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Angel attacks


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hello brothers and sisters quick random question is there a way to enslave these scum that pose as demons and scare innocent people from satanism. Per say is there some way to make them submit to you as in master servant? Can ones spirit be that strong? Such as they're aura. Hail father Satan!
Why would you want anything to do with those malignant beings....??? 
How about you put all your energy into empowering your soul and becoming master of your own destiny....
Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 5:31 PM, "ferguz49@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello brothers and sisters quick random question is there a way to enslave these scum that pose as demons and scare innocent people from satanism. Per say is there some way to make them submit to you as in master servant? Can ones spirit be that strong? Such as they're aura. Hail father Satan!

I wondered this as well on more than a few occasions, I know if I had a chance to enslave these fucking jehovian angels that pose as Demons I definitely would if I could, not only would I enslave them and make them do my bidding (if I had that power and knowledge to do so, lol) I would also torture the shit out of them... Everyday... Until I had no use for the little pieces of shit, then I would just kill them. Anyways though, good question brother.
Hail Satan!
And, I will comment that I have had the same idea, but in the end, it's a waste of time.

I see it like this, you would be feeding the thing energy even if you did do that... Why bother?
I bear the same hatred, but it's better to keep your focus on being a Spiritual Satanist.

Plus, can you imagine the foul, and odious energy that thing would put out, why put yourself through the annoyance?
I find it interesting how nobody answered this question, but kind of dodged it... I would really want to know myself, and I'm sure there is as well. Also to reply to DescipleoftheGods13, are you saying there is no way to kill these fucking parasites? Because what if one is just harassing you day by day, not letting you meditate worth of SHIT and when you do it forces you to lose all focus? (Same goes for aura of protection meditations)? What then? I mean, I can't even CONNECT with Father Satan or his Demons due to this asshole jehovian on my back (literally) all the time. Also I'm a former drug addict, there's a lot of holes in my aura and I'm thinking it might take about 5 years until they all fill up (considering if I don't relapse), at times (due to this jehovian harassment) I'm afraid my aura will never gain back the strength it once had. As for that foul odious energy you speak of, I'm not afraid to get myself a little dirty... 
People really get WAYYYY too paranoid about enemy attacks. Fact of the matter is if you do aura of protection, void meditation, and breaking the astral links,  then there is NOTHING the enemy can do too you. You can do the banishing ritual that's on the JoS site, but really if you do the things i outlined then you will be fine. Everyone should remember that Satan does NOT let us deal with anything we can't handle. 

On Thursday, March 12, 2015 12:55 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I find it interesting how nobody answered this question, but kind of dodged it... I would really want to know myself, and I'm sure there is as well. Also to reply to DescipleoftheGods13, are you saying there is no way to kill these fucking parasites? Because what if one is just harassing you day by day, not letting you meditate worth of SHIT and when you do it forces you to lose all focus? (Same goes for aura of protection meditations)? What then? I mean, I can't even CONNECT with Father Satan or his Demons due to this asshole jehovian on my back (literally) all the time. Also I'm a former drug addict, there's a lot of holes in my aura and I'm thinking it might take about 5 years until they all fill up (considering if I don't relapse), at times (due to this jehovian harassment) I'm afraid my aura will never gain back the strength it once had. As for that foul odious energy you speak of, I'm not afraid to get myself a little dirty... 

I kind of doubt anyone dodge the question perhaps we just did not see it.

sometimes especially with those harassing Jewhovian bastards you have to just get in their face and publicly embarrass them that you will not take their abuse their harassment and you have to take some recourse with it here on the physical if you tell them to their face embarrassingly in public in front of others shutting down don't take their s*** I've got a lot of them around me right now too. Sometimes, ALL you can do is stand up to them.

Hail Father Satan!
I wouldnt know how to deal with an angel since I'm new but as for strengthening yourself and your aura, if you train your physical body it can speed up recovery and strengthen your aura.I powerlift every day in addition to daily meditation and that alone makes me a lot stronger physically and spiritually.
This wont get rid of your parasite problem but it will help heal your aura until you do.

On Thursday, March 12, 2015 7:52 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I find it interesting how nobody answered this question, but kind of dodged it... I would really want to know myself, and I'm sure there is as well. Also to reply to DescipleoftheGods13, are you saying there is no way to kill these fucking parasites? Because what if one is just harassing you day by day, not letting you meditate worth of SHIT and when you do it forces you to lose all focus? (Same goes for aura of protection meditations)? What then? I mean, I can't even CONNECT with Father Satan or his Demons due to this asshole jehovian on my back (literally) all the time. Also I'm a former drug addict, there's a lot of holes in my aura and I'm thinking it might take about 5 years until they all fill up (considering if I don't relapse), at times (due to this jehovian harassment) I'm afraid my aura will never gain back the strength it once had. As for that foul odious energy you speak of, I'm not afraid to get myself a little dirty... 

Richard Lester, a lot of people don't give straight answers in this group, but this isn't one of those cases. If one is harassing you then you perform the banishing ritual and do AOP meditation, enslaving them will just leave you with their negative energy to clean out of their aura and the thought that you always have to keep track of them, who wants that?
I've been attacked a couple of times by random beings. their attacks make me laugh most of the time. I am able to sense them now...right before they are going to happen. don't let them get to you. I like to rub in their face how weak their attacks are. I like to think of it as a challenge. Every time they attack me I get a little stronger. I can't say I welcome the attacks because I dont. They hurt but I gain a little more "intel" after every attack. life was boring before at least now I get a run for my money.
I have questions about  banishing ritual since it has been redone. I originally went to do it like this. I get there, i light the candle, I turn counterclockwise taking in Satanic Blue energy into myself at each turn based on the older post about a banishing ritual, I do the invocation, and the rest of the procedure on the Standard ritual page listed here

Standard Ritual to Satan   Is this the proper way to do it, or am I supposed to do the one that is listed now?
With the Vinasa word?
Your advice will be greatly appreciated.
Tch.. I used to think the same thing. You shouldn't live for the thrill to experience enemy attacks because you're bored ...

Seriously. Those attacks can fuck you up. Instead you should put that intelligence about enemy attacks to 'good' use and defend yourself sheesh .
I find that just cleansing your house in Demonic blue flames is like a banishing ritual :p just picture and will Demonic blue flames around every corner of your area. *Know* that the Gods of hell are protecting you.  

On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 3:20 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Tch.. I used to think the same thing. You shouldn't live for the thrill to experience enemy attacks because you're bored ...

Seriously. Those attacks can fuck you up. Instead you should put that intelligence about enemy attacks to 'good' use and defend yourself sheesh .

That's a good idea, but I live with my parents who are xians. I need to banish these entities, there's no other way around it I did try many other methods through power meditation :/ I was just asking to make sure I have the right idea in mind. The only reason I ask is because as calm as I sound, I am actually extremely frantic about this situation. I'm damn miserable. These entities have been in my life for roughly 11 years due to a mistake back then when I was a break off xian they tricked me into believing they are Satan gained my trust through extreme deception and being ignorant I bought it, and have been living with it ever since all the while my mind gets wondefucked and me none the wiser. I've only been dedicated for roughly 4 months, I didn't even know what I was dealing with in reality until roughly 8-10 months ago. I always just thought my strange behavior was attributed to me because I had a break off from people after high school realizing most people are full of shit.

Neap, turns out I have two greys who have been behind the majority of my delusional/strange behavior. I've balanced out rather well thanks to help from Father Satan.

Now, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has put up the Vinasa one, and I desperately want these things banished. So, I'm not sure which is the proper ritual to perform due to still being confused somewhat but mostly frantic. I want to get these things banished and move on with my life really badly. But if I do not perform the proper ritual, as I have done the standard ritual in connection with the idea of the old banishing ritual page when it just tells you to wait till a Saturday when the moon is waning, and to use Holy Satanic Blue Flames/Energy in the standard ritual many... many times with no success for many months although I did it improperly many times due to being confused from these things and having a horrible memory to boot.

Long story aside, I just need clarification about which to do, or is either fine? Thank you.
What actually happens when an angle or other spirit attacks you? What do they do to you? And what do they look like?  ( I'm new haha ) 
Just ask Satan to protect you. Bu[/IMG]they are attacking you because you're strong[/B], you have a lot of tools at your disposal.  You're a Satanist vs some fucking space monkeys, who do you thinks gonna win? 

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:09 AM, "mason666yeahx@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What actually happens when an angle or other spirit attacks you? What do they do to you? And what do they look like?  ( I'm new haha ) 

I'm gonna win, but I do have to remind you that I am trying to get off of klonopin. You're the one who told me to stop meditating because of that and I didn't want to do something and fuck myself up basically I try to listen to those with more knowledge than I have. It's extremely hard to get off of klonopin sadly, the others were easy. I know I'm very strong, I'm living proof of that. I never said I was weak at all.
They always target the strong ones and try to chain us down. I was so strong I could simply refuse to die after being stabbed, beaten with just about every blunt object imaginable and have even been subjected to CS gas and yet I still have sustained no permanent injuries despite all the street fights and other things thrown at me my whole life.They always go for the ones with a strong life force and then try to mess with our heads and suck up our vital energy because they fear our potential. Every time someone has such "bad luck" their whole life it's because these entities have taken note of your spiritual power and fear your progress.

I myself am still stuck in an impoverished living situation as a result of their interference and my only real resource is the internet, my car, a pile of cash that's at roughly $1400 and growing (if the dollar becomes worthless I'm screwed), and last but certainly not least Lord Satan and the powers of hell!
These creatures fear us and that's why they go out of their way to bring such misfortune upon us!

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 4:49 AM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Just ask Satan to protect you. Bu[/IMG]they are attacking you because you're strong[/B], you have a lot of tools at your disposal.  You're a Satanist vs some fucking space monkeys, who do you thinks gonna win? 

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:09 AM, "mason666yeahx@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What actually happens when an angle or other spirit attacks you? What do they do to you? And what do they look like?  ( I'm new haha ) 

Erm...wait was that directed at me or the other guy? I would have never said to stop meditating. Daily meditations are a must. If someone told you to stop ignore them. As for getting off a drug well I too was drugged against my will by my family early in life. It almost killed me and tore my kidneys apart. I just went cold turkey and moved out and remember nothing of withdrawal symptoms because I drank alot of fluids and was working out every day.
So yes meditate every day and I HIGHLY reccomend you buy some adjustable dumbbells and start a powerlifting regimen and drink alot of juice to cope with the withdrawal.

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 5:56 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I'm gonna win, but I do have to remind you that I am trying to get off of klonopin. You're the one who told me to stop meditating because of that and I didn't want to do something and fuck myself up basically I try to listen to those with more knowledge than I have. It's extremely hard to get off of klonopin sadly, the others were easy. I know I'm very strong, I'm living proof of that. I never said I was weak at all.

Yeah... I've learned that..

I mean after having dealt with these fuckers for 11 years I figured they were the source of ALL of my misfortune since I was born, as I sensed psychically they have been around since I was born through pictures, intuition, and other things I can't remember right now.

I have an extremely large fucking mess of psychological problems to work through thanks to their up close and personal method on me through deception.

It's incredibly annoying to know I'm in this situation because they confused and convinced my parents I was psychologically unstable due to whatever. When in reality it was their doing, and I KNEW IT. Well, whatever.

To be truly wonderfucked by the enemy is an amazingly annoying thing. Most people don't get this until they come and Dedicate to Father Satan. Although, before the 11 years, my life was a lot less horrible, but not great either, as I had depression, and apathy along with bad anger issues(which I worked on fairly) I had no desire to live life at all nor any ambitions, , but my anger got regressed back to less than square on thanks to these dooshbags. It also doesn't help being stuck out in the middle of nowhere in the woods with no one to talk to and being in a pisstian infested community to boot where idiots are abroad(everywhere).

Sigh, I can coin the phrase nothing ever goes my way. Well, at least that was my life before I dedicated to Father Satan. I mean, I'm still harassed pretty badly on a daily basis  but it's not like it used to be. I'm actually much MUCH happier, and trying to form a healthy relationship with Father Satan and being on this path brings me great joy like I've never known. I've found a purpose I always agreed with. Since learning about the corruption in this world some time before dedicating I was enraged.

I swore to fight!
When I Re-Dedicated(I call it) to Father Satan I forgot how to quit.
Are you talking to me? i never told anyone to stop meditating, i would never tell anyone to stop meditating especially if they are coming off a medication. 

On Friday, March 20, 2015 7:13 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah... I've learned that..

I mean after having dealt with these fuckers for 11 years I figured they were the source of ALL of my misfortune since I was born, as I sensed psychically they have been around since I was born through pictures, intuition, and other things I can't remember right now.

I have an extremely large fucking mess of psychological problems to work through thanks to their up close and personal method on me through deception.

It's incredibly annoying to know I'm in this situation because they confused and convinced my parents I was psychologically unstable due to whatever. When in reality it was their doing, and I KNEW IT. Well, whatever.

To be truly wonderfucked by the enemy is an amazingly annoying thing. Most people don't get this until they come and Dedicate to Father Satan. Although, before the 11 years, my life was a lot less horrible, but not great either, as I had depression, and apathy along with bad anger issues(which I worked on fairly) I had no desire to live life at all nor any ambitions, , but my anger got regressed back to less than square on thanks to these dooshbags. It also doesn't help being stuck out in the middle of nowhere in the woods with no one to talk to and being in a pisstian infested community to boot where idiots are abroad(everywhere).

Sigh, I can coin the phrase nothing ever goes my way. Well, at least that was my life before I dedicated to Father Satan. I mean, I'm still harassed pretty badly on a daily basis  but it's not like it used to be. I'm actually much MUCH happier, and trying to form a healthy relationship with Father Satan and being on this path brings me great joy like I've never known. I've found a purpose I always agreed with. Since learning about the corruption in this world some time before dedicating I was enraged.

I swore to fight!
When I Re-Dedicated(I call it) to Father Satan I forgot how to quit.

I meant to put this in the message I just sent but was preoccupied with other thoughts. So, with that having been said, and as I cannot defend myself for the time being should I banish them, or just continue on how I have been going, and let Father Satan help me out?

I personally think I need to banish them, as I have finally got the banishing ritual down by memory, it took me a long time due to confusion from these bastards. I did one successfully last saturday, but it didn't work :/

I recount the JoS saying it can take more than once if the entities are particularly strong, or insistent.

I know vibrating the Algiz rune isn't a meditation so I can do that to banish negative energy, and did so today. I know from previous experience before I stopped meditating at your urgency Yog Sothoth, or maybe that was Yii Pipur, I don't remember now, it works, but forgot that it isn't a meditation until I thought about it today and did it in two rooms, the main ones I stay in and plan on doing it in the entire house as needed.

So, given I'm a newbie, what's your overall advice?
wow the same thing happened to me. I displayed a frightening intellect and could survive injuries that would permanently cripple anyone else and at the age of 4 no less and when I randomly blurted out that I "hate god" in front of my retardedly christian mother and called him an imaginary asshole made to control stupid people she took me to a shrink who made some BS about ADD or whatever then force fed me drugs that made me so high and so dumb I developed a reputation that makes finding work or even dealing with people who heard of me in general impossible.When I was 17 I realized I was high as fuck and not crazy and wound up getting a VERY late start on my training as a powerlifter, martial artist and kept intuitively studying the occult and met with constant misfortune until I found the information on the main site.After my first chakra meditation I felt immediately stronger and better than I ever have in my life and even long before then I could channel energy in my hands and was a walking ghost magnet.
So yes I too was targeted for my immense spiritual potential and the fact I instinctively knew that christianity was bullshit and proclaimed my hatred for it even at the age of 4 no doubt raised a red flag to these dicks.I've also been stabbed, beaten with just about every blunt object imaginable, had my left eye caved in with a chair, been jumped by over a dozen thugs and yet not a single time was I ever either beaten nor have I ever been permanently injured or even required hospitalization. I am VERY resistant to damage and have a very potent aura which no doubt the enemy found terrifying from the very beginning.
So yes if you display past life knowledge or exhibit a strong spirit or are just that far ahead of everyone else then you will probably be targeted as soon as you're able to speak.


On Friday, March 20, 2015 7:13 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah... I've learned that..

I mean after having dealt with these fuckers for 11 years I figured they were the source of ALL of my misfortune since I was born, as I sensed psychically they have been around since I was born through pictures, intuition, and other things I can't remember right now.

I have an extremely large fucking mess of psychological problems to work through thanks to their up close and personal method on me through deception.

It's incredibly annoying to know I'm in this situation because they confused and convinced my parents I was psychologically unstable due to whatever. When in reality it was their doing, and I KNEW IT. Well, whatever.

To be truly wonderfucked by the enemy is an amazingly annoying thing. Most people don't get this until they come and Dedicate to Father Satan. Although, before the 11 years, my life was a lot less horrible, but not great either, as I had depression, and apathy along with bad anger issues(which I worked on fairly) I had no desire to live life at all nor any ambitions, , but my anger got regressed back to less than square on thanks to these dooshbags. It also doesn't help being stuck out in the middle of nowhere in the woods with no one to talk to and being in a pisstian infested community to boot where idiots are abroad(everywhere).

Sigh, I can coin the phrase nothing ever goes my way. Well, at least that was my life before I dedicated to Father Satan. I mean, I'm still harassed pretty badly on a daily basis  but it's not like it used to be. I'm actually much MUCH happier, and trying to form a healthy relationship with Father Satan and being on this path brings me great joy like I've never known. I've found a purpose I always agreed with. Since learning about the corruption in this world some time before dedicating I was enraged.

I swore to fight!
When I Re-Dedicated(I call it) to Father Satan I forgot how to quit.

So, by logic, what you are saying is this: I can start meditating again, and do group rituals, begin the 40 days of power over again, and do workings of my own privately if I wish. Or should I start off a lot slower because I am still taking klonopin? Albeit a low dose like the lowest dose there is only once a day.

I just wanna get my ducks in a row.
yeah I'm not sure who he's talking to either :/
whoever told him that gave him bad advice.

On Friday, March 20, 2015 8:47 AM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Are you talking to me? i never told anyone to stop meditating, i would never tell anyone to stop meditating especially if they are coming off a medication. 

On Friday, March 20, 2015 7:13 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah... I've learned that..

I mean after having dealt with these fuckers for 11 years I figured they were the source of ALL of my misfortune since I was born, as I sensed psychically they have been around since I was born through pictures, intuition, and other things I can't remember right now.

I have an extremely large fucking mess of psychological problems to work through thanks to their up close and personal method on me through deception.

It's incredibly annoying to know I'm in this situation because they confused and convinced my parents I was psychologically unstable due to whatever. When in reality it was their doing, and I KNEW IT. Well, whatever.

To be truly wonderfucked by the enemy is an amazingly annoying thing. Most people don't get this until they come and Dedicate to Father Satan. Although, before the 11 years, my life was a lot less horrible, but not great either, as I had depression, and apathy along with bad anger issues(which I worked on fairly) I had no desire to live life at all nor any ambitions, , but my anger got regressed back to less than square on thanks to these dooshbags. It also doesn't help being stuck out in the middle of nowhere in the woods with no one to talk to and being in a pisstian infested community to boot where idiots are abroad(everywhere).

Sigh, I can coin the phrase nothing ever goes my way. Well, at least that was my life before I dedicated to Father Satan. I mean, I'm still harassed pretty badly on a daily basis  but it's not like it used to be. I'm actually much MUCH happier, and trying to form a healthy relationship with Father Satan and being on this path brings me great joy like I've never known. I've found a purpose I always agreed with. Since learning about the corruption in this world some time before dedicating I was enraged.

I swore to fight!
When I Re-Dedicated(I call it) to Father Satan I forgot how to quit.

I was talking to both of you(sorry bout that :p). I was relating my story to you Fake Name, and asking for general advice from Yog Sothoth.

Still waiting on the answer as to whether I should banish them or not I mean, if I can just use runes, and aura program my aura through AOP and use the SURYAE I'll do that. My time ran out this month, I'll have to wait until next month :/ It is what it is. I mean, I got hit with a void of course moon on the first saturday :( but whatever.

I might also add, that in a way @ Fake Name, I was drugged but in a different way. These fuckers conduced a non thinking state where I just lived in sensuality and extreme selfishness and not think wait for it........  ....     just like the jews do, which I am now figuring due to thinking about it over the past week. Not that there's anything wrong with sensuality, but an overdose is not good.

I basically didn't give a shit about xianity when I was a teen. In fact, almost my entire family didn't bother with it after moving from our residence when I was a kid. At the same time, I didn't really think about it either. I was basically an atheist without realizing it.

When we moved to our current residence(gags this is the one with the xian infested morons live and I hate them all) that's when my grandma who I now hate, started influencing the presence of xianity back. I didn't really bother, but she got my mom, which I won't forgive her for. She was far happier minus the xianity, but isn't everyone? I notice it every time she goes off to the jewish slaughter house which seems to be rarer these days which is good. Something definitely changes :(

 I know she has been a Satanist somewhere along the line. I only went due to previous programming when I was a kid, and that I got duped into relinquishing my rights through a helluvalot of psychic  harassement from these bastards and deception and cutting off my ability to enjoy anything at that time the idea of returning to xianity was introduced subtly into my mind without me noticing, who were in my life up close and personal at that point. I would've naturally never bothered any way.

Now truly realizing what xianity is, I want it destroyed with the utmost extreme prejudice. It's a long story and I'm only able to recount parts of it due to an extremely crappy memory, which is typically hazy when trying to remember things. So, I've never been beaten up, but I have had the enemy play on my fears through people while growing up, and general harassement verbally which hurt a lot, and started the point of me realizing most people are full of shit. It also convinced me that I was a useless piece of shit that deserved no happiness, and was basically a totally worthless waste of space.

I have an extraodinarily high IQ in the 140's. But, I never knew it due to all of the bullshit/harassement I have went through. So, it's likely I would have realized the same thing as you at an early age. It's funny what lengths the enemy will go to to get someone to commit suicide, or just rot with a meaningless life if you live.

Since coming to Father Satan as I said previously, things have improved immensely, but I still have a lot of psychological waste to wade through. I used the analogy of wading through a sewer of shit before I get to the stairs to get out of it. I had problems before, but I was still a pretty functional person, hell, I even had a decent job at the time when I was 18. But, after I lost that job, the up close and personal bit began.

I look forward to getting past this shit, and moving on.


I recommend you do the banishing ritual on the JoS, and continue doing it for about 40 days using the Algiz rune also. Make sure to ask Satan for protection, and maybe build your aura of protection up 3 times a day. Most of all try to clear you head with void meditation, and remember that the Gods are on your side. This is a updated version of the banishing ritual using the VINASA mantra  Banishing Ritual  

On Saturday, March 21, 2015 3:49 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I was talking to both of you(sorry bout that :p). I was relating my story to you Fake Name, and asking for general advice from Yog Sothoth.

Still waiting on the answer as to whether I should banish them or not I mean, if I can just use runes, and aura program my aura through AOP and use the SURYAE I'll do that. My time ran out this month, I'll have to wait until next month :/ It is what it is. I mean, I got hit with a void of course moon on the first saturday :( but whatever.

I might also add, that in a way @ Fake Name, I was drugged but in a different way. These fuckers conduced a non thinking state where I just lived in sensuality and extreme selfishness and not think wait for it........  ....     just like the jews do, which I am now figuring due to thinking about it over the past week. Not that there's anything wrong with sensuality, but an overdose is not good.

I basically didn't give a shit about xianity when I was a teen. In fact, almost my entire family didn't bother with it after moving from our residence when I was a kid. At the same time, I didn't really think about it either. I was basically an atheist without realizing it.

When we moved to our current residence(gags this is the one with the xian infested morons live and I hate them all) that's when my grandma who I now hate, started influencing the presence of xianity back. I didn't really bother, but she got my mom, which I won't forgive her for. She was far happier minus the xianity, but isn't everyone? I notice it every time she goes off to the jewish slaughter house which seems to be rarer these days which is good. Something definitely changes :(

 I know she has been a Satanist somewhere along the line. I only went due to previous programming when I was a kid, and that I got duped into relinquishing my rights through a helluvalot of psychic  harassement from these bastards and deception and cutting off my ability to enjoy anything at that time the idea of returning to xianity was introduced subtly into my mind without me noticing, who were in my life up close and personal at that point. I would've naturally never bothered any way.

Now truly realizing what xianity is, I want it destroyed with the utmost extreme prejudice. It's a long story and I'm only able to recount parts of it due to an extremely crappy memory, which is typically hazy when trying to remember things. So, I've never been beaten up, but I have had the enemy play on my fears through people while growing up, and general harassement verbally which hurt a lot, and started the point of me realizing most people are full of shit. It also convinced me that I was a useless piece of shit that deserved no happiness, and was basically a totally worthless waste of space.

I have an extraodinarily high IQ in the 140's. But, I never knew it due to all of the bullshit/harassement I have went through. So, it's likely I would have realized the same thing as you at an early age. It's funny what lengths the enemy will go to to get someone to commit suicide, or just rot with a meaningless life if you live.

Since coming to Father Satan as I said previously, things have improved immensely, but I still have a lot of psychological waste to wade through. I used the analogy of wading through a sewer of shit before I get to the stairs to get out of it. I had problems before, but I was still a pretty functional person, hell, I even had a decent job at the time when I was 18. But, after I lost that job, the up close and personal bit began.

I look forward to getting past this shit, and moving on.



Thanks, I really appreciate it. But, it says to do it only when waning. So I would do it from waning to waning. But, there's one thing I don't understand. If a new moon hits then isn't it supposed to cancel the working. You have to understand I just go on what little I know. You're a very experienced mage with a lot of knowledge, I'm just starting out lol. Knowledge is power after all which I lack. I've basically figured everything else out due to past experience with meditating.

 A VoC (vo[/IMG] not [/B]in a sign, for example lets say if the moon is moving from scorpio to sagittarius, the period between that is VoC. You can do whatever rituals you want when its a new moon, just as long as the moon is not VoC. You can find out your local VoC times with this website, just make sure you put in your correct location (if they don't have it, then just put the closest one) Phases of the Moon, Moons Sign, Moon Void of Course, Eclipses, Apogee, Perigee, Retrograde Planets - Current Information at Lunarium   

On Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:39 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Thanks, I really appreciate it. But, it says to do it only when waning. So I would do it from waning to waning. But, there's one thing I don't understand. If a new moon hits then isn't it supposed to cancel the working. You have to understand I just go on what little I know. You're a very experienced mage with a lot of knowledge, I'm just starting out lol. Knowledge is power after all which I lack. I've basically figured everything else out due to past experience with meditating.


I know this is an older topic but can Angels make you hallucinate, hear sounds and things like that?
Hail Satan
This is marble path, I lost the email to that account and had make a new one. That is what I thought, thanks for the answer. If this is due to telapathy, this must mean we can make others perceive specific things through quale as well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
