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Angel or a Demon


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
My gf who is psychic said "gabriel" wanted to talk to me. The same night suddenly I was out of my body and this man was standing there at the door to my apartment. This happened suddenly. I had just got done using the Thaur rune trying to unblock my third eye. This man had a very familiar and positive energy to him but was kind of hard to see as I'm not fully actually open yet. This man was kind of embracing me when suddenly something grabbed and pulled me away from him and tried to do something to my astral body. I just kept repeating "in the name of Satan leave me alone to the other entity that did this and it stopped and left. Who is this man though. He had really positive energy and after being around him I didn't hear a voice but got strong impressions that gave me positive messages about what I should do in my life also suggesting that while my gf knows about me being Satanist (she found out cause she saw the JOS on my phone) and isn't scared of it or having problems I need to be careful about showing her things and that I should stay where I'm living as she obviously doesnt act or have a strong energy of the enemy and still likes me regaurdless but is just confused. I started thinking more clearly about stuff. However since my gf said his name is Gabriel (not sure it is) and I know that's an angel I'm not sure if he is enemy or a demon. His energy felt very familiar loving caring and positive if he is not an enemy spirit I'd like to communicate with him he felt like a long lost friend. Just do you know the Male presence and the entity that was trying to harm me was different.
Hail Satan
What do you think. While she is not on the enemy side or believing in the enemy religions of any kind she is confused about this stuff.
Gabriel is a thought form. Just banish the entity using the vinasa mantra and repeat his name reverse nine time and affirm "you are no more"
darkmonkey666 said:
My gf who is psychic said "gabriel" wanted to talk to me. The same night suddenly I was out of my body and this man was standing there at the door to my apartment. This happened suddenly. I had just got done using the Thaur rune trying to unblock my third eye. This man had a very familiar and positive energy to him but was kind of hard to see as I'm not fully actually open yet. This man was kind of embracing me when suddenly something grabbed and pulled me away from him and tried to do something to my astral body. I just kept repeating "in the name of Satan leave me alone to the other entity that did this and it stopped and left. Who is this man though. He had really positive energy and after being around him I didn't hear a voice but got strong impressions that gave me positive messages about what I should do in my life also suggesting that while my gf knows about me being Satanist (she found out cause she saw the JOS on my phone) and isn't scared of it or having problems I need to be careful about showing her things and that I should stay where I'm living as she obviously doesnt act or have a strong energy of the enemy and still likes me regaurdless but is just confused. I started thinking more clearly about stuff. However since my gf said his name is Gabriel (not sure it is) and I know that's an angel I'm not sure if he is enemy or a demon. His energy felt very familiar loving caring and positive if he is not an enemy spirit I'd like to communicate with him he felt like a long lost friend. Just do you know the Male presence and the entity that was trying to harm me was different.
Hail Satan
What do you think. While she is not on the enemy side or believing in the enemy religions of any kind she is confused about this stuff.

Those rats with wings were known to be depicted as collaborative sometimes to harass people. I'm no expert but I do remember the saying that they use love or using one's guard down to attack him/her. There were times I was getting tricked by those rats but I kept remembering that I do want to live a free life and advance. Ask if the entity is of Satan next time it comes around or tell it to show a sigil of Satan, if it fails both, terminate all conversations with it and banish it. Just like how a border passport system works.

Anyways, I've seen this trick in videogames and even in that 48 laws of joojooness book too...the power to twist moments at the right time, even school bullies know how to do that.

(48 laws of power was made by a kike, it's basically knowing how the jew operates. I'm not advocating any of it's teachings at all but if you want to know your enemy so you are real prepared for any of it's shenanigans, try getting an aura strong enough to repel any negativities coming from it. I later found out that that book is the talmud in a nutshell. Know all the kike's tricks and you will not be fooled in any manner. DO NOT BECOME THE KIKE. Beat the kike.)
To add more, just remember, the enemy will do whatever it can to harass us because we are of Satan. This is a spiritual war we're in anyways. And I really hope it ends quick with victory on our side. Do we all?
Another and for real the last extra:

It ends quick(Looks impossibke but COULD HAPPEN) or in any way, ends without needing to go too far either but we win...stay strong man :)
Sorry my brother. This is a thought form. Many people mistake how complex a thought form can be. Programmed in many ways to do many things to personally fuck you over. Tons of xians are pouring "love" into that thing and it takes just a moment for it to draw on some of that. You need to account for the possibility that your gf called the damned thing and thought she was helping you.
Kind of on the same topic, I work with a woman who is psychically sensitive and claims to work with angels.

The minute we met she made it clear she knew I was a bit sensitive. Then after came the weird convos about angels protecting her and her working with them every day and yada yada yada. It was very unsettling.

I always have my protection up when I'm around her, but as of lately I can sense her trying to read me. I also program for all of my thoughts to be undetected, and I perform void meditation while im doing my job. Now, I'm trying my best to remain invisible but it's become unnerving as we could sense each other come into each others space.

We keep our distance from each other as I'm sure she knows to stay away from me.

The point is, im thinking about binding the bitch lol.
What do you guys think?
What would you do in this situation?

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell!
returner said:
Sorry my brother. This is a thought form. Many people mistake how complex a thought form can be. Programmed in many ways to do many things to personally fuck you over. Tons of xians are pouring "love" into that thing and it takes just a moment for it to draw on some of that. You need to account for the possibility that your gf called the damned thing and thought she was helping you.

This is why I personally like thought-forms, they are just like programs in a way they run tasks for the creator that programmed them.
But one must not forget to clean them, they'll go berserk as said in this link:


yermother said:
Kind of on the same topic, I work with a woman who is psychically sensitive and claims to work with angels.

The minute we met she made it clear she knew I was a bit sensitive. Then after came the weird convos about angels protecting her and her working with them every day and yada yada yada. It was very unsettling.

I always have my protection up when I'm around her, but as of lately I can sense her trying to read me. I also program for all of my thoughts to be undetected, and I perform void meditation while im doing my job. Now, I'm trying my best to remain invisible but it's become unnerving as we could sense each other come into each others space.

We keep our distance from each other as I'm sure she knows to stay away from me.

The point is, im thinking about binding the bitch lol.
What do you guys think?
What would you do in this situation?

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell!

Do it. Bind her, don't let her do any harm to you. If worse comes to worse, you can "pepper spray" her with the Fehu rune and instill cowardice on her. Or if ever you get a feeling of wanting her to wake up, feel free to do some working on her at any time.


After a mercury working because this was proven to make people increase their intelligence or fix problems regarding communication or their own mentality(Xtainity causes mental impairments or problems of all sorts if I am right.), one can then get a thought-form or himself to educate the target into becoming a full blown SS.

This could just be like doing what the gods have been doing, unscrewing the minds of people into our side. To end this with one statement, it would be nice to be a help to our gods.
Thanks for the advice I could get her to come over to our side your right she's not really xtian neither of us go to church. I am looking for some Satanic or pagan group that doesnt have any xtian bullshit but I'm unsure where to turn. I may try going to a Pagan Pride fest in a park not far from me soon. There are apparently some pagan people in my area as well as a pagan temple. I am ok with beliefs as long as they dont include Angel's or jewsus or whatever not sure where to look. If I cannot get her to come to the truth I'd still like someone 5o talk to what do you guys think. Idk there is a Hindu place too. I want to go to something I just dont want to feed the enemy or be exposed to something dangerous. This angel stuff with her frustrated me though but she's not that serious about it or anything. She has Pluto in the 9th house in scorpio and I think the house cups is libra or scorpio not sure right now so hmm any idea on how to approach her.
Wildfire said:
yermother said:
Kind of on the same topic, I work with a woman who is psychically sensitive and claims to work with angels.

The minute we met she made it clear she knew I was a bit sensitive. Then after came the weird convos about angels protecting her and her working with them every day and yada yada yada. It was very unsettling.

I always have my protection up when I'm around her, but as of lately I can sense her trying to read me. I also program for all of my thoughts to be undetected, and I perform void meditation while im doing my job. Now, I'm trying my best to remain invisible but it's become unnerving as we could sense each other come into each others space.

We keep our distance from each other as I'm sure she knows to stay away from me.

The point is, im thinking about binding the bitch lol.
What do you guys think?
What would you do in this situation?

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell!

Do it. Bind her, don't let her do any harm to you. If worse comes to worse, you can "pepper spray" her with the Fehu rune and instill cowardice on her. Or if ever you get a feeling of wanting her to wake up, feel free to do some working on her at any time.


After a mercury working because this was proven to make people increase their intelligence or fix problems regarding communication or their own mentality(Xtainity causes mental impairments or problems of all sorts if I am right.), one can then get a thought-form or himself to educate the target into becoming a full blown SS.

This could just be like doing what the gods have been doing, unscrewing the minds of people into our side. To end this with one statement, it would be nice to be a help to our gods.
I might suggest doing a working against her anonymously. Just behave as you do usually while around her, and make sure she doesn't detect you plotting against her, nor your inner lols sniggering at what you're doing against her.

The working? Causing those defences to crumble around her. How mean can you be? Maybe cause a big-arsed drop in her defences, or remove them by attrition (continuous, repetitive strikes, a bit at a time), or a mixture of both.

As I said - make sure she doesn't know what you're doing. If it's not a jew, then you could then use this bit of fun to show how you are stronger than her "angels" and so-called defences, then preach the actual good news! Not preach literally, lol, but you know what I'm saying.
Just so you all know I dont really want to curse or bind my Girlfriend. She may be a little confused but at the very least she accepts me even though she knows I'm Satanist and has helped me with a lot of stuff. I need to know a little more about the sign Capricorn that is her majority sign. How do I get across to that sign. She seems very earth like but not freedom hating or anything. She's more free than a lot of people I meet. I'm just not that familiar with earth element. It seems like a very caring and sensitive sign on the surface but overly worried and pessimistic. Also can I invoke other elements or stars or planets into her or something like water and give it to her to help her out. I know you can make Betelgeuse water or Spica water as I've done it before on myself is there something I can invoke into her somehow or use that that will help her see truth.
Binding is nothing negative. This is a misconception that is affecting all the community. Binding is just about taking away someone's possibility to harm you in thoughts, actions and words. You take away nothing else. If anything, it's self-preservation and very positive and growth-oriented.
darkmonkey666 said:
Just so you all know I dont really want to curse or bind my Girlfriend. She may be a little confused but at the very least she accepts me even though she knows I'm Satanist and has helped me with a lot of stuff. I need to know a little more about the sign Capricorn that is her majority sign. How do I get across to that sign. She seems very earth like but not freedom hating or anything. She's more free than a lot of people I meet. I'm just not that familiar with earth element. It seems like a very caring and sensitive sign on the surface but overly worried and pessimistic. Also can I invoke other elements or stars or planets into her or something like water and give it to her to help her out. I know you can make Betelgeuse water or Spica water as I've done it before on myself is there something I can invoke into her somehow or use that that will help her see truth.

Do not invoke elements into her! Those are advanced meditations even! Why? Because you can get backlashes in the opposing element and to be safe one must have reached a certain level already.
I would suggest gradually waking her up and maybe get her to our side so can do those things herself at her own time.
You could try magic on her. Raise energy, program, send. Candle Colors.
Also you can try suggesting her subconcious, by using the info on the page that talks about the light body.

You DO realize that every planet and every house has different aspects to it right? And things like conjunct dc/ac/midheaven are also important though probably more as in "fateful" things..?
Stormblood said:
Binding is nothing negative. This is a misconception that is affecting all the community. Binding is just about taking away someone's possibility to harm you in thoughts, actions and words. You take away nothing else. If anything, it's self-preservation and very positive and growth-oriented.

I thought it would harm her if I binded her but yeah she has some negative entities and possibly Angel's (thoughtforms) following her but I think I need to be more advanced to deal with them. I would like to drive them away completely from me and her at the very least. The problem is there is this entity that tries to force take over her thoughts and make her "believe in Jewsus" a long time ago this entity told her it would kill me if I didn't convert to freak her out. Anyways I'm still here this entity feels like it attacks me too to try and mess with my thoughts. Any ideas on how to bind stuff like this.
Hail Satan
darkmonkey666 said:
Stormblood said:
Binding is nothing negative. This is a misconception that is affecting all the community. Binding is just about taking away someone's possibility to harm you in thoughts, actions and words. You take away nothing else. If anything, it's self-preservation and very positive and growth-oriented.

I thought it would harm her if I binded her but yeah she has some negative entities and possibly Angel's (thoughtforms) following her but I think I need to be more advanced to deal with them. I would like to drive them away completely from me and her at the very least. The problem is there is this entity that tries to force take over her thoughts and make her "believe in Jewsus" a long time ago this entity told her it would kill me if I didn't convert to freak her out. Anyways I'm still here this entity feels like it attacks me too to try and mess with my thoughts. Any ideas on how to bind stuff like this.
Hail Satan

What about doing this on her? --> https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10979
darkmonkey666 said:
Stormblood said:
Binding is nothing negative. This is a misconception that is affecting all the community. Binding is just about taking away someone's possibility to harm you in thoughts, actions and words. You take away nothing else. If anything, it's self-preservation and very positive and growth-oriented.

I thought it would harm her if I binded her but yeah she has some negative entities and possibly Angel's (thoughtforms) following her but I think I need to be more advanced to deal with them. I would like to drive them away completely from me and her at the very least. The problem is there is this entity that tries to force take over her thoughts and make her "believe in Jewsus" a long time ago this entity told her it would kill me if I didn't convert to freak her out. Anyways I'm still here this entity feels like it attacks me too to try and mess with my thoughts. Any ideas on how to bind stuff like this.
Hail Satan

Burn the fucker with Satanic blue fire, do not have fear, get angry instead. Ask Satan for help prior to your working.
My gf who is psychic said "gabriel" wanted to talk to me. The same night suddenly I was out of my body and this man was standing there at the door to my apartment. This happened suddenly. I had just got done using the Thaur rune trying to unblock my third eye. This man had a very familiar and positive energy to him but was kind of hard to see as I'm not fully actually open yet. This man was kind of embracing me when suddenly something grabbed and pulled me away from him and tried to do something to my astral body. I just kept repeating "in the name of Satan leave me alone to the other entity that did this and it stopped and left. Who is this man though. He had really positive energy and after being around him I didn't hear a voice but got strong impressions that gave me positive messages about what I should do in my life also suggesting that while my gf knows about me being Satanist (she found out cause she saw the JOS on my phone) and isn't scared of it or having problems I need to be careful about showing her things and that I should stay where I'm living as she obviously doesnt act or have a strong energy of the enemy and still likes me regaurdless but is just confused. I started thinking more clearly about stuff. However since my gf said his name is Gabriel (not sure it is) and I know that's an angel I'm not sure if he is enemy or a demon. His energy felt very familiar loving caring and positive if he is not an enemy spirit I'd like to communicate with him he felt like a long lost friend. Just do you know the Male presence and the entity that was trying to harm me was different.
Hail Satan
What do you think. While she is not on the enemy side or believing in the enemy religions of any kind she is confused about this stuff.
Obviously it’s Gabriel the angel
I read about a story. a man who tried angel magic. everything happened as it was written. she sat down on the chair and called Mihály... when he appeared to her, but immediately felt sick. then the next day he caught the flu, from which he barely recovered and his hair started to fall out. when I read Satan was not yet with me. but I still felt WTF?? if angels are so good, so what? Anyway, in the Bible, angels are constantly killing people...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
