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An amazing ritual!
Hail Ares! Hail Satan! And happy Imbolc to everyone! <3
These kikes will learn the true meaning of POWER!!!!
existentialcrisis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In regards to sheep, way before the kike slave program of Rabbi Jesus took over which is a program to abuse the sheeple minded, there was Apollo and Hermes holding animals of the little flock, like a Sheep or a Ram.

This was also correlated to the Age of Aries, which represents both the sheep and the Ram in symbolism, the sheep being a symbol for innocent purity, and the ram or goat of mental agility and the other qualities of Aries. Livestock symbolism was also related to agriculture, farm life, caring for the living animals, and have other symbolic notions which are all important.

The Sheep symbolism had to do with those of society that are innocent, unable to defend themselves, the downtrodden in society, and generally the helpless. So Apollo and Hermes were symbolized keeping them lovingly behind their necks, to symbolize the protection. In Pagan society this was about the God protecting the innocent from abuse.
Regarding the sheep and ram symbolism, this sounds like a progression of sorts. One starts off as a sheep, innocent, helpless and childlike, then grows his horns and becomes a self sufficient ram. So capricorn, then, is the culmination of this evolution. Becoming like the mountain goat who not only can fend for himself and others, but also constantly strives for greater heights, despite hardships and limitations.

That goes for any animal. Replace the lamb in that first scenario with a kid (baby goat).

The difference between Aries and Capricorn, is that goats overcome obstacles by the straight path ahead, climbing over everything in front of them no matter how tall with great and steady effort, and rams are warlike, competitive challengers who refuse to be dominated by anything in life while insisting upon their own domination, and protection and leadership of their herd.

That's how I see it all symbolically. Sheep and goats are very different, just like their respective Zodiac signs.
My first demon ritual that goes good and it was the first, I try before invocating demons but I wast open and not relaxed when I did it, didn't work I think, or maybe I didn't see. If I didn't vibrate the runes because im learning, I still fill a strong energie, I can't even Imagine how powerful it is if done properly, after I done this ritual to god andras I fell very ready to fight, tomorrow once again. Hail satan! Hail andras!
Maybe a stupid question, why is the shenu ring a little bit different from the others?
if i missed the day yesterday, do i start today and do 5 days still or do i do 4 so we all end on the same day?
How strange, in comparation with other Gods rituals this one felt more, how to describe, personal or powerful so interesting.

Btw I am curious, from what everyone says Azazel is a more strict God but Andras is the God of war, the literal God of gigachads, does that mean he is even more strict than Azazel given the fact that you wouldn't expect someone being the avatar of war while having the personality of a guy born through a field of flowers.
Weassel said:
How strange, in comparation with other Gods rituals this one felt more, how to describe, personal or powerful so interesting.

Btw I am curious, from what everyone says Azazel is a more strict God but Andras is the God of war, the literal God of gigachads, does that mean he is even more strict than Azazel given the fact that you wouldn't expect someone being the avatar of war while having the personality of a guy born through a field of flowers.

He has more than a few aspects. We are his friends and allies, and we have done great things on the JoS level for Andras. So of course, he will be friendly and respectful to us.

Andras is also known to having wiped out in the instant many enemy mages etc. He is most dangerous for them.
Andras is my guardian demon, along with him and me being very close, as he explained to me once that we used to be close friends in a past life.

This ritual has been very strong and beautiful. It's helping me gain a deeper connection and better understanding of Andras.

I have to say I am in awe of him at times. He is rather indescribable.
Great! I have a pretty close relationship with Andras, there are things He has let me in on, and it has put my whole relationship with Him in a different light. I really love this Ritual, by far my favorite Ritual so far!

Lucifuge Rofocale Ritual coming soon?
Greetings HP HC,
I was curious as to what the differences are between the goetic sigils and the shenu ring.
Which is better for power rituals and sending energy to the Gods (orgasmic energy)?


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Weassel said:
How strange, in comparation with other Gods rituals this one felt more, how to describe, personal or powerful so interesting.

Btw I am curious, from what everyone says Azazel is a more strict God but Andras is the God of war, the literal God of gigachads, does that mean he is even more strict than Azazel given the fact that you wouldn't expect someone being the avatar of war while having the personality of a guy born through a field of flowers.

He has more than a few aspects. We are his friends and allies, and we have done great things on the JoS level for Andras. So of course, he will be friendly and respectful to us.

Andras is also known to having wiped out in the instant many enemy mages etc. He is most dangerous for them.

I very much enjoy this ritual and felt a sense of being watched over afterwards. I feel that he closely works with our Guardians often to look after us in times of needing protection. There was also an instance yesterday where I felt alluded to something possibly dangerous that that my hand was literally pushed away from. After doing this ritual
And during, I felt this very positive fire like energy and felt the depiction of a warrior who held to a strict code of honor
Weassel said:

I think it might be better to see things in a multidimensional view. If you have a pleasant field of flowers you’ll want to protect it from stuff destroying it, right? For me the war aspect always felt like it is about protecting the just and what you hold dear to your heart. This can strengthen you and make you strict in a sense because you want to be dependable.
“He is a true warrior, but also an artist”. As there are people creating beautiful things in life there’s also a need to protect the beautiful as it seeks to grow. Really awesome to see how the Gods do both.
Weassel said:
How strange, in comparation with other Gods rituals this one felt more, how to describe, personal or powerful so interesting.

Btw I am curious, from what everyone says Azazel is a more strict God but Andras is the God of war, the literal God of gigachads, does that mean he is even more strict than Azazel given the fact that you wouldn't expect someone being the avatar of war while having the personality of a guy born through a field of flowers.
Well, Azazel was once described as Hell's jailor. You wouldn't expect for example a prison warden to be creative on the level of Michaelangelo. But Azazel is noted for giving humanity the gifts of not only the knowledge of weaponry and self defense, but also cosmetics & beautification.

It's a symptom of being on a low level of consciousness for people to believe that being a great warrior and masculine figure is completely antithetical to being kind, polite, educated and having a sense of aestheticism. Being a man or a warrior doesn't mean that you have to be a grunting caveman bashing skulls with rocks and picking fleas out of your natty, unwashed hair.

In truth, war is an artform. The greatest commanders treat it as such and know that you cannot have lasting success by just painting by the numbers. If you look at ancient Roman battles, who essentially treated Mars as their patron god, the way they move and adapt to the battlefield is like a symphony. They bring a certain order to chaos, and they were famous for their discipline.

Many great leaders were intelligent and appreciative of the arts, like George Patton for example, the very image of a man's man, who despite being dyslexic enjoyed classic literature and military history. Or Ulysses S. Grant, who also loved literature and despite underperforming at physical tests and disliking military lifestyle, became one of the greatest strategists and leaders in American history.

In myth, Ares was portrayed as a passionate warrior, who lived for the act of war and combat, and enjoyed fighting for its own sake. His sister, Athena, was his diplomatic counterpart, who waged war only as a matter of practical necessity.


He had a bloodlust, an extreme fighting fervor and his fury was unstoppable and could not be pacified by anything but the love of Aphrodite.


This is symbolic of the fact that men need to integrate with the feminine so as to not to live like savages driven by base instincts, and sublimate those drives for higher purposes.

Did anyone else almost cry at the :

"You are a warlord among warlords, we chant to you with a loud voice: “We are Satan’s Loyal and protected flock, and we glorify you with great happiness, lord protector!”.

We the disciples and our families stand beneath the shield of your protection, for you gallop quickly to our aid with your mighty sword in our defense, loudly telling us: "I have come to your aid, for I aid the warriors and family of the Gods who worship Satan". " - part?

This ritual feels very personal for some reason, I haven't felt this before. I have a HUGE affinity for greek mythology though, and when I found out he is freaking ARIES dude I freaked. Instantly a fan.

also, couldn't imagine how retarded you would have to be centuries ago as the enemy to try to summon the... GOD OF WAR...to do your bidding LMAO. I bet they had a 'blast' :lol:
It is amazing what you can discover as you release your soul and become more open, I noticed it from the first time I did the ritual, but last night it was confirmed to me, I didn't know that Andras is my guardian and how close I was to him in other past lives and how much I love Beelzebul and Andras.

And also that my soul mate from many past lives ago is a demoness.
Wotanwarrior said:
It is amazing what you can discover as you release your soul and become more open, I noticed it from the first time I did the ritual, but last night it was confirmed to me, I didn't know that Andras is my guardian and how close I was to him in other past lives and how much I love Beelzebul and Andras.

And also that my soul mate from many past lives ago is a demoness.

This is great to hear brother I am very happy for your discovery. I know it has been a dilemma for you for sometime :)
At the end, after AUM should we finish with HAIL SATAN / HAIL SATAN FOREVER?
A song I think goes very nicely with the subject at hand:

Dark Blue Eye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I see there is no interactive html version. I could try to do it myseld if I got time

There is already the html interactive page published: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Andras_Power_Ritual.html

The only thing I could sense after the ritual is the purity. I would say this world is in dire need of true justice. What we now have is simply a joke and not a very good one I might add.

Hail Lord Andras!!!
Shadowcat said:
Has anyone else suddenly felt extremely wired hours after doing this ritual? I mean physically really dead set on wanting to do something very physical as far as activity, with a feeling of much vigor. It's extremely refreshing!

Hello, i feal very strong but a release of anger also but that's maybe due to other factors, I did the ritual outdoors because of my family when I was coming back home I start to think about some Christians that I meet in my journey in life and I imagined them being destroyed, I fell very confident and fearless and I fell certain I'm on the right way, and I felt my body vibrating in a different energy that I get from meditation, amazing! Hail satan! Hail Andras!
Shadowcat said:
Has anyone else suddenly felt extremely wired hours after doing this ritual? I mean physically really dead set on wanting to do something very physical as far as activity, with a feeling of much vigor. It's extremely refreshing!
Yes, I'm sick and did it before going to bed and woke up feeling like I can do anything. I got a few hours of sleep and felt better than I do with a full night's sleep when I wasn't sick. It feels very vital and invigorating, and empowering. It feels expansive.
Yes, I'm sick and did it before going to bed and woke up feeling like I can do anything. I got a few hours of sleep and felt better than I do with a full night's sleep when I wasn't sick. It feels very vital and invigorating, and empowering. It feels expansive.

Hey, I just want to advise you to don't say you are sick, I'm healing getting stronger and healthier every day, the things you say to yourself have a great influence on your life
Shadowcat said:
Has anyone else suddenly felt extremely wired hours after doing this ritual? I mean physically really dead set on wanting to do something very physical as far as activity, with a feeling of much vigor. It's extremely refreshing!

Andras's energy is very powerful. It must be respected and approached in a humble manner in this case. Absolutely, it's certainly refreshing.
Shadowcat said:
Has anyone else suddenly felt extremely wired hours after doing this ritual? I mean physically really dead set on wanting to do something very physical as far as activity, with a feeling of much vigor. It's extremely refreshing!

Yes and I feel way more motivated to do RTRs as well!
Immortal said:
Dark Blue Eye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I see there is no interactive html version. I could try to do it myseld if I got time

There is already the html interactive page published: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Andras_Power_Ritual.html

The only thing I could sense after the ritual is the purity. I would say this world is in dire need of true justice. What we now have is simply a joke and not a very good one I might add.

Hail Lord Andras!!!

Thanks, I was so short in time and tired I didn't notice. Atleast now I can translate it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Has anyone else suddenly felt extremely wired hours after doing this ritual? I mean physically really dead set on wanting to do something very physical as far as activity, with a feeling of much vigor. It's extremely refreshing!

Andras's energy is very powerful. It must be respected and approached in a humble manner in this case. Absolutely, it's certainly refreshing.
Yes.I feel this mostly from that I hardly sleep and yet I'm fine as if I had slept perfectly well,even though I sleep almost half as much as I usually sleep.
Unfortunately, I also have to sacrifice sleep to give me time for everything else...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Has anyone else suddenly felt extremely wired hours after doing this ritual? I mean physically really dead set on wanting to do something very physical as far as activity, with a feeling of much vigor. It's extremely refreshing!

Andras's energy is very powerful. It must be respected and approached in a humble manner in this case. Absolutely, it's certainly refreshing.
I have sent you an email asking for help with something, can you look at it as soon as possible? It will be very short anyway.
Very nice ritual, happy to participate, as always.

Hail Ares!
Absolutely Beautiful High Priest.
This Ritual made my Chakras dance, I literally felt empowered when performing the ritual to Lord ANDRAS.
I felt love and hate and destruction, But mostly I feel like i have a connection to this Beautiful God, as I am ex military and have seen death and destruction.

HAIL Victory
It's wonderful to read the comments, this is what this is all about, empowerment, community, and all of us doing our part and sharing. Thanks everyone for the comments.

Another one is upcoming soon...
Also one question in regards to what experiences one gets from this, while some will feel some Rituals affecting them a lot of these, others will feel them less.

This has to do with one's Soul and the aspects that are worked by the Gods in each Ritual. It also has to do with your relation or lack of the relation with the Demon [which all of this will act as an introduction to everyone as time goes].

So do not worry, as the aim here is to get to know the Gods as a first introduction.

Some will get way more than this, even while being unaware before of any relations to a Demon to anything, which is also good news.

Experiences must be accepted, so just let go and allow to drift into the Ritual.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Also one question in regards to what experiences one gets from this, while some will feel some Rituals affecting them a lot of these, others will feel them less.

This has to do with one's Soul and the aspects that are worked by the Gods in each Ritual. It also has to do with your relation or lack of the relation with the Demon [which all of this will act as an introduction to everyone as time goes].

So do not worry, as the aim here is to get to know the Gods as a first introduction.

Some will get way more than this, even while being unaware before of any relations to a Demon to anything, which is also good news.

Experiences must be accepted, so just let go and allow to drift into the Ritual.
I was wondering about that. I noticed that some of the rituals have more of an effect on me than others. Thank you, HPHC.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
