussines on this forum.

And some ranks specially for people who do other duties like Lydia go helped with calendar and so on you got the point

Some may even have as a resposability going through one part of the forum each and take all the useful informations so in the future there can ve a more easily way of accesing that informations, without having to search through different topics and comments and not really knowing how true is that information.

Things that will be somehow necesary especially if in next 10 years there will be much more new people here.

Motivated people, and easily and smarter information acces.

Also can even put some importance in the eyes of the gods phrases as a description of the rank or when you rank up you get a special message on the forum, saying such things

Like rank 1 (The gods see and apreciate your activity on the forum )

Rank 2( the gods are proud of your persistence)

Rank 4 - the gods see your results as a proof of your desire to help humanity by sharing their teachings

And so on the point is that some people don t realize that the gods really feel proud and happy when we evolve and help others evolve.

And such a reaminder can increase One self esteem and motivation to keep going.

Lot of people aren t capable of asking the gods themselves.and such things knowing they came from this forum that is under their rule could make the connection stronger, a connection which evolving increase and so does the importance of those phrases

Guardian of jos (the gods are very proud of what you achieved, and want you to know that, you are one of the few who did enough work for them on this forum to be officially named a guardian of it, a guardian which protect the truth , the members(from enemy infiltrators and lies) and guide humanity ...and such inspiring words which are true after all, and is so damn good to hear them.
The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.

That is your personal perception of how certain people "would behave", but the initiative is exactly the opposite. The fact is certain individuals always see this type of promotion as a given to continue toxic behavior. It should be seen rather as an opportunity to move to a higher level of understanding. If one goes to a lower level, that's going to be not good.

The whole purpose is in fact the reverse: With more people away from the toxic behavior such as this, one's word will be understood to be wielded in a beneficial way.

Direct reports to the JoS Clergy will be able to be issued and as explained, demotion or potential stripping of rights will be the case.

It is unavoidable to have certain people bicker or create specific cliques, as I have seen after too many years on this forum. And I have also seen that the reality of this is that common sense and understanding is far more prevalent in most SS than the latter who see this in the pointless way that you mention.

We have to show faith in people, not the opposite. The least one would want is for anything to go in this way, as it's totally a waste of everyone's time. I highly doubt the prospective SS in mind have been in this level of falsehood for a long time.
Gear88 said:

What you wrote is exactly the point: Only those who are worthy of the title will receive it. Not post-whores, not people who have made no progress, not people who deliberately start drama, not people who only have a few posts and do nothing behind the scenes either.

And no, not everyone is equally under mod or pre-mod. Many people have been off-mod for a long while.

This title is not a popularity contest, it is for those who prove themselves time and time again in these forums. It is not for everyone either, as there are many people who are great SS, but is it their path in life to help other people here? Not necessarily, so nobody should feel bad for not being given this rank.
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

I definitely see this as a potential here. Try to improve communication skills, and at the same time, maybe keeping a journal will be necessary. It is impossible to not forget some things, if there is an influx of information.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.

That is your personal perception of how certain people "would behave", but the initiative is exactly the opposite. The fact is certain individuals always see this type of promotion as a given to continue toxic behavior. It should be seen rather as an opportunity to move to a higher level of understanding. If one goes to a lower level, that's going to be not good.

The whole purpose is in fact the reverse: With more people away from the toxic behavior such as this, one's word will be understood to be wielded in a beneficial way.

Direct reports to the JoS Clergy will be able to be issued and as explained, demotion or potential stripping of rights will be the case.

It is unavoidable to have certain people bicker or create specific cliques, as I have seen after too many years on this forum. And I have also seen that the reality of this is that common sense and understanding is far more prevalent in most SS than the latter who see this in the pointless way that you mention.

We have to show faith in people, not the opposite. The least one would want is for anything to go in this way, as it's totally a waste of everyone's time. I highly doubt the prospective SS in mind have been in this level of falsehood for a long time.

I think this is a good way to find/develop good new clergy members, with the aimed expansion we also need people to give the clergy, some breath so they can fokus on important matter, so tasks wich can be safely done by other people will be delegated. In the end all benefit, the clergy can fokus on important things, the guardiens support clergy and members, members may see more important work released from the clergy, get help from guardiens and may be inspired to help other members.
Gear88 said:

Something to remember going forward, gratuitous worship is a poison. It is a subtle and endlessly corrupting addiction that people should refrain from indulging on, but equally, people who blindly validate and worship others are only doing them a disservice, and poisoning their minds, and are equally guilty.

Also, constructive feedback should be given, as nobody who assumes this role is expected to be perfect in every way, and never make a mistake. You will, undoubtedly see a guardian acting in a foolish or incorrect manner on occasion, nobody is perfect.

You do however have a responsibility to point out their errors so they may grow and become better, there is no shame in this. All of us have made many mistakes and will continue to make them on occasion. If you see something that is wrong and you do or say nothing, or worse, you validate bad behavior simply because they hold some kind of status, and you fear or worship them for it, you are equally guilty of the damage they may do to themselves, or others.

You witnessed the fire starting, and simply let it happen.

The point is not to see the holders of this rank as opposition, but to see them as your brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters who will on occasion make a mistake, and this does not mean they need to be stripped of what they have and destroyed, but simply have their errors communicated to them so they may grow and become better.

We are all on the same team.
Lydia said:
Gear88 said:

What you wrote is exactly the point: Only those who are worthy of the title will receive it. Not post-whores, not people who have made no progress, not people who deliberately start drama, not people who only have a few posts and do nothing behind the scenes either.

And no, not everyone is equally under mod or pre-mod. Many people have been off-mod for a long while.

This title is not a popularity contest, it is for those who prove themselves time and time again in these forums. It is not for everyone either, as there are many people who are great SS, but is it their path in life to help other people here? Not necessarily, so nobody should feel bad for not being given this rank.

Proof could also mean someone who publishes translations in their own language with no small regularity?
Lydia said:
Gear88 said:

What you wrote is exactly the point: Only those who are worthy of the title will receive it. Not post-whores, not people who have made no progress, not people who deliberately start drama, not people who only have a few posts and do nothing behind the scenes either.

And no, not everyone is equally under mod or pre-mod. Many people have been off-mod for a long while.

This title is not a popularity contest, it is for those who prove themselves time and time again in these forums. It is not for everyone either, as there are many people who are great SS, but is it their path in life to help other people here? Not necessarily, so nobody should feel bad for not being given this rank.

If you're not the first to assume this role I'm going to be pissed.
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.
Aside from what Cobra relayed, I would suggest workings with Mercury energy and the rune Mannaz should work with communication, intelligence, memory -department.

Look at your weak points as a whole, maybe there are more than this particular thing, and issue corrective measures one by one to patch things up and move to the next level by doing so. Understanding basics of astrology helps to gain more understanding of your past and present, and it would be a good practice so see what current and past planetary transits are manifesting and have manifested. You can also see to the future, the possible outcomes from certain influences, and play around them when there are negative possibilities in the horizon.
lybium666 said:
Lydia said:
Gear88 said:

What you wrote is exactly the point: Only those who are worthy of the title will receive it. Not post-whores, not people who have made no progress, not people who deliberately start drama, not people who only have a few posts and do nothing behind the scenes either.

And no, not everyone is equally under mod or pre-mod. Many people have been off-mod for a long while.

This title is not a popularity contest, it is for those who prove themselves time and time again in these forums. It is not for everyone either, as there are many people who are great SS, but is it their path in life to help other people here? Not necessarily, so nobody should feel bad for not being given this rank.

Proof could also mean someone who publishes translations in their own language with no small regularity?

Yes. This is path to this too.
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

Communication falls under the air element and natal mercury. Memory is also a function of mercury, although earth aspects can strengthen memory as well. For improving memory, the best way would be direct-training, as HP Cobra mentioned, through the recall and analysis exercise he posted about some months ago.

For improving your articulation, I would suggest doing a Mercury Square, which is currently in Aquarius, or in April when it enters Gemini. Associated runes would be Ansuz for oratory power, and also Ehwaz for allowing you to relate to others. Mannaz for raw intellect, too.

Double-check your natal chart and make sure you don't have any bad aspects that can harm your communication, as well. This would require going back and removing the negative karma associated with those placements, not just doing "additive" workings.
Blitzkreig said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

Communication falls under the air element and natal mercury. Memory is also a function of mercury, although earth aspects can strengthen memory as well. For improving memory, the best way would be direct-training, as HP Cobra mentioned, through the recall and analysis exercise he posted about some months ago.

For improving your articulation, I would suggest doing a Mercury Square, which is currently in Aquarius, or in April when it enters Gemini. Associated runes would be Ansuz for oratory power, and also Ehwaz for allowing you to relate to others. Mannaz for raw intellect, too.

Double-check your natal chart and make sure you don't have any bad aspects that can harm your communication, as well. This would require going back and removing the negative karma associated with those placements, not just doing "additive" workings.

There's an e-mail in your mail box.
lybium666 said:
Proof could also mean someone who publishes translations in their own language with no small regularity?

It's only up to HP Cobra to decide these people, but regardless, translations is a very respected and important role.

Dahaarkan said:
Lydia said:

If you're not the first to assume this role I'm going to be pissed.

LOL, thanks :)
Wow, this is very exciting to witness! It's a clear sign of growth of our community
Maybe this will work, maybe it won’t but it is nice to see HP Cobra being creative and trying out new things to help expand the JoS. It can be really difficult for any community to not stagnate over time, so it’s good to see him trying to prevent such things.
Gear88 said:
I don't want to be an asshole here but isn't that going to create issues and cliques within the groups. As of right now everyone is equally under moderation or pre-moderation. Giving XYZ power to someone could entail issues.

We've had members even well-known members go off the deep end. Ghost in the Machine is one, the whole Shael/Azorm thing. Even former-HP. Mageson kicked the bucket and went into his own little corner of the internet.

For example me(Gear88). I appreciate some people, I'm appreciated by a small number of people. Have I ever consistently or persistently posted good information for me in my own personal opinion NOPE!. Except for a small number of positive posts. I've surmised that many of my posts show a person who is completely out of sync with spirituality and is unwanting to progress. Despite not having spiritual attainments I do have information and I do remember stuff,(even if my memory faculties are not computer like and have created issues with people over it. For example confusing HP.Cobra's MerKaBa vibration post for 2006 when he posted it in 2012).

(FYI over the last few days I've been re-reading some of my older posts and it's like "Man I seem stuck in the hamster wheel of non-progression", mind you it's my own fault I'll readily blame myself).

Except remembering and theorycrafting and using my mind. I do not have an iota of spiritual progression. There are people like me for example early-2020 a number of 5-10-15+ year old members joined after being on hiatus or not following the JoS for YEARS or simply dedicating for the sake of dedicating only to realize they never practiced the main-point of JoS i.e. spiritual property.

I don't know how dedicated for the sake of dedicated is to some people. But we've had people kinda bowl over these mentalities stating basically how can you be a JoS member for the sake of one just to never practice spirituality?

And also what about people who join the forums just to post a few times and that is it. Just as many have joined for the answer to a question at a spiritual crossroads. But again the point is what about people who are basically post-whores. They post an obscene amount of posts but are not advanced in any way or they become delusional or were delusional and just aggrandized their delusion.

I see too many issues. It's nice don't get me wrong JoS Guardians like it to a degree I still think the name could use improvement. But non the less in my own personal opinion I see issues with it.

Your standpoint has some merit to a degree, however it would only backfire or be on a negative consequences if for example people that are not guardians are upset because someone has higher standing than they. Hierarchical understanding should be applied. It’s not like one cannot become a guardian, rather it should be understood as a position to affect a wider base of our members and help to improve the community as a whole.

I think it’s good, besides Hp is too busy to handle every little thing. From what I’ve gathered so far is that we must move as a team. Just like in boot camp there is a hierarchy of drill sergeants, platoon leaders and the platoons. Everyone is based in a way like this.

However that is just a metaphorical understanding just to give one a gist of it. Now Gear88 you said you haven’t the want or rather desire to spiritually advance. Is there some obstacles or something that may be in your way. We might be able to find solutions if we know what is a actually stopping you, or in the more proper words, hindering you.

You said equal moderation, if that be tries those who have been removed from moderation scrutiny are in a different class, then you actually have the moderators themselves, so how can their be anything equal. Remember Gear88 nothing is equal in this universe, so even here there is those who have gained different positions and whatnot, but in this case it’s privileges that can be revoked. So it’s only equal to the proportion of what one says that can be of detriment or positive output.
I think all people who are off mod here are already perceived as higher in hierarchy in some way, so even before this way implemented, there was a way to tell.

But as it has already been said, this is not to stroke anyone’s ego, but to show why those who are given this privilege should have it.
I understand the concerns about "what if" certain people behave in an errant way, but those prone to errant ways will be on their own.

In regards to potential creation of "cliques" and other nonsense, if one is to attain this Rank, the only "clique" they must have in mind is everyone here and the JoS.

The solutions to even out these affairs are quite simple. Although it would be the least thing one would be willing to do, it is the easiest thing to control a situation if certain things go "wrong".

Those who understand the Joy of Satan as a house of the Gods and the hierarchical structure as a manifestation of this Will, will understand. Few if any things happen by "coincidence".

Those who still have issues that block them from this understanding, are not even in this state to be close to attaining such a thing. The mistakes, ranging from human error, all the way down to purposeful evil actions, will be dealt with.

I have faith in the choices, since if these people wanted to engage in anything of the current doomsday thing, they were already at liberty to do so. Most people who are being chosen now are already off moderation and hold considerable presence in the Forums as is.

Also, the fact that the overwhelming majority of SS is advancing at a rapid pace [with the new Rituals, etc] and how so many have shown signs of considerable advancement, calls for these things despite of the potentials for minor negative occurrences.
Personally i love that these ranks are being implemented! Not only will we get a stronger sense of hierarchy, we will also get more motivated to give more to the community. The growth of certain individuals can be boosted significantly, So i am all for it!

Of course there have been some rotten apples in our mids, and there will be plenty more rotten apples, this is only natural. However this is not an excuse to cancel a ranking system, those rotten apples will be weeded out eventually. The benefits heavily outweigh the negatives/risks.
Lydia said:
Dahaarkan said:
Lydia said:

If you're not the first to assume this role I'm going to be pissed.

LOL, thanks :)

I agree, you, NakedPluto, and VoiceOfEnki, deserve this more than anyone, as you are clearly one of the most advanced people we have in this community and also enormous helpful for the Satanic community. So I hope to see you three in this rank. :)
Lydia said:
lybium666 said:
Proof could also mean someone who publishes translations in their own language with no small regularity?

It's only up to HP Cobra to decide these people, but regardless, translations is a very respected and important role.

Dahaarkan said:
Lydia said:

If you're not the first to assume this role I'm going to be pissed.

LOL, thanks :)

So what, are you going to accept the invitation or not? There's something in your e-mail. Come on, this isn't Clergy. You'll be ok. :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.

I would take official orders from HPHC as i know he is clergy.

I have learnt alot from him.

This could prove an issue as you have stated.

I will wait and see what happens, I have been here ten years I know who is the real deal, there have been a few"new" folk who have amassed alot of posts some of these people have alot of knowledge. I will pick and choose myself who to listen too.

I got slated also for saying I had risen kundalini which, after ten years you havent acheived then you are as well choosing another religion :lol: :lol:

This is the new rules and we are here to adhere to them, I know there is members that have "privilages" that talk about people behind their back and coax them into their way of thinking, this cant be helped.

Send it on guys lets go, look forward to it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lydia said:
lybium666 said:
Proof could also mean someone who publishes translations in their own language with no small regularity?

It's only up to HP Cobra to decide these people, but regardless, translations is a very respected and important role.

Dahaarkan said:
If you're not the first to assume this role I'm going to be pissed.

LOL, thanks :)

So what, are you going to accept the invitation or not? There's something in your e-mail. Come on, this isn't Clergy. You'll be ok. :lol:

Lol, I just read the email. Thanks Cobra Commander :)
Congratulations to JoS and its members. This is only possible because of the collective advancement and evolution of JoS. This is a very great responsibility in my opinion, and should be treated as more than something of duty, but of great meaning for the future of everyone and the next generations.
EnkiUK55 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.

I would take official orders from HPHC as i know he is clergy.

I have learnt alot from him.

This could prove an issue as you have stated.

I have clarified the relationship between this Rank and Clergy, and did edit the original post to make this clear.

The Clergy is higher and the final ranking. Even within the JoS Guardians, there will be a form of ranking based on merits etc.

Those who do the best [as they get appreciation as it is from the community before this] will again get this while in this rank if they do well.
Damn, look at how we have been reduced and ridiculed by the Jews. Humanity must be aware of this. While they have true spiritual knowledge and true spiritual institutions, they have totally deceived and mocked Humanity.

In fact we have Christianity and Islam pretending to be spiritual but in fact teaching no spirituality at all. All that power and wealth to be Jewish Zombies.

And now look what we have to do, but there is no other way to save Humanity, this sacrifice is necessary. It is extremely unfair and disgusting that all these resources of Humanity are going towards the Jewish Cancer for millennia now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
